Questions tagged [aws-fargate]

66 questions
2 answers

AWS Fargate service: scale to zero?

I've recently migrated a small web application to AWS using Fargate and Aurora Serverless. The application doesn't get much traffic so my goal is to save cost while no one is using it. Aurora Serverless seems to do this for me on the DB side…
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Amazon ECS Task fails with STOPPED (CannotPullContainerError: Error response from daem)

I have set up an AWS VPC and am trying to deploy a functional container in ECS on a Fargate launch type but the task always fails with: STOPPED (CannotPullContainerError: Error response from daem) Task role context: ecsTaskExecutionRole Which has…
Roy Hinkley
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Using AWS Fargate as web server

Using AWS Fargate, the process to get a custom Docker container running on AWS ECS is relatively straightforward. I was able to successfully test my container over the public IP assigned to the network interface of the VPC that the Fargate cluster…
2 answers

AWS Fargate task fails ELB health checks

How can I troubleshoot it further? I am trying to run a simple nginx container but the load balancer complains that health checks are failed and the task does not respond on its ip number, likely because of the error with the load balancer. I set…
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Why does AWS Lambda need to pass ecsTaskExecutionRole to ECS task

I am writing an AWS Lambda function to trigger an ECS Fargate task. I am following the example provided at Run tasks with AWS Fargate and Lambda. While my setup works, there is one of the parts involving IAM roles that I do not understand. One of…
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How to send HTTP requests between AWS ECS services

Currently, I'm trying to figure out how to configure communication between ECS services. I'm planning to have the following setup: Backend service Fronted service One application load balancer I have the following options in my mind: Configure…
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How 2 services can talk to each other on AWS Fargate?

I setup a Fargate cluster on AWS. My cluster has the following services: server-A (port 3000) server-B (port 4000) Each service is in the same VPC and have the same security group (any ports, any source, any destination). The VPC is isolated from…
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Is Fargate a good fit for independent containers that have low resource utilization?

I'm new to docker and ECS, so I might not use the right terms. Please let me know if I need to clarify. My Scenario: I have a number of independent containers. Each container represents a web site. Each container should run all the time, but might…
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3 answers

Getting "Fargate requires task definition to have execution role ARN to support ECR images." when creating Fargate task but the role is defined

I am trying to deploy a very simple web application to AWS Fargate. I have pushed a docker image of the backend of the application to ECR and I am trying to setup a Fargate task definition for the container. I have all of the properties of the task…
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Deploying an AWS Load Balancer Controller for EKS Fargate API service

Context I'm trying to deploy a containerised API service to an EKS Fargate cluster and have it service requests from external internet addresses as an over-engineered POC/learning experience. I'm running into issues when it comes to understanding…
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AWS ECS Fargate Target Group Failing HealthChecks

The SpringBoot application is running as an ECS Task in a ECS Service of an AWS Fargate Cluster. The ECS Service is LoadBalanced as such the Tasks spawned by the Services are automatically registered to a target group. I am able to call the Health…
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How do I resolve a private DNS address from within an AWS Fargate task

I'm trying to setup a connection to a MongoDB Atlas database from an AWS Fargate container. The VPC peering is setup and works and I can successfully connect to the MongoDB Atlas cluster from a bastion within the private subnets of the AWS VPC.…
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Autoscaling and connection routing on AWS ECS for services with a one-to-one client/server relation

I want to deploy an interactive rendering service that uses the WebSocket protocol. The service is containerized and can serve up to N (let's say 1 <= N <= 10) clients. The reason for the small N is that each new connection creates a new process…
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How to configure an AWS ECS health check for a non web app container

I understand that usually for web app containers there needs to be an HTTP endpoint which responds with 200 for a succesful healthcheck. However, in my case I would have a non web app (a python script) running as an only container in a Fargate…
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AWS Application Load Balancer 502 Bad Gateway

I am using AWS ECS Fargate and have an application load balancer to forward all the connections to the correct instance. I did already manage to get up a cluster and a service up and running connected to an ALB which has a DNS record created in…
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