Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

istio gateway, not loading the node application

I have tried to deploy a sample nginx app and it working. So, I replaced the same with another nodejs as this contains mutliple sub pages. So, I can test the routing. Here, with LoadBalancer default service type, the page is loading as below. But,…
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Flannel network not getting configured correctly, how to fix that?

I created an nginx deployment and got below error. root@kmaster:~# kubectl describe pod nginx Name: nginx-6799fc88d8-ltnc5 Namespace: default Priority: 0 Node: kworker1/ Start Time: Wed, 14 Jul 2021…
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3 answers

How to fix ContainerCreating errors while deploying metallb?

For testing purpose, I have installed ubuntu 21 on vmware esxi server. On that machine, spinned up kubernetes using lxc containers following this repository LXC is spinned up and running. adminuser@testing:~/Desktop$ lxc…
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NGINX Ingress on Kubernetes doesn't use HTTPS

I am setting a Kubernetes cluster on bare metal. I used Kubeadm for the installation. To make my services accessible from outside the cluster, I installed an NGINX Ingress, using the following documentation : NGINX doc Because I don't want to…
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2 answers

GitLab Runner failing to register after migration to new cluster

I have GitLab installed in Kubernetes with their Helm chart. I migrated my old Gitlab deployment from one cluster to another with the following steps: Scale down all pods in old cluster Apply values.yml with helm to new cluster (to create…
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1 answer

I just had to increase our timeout from 30s to 60s because I can't figure out why our biggest request is so slow. (Nginx + Php-fpm running on gke)

php-fpm version: 7.4 nginx version: 1.19.0 We run on gke, kubernetes; our nodes have 10 cpu and 24G of ram and we request 2 CPUs (limit 3) to our pods that run our Laravel stack (nginx + php-fpm). The two services share a pod, but are separate…
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1 answer

how to enable monitoring in google cloud for kubernetes through rest api

Anyone can help me how to enable monitoring in google cloud through restapi.? just like in gcloud sdk gcloud services enable monitoring while creating a dashboard, able to see some metrics through rest api but not enable monitoring
0 answers

Controlling Egress calls of kubernetes pods based on intermediate host file

Can I modify and use /etc/host.allow file or something similar to restrict the outgoing (egress) calls from my kubernetes pods. If there is intermediate lookup happening while making an egress call from pod to external domain(lets say,…
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Coredns ACL plugin for restricting domain from Kubernetes Pod

How can I use use coredns acl plugin for the domain based access [blocking/allowing] the egress calls ? As per my use case I want to control the outgoing calls from my pod. something like this : . { acl { allow net …
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1 answer

Kubernetes: migrate from flannel to canal or install calico network policy alongside flannel

I installed flannel as a CNI for my Kubernetes cluster. Now I want to add a network policy to my cluster. After searching I find Canal (Calico for policy and flannel for networking). How I can migrate from flannel to canal? Or is there any way to…
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0 answers

Domain whitelisting in Kubernetes DNS Service

Can I use Kubernetes dns service to whitelist the domains for my pods? I want to restrict the outgoing (egress) calls using Kubernetes dns service. if I can achieve this, can someone let me know the steps required to implement this. Note: I see in…
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How can we modify the heartbeat synchronization time of the etcd cluster on Kubernetes

I want to modify heartbeat-interval of embedded etcd cluster running on kubernetes, I know while installation we can do with kubeadm extraargs but how to do in running cluster? Before modifying I want to know current values too. EDIT1: To get…
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How to check if a node in k8s cluster got rebooted

k8s master checks for kubelet status at frequent intervals. Maybe we can change that time and that makes the node not-ready. But that doesn't always mean that the node got rebooted. How to change kubelet status check frequency? If I don't want to…
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1 answer

Calico network policy in Kubernetes based on Domain name & Wildcard char

I have an application running with kubernetes orchestrator. I want to implement calico network policy based on domain name or wildcard characters so that domain names (FQDN/DNS) can be used to allow access from a pod or set of pods (via label…
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1 answer

Converting "docker run -v external_folder:internal_folder

I have the following docker run command: docker run -dit --privileged -v $PWD/etc/ipsec.conf:/etc/ipsec.conf:ro -v $PWD/etc/ipsec.secrets:/etc/ipsec.secrets:ro -v $PWD/etc/ipsec.d:/etc/ipsec.d:ro -v…