Questions tagged [memory-usage]

The amount of memory required by a program or the system for a specific task.

589 questions
3 answers

Meaning of the buffers/cache line in the output of free

Why does my server show total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 12286456 11715372 571084 0 81912 6545228 -/+ buffers/cache: 5088232 7198224 Swap: 24571408 54528 24516880 I have no idea on…
Muahmmad Zeeshan
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3 answers

Why is Linux reporting "free" memory strangely?

This is a canonical question about how Unix operating systems report memory usage. Similar Questions: Server refuses to use swap partition Memory Usage in LINUX I have production server that is running Debian 6.0.6 Squeeze #uname -a Linux…
2 answers

Effects of configuring vm.overcommit_memory

My VPS web server running on CentOS 5.4 (Linux kernel irregularly (like once a month give or take a few weeks) becomes unresponsive due to oom-killer kicking in. Monitoring of the server shows that it doesn't normally run out of…
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11 answers

How to monitor and log the memory/cpu usage of processes over time?

I am looking for a way to diagnose issues, such as swap death, where a balooning memory process fills up swap and kills the whole machine (such as apache). I'm already using cacti and I can set up nagios (though would rather not) or munin but as far…
Artem Russakovskii
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5 answers

Is it possible to list the files that are cached?

Here the output of free -m: total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 7188 6894 294 0 249 5945 -/+ buffers/cache: 698 6489 Swap: 0 0 …
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2 answers

Linux not freeing large disk cache when memory demand goes up

Running Ubuntu on a 2.6.31-302 x86-64 kernel. The overall problem is that I have memory in the 'cached' category that keeps on going up and will not be freed or used even when our application needs it. So here's what I get out of the 'free' command.…
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2 answers

How large is my ZFS dedupe table at the moment?

I have read a lot of information about planning RAM requirements forZFS deduplication. I've just upgraded my file server's RAM to support some very limited dedupe on ZFS zvols which I cannot use snapshots and clones on (as they're zvols formatted as…
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5 answers

check history of cpu/memory usage in ubuntu?

Is there a way for me to review cpu or memory usage on my ubuntu linux server? I've noticed my server (lamp set up) being slow at times, but by the time I log in as root and run a PS command, everything may have returned to normal. It would be…
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6 answers

Weird memory usage in Windows Server 2008 R2

I hope someone can help. We've got a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine with 16GB of RAM that keeps getting all its available memory eaten by something. Nothing in Task Manager or Resource Monitor reveals any process using memory above 300MB... but…
4 answers

10 GB of RAM unaccounted for by top

Here's my free and smem output: danslimmon@bad-server:~$ free -m total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 30147 29928 218 6 4 3086 -/+ buffers/cache: 26837 …
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7 answers

How often do you restart a heavily-utilized Windows Server 2008R2 Remote Desktop Server (VM)?

Note: I've read How Often Do Windows Servers Need to be Restarted? but this question pertains to our Remote Desktop server specifically. We have a Windows Server 2008R2 server - a VMware ESX VM - licensed for Remote Desktop Services, 25 users that…
4 answers

Something eats all memory (I suspect memory leak on some app). How to detect what?

I have server which runs liquidsoap+icecast bundle and simple website (httpd+mysqld). Nothing special. Visitors around 2000+ per day, with around 50 being online simultaneously on average. Server has 8GB RAM. As the time goes by, amount of free…
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2 answers

Avoiding swap on ElastiCache Redis

We have been having ongoing trouble with our ElastiCache Redis instance swapping. Amazon seems to have some crude internal monitoring in place which notices swap usage spikes and simply restarts the ElastiCache instance (thereby losing all our…
Josh Kupershmidt
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2 answers

Where did my RAM go?

Note: before you jump in too fast, yes I read! I have a server with 64GB RAM. free -m says that my RAM is full, and it's not because of disk caching: total used free shared buffers cached Mem: …
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3 answers

Cannot start machine in Hyper-V - "Not Enough Memory in the system to start the virtual machine"

I have a Window 8.1 host trying to start a virtual machine through Hyper-V. The VM is configure to use 10GB of RAM, I have 16GB, it should start but it doesn't. Instead I get the message '{VM NAME}' could not initialise. Not Enough Memory in the…
Mat Fergusson
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