Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
2 answers

Deploy control plane without master node registration using kubeadm

I'd like to set up the Kubernetes cluster and hide the control plane components for all clients (some kind of a managed cluster). Kubeadm uses Kubelet and static pods to run this components which lead to registering Node and Pod resources into the…
0 answers

How to whitelist egress traffic with a NetworkPolicy that doesn't prevent Apache Ignite from starting up?

I have some more or less complex microservice architecture, where Apache Ignite is used as a stateless database / cache. The Ignite Pod is the only Pod in its Namespace and the architecture has to pass a security audit, which it won't pass if I…
1 answer

Trouble with DNS resolution on and Microk8s cluster

My microk8s cluster is running on a centos8 vm and I have some issues with DNS resolution of my pods. Nameserver are at x.x.x.101 and x.x.x.100 both are ping able from within the pods and I can also ping nslookup from within a pod looks like…
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How to enable ipv6 for ingress-controller services when installing using Helm nginx-ingress chart?

I have a baremetal K8 cluster setup using Kubespray (Calico as CNI) and have dual stack enabled. I can see that all the pods that get deployed get both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses but when I try to install nginx-ingress controller using nginx helm chart…
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1 answer

Avoid pod environment variables' conflicts with Docker-style links

We running or components in Kubernetes with Docker as container runtime. A problem with it is that pod environment is polluted with Docker-style link variables like SERVICENAME_PORT_8181_TCP SERVICENAME_PORT_HTTP ..... SERVICENAME_PORT for each…
Petr Gladkikh
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0 answers

Does CRI-O support live upgrade without restarting containers?

I have an on-prem kubeadm created Kubernetes cluster running on Ubuntu 18.04. I have installed cri-o as container runtime. Since, it is claimed by CRI-O that it supports zero downtime during live upgrades, as it doesn't restart the containers when…
1 answer

Only have connectivity to nginx pod from the node its running on

I've installed kubernetes master and one node v 1.20. I deployed nginx with kubectl run nginxpod --image=nginx $ kubectl get pods -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS…
Dean Schulze
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0 answers

AWS VPC CIDRs in both and

I have VPC A with CIDR 10.A.0.0/16 and VPC B with CIDR 10.B.0.0/16. I have VPC A and B peered and updated the route tables and from a server in 10.B.0.0/16 can ping a server in 10.A.0.0/16 and vice versa. The applications on VPC A also use some IPs…
1 answer

kubernetes pod running on google compute engine not able to access metadata service

I am trying to run google cloud python sdk from inside a k8 pod, running on google compute engine. There is a service account attached to the VM, which is giving it access to the secrets manager. I am able to access secrets manager from the host,…
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1 answer

Ubuntu 20.04 routing for just one IP (in the same subnet) ends in "dev lo" instead "dev eth0", kubernetes worker node can't connect to master node

I bumped to (as it now seem to me) routing issue. I can no longer access one of my worker nodes (server) from my master node (server). AFAIK, it has nothing to do with Kubernetes, it leads to pure Linux networking issue. As the issue is with only…
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1 answer

Why K8S statefulsets volumeClaimTemplates status is pending , but the pod, pvc, pv are all fine?

I use nfs-subdir-external-provisioner as automatic pv provisioner for my promethues (by promethues-operator ) I have created our sts,pod,pvc,pv successfully and everything looks fine. But if I use kubectl get sts -o yaml , the status is still …
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1 answer

how to configure ingress controller in kubernetes cluster over bare metal system?

Is there any way to assign static IP to Kubernetes cluster, in which any user can able to access its application over static IP only. for an example, I have set up a cluster over (master), and…
1 answer

setting up k8s cluster with podman

I want to set up my first kubernetes cluster for learning purposes. I have 3 lxc containers running AlmaLiunx 8.4 *one should become the controller, the remaining 2 will become worker nodes. As a guide I am use this tutorial. I want however use…
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1 answer

HA kubernetes cluster: Accidental kubeadm reset on 1 master node, connection refused when rejoining the cluster

I have setup a kubernetes cluster with 2 master nodes (cp01, cp02 and 4 worker nodes, implemented with haproxy and keepalived running as static pods in the cluster, internal etcd cluster. For some silly reasons, I…
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0 answers

Cannot login to Kubernetes dashboard with userid - 404 error

I'm trying to setup a kubernetes dashboard in a test environment on AWS. I am able use the token from one of the default service accounts to login to the dashboard only to get all kinds of errors. This is after I gave the account cluster admin…
Will R
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