Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
3 answers

Kubectl error You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized) when using kubectl

I proceeded with the work referring to the following site (I don't use EKS.I create k8s on ec2 using kops) Getting Started with kOps on AWS When I tried to call kubectl get service I got the message: error: You must be logged in to the server…
2 answers

MariaDB memory spikes and crash

We are running a MariaDB 10.5.8 server on GKE with 16Gb of RAM. The server have multiple times a day unexpected memory usage spikes that crash the server 1day memory usage graph (orange line is k8s requested ram) A few extra details Server have …
0 answers

Kubernetes and iptables not mixing: connection content dropped?

I'm playing around with a bare-metal Kubernetes cluster (using the calico CNI plugin) and having troubles redirecting external traffic into the node. I've set up the nginx kubernetes ingress controller in order to expose an HTTPS service via a…
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Django + Gunicorn + Kubernetes: Website down few minutes on new deployment

I am having this issue with Django + Gunicorn + Kubernetes. When I deploy a new release to Kubernetes, 2 containers start up with my current image. Once Kubernetes registers them as ready, which they are since the logs show that gunicorn is…
2 answers

Kubernetes - kubeadm join - Connection refused after new control plane joined

Issue I am trying to join a second control-plane node to a K8S cluster. The first node has a IP of where the second node has a IP of There is a load balancer Virtual IP for the control-plane nodes of K8S Version:…
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1 answer

Kubernetes deployment - don't restart pods if image checksum hasn't changed

We have a system that currently uses docker-compose for deployment of containers (effectively docker-compose pull && docker-compose up) and are in the process of converting the system to Kubernetes. We have CI/CD that deploys to production…
Steve Folly
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k3s without HA: how to switch master node?

Rancher documentation on k3s is quite nice and its HA support (both with external DB or embedded etcd) look nice, but I don't want/need an HA setup. In case my master node fails, I don't mind having downtime while I re-create it or make a master out…
Filipe Pina
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1 answer

Pods stuck with containerCreating status in self-managed Kubernetes cluster in Google Compute Engine (GCE) with an external kube node

I have a Kubernetes cluster with 5 nodes, 4 Google compute engine VMs (one controller and 3 worker node) and one bare metal local machine at my home (kube worker node). Cluster is up and running and all nodes are in Ready status. Self-managed…
Ali Rahmanian
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1 answer

Why would you want worker node traffic to leave a VPC? (AWS EKS)

When setting up AWS EKS, I came across a configuration option I don't understand. What is the use case for the "public" option as shown in this screenshot? This is the only option that makes worker node traffic leave the VPC in order to connect to…
2 answers

kubernetes client-go plugin exec command not found on Windows 10

Our client's core team uses kubeconfig with client-go authentication executing a python script to get token. They all use Macs. I use Windows with mingw64. No matter how I try to specify path to that script: forward slashes with drive letter between…
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0 answers

How to load balance in nginx based on user category

There will be a web application served by gunicorn with pod instantiated in every node in Kubernetes cluster. External load balancer (limited to the round-robin or least connections methods) drives the traffic to nginx service (also instantiated in…
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1 answer

Spikes on External Metric scales HPA when it shouldn't

I have a metric that I’m using for a HPA, the problem is that the metric has spikes and to avoid so, I’m using an average over time in a record rule on prometheus, but to export it to stackdriver(on gke) I’m using stackdriver-prometheus-sidecar and…
1 answer

Deleting all instances of resource type across multiple/all Kubernetes namespaces

I'm trying to uninstall and reinstall cert-manager on our Kubernetes clusters. Their uninstall docs mention: Before continuing, ensure that all cert-manager resources that have been created by users have been deleted. You can check for any existing…
1 answer

Jupyter notebook on kubernetes not being able to connect to outside docker service

Im running a kubernetes (kubeflow + k8s) pod with a jupyter notebook and a docker service outside of the kubernetes server, im currently trying to connect to a sql service but it keeps getting ConnectionResetError, both firewall and docker are…
1 answer

Connect to remote minikube cluster using kubectl

I am looking to see if I can connect to a remote minikube cluster (Ubuntu box) using local (Mac) kubectl. I currently use Docker and can do this very easily using docker-machine. Simply eval to the machine name, and docker will use the remote…