Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
2 answers

kubernates on prem 502 bad gateway

Hi I have installed and configured kubernates I have tried with both minikube and kubeadm What I have installed: flannel, nginx-ingress-controller, metalLB then setted ngix-ingress-controller service to be loadBalancer I always get 502 bad gateway…
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ingress returns 502 / TLS backend communication issue

i am operating a k8s cluster with cert-managerto obtain letsencrypt certs. I just set up nifi ( within this cluster, where the workload exposes a TLS secured port which is abstracted by a respective service. i set…
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In k3s, how can I promote a worker node to a master node?

I currently have a Raspberry Pi-based Kubernetes cluster based on k3s which, while originally a single-master cluster, has now grown to the point at which it is practical to have multiple (odd-number) master nodes. My question is - with regard to…
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Configure external IP redirect inside the Nginx Ingress controller

Question I would like to know how to configure the Nginx Ingress controller to redirect to a URL when calling the external IP address. Ingress controller yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: labels: ingress-nginx-3.4.1 …
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How can kubernetes ClusterIP services end up being published on host external IP without any Ingresses?

I recently reinstalled a kubernetes cluster using kubeadm, and trying some helm charts I encountered a strange behavior that I don't understand. ClusterIP services are supposed to accessible only from the cluster, and so far all services used to…
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1 answer

kubernetes and cert-manager certificates limit number

I am using cert-manager to manager SSL certificates on kubernetes. Certificates are stored as secrets in my namespace. I'll have to generate near 1 000+ certificates but I read that it is "dangerous" to have a high number of secrets because it could…
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1 answer

curl & wget cannot resolve internal dns names within the aks cluster but nslookup , host , dig work fine

I have a managed kubernetes instance on azure. I am very sure that the core dns is working and the dns pods are healthy. I have a couple of services frontend-service with one pod - Image [nginx-alpine] which has the static frontend…
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1 answer

Migration of kubernetes master node from 1 server to another server

I have a bare metal server that houses a master Kubernetes node. I would need to move the master node to a fresh bare metal server. How can we move or migrate it? I've done my research but most of them are related to GCP cluster where we move 4…
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1 answer

Update apiserver certificates for HA k8s cluster

I have HA k8s cluster that was created by kubeadm. I would like to update API server certificate to add additional SANs. For this purpose I followed some steps described in another post, but what I did for HA cluster: Removed API server…
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Kubernetes: How to force kube-proxy to listen on localhost only

In my configuration, very basic one (Only calico network, no apps yet) I have nginx-ingress running as NodePort - binding on port 30080. This port should be accessible only from localhost, but k8s opened this port for everyone, and since it's…
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1 answer

Pod using Vernemq helm package cannot start

I'm using helm to install vernemq on my kubernetes cluster The problems is it can't start, I accepted the EULA Here is the log: 02:31:56.552 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.195.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason:…
1 answer

Custom ingress error pages without intercepts

The docs say: When the custom-http-errors option is enabled, the Ingress controller configures NGINX so that it passes several HTTP headers down to its default-backend in case of…
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How to keep secrets out of version control with kustomize?

I've started using kustomize. It lets you generate secrets with something like: secretGenerator: - name: mariadb-env envs: - mariadb.env This is great because kustomize appends a hash so that every time I edit my secret, kubernetes will…
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1 answer

Kubernetes + kustomize: How to use 'var' in configMapGenerator?

In my kustomization.yaml I have: configMapGenerator: - name: nginx-config files: - nginx.conf vars: - name: PHP_FPM objref: kind: Service name: app-service apiVersion: v1 fieldref: fieldpath:…
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2 answers

How do I add certificates to Kubernetes to allow images to be pulled from a custom Harbor repository?

I am finding all sorts of walkthroughs on how to add certificates to be used in the pods themselves, but I can't seem to find info on how to setup Kubernetes to allow a self-signed cert for pulling images from a Harbor instance running inside the…