Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

How to change the hostname on the single-node K8s node

Environments: OS: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS Kubernetes: v1.16.15 deployment tool: kubeadm v1.16.15 I initialize a single-node K8s on my workstation with the following configuraions: --- apiVersion: kind:…
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1 answer

EKS ARM Node stuck in NotReady status - runtime network not ready cni config uninitialized

I have an EKS Cluster (AWS) named cluster-main running on Kubernetes version: 1.16 Platform version: eks.4 CNI version v1.6.1 There are two node groups in the cluster Cluster Name Instance Type AMI…
1 answer

coredns pods stuck in Pending state

I'm trying to learn k8s and since I happen to have access to OpenStack cloud I figured I'll try to install k8s on it, following this wiki. So far I was able to initialize cluster, install weave CNI, connected an external worker and install…
Bartek Gmerek
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Kubernetes how to expose a port on host node to pods?

We are just getting started with k8s. One of the things we need to do is expose a service running on each bare metal Ubuntu 20.04 host node to pods in k8s. The service is listening on the node's real IP as well as localhost on port 8500. Is there an…
David Tinker
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3 answers

Any point in running containers as non-root on openshift

The openshift documentation reads : To further protect RHCOS systems in OpenShift Container Platform clusters, most containers, except those managing or monitoring the host system itself, should run as a non-root user. Dropping the privilege level…
bryan hunt
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1 answer

Which certificate does kubelet use?

This is a kubeadm based 1.16 cluster. The way I understand mTLS work between an apiserver & kubelet is: apiserver -> kubelet --kubelet-client-certificate & --kubelet-client-key => The certs & key given here(apiserver) is for apiserver(client) to…
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Kubertnetes with metallb - Loadbalancer service in pending state

I have followed the steps of installation from metallb website. And the metallb containers are also running. After that I deployed an nginx service for testing with service as LoadBalancer. The LoadBalancer is not getting IP from metallb. Any…
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3 answers

HTTPS 308 permanent redirection k8s ingress nginx

I have created an EKS cluster following the examples from AWS EKS, I have deployed the nginx ingress controller on top from kubernetes/nginx, Created an ingress resource which points to back end k8s services, However, when I am trying to query via…
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1 answer

Which Kubernetes configmap symlink to use?

Summary Should K8s config maps be accessed via the symlink or via the normal path? Details We are attaching a configmap to a pod via ... volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/opt/app_configs name: app-config …
1 answer

creating k8s secret results in public private key not matching

I have created a certificate using ACM. Now, I want to create a TLS secret using kubernetes, so that I can use the secret to configure Ingress Resource. I am trying to create a TLS secret using kubectl create secret tls fsi-secret…
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2 answers

kubernetes mariadb-galera cluster - bitnami helm chart - Readiness probe failed

I am trying to setup a mariadb-galera cluster through the bitnami helm chart in my kubernetes cluster (1 master, 3 nodes). I have modified the myvalues.yaml to include an existingClaim: dbstorage and the storageClass: "nfs-storage". The image…
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1 answer

Warnings in kubeadm after migrating from docker to containerd

I run a kubernetes cluster, installed with kubeadm. I recently upgraded from 1.19 to 1.20 and migrated the container runtime from docker to containerd, since docker is now deprecated. I configured containerd and kubelet to use it, and uninstalled…
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0 answers

GCP node schedule with zone fallback

I'm using preemptive machines for some node pools from my GKE Cluster, and I often get the following error saying the zone resources have been exausted: Error Type Error Message ZONE_RESOURCE_POOL_EXHAUSTED_WITH_DETAILS Instance…
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1 answer

Orchestrator is not available with fresh Rook instance

I'm trying to set up a rook Ceph cluster on my kubernetes cluster. Topography: 3 kubernetes nodes (all are master/worker pods) Each node has /dev/vdX on it for ceph Each node is intended to work as part of the ceph cluster I deployed Rook operator…
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1 answer

Kube-apiserver crashing

I am trying to create a kubernetes cluster on my local machine. I created 3 vm's (two master and a slave). I am using kubespray(v2.15.0) to create my cluster, But my kube-apiserver contianer keeps crashing with following…