Yaoi Fangirl

"No manga writer would have ever imagined the kind of kinky activities you come up with for the characters they created.
So take a bow, and a Ritalin, oh crazed babe of the bishies. We take off our hats to you. But only our hats".
A female otaku who enjoys anime and manga featuring handsome men engaged in homoerotic relationships. The main difference between a Yaoi Fangirl and Guy-On-Guy Is Hot is that the former are interested in homoromantic/homoerotic fiction and/or fanfiction and/or Shipping, whereas the latter enjoy watching men make out. You can pretty much assume that all yaoi fangirls think Guy-On-Guy Is Hot, but not all women who think Guy-On-Guy Is Hot are yaoi fangirls.
The Japanese term used for a yaoi fangirl is Fujoshi, which is a reclaimed term based on a homophonic pun. (There are two characters that are pronounced "fu", with one meaning "respectable woman" and the other meaning "fermented or spoiled"; the usage of fujoshi here translates loosely to "rotten girl", i.e. a woman unfit or "spoiled" for marriage as a result of consuming fictional gay content.) The word is often misused to mean "female otaku," causing female otaku who are not fujoshi (and know the meaning of the word) to correct people everywhere. The male equivalent is called a Fudanshi (loosely, "rotten man"), but oddly enough, a lot of Fudanshis are straight or bi. Actual gay men are more likely to be into the Bara Genre. In any case, Yaoi Fanboys are vanishingly rare in fiction.
Some Yaoi fans are likely to think that Het Is Ew and many of them tend to be guilty of Die for Our Ship and Ron the Death Eater as a result. They may also indulge in Ukefication. In series where Yaoi Fangirls are seen, at least one joke will be made that involves the Yaoi fangirl's dirty imagination and at least one of the male characters. This often goes hand in hand with said yaoi fangirl having a (usually rare for females) Nosebleed.
Obviously Truth in Television, particularly in Japan, though this character type is less common in anime than the Cosplay Otaku Girl, due to this character type having less appeal to male anime fans.
See also Slash Fic, Most Fanfic Writers Are Girls, Guy-On-Guy Is Hot. Compare Yuri Fan and Girl-On-Girl Is Hot for the female-on-female equivalents.
Anime and Manga
- Sazanka from Aquarion Evol is a yaoi fangirl and even has the ability to corrode things.
- Fruits Basket has a swarm of these, albeit subtly. When Yuki makes a public reference to the number of times Hatori (the family doctor) has seen him naked, the girls are seemingly horrified... and simultaneously strangely fascinated.
- What about Tohru imagining what wold happen if Yuki and Kyo got along?
- Genshiken features both the "double" otaku Kanako Ohno (seen in the illustration above), who is into both Cosplay and yaoi (of muscular, middle-aged men), and the self-doubting Yaoi Fangirl Chika Ogiue, who initially is ashamed about her fetish but gradually grows to accept it.
- The continuation introduces three more, including a crossdressing yaoi fanboy.
- Excel Excel of Excel Saga Fantasizes about the men she is infatuated with (Il Palazzo and Key the Rock Idol) being Yaoi Guys in one episode.
- Renge and several of the regular customers of Ouran High School Host Club might qualify, since this is the twins' gimmick.
- Much later, Tamaki is annoyed when Kasanoda stops by to "visit" Haruhi, since the club hosts women. The Vice President ignores his complaints, indicating the firestorm of Squee behind Haruhi; all the girls see is the normally grouchy delinquent shyly attempting to talk to a short, cute boy.
- Kyoya's older sister Fuyumi seems very attracted by the possibility of two young men on vacation together.
- The entirety of the Haruhi Fan Club apparently ships "him" with Tamaki, and are overjoyed when they finally get together. Less so once they find out Haruhi's secret.
- Haruna Saotome in Mahou Sensei Negima. At the start of chapter 183, she even drags Negi to a convention with her. Of course, he is too innocent to realize what he's picking up.
Negi: What's this? This man is naked and...
Haruna: It's kind of hard to get regular people to understand our hobbies. Right Chisame-san?
Chisame: Then don't friggin' bring 'em-!!
- The Doujin in question is Teacher in despair from Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei which has been seen in that universe carried by Harumi Fujiyoshi its implied that she drew it.
- Hiyori from Lucky Star is a yuri/yaoi fangirl, and has to keep reminding herself to stop imagining and drawing her friends Yutaka and Minami as Schoolgirl Lesbians.
- "Tamura-saaaaan! What's yaoi? ^_^"
- Kagami, finds it "too intense" for her taste.
- The new Lucky Star series (Lucky Star a la carte) is half new Konataisms and half Kagami transforming into one of these.
- The Occidental Otaku Patricia and the tomboyish teacher Hikari-sensei are also yaoi fangirls.
- "Tamura-saaaaan! What's yaoi? ^_^"
- In Naruto, Konohamaru uses a variation of the Sexy Jutsu to make two shadow clones transform into a nude Sasuke and Sai locked in a very suggestive pose. This gains for the first time a perverted reaction to the technique from a girl, Sakura -- who was just before criticizing Naruto and Konohamaru about being perverts themselves.
- Of course, the anime had to ruin it by ending when Moegi hit Konohamaru for the shadow clones of two girls.
- In Onegai Twins, the girls who go on to become Those Three Girls are introduced watching through a window as the Yaoi Guy flirts with/teases the (very unamused) main character, and give commentary that sounds exactly like many a slash fandom discussion.
- Harumi Fujiyoshi of Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei, who's also a Doujinshi artist and has a thing for ears. Her surname is even derived from "fujoshi," a derogatory term for yaoi fangirls.
- Just about every major female character in Kyou Kara Maou, with the possible exception of one or two Yamato Nadeshiko types. Not surprising in a comedy featuring a male lead and his all-male Unwanted Harem. The trio of castle maids in particular can be seen at several points poring over charts apparently depicting the protagonist's romantic prospects, calculating odds and placing and collecting on bets as events occur and make various pairings more or less possible.
- The Midori Days manga has a small story in which Seji Sawamura's childhood girl-friend sees him again. Seji finds out that she's now an accomplished doujinshi artist... who draws yaoi relationships between canon characters. Even at the end of the story, she draws another comic where "You (Seiji) and Master Yori get together at last! <3"
- In the Suzumiya Haruhi novels Itsuki claims he acts Ambiguously Gay and seems to almost be flirting with Kyon because he thinks that if he didn't act that way on his own, Haruhi would unconsciously use her power to make him.
- In Haruhi-chan, her movie script in episode 9 is centered around a Meido tournament, with Kyon and Itsuki winning and becoming a couple, which causes Mikuru to become confused and stop thinking.
- There was another time in Haruhi-Chan when Kyon confesses his love to Itsuki (It Makes Sense in Context) and it breaks Haruhi's brain.
- After Kaneru from Doujin Work gets introduced to yaoi Doujinshi works as inspiration for her own material, her imagination tends to go rampant whenever she sees males interact.
- In the manga, when drawing nude pictures of Justice, Tsuyuri drew a Justice and Hoshi yaoi scene... Much to Justice's distaste, considering he despises Hoshi.
- The title character of Tonari no 801-chan.
- Hungary, the Bokukko from Axis Powers Hetalia. This even extends to her liking to watch how cute guys hit on her husband Austria. In the real world, Hungary is "a mecca for gay porn videos" (Word of God points that out in the Author's Notes), so it sorta makes sense.
- Hungary is actually the "mecca of porn" (both straight & gay) period. Filming on location is dirt cheap and a lot of people see it as a way of striking out which lead to an explosion of Hungarian porn stars in the '90.
- There's one exception, though. Once she caught France looking lewdly at an oblivious Austria and, um, it didn't go well for him. In her defense, she was told to hit France by someone else.
- Takako from Kannagi. She doesn't openly admit it, but in private she tends to have Nosebleed-inducing thoughts about the boys in the art club.
- Akiba is revealed to be one of the elusive yaoi fanboys.
- Biscuit from Hunter X Hunter is seen reading a Boys Love magazine- and drooling to it- in the manga, with guys on the cover that look oddly similar to Teenage!Sensui and Itsuki.
- Fumiko, Sanpeita's mother, in Kemeko Deluxe. As flashbacks reveal, even in high school, she was drawing yaoi manga frequently. Though she keeps calling it "homo-dachi" (homo-friends) manga instead of the more common "boys' love", to the annoyance of her editor.
- Yuuko from xxxHolic loves to tease Watanuki about his closeness with Domeki, and suggests multiple times that maybe Domeki is the one destined for him instead of Himawari.
- And to a lesser extent, possibly Himawari herself. Whenever Watanuki and Doumeki interact (read: bicker), she always comments on how they're both so cute and how close they are.
- Yayoi, the shortest of Those Three Girls in My-HiME, squees the loudest when she envisions Takumi and Akira sharing a room in the boys' dorm. What she doesn't know is that Akira's really a girl concealing her true gender to allow herself to fulfill her HIME mission better. What makes it even funnier is that she DOES fall for Takumi and they end up hitched.
- Hokuto, Subaru's sister, from Tokyo Babylon. She just loves pairing Subaru with Seishiro, and teasing Subaru about it. She frequently encourages Seishiro in his pursuit of Subaru. All because she sincerely wants her brother to live his life for something more than family obligation. It backfired horribly when "Sei-chan" turned out to be the Sakurazukamori, and reached Downer Ending extremes when Hokuto tried to "fix" it with a Batman Gambit that included her own death.
- Reiji of Gravitation is much conflicted between her feelings for Shuichi and her feelings for his relationship with Yuki.
- Aikawa, Usagi's editor in Junjou Romantica. Her input greatly influences the content of the BL novels Usagi pens on the side. She also rather enjoys the fact that Usagi has found a male lover, and never helps Misaki out of sexual situations when he asks for it.
- Kaname from Full Metal Panic!. In a novel sidestory, she's a bit too gleeful about discussing and giggling with her friend about how both Sousuke and Tsubaki are submissive "receivers".
- Kyoko is an even more disturbing one, according to the TSR comedy radio show (starring Gauron as their 3rd period teacher). She actually ships Gauron/Sousuke, to the point where she excitedly mentions that Gauron's attempts to rape Sousuke in front of the class are "fairly erotic" and muses that Sousuke seems to be on the "receiving end" (just in case people didn't notice it the numerous times it was mentioned before).
- Chizuru Honshou from Bleach. She certainly loved seeing Ichigo on top of Renji in the school hallway, during a certain Not What It Looks Like scene...
- Yoko of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, most prominently when Kamina comes up with the bright idea of Combining Mecha.
- Izumi Segawa walks across her butler (and big brother) Kotetsu confessing his feelings of love at first sight to a forcibly crossdressed Hayate (of course, not realizing that the Catgirl he was so attracted to was in fact a male). Izumi, knowing that Hayate was in fact male, told the two to "continue, and just don't mind me".
- Nagi Sanzenin is one too, apparently.
- The title character of Fujoshi Rumi. Yoko Matsui, a popular girl who Chiba rejected is secretly one, too.
- Prunus Girl: After her attempts to get Maki's attention were foiled by Aikawa, the girl from the first chapter went on to become a rabid shipper of Aikawa and Maki, as revealed in an omake. Complete with before and after picture.
- Fudanshism: Most of the cast are Yaoi Fangirls except for the protagonist, who only has an interest in it as far as the girl he has a crush on is a huge fan of it... and the fact that he can only meet her when pretending to be a Yaoi Fangirl. His sister seems to also be a Yuri Fan too.
- In Student Council's Discretion, the petite, soft-spoken Mafuyu has a just barely concealed interest in having Ken Sugisaki, the male protagonist, getting it on with another guy. In fact, her doujins feature Sugisaki getting it on with a two fictional characters, Echo-of-death-nii-san and Nakameguro-senpai.
- Aaaaaand as of episode 12, Nakameguro's existence is confirmed! Needless to say, Mafuyu gets totally hyper when she sees him and starts shipping and squeeing ipso-facto.
- 4koma series S.S. Astro has Nagumo Yuko, a teacher who frequently pairs off her coworkers. She's one of the main characters and tries very hard to hide her doujinshi activities from her childish friend and coworker Maki Izumi.
- Yukari Tsukino from Ai Kora is secretly part of a yaoi doujin group, as Maeda discovers when he goes to visit her during summer break.
- A few show up in a scene where Haiji is competing with Ayame to win Maeda's love. "Beautiful male love!" indeed.
- Cosplay Otaku Girl Plucky Comic Relief Kiko in Darker than Black only sticks with her job because she can watch Boys Love anime at work. In the OVA, Mayu is revealed to be even crazier than Kiko, writing the resident Chick Magnet into her smutty yaoi fanfic.
- Butterflies, Flowers: Choko's fellow Office Ladies, who all know about the department's Wholesome Crossdresser, are totally cool with him getting all touchy-feely with their hot boss.
- Durarara!! has Erika Karisawa, who happily and loudly ships pretty much any two men that so much as breathe on each other (including her friends. Kadota is not amused at finding out he's among her yaoibait). It doesn't help that she tends to Crack Ship...
Karisawa: Hmm, which one is better -- Fans/Trolls or Trolls/Fans?
- She had shown a particular liking for a Shizuo/Izaya pairing as shown when Shizuo says he's going to Izaya's place (to murder him...) and she sparkles with blush stickers saying that he must love him. Everyone (Celty and Kadota's group) cuts her off with a big "NO!".
Shizuo: I'm off to Shinjuku to murder Izaya.
Erika: Hey, hey! Shizu-chan's definitely in love with Izaya. Two guys... Like BL!
Celty, Togusa, Dotachin and Walker: No!
- Also in the second OVA/Episode 25 when Izaya and Shizuo were fighting in the city, there was this exchange.
Walker: (Erika giggling in the back of the van while watching the fight) What's with you?
Erika: Don't you see? Maybe Ikebukuro's number one couple is actually Shizu-chan and... (dissolves into giggles)
Dotachin: I really don't want to know
- Then a few minutes later...
Erika: Shizuo's the attacker! Wait a role reversal! He's receiving now! Seme! Uke! Seme! Uke!
Walker: Karisawa-san has completely fallen into Otome Road fantasies!
- Meirin from Black Butler. Especially evident when she nosebleeds upon witnessing a naked guy (who has the default mind-set and body of a dog) being held in Sebastian's arms and licking his face. She also tends to get quite excited whenever she suspects Sebastian is flirting with Ciel, despite the fact that she has a crush on Sebastian herself.
- Hinako from Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun and Mayu once Hinako introduces her to yaoi manga. Mayu even tries her hand at drawing some.
- One Sailor Moon doujin Omake about the girls going to Comic-Con has Rei going off to buy all the Yaoi she can find.
- In the anime, Usagi finds out that Rei has a magazine whose cover features a... weird looking man who seems to be a cross between Michael Jackson and a Drag Queen. Hilarity Ensues.
- That's actually meant to be a Takarazuka magazine. Of course, that still brings up some other implications...
- In the anime, Usagi finds out that Rei has a magazine whose cover features a... weird looking man who seems to be a cross between Michael Jackson and a Drag Queen. Hilarity Ensues.
- Multiple examples in I, Otaku:
- Played with when Tencho, the super-Otaku owner of the Otaku Headquarters store who despises all non-otaku, tests Sota's girlfriend for true otaku nature by groping Sota in front of her. When she fails to respond with appropriate enthusiasm, he brands her "worse than 3-D" and tries to get Sota to dump her.
"I mean, honestly, she really ought to at least get hot and bothered over homos, or something. You know... as a woman. It's as if she's clueless."
- Played straight with rival store-owner Shigeto's college crush: Tencho correctly diagnosed her as a potential fujoshi and turned her on to Boys Love manga, which caused her to lose interest in "3-dimensional men" (to wit, Shigeto), thus earning Tencho Shigeto's undying hatred.
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai has Furude Rika (yes, that one) talking about going to Comiket to pick up some Keiichi/Ooishi, in the preview at the end of episode 7.
- A few of the girls seemed a bit too interested in Keiichi and Satoshi interacting in the first Kira special.
- The entire female student body in Your and My Secret. Due to hijinks relating to the body-switch premise of the manga, Momoi (in Uehara’s body) jumped on stage during a school production to stop a kiss between Uehara (in her body) and Senbongi, and said she was jealous of all the time Uehara got to spend with Senbongi. All the girls in the audience got flustered, and the male student body president spent the whole night mass-producing yaoi manga of the two, which all the girls were shown reading and buying multiple copies of. Later, when Senbongi rebuffs the advances of some girls by saying he’s interested in someone else, they excitedly ask if it’s Uehara, and say they’d encourage such a relationship.
- In Plica, the lesbian title character mentions to Misa, a woman she's interested in, that there's an LGBT film festival coming up to see if Misa seems interested (and thus, if Plica has a chance with her). Misa says she might want to go... to see the movies about pretty boys.
- In Star Driver, it turns out that Wako's a closet Yaoi Fangirl. Jaguar, on the other hand, is much less covert about it.
Jaguar: Wako, that fantasy was tres bien!
Wako: ...How does she know!?
- The World God Only Knows subverts this with Shiori when Wholesome Crossdresser Yui(Female) confesses to Keima. Shiori, not knowing Yui was a girl, went extremely red.
- Akagi Sena of Ore Imo, to the point that she makes a full-on homo RPG with character designs based on her clubmates.
- In Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne!!, Kondou is a yaoi fangirl. She even blackmails the main character, Shuusuke into buying more for her after she threatens to rip up his girly magazine, or show it to his family/sister.
- In Cute X Guy whenever the tall and handsome Jun and the short and cute Mitsuru meet after school they attract these like flies, despite not being Yaoi Guys because they look so much like a Seme and an Uke out on a date. Jun making flirtatious comments towards Misturu doesn't help, nor does the fact that Jun does have a crush on Mitsuru but they still aren't Yaoi Guys as Jun is really a gender bent girl.
- The whole point of My Girlfriend's a Geek / Fujoshi Kanojo.
- Inside the realm of the dub, Hikaru is given this as an additional character trait in Martian Successor Nadesico. She also gets her inspiration for her fanfictions by the male characters around her.
- Yaoi fangirls occasionally pop up in Ai Ore Love Me. One noticeable scene is where Ran is getting a bit too close to the Bifauxnen Mizuki, which causes a couple of girls near-by to fangirl over them.
- Mio from Nichijou is a closet Yaoi Fangirl; she also draws her own doujins and will go to extreme lengths to stop anyone from seeing them.
- Mayo Chiki has the Mimamorugai who supported Subaru and Jiro's alleged relationship. Special mention goes to Nakuru who writes novels about it.
- Possibly Candice from Marchen Awakens Romance. The Ghost Chest arc hints that she’s this since she doesn’t really seem to mind Phantom feeling up Alviss at all. She only minds if Alviss is trying to kill him.
- Isogai from The Tyrant Falls in Love is suspected by fans to be a Fudanshi, since he never hits on Souichi but takes keen interest in his relationship with Tetsuhiro, even gossiping about it with Souichi's little sister.
- Yamada Taro Monogatari: Chuusai, Suguira's friend. She seems to love the idea of pairing Taro with Suguira (including her imagining them together naked), and even passionately tells Suguira that she'll support him in his crush on Taro.
- In D.N.Angel (episode 14) Satoshi rescues Daisuke from the pool and gives him CPR after he nearly drowns with all of the girls who were watching getting embarrassed/excited and calling it a "boy to boy kiss!"
- The Yaoi Fangirls made a comeback when Daisuke fell ill at school and Satoshi carried him bridal-style to the infirmary. One of their female classmates is blushing and gushing in the background that "They look so good together!!", weirding out the boy standing next to her.
- In episode 17 Daisuke and Satoshi are at the beach on a school trip and Satoshi helps dig Daisuke out of the sand. Some girls watching end up mistaking them for being gay for each other. Daisuke tries to deny it and asks Satoshi to agree with him but Satoshi smiles and says "Who knows?" causing the girls to squeal.
- In episode 19 Daisuke and Satoshi are cast as the princess and prince of a school play respectively and it's said that they have to perform a love scene. The girls hearing this are shown to blush and get really excited.
- In episode 20 there's a lot of girls in class that are shown to smile and look really excited when Satoshi and Daisuke perform a love scene for the play.
- Lenalee in this scene from episode 94 where she blushes upon seeing Lavi glomp Allen in the anime in D.Gray-man.
- Not only that, but afterward she keeps on staring at them together as though she's totally fascinated. Kind of makes the fact that most real life yaoi fangirls hate her pretty hilarious.
- Karakuridouji Ultimo has Yaoi Fangirl Kiyose, who blushes when she sees her two friends Yamato and Rune together.
- The titular character of Empowered is one of these. Much of her collection of doujinshis is based off the other superheroes, much to their horror. The term "fujoshi" is also mentioned.
- The male superheroes change their minds as soon as they find out that the doujins are written by girls, much to Emp's chagrin.
- Ninjette to Emp: "You're ready to touch yourself to ineptly written gay fanfiction about people you don't even like -- you seriously ought to look into getting laid, okay?"
- In the X-Women one shot, Kitty Pryde phases through a yacht and ends up catching two men in bed, in the middle of making love. Needless to say, she exits the boat and ends up falling in the water giggling and blushing.
- In Tomorrow Stories, the First American's sidekick U.S. Angel writes Starsky and Hutch slash fic.
- Doctor Who Ongoing has an issue in which Amy and the Eleventh Doctor switch bodies. Rory, being Amysexual, doesn't care what she looks like, which leads to this page right after they've switched back. Amy doesn't seem to mind.
Fan Works
- Internet example: Fanfiction.net. If yaoi fangirls were dragonflies, this site (the Kingdom Hearts section in particular) would be a summer pond the size of Texas.
- Forget fanfiction.net, livejournal is where it's at. The thriving community of anonymous kink memes there lives and breathes yaoi - though het and yuri are around, the yaoi by far outstrips it on just about every single kink meme.
- Just go to the Johnny's Entertainment fandom for awhile. THERE IS NO HET... ALMOST EVER.
- It is entirely weird to see a straight friendship in Super Smash Bros. when you have Marth, Link and Ike as the protagonists on a fiction. It's so bad that yaoi fangirls only LIVE to make them go gay for each other.
- In-character, this is often a way for writers to put a member of a het pairing in a slash relationship without murder, defamation or adultery done to the female party. It's not cheating if your wife likes to watch.
- This treatment is also sometimes given to a regular ole love interest, too. Hard to get with a girl who prefers to ship you with other guys...or so you might think, anyway. Bonus points if the former love interest becomes an Author Avatar too.
- In Total Drama Island fanfiction, Izzy is often portrayed as a yaoi fangirl, perhaps because of the way she once teased Ambiguously Gay/gay in Fanon Noah. Several stories involve her trying to get Noah and Cody together romantically.
- Michikyuu Kanae in Kyon: Big Damn Hero.
"I didn't hear that story!" Kanae said, giggling herself, a tiny blush coming to her cheeks. "Ooh, Sempai with another boy! Such a naughty thought!" Her eyes turned distant and her blush deepened. "Hum, Sempai and Koizumi-san..."
- In Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, this seems to describe most of Hogwarts' female student body (especially Slytherin).
- At one point, a Slytherin girl claims that Muggle Yaoi Fangirls get burned at the stake. A Gryffindor girl reponds: "That can't be right! There wouldn't be any Muggle girls left!" (Hermione is left speechless by this exchange.)
- In The Official Fanfiction University of Middle-Earth, many of them land there, but they'll be very disappointed.
- Almost any Naruto fanfiction in which a homosexual relationship is supported, nine times out of ten the couple will be avidly supported by hordes of squealing fans, often lead by Tsunade.
- The movie Run Fatboy Run has one for a few seconds. Dennis and his friend Gordon tumbles around in a taxi, and Gordon's hand accidentally lands on Dennis' arse. Then the taxi stops next to a pretty girl who sees them like this, and then flirtatiously waves at them. Dennis seems rather confused/offended, while Gordon keeps his hand in place and smiles back at her.
- In The Pink Panther Strikes Again, Clouseau mounts Dreyfuss' body and attempts to give him CPR after the latter falls into a lake. Two older women view this and one calls Clouseau a pervert while swinging her purse at him, but the other seems rather giddy at the whole spectacle.
- Gregory Peck (!) in The Guns of Navarone.
"The plot went through so many twists that Gregory Peck finally submitted his own version to Carl Foreman: 'David Niven really loves Anthony Quayle and Gregory Peck loves Anthony Quinn. Tony Quayle breaks a leg and is sent off to hospital. Tony Quinn falls in love with Irene Papas, and Niven and Peck catch each other on the rebound and live happily ever after.'"
- "How to Date an Otaku Girl" is basically about what it's like to date a yaoi fangirl.
- In The Princess Diaries 2 (which is a Disney movie aimed at pre-teen girls, just so we're clear), there is a scene where Mia and her best friend Lilly are looking at prospective princes. Mia remarks that one prince shown is cute, to which her bodyguard Joseph replies, "His boyfriend thinks so too." Mia and Lilly's reaction is... enthusiastic.
Live-Action TV
- Grace of Will and Grace often alludes to liking gay porn.
- Mel of Flight of the Conchords. Flight of the Conchords is a two man band, and she's their Loony Fan who has apparently given some thought to fantasies about them together, and what the offspring of the two of them would look like.
- Constable Maggie Habib of The Thin Blue Line is very keen on the homoerotic aspects of football and in one episode speculates on the relationship between both Biggles and Ginger and Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson ("sometimes there's months between cases - what do they do then?"). The somewhat old-fashioned Fowler is horrified.
- In one of the last episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy is sick and tired of Spike and Angel always ragging on each other - she suggests locking them in a room together and let them wrestle it out (or something to that effect). When Spike seems to like the idea, she comments semi-privately that there could be oil involved.
- More fun when you remember that time where Spike said that "[he] and Angel were never intimate -- except that one time."
- The vampire Queen Sophie-Anne, of True Blood, gets excited when she sees Bill drink the blood of a handsome, muscular man, and says that she "loves to watch two men together." Later, she suggests to Bill that he and Eric resolve their differences by having sex, and wants to watch.
- State of Play. A homosexual member of the newsroom mentions he just slept with the man they've been investigating. When he asks if they want him to go into detail the men immediately say "No!" while the female journalists have exactly the opposite response.
- Supernatural has Becky, an obsessive fangirl who writes slash fic about the two heroes. And that's just the in-universe example.
- Believe it or not, Monty Python's Flying Circus referenced this in the "Tudor Pornography" sketch (episode 36), where Sir Philip Sidney's wife is reading Shakespeare's Gay Boys In Bondage.
- Take a guess as to why this MadTV sketch is so popular.
- When the main cast of Red Dwarf meet their gender-swapped alternate universe counterparts, Rimmer mentions that the female version of himself, Arlene Rimmer, wanted to make him watch Guy-on-Guy porn in the hope it would interest him.
- Notably, this is a Parody of Girl-On-Girl Is Hot - everyone and everything in this universe is gender-swapped.
- Ellen Fox, of The Rotten Tomatoes Show, hinted at being one recently when reviewing Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. She said that she would have prefered Scott's gay roomate to Ramona as the love interest. She then smiled and said 'But that's a different movie.'
- Britta in Community episode Comparative Religion. She encourages Jeff to work out his issues with Mike without fighting. (Though it's less active encouragement than relentless mockery of both the incident and her perception of fighting itself as homoerotic.)
- April in Parks and Recreation.
April: I passed up a gay Halloween party to be here. Do you know how much fun gay Halloween parties are? Last year I saw three Jonas Brothers make out with three Robert Pattinsons. It was amazing.
- Yumeria in Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger, who gets very interested when she sees Akiba Red and the Monster of the Week being a tad too close in episode 3. She also draws yaoi doujinshi.
- The entire genre of Visual Kei often tends to market to Yaoi Fangirls and Yaoi Fanboys, often intentionally via Fan Service and Bi the Way due to the scene's very large population of arguable bisexuals and pansexuals. Examples are too numerous to mention specifically, but X Japan, Miyavi, Gackt, and Versailles are Visual Kei artists or bands with pages on This Very Wiki and from a quick read of them (much less looking up their stuff) you will find fanservice.
- Koda Kumi's song Taboo is about homosexual love (among other things), the video features Kumi walking in on her 'boyfriend' kissing another guy—she grins. Also featured in the video for Ima Sugu Hoshii, where she is enraptured by two guys dancing erotically.
- Peaches' song "Two Guys For Every Girl".
- Lady Gaga desrves special mention. Especially considering the video for 'Alejandro' and how she dedicates her song 'Boys Boys Boys' to 'all the gay boys.'
- The popular Vocaloid song "Magnet" has a "Yaoi Fangirl Song" version: here.
- It should be noted that the original Magnet song is used enough for yaoi purposes between any and all Vocaloids, as it's a love song originally written as a lesbian couple.
- Cobra Starship's "I Kissed A Boy" (a cover of Katy Perry's I Kissed A Girl)
"I kissed a boy, and they liked it.
Got all the honeys in the club excited."
Video Games
- Shiki Misaki in The World Ends With You, though it's debatable if that's just her personality in the bonus chapter.
- Anastasia Romanova (yes, that Anastasia) of Shadow Hearts: Covenant. See her starry-eyed expression at the end of the Man Festival.
Anastasia: Isn't it beautiful? Love comes in so many different shapes.
Yuri: (Apparently struggling not to throw up at viewing the same scene) I... I'm not into... that shape.
- EVA from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater seems to enjoy the ramifications of Ocelot's crush on Big Boss a little too much.
- She also hints that Snake ought to put the move on Raikov.
- However, she also seems to be quite smitten by Boss.
- Chloe and (to some extent) Lily from Mana-Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy. Then again, this game makes fun of yaoi fandom in general.
- Neptunia: Vert is a huge yaoi fangirl. Guess all those FPS/TPS of bald space marines have made her a yaoi fangirl.
- As it turns out, female androids in Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten have some interesting encrypted files in their memory banks.
- Fuuka, Desco and Vulcanus/Artina, each of them shows the hint that they are interested about the relationship between Valvatorez and Fenrich... Starting when Valvatorez and Fenrich talked to each other about Fenrich's swear under the moon After Fenrich's Heroic Sacrifice for Valvatorez and pretended as if he is dying so that Valvatorez can suck his blood and regain his powers, the three of them can't help but gossiping about their relationship in somehwere near to the end of the game, out of curiousity.
- Aoi House features two straight guys winding up in what was supposed to be "Yaoi House," populated entirely by Yaoi Fangirls (and one crossdressing Yaoi fanboy), who constantly try to turn them into their "yaoi pets."
- Meji, in Errant Story.
- Jodie from Loserz is a fan of Tidus and yaoi, as seen here.
- In Namir Deiter, two girls who realize Isaac knows Charles immediately assume "the forbidden love between student and teacher," complete with an appropriately graphic shared fantasy. (They're half-right... the student was a female acquaintance of Isaac.)
- Aeris from VG Cats is a big yaoi fangirl. One strip has shown her writing yaoi Final Fantasy X Fan Fiction (and violently beating her male co-star when he chides her on it). Another has a homosexual encounter between Star FOX characters (with dialog composed entirely of repurposed lines from the game) and is revealed to be a very happy dream Aeris is having.
- This Treading Ground strip.
- Kairi of Ansem Retort fit this one for her short lifespan.
- Seeing how actual yaoi fangirls usually treat her, that's... ironic, to say the least.
- Zii of Ménage à 3 is definitely this. (She likes Yuri too, though... but is bored by hetero porn.)
- Shion from Experimental Comic Kotone seems to be one, too.
- There was a brief window of time, just before her introduction in the comic proper, when this was practically all that DMFA fans knew about Regina.
- Also Wildy's spy novel featuring a not-so-subtle Expy of Jyrras.
- Lisa of Mechagical Girl Lisa A.N.T. seems to be one, as evidenced in the Massive Multiplayer Crossover.
- Marigold, the Otaku girl from Questionable Content. And she just contaminated Hannelore.
- And Angus, awkwardly enough.
- It would seem that Faye and Dora are not immune either.
- Much to Chrono's horror, his own mother, Lindy, as well as her best friend Leti are examples of this in the Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Fan Web Comic Nanoha R'r. Few things are worse than watching your mother celebrate after you told her that you found your male friend pretty, then having her discuss with her fellow yaoi fangirl whether you're the Seme or Uke in the relationship and how to best crossdress you for your role.
- Lin of Linburger is intensely into this. So much so that she prefers to sit and watch her boyfriend and his male lover together rather than join in.
- Megatokyo: Kimiko and possibly Yuki in this strip.
- The heroine of Gai-Gin was told a malicious piece of gossip about her boyfriend being gay (because he'd written the ad jingle for a store in Tokyo's gay district) and actually cried because it wasn't true.
- Racer Bomber from Bomberman Land Parody starting which page 6 his second appearance.
- Moon Over June features a rare case of a lesbian Yaoi Fangirl in the form of Hatsuki. Hatsuki is "intrigued" and not actively repulsed by men, but has no interest in actually sleeping with one. Her girlfriend Summer, who Does Not Like Men, is completely baffled by it: "The only thing that would turn her off more would be men having sex with women (an act she considers the ultimate perversion)."
- Esa from Handsome Fungus is almost caught drawing yaoi. (also note that the "801" is Japanese number-syllable code for "yaoi".)
- Captain SNES had a bit where Relm is a yaoi fangirl. She even ruins Alex's fantasy football by talking about how much they have sex. Then she mistakenly called it shonen ai, which specifically refers to non-sexual gay themes; yaoi is the hXc stuff.
- Sister Japan from Scandinavia and The World - which Denmark and Holland exploited to ruin England's new tea-party tablecloth.
- Don't forget Sister America.
- In Something*Positive, Jason picks the wrong derogatory term to describe Davan to Branwen:
"Your boyfriend has become a master cocksucker."
"... I've dreamed of this day for so long, I don't know what to do now it's finally true."
- Amber of GG-Guys was shown in one comic to have her own Yaoi Porn Stash and in another she helps Dave and Psy remove all the gay porn from their TV. She insisted.
- Princess Peonie in Exiern, or at least she was until she accidentally pictured her father in it.
Princess Peonie: Now Yaoi is ruined for me forever!
King Urtica: The pornographers of the kingdom weep at the news, no doubt.
Web Original
- Mocked by anime voice actors Steven Blum and Vic Mignogna in a parody of the Budweiser 'Real Men of Genius' skit.
- Missy, one of the characters in More Tales of MU is very clearly one of these. What makes it funny is that previously, the gay sex itself spawned a conversation in the comments concerning the existence of such fangirls just like the example above.
- Deviant ART artist BlackWingedHeart87 enjoys drawing Star FOX yaoi, specifically Fox × Wolf.
- Some new recruits in the Protectors of the Plot Continuum start off as are yaoi fangirls, but working in the DBS tends to traumatize it out of them.
- Sticks in Knight Blades, who seems more interested in guys doing things with each other than doing anything with them herself. (Apparently she got in trouble for fooling around with a Duke's son and decided it was safer to just "watch".) Though Ridder ends up changing this...
- Although his girl-on-girl love is far more obvious, The Nostalgia Critic is a Yaoi Fanboy. Examples of shipping include Frodo/Sam in The Lord of the Rings movies and Leonardo/Raphael in TMNT.
- Nella enjoys Merlin slash and ships Kirk/Spock.
Real Life
- Sadly (or hilariously depending on your POV), a good deal too many yaoi fangirls like to bug the voice actors of popular yaoi-related characters about it at anime cons. Similar to the examples above, there have been fangirls making yaoi between the actual voice actors themselves. But this did lead to some good: once Quinton Flynn and Jeff Nimoy found out they were being shipped together, they created the "Yaoi Song".
- Jenna Hilary Sinclair, a GLBT rights activist, author of gay romance novels, and Kirk/Spock shipper.
- Yukie Sakou, one of the main animators in Code Geass who is obsessed with Rolo (she redirects the topic of every question she's asked to fangirling about him) released some very interesting illustrations at C75, "mostly featuring Rolo & Lelouch"...
- James Franco ships Kirk/Spock. No, seriously.
- Theodore Sturgeon may have been a Yaoi Fanboy. He wrote several gay-themed science fiction stories, as well as the two most Ho Yay-laden episodes of Star Trek TOS.
- This woman is probably one, judging by her pleased expression.
- Tom Felton ships Draco/Harry.
- Yoshihiro Togashi is infamous in shounen circles for this. It's part of his general interest in GLBTQ topics...but seeing as how he's also a Nightmare Fetishist (his main artistic influence is H. R. Giger), don't expect his Ho Yay to be sweet and cute...
- Gail Carriger, authoress of The Parasol Protectorate Series is an admitted fan of boy on boy lovin' in this interview.
- Yuri Lowenthal (english voice actor of Sasuke in Naruto) is hinted to ship Naruto/Sasuke.