Moon Over June
Moon Over June is a webcomic by Woc Girl that started late 2006. First appearing on Slipshine, it revolves around two women: Summer, a gynecologist, and Hatsuki, a porn star. Most of the story revolves around their sex lives.
The free comic updates once a week on Sundays, with more content available on Slipshine. Because both sites have NSFW ads, the comic cannot be directly linked.
- All Gays Are Promiscuous: Most works do not apply this trope to lesbians. This does.
- All Lesbians Want Kids: Subverted; Summer only wants the pregnancy to satisfy her fetishes, and doesn't really seem to have considered the resulting kid much and was only going to keep it if it wasn't a boy. Hatsuki really didn't want a kid, but appears to have decided to keep hers. Despite being the titular characters, the kids rarely appear in the comic, and when they do, they're usually in the care of someone other than their parents.
- Now that the kids are older they're generally treated as props, often appearing in the panel, but the characters continue to do things like graphically discuss sex as if there weren't small children in the room. Of course, this could also just be Summer and Hatsuki being extremely terrible parents, and everyone they know being equally terrible people.
- All the Good Men Are Gay
- All Women Are Lustful: The entire point.
- Alt Text
- Body Horror: Strip 254 makes an ordinary vulva look horrifying.
- But I Can't Be Pregnant: Actually Hatsuki....
Hatsuki: "The only sexual organs to have ever contacted mine have all been vaginas!"
Summer: "And all the girls you fuck are exclusively girl-girl as well?"
Hatsuki: (recalling co-workers having multiple scenes shot in a single day) "Well, uh... n... uh... no..... no. FUCK."
- Catholic School Girls Rule: Summer was one.
- Character Development: Arguably, for Hatsuki. June's making her a little bit more responsible. Just a little.
- Comedic Sociopathy: What the author seems to be going for with Summer.
- Death by Sex: Summer occasionally thinks Hats is courting it. According to 210, she may be right.
- Does Not Like Men: Summer, to the extreme.
- She has warmed up to their nanny Jake though, to the point that she's willing to let him move in with them (though that's probably cause of her miserly ways, as well as the fact that he's gay).
- Elegant Classical Musician: Lampshaded in strip 53.
- Embarrassing Nickname: Hats has unpleasant memories of her mother coming up with 'Suki', especially due to the kids at her school picking it up.
Summer: "You'd rather be called generic headwear?
Hatsuki: "It's better than 'Suki-Suki-Five-Dollar'!"
- Everybody Has Lots of Sex
- Everyone Is Gay: Semi-justified in that it focuses on the sex lives of two gay women, but Summer finds it ridiculously easy to seduce random women at work.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: While pregnant, Hatsuki grows her hair out, so her roots become increasingly visible compared to the part that's dyed pink.
- Green Eyed Red Head: Summer.
- Has Two Mommies: Given that the roomie/fuck-buddy thing their respective mothers' are in is the closest thing either of them have had to a long-term relationship, June Akagawa and Moon Winters have this.
- Also parodied when Summer's coworkers ask her if the father of her baby is actually Hatsuki, and Summer points out that this isn't even possible with current science.
- Immodest Orgasm: Summer screams Inherently Funny Words when she comes.
- Lady in Red: Summer is identified by her red clothes (and hair).
- Maternally Challenged: Hatsuki worries about being this. Summer... doesn't, despite the fact she should.
- May-December Romance: Hatsuki is a graduate student/porn star in her mid twenties. Summer is a forty year old doctor.
- Middle Child Syndrome: Summer was the middle child of seven, and the only girl.
- N-Word Privileges: The real estate agent who Hatsuki and Summer string along on false pretenses in order to have sex with her. She makes a crack about how they're "homo-owners", which is met with Dude, Not Funny looks. She protests that since she's gay now, too, she can make gay jokes.
- No Pregger Sex: So averted....
- Not Listening to Me, Are You?
- Odd Couple: Aside from being promiscuous lesbian nymphomaniacs, Summer and Hatsuki do not have a great deal in common.
- Off-Model: The art is incredibly inconsistent in character designs. Their boobs can change shape and size but are always unusually large and in the way, with mouths taking up most of their faces.
- The facial expressions are often cartoonishly sinister-looking even when they're supposed to be happy and smiling.
- Open-Minded Parent: As mentioned, Hatsuki got into lesbian porn as soon as she legally could (indeed, before she got into an actual relationship) to embarrass her parents. It doesn't work.
- Parental Issues: Hatsuki and Summer.
- Parental Obliviousness: Mrs. Winters seems to have a rather large blind spot right where her daughter's personal life is.
- Or she's doing it intentionally to irritate her.
- Right Through the Wall: Jake (Hats' and Summer's new live in nanny) rapidly comes to regret the room he selects.
- Rose-Haired Girl: Hatsuki for most of the comic. Complete subversion of the trope.
- Running Gag: Summer thinking that she had told Hatsuki something, but getting distracted (usually by sex) before she can actually tell her.
- Share the Male Pain: Gender-inverted in strip 254.
- Stealth Parody: We don't know, but it's quite possibly a Deconstruction of Slice of Life comics, overly political comics that are ostensibly about something else, Girls Love, Het Is Ew, and misandry in general. We hope.
- If so, it's been kept up so long that the author may have forgotten it was originally a parody.
- Straw Feminist: Summer.
- Title Drop: Lampshaded in strip 173.
- Unsettling Gender Reveal: For future reference, Hatsuki, when visiting a transvestite bar, make sure you are clear on what is in your hook-up's pants before dropping your own (strip 224.)
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: Summer, to the point that the whole series could be considered a trollish deconstruction of "slice of life" webcomics in general.
- Visual Pun: Usually perverse, but what else is new?
"Full of hands? What, is that some kind of Canadian term for being busy?"
"Uhh, not exactly. (209.)
- Yaoi Fangirl: Hatsuki, though she has no interest in having sex with men herself.