Linburger is a semi-pornographic Web Comic hosted on the Slipshine site. Mostly follows the life of Lin, a Cyll mechanic, but has occasionally followed other characters in different chapters.
Most of the story takes place in the slums, where Cyll, Mirrakae, and the Firne live their lives in discrimination by humans. Fantastic Racism abounds, where humans live in upper class society, and the fantastical races have to settle for the subpar slums. Part of the reason why some of the humans dislike the fantasy races so much is their hedonistic ways. There's also the Trokks who live in the wilderness. They're complete savages and try to kill anybody who wanders into the wilderness for any reason.
Tropes used in Linburger include:
- Catgirl: The Mirrakae.
- Cataclysm Backstory: The reason the Cyll live in slums. They used to be the typical fantasy elf with extremely long lives, living in higher society, and skill in magic. Then something happened to the magic that no in-universe historian can explain, causing it to vanish. Resulting in the dramatic shortening of the Cyll lifespan to that of a human. Now they live in slums, with little care about what happened long ago to their people.
- Chekhov's Gun: One of the earlier chapters shows a quick clip from a nature show, discussing a sky dragon. A few chapters later, that very dragon feeds on a few residents in the slums, and becomes the focus on that entire chapter.
- Demihuman
- Erotic Dream: Neut has sexual fantasies involving Lin and Kien-Tai.
- Fantastic Racism
- Free-Love Future: The fantasy races are very hedonistic, and don't much care for a monogamous relationship. They have sex with whoever they please, and are perfectly comfortable discussing it with their girlfriend/boyfriend. This can and does lead to jealousy in some people though.
- Gender Bender: The Firne, a species that always looks female from the waist up, but their gentials change form depending on the phase of the moon.
- Lampshade Hanging: The punchline at the end of chapter 9: "I'm pretty sure I could never do [porn]. It'd just be so weird if a bunch of people all over the world were watching me have sex."
- Not Using the Zed Word: Cyll are elves and Trokks are essentially orcs/ogres.
- Our Elves Are Better: Cyll
- Our Orcs Are Different: Trokks
- Our Dragons Are Different: Looks like an Eastern dragon, but is bestial like a western dragon.
- Porn with Plot: Like most of the comics on Slipshine, Linburger has a pretty good story wrapped around the sex scenes. The World Building is also very well thought out.
- Take That: the free part of the comic starts with one against Deviant ART.
- Translation Convention: Whenever a language is spoken that the audince is meant to understand, but other characters in the scene may or may not, little symbols go by the words in the word bubble.
- Twin Threesome Fantasy: Thought of by most people who meet Kien-Tai, the Firne. Mostly due to the fact that they transgender according to moon phases. They are willing to fullfill this fantasy too.
- Winged Humanoid: The Firne.
- Wrench Wench: Lin
- Yaoi Fangirl: Lin's boyfriend is openly bisexual. Lin likes to watch them.
- You Are Number Six: All non-humans in the city of Collision are given numbers instead of last names.
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