Knight Blades

An imageboard-based RPG styled as a text adventure, similar in style and pace to the game to start the genre, Ruby Quest, created and run by a man who goes by the name "Reaver," which may sound familiar.

It begins with a leferran named Ridder telling a story of how Baron Malto's Kingdom collapsed.He then picks a fight with someone, but stands down because he heard that the person is needed for a harvest. He then asks for rumors of monsters, which points him to the direction of Salamander Tower. Once there, he learns that a paladin was butchering topiaries because of an overpowering evil. He then goes on to defeat this evil.

The archives can be easily accessed here. It shares a universe with Dive Quest.

Tropes used in Knight Blades include:
  • Allergic to Evil - Timotei
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parent - Ritari, who is Ridder's mother.
  • A Man Is Not a Virgin - Averted. Ridder is a virgin when the story opens, and determined to stay so until he finds someone special. He has sex with Sticks while they're both under influence of a love potion. They later decide to have a relationship.
  • And Now for Someone Completely Different - Chapter 7 (Black Fang), chapter 9 (Sticks), and chapter 18 (Grey Fang)
  • Art Evolution - The art was barely visible in early chapters. Now you can actually see it
  • Art Shift: The art tends to change depending on who the viewpoint character is.
  • The Atoner - Black Fang
  • Author Appeal - Incest shows up in the spinoff short, GiftQuest, just like Mudy Quest. However, when we meet the characters again, it's made clear that it's a result of how incredibly messed up they are. Also, in Chapter 20, Ridder nearly has sex with his own mother.
  • Baleful Polymorph - Ridder (accidentally) gives Sticks a potion, which transforms her into a catgirl.
    • Ridder drinks an aphrodasiac-ish potion and turns into a cat.
  • The Big Guy - Black Fang is this among Ridder's crew of course, and it looks like he was this in the Fang Mercenary Company too. [dead link]
  • Bittersweet Ending: After raising an army to take down 'The Boss', Ridder discovers it's his best friend, Muschio. Confronted with the truth, Ridder makes his own decision, and, as Ridder ponders over what he's going to do for the future, he realizes he doesn't need the voices in his head for advice and companionship anymore, bidding them, and the audience, a final farewell.
  • Blah Blah Blah - What Ridder sounds like to Coriander.
    • Muschio also fades into this when Ridder lays eyes on Ashedel.
  • Boss Subtitles
  • Boring Failure Hero - What Ridder thinks of himself
  • The Casanova - Ridder attracts female attention like a magnet. Too bad it's unwanted . . .
  • Catgirl - Sticks
  • Celibate Hero - Ridder... or at least he tries to be one, but losing his virginity to Sticks under the influence of drugged wine is only the start of his troubles.
  • The Church - Where Ridder's first base of operations was.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome - Ridder
  • Cluster F-Bomb - Grek
  • Colorful Theme Naming - The Fangs Mercenary Company (Red Fang, Black Fang, Violet Fang, etc.)
  • The Comically Serious - When Ridder tries to smile, he nearly dislocates his jaw, and when he tries to laugh, he scares everyone.
  • Daydream Surprise - Sticks pulls a couple of these with her Yaoi Fangirl fantasies.
  • Deadly Curiosity is where Ridder finds Sticks again
  • Disproportionate Retribution - Subverted. Ridder thought Timotei was going to get hanged for messing up a lawn. He was only put inside a hanging cage
  • Dream Sequence - Played with. Through the power of a couple of magic rings, Sticks was able to enter Ridder's Dreams
  • Early-Bird Cameo - Sticks, in one of her Yaoi Fangirl fantasies, has Muschio depicted with Ridder. Muschio is the very evil Ridder and his group are fighting against.
  • Expy - Subverted with Iesgrip and Nakraska, who at first seem like Expies of Tislomer and Babrakus, but get very different Character Development. Plus, Nakraska is secretly female.
  • Fan Service - Chapter 23 begins with a closeup of Iesgip's naked, muscular, sweaty back.
  • Flanderization - Grek's accent. She talked with a slight one in early chapters. Neh et's eht th' pent w'ere yeh cen' 'n'rstend whet she's sey'n'.
  • Full-Frontal Assault - Grey Fang
  • Going Commando - Ridder doesn't wear a thing under his armor.
  • Heroic BSOD - Ridder suffers one after having sex with Sticks.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation - Ridder on occasion
  • Hidden Elf Village - Wonderseed
  • Honor Before Reason - Ridder
  • Hot Springs Episode - Chapter 14 [dead link]
  • Innocent Fanservice Guy - Ridder is of the "doesn't automatically associate nudity with sex" variety. When he gets naked on stage at a club, he seems to treat it like a bodybuilding show, and doesn't realize until several minutes later that he may have done something inappropriate.
    • The only times he shows shame with regard to nudity are when sex explicitly comes up or when seen by a member of his own species.
  • Kissing Under the Influence - Ridder and Sticks do a whole lot more than kiss under the influence of aphrodisiac-laced wine.
  • Knight Errant - Ridder is one of these.
  • Knight Templar - Timotei shows signs of this.
  • The Ladette - Nakraska
  • Loveable Rogue - Sticks is a thief and a cat. Not to mention she's a Yaoi Fangirl.
  • Love Dodecahedron - Ridder is the target of Sticks, Iesgip, and some paladin lady.
    • And then Ridder falls for Ashedel.
  • Luminescent Blush - Ridder and Sticks may as well be stoplights. For Ridder, it shows embarrassment; for Sticks, arousal.
    • Pretty much everyone has these, actually. Ridder is just the most common.
  • The Mentor - Ridder, to Black Fang
  • Mind Screw - One of Sticks's Yaoi Fangirl fantasies was someone who looked like her, disguise and all. While boy-Sticks was about to open a chest while infiltrating the enemy base, an ogre opens the door. Boy-Sticks then seduces said ogre. It then shows boy-Sticks get an erection. Cue a bunch of people going "WAT".
  • Mr. Fanservice - Ridder.
  • Nice job getting overeager to secure a base, causing yourself to loose both of your companions and even the base, Ridder.
    • Even nicer job releasing a baby-stealing trollking, hero.
  • Non-Mammal Mammaries - Averted hard in Iesgip's case. Her breasts look more like pecs. Very ripped pecs at that.
    • Averted even harder in the case of Nakraska.
  • No Periods, Period - Averted with Nakraska
  • Older Than They Look - Nakraska
  • Orphaned Series - Weaver, creator of Ruby Quest will be taking over.
  • Out-of-Clothes Experience - As part of his quest to do as many nude scenes as possible, Ridder has one of these at the beginning of Chapter 24.
  • Panty Shot - Grek has one. The subsequent Pause screen strategically places its icon.
  • Raging Stiffie - Ridder gets these as an effect of a regenerative potion.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni - Ridder is blue, Muschio (of Dive Quest) is Red.
  • Riddle of the Sphinx - The answer of it is part of the church in Inizaire City.
  • Ring of Power - A pair of wedding rings allows people's thoughts and feelings to transfer to other people as long as someone is wearing the ring.
  • Ruins for Ruins Sake - Ridder's second(and current) base of operations
  • Samus Is a Girl - Nakraska
  • Scooby Stack - Here. [dead link]
  • Shared Universe - With Dive Quest, leading to a direct crossover in Chapter 14. Interestingly, the characters are portrayed with different art styles in each quest, even when they're in the same scene.
  • Shout-Out - "People say they can outsmart me. Maybe. But noone outsmart cleaver."
  • Slasher Smile - Ridder makes one of these to intimidate an opposing army. He strains his jaw pretty badly in the process.
  • The Stoic - Ridder
  • Sure Why Not - In Chapter 20, Black Fang shares a bath with Nakraska. Someone repeatedly suggests they have sex, as occasionally happens in quest threads. Black Fang makes an offer, Nakkers accepts, and we cut to Ridder. It's not known whether this was planned, or a spur-of-the-moment thing.

TGChan: O.0

  • Sweet Polly Oliver - Nakraska
  • The Tease - Sticks
  • Title Drop - The titular Knights Blades aren't even mentioned until chapter 13, and one may have appeared in chapter 14.
  • Those Two Guys - The men at the two windmills
  • Tomboy - Nakraska, so much that she doesn't want anyone to know that she's female.
  • True Companions - Ridder's group
  • Vapor Wear - Ridder in this shot.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser - Ridder's first armor originally belonged to a woman. This isn't an issue most of the time, but . . .
  • Yaoi Fangirl - Sticks, to an extreme degree, preferring Yaoi fantasies to interacting with men herself (an experience with a Duke's son convinced her it was "safer").
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