Scandinavia and the World

Scandinavia and the World is a popular webcomic by Deviant ART member Humon. It is a comic about stereotypes, history and culture in the form of national personifications interacting with one another (not unlike Axis Powers Hetalia), but focusing on, well, Scandinavia. The main characters are Denmark, a cheerful, but culturally naive party boy; Norway, a friendly and calm nature lover; and Sweden, the uptight technology expert.
An Animated Adaptation (for the Web) is in the works, though progress is sporadic. Now has its own wiki (still being built).
Humon has two other webcomics, Love and Tentacles and Niels. In addition, her DA account regularly features works based on Northern European folklore, with plenty of notes.
- Abhorrent Admirer: Sister Finland to Sweden. Though it's less her looks, and more her Knife Nut tendencies that make her abhorrent. That, and he doesn't swing that way.
- Accidental Pervert: England thinks he is this in this comic, but Sister Denmark doesn't even notice.
- All Germans Are Nazis: Averted in an interesting way. Nazi Germany and Modern Germany seem to be two separate entities (as opposed to the latter being simply the former after a very thorough makeover), evidenced by the fact that they both can appear in the same comic -- wherein Modern Germany is outright terrified of his fascist counterpart. Moreover, Modern Germany is also terrified of being thought of as a Nazi.
- All Men Are Perverts/All Women Are Lustful: In this universe, almost everyone is a pervert to some degree.
- All There in the Manual: Humon's comments provide a lot of background about the characters, especially the ones she hasn't introduced into the actual comic.
- Ambiguous Gender
- Until a chart listing the relationships between certain countries was released (here), it was hard to tell what New South Wales's gender was. Because she was a sheep.
- Also Christiania, Denmark's son. Yes, son, despite the rather feminine-sounding name and strong resemblance to Sister Denmark. The only person (besides Denmark, of course) who notices, however, is Japan, because he's used to sorting the girly-looking guys from actual girls.
- Ambiguously Gay: Oh, Sweden...
- What do you mean "ambiguous?"
- See Transparent Closet below.
- America seems to count to an extent. His treatment of Canada seems to be the signs of severe Armored Closet Gay. Since he has the mind of a very confused teenager, it's not that unlikely. On the other hand, he was seen dating Sister Mexico (though one character proposed that Mexico was America's beard).
- Anthropomorphic Personification
- Anything That Moves
- Denmark
- Sister Sweden too.
- And Sister Denmark, who is fine with being picked up by France for some girl-on-girl action (here), then when it turns out that she's been mistaken for a long-haired guy by France, asks to borrow Sister Sweden's strap-on.
- Apologizes a Lot: Modern Germany.
- As Long as It Sounds Foreign
- What Denmark does when asked to speak Swedish. This includes saying "Börk börk börk."
- It also happened when he was asked to speak German. Dude needs to invest in some phrase books.
- Asexuality: Iceland is either this or a Narcissist.
- Ass Shove
- The Nordic Lodge now only has two rectal thermometers thanks to Denmark's misunderstanding.
- There was also the matter of Sweden's Stone Age artifact, although that was more understandable.
- The Atoner: Modern Germany has shades of this, out of guilt for Nazi Germany's actions... which doesn't make any sense as Nazi Germany is a completely different character from Modern Germany.
- Fridge Brilliance: The characterization of the different nations is related to national stereotypes. Germany has literally become a different person since World War II.
- Badass: Most, if not all main characters. Of course, being Anthropomorphic Personifications of Scandinavian stereotypes, there's a fine line between Badass and Ax Crazy.
- Despite his sparkliness, Iceland. He skydives into volcanoes for fun and keeps demons as pets. And takes the demons for walks. On lava flows.
- Also Åland, who can scare both Russia and Finland.
- Svalbard
- Finland himself. Don't expect to get out alive if you get on his bad side.
- Badass Bookworm
- Åland
- Sweden has his moments.
- Balloon Belly: King Europe got one after he ate two bites of Denmark's dessert.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: Finland here.
- Bare Your Midriff: Sister America; Sister Australia
- The Beard: Mexico is America's beard, both literally and metaphorically.
- Beat Panel: Often used, to great effect.
- Bedmate Reveal: In this strip, Sweden wakes up to find his bed pretty crowded.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Sweden and Finland. Although most of the belligerence is from Finland.
- Berserk Button: Questioning Sweden's sexuality. Or messing up his seating plans.
- Do not get in the way of Åland's happiness. Ever.
- Betty and Veronica: Apparently, Karelia and Sister Sweden fit these roles for Finland. (Except for a little detail: Karelia hasn't been introduced in the comics yet.)
- Beware the Nice Ones
- "Never ever try to mess with Dutch and Danish bikers. They’re fucking nuts!"
- Just try to ask Russia about Åland.
- Oh, hai Iceland
- Big Eater: America; Denmark
- Big Guy, Little Guy: Canada and America, or rather, America and Canada, since America seems to be in charge despite being the "Big Guy".
- Big No
- Sweden gets one when he finds out Sister Sweden slept in Finland's room and he himself slept with Sister Finland. They were all really drunk the night before -- It Makes Sense in Context.
- Also, Denmark after Sweden conquers Norway from him.
- Norway after Denmark kills his albino moose. With never-ending rain of sadness.
- Big Screwed-Up Family
- Åland and Finland don't get along at all.
- England was a rather inattentive parent to America, Australia (possibly), and is an inattentive parent to Sealand.
- The only reason Canada turned out alright was because by the time he was adopted into the family he was relatively old enough to raise himself.
- As for Scania, Fenno-Swede, etc., the author says, "All the children in SatW are completely fucked."
- Bilingual Bonus: "Denmark! Don't call Obama that!"
- As well as when the characters use their own native languages or one of the other's languages.
- Perkele
- Bishie Sparkle: Iceland. Lampshaded in the Halloween comic where Iceland dresses up as a vampire. And yet he specifically dressed up more like Dracula...
- Black Comedy
America: I... was expecting something different from a comedy called "Funny Friends"...
- Black Comedy Rape: "Leaking"
- Blind Without'Em: Sweden
- Blue with Shock
- Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, when Iceland shows off the latest addition to his penis collection.
- Finland when Fennoswede (his nephew) starts speaking Swedish.
- Boobs of Steel: Lady Germany is very well-endowed and not to be messed with.
Finland: (holding a sign) Women should be respected. Lady Germany should be feared!!!
- Bottle Fairy: Sister Sweden
- Brain Bleach: Sweden wants to poke his eyes out after seeing porn of Sister Sweden on the Net.
- Brawn Hilda: Sister Germany
- Britain Versus the UK: Subverted; "England" seems to symbolise a more British stereotype and wears a Union Jack shirt, but later on Wales and Scotland show up and he explains he wears it because the Cross of St. George makes him look like a member of the Red Cross.
- Actually it is Ireland rather than Wales that complained about the Union Flag... which is either a case of You Fail Geography Forever (Ireland isn't in the UK at all so England really doesn't speak for him) or a rather weird Genius Bonus (the Union Flag is a combination of the English, Scottish and Irish crosses -- but the Irish cross has long since fallen out of use and been forgotten about in both countries).
- More recent comics depict him with the Cross of St. George (though that may just be because it's easier to draw).
- Burn the Witch: Poor Sister Finland.
- But You Screw One Goat!
- Sweden provides the page quote.
- We don't know if Wales has had sex already with New Zealand, but...
- Denmark expresses interest in having sex with a sheep as soon as the topic turns to Wales/New Zealand. Also, in a borderline example, Sweden orders him not to hump the glass dalah horse he just made.
- Butt Monkey: England in the Eurovision comics and "Good to see you England".
- Carpet of Virility
- Inverted: Canada and his sister are the most polite and shy and little pushovers in the comic, and yet they have body hair beyond your wildest dreams. Humon stated it was because she wanted to rip apart the Bishie Laws.
- Played straight with Greece in the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 comic.
- Catch Phrase: Finland's "Perkele..."
- Character Development: Sweden is the character who by far has changed the most since the beginning. He started off with his sexuality being only a subtle implication that was never spoken of and he always dodged about, but over time he slowly has been opening up, and recently acquired a boyfriend. This is because he's something of an Ensemble Darkhorse... for the creator.
- Character Tics: Sweden's hair sticks out when he's angry or frustrated.
- Cheerful Child: Fennoswede.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Denmark in "Australian Princess".
- Cloak and Dagger: America spies on Finland, Norway, Estonia, Sweden, and Denmark...
- Spy-Versus-Spy: Meanwhile, Sister Denmark is spying on him.
- Cluster Perkele Bomb: Finland. Even a Wall of Text's worth.
- Cold Sniper: Finland shoots a key in Åland's hand FROM SWITZERLAND.
Switzerland: Nice shot.
- A reference to one of the standout examples of this trope, Simo Häyhä.
- Commie Nazis: Spoofed. "I don't wanna be a freedom-hating Communist hippie-Nazi like you guys!!!"
- Compensating for Something: Iceland owns three gigantic cars, goes sky diving down volcanoes, and collects dismembered animal penises... he also happens to have a very small... ahem... population.
- Cool Big Sis: Sister Sweden, again.
- Corner of Woe
- Corrupt Bureaucrat: Italy
- Creator Cameo: As seen here.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Dear God, Åland.
- Cute Mute
- New Zealand
- Finland might also count, depending on your definition of "cute".
- Dagwood Sandwich: Denmark's smørrebrød
- Deadpan Snarker: Sweden
- Depraved Bisexual: Denmark
- Distaff Counterpart
- Done quite literally with the "Sisters", who are basically female versions of their "Brothers", with the exception of Sister Sweden and Sister America.
- New Zealand (though she's a sheep), North Pole, Sami, Mexico (whose spear counterpart is Brother Mexico), France, and the Baltic States are exceptions, however.
- You can basically tell if a character is a Distaff Counterpart based on whether they have a title/prefix or not (Brother/Sister).
- Even that has one exception: Russia has no sister, only Mother Russia.
- And the sisters tend to address each other by country name alone. To themselves, they are the main ones and the brothers are the Spear Counterparts.
- Dominatrix
- Sister Sweden, all the way.
- Sister Finland tries, but she's not so good at the "sexy" part and she doesn't have slick matching gear.
- Drunk with Power: Italy, as seen here.
- Dude Magnet: Sister Sweden
- Denmark too, apparently. In the fanbase as well as the comic. Even the straight readers tell her they're turned on by him.
- Dumb Muscle: America; subverted in that it's all vanity muscle.
- Dunce Cap: Norway and Denmark wear them in Sweden's version of the 2011 Norwegian butter crisis strip: here.
- Eagle Land: While America certainly has most of the Flavor 2 traits, he does genuinely want to help others and is seen as the peace keeper when things get too out of hand. Essentially he's a Type 2 who aspires to be Type 1. Sister America, on the other hand, is 100% Type 2.
- Empathy Pet: Sister America's dog, and ocasionally Norway's fish.
- Ethical Slut: Sister Sweden, all the way.
- Eurovision Song Contest: For several of the characters, it's Serious Business.
Humon: The Eurovision Contest is comedy gold for me.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Girls (and gay guys) are pretty into Sister Sweden, according to the author.
- Even the Guys Want Him: Denmark has certain appeal for guys, and Norway has it for lesbians, again according to the author.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Denmark makes for an unorthodox fairy godmother, but ain't it sweet?
- Expy
- Sister America is basically Paris Hilton with Strawman Liberal overtones.
- Canada's role as an inferior to America is very similar to Hetalia's version. Although this may have more to do with drawing on shared stereotypes/truths of America overshadowing Canada.
- America in some of the earlier comics reminds us of Calvin, especially here.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Greenland. Stereotypically Inuit.
- Japan and Sister Japan have always shut eyes based on looking stereotypically Asian, except when REALLY shocked.
- From what's been seen of the Koreas and China, it's apparently only the Japans that are like this. Most likely done as a subversion to the massive eyes seen in anime. Then again, we've only seen South Korea once, and North Korea's face (and entire body) is hidden underneath his flag....
- The Faceless
- North Korea. He wears a giant flag over his head and body and all you can see of his head is his eyes.
- Also, Saudi Arabia wears a niqab.
- Fan Disservice
- The picture of the Canada siblings in swimwear. Let's just say... body hair. This was largely the point, or at least to point out that the author thinks the disgust of it is largely ridiculous. Then again, some of us like a bit of fluff.
- And Denmark in drag here. As Humon says in the commentary, Denmark does not do pretty and sparkly well. The entire strip is inspired by this multinational rendition of All You need Is Love (Denmark at 2:05).
- Fan Service: Let's just say there are a lot of strips where the characters are more detailed than usual...
- Female Gaze: Once when asked why, if she is a feminist, most of her characters are male, Humon replied that as a (mostly) straight woman, she likes drawing men for herself to ogle. She has also expressed irritation with fanworks that present/describe all the male characters as Bishonen, since she went out of her way to depict numerous different types.
- Follow the Leader: The author admitted to starting this comic after disagreeing with the Scandinavian depictions in Axis Powers Hetalia.
- Foreign Queasine
- The Scandinavian penchant for... interesting varieties of fish is pictured in this comic.
- The (historically false) reason for why Åland had to live with Finland. It only looks that bad when cooked by Finland, apparently.
- Freudian Trio
- Freudian Trio: The main characters.
- Denmark: Hedonistic, emotional and impulsive. Id.
- Norway: Calm, down-to-earth and flexible. Ego.
- Sweden: By-the-book, uptight and the most logical. Superego.
- Friend to All Living Things: Norway. Except for polar bears. Not Svalbard's bears, at least.
- Fun Size: The style of most strips. Drawings that are not strips are in a more realistic style, and one comic was drawn like manga for artistical reasons.
- The Fundamentalist: America. Contrast that with his sister, who's a Hollywood liberal.
- Gag Boobs: Sister Sweden. And Sister America has very large fake ones. Sister Germany's can literally break your hands.
- Gainaxing: Inverted. Sister America's boobs don't move at all.
- Gender Bender: In one strip, Humon turns Åland into a girl ("Tada! You [and Sweden] are now free to make out!").
- Gentle Giant: Norway
- Germanic Depressives: Modern Germany
- Global Ignorance
- Surprisingly not an America-only trait. The Scandinavians don't know anything about South America, America mixes up Sweden and Norway while forgetting Denmark, and Sister America thought Scandinavia was a country till she discovered the joys of shipping.
- America's introduction was by arriving in Denmark for a skiing trip: Denmark is one of the flattest countries in the world. This was based on a real encounter Humon had with two American tourists.
- Humon (or more likely America) tends to see "South America" as one area, rather a seperate dozen countries.
- Golem: Norway created Denmark from a pile of sand one day when he was at the beach.
- Guy-On-Guy Is Hot: Built on it. In comic: Yaoi Surprise.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Finland
- Half-Identical Twins: Most of the sisters look just like their male counterparts, but with longer hair and no facial hair. It's most pronounced with the Denmarks, where the sister even has boyish features and a skinny figure.
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: Sweden in the earlier comics. With the introduction of Åland into the comics, however, hiding his sexuality has been Jossed. Sweden still tries to hide it. Åland, not so much.
- Head Pet
- Sister America has a pet chihuahua that sits on her head and has a perpetually confused expression.
- Brother America usually has Canada on his head.
- Norway sometimes puts an apparently living fish on his.
- Headbutt of Love: Norway and Denmark pull of one of these here. According to the author, it was because drawing them hugging would look weird in the comic's art style.
- Heroic BSOD
- What happens when Germany, who has a fear of people flying his flag, is told that he wears it on his own shirt.
- When Finland's puppy suddenly grows Hitler's mustache and hairdo, and gives Germany a Nazi salute, Germany LITERALLY bluescreens.
- Heteronormative Crusader: Brother America, who shares Fred Phelps's extreme right-wing views of homosexuality. Of course, he's confusing gay people with flamingos....
- High-Class Glass: England
- Hollywood Atheist: Sweden is not only an atheist, he is completely unfamiliar with the whole concept of God. This is Played for Laughs, of course.
- Horny Vikings: Denmark, Norway and Sweden sometimes like to go back to their roots.
- I Call Him Mr. Happy: Iceland named a penis Drjóli. Not his own, mind you...
- Bilingual Bonus: "Drjóli" is appearantly an Icelandic slang word that means... "penis".
- I Just Want to Be Nordic: Poor Estonia.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy : Denmark lets Norway go to save him from Sweden.
- Ice Queen: The North Pole. And if Denmark can't defrost her, he'd rather she stay that way.
- If It's You It's Okay: Norway seems to be relatively straight, he just happens to have lots and lots of fairly ambiguous sex with Denmark.
- I'm Standing Right Here: In one strip, America keeps mistaking Norway for Sweden and can't seem to see Denmark, implying that he is that oblivious. In the last frame, we see things from his perspective: Norway looks just like Sweden, Denmark isn't seen... but we see South America standing beside America, when he wasn't visible earlier! Seems like America's not the only one with selective blindness...
Norway: Wait, wasn't I supposed to pick up Kven today?
Kven: ... I'm already here.
- Incest Is Relative: America has a lot with Canada, who is his adopted brother; England is America's birth father and adopted Canada from France.
- Innocent Bigot: Demark, for instance here.
- In-Series Nickname: Denmark is known as Zealand to the internal regions of Denmark. Which one is the nickname is uncertain.
- Interspecies Romance: Wales×New Zealand. Did we mention New Zealand's a sheep? Did we also mention New South Wales is their offspring?
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: America by all appearances, a sometimes-Jerkassy, loudmouthed but generally (fairly) well-intentioned idiot. Hey, that sounds familiar![1]
- Kangaroo Court: Poor Denmark gets sued in one, with Sweden as his lawyer and America as judge.
- Keet: Denmark
- Kiss of Beer
- Knife Nut: Finland's trademark. And his suspicious bottle.
- Kuudere: Sister Finland. Though she has a "don't-give-a-damn" personality like her brother, she has a soft spot for Sweden.
- Laser-Guided Karma: Finland shoves Åland and Sweden off the end of a dock into the water. Two panels later, Åland comes back up screaming that he found a bunch of old 18th-century champagne bottles that are worth a fortune, and proclaims to Sweden that "we'll keep one and open it on the cruise trip I'll be taking you on around the world!"
- Leeroy Jenkins: America starting the Iraq war.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Denmark.
- Male Frontal Nudity: Lampshaded here (link SFW).
- A Man Is Not a Virgin: Played straight with America. He is apparently a virgin because Mexico won't sleep with him if they're not married, and America won't sleep with Canada. His virginity is used, as per the trope, to show what an immature, unmanly wimp he really is, at least once going all-out by having him break down crying when an attractive female propositioned him.
- Megane: Sweden; Åland; Belgium
- Misplaced Nationalism / Internet Backdraft: Humon herself actually stopped drawing strips temporarily because of this.
- Mistaken for Racist: In one comic, Denmark mistakes South Africa for a monkey, causing South Africa to attack Denmark. This stems from the stereotype that all Danes are racist without realizing it.
- Most likely, it is also a reference to this where a Danish TV host mistook a picture of an African man for a monkey. Also, far from all Danes are racist but are often seen this way because the most racist political party in the country is also the (arguably) most influencial one -- plus that whole thing with the drawings.
- Morality Pet: Sister Sweden for Finland.
- Must Have Caffeine: Norway
- My Eyes Are Up Here:
- My Girl Is Not a Slut: Sorry Finland, she is.
- My Hovercraft Is Full of Eels: See Bilingual Bonus.
- The Napoleon: Canada threatens in one comic to America that just because he's America's hat, doesn't change the fact that Canada is on top. America just thought this was hilarious.
- Nerd Glasses: Belgium
- Nice Hat
- Finland
- Canada is the Nice Hat.
- Also Ottawa, the little chihuahua that sits on Sister America's head.
- France
- The Vatican
- Russia
- Estonia
- Nightmare Fetishist
- Iceland. Not only is he completely unperturbed by the dark matter demon in his bathroom (and can't understand why Denmark and Norway are so afraid) but he also collects, um, penises. Word of God is that his slightly twisted mind is a result of living close the Hekla, the gateway to Hell.
- Sweden enjoys his video games maybe a little too much...
- Norse by Norsewest: Being a comic about stereotypes, each character shows varying shades of this trope. The classical Hollywood stereotype isn't that prominent, however, due to the stereotypes coming from a Danish viewpoint. The comic's premises actually inverts this, as it shows the Scandinavian perception of other countries.
- Nosebleed: Sister Japan has a fair few, thanks to Netherlands and Denmark.
- Nuclear Nasty: The mutants in this comic.
- Official Couple: Sweden×Åland, Finland×Sister Sweden, and Wales×New Zealand.
- Only Sane Man: What Sweden wants to see himself as.
- Our Vampires Are Different: Romania would rather steal your wallet than your blood.
- Pass The Fish: Norway doesn't need to own a TV because he can watch Sweden and Denmark winding each other up.
- Patriotic Fervor: Inverted with modern Germany, who doesn't like flying his flag around since it might make his people prideful, but played straight with the Scandinavian trio, seeing it as a symbol of joy and happiness. And when it's someone's birthday.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Sister Iceland
- Perpetual Frowner
- The Finlands.
- Greenland too. He's even described by the creator as "not a happy guy".
- Playing to The Fetishes: Denmark's not above playing on Sister Japan's Yaoi Fangirl fantasies to get her in his bed. Much to Sister America's ire since she does not ship Denmark×Germany. Or for a gag, as seen here
- Puppy Dog Eyes: Norway does this sometimes.
- The Quiet One: Both Finland and his sister.
- Rashomon Style: Norway, Denmark, and Sweden all have their own version of the butter shortage story.
- Ready for Lovemaking: King Europe for Norway.
- Real Life Writes the Plot / Ripped from the Headlines: Some of the strips center around real-life events happening to the corresponding characters.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Finland and Sister Sweden enjoy using a strap-on. Finland seems to hold no shame in this, and no one else is brave enough to mock the knife wielding sociopath about it.
- Sweden, Norway, and Denmark put pink bows in their hair as part of preparing to beat up England.
- Really Gets Around: Sweden has slept with every member of Finland's family, and one of them wasn't due to alcohol. His sister's kind of the biggest skank in time and space too. However, a removed comic stated that Denmark is the country that has the most sex, and to date he has slept with Norway, Sweden, Sister Sweden, Sister Australia, quite possibly Netherlands and maybe even Germany.
- Replacement Goldfish: England cackles that "You will be our new Diana, my dear Kate!"
- Rich Bitch: Sister America
- Right-Hand-Cat: A white cat can show up in the arms of any character in "evil mastermind" mode.
- Rubber Hose Limbs: when the characters' arms or legs show up at all, they're almost always in this form.
- Santa Claus: Apparently it's Lapland. Who knew?
- Schedule Slip: As of this writing, updates are much less frequent than they used to be. According to the creator's Deviant ART blog, this is a result of Artist Disillusionment kicking in.
- Secret Diary: Australia finds America's and proceeds to tell everyone else what's in it. Meant to parody the whole WikiLeaks fallout, of course.
- Self-Deprecation: While the other nations don't get off easy, Humon is quite willing to poke a lot of fun at her native nation.
- Serious Business
- Do NOT mess with Finland's coffee.
- Or Sweden's dinner party plans.
- Sex Is Evil and I Am Horny: Faroe Islands
- Shipper on Deck
- Sister America ships Denmark and Norway (and occasionally throws Sweden in as well).
- Sister Japan ships Netherlands×Belgium.
- Norway's on Team Jacob.
- Shout-Out: Quite a few to Axis Powers Hetalia, one of them being when Prussia demands that Denmark call him awesome.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Sweden and Sister Sweden.
- Sleep Cute: Denmark and Norway.
- Squee: Sister America, here: "cutecutecuteCUTE!!"
- Stalker with a Crush
- King Europe comes across as this toward Norway, in representation of the fact that Norway has yet to join the European Union.
- Russia also is this toward Finland, but only when he's hit the bottle one too many times.
- The Stoner: Christiania
- Strawman Political: America flip-flops between left and right depending on the comic. Though with Sister America getting more characterization, he might be staying to the right.
- Humon has stated that the America siblings basically have the minds of teenagers, making them incredibly opinionated to the extreme, but completely unwilling to do any research whatsoever on anything they're talking about. Leading to "debates" on whether gays are penguins or flamingos, and whether it's right to step on their eggs.
- That Came Out Wrong:
Sweden: No thanks. I don't look at porn that has women in it.
- There Are No Girls on the Internet: Averted on the official site, where members who have their gender set to "female" on the options outnumber those who have set it to male.
- Those Wacky Nazis: Nazi Germany is a separate character from Modern Germany, and is as creepy towards all the other countries as one would expect.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Norway and his fish. All three main characters love beer.
- Translation Convention: Temporarily abandoned in this installment.
- Transparent Closet: The creator even uses those exact words regarding Sweden.
- Tsundere: Sweden to Denmark and Finland to Sweden
- Twin Threesome Fantasy: Oh, Denmark...
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: They're not actually married, but the pairing of Finland with Sister Sweden is functionally equivalent to this.
- Unsound Effect: VIHTA!!! The same comic gives us "SNOW!!!"
- Vague Age: All the characters to an extent, but Denmark in particular. He mostly looks and acts like he's in his early to mid-20s, but he has two kids, one of whom is clearly a teenager. Also, he is either the oldest or the youngest of the Nordics depending upon whether he is viewed as a political or a geological entity... yeah, it's complicated.
- Valley Girl: Sister America
- Values Dissonance: America doesn't understand the Scandinavian sense of humor.
- Vampires Are Sex Gods: Lampshaded.
- Wearing a Flag on Your Head: People wear flags on their shirts. In fact, every article of clothing and cloth item the characters own bears their respective flag design, including royal crowns and bed pillows.
- North Korea is worth noting, though.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Since Great Britain was too busy doing other things to be America's father, guess what happened next.
- When You Coming Home, Dad?: England was a rather inattentive parent to America. Now, any time America wants England's attention, he acts out. One such event was the Boston Tea Party.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Iceland, if his Bishie Sparkle is anything to go by.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Sister Iceland; North Pole
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Sweden and Iceland in the "Eurovision Winners" strip, and Sweden again as St. Lucia in the December 2010 calendar page illustration.
- Wimpification: Averted, defied and Jossed by the creator with regards to Sweden: here and here. Humon has stated her distaste for slash clichés on numerous occasions.
- Word of God
- Humon frequently makes journal entires giving details about the characters, but also tends to delete them shortly afterwards because she likes to let the viewers find out about the characters themselves, not by some Informed Abilities.
- Also, there's much debate about the sexuality of the characters. So far, the only confirmed facts are that Sweden is gay (currently in a relationship with nearby island nation Åland) and that Finland is straight (in an on-again-off-again relationship with Sister Sweden). She also stated that she does not think the characters are actual embodiments of the countries like in Axis Powers Hetalia, but more the personifications of the inhabitants of those countries.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Sister Japan is a quiet, polite, and shy girl who is very proper, but at the same time is also quite the Covert Pervert.
- Yandere: Sister Finland dabbles in this, having kidnapped Sweden at least once in order to have her way with him.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Sister America if this comic is anything to go by. Sister Japan was also introduced as such.