Kemeko Deluxe

Sanpeita Kobayashi made a Childhood Marriage Promise ten years ago. To this day, he still keeps her photo around in his wallet. His life is about to change. One day, a Super-Deformed Powered Armor calling itself Kemeko blasts into his life and declares Sanpeita to be her husband. He now has to live with Kemeko, who was apparently sent to protect Sanpeita from the Mishima Electric Corporation, a Mega Corp who are after his power. It doesn't help matters that everyone around Sanpeita is some degree of crazy.

Kemeko Deluxe is a manga that was adapted into an anime by Hal Film Maker. The anime covers the first two and a half volumes of the manga.

Tropes used in Kemeko Deluxe include:
  • Alien Among Us: Ryoko, MM, and all Mishima Electric Corporation employees. And probably Haya-chan, too.
  • Applied Phlebotinum: The Nanoball is said to generate infinite energy out of nothing.
  • Airplane of Love: Sanpeita has one of these in the first episode while Sitting on the Roof, thinking of his impossible 10-years-past Childhood Marriage Promise.
  • Barehanded Blade Block: Sanpeita has to pull one off after mentioning that Ryouko can't swim.
  • Beach Episode
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Bad things happen when you push Tamako or Izumi too far. Senpeita too, Superpower Meltdown believe it or not.
  • BFG: The Kemeko Beam Cannon and some other weaponry she keeps in Hammerspace.
  • Biker Babe: Kurosaki in the final episodes.
  • Butt Monkey: If you're not convinced Sanpeita is one, then I ask what anime you've been watching...
  • Catgirl: Miura is both this and a Ninja Maid. And she is voiced by Mamiko Noto. It can't get any better than that, can it?
  • Censor Steam: Lots of it in episode eleven.
  • Chainsaw Good: Kemeko attacks Sanpeita when he slacks off during physical exercises.
  • Childhood Marriage Promise
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Misaki Hayakawa
  • Cooldown Hug: Used by MM on Sanpeita after the Nanoball makes him experience his first Superpower Meltdown.
  • Covert Pervert: Misaki.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Episode 4. "Ode ToJoy". That is all.
  • Cosplay Otaku Girl: Sadly, Miura isn't a real maid... but that doesn't really diminish her awesomeness.
  • Dancing Theme: The ED and, to some extent, the OP.
  • Elaborate Underground Base: Kemeko has rebuilt Sanpeita's school as her fortress, full of concealed weapons that pop up on EVA-style lifts.
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita: Haya-chan's outfit throughout episode seven.
    • This could also be considered either Cosplay Otaku Girl or Shout-Out because the outfit looks suspiciously like the one worn by Miharo is the first few episodes of Girls Bravo.
  • Cute Kitten: Ryoko's cat Juumonji, who can take down grown men and androids, keep an eye on Sanpeita and give a darn good massage.
  • Fan Disservice: Please, for the love of god - no more Kemeko fanservice!
  • Fan Service: Please, for the love of god - more M.M. fanservice! And more Kurosaki fanservice, too! And Izumi and Miura and Sanpeita's, wait...
  • Festival Episode
  • Fetish Fuel: Kemeko forces Izumi through a series of various clothing fetishes in episode seven... including rather disturbing ones.
  • Frank's 2000-Inch TV: Mishima's 2000 foot headquarters screen. It's the biggest thing in the city, and dwarfs every building around it, spanning what looks like at least ten city blocks across.
  • Frying Pan of Doom: Tamako, Sanpeita's little sister, effectively turns a frying pan into a weapon when she goes to fight Kemeko, believing her to be a burglar. Later in the manga, she uses two of them chained together nunchuku style for her Electrical Parade Attack.
  • Gainaxing: Izumi.
  • Gatling Good: Kemeko has used one of these on several occasions. Including in class. Although the anime uses a five barrel model, the manga has always had six, which is important in volume 5.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: Episode seven, Kemeko, Izumi... the giant syringe. 'Nuff fucking said. Damn you, Dr. Freud...
  • Gonk: Kemeko and gag-transfer student Hanayamada.
  • Hammerspace: MM manages to fit into the Kemeko unit despite being bigger than it. Also where she keeps her BFGs.
  • Hot Chick with a Sword: Ryoko Kurosaki, who manages pretty well in combat against Kemeko. As it turns out, she's also a student in Sanpeita's class, she just rarely shows up; she also has a cute cat sidekick.
  • Hot Shounen Mom: Sanpeita's mother looks pretty hot for someone who supposedly spends all her time inside her room drawing manga...
  • Imagine Spot: When she's packing for a trip to the beach, Izumi lapses into a romantic vision of her and Sanpeita watching the sunset. Sanpeita is unusually buff in her imagination.
  • Last-Episode New Character: Kamishiro Yukina, miko and nanoball prototype, who appears in the manga a couple of chapters after the last anime episode. She appears right before the end credits.
  • Latex Space Suit: MM's default outfit, as well as Vanilla's.
  • Les Yay: Whenever Haya-chan is interacting with other girls (except Kemeko), especially Izumi. Ryoko, too, in the manga.
  • Mecha-Mooks: Mishima has these by the truckload.
  • Megaton Punch: One of these, combined with a massive Nosebleed, puts Sanpeita into critical condition in episode four.
  • Mobile Suit Human: Combined with Bigger on the Inside
  • New Transfer Student: Subverted when a new transfer student is predicted - then Kemeko bursts through the window. Kemeko is not the new transfer student, though. That role belongs to a named extra completely unrelated to the main plot.
  • Ninja Maid: Miura.
  • Non-Action Guy: Sanpeita
  • The Ojou: Haya-chan is rich.
    • In episode 9 she reveals that she is the "third-generation boss" -- i.e she could be in line to head a Yakuza family.
  • Onee-Sama: Tamako considers Kemeko one, of all people.
  • Panty Shot: Strangely, there's more shown in the first five minutes of the OP than there is in the first five volumes of the manga.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Used unsucessfully by Miura, using a cat mask and claiming to be "Neko Mimi Maid Kamen". Later, she dresses as Kemeko (with a Sanpeita dummy made of cardboard boxes that almost fools Izumi).
  • Parental Obliviousness: Fumiko Kobayashi, Sanpeita and Tamako's mother, is a mangaka and frequently pulls all-nighters. She's oblivious in general, but the all-nighters don't help.
  • Playing Against Type: Rie Kugimiya as Haya-chan. Let that mull your brain for a bit.
  • Pillow Fight: Er, how do I put it... nosebleeds ensue.
  • Poor Communication Kills: As of Volume 7, MM still hasn't bothered to tell Sanpeita what's going on, leaving him to get the information from her less-than-truthful mortal enemies.
  • Powered Armor: The Kemeko and Kiriko units.
  • Puni Plush
  • The Reveal: In episode eleven, M.M. is revealed to be Mishima Mei, daughter of Mishima Souichirou, the founder and first president of Mishima Electronics, whom she killed to steal his ultimate invention, the Nanoball (according to Vanilla). This also makes Kemeko a Phlebotinum Rebel. Using the power of Mishima to fight Mishima.
  • The Seven Mysteries The Eight Mysteries: Ryoko Kurosaki is one of them. (The fifth layer of the vaulting horse is the first, go figure.)
  • Shout-Out: Among many other things, the show contains shout-outs to Dai Mahou Touge and Bludgeoning Angel Dokurochan (episode seven), written and directed by the same man who directs Kemeko itself. Also Neon Genesis Evangelion, through Kemeko's plug suit and a very conspicuous Lance of Longinus weapon
  • There's a couple of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei shots in episode 2 when Tamako attacks Sanpeita.
  • Shower Scene: M.M. takes one after Sanpeita tries to find out her true identity in episode eleven, so it may also qualify for a mild Shower of Angst. Izumi, too. Both with lots of Censor Steam.
  • Space Police: Ryouko appears to be part of it.
  • Split Personality: MM inside and outside Kemeko.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Mochi in volume seven of the manga.
  • Standard Snippet: Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" is played when Sanpeita is lucky enough to see Izumi's bikini top fall off right in front of him. The version played even has a chorus backing it, making the moment verge on What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome? territory.
  • The Stinger: Just who the hell was that Miko girl? No to mention the marching army shot...
  • Super-Deformed: Kemeko and Kiriko in particular, though the cast in general certainly fit.
  • Surreal Theme Tune
  • Sweet Tooth: Ryoko gets orgasmic over sweets.
  • Transformation Trinket: MM has a little watch that she can use to summon Kemeko from a distance. It's rather nifty.
  • Tsundere: Izumi and MM/Kemeko
  • Ugly Cute: Kemeko.
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend: Izumi
  • Unwanted Harem: MM, Izumi, Vanilla, Miura (calls him "master") and that Miko girl. Even his mom chases him around in the shower (squicky)...
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Rico A(@) Androizu. The last name refers to androids AND androgynous, as we don't find out Rico's sex for sure until Ryoko strips a bound Rico in her apartment.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Misaki is way more perceptive than she makes herself appear.
  • Woman Scorned: Ryouta (did I get That One Guy's name right? ) gets a bit too excited about this.
  • Yaoi Fangirl: Considering what Sanpeita's mother draws, as revealed in flashback.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Part of Haya-chan's goth-loli outfit.
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