Viewtiful Joe/Characters
A compilation of the characters from the Viewtiful Joe series. HENSHIN-A-GO-GO, BABY!
Viewtiful Joe
- Appropriated Appellation: Gets his title of Viewtiful Joe from Alastor's admiration of his skills after their fight in Chapter 5.
- In an early episode of the anime version, Joe adopts it when he mishears Alastor describing his powers as "beautiful" out of astonishment.
- Ascended Fanboy
- Badass
- Badass Beard
- Badass Family/Badass Crew: More or less. His father (Jet), mother (Junko), and sister (Jasmine) all have (or at least temporarily possessed) Henshin powers. His girlfriend (Silvia) is also a super-powered heroine, as is her father, Captain Blue. Depending on the canonicity of the extra storylines in the first game (don't cross your fingers), the same would apply for Goldie (Silvia's twin sister) and Ivory (Blue's wife and Silvia's mother).
- Battle Couple: With Silvia.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Bullet Time: VFX Slow.
- Brother-Sister Team: With Jasmine in Double Trouble.
- Calling Your Attacks
- Cartoon Bomb: Shocking Pink.
- As a Shout-Out, he whistles the theme song from Super Mario Bros. in the original. This was cut from the PS2 port and in the sequels.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Junko reveals to Silvia in Double Trouble that Joe's been skirt-chasing behind her back on a few occasions. Silvia does not enjoy this fact one bit.
- Joe showed some tendencies for this back in the second game, where he continued to hit on Miss Bloody Rachel in front of Silvia. It was only through Silvia's continued threats (of both the verbal and physical variety) that Joe kept himself in check.
- He also has shades of it in the anime, where he's even more enthusiastic about heroics if there are pretty girls involved, gives Jr. advice on attracting the ladies, and has at least one princess fall for him.
- Cool Helmet
- Cool Plane: Six Machine in its default mode. It can also assume the form of a car, subterrine drill, submarine, and bazooka.
- Expy: Possibly of Quick Man. Roll's win quote against him in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom asks if Joe is cosplaying him.
- Not exactly, his costume was heavily based on Kaiketsu Zubat, especially how his mask closes before boss battles and the scarf. This on purpose, Joe is a parody and shout-out to old Tokusatsu shows such as the aforementioned Zubat and Kamen Rider.
- Everyone Loves Blondes: Joe to Silvia.
- Fast Forward Mechanic
- Genius Ditz: Possibly. Besides his knowledge of how movies and their characters work and his surprising talents when it comes to the martial arts, Joe also was able to repair Miss Bloody Rachel after Dr. Cranken pulled the plug on her.
- Genre Savvy: Justified, he is a huge moviegoer.
- Henshin-A-Go-Go Hero
- Heroic BSOD: Averted in the game, played straight in the anime.
- Humongous Mecha: Six Majin, and later Six-Six.
- Idiot Hero: In the anime.
- Jumped At the Call
- Large Ham
- Let's Get Dangerous: Joe doesn't exactly qualify for Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass, but he isn't exactly the brightest bulb in the box at times either. However, his playful banter and laid-back nature belies a cunning and fierce warrior (thanks in part to being very Genre Savvy in regards to superhero movies) when the time calls for it.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Joe's parents are The Black Emperor of Gedow and Queen Heinderella of Madow, respectively.
- Ordinary High School Student: According to supplemental materials.
- Playing with Fire: Red Hot Kick, when Zoomed in.
- Also, Mach Speed, once Joe gets going.
- Precision Guided Voomerang
- In Double Trouble, this is replaced by the V.F.O. (Viewtiful Flying Object), which instead fires lasers.
- Red Oni to Captain Blue and Captain Blue Jr.'s Blue: They even wear the appropriate colors.
- Redheaded Hero
- Robosexual: A possibility, given his admiration of Miss Bloody Rachel in 2.
- Scarf of Asskicking: A pink one that's long enough to double as a Badass Cape. Also functions as a Kamen Rider Shout-Out.
- Shout-Out: His Red Hot Kick (normally) is the Rider Kick, while his costume's design (as well as his helmet's visor closing) is a homage to Toku series Kaiketsu Zubat.
- Super Speed: Mach Speed.
- Switch-Out Move: His and Silvia's Viewtiful Touch moves in 2.
- Combination Attack: The second stage move creates a giant heart that damages all enemies on-screen. The third and final stage is Six Cannon.
- Too Slow: His dodge quote is an appropriately mocking "You're too slow!"
- Trademark Favorite Food: Cheeseburgers in the anime; in the games, they recover his health.
Sexy Silvia
- All Guys Want Cheerleaders: Silvia's superhero uniform.
- Battle Couple: With Joe.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Blue Oni to Joe's Red Oni
- Bowdlerization/Clean Dub Name: Called Go-Go Silvia in the English dub of the anime. Guess what else Go-Go means.
- Calling Your Attacks
- Combat Stilettos: Both in and out of her Henshin attire.
- Cool Helmet
- Daddy's Girl: Hints of it.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Damsel in Distress: In the 1st game only.
- Action Girl: 2nd game on.
- Dual-Wielding: Her guns and pom-poms.
- Fingerless Gloves: Starting in 2.
- Genre Savvy
- The Gunslinger
- Hair of Gold
- Heart Symbol: Seen inside of the bullets fired from her guns.
- Henshin Heroine
- Meganekko
- Ms. Fanservice
- Multi-Take Cut/Repeat Cut: Replay.
- Nerds Are Sexy: This is why she's called Sexy Silvia.
- Rapunzel Hair: In Hero mode.
- Red Boxing Gloves: Un-henshined, her guns are replaced by boxing glove guns.
- Rule of Three: Replay.
- She's Got Legs
- Shock and Awe: Cool Blue Kick when Zoomed in, as well as the aftereffects of Replay.
- Shout-Out: Cool Blue Kick? Silvia must have been a fan of Remy.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Frequently misspelled as Sylvia. Even Marvel vs. Capcom 3 makes this mistake.
- Stripperiffic: Despite the perpetual Panty Shot (either that or Underwear of Power; Silvia's undergarments are clearly visible underneath her skirt), her default costume is actually modest. During boss battles, however, the getup turns into a midriff-baring bikini and hot pants combo.
- Switch-Out Move: See Joe's entry.
- Tsundere
- What the Hell, Hero?: Tells Joe he "was so busy showing off, he hardly even thought about (her)" when he reaches her.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Captain Blue
- Acrofatic: Old Captain Blue and his big belly.
- Badass
- Battle Aura
- Blue Oni to Joe's Red
- Broken Pedestal
- Calling Your Attacks
- Color Character
- Cool Helmet
- Cool Old Guy
- Fallen Hero
- The Good Captain
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: On his helmet, courtesy of Hulk Davidson.
- Gratuitous Japanese: In Red Hot Rumble, Blue will call out his air-to-ground stomp, shouting, "Hisatsu!"
- Henshin Hero
- Large Ham
- Luke, I Am Your Father: To Silvia, although there are a few hints dropped beforehand.
- Mentors: To Joe.
- Mirror Boss
- Not Quite Flight: Can hover in the air at any time during a jump and is able to move in a straight line while doing so.
- Old Superhero
- Passing the Torch: To Joe, as he was defeated by himself at the beginning of the game. It's ambiguous as to whether or not King Blue was his Enemy Within or if he was Fighting From the Inside.
- Shock and Awe
- Spirit Advisor: To Joe in the first game. To a degree, anyway.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: See "Almighty Leader."
- Trapped in TV Land: A somber deconstruction of the trope and the reason he turned evil in the first place.
- Vocal Evolution: Instead the mellow, sagely old man take present in the first two games, Gregg Berger voices Captain Blue with a much gruffer tone in Red Hot Rumble. Unsurprisingly, he sounds almost exactly like Jecht.
Captain Blue Jr.
- Ascended Fanboy
- Blow You Away: His Tornado attacks.
- Cool Helmet
- Deadpan Snarker
- Blue Oni to Joe's Red
- Canon Immigrant
- Henshin Hero
- Kid Hero
- Kid Sidekick: To Joe in the anime.
- The Lancer: By virtue of being the Straight Man/Only Sane Man/The Comically Serious to Joe's more hyper antics.
- Killer Yoyo
Joe's Family
Jet Black
- Bumbling Dad
- Eyes Always Shut
- Cool Sword
- Drunk with Power: After obtaining the Black Film.
- Henshin Hero
- Mission Control: Helps Joe and Silvia from the real world. Or tries to anyway.
- Nice Guy
- Redheaded Hero
- Super-Powered Evil Side: See "Emperor of Gedow."
- Start of Darkness: Discovering the Black Film and Black V-Watch. Double Trouble implies that the tragic loss of his wife was also a nudge in the wrong direction.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Wanted to be the ultimate hero for his son, but was corrupted by the Black Film into being the Black Emperor.
- Back from the Dead: Only for a day, though.
- Beauty Mark
- Holy Halo
- Hidden Purpose Test: She returns from the dead and becomes Queen Heinderella to Joe and Jasmine in Double Trouble to see how strong they became.
- Hot Mom
- Parasol of Prettiness
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Super-Powered Evil Side: See "Queen Heinderella."
- Yamato Nadeshiko
- Bare Your Midriff
- Brother-Sister Team: With Joe in Double Trouble.
- Combat Stilettos: In Hero mode.
- Cool Helmet: In Hero mode.
- Cool Shades/Goggles Do Nothing
- Generation Xerox: Desires to become a great actress like the legendary film starlet Junko, who is revealed to be her and Joe's mother at endgame.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Henshin Heroine: At the end of Double Trouble.
- Plucky Girl: Possibly overlapping with Action Girl and Badass Normal. Even without powers, Jasmine actually fights her way through the third level (with the help of Vanilla) before ultimately being captured. She's shown to be as skilled at martial arts as Joe is, believe it or not. And even when captured, she still manages to help out Joe from the sidelines, up to and including the final battle.
- Badass Abnormal: By the time of the epilogue.
- Redheaded Heroine
- School Uniforms Are the New Black
- She's Got Legs
- Tsundere: Towards Joe, who arguably deserves it most of the time.
- Youthful Freckles
- Zettai Ryouiki
Dark Fiend, Charles the 3rd
- Bat Out of Hell
- Bodyguard Crush: In the anime, he has one for Sprocket.
- Evil Genius
- Spell My Name with an "S": Charles the 3rd, Charles the Third, and Charles III.
- Spin Attack/This Is a Drill
- Upper Class Twit
Iron Ogre, Hulk Davidson
Hulk Davidson: "You know who I am? You know who I am? I'm the one who put that scar on Captain Blue's face. And you'll be lucky if you get away with your life, boy!"
- The Brute
- Bullfight Boss
- Cool Helmet: Well, he is a biker.
- Dumb Muscle
- Jive Turkey
- Large Ham
- Rhino Rampage
- Shout-Out: "So what's with the V-Watch on your arm, man? What? You think you some kind of Mega Man or somethin'?"
Aquatic Terror, Gran Bruce
- Dark Chick
- Dumb Muscle
- Everything's Even Worse with Sharks
- Jaws First Person Perspective: Before the boss battle.
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family
- The Ditz
Gran Bruce: "Oi! You best shut up, mate. Otherwise I'll chew yer hind quarters like a big stick of... of... thingy... uh... ah, you know the... uuuuuh..."
Joe: "Gum! G. U. M. Gum! Gosh Darn It to Heck, do I have to spell it out on a chalkboard for you!?"
Gran Bruce: "Yeah, so?"
- Top-Heavy Guy: More than everyone else.
- Underwater Boss Battle: He often raises the water to cover part or all of the arena.
- What an Idiot!: In-universe. Joe even says so after he tells him Jadow's entire plan while stammering and stuttering, thinking about how to threaten Joe.
Inferno Lord, Fire Leo
- Battle Aura
- Breath Weapon: Classic fireballs from the mouth variant.
- Cats Are Mean
- Degraded Boss: Type A.
- Disc One Final Boss
- The Dragon
- Fangs Are Evil
- Flaming Hair
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me
- Playing with Fire
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red Oni compared to his Blue Oni brother, Frost Tiger.
- Sibling Team: With Frost Tiger in Red Hot Rumble.
- Spin Attack
Almighty Leader, King Blue
- A God Am I
- Battle Aura: An electrified one, no less.
- Beam Spam
- Big Bad: In Viewtiful Joe.
- Bishonen Line: His full power mode (and the Final Boss) is the younger Captain Blue.
- Boss Banter
- Boss Remix: "The Omnipotent" begins with an orchestral and very foreboding remix of the jingle that starts off every boss encounter. Also, compare "Blue the Justice" (the theme of Captain Blue during your sparring matches with him) to "Blue the True Hero" (the theme of Young Captain Blue, the final boss).
- Broken Pedestal
- Color Character
- Evil Counterpart: To Joe, in that he received his powers and also is from of the real world.
- Evil Laugh
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Fallen Hero
- Flight/Power Float: Under no circumstances whatsoever will this boss touch the ground.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: The exact same one as Captain Blue.
- He Who Must Not Be Seen: Until he is finally revealed, subverting the trope.
- Heel Face Turn
- Henshin Villain
- High Collar of Doom
- Large Ham
- Large and In Charge/Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever
- Reality Warper
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: One, to be precise.
- Shock and Awe
Drill Sergeant, Big John
- Bait and Switch Boss: You face Alastor instead in Stage 4.
- Boss Banter: Somewhat justified, as he does lead his own squad.
- Breath Weapon: Fire.
- Degraded Boss: Type A.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs: Averted.
- Goldfish Poop Guy
- Large Ham: "Fire at will! This is not a drill! I repeat: THIS IS NOT A DR*ROAR*!!!"
- Paper-Thin Disguise: As Big Lee. Although he wasn't fooling anyone anyway, he further slips up by ending his sentence with "OVER!" as if he were still issuing commands.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: Regardless, Big Lee most certainly is not Big John.
- Recurring Boss: At least as a mid-boss. If he shows up claiming to be the stage boss, he'll just get taken down by the actual stage boss shortly after.
- Team Pet
- Try to Fit That on A Business Card: "This is Sergeant John of the Fifth Panzer Division, First Reconnaissance Regiment, Second Platoon!"
Ancient Guardian, Flinty Stone
- The Brute
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Fangs Are Evil
- Heavy Sleeper/Sleepyhead
- Living Statue
- Mayincatec
- Punny Name: Flintstone.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Snot Bubble
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
Cyber Phantom, Cameo Leon
- Dark Chick
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Hollywood Chameleons: How fitting.
- Invisibility
- Motor Mouth: Most notable with his death speech, where he manages to cram more words into it than possibly all the dying words of all the villains in BOTH games.
- Done a little differently in the anime, where his speech is much slower, yet he ends up inadvertently revealing sensitive information.
- Overly Long Tongue
- Punny Name: Say his name fast and you get "chameleon."
- Rolling Attack
- Wall Crawl
Blizzard Hazard, Frost Tiger
- An Ice Person
- Battle Aura
- Blood Knight
- Boss Remix: A cross-title example, with "Blizzard Hazard" being a remix of his brother's theme ("Inferno Lord"), only with a much stronger emphasis on the electric guitar (including one killer solo).
- Breath Weapon
- Cats Are Mean
- The Dragon: Shared with Dr. Cranken.
- Fangs Are Evil
- Flaming Hair: Er... frozen flames, maybe?
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue Oni compared to his Red Oni brother, Fire Leo.
- Samurai: Discussed Trope; Silvia equates Frost Tiger's philosophy and honor code to this while sarcastically ribbing on him.
- Sibling Team: With Fire Leo in Red Hot Rumble.
- The Stoic: It goes in hand with him being one cool cat.
- Warrior Poet: Even in death, he takes the time to recite some viewtiful poetry.
Frost Tiger: "Battle after battle/ I sought to attain/ the glorious path./ But true viewty lies/ in this late hour of defeat."
- Worthy Opponent: Sees Joe and Silvia as this.
- You Killed My Brother/Avenging the Villain: Subverted, despite Joe thinking that he'd want to avenge Fire Leo; Frost Tiger is more concerned with having a great battle. However, the official strategy guide implies that it's still a motivational factor.
Serial Killer Android, Miss Bloody Rachel
- Become A Real Girl
- Boss Rush: She's a one-robot, shapeshifting version.
- Costume Copycat: Assumes the form of Silvia and seduces Joe after the battle with Frost Leo to steal their Rainbow Oscars.
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Do Androids Dream?
- FemBot
- Freak-Out: Undergoes one (complete with a Skyward Scream) as she wrestles with the concept of a heart while battling Joe and Silvia.
- Heel Face Turn
- Mechanical Evolution: She gains a heart after battling Joe and Silvia.
- She's Got Legs
- Sixth Ranger
- The Stoic
- Tin Woman
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
- What Is This Thing You Call Love?
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Dr. Cranken gets furious when Rachel gains a heart, quickly killing her and remarking that now she's "nothing but junkyard trash."
Mad Scientist, Dr. Cranken
- Artificial Limbs: His right tentacle was replaced with a robotic hand.
- Assist Character: To Cameo Leon during his boss fight. He hangs out in the background and alternates between attacking/sabotaging the player and healing his creation. It is possible to temporarily knock him out of the game by redirecting the missiles he fires back at him.
- Cyborg
- The Dragon: Shared with Frost Tiger.
- Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods
- Evil Genius
- High-Class Glass
- Mad Scientist: His title even says so.
- Punny Name: A play on Kraken and crank.
Emperor of Gedow, Black
- A God Am I
- Amplifier Artifact: Dark Hero Jet Black holds the power of the seven Rainbow Oscars, boosting his powers and allowing him to appear in the real world with his film powers intact.
- Attack Its Weak Point: The key to beating Dark Kaiser.
- Badass Cape
- Battle Aura: Adopts the aura of one of your characters in the later stages of the final battle: Joe's fiery one or Silvia's electric one, both which can only be negated by a Zoom-ed in Red Hot/Cool Blue Kick from the character it belongs to.
- This is also the crux of his gameplay in Red Hot Rumble. The power, range, and properties of all his specials are determined by the "charge" of his aura, which builds over time. Performing these moves will deplete his aura completely, as will attacks from opposing players.
- Big Bad: In Viewtiful Joe 2.
- Black Knight
- Boss Banter
- Calling Your Attacks: Mostly with his Dark Kaiser.
- Cherry Blossoms: His Issen special in Red Hot Rumble depicts him dashing across the field with a single, powerful strike as these flowers flutter behind him.
- Color Character: It makes his real identity something of a clue in hindsight.
- Cool Helmet/Cool Mask
- Cool Sword
- Dark Is Evil
- The Dark Side
- Evil Laugh: A gloriously bombastic one.
- Evil Overlord
- The Emperor: The clue is in the name.
- Evil Redhead: Technically speaking.
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Expy: Of Darth Vader.
- Fallen Hero
- Flight
- Gravity Master: Dark Hero Jet Black, after taking enough damage, will warp the area, causing the gravitational field to go out of whack and forcing Joe and Silvia to have very floaty jumps. Jet's movement speed during this phase is unaffected.
- Heel Face Turn: It's even signified by Jet's Black V-Watch turning into a normal one.
- Henshin Villain
- Humongous Mecha: Dark Kaiser. Whereas all the other mechas are Godzilla-sized (able to span the circumference of the globe in a few steps; the only other exception is Six-Six, which is able to traverse the solar system), the Dark Kaiser is only exceeded in size by the Sun itself.
- Ki Attacks
- Large Ham: Mostly reserved, but dear goodness... once he breaks out the ham, there is no going back for him. This goes double for his Dark Hero persona.
- Light Is Not Good: As Dark Hero Jet Black, his costume is now white.
- Mage in Manhattan
- Master Swordsman
- Playing with Fire: The Dark Kaiser can launch flaming dragons as projectiles.
- Power Floats: As Dark Hero Jet Black.
- Reverse Shrapnel: During the first portion of the battle with Dark Hero Jet Black. Oddly enough, after Joe and Silvia regain their powers in a Clap Your Hands If You Believe moment, he stops using this move altogether, instead taking the battle directly to Joe and Silvia.
- Samurai: His overall appearance and the Katanas Are Just Better he brandishes invokes this imagery.
- Shoryuken: Via his sword.
- Speed Echoes: In his Dark Hero persona.
- BFG: His famous double 9s.
- Calling Your Attacks
- Chest Blaster: With missiles.
- Cyborg
- Dual-Wielding: His guns.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: His torso attack.
- Expy: Of RoboCop.
- Fair Cop
- Dirty Cop: After his hero-ness is taken by Queen Heinderella. Actually, it's all a ruse; he's still a good cop.
- Fake Defector
- More Dakka
- Nice Hat
- Supercop
Killer Hands
- Chainsaw Good
- Cool Sword
- Drop the Hammer
- Emo
- Expy: If Edward Scissorhands had a fondness for hugs instead of creepiness and was not portrayed by Johnny Depp, this would be the result.
- Fake Defector
- Hook Hand
- Shock and Awe: With his tazer attack.
- Swiss Army Appendage: Appendages.
- Winged Android
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair
Alter Woman
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Subverted. While she does grow in size when transformed, her default form (as well as the city she lives in) is miniscule in comparison to the rest of the cast, so her transformed state is about the same height as Joe. Relative to the city in question, though, she, Joe, and Jasmine would be seen as giants, arguably making this a Double Subversion as well.
- Cool Shades: Vanilla owns a pair.
- Fingerless Gloves: Vanilla.
- Fake Defector
- Flying Saucer: Her means of transportation. Doubles as a makeshift throwing weapon for Jasmine.
- An Ice Person
- Ki Attacks
- Meaningful Name: See the last two tropes in this entry.
- Nice Hat: As Vanilla.
- Playing with Fire
- She Fu
- She's Got Legs
- Shock and Awe
- Shout-Out: Say her name aloud. What does it sound like?
- Super-Powered Evil Side: To Vanilla after she lost her hero-ness but not really evil at all.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Zig-zagged.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Woman in White
Meta Rangers
- Bash Brothers
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Butterfly of Death and Rebirth wings.
- Dual Boss
- Fake Defector
- Playing with Fire
- Sentai: An Affectionate Parody.
- Those Two Guys
Queen Heinderella
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: At first.
- Background Boss: Her first phase.
- Beauty Mark
- Big Bad: In Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble.
- Bishoujo Line
- Combat Stilettos
- Cool Helmet
- The Corrupter: Forces the heroes Joe encounters to make a temporary Face Heel Turn by stealing their essences ("their hero-ness"). In reality, nothing was ever stolen. It was an act by the heroes to bring Junko's plan to fruition.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Light Is Not Good: Her final form, in a case very similar to that of Dark Hero Jet Black (it must run in the family, huh?). Actually, a subversion.
- Dead All Along
- Doppelganger Attack
- Flight
- God Save Us From the Queen
- Henshin Villain
- Ki Attacks
- Lady of War/Lady of Black Magic: Moreso the former than the latter, but incorporates elements of both.
- She's Got Legs
- Simple Staff: With her shakujo.
Blade Master Alastor
- Anthropomorphic Personification: Of the sword itself. And boy, is he pissed at Dante for his sucky handling and leaving him during the events of Devil May Cry 2.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Underworld Emperor Alastor can--understandably so--assume the form of himself (as in, Alastor the Devil Arm), although he only demonstrates this in the cutscene prior to your battle with him, in which he attempts to skewer Joe in the same way he Impaled with Extreme Prejudice Dante in his debut.
- Anti-Villain (Type I)
- Badass Creed: And it doubles as a nice Mythology Gag to his actual first words.
Alastor (transformed by the Black Film): "I am Alastor. The weak shall give their heart and swear their eternal loyalty to me."
- Baddie Flattery: Heck, he's the one who bestows the title of "Viewtiful" upon Joe.
- Badass in a Nice Suit: Un-henshined. That particular form of his even goes by the title of "Stylish Alastor."
- Battle Aura
- Blood Knight
- Boss Banter: Probably the most out of everyone.
- Boss Remix: His theme as Another Joe is a techno remix of "Joe the Hero," Joe's theme (used in the first level of the game, and remixed again for the first level of VJ2). His own theme also receives a rearrangement in both 2 and Double Trouble, for justifiable reasons.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: When he appears in 2, he tells the player to immediately go pick up a copy of the first game if they want to know who he is. Also, see "Staying Alive" below.
- Butt Monkey
- Calling Your Attacks
- Cool Helmet
- Cool Sword: And another cool sword, and another and...
- Costume Copycat/Evil Knockoff: As Another Joe.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Deadly Lunge: Stinger. In fact, he always starts out with this move when you face him in the first game.
- Evil Counterpart: To Joe.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Mostly played straight, though. Averted with his Underworld Emperor form.
- Evil Sounds Deep/Power Makes Your Voice Deep: Holy crap, Underworld Emperor Alastor!
- Expy: Probably one to Proto Man considering his character and the fact that they were both with Capcom.
- Flight
- Friendly Enemy: To Joe in the anime.
- Genre Savvy: To the point of taking out a copy of the first game's script and reading from it before his battle with Joe.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Decidedly evil.
- Henshin Villain
- Horned Humanoid: Subverted. They're a merely a feature of his helmet, not an actual part of his anatomy.
- Humongous Mecha: Rex Majin.
- Leitmotif: "Blade Master," his boss theme.
- Master Swordsman
- Mirror Boss: Fighting Viewtiful Joe as Another Joe.
- Noble Demon
- Pointy Ears: Is revealed to have them while unmorphed.
- Power Incontinence: Based off of the player having to voluntarily switch between Stylish and Blade Master Alastor in the first game, the anime reveals that Alastor has trouble changing out of his Henshin form at will and, as such, doesn't do so often.
- Punch Clock Villain: Goes hand-in-hand with his Blood Knight status. As he states in the first game, he really doesn't care about Jadow's plans and only relishes the chance to face strong opponents such as Joe.
- Recurring Boss: The only to show up in all of the games, in fact.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Perhaps not naturally, but his visor gives off a very convincing illusion of this, even being prominently shown after the Another Joe fight.
- The Rival
- Shock and Awe
- Shout-Out: Is one big walking bundle of Devil May Cry references.
- Spin Attack: Vortex.
- Staying Alive: No matter what the narrator tells you, Alastor is never dead.
- Running Gag: He will always lament on his lack of screen time immediately after his presumed death. In the first game, he directs his pleas to the player; in 2, he falls out of the screen and chats with Jet.
- Fridge Horror: He never had that re-appearance after the fight in Double Trouble.
- But he did reappear in the final game Red Hot Rumble. Everyone must have expected it out of him.
- Fridge Horror: He never had that re-appearance after the fight in Double Trouble.
- Running Gag: He will always lament on his lack of screen time immediately after his presumed death. In the first game, he directs his pleas to the player; in 2, he falls out of the screen and chats with Jet.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: The reason why he takes the blow for Joe from Queen Heinderella after their fight.
- Throwing Your Sword Always Works: Swords... plural.
- Trick Boss: In Viewtiful Joe 2.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- Worthy Opponent
The Biankies
- Final Exam Boss Elite Mook: Joker.
- The Goomba
- Mecha-Mooks
- Mascot Mook
- Recurring Boss: Joker in the first game.
- The Unintelligible
- Badass
- Badass Longcoat
- Blood Knight
- Calling Your Attacks: Not too prevalent, but it does pop up a bit.
- Cool Guns: Ebony & Ivory.
- Cool Plane: Carnival, making an encore appearance from the first DMC.
- Cool Sword: Alastor. Yeah, as in the same guy from above.
- Everyone Loves Blondes: Dante for Trish.
- Henshin Hero
- Hired Guns: Makes a few snippy remarks about Blue creating a new threat for Dante to face at the end of the game (thus, "extending the contract"), but ultimately notes that this isn't the first time he's done a job for free.
- Master Swordsman
- Mr. Fanservice: Even Super-Deformed, yes.
- Rule of Funny: His appearance can be chalked up to this. If you can read between the lines, it's almost as if Hideki Kamiya (who helmed both the original DMC and Viewtiful Joe) took the time to insert several Take Thats and Discontinuity Nods to Devil May Cry 2.
- Stripperiffic: A black speedo as his non-henshin mode. Dante muses that his contact Enzo must've stolen his clothes again as a rib on Dante's characterization in DMC2.
- Fan Service
- Trash Talk: Wouldn't be Dante without it.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- Absolute Cleavage
- Bare Your Midriff
- Cool Guns: Luce & Ombra.
- Cool Shades: Dons them in the first game in Hero Mode.
- Damsel in Distress: In the 1st game only.
- Action Girl: In Red Hot Rumble.
- Dual-Wielding: Her guns.
- Hair of Gold
- Henshin Hero
- Hired Guns: Same as Dante. Unlike Dante, however, Trish even shows some Kleptomaniac Hero tendencies, as she berates Dante for not raking in any money when Captain Blue causes more trouble for Movieland at the end of the game and quips that if Blue doesn't have any cash, she'll take something else from him. Trish gets a V-Watch out of the deal.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Of Corsets Sexy
- Painted-On Pants
- Rapunzel Hair
- She's Got Legs
- Woman in Black: Subverted.
Cordinator Sprocket
- Absolute Cleavage
- Ambiguously Brown
- Canon Immigrant
- Deadpan Snarker
- Distracted by the Sexy: Garners this reaction from Blue's wandering eyes in the intro to Red Hot Rumble.
- Evil Counterpart: To Silvia. Subverted, as she's not as much evil as she is loyal to Captain Blue.
- Heel Face Turn: Only in Red Hot Rumble.
- High Collar of Doom
- Meaningful Name: A sprocket is a type of gear/wheel used to mesh with shafts to provide efficient transmission of rotary motion. As the Only Sane Woman, Cordinator Sprocket usually has to keep everyone in line in order to ensure that Jadow remains a well-oiled machine.
- Meganekko
- Ms. Fanservice
- Nerds Are Sexy: Oh yes they are!
- Pointy Ears: Even though she is from the real world.
- Sexy Secretary: To Captain Blue in all incarnations she appears in.
- She's Got Legs
- Shiny Midnight Black
- The Vamp
- Woman in White
- Big Bad: In Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble.
- Body Surf/Demonic Possession: Eventually ends up settling on Rachel.
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Humongous Mecha: Reasonably scaled down in comparison to the likes of Six Majin, but still large enough to dwarf the rest of the cast.
- I Am Legion/Royal We: Fitting, considering that he is a amalgamation of spirits inhabiting film equipment.
- I Just Want To Be Loved: Tsukumo's main motivation. Due to jealousy/scorn at how props are overlooked, Tsukumo goes on a rampage and begins sabotaging the set of Blue's latest movie. After defeating him, Joe explains that props indeed play an important part in movies; without them, the movie itself wouldn't be possible. With news of this, Tsukumo leaves happily and is even made the star of Blue's film, much to everyone's surprise.