The characters of Solatorobo. Beware of spoilers, especially in the "Other Important Characters" folder.
Main Trio
Red Savarin
The upbeat, determined hero of the game. Red is a Hunter, which is ostensibly short for "bounty hunter" but probably better described as "the guy who does odd jobs". His robo, DAHAK, is the main source of income for both himself and his adopted little sister, Chocolat. Has a tendency to say things that get him in trouble or accidentally offend others, but he's a good guy at heart.
- Actor Allusion: Before Red (voiced by Tetsuya Kakihara) competes in the final round of the Duel Ship Rookie Tournament, he tells the receptionist "I'm fired up!".
- Adventurer Outfit
- Armor-Piercing Slap: Ends up on the receiving end of these from Elh twice. Once after a Shower of Awkward, and once for ignoring Elh in favor of his fangirl posse in the Prairie Kingdom Cup DLC quest.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!: Depending on how you play, Red can certainly be this (and it's probably pretty close to his official characterization).
- Badass
- Badass Adorable: Alman and even Opéra both refer to him as "dumpling" on occasion.
- Badass Long Hair
- Slipknot Ponytail: Red's Trance.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: At some points with Elh. Usually they're good about working together without problems, but if he does something particularly stupid he'll certainly hear about it.
- BFS: Red's Stun Gun has a really big bayonet that's longer than the gun itself and taller than he is, and yet he only uses it as a stun gun outside his robot.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: When the Order is given. It causes him to kill Nero and Blanck and attempt to strangle Elh before getting a hold of himself.
- Brother-Sister Team: With Chocolat, before Elh shows up.
- Came Back Strong: He says he feels better than ever after his brush with death. It eventually results in him being able to Trance and become extra-powerful when he feels the need to protect someone.
- Catch Phrase: "When I get down to work, there's just no stopping me!"
- Color Character: Red Savarin. In case you can't tell, he's the Hot-Blooded hero in the red Adventurer Outfit.
- Colourful Theme Naming
- Combining Mecha: Septentrion, combining Red's Dahak, Nero's Zairita, and Blanck's Srvara.
- Conscience Makes You Go Back: When Elh is captured by the Kurvaz after trying to sacrifice him in the Rite of Forfeit, Red seriously considers leaving and declaring the whole issue Someone Elses Problem. Chocolat agrees with him initially, but it's all a ploy to get him to realize that they should turn around and go rescue Elh.
- Determinator: A recurring characteristic of Red's is his willingness to see things through to the end, no matter what.
- Eleventh-Hour Superpower: Twice:
- Red's Trance, the first time he uses it.
- The Dahak's ultimate version: the Septentrion, which uses the combined power of Nero, Blanck, Red, and Tartaros.
- Eyes of Gold: During his Trance.
- Fan Service: His Trance again. There's no real reason for him to lose his shirt like that...
- Female Feline, Male Mutt: Plays it straight, being a rather macho dog.
- Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The foolish one with Chocolat keeping him in line.
- Funetik Aksent: Red's got this habit of speakin' with the Gs missin' off the ends of his words. It seems to serve no purpose other than to give him a unique way of speakin' (and possibly makin' him look a little bit denser). The accent doesn't even make sense, as neither his adopted sister, whom he has lived with for nine years, nor his biological parents (who he likely learned to talk from) speak with any identifiable accent.
- Furry Reminder: Red spends a great deal of time chewing on a Stock Femur Bone, and a comic shows him chasing a disc when Elh throws it [dead link] .
- Goggles Do Nothing: He has goggles and might could use them, but is never seen actually wearing them.
- Goofy Print Underwear: Red is embarrassed that Chocolat is showing off the Asmodeus while his boxers are hanging out in a 4koma comic.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Happily Adopted: Brother-sister example in Red and Chocolat. Considering she's only 13, he may actually have legal custody of her, despite the fact that she deals with day-to-day issues like money much better than he does.
- Heartwarming Orphan: Red and Chocolat are what happens when Heartwarming Orphans grow up and adopt each other.
- Henshin Hero: Red's Trance. In fact, trance may actually be a mis-transliteration of transform, since both would be spelled toransu in Japanese.
- Heroic BSOD: After learning he's a Hybrid, Red goes into a bit of a funk angsting over the fact that the two Hybrids he just met are Omnicidal Maniacs and he just might share their Ax Crazy inclinations. Chocolat snaps him out of it by dragging him to Basset to play with the orphans and remind him that he's still the same good person she grew up with.
- Honor Before Reason: Red usually acts before he thinks.
- Hot-Blooded: Elh outright calls Red 'hot-headed' during the post Part 2 credits sequence. He only solves one of the three riddles for the Flute, settling the first two with violence. Frequently charges in without thinking, and says some pretty cheesy things with a straight face.
- Humanity Ensues: Every time he Trances.
- Idiot Hero: Red, if you didn't notice before.
- I Gave My Word: For all his hot-headed foolishness, Red does deliver on his promises.
- Innocently Insensitive: Red, to go along with his other idiocies. Chocolat and Elh get on to him for it, claiming he doesn't understand girls' feelings and is "an idiot with a bad mouth", respectively.
- Interspecies Romance: Teased with Elh.
- It Amused Me:
- Red's reason for wanting to force Elh to wear the Queen of the Race outfit. Fail to beat the costume time once, and Red will nearly forget about making the girls promise to wear it. Elh calls him on it, and he admits it's not really about the costume at all: he just wants to see her "get all embarrassed"!
- He also seems to quite enjoy dragging poor Elh back to Vizsla with all the bugs. Considering he grew up constantly teasing his sister, that's probably how he shows affection.
- I Was Just Passing Through: In the opening of Part 2, Chocolat asks Red if he misses Elh. His emphatic response is that no, he just misses the billion rings' worth of work he was promised! Of course no one actually buys it, but Chocolat drops the subject pretty quick anyway.
- Innocent Blue Eyes: Director Frasier from the orphanage in Basset comments how Red's eyes tell her he's a good person.
- Kleptomaniac Hero: Red barges into people's houses and opens their chests, taking whatever happens to be inside. Including at the orphanage.
- Kleptomaniac Hero, Found Underwear: Searching Vanille's bed in her house will result in Red finding some underwear. Chocolat scolds him not to stare.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: The reason Red can't remember anything before age nine is Merveille and Baion's Memory-Wiping Crew got to him before he could escape.
- Master of Unlocking: Red manages to pick a lock using a wire (yes, just a wire) when captured by Gren in Shetland.
- Meaningful Name:
- Red is the odd sibling out and the one lacking the "perfection" given to Nero and Blanck, just like red the color, which in Yin-Yang symbolizes the absence of both.
- Red's mecha is named after Azi Dakaha, a Sumerian demon.
- Men Don't Cry: Red seems to hold this view, as after saving Elh from some bugs and getting told to stay away, he teasingly asks "Eyes red from crying?" Of course, by that point everyone knew Elh's a girl and Red was likely just being a bit of a jerk. Red himself also lacks any sort of crying sprite.
- Mini-Mecha: Pilots one.
- Named Weapons: Named DAHAK-AZ103.
- Moment Killer: To Dade and Vanille.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: When Red tries to stop a gang of sky pirates stealing a warehouse in a sidequest (not the cargo of a warehouse but literally the entire building), he completely forgets that destroying the air ship using explosives would be counter productive.
- Not So Different
- One-Winged Angel: Inverted with Red, before his battle with Bruno.
- Oral Fixation Fixation: Red is always holding a bone between his teeth.
- Pride: After the second credits, Elh claims that Red has a huge ego and refuses to tell him how important their adventures together have been to avoid it getting any bigger.
- Protectorate: The key to Red's ability to Trance lies with his desire to protect someone or something at all costs and being unable to do it normally.
- Rescue Romance: Double Subverted. Red saved an unconscious Elh from the Hindenburg, but their Ship Tease doesn't pick up until quite a bit later and that rescue was never mentioned.
- The Reveal: Red is a hybrid created by Merveille Million and Baion.
- Secular Hero: While the Shephard Republic is home to both the Anju and Oshilasama religions, and Elh even mentions following something similar, as Oshilasama teaches how to control the Nono essential to barrier spells, Red just dismisses it all as "superstitious nonsense". Surprisingly, Elh has no reaction to his disrespect.
- Ship Tease: With Elh.
- Slasher Smile: He gets an absolutely crazy one when The Order is given. His usual upbeat, happy-yet-stubborn demeanor means it's even creepier.
- Stock Femur Bone: The one Red holds between his teeth.
- Stun Gun: What you use outside your mecha.
- See also: BFS
- Three Amigos: With Chocolat and Elh, by the end of the story. Subverted in that both sidekicks are female.
- Tomato in the Mirror
- Transforming Mecha: DAHAK can use "Mode Change" from his battle forms to an anchor-shooting mecha and a flight mecha. There are also variations of his standard fighting mecha available after the half way point.
- And improved versions of those are available in New Game+ mode, once you reach the Duel Ship. They're not cheap though!
- Tron Lines: While it may be difficult or nearly impossible to see in-game, this spoilerific piece of concept art reveals that Red's Dahak-fused Trance form has them.
- Unexplained Recovery: Red survives the Human Sacrifice needed for the Rite of Awakening. He just appears afterwards with no explanation - lucky thing he didn't fall off the ship before coming back, though, since Elh just left his body lying out there in the wind...
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Whenever he goes into Trance. It is never explained why this happens, or why he loses his trademark bone and hat.
- When All You Have Is a Hammer:
- Dahak is capable of lifting and tossing things. Naturally, this applies to each and every enemy you encounter, though at least it varies between picking up the enemy itself and picking up the enemy's projectiles to return them. At least until Red learns to control his Trance, in which case Ki Attacks become a viable option.
- Likewise, Red isn't very good at solving riddles. So, when the guardians of the flute ask him riddles, he just jumps right in and attacks them instead.
- X Marks the Hero: He appears to have this underneath his right eye in most in-game face portraits, made difficult to clearly distinguish due to his bangs. However, it's one long horizontal scar across his nose with smaller tears crossing it vertically.
- Years Too Early: Red tells a rookie he's a hundred years too soon to hope to win against him.
- Younger Than They Look: Red
Chocolat Gelato
Red's little sister. She loves all things mechanical, and so spends a lot of time fixing up DAHAK or the Asmodeus, their home airship.
She's a Caninu, Pomeranian to be exact, but her short muzzle tends to confuse players (surprisingly, no one in game makes any mention of it).
- Ace Pilot: At just 13 years old, she does advanced piloting manoeuvers with a huge domestic airship. Eat your heart out Fox McCloud.
- Bare Your Midriff: The Queen of the Race photo shows Chocolat and Elh in a cheerleader outfit. Chocolat is enthusiastic, but Elh is less than amused by the prospect.
- Blush Sticker: Chocolat's usual look, though she switches to a cheek-only Luminescent Blush for the Queen of the Race photo.
- Brother-Sister Team: With Red, before Elh shows up.
- Cat Smile: She does it the most, despite being a Caninu.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Edible Theme Naming
- Fan Service: Downloadable quest #5. Chocolat is enthusiastic about wearing a "Queen of the Race" outfit but doesn't want to be the only one, so she tries to drag Elh into it; Red manages to goad Elh into promising to wear it if he manages to come in first place and break the track record at the Pharaoh Air Robo GP Cup by claiming the poor Felineko lacks the confidence to pull it off. By accomplishing both things, you receive a special photograph showing Elh and Chocolat in the aforementioned outfit, which makes them look like cheerleaders, complete with Bare Your Midriff, Modesty Shorts, and Exposed Animal Bellybutton.
- Female Feline, Male Mutt: Subverts it, though you'd be forgiven for confusing her for a Felineko and thinking she played it straight.
- Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The responsible one looking after her older brother Red.
- Goggles Do Nothing: She flies the Asmodeus from inside a protected cockpit and never ventures outside, so she has no need of her goggles (which she never wears, either).
- Happily Adopted: Brother-sister example in Red and Chocolat. Considering she's only 13, he may actually have legal custody of her, despite the fact that she deals with day-to-day issues like money much better than he does.
- Heartwarming Orphan: Red and Chocolat are what happens when Heartwarming Orphans grow up and adopt each other.
- Improbable Piloting Skills: For a 13 year-old, Chocolat pilots the Asmodeus exceptionally. Scratch that, Chocolat pilots the Asmodeus exceptionally, period.
- Leave the Two Lovebirds Alone: To Cyan, Princess Theria, and Opéra, when Red and Elh make up after he got fangirled to death by Theria, Alicia, and Toffee after winning the Prairie Kingdom Cup.
- Mission Control
- Punny Name: Chocolat Gelato.
- Purple Eyes: Although she doesn't come off as especially mysterious. It's more likely a case of Graceful Ladies Like Purple than anything.
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Teen Genius: Chocolat Gelato. 13 years old and an engineer that not only manages to pilot her own home airship, but also manages the financial issues between her and her brother.
- Teens Are Short: She's 13 and only 120 cm/3'11". You could justify this as her just being a Pomeranian, except for the fact that Russian blue cat Opéra is 170 cm/5'7" and should realistically be about the same size if breed determines height.
- Three Amigos: With Red and Elh, by the end of the story. Subverted in that both sidekicks are female.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The girly-girl counterpoint to Elh, once everyone learns she's female.
- Long Hair Is Feminine: Chocolat's hair reaches down to her tail, while her counterpart's is barely shoulder-length.
- Voice with an Internet Connection: Chocolat spends most of her time in the Asmodeus, relaying maps and critical information to Red. She does venture out on occasion, but very, very rarely.
- With a Friend and a Stranger: The "Friend" of the group.
- Wrench Wench
Elh Melizée
A young Felineko rescued from the Hindenburg by Red, who offers him an exorbitant amount of money in exchange for helping with an ancient ritual to seal the monster Lares. Elh is blunt, taciturn, private...and not-so-secretly falling for Red.
- Anger Born of Worry: After Red takes on Nero and Blanck for the first time, he barely escapes with his life. Once he wakes up and everyone is sure he's okay, Elh socks him a few times for being such an idiot. Then they comment on how it's good to see each other again after several months.
- Armor-Piercing Slap: To Red, twice. Once after a Shower of Awkward, and once for ignoring her in favor of his fangirl posse in the Prairie Kingdom Cup DLC quest.
- The Atoner: After trying to take Red's life, she spends a good portion of the second part of the game angsting about it, even to the point of telling Red it would have been okay if he'd killed her while he was Brainwashed and Crazy.
- Baka: Elh's favorite nickname for and description of Red.
- Bare Your Midriff: The Queen of the Race photo shows Chocolat and Elh in a cheerleader outfit. Chocolat is enthusiastic, but Elh is less than amused by the prospect.
- Barrier Warrior
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: At some points with Red. Usually they're good about working together without problems, but if he does something particularly stupid he'll certainly hear about it.
- Birds of a Feather: Despite constantly calling Red an idiot, Elh eventually admits that they're alike in more ways than not.
- Bokukko: In the Japanese script, confusing Red and Chocolat about her gender.
- Cannot Spit It Out: To Red. So, so much.
- Cast from Hit Points: Using a large barrier spell leaves Elh exhausted to the point of collapse.
- Awesome but Impractical: Blocking a Macross Missile Massacre? Awesome. Fainting when Red's not around to protect you? Not so awesome.
- Cats Are Magic: Elh's Nono also reacts to certain artifacts with glowing Facial Markings and allows use of a barrier spell.
- Cat Smile: Does one once or twice. Being a Felineko, this is kind of a given, though not all of Elh's smiles are Cat Smiles.
- Conflicting Loyalty: Elh choosing between the loyalty to her duty to seal Lares (which requires the sacrifice of Red) and her loyalty to her friend.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Eek, a Bug!!: Elh often tells Red to hurry up and squish the bugs in Visla, and Red has to save Elh from bugs twice, once in the main story and again in a sidequest. This functions as a Protection Mission, with a glowing circle around Elh marking the line you can't allow bugs to cross (this includes if you accidentally throw a bug across the line, because apparently even a dead bug is creepy).
- Eyes of Gold
- Facial Markings: Grey cheek stripes.
- Fan Service: Downloadable quest #5. Red makes a not-very-willing Elh promise to wear a "queen of the race" outfit if he manages to come in first place and break the track record at the Pharaoh Air Robo GP Cup. By accomplishing both things, you receive a special photograph showing Elh and Chocolat in the aforementioned outfit, which makes them look like cheerleaders, complete with Bare Your Midriff, Modesty Shorts, and Exposed Animal Bellybutton.
- Female Feline, Male Mutt: Subverted and then played straight at the same time, as she's female but not feminine in the slightest.
- Gender Reveal: She's a girl.
- Green-Eyed Monster: In the Prairie Kingdom Cup, Elh gets a case of this when Red gets too much attention from Princess Theria, Alicia, and Toffee.
- He Won't Come For Me: The Kurvaz capture Elh to use as bait to make Red turn over the medalion, but Elh says that won't work because she betrayed him, tried to sacrifice him in the Rite of Forfeit, and he won't come.
- Hidden Depths: In Samoyede, Elh reveals that she knows a little about flowers, despite not being the girlish type; she claims it's only because they grew in her home village. Red is a little bit surprised.
- Interspecies Romance: Teased with Red.
- Lady Looks Like a Dude: She wears boys' clothing and uses masculine pronouns in the Japanese version, completely confusing Red and Chocolat the first time they meet her. Red later uses this fact to their advantage, though, to sneak her into an all-boys magic school. Even the guard insists that, upon closer inspection, "he couldn't possibly be a girl."
- Last of Her Kind: She's one of the last two Paladins along with Béluga, due to Baion burning their home Ragdoll to the ground.
- Leave the Two Lovebirds Alone: To Red, when Béluga brings Merveille a hologram of flowers.
- The Load: In a quest after the end of the game, Red accuses Elh of eating too many free meals. When Elh turns to Chocolat for help, she agrees with her brother and says everyone on the Asmodeus has to do their share of work.
- Luminescent Blush: Elh normally sports the "red lines across the nose" variant, but trades them for a Blush Sticker in the Queen of the Race photo, and turns entirely red during the Shower of Awkward.
- Megaton Punch: To Red, after the second Shower of Awkward scene.
- Modesty Towel: Worn by Elh during the Shower of Awkward scenes.
- Mysterious Waif: Complete with MacGuffin amulet and Doomed Hometown.
- Never Live It Down: After Red discovers that Elh is deathly afraid of bugs and Screams Like a Little Girl at the sight of them, he makes it a point to bring it up when possible. Elh even mentions not being able to live it down.
- No Social Skills: Or at least very few. Elh's just a rather private person like that.
- Orphan's Plot Trinket: Invoked to get into the canals in Spinon, telling the worker that they dropped a pendant from Elh's dead mother in there. Of course, as soon as the worker opens the sewers for them, the waterworks immediately stop and it's back to business as usual, causing Red to comment on how creepy it is for someone to be able to turn their emotions on and off like that.
- The actual pendant that Red found on the Hindenburg also counts, as it's one of the last Paladin relics.
- Really Three Hundred Years Old
- Rescue Romance: Double Subverted. Red saved an unconscious Elh from the Hindenburg, but their Ship Tease doesn't pick up until quite a bit later and that rescue was never mentioned.
- Screams Like a Little Girl: When confronted with bugs. Of course, given that she is a girl, it's more understandable, but Red didn't know that at the time. And again when Bruno attempts to sacrifice Red in the Rite of Feasting.
- Ship Tease: With Red.
- Shower of Awkward: Done twice. Modesty Towels prevented those moments from being even more awkward.
- Skirt Over Slacks
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Elh, normally calm and distant, occasionally shows a softer side (it gets shown more often as the story progresses).
- Tender Tears: Elh apparently does not have a problem with crying, possessing at least two separate sprites with small droplets at the eye corners and displaying them without shame. The second opening animation even includes a Sparkling Stream of Tears.
- That Came Out Wrong: Inside Lares, there's a fork in the road. Red and Béluga decide to split up, and you're forced to choose if Elh should stay with you or take the other path. Choose to go alone, and Elh will insist on going with you - but only because it's safer to separate the Paladins, of course!
"Hey! Don't get the wrong idea! I can see you getting it!"
- That Makes Me Feel Angry: Elh, who is not very good at dealing with emotions, occasionally says things like "I feel happy" or "I feel disappointed." This is usually only in cases of positive or mild emotions, however; extreme anger doesn't need words.
- Three Amigos: With Red and Chocolat, by the end of the story. Subverted in that both sidekicks are female.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Once everyone learns she's female, Elh becomes the tomboy to Chocolat's girly-girl.
- Vague Age: Officially listed as "looks about 14". She's really more about 314.
- We Are as Mayflies: Elh gives a speech to Raisin about how thankful he should be that he and Cerise were lucky enough to be born in the same time and how they should fight for their love, class differences or not, because life is so short.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Elh may qualify, depending on if you count that pale silvery-purple color as "white". Then you find out she's really a White-Haired Pretty Girl.
- Man in White: Elh's tunic and boots also count, though the rest of the outfit is shades of grey, black, and purple. And, once again, she actually falls under Woman in White, complete with mysteriousness.
- Why Did It Have To Be Bugs: Elh has a phobia of bugs. This becomes a problem in Visla, which is crawling with them.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: She prefers wearing boy's clothes. Yes, that Skirt Over Slacks look is for boys. Then Elh gets mad at Red when he uses this fact to their advantage to sneak her into an all-boys magic school. He insists she "couldn't be any more of a guy", and she mutters to him that she's going to have some words for him later.
- With a Friend and a Stranger: The Stranger of the group.
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: Elh does a bit of angsting about losing the people she loves as they grow old while she stays the same, and she and Béluga admit that their lives feel more meaningful after losing their immortality..
- You Didn't Ask: Elh's response when Red and Chocolat ask why she never told them she was a girl.
The Kuvasz/Kurvaz
Bruno Dondurma
The leader of the Kurvaz, currently the largest Hunter Guild in Shepherd. A rather arrogant sort whose newest ambition is to Take Over the World without losing his 100% Heroism Rating.
- The Big Bad: His chase after the medallion to awaken Lares is the major conflict of the game. At first.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: He's the leader of Kuvasz and wants to Take Over the World.
- Evil Is Not a Toy: Bruno follows the same motivation as Fool from Tail Concerto: resurrect an ancient evil power to control. He goes down when it goes back to rest.
- Evil Laugh: Bruno has two varieties.
- Killed Off for Real
- Loophole Abuse: His profile states that he never outright breaks the law but cleverly finds ways to weasel around things that would otherwise inhibit him without losing his public image.
- One-Winged Angel: The final boss battle with him.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Baion's blue.
- Spikes of Villainy: His hair and fur is quite spiky.
- Villain with Good Publicity: Most of the general public believes Bruno and the Kurvaz are stand-up guys and have no idea he wants to Take Over the World. Even after Bruno's death, many of the Kurvaz underlings still believe he embodied the spirit of a true Hunter and find Opéra to be a shallow imitator at best, despite the fact that she's turned the Guild around and is now working to save the world.
- You Gotta Have Blue Fur
Opéra Kranz
The leader of the Kurvaz special ops unit. A little bit snotty but no less dangerous, she feels indebted to Bruno and works for him despite his increasingly aggressive orders.
- Berserk Button: Opéra hates to be called old.
- Oba-san: Translated as Red calling her "old woman" and Opéra correcting him to "young lady"
- Boobs of Steel: Though Opéra's physical strength is never shown, she's certainly a capable mech pilot in battle.
- Claustrophobia: In a downloadable quest, it is revealed that she suffers from this.
- Facial Markings: Red cheek stripes.
- Fallen Princess: A DLC quest reveals that she was the daughter of a wealthy couple, but they died in an accident ten years ago and the fortune they left their daughter was seized from her; the only things she has left are two of her servants, Gren and Calua. Bruno took her in, raised her, and eventually gave her a job working for him, resulting in her loyal gratitude.
- Femme Fatalons: Hers are somehow visible through her gloves. A 4koma comic [dead link] pokes fun at her long nails.
- Form-Fitting Wardrobe
- Funetik Aksent: Conspicuously absent. While her official profile claims she speaks with an "imperious drawl", her speech is rendered no differently than any other character.
- High Collar of Doom
- Just Following Orders: She really doesn't have much of a grudge against Red at all, even after losing to him, but fights him anyway because he's interfering with Bruno's plans.
- Lady of War
- Mini-Mecha: Pilots one.
- Named Weapons: Named Tiamat.
- Meaningful Name: Her mecha is named for a chaotic Babylonian sea goddess which gave birth to monsters. The mecha is capable of spawning small drones which explode.
- Named Weapons: Named Tiamat.
- Paper Fan of Doom: Opéra is frequently carrying a fan with the Kurvaz/Kuvasz Guild logo visible when unfolded, though she rarely (if ever) actually strikes anyone with the fan itself.
- Punch Clock Villain: She shows displeasure at the more ambiguous moral choices she has to make as the leader of the Special Ops. When Bruno dies, she quickly makes a Heel Face Turn.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: While not as interested in trying to Take Over the World as Bruno, she feels indebted to him for things he did in the past and is willing to go along with his antagonistic ways.
- Spikes of Villainy: Her suit includes lines of spines along her breasts and hips as well as on her arms.
- Statuesque Stunner: Opéra is quite tall compared to most of them, being 170 cm/5'7".
- Undying Loyalty: The recipient of Gren and Calua's Undying Loyalty.
- Villains Out Shopping: One of the special collectible photos you can acquire is a photo of the current Kuvasz special operative unit running away from Bruno after Calua broke his vase [dead link] , and another shows Opéra hugging her two officers [dead link] and introducing them to her two girls.
- A Worldwide Punomenon: One of Opéra's voice clips is a fairly subtle combination of "meow" and "oui".
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Gren Sacher and Calua Napage
Opéra's two servants. Gren is the more serious underling, while Calua is goofy, fun-loving, and doesn't take things too seriously. Gren's straight-laced nature can sometimes put him at odds with Calua, but they agree in their Undying Loyalty to Lady Opéra.
- Awesome but Impractical: Calua's mecha is described as this.
- Badass Long Hair: Gren.
- Bare Your Midriff: Calua's armor covers his chest but not his waist.
- BFS: Gren's sword can grow to more than twice the size of his mecha.
- Boring but Practical: As a counterpart to Calua's mecha, Gren's is described like this in a 4koma comic.
- Did I Just Say That Out Loud?: Calua accidentally blabs the Kurvaz's plan to Red.
- Facial Markings: Calua has black cheek stripes and from the corners of his eyes to his hair.
- Green Eyed Red Head: Calua. And yes, he's a bit feisty in addition to being goofy.
- Mini-Mecha: They both pilot one.
- Named Weapons: Gren's is named Mephisto and Calua's is named OverMephisto. Rivalry much?
- Panthera Awesome: Calua is an ocelot, despite lacking most of the spots.
- Punch Clock Villain: Gren's more a noble soldier who considers Red to be a Worthy Opponent than interested in trying to help Take Over the World. Calua is mostly just having fun and goofing around, not interested in anything but amusement and pleasing Opéra.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Though he's not as psychotic as Bruno, Gren is loyal to Opéra and the Kurvaz and is not an easy opponent to take down.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Calua and Gren, respectively.
- Straight Man and Wise Guy: Gren and Calua, respectively.
- Sword and Gun: Calua's mecha wields a halberd in one hand and a gun in the other. This actually makes him easier to deal with, since it gives you more ways of damaging him, and he only uses the weapons seperately.
- Throw-Away Guns: When you toss Calua's bullets back at him, he'll drop his gun. You can grab it and shoot it two or three times before it runs out of ammo, at which point Red will simply chuck the whole gun. It disappears, and Calua quickly produces another to continue shooting.
- Undying Loyalty: They have sworn loyalty their Lady Opéra.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Gren. His fur is a very pale shade of blue-white as well.
Merveille Million
The Kurvaz's Development Chief and Bruno's personal secretary, though she's not at all fond of him since he began trying to Take Over the World. A genius at Mini-Mecha design, she's personally responsible for many of the mechanical innovations in the guild.
- The Atoner: She never really got over creating artificial life, and is working with Béluga to make up for what she's done.
- Big Breasts, Big Deal
- Crazy Prepared: She "let" the intentionally "defective" Red escape with the Dahak - which she created specifically to help him - seemingly as a backup plan or some form of insurance against Baion.
- Creating Life: She's the "mother" of Red, Nero, and Blanck.
- Femme Fatalons: A 4koma comic [dead link] pokes fun at her long nails, though one must wonder why she keeps them long if she finds them "useless".
- Gadgeteer Genius: Especially in Mini-Mecha design and biology.
- Geeky Turn On: When Merveille is presented with a hologram of a field of flowers, she's just as taken with the technology as she is with the beauty of the image.
- Hot Scientist
- Interspecies Romance: Teased with Béluga.
- Icy Blue Eyes: She is calm and scientific.
- It's All My Fault: Said by Merveille after Red kills Nero and Blanck.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Biologically, Red is the son of Merveille Million and Baion. No Interspecies Romance was involved, though.
- Shipper on Deck: To her "son" Red and Elh in the DLC quests, so much.
- Ship Tease: With Béluga. They are mostly seen together in the main quest and in the DLC quests Béluga gives a field of flowers hologram for Merveille and tries to impress her in an arena fight.
- Spock Speak: Merveille lapses into this at times.
- Statuesque Stunner: At 180 cm/5'11", Merveille is the second-tallest character with a given height, towering over most other characters.
- Huge Girl Tiny Guy: If she and Béluga ever make it official.
Béluga Damiens
A solitary and somewhat mysterious Felineko Hunter who has been aiding the Kurvaz lately for his own reasons. He and Elh have a history as the last two Paladins, an ancient clan tasked with performing the Rite of Forfeit in order to seal Lares.
- Badass Cape
- Dead Big Sister: Even worse, he was forced to sacrifice her to save the world in a Rite of Forfeit 300 years ago. This is one of the reasons that he is working with the Kurvaz to permanently seal Lares and is so insistent that Elh not perform the Rite with Red.
- Facial Markings: Red cheek stripes.
- The Gunslinger: Béluga and his mech, Salamander. His outfit even includes gratuitous spurs.
- Geeky Turn On: When Merveille is presented with a hologram of a field of flowers, she's just as taken with the technology as she is with the beauty of the image. Béluga likes this aspect of her and finds it one of her most charming points, so would that be a Geeky Turn On Turn On?
- Huge Girl Tiny Guy: If he and Merveille ever officially get together; he's only 160 cm/5'3"!
- Interspecies Romance: Teased with Merveille.
- Last of His Kind: He's one of the last two Paladins along with Elh, due to Baion burning their home Ragdoll to the ground.
- Mini-Mecha: Pilots one.
- Named Weapons: Named Salamander, despite being neither amphibian nor associated with fire.
- No Social Skills: This only comes out when dealing with strangers, however; he seems perfectly capable of talking to his teammates without trouble so after the Kurvaz join forces with the heroes, he leaves the jobs involving others to Red and Elh..
- Panthera Awesome: He's a lynx.
- Really Three Hundred Years Old
- Red and Black and Evil All Over: His outfit is black with a red headband and cape. Then it turns out he's really not quite so evil after all and was just working with the Kurvaz to try and permanently seal Lares, rather than having to go through an endless cycle of Rites to stop The End of the World as We Know It. However, given that he had to sacrifice his older sister, the color scheme may just as well represent his Dark and Troubled Past.
- Ship Tease: With Merveille. They are mostly seen together in the main quest and in the DLC quests Béluga gives a field of flowers hologram for Merveille and tries to impress her in an arena fight.
- Vague Age: Officially listed as "looks about 18". He's really more about 318.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Béluga may qualify, depending on if you count that pale silvery-purple color as "white".
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: Elh and Béluga admit that their lives feel more meaningful after losing their immortality..
- X Marks the Hero: He sports a large X shaped scar on his face, despite working for the Kurvaz (though his motives for doing do are actually pretty good, and once the Kurvaz do their Heel Face Turn...).
- You Shall Not Pass: Béluga performs one right before your boss fight in Lares.
Captain Grumpf
- Attack! Attack! Attack!
- Fangs Are Evil
- General Ripper: His first encounter with you has him willing to take down the airship he was supposed to protect in order to get you dead, and ended with his subordinates forcefully restraining him. His second encounter with you has him BOMBING AN ORPHANAGE to get what he wants from you. He doesn't even stop when he gets what he wants.
- Killed Off for Real
- Spikes of Villainy
- Uncleanliness Is Next to Ungodliness: He has yellow pointy teeth and sclera.
Other Important Characters
A new villain who rises not long after Bruno's defeat, Baion appears human and has a much simpler goal: instead of trying to Take Over the World, he just wants to Kill'Em All and cleanse the planet of its defective furry population.
- Bigger Bad: He is dangerous on a much larger scale than Bruno, but does not actively pursue the protagonists as Bruno did.
- A God Am I: Because he sees all of humanity and its descendants the Caninu and Felineko as failures, he feels like a god in comparison.
- Evil Laugh: He gets a few.
- Gaia's Avenger: Believes himself to be this. After smacking him around a bit, Red tells him that Caninu and Felineko won't degenerate into fighting that tears the planet apart like the humans did before. He relents, and tells Red that, while they get a reprieve this time, he will be watching them.
- Half-Human Hybrid: The original.
- Human Popsicle: He was in a state of suspended animation for quite some time, though how long is debateable.
- Kick the Dog: He casually mentions how he destroyed Ragdoll, a Felineko village and the hometown of Elh and Béluga.
- Kill It with Fire: His Mini-Mecha is specialized in this.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Biologically, Red is the son of Merveille Million and Baion. No Interspecies Romance was involved, though.
- Mini-Mecha: Pilots one.
- Named Weapons: Named BERIUS P-2.
- Not So Different: He eventually comes to recognize Red as his son and even tells him he's proud of him for being able to stand up and convince him to give the Caninu and Felineko another chance.
- One-Winged Angel: The final boss battle with him.
- Really Three Hundred Fifty Years Old: He woke up from suspended animation 350 years ago, but it's unclear how long he had already lived before that.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Bruno's red.
- Spikes of Villainy: His hair is quite spiky.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: He asks Red and Elh if they think humans would find the Caninu and Felineko races to be suitable successors to planet Earth when he meets them in the Futzu Tower.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Despite the more common example of the trope where the Big Bad outright kills the poor minion, Baion merely lets Nero and Blanck do whatever they want after telling them this. Considering his plan involves destroying all sentient life and the fact that Nero and Blanck are implied to lose all their special abilities after completing their duties, this trope is still played fairly straight.
Nero and Blanck
A pair of Hybrids created by Merveille. They believe it is their right to kill and destroy the Caninu and Felineko.
- Ax Crazy: Blanck.
- Baleful Polymorph: When The Order is given.
- The Battle Didn't Count: The first battle versus them outside their robots. After getting them to half health, they just say they're tired of playing around and just shoot a huge, undodgeable fireball at you.
- Blondes Are Evil: Nero
- Brother-Sister Team: An evil counterpart to Red and Chocolat. Bonus points for being related to half of the good team.
- Colourful Theme Naming: Nero means "black" and Blanck means "white".
- Combining Mecha: Zairita and Srvara (Nero and Blanck's mechas respectively) can combine together to make another, more powerful mecha: The Cassandra Cross. Also the Septentrion, combining Red's Dahak, Nero's Zairita, and Blanck's Srvara.
- Crippling Overspecialization: What Merveille says is wrong with them, as though they live for The Order and can perfectly perform their one duty of controlling Lares and Lemures, once that duty is fulfilled, they have no reason to exist. Those who are imperfect, however, like their brother Red are free to grow and develop in any way they choose, not bound to any one destiny.
- Uh-Oh Eyes: Blanck's are orange, and may fall under either trope depending on which you see them as being closer to:
- Facial Markings
- Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: They act as an evil counterpoint to Red and Chocolat, with Nero just barely keeping her borderline-psychotic brother from doing nothing but kill and destroy (though she certainly gets in on it when she's in the mood to).
- Green Eyes: Nero. However, she's calm and rational, inverting the stereotype.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Karmic Death: They make their first appearance wreaking havoc in the major city of Pharaoh, just because they feel superior to everyone else for being Kemono. After beating the last boss battle with them, The Order happens and they themselves turn into Caninu. Before Red and Merveille can convince them to perform a Heel Face Turn, the Order forces Red into his human form to destroy all life. They become his first (and luckily only) victims.
- Not Quite Dead: In a DLC quest, it is revealed that some memories of Nero and Blanck still live within Red, and Merveille says she will attempt to restore them into physical bodies.
- Kick the Dog: Almost literally. We are introduced to them casually attacking the kemono people, to the point of threatening the life of a lost little Caninu boy.
- Killed Off for Real: At first played straight, but then subverted in a DLC quest.
- Living Memory: After Red kills them, they make an appearance at the end of the game to help him out, and again appear in DLC quests as fragments of memory inside Red and Dahak.
- Meaningful Name: Nero (black) and Blanck (white) represent Yin and Yang.
- Mini-Mecha: They both pilot one.
- Named Weapons: Blanck's is SRVARA-AZ101 Nero's is ZAIRITA-AZ102.
- Not So Different
- Omnicidal Maniac: Both of them, but especially Blanck.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blanck is red and Nero is blue, though their actual color schemes are switched.
- Tomato in the Mirror: When the Order is given and they turn into Caninu.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: How they justify their furry killing sprees.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Blanck.
- Man in White: Blanck again.
A young-looking woman who resides in the Futzu Tower and acts as the mouthpiece for the Hyper Information Convergence Juno.
- Expy: She bears a striking similarity to Aura.
- Hologram: Because Yurlungur is attached to her chair, she uses these to project her image around while talking to Red in the Futzu Tower.
- I Am Legion: She talks like this when relaying messages from the Hyper Information Convergence: Juno. She can still speak for herself, however.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Continuity Cameos
Waffle Ryebread and Panta
The hero and his sidekick from Tail Concerto. Waffle is often encountered on patrol, as he's trying to keep the Pris sisters from causing too much trouble.
- Compliment Backfire: When Waffle tries to complement Alicia for looking pretty in a princess dress, she just gets mad at him for comparing her to Theria.
- Dating Catwoman: Puns aside, Waffle and Alicia.
- Edible Theme Naming: Waffle Ryebread
- Fair Cop: While you might could quibble over Waffle's actual attractiveness (though he's had two girls after him), and Panta is more "cute" than "hot", they're both quite young regardless.
- Female Feline, Male Mutt: Played straight across from Alicia.
- Interspecies Romance: Teased with Alicia.
- Mini-Mecha: Waffle pilots one.
Alicia, Stair, and Flare Priss
The three Priss sisters from Tail Concerto. They're on vacation in Shepherd, but of course they can't resist causing some mischief - or at least Alicia can't, as it gets Waffle's attention; Stair and Flare seem quite content to just sight-see, but follow her lead anyway.
- Bare Your Midriff: Alicia and Flare.
- Cartoon Bomb: The weapon of choice of the Black Cats Gang's battle balloon.
- Cleavage Window: Alicia.
- Compliment Backfire: When Waffle tries to complement Alicia for looking pretty in a princess dress, she just gets mad at him for comparing her to Theria.
- Dating Catwoman: Puns aside, Waffle and Alicia.
- Deliberately Distressed Damsel: In a downloadable quest, Alicia pulls one off in order to get Waffle to save her. Of course, Red gets there first, as she forgot to tell her sisters what she was up to and they thought she had really been kidnapped.
- Eyepatch of Power: Alicia.
- Female Feline, Male Mutt: Played straight across from Waffle.
- Genki Girl: Flare.
- Interspecies Romance: Alica is teased with Waffle.
- The Quiet One: Stair.
- Real Women Never Wear Dresses: Alica certainly thinks so.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Stair or Stare?
- Terrible Trio: The Pris sisters
- Tights Under Shorts: Flare.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Stair.
Princess Therria and Cyan Garland
The princess and her guard from Tail Concerto who are on vacation in Shepherd. Therria seems to have taken a liking to watching Duel Tournaments, so Red often runs into the two of them there.
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Fan Girl: Therria becomes Red's fangirl in the Duel Ship arena.
- Hair of Gold: Therria.
- Impractically Fancy Outfit: You run into them at the Duel Ship, a place full of sweat and grease and shouting, wild crowds. How is Therria able to walk around and cheer for Red unhindered, much less keep that dress clean?
- Kleptomaniac Hero: Cyan has a tendency to "borrow" others' robots for matches.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Cyan sees himself this way, though it mostly just leads to him showing off for Therria in the ring.
- Love Triangle: Therria seems to have mostly given up on Waffle and is now interested in Red. Cyan finds this most improper, of course.
- Mini-Mecha: Cyan pilots one.
- Named Weapons: Named Durandal. When he's not using one he "borrowed", at least.
- Opera Gloves: Therria.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Therria is "supposed" to be visiting Shepherd while under cover, so no one realizes she's the princess of the next kingdom over. Funny, you'd think that crown would kinda give it away...
- Princesses Prefer Pink: Therria's dress is a very pale shade of pink with a darker bodice and skirt trim.
- Requisite Royal Regalia: Because we obviously wouldn't recognize Therria or know she's a princess without her:
- Cool Crown: Cute, dainty little gold crown that sits neatly between her ears.
- Pimped-Out Dress: Big, pink dress with Giant Poofy Sleeves.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Therria or Terria?
- Stylish Protection Gear: Cyan's armor.
- You Gotta Have Cyan Hair: Cyan.
Mamoru and his father
From the children's safety and disaster preparedness game Mamoru-kun.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Mamoru's dad is only known as 'Rescue Worker' throughout the game.
- Follow in My Footsteps: Inverted, as Mamoru wants to be as much like his father as possible. His dad likes the idea, but worries about his son's safety anyway.
- Public Service Announcement: Mamoru's job is teaching this stuff, and quests involving him feature real-life safety and disaster preparation tips.
- This Is No Time to Panic: In a DLC quest, Mamoru tries to calm a bunch of civilians with this phrase. He is a rescue worker after all.
Other Minor Characters
Any other minor characters who are of Nominal Importance or who otherwise make a difference in the story, in alphabetical order (as many are found only in Side Quests and thus players may encounter them in different chronological orders). Catalog that Cast of Snowflakes!
- Serious Business: She takes quizzes extremely seriously. You face her off in a light-hearted casual quiz competition in Pharaoh.
One of your first quest givers in Airedale. He disturbs Red quite a bit.
- Camp Gay: He keeps hitting on Red, wears dresses, and uses copious amounts of cosmetics.
Amélie and Frito
Amélie is the granddaughter of the mayor of Spinon. Frito is her best friend.
- Bratty Half-Pint: In one quest, Amélie tries to "help" with a burglary investigation and ends up involving random pedestrians just because she recently read a mystery story.
- Rose-Haired Girl: Amélie
- Cannot Talk to Women: He's too shy to speak to girls directly.
- Poor Communication Kills: This causes problems when Cocona believes him to be stalking her because he follows her around but doesn't say anything. He actually just wants to return the watch she dropped.
- Expy: He has a very similar character design to the shady stranger/child abductor from the Mamoru-kun crime prevention simulation.
- Stalker with a Crush: Subverted; he's just trying to return a watch to Cocona, but gets too nervous to approach g-g-girls. Then it becomes Double Subverted when it's implied that he was taking advantage of the situation to stalk her anyway.
A speedster cheetah who enjoys the Air Robo GP races. Refers to himself as "Lord" Casse.
- Panthera Awesome
- Victory Is Boring: He's the champion and finds racing has gotten dull lately since everyone is so much slower than him. Naturally, he hopes Red can bring a little excitement back.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Cerise Confite, Raisin, and Baum
- Edible Theme Naming: Raisin, of course. Cerise is also French for cherry.
- Interspecies Romance: Cerise is a Caninu and Raisin is a Felineko.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: Cerise and Raisin, who are separated by class (Cerise is a noble while Raisin is a monk).
Her song "Sparkling Shooting Star" was included on the OST.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Sometimes
- Idol Singer
- If It Tastes Bad, It Must Be Good for You: She's fond of a bitter health drink called Grasso Juice.
- You Gotta Have Turquoise Hair
The old fisherman of Basset.
Dade and Vanille
Dade is the parts salesman who hangs out around Suzette's shop in Airdale. His ex Vanille lives in her house in Davren.
- Coat Full of Contraband: Dade, outside the parts shop on Airedale. Towards the end of the game he offers the best Rare Parts, each costs you 20,000 rings but boosts the relevant stat by 50, more than the other Rare Parts.
- Edible Theme Naming: Vanille (vanilla).
- Stylistic Suck: When Dade gives Red a quest to take a box from his ex Vanille, Red opens the box to find out that it contains a notebook of very sappy and poorly written poetry from Dade. Red and Chocolat get a few laughs out of it, but it somehow wins Vanille over.
The bug trainer of Vizsla.
- Catch Phrase: I must say, Diamondo says "I must say" a lot!
Duel Ship Announcer
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"
- Eyepatch of Power
- Ambidextrous Sprite: He pops up on both the left and right sides of the screen, and, naturally, his eye patch is on the other side when he does.
- Facial Markings: Green cheek stripes.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair and Fur
The Quest Broker.
Captain Flognarde
Leader of the Clapper Sky Pirates.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!: He refuses to give up or use any sort of strategy beyond "shoot it and blow it up".
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Sky Pirate
- Spikes of Villainy: His hair is quite spiky.
A young boy who lives in Vizsla.
- Fluffy Tamer: He's managed to befriend a Scarabee, a Big Creepy Crawly that's normally too wild to get close to.
- Hands Off My Fluffy: Naturally, Red winds up attacking the bug and is stopped by him.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Dir. Frassier and the orphans
- Curtains Match the Window:
- Arzane's hair and eyes are both a shade of olive brown.
- Albert's hair and eyes are both green.
- Edible Theme Naming: Biscotte
- Heartwarming Orphan: The orphans at Bassett: Albert, Biscotte, Charlotte, and Arzane.
- Rose-Haired Girl: Charlotte.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair: Albert.
Galvan and Calvan
- Dead All Along: The quest giver Galvan, who merely wanted Red to give his son his log and, hence, his last wishes.
- Generation Xerox: Calvan looks identical to his father Galvan. Red mistakes one for the other at first.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
A young woman who works at the Star Dogs Café in Spinon. She also delivers pies to other locations when ordered.
The caretaker of the fish tank at Sealyham. Frequently asks Red if he'll become his apprentice.
- Edible Theme Naming: Is named after the French word for Gugelhupf, a dessert.
Son of the mayor of Shetland.
Madeleine and Biscuit
The two little kids in Airdale who sell plates with your cutscenes on them.
- Edible Theme Naming: Biscuit
The young woman standing outside the graveyard in Samoyede. She requests that Red bring her flowers to make a bouquet to place on her boyfriend's grave.
The announcer for many of the contests you participate in, including the quiz show and trash-smashing.
Leader of the Howler Sky Pirates.
- Poor Communication Kills: He sends a message to Cocona that he will pay her a visit soon, and she naturally takes it as a kidnapping warning. He really just wanted an autograph.
- Sky Pirate
- Spikes of Villainy: His fur is quite spiky.
- Villains Out Shopping: He and his Howlers are big fans of Cocona and want her autograph.
Ozir, Steven, and Chuck
Three Felineko living at the Training Grounds in Mau. Ozir is their teacher.
- Grumpy Old Man: Ozir, in varying shades. Béluga completely rubs him the wrong way, but when Red shows interest in training Ozir is quite pleased.
- The Rival: Steven has declared Chuck to be his rival and is constantly asking Red for help beating him and keeping tabs on him.
- Unknown Rival: Chuck seems mostly oblivious to this, as his reaction to completing his training first is more "Whee, look at me! I can float in the air!" than "Ha, take that, loser!"
The leader of the Pink Peaches Sky Pirates
- Acceptable Feminine Goals: After disbanding, she tells her girls to all go out and pursue love (and, presumably, a husband and family).
- Sky Pirate
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
An old Hunter who gives Red his first quest to fetch a file on the Hindenburg.
- BFS: Québec's can become nearly as big as his mech. Maybe Gren took a few tips from him.
- Cool Old Guy
- Eyepatch of Power
- Panthera Awesome: A tiger, who's also a force to be reckoned with in the arena.
- Retired Badass: He's a former Kuvasz special operations member. His role gets more important as the game goes on, but he's always playing a mainly supportive role. You also get to fight him in the arena, and he's no slouch; he makes it to the final round and can easily give you trouble too, if you don't go all-out.
- We Used to Be Friends: Québec states at one point that he and Bruno used to be good friends.
The master of the Duel Ship who offers Red a chance to compete for money.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Greed: His only motivation for bringing in new fighters is to make himself more money. Thankfully he's at least smart enough to know that you can't cheat your fighters out of their winnings if you want them to continue working for you.
- Purple Is Powerful: For a certain modicum of power, anyway; he seems fairly rich, but his actual power outside of the arena is never shown.
The mysterious man who claims to be constantly watching Red and who gives him the library which unlocks as you play the game.
The parts shop owner in Airedale.
- Mini-Mecha: Pilots one. She likes to customize it.
- Lethal Chef: One of her workers says she's good at "anything aside from cooking food".
- Training from Hell: Implied to be done by Suzette to her workers to get them to fight in robot matches better.
- Wrench Wench
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
- Broken Pedestal: Happens when she finds out that Red is ordered around by his 13 year old younger sister. Subverted later when she tries to beat Red in a battle to find closure, only to end up becoming a fangirl again and declaring her love for Red. This does not please her newly acquired male fanbase.
- Fan Girl: She becomes Red's when he joins the battle arena.
- Mini-Mecha: Pilots one.