< Solatorobo
Fridge Brilliance
- Any 'inaccuracies' in the soundbytes (pronunciation, tense, etc.) may be due to hardware constraints, but they can just as easily be explained as the result of the language evolving and shifting over time. Something that isn't legitimate French by our standards could be perfectly legitimate by the standards of the characters and the setting itself.
Fridge Horror
- Elh seems relieved when she loses her immortality, because it means she'll age along with everyone else and won't end up in a Mayfly-December Romance with Red. However, Red is a Hybrid, and Baion, the original Hybrid who provided DNA for all the others, is well over 350 years old. Maybe she should've kept it after all!
- Though it's never stated whether Baion's "children" inherited his immortality or not, so it's possible the horror isn't quite as bad as you might have thought.
Fridge Logic
- The Black Cats Gang stole Barry's photos at about the same time Red and Chocolat met Elh. How come so many of his photos show the three of them together? There are other photos, like eating at the café in Spinon, Terria cheering for Red at the Duel Ship, or Elh playing with the orphans in Basset that all had to have been taken before you ever visited those places.
- During his last few months as head of Kurvaz, Bruno orders his people to do things which amount to outright acts of terrorism, specifically a Kurvaz battleship attacking an orphanage and the Kurvaz flagship firebombing the holiest site of one of the region's major religions. Both of those were rather visible incidents which any witness with a brain can trace back to Kurvaz. So why are they still in operation six months later? You'd think that after stunts like that, nobody with any alternatives would do business with them.
- Opéra's leadership specifically distanced itself from Bruno's, and it's likely she spoke out against his actions. Some Kurvaz in the second part even complain about the guild not being what it used to be. As for people not wanting to do business with them anymore, the unlockable page on Hunters' Guilds states an overreliance on them on part of the Shepherd Republic ever since the regular military was disbanded, so there aren't really any alternatives.
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