< Solatorobo


  • Accidental Innuendo: Of the visual sort: The defense system inside Lares, a giant blue-grey Rent-A-Zilla Humongous Mecha, contains a jellyfish-like creature and a sperm-shaped creature. The defense system inside Lemures, a giant grey-pink Rent-A-Zilla Humongous Mecha (stated to be more advanced and complicated than the above) contains the jellyfish-things, some round things that could easily be eggs, and...the sperm-things. Frisky giant robots!
    • For even more fun, the eggs and sperm tend to show up together, and since the main method of dealing with multiple enemies is to throw one into another, you're likely to end up tossing sperm at eggs.
  • Animation Age Ghetto: Part of the reason the series Needs More Love outside Japan. Never mind the epic music or well-built world or engaging characters and plot - the game is a cartoon about a dog guy, so it gets passed over.
  • Complete Monster: Captain Grumpf appears to be little more than a comic relief villain at the start of the game. Later on, in Basset, he attacks an orphanage to coerce Red into giving him the Crystal Stones. Once the stones are given to him, he decides to hell with it and continues to open fire on the orphanage and everyone there, including a fellow Kurvaz officer, all For the Evulz.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Chikayo Fukuda of .hack fame is returning for this project. Just listen to the intro and ending themes.
  • Fridge Horror: Elh seems relieved when she loses her immortality, because it means she'll age along with everyone else and won't end up in a Mayfly-December Romance with Red. However, Red is a Hybrid, and Baion, the original Hybrid who provided DNA for all the others, is well over 350 years old. Maybe she should've kept it after all!
    • Though it's never stated whether Baion's "children" inherited his immortality or not, so it's possible the horror isn't quite as bad as you might have thought.
  • Game Breaker: The Dahak Mk II and Trance aren't much of one by themselves, but once Red learns to "Trance" at will, he gains the ability to launched ranged attacks when in Trance mode. This makes fighting Bruno and other bosses absolutely trivial in New Game+ runs. The Type-R's Spiral Floater technique can also be this against the first half's bosses, as their powerful ground-sweeping attacks can't touch you at all while using it.
  • Player Punch: Having to control a brainwashed Red to kill Nero and Blanck after they've already given up.
  • Stoic Woobie: Elh. Despite having her home burned to the ground, carrying guilt for both her first Rite of Forfeit nine years ago and having to trick Red into going along to Save the World, and feeling incredibly lonely due to all her "normal" friends growing up and dieing around her, she takes forever to warm up enough to even mention the subject, much less actually show any signs of breaking down about it - and then, only for a moment, before it's back to business as usual.
  • Surprise Difficulty: One downloadable quest has Red help out with teaching orphans fire drills. It starts with a really cliché safety quiz ("What do you do when a stranger asks you to come with him", etc.) and a small obstacle course with fire hazards. It ends with a much more difficult obstacle course with fire everywhere, falling debris and crabs trying to kill you.
    • Fridge Brilliance: Since the only reason Red had to run that course is because he was running his mouth and bragging about how easy the first one was, it's logical that the course was nigh-impossible, just to put him in his place.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Elh looks like a girl (despite that Skirt Over Slacks look being claimed as boys' clothing by Red), but gets referred to as a boy by the characters in the game, and in the Japanese script uses male pronouns. Later, it's revealed she's a girl after all.
  • What Do You Mean It's for Kids?: The second half of the game openly deals with genocide and world-wide war, never mind what they get past the radar, and Never Say "Die" is averted even though Villain Exit Stage Left is firmly in play. It's rated A in Japan ("all ages" or the equivalent of E/3+, though Japan lacks a "secondary A" category equivalent to E10+/7+). Other countries did give it a slightly higher rating (E10+ in America and 7+ in Europe), though the bright graphics might suggest otherwise to those who don't look too close. A review mentioning things parents might find upsetting curiously fails to mention any of this story and only points out that the gameplay violence is quite cartoonish.
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