Through a Face Full of Fur

"How can anyone blush through a face full of hair?"—Charlie Brown, Peanuts
Most mammals are covered in fur, most birds in feathers, most reptiles in scales. Thus, if the blood rushes to the animal's skin as a result of effort, anger, embarrassment or pain, it should be covered from view, though if an animal has light-colored, thin fur or feathers, something of the skin tone may still be visible. Some creatures are inorganic, and have no blood with which to blush. However, a remarkable phenomenon takes place in the world of animated beings. There, if a bear burns or drops a hammer on its paw, or a duck is bilked of a million-dollar prize, or a griffin is caught in the shower without a towel on—or even if a factory whistle is just blowing too strenuously—the creature or object will turn bright red—flesh, fur, feathers, or metal included. This phenomenon is usually restricted to the face, but will on some occasions spread over the whole body.
A variant reaction may take place when a character is frightened, in which case it may turn yellow or white; or freezing, when it may turn blue; or sick, when it may turn green or yellow or, in extreme cases, patterns of colors such as polka dots or plaid. An animal at any level of the Sliding Scale of Anthropomorphism can sometimes have tanned fur or feathers, which acts like skin.
Since this is primarily an Animation Trope, humans aren't exempt from it.
Though this is primarily an Animation Trope, being a common feature of Funny Animal Anatomy, it will occasionally show up in other media as well.
Not to be confused with seeing through a face full of fur; that's Blinding Bangs.
Anime and Manga
- Tony Tony Chopper from One Piece has done this.
- Tails in Sonic X blushes a lot around Cosmo during the second half of Season 3.
- Axis Powers Hetalia: Just like their human counterparts, the Nekotalia cats always have Luminescent Blush.
Comic Books
- In one two-page story in Sam and Max, Max, distracting a tattoo artist while Sam snoops around her store, manages to get an Embarrassing Tattoo through his fur.
Eastern European Animation
- The wolf in Nu Pogodi attempts to karate-chop a log, and smashes his hand. It turns crimson, and he has to run cold water over it to cool it off.
Fan Works
- Shipping Fan Art in general, being in love with Luminescent Blush as it is, has this happen often. See, for instance, this Spike/Rarity pic, which features a twofer: blushing through hair, and through scales!
- The Redwall critters are constantly turning red from rage, green from seasickness, white with fury or fright, and pink with pleasure. They also have some very impressive tattoos, which apparently permanently colour the fur as well and don't grow out.
- Subverted in Lord Brocktree, where the blue dye Ungatt Trunn's soldiers use on their fur washes out when they soak in seawater.
- Several times in Winnie the Pooh, Piglet (who is presumably made of cloth) is described as "turning pink." Being a piglet, isn't he pink by default?
Live Action TV
- In one episode of Green Acres, Arnold the pig blushes, with the help of special lighting.
Newspaper Comics
- In Peanuts, Snoopy is often shown blushing. In one 1950s strip, Charlie Brown wonders how anyone can blush through a face full of hair—thus naming the trope.
Video Games
Web Comics
- Every Furry character in Twokinds
- All the pets in Housepets
- Seems to be par for the course with furry art in general, really.
- Fur Will Fly handwaves this with an explanation of why a mouse's fur should be able to blush—then admits said handwave was completely made up.
- Freefall is usually an exception, but this trope does show up in fan art and guest art, most obviously the guest image drawn by the same artist who does Twokinds.
- As the page image demonstrates, the furred characters of Slightly Damned are susceptible to this. Especially Buwaro and Kieri as pictured above (well, when she has fur at least).
- Lampshaded in Nip and Tuck on one occasion; Thelma once caught Tuck pretty solidly off-guard, then, witnessing his reaction, asked, "How can someone that red blush that bright?!"
- An early Ozy and Millie cartoon features Millie trying to tan herself on the beach. Ozy, naturally, admires the prerequisite optimism involved.
- Lily in this strip of Sandra and Woo.
- As lampshaded in the Alt Text of this Nedroid comic, birds, being covered in feathers, can't get sunburns. Maybe Reginald's feathers are transparent?
- Sandy in The Whiteboard. "Say no more. Your blush is nearly into the infrared."
- Sabrina Online: "Skunks can blush?"
Web Original
- Completely averted/defied in Tasakeru; characters lay their ears flat when angry or embarrassed.
Western Animation
- In An American Tail Fievel's face turns green for a few seconds after the alcoholic Honest John burps in his face.
- Whenever Casper the Friendly Ghost blushes in the old cartoon shorts his entire ectoplasmic body goes red.
- This is common in Walt Disney's full-length features, Classic Disney Shorts, and Disney television series:
- A dove blushes in Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs.
- Pinocchio (who is still made of wood at this point) turns red when inhaling too much while smoking a cigar, then green when he accidentally swallows the smoke. Also, Jiminy Cricket blushes when the Blue Fairy asks him to be Pinocchio's conscience.
- Flower the skunk in Disney's Bambi turns red when being kissed for the first time, the blush travelling from his nose all the way to the tip of his tail.
- In the "Once Upon A Wintertime" segment from Melody Time, Joe, Jenny and the male bunny are seen having color changes to go along with their moods at certain points a few times, with the backgrounds also changing colors in some cases. They include Jenny's redness in anger as she rejects Joe; Joe's blueness in sadness as he dejectedly walks across the ice, drawing an arrow through two hearts inscribed on it with the blades of his skates; the male bunny also blue and sad when the female bunny rejects him, then he turns red and angrily kicks a log, injuring his foot, also when he fails to get Jenny's attention that she's literally walking on thin ice and he sticks the sign in the ice, causing it to crack; Joe turns pale as he races to Jenny and the male bunny's aid; Jenny turning pale and fainting when she and the male bunny are on a board of ice that's about to go over a waterfall; and the male bunny turning hot pink when the female bunny kisses him, which causes the icy block around the male bunny to melt, and Jenny hugging Joe, who also turns pink, for saving her.
- In the"Pecos Bill" segment from the same package movie, the eponymous character becomes red-faced when Slue Foot Sue, passing by on a large catfish, catches his eyes and he coyly turns away. He turns red again when he gets so titillated, he launches into the air like a rocket.
- In "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" segment of The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad, a townsman blushes red as Katrina Van Tassel flirts with him. Later in the same featurette, at the closing of Brom Bones' song about the Headless Horseman, Ichabod turns red from heat, while eating some very hot food and smoke expels from his ears.
- The Caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland turns red twice: Once when Alice unintentionally insults him for his height and he hastily puffs away on his hookah before he's engulfed in smoke and meta-morphs into a butterfly, the other time when he gets annoyed by Alice's question of how to find her next destination.
- In Disney's "The Brave Little Toaster", the Air Conditioner gets so hot-tempered that he turns red, overheats and shorts out, after the other appliances insult him due to his inability to move around like the others.
- In the same movie, the Giant Magnet turns gold (or yellow) with anger unusually rather than red, furiously trying to attract and collect the appliances at the junkyard.
- Roger Rabbit turns all kinds of colors after downing a shot of whiskey.
- In A Goofy Movie, Goofy, turns green after having been lured onto a roller-coaster by Max.
- Donald Duck, in his animated shorts, has been seen turning red with anger (obviously!) and embarrassment, as well as blue with cold, green with fear, etc.
- In "Alpine Climbers," Pluto falls in the snow and comes out blue and frigid. A Saint Bernard pours his keg of brandy on Pluto's mouth, and a rainbow of colors spreads from Pluto's belly to his extremities as he warms up again.
- Pluto also turns blue from the cold at one point in "Mail Dog" when a rabbit, freezing from the cold, tries to cuddle up to the dog to keep warm.
- In "The Army Mascot," Pluto turns green after swallowing a plug of chewing tobacco. He tries to swallow the green away, but it just comes back up. Later he turns other colors as well, including, yes, plaid. Even his tongue!
- In "Bone Trouble", Pluto becomes pallid with fright after ending up in an animal cage at a zoo, which contains a gorilla he sees and he faints (he's then seen reverted to his normal color a moment later).
- In "Lend A Paw", Pluto's bad conscience gets scared and turns yellow when his good conscience is about to give him a licking. In the same short, Pluto later turns blue from the freezing chill after going after the kitten to rescue him from a well and leaping into the basket, which is then lowered down the well and into the water by a crank.
- In "The Moose Hunters", a moose turns red when he sees a cute "lady moose" (actually Goofy and Donald in disguise) doing a peek-a-boo dance.
- In "Music Land", at the double wedding reception between the two saxophone-violin couples, the violin queen's face blushes red after the saxophone king kisses her, causing her tuners to spin so much that one of her strings snaps loose.
- In "Springtime For Pluto", an abashed Pluto's face is flushed red, after the Latina butterfly (who had just meta-morphed from a male caterpillar after spinning a cocoon at the tip of the dog's tail and emerging from it as the new form) catches him checking her out as she dances provocatively.
- It happens to Chip in Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers a few times.
- Darkwing Duck gives examples, too; the first that comes to mind is Gosalyn turning various shades while trying the 'hold-her-breath' bit to get her way.
- In the film Cars, a car's headlights serve as its cheekbones, since its windshield serves as its eyes, so having its headlights light up at the wrong time is basically the automobile equivalent of blushing.
- But what about that car in Paris?
- In Rankin/Bass Productions' 1982 feature film The Last Unicorn, The Skull turns rosy-cheek(bone)d when it empties a bottle of "wine".
- The Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series used this trope continually:
- Sylvester the Cat does it in "Claws for Alarm," when he sees a "ghost" (actually a number of murderous mice under a bed-sheet), turns white with fear.
- In "Drip-A-Long Daffy," Daffy Duck and Porky Pig, among other reactions, turn green, as a result of the drink forced on them by Nasty Canasta.
- In "Fast Buck Duck," Daffy Duck's head turns green, the head color of a mallard drake, out of envy. He also turns white all over in fear a few times.
- Bugs Bunny turns multiple colors from fear and vertigo in "Falling Hare."
- Claude the Cat psychosomatically turns colors suggested by Hubie and Bert the mice, in "The Hypo-Chondri-Cat."
- In "Cheese Chasers," Hubie and Bert themselves turn green from indigestion through eating too much cheese.
- In "Hare Remover", Elmer tries his Psycho Serum, which turns various colors, on a dog who remains unaffected. Elmer later drinks the same formula and turns the same colors as the serum -- through his clothes!
- Professor Fritz Owl loses his temper in Tex Avery's Merrie Melodies short "I Love to Singa," and his feathered face turns bright scarlet.
- In "An Itch in Time," Elmer's dog turns all kinds of crazy color patterns (including polka-dot and plaid) as he fights the urge to scratch.
- In "Piker's Peak," when Yosemite Sam is buried by an avalanche, not only does his skin turn blue, but his clothes and even his gun do as well. (His hair and whiskers, however, are white with snow.)
- Spike the Bulldog turns white (including his derby and sweater) from fear of Sylvester (he thinks!) in "Tree for Two"; his Cockney Expy Alfie does the same (with his jumper but not his bowler, this time) from fear of a transmogrified Sylvester in "Dr. Jerkyl's Hide."
- In the remake of "Horton Hatches The Egg", Horton's face turns pale as it becomes chalk-white, when confronted by Maysie about her egg and prepares to explain to her.
- In the Censored 11 short "Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarves", there are two versions of the part where Prince Chawmin' attempts to revive So White with his "rosebud" kiss. In the freaky original version, after several frenetic efforts, he becomes so exhausted that his whole body goes ashen (although his clothes are already partly white, but most of his teeth are still gold), as they literally take the life out of him as he ages and he shrugs in defeat. In the alternate version, while repeatedly kissing, his face just turns gray, then as he ages his hair stands back and gets wavy while it turns gray, then white as he now has a balding appearance, and only his face changes to a lighter shade of what was his normal, darker complexion.
- In "Bye, Bye Bluebeard", Porky's whole body goes pale at the sight of the eponymous, giant mouse when he encounters him at a doorway.
- In "Stage Door Cartoon", after chasing Bugs Bunny on stage and while being in front of an audience, Elmer Fudd's pants fall down. Realizing this after turning around and noticing them, he pulls them back up and turns beet red. In the same short, his face turns various colors (red, green and purple) from stage fright, when he is put on the spot to act in a Shakespearean outfit.
- In "Long-Haired Hare", Giovanni Jones' face changes into various colors while singing a long, high note towards the end of the short.
- In "A Witch's Tangled Hare", Witch Hazel gets red-faced with embarrassment when she lifts one leg too high while mounting her broom and flashes her pantalets.
- In "Gone Batty", a baseball player's whole body turns pink with modesty after the impact and vibration from swinging a bat against a very hard object causes his uniform to slip off.
- In "Often an Orphan", Porky's face turns red with incense after Charlie Dog asks him a few questions before concluding with "then shut up" and the latter is thrown out of the house.
- In "The Iceman Ducketh", Daffy is seen having climbed up a tree to escape some bears that were chasing him (who are now sleeping under the same tree) and his entire body is light blue, shivering from the wintry chill at the end.
- In "Baby Buggy Bunny", while disguised as an actual baby, Baby-Face Finster holds his breath till he's literally blue in the face when Bugs won't let him have his way.
- In "Cinderella Meets Fella", the Fairy Godmother gets red-faced a couple times after making a couple mistakes with her magic wand.
- In "Case of the Missing Hare", an irate Ala Bahma turns red-faced for Bugs' constant meddling with his magic act and he engages in a sword/fencing fight.
- In the "Blue Danube" segment of "A Corny Concerto", rather through a face full of feathers in his case, the buzzard turns yellow from fright when he realizes he's done for once the black duckling (possibly Daffy) goes after him.
- In "Boobs In The Woods", Daffy's body turns pale for a second, when Porky catches him attempting to ring a bell for a third time, which is used for alerting that a fish has taken the bait, which Daffy was using to fool Porky.
- In "Bugs Bunny Gets The Boid", an embarrassed Beaky Buzzard turns red in the face and away after attempting to look down in a hole where Bugs enters and pops up cross-dressed as a lady in a towel, as if having come out of the shower.
- In "Robin Hood Makes Good", the fox gets fearful and panic-stricken as he turns yellow, running to the back door of a cabin and frantically trying to open it. This is because the smallest squirrel fools him into thinking that, disguising his voice, he is a hunter who is outside and at the front door of the cabin, trying to break in and come after him. The vulpine is so busy trying to escape that he loses his grip on reality and after bolting into the door and breaking free, he's still panicky and banging on the door while running down a pathway with it.
- In "Jumpin' Jupiter", Sylvester's entire body goes white with fright when he's on the edge of a moving saucer in space and sees just how high he is. Then after jumping into someone's arms, not realizing it's the Jupiter Buzzard at first when he turns around and sees who caught him, he turns yellow and dashes under Porky's bed in the tent.
- In "Martian Through Georgia", after the taller man who was reading a newspaper that includes info about the green alien flees when he sees him nearby, the shorter man who was also reading about it turns around and notices him reading his copy of the paper. The shorter man goes ashen, including his clothes, stricken with fear and does the same.
- Jenny from My Life as a Teenage Robot blushes bright blue.
- In one episode of Tom and Jerry Tales, Tom and Jerry go through a carnival funhouse and come out so scared that their fur is permanently bleached white. They then end up getting jobs at the carnival as an albino cat and mouse.
- Blushing is used as a visual device for robots in Transformers Generation 1. A simple example would be Seaspray's humanoid love interest noticing him blushing at her in "Sea Change."
- On the Woody Woodpecker cartoon "Under The Counter Spy", Woody wakes up feeling weak and listless, which manifests itself as him being a sickly green. He goes to drink his nerve tonic, but reaches instead for a secret Super Serum that was recently stolen and hidden in his house. He turns red, blue and yellow as the serum takes effect.
- In another cartoon starring Woody, "Alley To Bali", Woody becomes multi-colored for a few seconds after drinking a rainbow-colored refreshment and hiccups when he does so. Also, four of the characters in this turn brown, mostly after getting kissed: Woody turns brown after Buzz kisses him, thinking he was the Balinese seductress; a man-eating plant turns the same color when it traps Buzz and tries to eat him, and rots in reaction as a result, freeing him; a gray gorilla that emerges from a pot when Buzz does a snake charming moment and kisses him turns the same color before slipping back into the pot; and a peach, female octopus (whose tentacles were mistaken by Woody and Buzz for the multi-arms of another Balinese lady) turns likewise after she kisses Woody and Buzz at the end.
- Tex Avery used this a couple of times, as well.
- In the MGM short "The Shooting of Dan McGoo", Droopy blushes when Red kisses him.
- In the MGM short "Who Killed Who" a ghost blushes after being caught in an Eek! A Mouse! moment.
- In another MGM short "What Price Fleadom?", a bulldog's face blushes bright red when he notices the viewers are about to see him open his toothless mouth in which he puts back his dentures. He then pulls down a shade and puts them back in while hidden from view behind it, then lifts the shade back up and smiles at the audience sheepishly.
- Benson from Regular Show gets red in the face when angry. Did we mention that Benson is a gumball machine?
- Twice in All Dogs Go to Heaven, when Carface breathes cigar smoke in Killer's face, the latter becomes sickly and his entire body turns green, as the smoke makes him expel hacks.
- On The Ren and Stimpy Show, the former titular character sometimes got red-faced when hot tempered in various episodes.
- In "In The Army", after the sergeant tells Ren and Stimpy to remove their gas masks while standing in a room filled with tear gas (generated by stinky Cartoon Cheese), Stimpy inhales the tear gas and turns green while crying excessively; Ren is unfazed because he cheated by holding his breath.
- In the previously lost/banned episode "Man's Best Friend", George Liquor's face also turned red with anger, eyes bulging and neck stretched with veins popping, while repeatedly telling Stimpy to get on the couch as part of his and Ren's disciplinary training. Stimpy thought he was really going to get it once he did what George said, but instead he's pleased with him and rewards him with a cigar.
- Mr. Horse's face turns red with ire in "Dog Show", when a poodle begs him not to be subjected to having to get inside a bulldog's mouth to either be chewed or eaten when he doesn't pass the judging/test.
- In "To Salve or Not To Salve", Ren turns entirely into some shade of blue and his body starts cracking apart slightly (probably a reference to decomposing), as he struggles to suppress his rage when Hey! It's That Guy (a pesky but persistent salesman), emerges from hiding in a toilet tank while Ren is using the toilet. The toilet paper spool is empty and the salesman offers him salve once more as a substitute, to which Ren finally caves in to and reluctantly (and sadly) accepts.
- In "It's A Dog's Life", Stimpy's whole front turns blue while choking on a rock given to him for a meal.
- In "Who's Stupid Now?", the director's (Anthony's dad from "A Visit to Anthony") face turns an intense red in a huff, breathing heavily and nostrils flaring while turning to the viewers, when Ren (whose role has now been reversed to Stimpy's, complete with the physical appearance in weight and shortage of intelligence) can't remember his exact lines.
- In " The Last Temptation of Ren", Ren becomes blue-faced and dies after choking on a large chunk of oatmeal.
- In the Adult Party Cartoon two-parter and sequel episode, "Fire Dogs 2", Stimpy's entire front turns green while smoking from the wrong end of a cigar.
- In the same, later series episode, "Altruists", an embarrassed Stimpy turns red frontally after at last noticing where Ren went (having been caught inside a toilet drain, looking back displeasedly at Stimpy) and Stimpy foolishly mistook Ren's voice constantly calling for him as some spirit's.
- In Depatie & Freleng's MGM, Pink Panther featurette, "Pink Pictures", the eponymous character becomes the blue panther due to a lack of air, when the cork in one end of his snorkel is pounded deeper into it and clogged by a swarm of bees in a hammer formation, while he's underwater.
- In another Pink Panther cartoon, "Jet Pink", the same character turns into two colors. Becoming the white panther in paleness and fear and then green from airsickness (and maybe vertigo for both colors) while flying in an out-of-control jet.
- In "Pickled Pink", the panther is turned blue after the drunk accidentally closes a freezer door on him and traps him in it, and this is revealed after the drunk opens it, and sees him. Then, the panther is turned to a lighter shade of blue when he's frozen within a large, icy block, which then slides down some stairs before breaking apart once he reaches the bottom, and he turns back to his regular color.
- In another series of featurettes by the same duo and studio, The Ant and the Aardvark, the latter, titular character's whole body (including his shirt and pants) has undergone color changes in few of the cartoons. They include red on account of the heat from inadvertently inhaling Tabasco sauce into his snout, flames in another short from Charlie's (the ant) fireplace; green in unhealthiness from constantly inhaling cigar smoke and exhaling it into Charlie's ant hill in an attempt to get him to come out; and various, psychedelic patterns after unintentionally spraying himself with something that causes him to have a bad acid trip. Aardvark's face turned green in one short after Charlie lights a cigar in his stomach. In another short, his body is pale blue, covered with ice after making a hole in a frozen lake while chasing after Charlie. In yet again another short, Aardvark's completely black from an explosive rocket after they both fell into an extraordinary hole known as "instant hole". Same occurrence to Aardvark in "Isle of Caprice", when he attempts to launch himself from a cannon on one island and onto another which has ants. The cannon fires, but he's still in it.
- Sally Acorn blushes in a few episodes of Sonic the Hedgehog.
- This is often the case with Orbitty from The Jetsons who has the special ability of changing into another color depending on his emotion (red for anger or modesty, blue for sadness, yellow for fright, etc.), which he did in a variety of episodes.
- In one episode of Muppet Babies, "Journey To The Center Of The Nursery", Piggy became so furious her face turned deep red, irritated by Animal and the rocks' burping contest.
- Of course, being a pink pig, she probably has very little fur.
- This has occurred with some of the characters (both furry and non-furry) from Tiny Toon Adventures in certain episodes, which include the following:
- In the "To Bleep or Not To Bleep" segment of "Test Stressed", Fowlmouth gets furious when he learns that Shirley had already been asked out to the prom by Plucky. His face turns purple (rather than the typical red), some babies that Buster used to prevent Fowlmouth's cussing around them cry and flee, and just as he stomps the ground so hard he causes an earthquake, and seems like he's going to let loose with the obscenities (albeit bleeped ones), his facial color turns back to normal and he casually says, "Rats, maybe next time".
- In "Her Wacky Highness", Elmer Fudd's face turns red and he blows his stack when he finds Babs is poking fun at him with her impression right when he gets back to the classroom.
- In the "Born To Be Riled" short from "The Buster Bunny Bunch", Shirley and Fifi's faces turn red with ire when Babs pokes fun at them.
- In the "Kitty Cat-Astrophe" featurette from "Wake Up Call of the Wild", Hamton's face turns red, infuriated by Furball's antics with destroying his house due to the cat's natural instincts.
- In the "Rent-A-Friend" segment from "Rainy Daze", an enraged Montana Max's face turns red, having gotten fed up with Buster making him the stooge and he calls the titular service to replace the bunny.
- In the "Pledge Week" segment "It's All Relative", Babs' face turns red, irritated when her mother keeps telling her to do "that other funny thing you do", which is getting in the way of Babs' plans of her date with Buster, and Babs repeats what was said but in first person, through clenched teeth.
- In "Buster and Babs Go Hawaiian", a nauseated Buster turns green entirely (save for his red shirt) after eating a carrot chip. His reaction to it causes him to melt into a puddle before reconstituting himself and he bolts to the airplane's restroom (which is already occupied and crowded with many others who are sick) to vomit. He then comes out and asks the other occupants, "So you guys had the carrot chips too?" Prior to that, his face also turns a paler shade of blue than normal for a moment when Plucky (who's a steward here) asks him whether he'd like gray lumps with brown sauce or brown lumps with gray sauce.
- In "The Voyage of Kon Ducki" half of "Kon Ducki", Plucky is ashen with seasickness and while the ship is sailing during a storm. With his back turned, he's seen throwing up over the ship and into the ocean.
- In the same segment/episode, Hamton blushes lightly with modesty when his grass skirt falls off and he's nude, and a tour bus guide points him out to the tourists.
- In the "Corn-Heads" sketch from "Weekday Afternoon Live", Elmyra's face turns red with anger and this causes the cob of corn on top of her head to become heated and erupts like a volcano. After she explodes, the corn from her head is turned into popcorn (which piles up everywhere) and she is seen laid down and dazed.
- In the ThunderCats (2011) episode, "Journey to the Tower of Omens," young Wilykit blushes briefly while making smooching noises, teasing Lion-O about Cheetara's Hands-On Approach when coaching him in the use of the Sword of Omens.
- Eddie Storkowitz on Birdz did this several times.
- Eek! The Cat: In "MiserEek", the blind old lady puts the titular Eek into a pot of boiling water and it burns so much that his fur turns red.
- In the Comic Color Cartoon featurette, Little Black Sambo, the eponymous character's complexion goes pale with fright, when he encounters and comes face to face with a tiger before fleeing.
- In the Smurfs movie "The Smurfs and the Magic Flute" multiple human characters experience this. Both Johann and the King are left angry and red-faced after a magician's cheap imitations of musical instruments. Peewit also turns green during a Smurf song.
- Archie in "Archie's Funhouse" turns brick red towards the end of the song piece "Somebody Likes You."
- In the cartoon short of Little Audrey "Butterscotch and Soda", the lead character turns a variety of colors after eating too much candy. These include: green, a candy cane pattern, and black.
- "The Thief and the Cobbler" uses this on 3 characters.
- The villain Zigzag turns beet red twice, both from anger: first occasion is from Princess Yum Yum allowing Tack to stay in the palace and the other from the Saltine not letting him have his way.
- Both Tack and Yum Yum blush pink from coyly eying one another affectionately.
- In My Little Pony Tales, one-shot character Logan's entire head turns red after he is accepted into the girl's club.