Sly Cooper/Characters
The Cooper Gang
Our protagonists. They were initially a Trio, but by the third game their ranks had grown to seven.
Sly Cooper
"The Thievius Raccoonus doesn't create great thieves. It takes great thieves to create the Thievius Raccoonus."
An American raccoon, and the last member of an incredibly ancient family of master thieves who preyed upon criminals. His parents were killed by a gang of five criminals when he was young, leaving him to be adopted by the Happy Campers Orphanage, where he meet Bentley and Murray, his lifelong friends and comembers of the Cooper Gang.
- Ace Pilot: Supposed to be one of these in the third game.
- Amnesiac Lover: Played with. He fakes amnesia in order to finally to get together with Carmelita.
- Ancestral Weapon: His cane.
- Anti-Hero: Type II.
- Back Stab: The best way for him to clear out enemy Mooks.
- Badass
- Blatant Burglar
- Calling Card: Literally.
- Cane Fu
- The Charmer
- Conveniently an Orphan: Very much averted. He may be one, but it's a major plot point, and his family play a enormous role in the history of the series as a collective Posthumous Character.
- Criminal Amnesiac: Inverted and Subverted.
- Dating Catwoman: His relationship with Carmelita, below.
- Deadpan Snarker: Dips into this in his conversations.
- Domino Mask: He has never been seen without it outside of some of his disguises, even as a child, while disguised for Rajan's ball and while faking amnesia to get with Carmelita.
- Easy Amnesia: Subverted in the ending of the third game. He was only faking amnesia to get with Carmelita.
- Enemy Mine: With Carmelita during the final level of each game.
- First-Person Snapshooter: Though one mission involved him posing as a professional one.
- Gentleman Thief
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: Maybe. It's possible he's wearing pants, but it's kinda hard to tell.
- The Hero
- Hooks and Crooks: His family cane.
- Honor Before Reason: His main motive, along with the Cooper Family's, for centuries.
- Never Hurt an Innocent: His family had only gone after other criminals, never an innocent person. Sly is no different.
- Nice Hat: In the first game, you can even make it into a bomb!
- One-Hit-Point Wonder: He was this in the first game, and could gain up to 2 extra hitpoints with horseshoes. He gains a health meter in later games.
- Orphan's Plot Trinket: His cane, the symbol by which the Fiendish Five recognize his identity. It's also the key to the Cooper Vault.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: When showing up for Rajan's ball, he wears a tuxedo and ditches his hat and shoes, but keeps his mask. In the third game, the fact that he is far less bulky than the Venetian flashlight guards and the Blood Bath Bay lantern-carrying guards he impersonates may explain the constant password requests from the guards. Strangely, his wedding photographer disguise in the same game's fourth level still works even after General Tsao identifies him.
- Phantom Thief
- Power-Up Magnet: One of Sly's unlockable abilities in the first game.
- Rascally Raccoon: Obviously.
- Rolling Attack: One of his unlockable special moves in the first game.
- Shock and Awe: And later he gets an upgrade that allows him to channel electricity while rolling.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: Him and Carmelita. It's played with in the first game with Carmelita's Mercy Lead, and he is rescued by his friends just as Carmelita was about to break out a glass of wine for the occasion of his arrest with him. In the third game, he fakes amnesia after being injured by Dr M. and ends up with Carmelita in Paris.
- Stealth Hi Bye: He's a master at this, somehow he's been able to: handcuff Carmelita to a rail after the ten second head start -- 9 he used to get to her and one to kiss her on the lips, no less! -- escape Rajah's palace and leaving a calling card in her hair, and even escape just as Carmelita wakes up from being possessed by an ancient mask.
- Super Drowning Skills
- Time Master: Downplayed for the most part, but three of the unlockable special moves in the first game were the ability to speed up time (to make long, boring heists and stake-outs go by in a flash), slow down time (in order to more easily dodge traps and security lasers), and stop time (causing all enemies to freeze for a few seconds).
- Took a Level in Badass: See One-Hit-Point Wonder.
- Visible Invisibility: Type 3 while utilizing the invisibility power from his ancient Egyptian ancestor.
Bentley Turtle
An American turtle, and the brains of the Cooper Gang. He appeared solely in radio comms and in a hacking level in the first game, then Took a Level in Badass and played an active role in the second and third games.
- Adorkable: A nerdy turtle who stayed in Mission Control and then mustered the courage to go into the front lines to save his friends. Even after being in a wheel chair, he still has the strength to continue on.
- Annoying Arrows: The worst you can do with his crossbow in the second game is put Mooks to sleep. You can supplant this, however, by either just sneaking past the mook or blowing him up with a timed bomb.
- Arbitrary Skepticism: Averted. Despite his scientific outlook, he has apparently found verifiable paranormal activity even before the first game, and does not hesitate to act upon it and utilize it to his advantage. He is slightly skeptical of the Mask of Dark Earth's importance in the second level of the third game, however, but doesn't overlook it as a threat because of all the ghosts and demons they've encountered thus far.
- Badass Bookworm
- Berserk Button: Jean-Bison, never ever tell the genius turtle in front of you about your opinion of their intelligence; it just ends badly.
- Breakout Character
- The Engineer
- Genius Cripple: In the third game, due to Clock-La crippling him with her beak at the second game's climax.
- Guile Hero
- Handicapped Badass: In the third game.
- Jet Pack: Available to him in the second game, and he gets rockets in the third.
- The Lancer: Though, as the series goes on, he becomes the leader of the Cooper Gang.
- Mission Control
- Nerd Glasses
- Not So Different: Dr M. points out that they both play the same role in the Cooper Gang, a role for which Dr M. felt marginalized. Bentley, though, gives a Shut UP, Hannibal in response.
- Only One Name: His Species Surname is only mentioned in supplementary materials.
- Pair the Smart Ones: Him and Penelope at the end of the third game.
- Playful Hacker
- Power-Up Magnet: A literal magnet on a fishing pole used to draw coins and keys from an enemy's back pocket.
- The Resenter: He comes close to this to Sly in the third game. He gets over it before it can become a problem with a little help from Murray.
- Scars Are Forever: There's a reason why he's in that wheelchair...
- Species Surname
- The Smart Guy
- Squishy Wizard: He takes more damage than Sly and a lot more than Murray. Which is funny, considering that he's a turtle.
- The Strategist
- Super Drowning Skills: Ironic, even though he's a turtle.
- Super Wheelchair
- Took a Level in Badass: As per above.
- Turtle Power
- Wham! Line: The line that shocked everyone just as Clock-La had been defeated. "Pick me up, I can't walk!"
Murray Hippo
An American hippo, and The Big Guy of the team. He plays a supporting role as a truck racer and key retriever in the first game, and takes about 10 levels in badass into the second and third games.
- Achilles in His Tent: The third game, due to his guilt over Bentley's crippling. It stops when Murray sees Octavio kick Bentley out of his wheelchair, and he exclaims that the Murray is back.
- Acrofatic
- Badass Driver: Shown in the games, and he's a professional race car driver at the end of the third game.
- Big Eater
- Big Fun
- The Big Guy
- Berserk Button: Do not call him weak, harm Bentley, or harm the team van.
- Blood Knight
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Break the Cutie: The last few levels of Sly 2 put him through the wringer.
- Companion Cube: The team van. It even had a part to play in getting the Panda King to be a member of the team!
- Dumb Muscle
- Gentle Giant: Subverted. While Murray starts as this and remains pretty nice to his friends, he gets more and more vicious as the series goes on.
- Oh, and let's not forget chapter 3. He was a total pacifist and wouldn't engage in a fight until Octavio kicked Bentley out of his wheelchair.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: Can pick up and throw enemies.
- He's Back: THE MURRAY IS BACK! when he fights Octavio.
- Hot-Blooded
- Large Ham
- The Load: "Part-time driver and full-time burden" indeed; initially, at least. Then he got over it with a blazing pink VENGEANCE!
- Lovable Coward: First game only.
- Noodle Incident: In the third game, he mentions that his master, The Guru, is not in his hut because of the 'Unspeakable'. All we know is that there's purple smoke and that Murray had to apologize for a whole month before he got forgiven.
- One-Hit-Point Wonder: In the first game, he was no more durable than Sly, even cowering from enemies. In the second game onwards, he could take more hits than any other member of the team, and gained huge strength to boot. By the third game, Dr. M even states that Murray was far stronger than the previous Cooper Gang's heavy hitter, Mc Sweeney.
- Only One Name: See Bentley's entry.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Real Men Wear Pink: Well, real men are pink, in his case.
- Species Surname
- Spell My Name with a "The": He prefers "The Murray," though he's not as big about as most examples.
- Super Drowning Skills: He's a freaking hippo...
- Took a Level in Badass: Like whoa. See One-Hit-Point Wonder.
The Guru
An Australian koala and aboriginal guru. He joins the team after the Cooper Gang defeat the Mask of Dark Earth and clear Ayers Rock of miners.
- Badass Grandpa
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"/No Name Given
- Loin Cloth: His chosen attire.
- Magical Native Australian
- Master of Disguise: He can perfectly blend into the background to avoid the guards.
- People Puppets: He can latch himself onto the guards to control their movement.
- Psychic Link: He seems to make one with the Panda King, and makes one between him and Sly's mind in the beginning of the fourth level of the third game.
- Psychic Powers/Religion Is Magic
- Technical Pacifist: Because hitting people is bad, but mindjacking them and ramming them into machinery to break it is just fine, apparently.
- The Unintelligible: To the audience. The characters seem to be able to understand him perfectly.
Penelope Mouse
A Dutch mouse, and an expert RC vehicle operator, mechanic, and pilot. She joins the team after being exposed as the Black Baron in the ACES Dogfighting Championship, an identity she had created due to age restrictions on dogfighting.
- The Chick
- Damsel in Distress: When she is kidnapped by Captain LeFwee.
- However, she does beat him in a sword fight right after she is freed.
- Hot Chick with a Sword: How she fought against Captain LeFwee. She was even wearing a dress while doing so.
- Meganekko
- Only One Name: See Bentley's entry.
- Pair the Smart Ones: See Bentley's entry.
- Put on a Bus: Possibly. She hasn't been seen or mentioned in any of the media for Sly 4.
- Smurfette Principle: Only girl in the Cooper Gang.
- Species Surname: See Bentley's entry.
- Wrench Wench: Has RC skills that equal Bentley's own. She even helps Bentley reconstruct the Cooper Vault for future generations.
The Panda King
A Chinese panda, a former member of the Fiendish Five, and a powerful Chinese crime lord with a thing for fireworks. He returned in the third game to team up with Sly to rescue his daughter and break into the Cooper Vault, facing demons both literal and metaphorical in the process.
- Anti-Hero: Type IV in the third game.
- Calling Your Attacks: Palms of Thunder! Booming Chop! Fiery Wheel!
- Charged Attack: His fireworks in the third game. A fully charged attack leads to a small scale Macross Missile Massacre.
- The Dragon: Arguably, to Clockwerk.
- Easily Forgiven: Averted. Sly never forgives him for his part in his family's murder, he just decides to move on.
- Enemy Mine: With Sly, against General Tsao, in the third game's fourth level.
- Enemy Within: In the third game, he is initially trapped in a loop of his greatest loss (with some help from General Tsao) and, during the mission where he destroys the grasshopper crypt, argues with one side of his personality to let Sly Cooper live. He eventually states that Cooper lives, stating to his dark side that if evil and cruelty was needed, then he'd be no less than Taso himself.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He has a daughter, Jing King, who is kidnapped by General Tsao to be forced into a wedding ceremony.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"/Only One Name: Intriguingly, it appears King is his actual surname. Whether "Panda" is his first name is unknown.
- Freudian Excuse: As a child, he watched the fireworks the noblemen put on for display and aspired to be a fireworks artist himself. However, his skills were spurned by them, causing him to turn to a life of crime.
- Heel Face Turn: The third game.
- Incendiary Exponent: His Flame Fu in the first game.
- I Owe You Shotgun: Murray states that Panda King has shotgun[1] for a month.
- Kick the Dog: Him burying a village in the snow for refusing to pay his protection fee in the first game.
- Not just A village; ANY village who didn't pay the protection fee got this.
- Large and In Charge: When he was a crime lord.
- Maniac Monkeys: Pretty much all his henchmen in the original game where these.
- Odd Friendship: With both Murray and the Guru. He relates with the Guru because, as Sly puts it, 'put it off with the old guy', and Murray -- when the hippo states that he'd never abandon the team van again when it was frozen in ice -- because it tore his heart due to the fact that if he had that strength, Jing King wouldn't be forced into marriage.
- Overprotective Dad: Became this since Jing King begged him to not have another General Tsao incident; he's done a pretty good job, since she hasn't been married yet.
- Pandaing to the Audience
Dimitri Lousteau
"My suit is GREASY SWEET!"
A French iguana, literal lounge lizard, and former Klaww Gang member, French crime boss, and nightclub/restaurant owner who ran a forging and drug dealing operation. He was defeated by Sly and imprisoned by Interpol, only to be broken out a year later in Venice, lead Sly to the flight roster in Holland, and team up with him to retrieve his family's diving gear from Captain LeFwee in Blood Bath Bay.
- Anti-Hero: Either Type IV or Type V, in the third game.
- Evil Is Stylish/Sissy Villain
- French Jerk
- Freudian Excuse/Mad Artist: He was an aspiring young artist who turned to forging after the arts community rejected his work.
- As Sly puts it, "The art world wasn't quite ready for his 'kinetic aesthetics."[2]
- Good Smoking, Evil Smoking
- Harpoon Gun: His standard weapon in the underwater stages.
- Heel Face Turn: after Sly bails him out of jail, he disappears for awhile, then reappears in Holland, where he hands the Cooper Gang info in return for a favor. He then asks for their help in retrieving his grandfather's diving gear. Then he joins the team... but none of them had asked in the first place.
- I Take Offense to That Last One: Before his fight with Sly in the second game, this happens:
Sly: I have NO idea what you're saying. (beat) And your suit sucks.
Dimitri: (gasps) LET'S DANCE!
- Jive Turkey: Justified, seeing as he learned his English from hip hop videos.
- Meaningful Name: Lousteau sounds like Cousteau as in Jacques Cousteau, who invented scuba gear.
- No Name Given: In the second game, he is known only as Dimitri and called Dimitri L. on his arrest card. In the third game, his family name, Lousteau, is revealed.
- Took a Level in Badass/Le Parkour: If the E3 2011 trailer for the fourth Sly game is any indication, as he was able to convincingly pose as Sly, though that might just have been the Rule of Funny in effect.
The Fiendish Five
A gang of five criminals who broke into Sly's home and killed his parents, dividing the parts of the Thievius Racoonus among themselves and taking off to the furthest corners of the world. Tropes involving them:
- Five-Bad Band:
- Big Bad: Clockwerk
- The Dragon: Panda King
- Evil Genius: Sir Raleigh
- The Brute: Muggshot
- Dark Chick: Mz. Ruby
"Perfection has no age."
The leader of the Fiendish Five, a mysterious robotic owl of unknown origin who turned himself into a robot in order to hunt down and destroy the Cooper family, his greatest rival. He is at least 3200 years old, showing up even in the earliest parts of the Thievius Racoonus. He possessed an incredibly well fortified hideout in the Krakarov Volcano in Russia, before being defeated by Sly and his parts sent to a museum in Cairo. But then the Klaww Gang stole his body parts and repurposed them for their criminal schemes. The Cooper Gang gathered up each of these parts, which were then taken by Jean Bison after the Winter Games and passed on to Arpeggio as part of an Evil Plan to acquire all the parts for himself to acquire immortality through a complex scheme involving the operations of all the other gang members. However, Neyla betrayed Arpeggio and took the Clockwerk frame for herself, being defeated by the Cooper Gang. Clockwerk was eliminated forever, though at the cost of Murray's morale and Bentley's ability to walk.
- Big Bad: Of the first game.
- Big Badass Bird of Prey
- Complete Monster: In the words of Sly himself:
Sly:"Is it inappropriate to refer to him as a monster? No. Not at all."
- Cyborg
- Determinator: He has lived through thousands of years just to get his revenge on the Cooper Clan.
- Eye Beams
- He Who Must Not Be Seen: Up until the end of the first game, he remains a silhouette and is never seen directly.
- No Name Given
- Noodle Incident: It is never stated why exactly he hates the Cooper Clan so much.
- He was jealous of their thieving ability. Maybe he started out as a rival to one of Sly's ancestors?
- Owl Be Damned: Aside from the obvious, he has robotic mini-owls as his minions.
- The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: Despite being described as a master thief, he's never shown to steal anything but Sly's cane, and that was through a minor minion.
- Fridge Brilliance: The point was to kill all his rivals, and THEN be the only one in the business. Clockwerk Monopoly?
- The Power of Hate: Firm believer in this. In fact, the second game revealed that what fueled Clockwork was a hate chip.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: He had those before turned himself into a cyborg. Then he had Eyes of Gold, which flicker red when he speaks.
- Talking Animal
- We Can Rebuild Him: It happened, alright.
Mz. Ruby
An alligator of possibly Haitian nationality, the chief mystic of the Fiendish Five, and an accomplished wielder of black magics, whose command of forces beyond this world allow her to break both the laws of man and nature. She is based in the deepest, darkest parts of the Haitian jungle.
- Beware My Stinger Tail:
- Dance Battler: More like Dance Caster. She forces you to play a Rhythm Game as her boss fight.
- Dark Chick
- Everything's Better with Chickens: She has a large hutch full of them, and they even serve as backup dancers during her boss fight.
- Freudian Excuse: Her Hollywood Voodoo background caused her to be avoided by other children, leading her to animate corpses for companionship.
- Hollywood Voodoo: Big time.
- Jive Turkey
- Large and In Charge
- Never Smile At a Crocodile
- Only One Name
- Squishy Wizard: She only takes around nine hits before going down for good, but she fills in the boss fight by making you dodge her spells before you reach her.
An American bulldog with a serious inferiority complex who once had total control of Mesa City, Utah, until the Cooper Gang took him down. He returns to threaten the gang again in Holland, but is taken out by a combination of Penelope's RC skills, Bentley's defense systems, Murray's strength, Sly's guile, and Carmelita's shock pistol.
- Badass Mustache
- The Brute
- Bully Bulldog: When he was younger, that wasn't the case; as he got older, though...
- Dumb Muscle
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Insulting his mother proves to be Bentley's critical point for luring him into a fight in the town square.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Even he is hesitant about attacking Bentley, who is confined to a wheelchair.
- Freudian Excuse: He was picked upon by other dogs as a child, leading him to take up gym lessons and adopt a personality like those of the gangsters in the Mafia films he so loved.
- Guns Akimbo
- Incredibly Lame Pun: One of the Mafia films he loves so much is called The Dogfather.
- Jerkass
- Large and In Charge
- Made of Iron: He can't be hurt by Sly's cane or Murray's fists, and can take multiple shots to the "solar plexius" with an engine block without significant damage. Carmelita's shock pistol can put a dent in him, though.
- Top-Heavy Guy: His lower body is so atrophied he has to walk around on his knuckles.
- Who's Laughing Now?: His introduction video depicts him beating the stuffing out of his childhood tormentors.
Sir Raleigh
The Fiendish Five's chief machinist, an aristocratic Briton who, bored with the high life, took up piracy on a whim and found it to his liking, setting up a shipwrecking operation on an island off the coast of Wales using a weather machine.
- Aristocrats Are Evil
- Balloon Belly: His main form of attack.
The Klaww Gang
A group of five powerful crime lords and a powerful Interpol official from across the world, united for mutual profit, particularily through the spice trade. Tropes related to them:
- Five-Bad Band:
- Big Bad: Arpeggio
- The Dragon: Jean Bison and Neyla
- Evil Genius: The Contessa
- The Brute: Rajan
- Dark Chick: Dimitri
A British parrot with great wealth and an enormous airship. The machinist of the Klaww Gang, and arguably its leader.
- Affably Evil
- Big Bad: Of the second game. Or so it would appear.
- Evil Brit
- Evil Is Stylish
- Freudian Excuse: He was born a genius, but was never able to fly or keep up with the other students physically. This is part of the reason he seeks the Clockwerk frame, the other being immortality.
- High-Class Glass
- Immortality Immorality
- Minor Major Character: His initial appearance is a non-speaking role at the party in Rajan's "ancestral palace", while his second and final appearance is a scene near the end of the game, where he reveals his master plan to hypnotize Paris using hypnotic lights devised by the Contessa and powered by Jean Bison's Northern Lights battery to send a Paris addled by spice sold by Dimitri, delivered by Jean Bison, and produced by Rajan into a hate frenzy, in order to make himself immortal and able to fly using the Clockwerk frame. However, he is betrayed by Neyla, and (apparently) dies soon afterwards.
- Only One Name
- The Unfought
Jean Bison
A Canadian Bison and former prospector and woodsman who was frozen in a freak avalanche for 100 years and unfrozen by global warming, bringing his Saruman-like aspirations of taming the wild north into the modern age.
- Affably Evil/Anti-Villain: He's often shown being A Father to His Men, and even Sly feels sorry for him given his Fish Out of Temporal Water status.
- Blade on a Stick: His Simple Staff when it's implemented with the Clockwerk Claws.
- The Brute
- Canada, Eh?: Averted massively. His own men play it more straight, though.
- Fantastic Racism: Bison has a very low opinion of turtles, which he isn't afraid to share with Bentley.
Jean-Bison: "I wouldn't expect one of your kind to understand the finer points of commerce. You turtles are too stew-pid to know a woodcutter from a woodchuck!"
Bentley: "That's it! Time I showed you just how "stew-pid" we turtles really are!"
- Fish Out of Temporal Water/Values Dissonance: As Sly says, he's just a regular guy from the 19th century. He would have been a hero in his day, but he's now a villain, though partly for his drug operation.
- Flunky Boss
Bison: "Come on in here boys! Let's get this varmint."
- Heel Face Turn: In the epilogue, he's shown to be working for the Environmental Protection Agency. Sadly, he ended up frozen again when rescuing baby penguins in the arctic.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Bentley defeats him, thanks to Sly, by giving him commands on using Bison's own wood cutting equipment against him.
- Large and In Charge
- Morally-Ambiguous Ducktorate: The basic enemies in his levels are ducks.
- Species Surname
- Terra Deforming: See Values Dissonance.
The Contessa
A Slavic (likely Czechoslovakian) spider and senior Interpol official who is secretly brainwashing prisoners to tell her the location of their loot so she can take it for herself.
- Above Good and Evil
- Affably Evil
- American Gothic Couple: In her epilogue, a hypnotised couple in that pose and background is shown, though anthropomorphic.
- Arachnid Appearance and Attire: Well she is a Spider-Taur
- Aristocrats Are Evil: Subverted. She got her wealth and presumably her title by marriage, not by birth.
- Bat Out of Hell: The basic minions for her levels.
- Black Widow: She got her wealth from marrying an aristocrat, then killing him.
- Big Badass Wolf: the other type of basic minions for her levels.
- Dark Chick
- Everyone Calls Her Barkeep
- Evil Is Stylish
- Giant Spider
- Heel Face Turn: Subverted twice. She does it first as a Wounded Gazelle Gambit with Sly, and is shown to be hypnotizing real estate customers in the epilogue.
- Hypnotic Eyes: Made even worse when she has the Clockwork Eyes on her.
- The Mole: Has been working for the Klaww Gang the whole time.
- Non-Mammal Mammaries
- Opera Gloves
- Praetorian Guard: Her Shadow Guard, who only show up in the background in the sixth level. "Tough" is described by Bentley as too wimpy a word for them.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Rip Tailoring: Probably so the dress will fit over her Spider-Taur lower half.
- The Shrink: Played with. She does seem to genuinely cure criminals, but also makes them give up the location of their loot for her own gain. Bentley states that it was a pretty evil crime for both thieves AND law alike.
- Spider People
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: She fakes a Heel Face Turn in order to trick Sly into letting his guard down during her second boss fight.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
An Indian spice lord and tiger who ships his spice to Jean Bison, and purchases an "ancestral palace" to further his pretension of royalty. He is, in actuality, a former street urchin who made it rich through drug smuggling.
- Aristocrats Are Evil: Subverted. See above.
- Berserk Button: Hates getting wet, though this was due to Did Not Do the Research.
- Cats Hate Water: See Did Not Do the Research.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: He's actually ashamed of this, and goes to great lengths to convince himself and others that he's actually royalty.
- Flunky Boss
Rajan: "Defend your lord!"
- Heel Face Turn: In the epilogue, he becomes a legitimate businessman and owns a rug business all across North America.
- Lean and Mean
- Maniac Monkeys: His basic thugs.
- Shock and Awe
- Villainous Breakdown
Other Characters
Carmelita Montoya Fox
"I'll find you, Cooper! I'll be seein' ya soon, ringtail..."
Sly's eternal opponent. An Interpol policewoman and Hispanic fox, his relentless pursuer (in more than one sense) and frequently the one to bust the episode's villain and take the credit.
- Action Girl
- Bare Your Midriff: ...and what a midriff it is.
- Dating Catwoman: Although no cats are involved, and Sly is the Catwoman in this case.
- Enemy Mine: See Sly's entry.
- Exotic Detective
- Fair Cop
- Fake Ultimate Hero: She is indeed tough, but the Cooper Gang are the main reason for the takedown of many of the villains she busts and takes credit for the capture of.
- Family-Friendly Firearms: She's actually one of the few characters who uses a weapon not readily identifiable as being a lethal weapon; her Shock Pistol is based on the concept of Taser pistols which are intended to subdue suspects with less-than lethal force.
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant
- Hero Antagonist
- Implacable Man
- Improbable Weapon User: Not her Shock Pistol, but her original weapon as described in suppliment material was a prototype Handcuff Gun.
- In a Single Bound: Quite literally; she may actually be the best jumper in the series.
- More of a cheat on part of the developers to get around the problem of her getting stuck behind objects.
- Interpol Special Agent
- A Mother To Her Men
- Ms. Fanservice
- Not Even Bothering with the Accent: Her voice actress in the second game. In contrast, her third voice actress sounded even more ethnic than her first one.
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Due to having different voice actresses each game.
- The Other Darrin: A different voice actress in each of the games so far.
- Pet the Dog: Shown in the second game. She captured Murray while he was trying to get a snack and not only goes to keep an eye on him—apologizing for the cramped cell, no less—but Murray even thanks her for the jelly beans that he was given to eat.
- Small Girl, Big Gun: Her Shock Pistol might not be very large compared to her, but the thing kicks so hard that she barely holds onto it when she fires it, and it's shown being capable of destroying inanimate objects as big as cars with one shot.
- Spicy Latina
- Star-Crossed Lovers: See Sly's entry, above.
- Stun Guns / Static Stun Gun: Her Shock Pistol.
- Sympathetic Inspector Antagonist
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Varies between this and black, although most of the time it's only colored dark blue to contrast with black backgrounds.
Carmelita's superior. Not much is known about him, other than his terrible taste in fashion and fondness for cigars. He appears a few times in the background, as well as some supplementary comic strips released around the time of Sly 3.
A wily Indian tigress who acquired a scholarship in England after being discovered to have set up a ring of her friends to do her work for her. A powerful opponent, with both strength and guile.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Big Bad: Of the second game.
- British Accents
- The Chessmaster
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder Oh. Dear. Cthulhu. She betrays Interpol, Dimitri, Rajan, the Cooper Gang, Carmelita, the Contessa, and finally Arpeggio. In that order. When Arpeggio expresses amazement at Neyla's betrayal, her response is essentially "What the hell did you expect?"
- Dark Action Girl
- Dark Chick
- Detective Mole
- The Dragon
- Enigmatic Minion
- Final Boss
- Interpol Special Agent
- It's All About Me
- Manipulative Bitch
- Private Military Contractors: She hires a mercenary army consisting of tanks to take down the Contessa.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- The Starscream
- Villainous Breakdown: After her plane is shot down in Canada, and after being wounded as Clock-La by Carmelita and Sly.
- Whip It Good
Dr. M
A mandrill of unknown nationality who used to be The Smart Guy of the Cooper Gang, when Sly's father headed it. After Sly's father's death, he tried to claim the Cooper treasure as his own, spending decades trying to open it and building one of the most secure fortresses in the world on Kaine Island, in the South Pacific.
- Big Bad: Of the third game.
- Crazy Prepared: He has prepared for almost everything to have the Cooper Vault for himself.
- Death by Materialism
- Fallen Hero
- Genius Bruiser: He is just as strong as he is smart.
- Mad Scientist
- Noodle Incident: Whatever happened between Dr. M and Sly's father is never explained.
- Not So Different: Implied to be the case with Bentley.
- One-Letter Name
- Playing with Syringes
- Plug N Play Technology: He has a giant plug in his head. It is how he controls his flying machine and the bigger monstrosities.
- Recurring Boss
- The Smart Guy
- Villainous Breakdown
- We Can Rule Together: Tries this on both Bentley and Dimitri.
- You Have Failed Me...: He poisons one of his henchmen, Richards, for forgetting to enter in a new security code for the system of searchlights surrounding the Cooper Vault.
- Oh, come on! It was 1-2-3!!!
Don Octavio
An Italian lion and former opera singer who turned to a life of crime after rock and roll supplanted his career just as it was getting off the ground. He runs a powerful Mafia operation in Venice, virtually controlling entire neighbourhoods.
- Cats Are Mean: His basic minions are cats.
- Coat, Hat, Mask
- Freudian Excuse: See above.
- Irony: Even though he's sent to jail, he finally gets the audience to listen to him, since the majority of the inmates were mafia men like himself.
- Lightning Bruiser: Murray is only able to beat him when the ground is soaked with oil, which slows him down.
- Mad Artist
- Mad Bomber
- The Mafia
- Make Me Wanna Shout: The second part of his boss battle has him singing at you.
- Nice Hat
- Only One Name
- Smug Snake
- Wicked Cultured: Justified, what with him being an opera singer and all.
Mask of Dark Earth
An ancient and evil spirit mask than can possess its victims, enlarging them and giving them super strength while giving the mask control over them.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Mask of Power
- Recurring Boss: It is fought not once, but five times, two of which were indirect and the latter of which was unintentional.
The Black Baron
A master aviator who owns a castle in Holland, a whole town, and a whole stadium for dogfighting. He turns out to be an alias for Penelope.
- Badass Moustache: Subverted, as the moustache is only part of the disguise.
- Everything Is Messier With Pigs: Not really messy, but his pig henchmen use gasoline and wrenches.
- Flunky Boss: Calls his men to assist when things look bad during the fight against him.
"Earn your pay, you clods!"
"Pugilism is my passion!"
- Killer Rabbit: OK, not literally, but his basic minions are rabbits with pitchforks.
- Malaproper
- Red Baron
- Samus Is a Girl: Penelope was stated as a repairman for the Baron, until the disguise came off.
General Tsao
A powerful northern Chinese warlord and chicken from an ancient line of warlords, with power over dark magic and an aspiration to merge his bloodline with the Panda King's through marrying.
- 0% Approval Rating: None of his subjects are sad to see him go.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: At least, that's what he believes.
- Black Magic: The vampires and the giant dragon Sly fights with.
- Chinese Vampire: He summons praying mantis ones.
- Everything Is Messier With Pigs: His basic thugs. Different from The Black Baron's own.
- Everything's Better with Chickens
- Eviler Than Thou: To the Panda King.
- Jerkass: Even Muggshot, who has a Freudian Excuse, a hesitancy to attack a crippled Bentley, and loves his mama, pales in comparison to him.
- I Have You Now, My Pretty: Does this with Jing King.
- Kick the Dog: Parodied. Bentley observes he saw him kick a puppy twice while he was under Bentley's surveillance. Played more straight in two other cases, both involving Jing King. These are: locking her in his palace and not letting her come out till wedding night despite her tearful pleas, and for the latter, see Politically-Incorrect Villain.
- Magic Knight: Leans more towards martial attacks.
- Maniac Monkeys: His other basic thugs. They are also a Palette Swap of Rajan's.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: At first, he seems to be an idiot in a high position. It turns out he's much, much smarter than that. He actually saw through Sly's disguise, found the gang's hideout, and stole Bentley's computer. Bentley doesn't even realize until he's watching the slides of photos during the mission briefing, in a case of Fridge Logic.
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: On Jing King: "She's a woman. She doesn't know up from down." To which Sly replies "She's a person, not property", a heck of a statement for a universe where female police officers' uniforms are practically Stripperiffic.
- Punny Name: His name is a pun on General Tso's chicken, a Chinese chicken dish.
- Smug Snake: A particularly nasty example thereof. He straddles the line between this trope and Complete Monster.
- Swiss Army Weapon: His weapon of choice is a combination of a shield and a circular saw.
- Wire Fu: A duel between him and Sly features them leaping between bamboo shoots in this manner. Hand waved by Bentley as a manifestation of the "fight energy" from past battles in the area.
Captain LeFwee
An arrogant, intelligent parrot of unknown origin, terming himself "The Smartest Man On The Seven Seas". Intriguingly, he appears to have a robotic leg. He is the most powerful pirate in all of Blood Bath Bay, a technologically backward archipelagic region known as the most lawless place on Earth.
- Artificial Limbs: His leg and hand. The latter was also originally supposed to be a Swiss Army Appendage.
- A Pirate 400 Years Too Late: he and all of the residents of Blood Bath Bay.
- Duel Boss: His boss fight is a one-on-one sword fight with Penelope, on the mast of his ship.
- Eyepatch of Power
- I Have You Now, My Pretty: To Penelope.
- Kick the Dog: In his first appearance, he executes his own Captain of the Guard for being not alert enough to possible danger.. While promoting his former second mate to the deceased Captain's position, he mentions he's off to the dungeon to torture his prisoners.
- Oh, and don't forget him about to chop Bentley's head off after he kicked him out of his wheelchair.
- Pirate
- Real Men Wear Pink: His jacket.
- Smug Snake: He tries to be a Magnificent Bastard, but despite his smarts, he lacks the charisma and has too much arrogance and smugness to pull it off.
- You Have Failed Me...: See Kick the Dog.
- Back to Sly Cooper