< Sly Cooper

Sly Cooper/YMMV

  • Angst? What Angst?: For a guy who saw his parents killed in front of his eyes, Sly's a pretty level guy.
    • It must've helped that he and his two best friends and wingmen grew up with him in the same orphanage.
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: The Sly Collection revealing that Sly 4 is a reality.
  • Ascended Fanboy: Sanzaru Games, going from porting the original trilogy to the Play Station 3 to actually making a sequel to the series they love with the creators' blessing.
    • They're taking this seriously. Just check out some of their screenshots, they're gorgeous.
  • Complete Monster: Clockwerk. The dude's fueled by hate for the Cooper Clan to the point where he followed them through thousands of years and all over the world. When he grew old he started replacing his body parts with mechanical prosthetics. And in the events that trigger the first game, he murders Sly's father and steals his birthright. The crowning moment is that he let Sly live out of sheer spite.

Clockwerk: I wanted to show the world that without your precious book the Cooper line is nothing.

    • Neyla from the second game come pretty close to being this as well.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: 2nd and 3rd games, courtesy of Peter McConnell.
  • Ear Worm: Sly in Paris from Sly 2.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Dimitri's enough of a Darkhorse that he's the first person to appear in the second teaser trailer for Thieves in Time!
  • Fetish Fuel / Furry Fandom: Carmelita is to Sly Cooper what Krystal is to Star Fox. And no, not being a flat character.
  • Fridge Brilliance: At first, when Arpeggio shows that he didn't use Clockwerk's brain for anything, you think he just had it to have it. But, when you realize that Clockwerk never came back online, you wonder why? The answer, Arpeggio tampered with the brain so that he could make his evil scheme work.
  • Fridge Logic: In Sly 2, Murray has to disguise himself as a moose guard in order to get some information from the other guards. He accomplishes this by wearing a taxidermied moose head. A taxidermied moose head that looks exactly like the not-dead guards. In his Let's Play, Kite Ryagara meditates on this briefly before coming to the conclusion that lumberjacks are snooker loopy.
    • Episode 7 of Sly 2 has a mission that calls upon Sly's pickpocketing skills to retrieve dental radio transmitters from sleeping bears (while they're yawning). How does he do such a delicate task with a huge cane, and such that he doesn't wake the bears?
    • Sly 2 Episode 1 first pickpocket mission. In order to access the spotlight guns room you have to pick pocket 6 special fragile keys, to slow down the ceiling fans. Being as not many thieves would even think to use the fans to get to the chandelier one has to wonder how much trouble is it really worth to make sure no one touches your thermostat?
    • This troper is particularly horrified by the gang's regards towards the guards; they see them as nothing more than bait or sacrifices. What's worse is you actually having conversations with guards in Sly 2 and 3, and see a more personal side to them (for instance, one of the guards in the Venice level talks about his mother's spaghetti sauce). So you're essentially slaughtering dozens each level.
      • Well, your main weapon is a cane. Nota particularly lethal weapon. So it's possible they're just KOed, for the most part.. Also, a certain level of Cartoon Physics applies. It doesn't apply everywhere, but helps assuage some of the guilt.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Apparently the games are very popular in Finland
  • Growing the Beard: The first game was a good if somewhat by-the-numbers platformer. The second game added the ability to play as Bentley and THE MURRAY, and removed Sly's One-Hit-Point Wonder status. The third game had a better, less formulaic plot than the second, and showed that Sucker Punch really knew how to script witty humor. Also, Bentley was made just as fun to play as Sly and THE MURRAY, simply by putting him in a wheelchair.
  • He's Just Hiding: Some fans insist this about Arpeggio.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Po from Kung Fu Panda is kind of similar to Panda King, isn't he? Knows kung-fu, uses his fat to his advantage, and both movies use a lot of fireworks.
  • Ho Yay: In Sly 3.

Bentley: "When you guys are done making out, I'll see you back at the safehouse. Sheesh!!"

  • Magnificent Bitch: Neyla.
  • Memetic Mutation: Jump and press the circle button!
    • To be fair, it's repeatedly Lampshaded in-universe.
  • Most Wonderful Sound: The sounds Clockwerk and Clock-La makes, such as the sound of it's wings flapping, and the flanging effect it's voice has, are so cool.
  • Player Punch: Bentley being crushed by Clock-La's closing beak and rendering him in a wheelchair; particularly because the last action you get to do before the ending cutscenes is getting Bentley to grab the Hate Chip.
  • Surprisingly Improved Sequel
  • That One Boss: Mz. Ruby in the first game, as it's an Unexpected Gameplay Change to a Rhythm game, becoming strangely similar to Space Channel 5.
    • Mugshot as well, mostly because you have to have amazing dodging skills in order to dodge his bullets, and Mughshot is a pretty fast mover. To make matters worse, the second floor is oddly shaped with a few pitfalls and the last phase of the boss has you spire jumping to turn the mirrors around. Oh, and if you use a mirror as cover that's been turned to face him, it'll turn away when he goes to shoot you.
  • That One Level: The Contessa's Levels in Sly 2 (Episode 4 and Episode 5) are a real pain-in-the-neck. You spend the first three missions as weak techno-wizard Bentley -- before you can spring Sly. With the exception of getting Murray out, Sly's missions are long and painful. At least the Operation: Trojan Tank is not as Nintendo Hard as the rest of the level.
    • In the same game, the Water Bug mission in Episode 3. Once you know where all the pools of water are, it's a lot easier but it essentially turns the jungle into a maze for first time players.
    • The Muggshot's Revenge part of "A Flight of Fancy" from Sly 3 can as equal as a pain as Contressa -- especially keeping the eye on the sewer threats.
    • The first hovermachine level in Sly 1 is also a major pain.
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