< Shin Hyakuji High School

Shin Hyakuji High School/Characters

Short paragraph about the series and/or its characters goes at the top.

First Year Students

Cassandra Flores

Role Played by: Erin

Descriptions: A magus-in-training from Britain, Cassandra tends to give most the first impression of one who's generally hard to get along with, being intensely competitive, acid-tongued and having a chip on her shoulder. A falling-out with her father forced her out of her home in Britain, and to seek an alternative place where she could further her studies into magic, which would be none other than Hyakuji High.


Jennifer Chase

"Hey! Did someone forget to say "Klaatu Barada Nikto" when they took the Necronomicon!?"

Role Played by: Lawman

Descriptions: An energetic high school girl, Jen appears completely normal at the first glance, having no supernatural powers whatsoever. However, her exceptional intelligence and tendency to not get freaked out by the paranormal makes her fit in perfectly in Hyakuji High


Kotoka Youma

  • Insert notable character quote here*

Role Played by: Fin

A Really Seven Hundred Years Old half-phantom, for the longest amount of time in her existence Youma had been feared for her reputation as a demonic killer with no regard for human life. All that changed when a powerful priestess subdued the half-phantom and imprisoned her within a scroll, which eventually ended up in the Hyakuji shrine somewhere in the present and subsequently freed by Meglumar, Seth and the Doctor. With some tutelage from Selene on the basics of magic, Youma ended up being bound to Seth by means of a Servant-Master Contract as a Saber class servant.


Second Year Students


"Hello, Seth."

Role Played by: Erin

A young girl who is secretly an assassin, sent to kill one of the teachers, Hiro Tsukasa. In order to get close to him, she infiltrates the school as a student, observing him by taking all of his classes. So far, she's been in school for almost two years without anyone finding out about why she's really there.

After meeting Seth Ryouga, she's begun to learn more and more about what she calls the "human world", having been raised only to kill since birth. Most of all, she desperately tries to learn more about something that normal people call "love".


  • Become A Real Girl: Though she still doubts at this point whether or not it is possible for her.
  • Creepy Monotone: Talks like this all the time.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: At the hands of Seth Ryouga.
  • Emotionless Girl
  • Fish Out of Water: Having been an assassin her whole life, she's never attended an actual school. She probably thinks Hyakuji is normal.
  • I Do Not Speak Nonverbal
  • Literal-Minded: Very.
    • In one instance, Oliver attempted to explain her relationship to one of her competing love interests, Youma, by using an analogy, comparing Gail to coffee and Youma to soda. Gail thought that Youma had literally been polymorphed into a soda bottle.
  • Love Dodecahedron: Part of one. Seth has a LOT of potential love interests.
  • No Sense of Humor: Has never laughed once in her entire life
  • No Social Skills
  • The Dog Bites Back: Though she didn't kill her father directly, she stood by and allowed him to die.
  • The Stoic
  • Training from Hell: At the hands of an Ex-Spetznaz, starting from age 4
  • Tyke Bomb: The only reason her father even allowed her to be born was so that she could be raised to kill. She became an infamous child assassin, taking out targets as early as 9 years old.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: Hana, one of Seth's Love Interests, heavily intoxicated, jokingly said she would kill Seth if he cheated on her. Gail threatened to kill her. And meant it.
    • Justified in that she has No Social Skills and had no idea that Hana was not serious.
  • What Is This Thing You Call Love?: Not only with Seth, but also with her father. Even though he only used her, and she intentionally caused his death, she can't figure out whether or not she loved him.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl

Jonny (Jonathan) Desmond

Defining character quotes here

Role Played by: Jonny

(In-game Depiction)

Self proclaimed as the fastest boy alive, and hailing from the United Kingdom. Jonny sticks out a bit from other characters in that the weird and fantastic was not a daily part of his life before turning up in Hyakuji, and was the only superpowered being he was even aware of before then.

He's transitioned into life at Hyakuji fairly well, and an open mind means he isn't completely caught off guard by things as might typical of someone with his origins (or lack thereof). Typically a Nice Guy, his manners have actually saved his life on a few occasions.


  • Accidental Pervert: Has occasionally cropped up, with the kid getting upskirt shots of girls particularly recently.
  • Artifact of Doom: Seems to have come into posession of one, depending on whether or not it was recently made, or summoned up. Read Deal with the Devil.
  • Berserk Button: The main one in his bio is rarely invoked, but he's gotten angry when people clearly haven't got their morals straight.
    • Also, do not mess with his friends. Better yet, do not try to prevent him from helping his friends, whilst threatening an innocent. He will make you regret it.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: More hinted at than really displayed, but it has been noted that pissing off someone who moves faster than sound and hits with a force of several tonnes is probably not a good idea.
    • A dopant officially learnt this the hard way. Jonny was having a bad day as it was - his best friend was kidnapped, another friend's boss was framed with being a thief, and the heart of London was in chaos from a general dopant attack. When getting back up after Jonny had kicked it once, proving he could damage it, the dopant decided to take a young child hostage. The instant Jonny saw the boy's blood, he punched the dopant hard enough and so many times, that even its regenerative abilities weren't going to get it back on its feet any time soon.
  • Camera Fiend: Part of the school's journalism club, though that seems to have faded out of the active game.
  • Cooldown Hug: Used to bring Ves to her senses. Note, this is after she had already held someone hostage (if only briefly) and had stabbed Jonny himself. Kid believes in his friends.
  • Covert Pervert: During a beach thread, he uses super speed perception to eye up Yuki. And doesn't even realise why he's doing it.
    • His train of thought actually stopped when he got a good at Selene.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: His first major fight pretty much ended this way. With him losing mind you.
    • Inversely, he's managed to score a few, though only when he's pissed off enough to not care about holding back on an opponent.
  • Cursed with Awesome: Semi-literally. Read Deal with the Devil.
  • Deal with the Devil: Or rather, the Demon Lord. He summoned up Pazuzu (by random, no less), hoping to get more power so he could fight tougher bad guys, and protect his friends. Whilst there's few immediate reprecussions (aside from getting on Hiro's bad side, which in itself can be seen as a bad idea), the item's descriptions is noted as being cursed making the user obsessed about the concept of justice the more they use its spell. Given that Pazuzu is a deity dating back to ancient Babylonian times, this is probably not the nice kind of justice.
    • And officially part of his regular power set now, given that he can summon and make contracts with demons.
    • Though its largely offscreen due to impracticality in combat. And that he's trying to keep it a secret.
  • Determinator: When piloting Hyakuzor, this is how he manages to keep going despite having the pain from effectively being impaled in the head by a giant laser. He might have actually won too, if the Kaimu Council President didn't have uber-level psychic powers.
    • Is something of a general personality trait now.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Well, he's trying anyway, and quite literally. No confirmation on whether or not it'll work quite yet though.
  • Dying Declaration of Love: What his 'its not stupid to protect the ones you love' spiel arguably could have arguably been, if he was talking romantically. Lampshaded for really not being the best time.
  • Expy: Only admitted to have been based on The Flash, and it shows. Red colour scheme, super speed, seems to have been struck by lightning, a nice person... he's since gotten more aspects to his character.
    • ...Only to become one of other characters. Most prominent was Suzaku Kururugi, given they were both brown haired boys with abnormal physical ability, believe in doing good though through some questionable means, and have a pink haired girl as a potential love interest. It was so uncanny it prompted an appearance change.
  • Flash Step: Occasionally utilized, such as when he fought another speedster, but doesn't pop up too often.
  • Fragile Speedster: Sort of. Whilst Jonny himself is physically speaking just an athletic teenager, and will still very much take damage, getting him to actually acknowledge it enough to stop what he's doing is a different matter. That being said, the damage he has from wounds will eventually get to him, as there's not much arguing with your body when it literally cannot continue.
  • Glass Cannon: Tied to the above. Jonny can hit hard if he wants to. Its just taking hits in turn can be something of a problem.
  • The Hero: Won the 'Zack Fair' award, which is for the most heroic character.
  • Lightning Can Do Anything: Implied to be the origin of his powers, though its not actually stated outright.
  • Marshmallow Hell: Suffered(?) this when Cerium 'rewarded' him for getting her handbag back from a thief.
  • Mega Manning: Sorta inverted. One of his lesser used abilities (with the exception of carrying someone and dropping them off) is sharing his powers with other people, giving them the same abilities, until he either gets too tired to continue, or takes them away.
  • Ordinary High School Student: Says that with more people around him with powers, he has actually felt more like this in Hyakuji than at home.
  • Out of the Inferno: Done by transforming into none other than AbaRed!
  • Nakama: Mainly with Yuki, Selene, and Seth.
  • Not What It Looks Like: Jonny accidentally picking Bible Black off a store shelf became this.
  • Photographic Memory: A side effect of his high speed perception abilities.
  • Power Glows: Jonny's 'speed aura', which appears in the usage of his powers, and particularly as he goes higher with them.
  • Power Trio: When piloting Hyakuzor, he forms one with Katy and Seth.
    • Forms a second one with Star and Damon.
    • And now with Deus and Emiko, though as friggen Super Sentai. Add Bran to make it a quadruple.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: What his deduction about how a drug ended up Cerium's bag turned out to be. But then, how was he supposed to know it was dropped by accident, rather than on purpose?
  • Ship Tease: There's a bit with Yuki and Selene, though he doesn't actually seem to be aware of the implications of his words and/or actions.
    • Said teasing has actually occured in universe, courtesy of Seth, Cerium, and Jen.
  • Super Speed: His theme, as far as powers go. Has some, but not all, of the required secondary powers.
  • Summon Magic: Specifically, he can summon demons, having memorised a spell from class.
  • Taking The Living Sword: Did so for Selene, to protect her from Creed.
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill: One the main things that Jonny is concerned about, limiting where he can go all out in combat. Since his punches actually carry the momentum and deliver the force of his speed, if he goes too fast, he's likely going to kill someone if they can't take the hit. And given that he's not actually trained in combat, he doesn't really know just how much the human body can take.
  • Up to Eleven: What using the River City Ransom mp3 does for him, using the strength amplifier to increase the physical force with which he runs. Its fast enough even Jonny himself can't wholly keep up with what he's doing.
  • Will They or Won't They?: Has really started delving into this with Selene. On the one hand, he's not wholly sure of what he's feeling, and she thinks he'd prefer the much more gentle and innocent Yuki, over herself. And yet Everyone Can See It.

Hinata/Otoha and Hotaru Kagura

Exhibit A of things totally screwed up in Hyakuji. Otoha. - Chizu
Otoha: Grandma once said this. I am she who 'Walks the path of Heaven, trolling over all... Hinata. Kagura.
Hotaru: Grandma never said such a thing!

Role Played by: Pikachu_Fragger

Hinata and Hotaru are sisters who used to be one character because the older of the sisters (Hinata) was also part of the younger's powers as a Stand. After a few adventures here and there (some of them involving hooking up with a boy thanks to a noodle monster) and spanning other dimensions, the older of the two managed to regain a body and become a living person again.

They were also directly taken from H2O: Footprints in the Sand and are almost clones right down to their names to the point where one could argue that their roleplayer just took them and changed a few things and didn't bother with originality. With that said, they've still managed to fit in well with the rest of Hyakuji. Well, as well as most characters do, anyway.

Tropes (still a work in progress):

  • Back from the Dead: Hinata after the Kingdom Hearts arc.
  • Breath Weapon: Hinata's SHOOP DA WHOOP attack, which is mostly just used for comedic effect. Just recently though, she seems to have given it more practical applications.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Hinata will actively fight those who might try to harass other girls. In the meantime, she has cameras everywhere in the neighbor's room downstairs, and even trap doors with premise of protecting her boyfriend's little sister.[1]
  • Cloudcuckoolander and Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Hinata appears to be first one one in day to day situations, but is often shown to be full of Hidden Depths when the situation calls for her to act seriously. Hotaru tries to be the second one, but she seems to be eventually giving up on it now that Hinata has a body again. (Credit goes to Lawman for pointing this out)
  • Dojikko: Hotaru is this, just like her original character was.
    • Hell, even her Nobody Xaturoh during the Kingdom Hearts arc was safe from this - she kept screwing up the use of her darkness portals and always ended up everywhere except where she was supposed to be.
  • Face Palm: Being in close proximity to Hinata will elicit this at some point. Hotaru has it worse, since she LIVES with her.
    • In Damon's case, he did a DOUBLE FACEPALM when Hinata's self-depreciating description of herself prompted his elemental to ask what a pervert was.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: Oddly enough, when some characters are about to get it on, it usually cuts to Hinata laughing or talking about something somewhat related. She even has her own Relax-O-Vision picture.
    • This is made even more ironic because she actively tries to catch video of said crap that gets past. See Chivalrous Pervert above.
  • For the Lulz: The reason why Hinata does everything else that isn't related to the thread she's in. Sometimes she'll even do this BECAUSE it's related.
  • Hammerspace: Hotaru usually has this for comedic effect, usually to slap Hinata with a harisen (it used to be herself because Hinata's ghost could feel what Hotaru feels). Other times, it's to blow up the occasional Accidental Pervert like the one time she accidentally grabbed Hajime's... well... Elephant. She never uses it in actual combat though.
  • Henshin Hero and Kamen Rider: Hinata was able to become two different Riders - the first time was as the sword form of Den-O, then she and her sister became a single hero after the Kingdom Hearts arc.
  • Miko: Despite not having the uniform, Hotaru still uses ofuda when dealing with supernatural elements, and even has the stick that goes with the profession.
  • No Fourth Wall: To keep things simple, Hinata always refers to the other dimensions she's been to as "other forums", and won't bother explaining why. She even banters with the Narrator in THREADS SHE'S NOT EVEN IN.

Narrator: ... What the hell am I doing!? she thought to herself as she did the female equivalent of what was known in dating circles as a complete coc - wait, am I allowed to even say that here?

Hinata: "Probably not."

Narrator: ... Otoha, get back in the other threads, you're not supposed to be narrating here.

Hinata: "Psh, fine, I'll be waiting in that Arcadia mission thread if you ever get around to posting or something."

  • Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: Hinata's signature attack as a Stand. She still able to this when alive, though it's done less often now.
  • Shout-Out: This is something Hinata does a lot.
  • Some Call Me... Tim: Hinata was originally known as Otoha as a stand, and everyone still calls her that even when she was resurrected. She doesn't seem to mind, either. Some people still even make the mistake of calling Hotaru as Hinata.
  • Tenchi Solution: Even with Hinata now alive again, the two sisters seem to not mind if their relationship with Hajime ends up as a Type 2. One has to wonder how that would work whenever he's Hamaji though, but given Hinata's tendencies...
  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: There's a very big reason why their roleplayer got the WTF award. She even preempts readers sometimes. Related to Troll below.
  • Troll: There's that completely unrelated profile involving them for one. The music will automatically start playing in your head and you will invariably rage at her for it, and this is just ONE of the things she does to get a rise out of the READERS, much more so for the actual characters in the thread.

Star Ricci

Insert memorable quote here

Role Played by: Chizu

Descriptions: Salvatrice Tatiana Annalisa Rosabella Ricci. That is her full name, wielding the element of light as her power, Star lives up to her namesake by having a personality that's mostly giggles and sunshine, and an all-around fun person to hang around with. There's certainly a lot more to her than meets the eye however, and she's certainly not without her dark moments. Not that one can tell at a casual glance, of course.


Wakamurasaki Fuu

Defining character quotes here

Role Played by: agrinwithoutacat

Fuu is an air-brained transfer who has exotic looks, a spicy hot disposition and a nice set of bounce.


Third Year Students

Selene Frostfire

Defining character quotes here

Role Played by: Lawman

(In-game Depiction)

Heiress to the rich and powerful Frostfire family, Selene is the site's resident Ojou. She comes from the United Kingdom, and runs the local branch of her family's company. She's descended from the Eldar, elves that are residents of the Elemental World, and she was sent to Hyakuji as part of her training to Save Both Worlds if she ever needs to. Since then she's had to fight off just about nutball that has threatened her new home, whilst remaining prim and proper.


Hajime Go/Hamaji Go

"Are you ready? Let’s go!"

Role Played by: Xing

(In-game Depiction)

The Nice Guy. Born and raised in the city of Hyakuji itself making him one of the few established native in-game and sort of a Farm Boy. Started out as the city’s self-proclaimed Part-Time Hero, dispensing justice under the secret guise of Kamen Senshi Denshi, with technology thanks to his missing Mad Scientist grandpa.

At the same time, he attends the only high school in the city which just so happens to be a school for the gifted… as an Ordinary High School Student. The façade didn’t last long however as one event after another, his not-so-secret identity is exposed and nothing seems to have change much.

Later on, through a Crowning Moment of Funny involving pasta, he started dating the Kagura sisters, much to chagrin to some people.


  • Attractive Bent Gender: His gender flipped self, Hamaji Go, is one. To the point that even Priscilla Yamamoto was somewhat attracted still.
  • Badass Biker
  • Badass Bookworm: Won the ‘Most likely to become valedictorian 2010’ awards category.
  • Berserk Button: Has quite a few ranging from harming or hurting his girlfriends to his messing around with the city he was born in, which leads to…
  • Beware the Nice Ones
  • Black Eyes: Averts all the associated tropes, though.
  • Camera Fiend: A borderline example; it's his defining trait and is rarely seen without a camera in his hand.
  • The Charmer: Not as prolific as some other male characters, but his Nice Guy tendencies sometimes does the trick.
  • Cool Bike: His Machine Tornador, complete with the ability to transform into a hovering craft when needed.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Can be somewhat of a ditz at times.
  • Cursed with Awesome: During the latest story arc, Hajime begins to have second thoughts whether his Agito powers are really helpful to himself and the city he loved at all.
  • Determinator
  • Expy: As his character image might suggest, he has almost every bit of Akina Izumi in him.
  • Gender Bender: Later on, like Kouta before him, Hajime discovered somewhat to his horror that his Agito powers also includes the ability to change his gender, uncontrollably at first. Hilarity Ensues.
  • Harem Hero: Of the type 2B variety. Granted, he has only been paired with the Kagura sisters but still…
  • Henshin Hero
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: During one of the many Arcadia related missions, Hajime was impaled in the back out through to his chest by several solidified blood spikes.
  • Kamen Rider: First appeared as an original Rider-like character, Kamen Senshi Denshi. During the Kingdom Heart Crisis arc onwards, he gained the powers of Kamen Rider Agito.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: His appearance and the subsequent trope he runs with during the Kingdom Heart Crisis arc, forgetting all about his life prior to it, and he only knows his name from his student ID.
  • Named Weapons: As a Kamen Rider, he has several of them.1
  • Ordinary High School Student: Tried to run with this at first, but by later seasons everyone knows that he’s anything but.
  • Powered Armor: His powers give him one, naturally.
  • Punny Name: One of his earlier nicknames given IC-ly was ‘Standby-senpai’.
  • Re-Power: Originally wields technology based armor, but later on gained one of mystical origin.
  • Shout-Out/Homage: During the Kingdom Heart Crisis arc, Hajime got amnesia, essentially forgetting about all his life before the Crisis, which is also how Shouichi Tsugami was first introduced.
  • Super Window Jump: Once, during the Kingdom Heart Crisis story arc when he thought he saw Jameson attacking Kouta from a window several stories high.
  • Technical Pacifist
  • Understanding Boyfriend: To Hinata and Hotaru’s earlier… special conditions.

Seth Ryouga

Insert phrase here

Role Played by: Fin

Ordinary High School Student, but with an extraordinary blessing, and yet at the same, curse of being infected with a bio-engineered virus like none other. Designed to have a 100% mortality rate on those whom it infects, for reasons unknown the virus instead formed a symbiosis with Seth's body, and gained sentience as well.


Yuki Tsukiyoru

"Wait! Do you mean like, 'make sure he stays safe' take care of him, or 'get rid of him' take care of him? Seth!"

Role Played by: Sujin

(In-game Depiction)

Yuki is your run-of-the-mill, happy-go-lucky kid meets girl-next-door. She transferred to Hyakuji her second year of high school after an unfortunate family tragedy, but you wouldn't guess that were the case by her happy disposition. She loves making others happy, and it's a wonder that her player didn't make her ability the Care Bear Stare. With her guardian Nora and best friends in tow, there's bound to be some form of comedy wherever she ends up...not to say there isn't some drama lurking around the corner.


  • Bad Dreams: The main way Yuki has been seeing flashes of events occuring regarding the Raksha Lords.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Not quite stupid, clearly not insane. But quite hard to predict at times.
  • Cowardly Lion: Yuki's certainly far from being one of the bravest characters on the site. But if her past adventures have shown anything, it's that when push comes to shove, as long as she puts her heart and mind to it she can easily be just as courageous as her more heroic companions.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: Her clumsiness rarely results in injury, but it can set off a chain of disasters.
  • Cuteness Overload: Yuki finds herself often unable to ignore anything that falls into the realm of "cute," whether it's a kitten in a store window, a stuffed animal, or an adorably-made keychain.
  • Deceased Parents Are the Best: Yuki loses her parents and grandparents in a Heroic Sacrifice they made saving her and the other people of the town against an unknown enemy. And of course, this final battle was your typical Dying Moment of Awesome as would only be appropriate for our protagonist's family members.
  • Determined Expression: She's been known to sport this every once in a while, although it's usually in more comedic situations such as cooking lessons, shopping trips, or aiding in a school fundraiser (example cited in Season 3's matsuri festival when she worked at the Cosplay Karaoke Cafe as a waitress, hellbent on helping her beloved school). However, she doesn't quite get herself a shoutout as a Determinator due to the fact that if she overanalyzes a situation, she can be easily discouraged. If she gets riled up enough (such as during the Season 3 thread involving the counter-prank on Kaimu) she can get rather plucky, but this only occurs when those closest to her are threatened.
  • The Ditherer: Overlaps with The Insecure/Submissive and Empathic type.
  • The Fool: When she is able to contribute to a fight, it's usually by accident (and incidentally comic relief). It should also be noted that out of all the battles and fights she's been associated with, she has come out virtually unscathed. One example is of her nearly dropping a rifle and firing the gun in an underground weapons factory thread which ended up working as a threat to their captive.
  • Friend to All Living Things: She will give anything the benefit of the doubt that they are able to do good and are not inherently evil...until proven guilty.
  • Genki Girl: Although she's not as extreme to the point of reader annoyance, it's likely that she's fueled by all the sugar she eats. It's not often that one sees her tired, and witnessing anything other than her usual bubbly self is generally cause for concern.
  • The Glomp: Her signature move, though it's generally reserved for her closer friends. (Strangers get enthusiastic bows)
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Sometimes gets her own self-esteem issues due to her inability to help out in any meaningful way when her companions are fighting, until things get dire and she feels that she just has to do something; although her lack of fighting prowess of her own meant more often than not someone had to end up Taking the Bullet for her, making her feel like she's The Load many a time.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick - AKA Nora, Yuki's winged cat-like guardian. Often feeling like her charge is a lost cause, she dutifully watches after her and as of the beginning of Season 4, pretty much does all the fighting in battles (and by pretty much, I mean she does). One might even consider her a Puss in Boots despite the fact that she tries to coax Yuki into giving her offensive commands to help prepare her mentally for her own fights in the future.
  • I See Dead People: Literally. She sees dead people.
  • Insecure Love Interest: Yuki often compares herself to Selene and is thoroughly convinced that her small-town Japanese ways are far inferior to those of the high-class corporate heiress, thereby making her an unfit match for the boy in question. An example of this would be prom, when she literally tried to convince herself she was an unworthy competitor in a potential relationship.
  • Instant Costume Change: When Yuki personifies her different spirits she inevitably has a costume change. What kind of magical girl would she be without one?
  • Kindhearted Simpleton: Let's face it, at times, Yuki's pretty dumb. Although some things go flying over her head, she makes up for her lack of knowledge with a heart of gold. This also means she's gullible.
  • The Medic: She takes on healing abilities that can be used on anyone but herself via her transformation and channeling of the kami Sakunabikuno.
  • Miko: Yuki volunteers at the local shrine. It's also handy since she gets the opportunity to use the grounds for spiritual training.
  • Magic Is a Monster Magnet: This recently became an issue during her personal plot in Shin Season 4 when, due to her increase in magic levels, she popped up on the radar of more menacing spirits and demons. Most notably, some ancient demons (the five Raksha Lords) that had been trapped by an ancestor surfaced from the building site of the old Tsukiyoru shrine, and now the five demons are hot on Yuki's trail.
  • Nakama: With Seth Ryouga, Jonny Desmond, and Selene Frostfire.
  • The Pollyanna: Despite the fact that she lost her entire family in a single night, she remains strangely optimistic. It's left to be seen whether or not there's something beneath her perpetually-smiling facade, or if she's so wound up in denial that she has actually become the mask she's hiding behind.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Of the Cannot Spit It Out variety. For someone as outspoken as herself, Yuki's ironically reserved when it comes to her innermost feelings, primarily out of empathic consideration towards the feelings of her friends, often choosing to keep her fears and worries bottled up instead of confiding in them with her True Companions, or finding a positive outlet for them. Her treatment for any negative feelings that comes her way is to Think Happy Thoughts, and put on a smile. It doesn't take an exceptionally Genre Savvy viewer to anticipate that sooner or later, all of it is going to bounce back at her. With a vengeance. Which could only mean drama is looming over the horizon...
  • Ship Tease: Involving something of a not-quite-launched-yet Love Triangle which hopefully doesn't end with her punking out and holding in her (as of yet, underdeveloped) feelings due to her overwhelming concerns regarding her friendship and strictly-platonic love for her roommate, Selene.
  • Sweet Tooth: While she's able to stave off the pounds with a rocket-speed metabolism, you wouldn't think the small girl could single-handedly polish off a dozen doughnuts by herself without batting an eyelash. Fried foods and other treats are also devoured by her. Not quite a full-fledged Big Eater.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: With Selene - but heavily subverted, as both girls are girly as they come in their interests and disposition. Yuki however comes across as the girly girl of the two - generally reserved when it comes to her feelings, is usually nervous and indecisive when confronted, and highly emotionally-sensitive. This stands in contrast to Selene's tendency to wear her heart on her sleeve, generally assertive and decisive personality, and ability to be blunt and straightforward when needed.
  • Touched by Vorlons: Yuki had an initial training session with Terado which allowed her to expand her power limit from "essentially useless" to "almost useful."

Erin Lynette Oasella

"A lot of the books I read here...well, the prevailing theory seems to be that nature and humanity are intrinsically opposed to one another. Of course, I know that's not true. I wouldn't have this power if that were the case. None of us would."

Role Played by: Erin

Generally one to avoid the limelight, Erin Oasella is an aspiring researcher who would much rather spend her time in a library than on the battle field. In the rare situation where she is called on to fight, she tends not to pack much of a punch physically, but shows an aptitude for tactical thinking, which is somewhat counterbalanced by her tendency to panic in tough situations. She shows the personality of a plain and kind girl-next-door. Being mature for her age, most of her friends were upperclassman who have since graduated, leaving her with few friends left in school as she moves into her junior year. However, she still spends plenty of time with them outside of class.


  • Actual Pacifist: The thought of hurting anyone at all makes her nauseous. When forced to fight, she restricts herself to blunt attacks instead of sharp ones so that she doesn't draw blood.
    • Taken Up to Eleven in fact, as her pacifism extends even to everyday life. Quite noticeable during her birthday party at Damon's house, where she showed a strong aversion towards video games with combat and violence, such as when Lavender and Kage were playing The House of the Dead 2, as well as the Card Games example below.
  • Barrier Warrior: Her Soul Weapon is named Aegis, and it takes the form of three large shields that move autonomously to protect her or anyone else she wants. She can also create shields out of densely compressed air.
  • Blow You Away: Erin is an Elemancer, specifically an Aeromancer. She attacks by slowly compressing and then quickly decompressing large amounts of air.
  • Break the Cutie: During the inVERsion event, she was taken over by the Orange Materia and, in her corrupted state of mind, turned her vastly increased power on her friends. It was eventually stopped by forcefully shutting the materia down - but by that point, it had become integrated with her body and removing it caused her excessive pain. The emotional damage from nearly killing her friends lasted for months after the incident, and won't ever fully go away.
  • Broken Messiah: (See Break the Cutie above) Played straight by Erin in the aftermath of inVERsion. Although attacking and hurting Chizu and the others was due to being under the influence of the Orange Materia, part of her couldn't deny that it was her desire to become like Chizu that the Orange Materia played on to influence her actions, something that she simply couldn't stop beating herself up over.
  • Card Games: Made it to the final match in the Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament using a stall/mill deck. She never declared a single attack.
  • Flight: She achieves this by encasing herself in a cushion of compressed air and carrying herself around with her powers.
  • Friendly Target: The events of inVERsion spurred practically the entire Elemancery Club to deeply hate whoever it was that sabotaged the Materia.
  • Friend to All Living Things: (See Actual Pacifist above) Her Pacifist tendencies don't merely apply to humans and humanoids, or even sentient life. As long as it's a living, breathing creature she would very much prefer to opt for a non-violent approach. Only non-living entities such as non-sentient constructs and The Heartless are exempt, but even then due to her lack of combat aptitude she would very much prefer to play a support-based role in the heat of battle, providing tactical assistance to her allies instead of directly engaging the enemy.
  • Genius Book Club: You can usually find her in one of three places: Hyakuji's School Library, the Scryptorium (Arcadia's Library), or on the first floor of the Wind Tower, reading books on Elemancy off of the bookshelf.
  • Hard Work Hardly Works: It's not like she doesn't train hard, especially after she dreamed of becoming like Chizu, but despite all her efforts to try to master combat-based aeromancy she couldn't overcome her aversion towards harming others, and hence all attempts made by her at learning combat techniques ultimately proved fruitless. See it here.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Her self-confidence has been an issue for a long time, mainly due to the fact that she tried to involve herself in big fights for the future when she really wasn't much of a fighter. In the big fights of the earlier seasons, she generally didn't last long, and her Break the Cutie moment didn't help either. However, she's been encouraged both by Jameson and by her friends at the Elemancer Club, and seems to be getting better about her self-esteem.
  • Nice Girl: She is a plain and generally likeable girl, and sometimes appears to be a little out of place on the battlefield.
  • Poor Communication Kills: One of the important lessons she came to learn in the aftermath of inVERsion, was that keeping quiet about her feelings didn't help matters any, and realized that it was her feelings of jealously towards Chizu that the Orange Materia played on. In a conversation with Kaede, she admits that she should have learned to be more open with her feelings rather than keeping everything bottled up.
  • Sensor Character: By sensing the air around her, she can sense the positions of solid objects by the shapes of displaced air, up to pretty impressive ranges, making her kind of a human sonar. She's generally more useful for this than for her meager offensive capabilities.
  • Squishy Wizard: Erin's pretty much right up there with Star when it comes to having a glass jaw constitution, thus far appearing unable to take any form of physical abuse without passing out.
  • Teach Her Anger: Another valuable life lesson for Erin in the wake of inVERsion. In the same conversation with Kaede, she confesses feelings of hate toward whoever masterminded the incident, and a desire (although being only herself, it made her queasy to think too much or too long about it) to hurt whoever was responsible. In the process, she also comes to acknowledge that being only human afterall, she was also capable of feeling anger and hatred, and that it was foolish of her to keep such feeling bottled up instead of finding an outlet in naive hopes that they would simply go away if ignored long enough.
  • Teen Genius: Due to private research being a hobby of hers, and the vast amount of information on the supernatural housed within the Scryptorium, Erin has extensive knowledge in many supernatural fields of study - to the point where she can explain the inner workings of Functional Magic despite not actually being a Magus.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: With Chizu
  • Took a Level in Badass: What Erin desired when she began idolizing Chizu, trying to train herself to become more like the person she worships. Then came the Orange Materia and everything goes wrong. Horribly wrong. After the resulting storm from the aftermath of inVERsion calmed down, she eventually comes to accept that this path wasn't quite meant for her afterall.
  • Wind Is Green: When she uses her powers, the air that she is controlling turns a greenish hue. It's actually just a coincidence, though - green was a color that reflected her personality, and also happens to be her favorite color.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: "Your only weakness is your lack of confidence in yourself." -Jameson B. Willicott
    • Also agreed upon to be her fatal weakness by Lavender and Damon, as well as most of her other friends at the Club.

Fourth Year Students

Chizu Yamamura

"That's right...I am Chizu Yamamura. Don't underestimate me."

Role Played by: Chizu



Bran Rogers

Eventually he will have been around enough to say something cool

Role Played by: Pierrot



  • Beware the Quiet Ones: Outside of fights he normally is calm, In battle Bran likes hurting things a bit too much
  • Blade on a Stick: Habod o' Babd is one of these
  • Combat Pragmatist: Decides that rather than wait, it would be best to stab THROUGH his ally to get at the enemy
  • Cool Shades: Needs them to protect his yellow eyes
  • Divine Parentage: More like great-grand parentage, but still
  • Fragile Speedster: Most of His power comes from being fast and having a long stick to poke you with so HE doesn't get hit
  • In the Blood: The Source of Bran's Powers are his ancestry to a welsh Goddess of Crows and War
  • War God: Bran is descended from one
  • War Is Glorious: For a pretty calm nice kid, when he smells blood he starts spouting prose about his love for it
  • Weapon of Choice: Bran wields a glaive that has spilled the blood of generations of warfare
  • Ravens and Crows: Guy has a whole fricken motif going
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: Only birds from the family Corvus though
  • The Dreaded: This applies more to his weapon than he himself, it does have the ability to call upon peoples worst memories and fears after all

Graduated Students

Damon Ark

"The second we're alone, is the second we're most vulnerable."

Role Played by: The Captain




Lavender Smith

"I'm not discounting the possibility that things could get rough, so what's a good teacher gonna do?"

Role Played by: Lawman

WIP Placeholder.


Nicholas Mare

"This plan is insane. Based entirely on random luck. There are 500 different things that can go wrong. I'M TOTALLY IN FOR THIS!"

Role Played by: The Captain

The science teacher of Hyakuji High. What kind of science? Whatever he feels the students need to learn. Having centuries to learn how the world works let's him have some unique insight in multiple areas...


Vielle of Lacrima

"I refuse to lead such an aimless life. If I cannot find meaning within myself, then I shall find it in others."

Role Played by: Erin

A knight from the world of Rune-Midgard, who ended up in Hyakuji due to Multiverse Shenanigans (tm) during the Kingdom Hearts arc. She betrayed her lord for love, and was then abandoned by the man she gave up everything for - having nothing left for herself, she decided to devote her life to teaching others, not to atone, but merely to give meaning to her existence.


  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: There isn't a whole lot that the Muramasa can't cut.
  • Action Girl
  • Badass Normal: Has no actual powers of her own, although she does rely on a slew of decidedly non-normal weapons.
  • Broken Ace: Seeing herself unworthy of the title of 'knight', she says that calling anyone her lord would be an insult to them.
  • Dark and Troubled Past
  • Evil Weapon: The Muramasa, a cursed sword that drives its wielders into bloodlust and insanity. Vielle suppresses the curse through sheer force of will in order to use its power without sacrificing her mind.
  • Failure Knight: Though it's more towards the school as a whole as opposed to a single person.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: For her love interest, who never came back for her despite the fact that she made it through alive.
  • Heroic Willpower: Two of her four weapons would drive a human insane just from picking them up. One, the Evil Weapon Muramasa, and the other the Blade of Atroce, which normally turns the wielder into a wild raging berserker. Not Vielle, though.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Subverted; one of her weapons is a crossbow made with the bones of a sacred hawk, and is almost as powerful as a modern-day sniper rifle...except Vielle's training was mostly with melee weapons and she can't aim out to even half its maximum range.
  • Lady of War
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Though most of her weapons are two-handed, she does have a magic shield as well.
  • Made of Iron
  • My Greatest Failure: Betraying her lord and casting aside knighthood to join the Eyes of Darkness, because she was in love with its leader, who she was later abandoned by.
  • Named Weapons: All four of them have names; The Elemental Blade, The Blade of Atroce, The Muramasa, and the Gastraphetes.
  • Nerves of Steel
  • Playing Against Type: Somehow ended up as an assistant teacher for Cooking class.
  • The Stoic: To the point that it borders on Extreme Doormat.
  • Turncoat: See My Greatest Failure
  • Summon to Hand: Can recall all of her equipment instantaneously via Kafra Storage
  • Super Strength: When wielding the Blade of Atroce


Character Name

Defining character quotes here

Role Played by: Player Name

A general description about the character's personality, motivations, etc.


  • A list of characterization tropes associated with this character, separated by bullets.
  1. And yes, even to watch over her two friends when they get close. ESPECIALLY when they get close.
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