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Sailor Moon/Characters/Villains

This page covers the villains of Sailor Moon.

In General

  • Theme Naming: Almost every Villain worth mentioning before the final arc is named after a gemstone.

Dark Kingdom

Queen Metaria

Voiced by: Noriko Uehara (JP), Maria Vacratsis (EN)

Queen Beryl

Voiced by: Keiko Han (JP), Naz Edwards (EN), Belinda Martinez (LatAm), Fernanda Figueiredo (PT)

The Four Heavenly Kings (Shitennou): Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite and Kunzite

  • All There in the Manual: Their past lives as possible lovers to the Sailor Senshi was never mentioned in the anime but was in tie-in materials such as the Friends and Foes book. In the manga, we only get to see Kunzite making some teasing remarks about Princess Serenity to Sailor Venus, who blushes when she hears him. Also, the "Sailor V" manga confirms there was a relationship between the two, much to the dissapointment of would-be-Big Bad Adonis. And Jadeite in the manga lusts after Rei when he sees her in the present.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: In the manga and the live-action adaptation. In the anime they aren't even human, technically.
  • Dead Person Conversation and Spirit Advisor: In the manga only, after their deaths their spirits appear before Mamoru, whose generals and bodyguards they were in their Silver Millenium incarnations, to cheer him up and offer advice.
  • Death by Adaptation: A strange case of it. They die in the manga and anime, but as mentioned above, their spirits remain present after death in the manga. Not so in the anime, where the removal of their backstory and connection to Mamoru renders it impossible.
  • Four Is Death: Although in the anime the four of them never appear together. Except for their cameo in the Silver Millenium flashback.


Voiced by: Masaya Onosaka (JP), Tony Daniels (EN), Rene Garcia (LatAm), António Semedo (PT)


Voiced by: Katsuji Mori (JP), Kevin Lund (EN), Mario Castaneda (LatAm), António Semedo (PT)


Voiced by: Keiichi Nanba (JP), Kirsten Bishop (EN), Magda Giner (LatAm), Rogério Jacques (PT)


Voiced by: Kazuyuki Sogabe (JP), Dennis Akayama (EN), Guillermo Saucedo (LatAm), António Semedo (PT)

  • Amnesiac Dissonance: In PGSM, Kunzite became shy, likable amnesiac Shin as punishment for being The Starscream.
  • Bishonen
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Becomes even moreso than he was initially in the manga when he attempts to betray Beryl and she puts him under total mind control as punishment.
  • Character Focus: He's the only Shitennou in the original manga to have any sort of development and prolonged exposure.
  • Crosscast Role: The musicals again.
  • Dark Skinned White-Haired Pretty Boy. In anime and manga but not in the live action, where his hair is black.
  • Dub Name Change: To "Malachite". This one is justified, as there was apparently legal issues with using "Kunzite".
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: In the anime, he's much smarter than Queen Beryl, with only a few of his plans being dumb (when he's saddled with a brainwashed Mamoru), and he's arguably more powerful given that he could take all on five Sailor Senshi on his own, and win, while Beryl is just beaten by one of Mamoru's pointed flowers.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard
  • Magnificent Bastard
  • Minion Shipping: With Zoisite, in the anime.
  • Real Men Throw Pink Energy Boomerangs
  • Reliable Traitor: In the live action version.
  • Theme Naming: After the mineral gemstone kunzite.
  • Villainous Valour: In the anime. When fighting against Sailor Moon and the Silver Crystal, he is given a chance to be redeemed. He rejects it emphatically and attacks as strongly as he can, despite being blatantly outclassed. He then ends up being literatelly the only non-Big Bad villain to be killed by a member of the Sailor Senshi.
  • Yaoi Guys: With Zoisite, in the original anime, in which Zoisite is actually a very pretty man, rather than a woman with a flat chest.


Makaiju Aliens

  • Brother-Sister Incest: In the "we're siblings and like Adam and Eve" sense. Even in their human disguises, they were clingy towards each other, as a squicked Makoto points out once when "Natsumi" whines at her for flirting with "Seijuuro" and then at him for "playing along" ("Whoa. Such weird siblings!")
  • Filler Villain: The only major example in the anime. Later they just stretched manga arcs by filling them with plot-irrelevant Monster of the Week fights.

The Makaiju

En a.k.a. Natsumi Ginga

Voiced by: Yumi Touma (JP), Sabrina Grdevich (EN) Carola Vázquez(LatAm), Isabel Wolmar (PT)

Ail aka Seijuuro Ginga

Voiced by: Hikaru Midorikawa (JP), Vince Corazza (EN), Guillermo Saucedo (LatAm), António Semedo (PT)


Black Moon Clan

Wiseman/Death Phantom

Voiced by: Eiji Maruyama (JP), Tony Daniels (EN), Paco Mauri and Jose Luis Castañeda (LatAm), Rogério Jacques (PT)

Prince Demand

Voiced by: Kaneto Shiozawa (JP), Robert Bockstael (EN), Benjamin Rivera (LatAm), António Semedo (PT)

Blue Saphir

Voiced by: Tsutomu Kashiwakura (JP), Lyon Smith (EN), Emmanuel Rivas (LatAm), Rogério Jacques (PT)

Green Esmeraude

Voiced by: Mami Koyama (JP), Kirsten Bishop (EN), Vicky Burgoa (LatAm), Isabel Wolmar (PT)

Crimson Rubeus

Voiced by: Wataru Takagi (JP), Robert Tinkler (EN), Rene Garcia (LatAm), António Semedo (PT)

  • Bad Boss: Was planning on sacrificing the Four Sisters from the very beginning so that he could get all the glory of capturing Chibiusa himself.
  • Bastard Boyfriend: While he wasn't exactly Kooan's boyfriend, he shows MANY of the signs of the trope towards her.
  • Evil Redheads
  • Jerkass: To such an extent that he's practically a Complete Monster.
  • Killed to Uphold the Masquerade: By Wiseman in the manga.
  • Smug Snake: Specially in the anime.
  • Theme Naming: After the gemstone ruby.
  • You Have Failed Me...: To an already mentally-unstable Kooan, in the anime. He handed her an explosive MacGuffin, telling her to kill herself and the Senshi with it as a proof of her love for him. The Senshi destroy it, Kooan has a heartbreaking Villainous Breakdown and attacks them in a blind rage, but Mars stops her and makes her come back to her senses. Moon then purifies Kooan and gives her a normal life.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: To Petz, in the anime. He turned her into even more of a Psycho Electro than she already was, then revealed this in the middle of a battle that she and Calaveras were losing, and used the MacGuffin that was controlling Petz to create a black hole. But the girls survived and won, and Moon again purified the sisters. And later, Esmeraude leaves him to die in his spaceship because he's not useful to Prince Demand anymore, in an Ironic Echo of what he did to the girls.

The Four Weird Sisters aka the Ayakashi Sisters (Petz, Calaveras, Berthier and Koan)

Voiced by:

Petz: Megumi Ogata (JP), Norma Dell'Agnese (EN), Alejandra de la Rosa (LatAm), Cristina Paiva (PT).
Calaveras: Akiko Hiramatsu (JP), Jennifer Griffiths (EN), Belinda Martinez (LatAm).
Berthier: Yuri Amano (JP), Kathleen Laskey (EN), Cristina Camargo (LatAm), Cristina Cavalinhos (PT).
Koan: Wakana Yamazaki (JP), Alice Poon and Mary Long (EN), Angela Villanueva (LatAm). Isabel Wolmar (Calaveras and Koan, PT)

Black Lady

Voiced by: Kae Araki (JP), Liz Brown (EN), Cristina Hernandez (LatAm), Fernanda Figueiredo (PT)


Death Busters

Pharaoh 90

Mistress 9

Voiced by: Yuko Minaguchi (JP), Susan Aceron (EN), Cristina Camargo (LatAm), Isabel Wolmar (PT)

Professor Souichi Tomoe/Germatoid

Voiced by: Akira Kamiya (JP), Jeff Lumby (EN), Carlos del Campo (LatAm), António Semedo (PT)

Kaori Naitou/Kaolinite

Voiced by: Noriko Uemara (JP), Kristen Bishop (EN), Liza Willert (LatAm), Isabel Wolmar (PT)

The Witches 5 (Yuuko Arimura/Eudial, Mimi Hanyuu/Mimete, Ruru Teruno/Tellu, Yui Bidou/Viluy, Cyprine and Ptilol)

Voiced by
Eudial: Maria Kawamura (JP), Loretta Jafelice (EN), Nancy Mackenzie (LatAm).
Mimete: Mika Kanai (JP), Catherine Disher (EN), Socorro de la Campa (LatAm).
Tellu: Chieko Honda (JP), Kirsten Bishop (EN), Isabel Martinon (LatAm).
Viluy: Yoshino Takamori (JP), Ana Maria Grey (LatAm). Cyprine: Yuriko Fuchizaki (JP).
Ptilol: Rumi Kasahara (JP). Susan Aceron (Viluy, Cyprine and Ptilol, EN), Monica Villaseñor (Cyprine and Ptilol, LatAm), Isabel Wolmar (All, PT)
  • Ascended Extras: Eudial and Mimete in the anime.
  • Back from the Dead: All of them are killed off individually in the manga, but then ressurected by Kaolinite to fight the Sailor Senshi all at once.
  • Blown Across the Room: After Usagi transforms into Super Sailor Moon, Eudial attempts to fry her, however Super Sailor Moon deflects her attack, sending it back at her and causing her to fall out of a stain glass window.
  • Butt Monkey: Eudial very frequently ended up like this, and to a smaller degree, so did Mimete.
  • Combat Pragmatist: In her battles against the Sailor Senshi, Eudial discarded magic or complicated plans and used guns that could extract an Heart Crystal faster than the Daimons( which she brought with herself only to provide cover for her escape), flamethrowers capable to overpower Sailor Moon's attacks, and even a few dozens machine guns! The latter served to show why you don't just shoot the Sailor Senshi: the machine guns shot and hit Sailor Neptune until they ran out of ammo, and, while battered, she wasn't even bleeding.
  • Curtains Match the Window
  • Creepy Twins: Cyprine and Ptilol.
  • Destination Defenestration: Eudial, after Super Sailor Moon deflects her attack. Astonishingly, she survives...but only for a few minutes.
  • Disney Villain Death: Due to Mimette's antics, Eudial and her car go straight off a cliff, landing into the ocean below.
  • The Ditz: Mimete..at first....
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: An anime scene where Mimete and Professor Tomoe are playing Twister has Mimete throwing her head back, lifting a bare leg and pretty much moaning suggestively as they do so... It went uncensored outside Japan.
  • Drives Like Crazy: Eudial, so much. Nice Car Fu Running Gag, indeed.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: In the anime, Mimete transports herself into a huge TV screen, which is supposed to make her even more powerful. Just as you think the senshi are in for an epic battle, Tellu walks in and pulls the plug, trapping her in the TV forever.
  • Emotionless Girl: Viluy, Ami's rival. Ami herself lampshades the trope by lamenting how Viluy only believed in machines after Viluy's Karmic Death.
  • Enemy Civil War: The girls backstab and kill each other without any second thoughts in the anime.
  • Every Car Is a Pinto: Mimette rigs the brakes in Eudial's car, so when she is driven off of a cliff, there is a giant water "explosion."
  • Evil Diva: Manga Mimete.
  • Evil Redheads: At least three of the girls had red or orange hair: Eudial, Mimete, and Ptilol, though Mimete is more strawberry blonde.
  • Fate Worse Than Death: Mimete is left trapped inside a computer in the anime. Since she was converted to energy, and energy can't be destroyed, that means it's an eternal sentencing for her.
  • Fan Girl: In the anime, Mimete tended to attack her favorite idols. By her logic, people who were successful and beloved had to possess very bright Heart Crystals.
  • Fiery Redhead: Eudial and Ptilol.
  • Geeky Turn On: Oh, those labcoats and glasses!
  • Go-Karting with Bowser: Mimete and Minako in episode 114.
  • Hoist By Her Own Petard: Tellu is killed by one of her own flowers. Viluy is erased by her nanomachines.
  • Humanoid Abomination: In the manga. In the anime, they're likely just former Muggles who learned Functional Magic and Science.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Eudial's Fire Buster II is basically a vacuum cleaner that can shoot fire.
  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: Eudial and (especially) Mimete.
  • Karmic Death: The computer Mimete was left trapped in was built by Eudial, whom she murdered earlier. Cyprine and Ptilol died when hit by each other's attacks. Tellu and Viluy's own creations turn against them.
  • Magic Brakes: This leads to Eudial's downfall.
  • Meganekko: Eudial and Mimete wear glasses when not in action.
  • Oh Crap: Cyprine and Ptilol have one in the anime before they're wiped out by their own attacks, making their's the only Witches 5 death to have some comedic value to it.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad
  • Schrödinger's Cast: In the manga they all work for Kaolinite rather than Tomoe, are closer to being actual witches, and work fairly well together rather than backstab one another.
  • Self-Disposing Villain: In the anime, all of them. Sure, the Senshi helped here and there, but these girls were so busy killing each other and/or being cocky idiots that the Senshi could've probably just twiddled their thumbs and waited.
  • Shy Blue-Haired Girl: Averted: Cyprine is ruthless and arrogant.
  • Single-Minded Twins: Cyprine and Ptilol. It's more of them actually being two halves of the same person though.
  • Smug Snake: Each one of them seem to think themselves more skilled than they actually turn out to be, especially in the anime.
  • Villains Out Shopping: In one episode, they play Twister. Prof. Tomoe also joins them.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl: Viluy, again.
  • Why Did It Have To Be Snails?: Eudial hates snails. This eventually leads to her downfall because Mimete not only tampers with her car, but puts some snails in the brakes to make her panic more.


Dead Moon Circus

  • Circus of Fear: And how.
  • Crap Saccharine World: Sorta. It's a shiny, pretty, magical place that gives you lots of fun when you're attending its shows, but once you learn what's truly inside... aaaaaahhhhhhh!!
  • Obviously Evil: You know something isn't good when it's called "Dead Moon." And nearly everything affiliated with the circus is named "Dead Moon ________." This is Lampshaded in the manga, when Mina gets a flyer for talent auditions from the "Dead Moon Talent Agency" and the Senshi immediately figure out it's a trap.

Queen Nehellenia

Voiced by: Yoshiko Sakakibara as an adult and Wakana Yamazaki as a child (JP). Sylvia Garcel (LatAm), Isabel Wolmar (PT)

Nehellenia: Those eyes again... Don't look at me with such eyes! You should hate me, loathe me, feel rage against me!

  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
  • Evil Counterpart: She and her kingdom of the Dead Moon are the shadow selves of Queen Serenity and the Silver Millennium. The fan theory that she is Queen Serenity's sister is, however, explicitly not true, in both the anime and the manga.
  • Evil Laugh: In both the original Japanese version and the English dub.
  • Eyes of Gold: Subverted in the anime: she originally had Blue Eyes, but once she became evil, they changed color.
  • God Save Us From the Queen
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: In the anime, after the Magic Mirror shows her that she won't retain her beauty and everyone will abandon her.
  • Hellish Pupils
  • Humanoid Abomination: What she really is in the manga.
  • Japanese Pronouns: In the original she uses warawa, which is associated with nobility women with sophisticated and archaic speech patterns. Dubs usually translated it into her using the most formal speech patterns of the language in question.
  • Lonely Rich Kid: The Stars anime shows her as one of these, before she became a Vain Sorceress.
  • Magic Mirror: One of the uber examples.
  • Odango Hair: One of the only villains to have this.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: The anime version is fairly close, as her dream-stealing turns people into living dead, and she intends to implement it everywhere.
  • Redemption Equals Life: Anime. Sailor Moon returns her to her childhood when Nehellenia gives up and asks her if she can "Do it over again", effectively giving her another chance in life and making her a prospect High Queen that will likely reign her planet wisely.
  • Sealed Evil In A Magic Mirror
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Anime.
  • Spoiled Sweet: In the anime. Despite being a Vain Sorceress, she was this before she went mad and became evil. She was more naive and insecure than spoiled rotten, and then It Got Worse.
  • Vain Sorceress: What caused her to become evil in the first place in the anime.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: What Anime Nehellenia is revealed to be at the end of the SuperS season. Under her archetypal wicked queen exterior, there's an extremely miserable and angry old woman who is desperately clinging to a dying dream of staying beautiful so she'll be loved and admired, and lashing out in her pain and bitterness at those whose happiness she is jealous of and wants for herself. In Stars, it reveals she was a Lonely Rich Kid who learned to love herself and her own beauty more than anything else due to the Magic Mirror, which is why she cannot stand the though of losing her youthful beauty.


Voiced by: Hisako Kyoda (JP), Rowan Tichenor (EN), Guadalupe Noel (LatAm), António Semedo (PT)

  • Ambiguous Gender: It's an evil old woman but really just looks like an evil old thing.
  • Breath Weapon: See that face-shaped pattern on the front of her robe? In the anime, it serves as a medium for Nehellenia to talk through, but in the manga it has a far more sinister purpose, since she locks the Senshi in a nightmare in which the "face" fires lasers that seemingly kills Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. The sequence the follows probably contains some of the most gruesome imagery in the Sailor Moon saga.
  • The Dragon: To Nehellenia.
  • Eldritch Abomination: By all means, she should not exist, yet does.
  • Evil Old Folks
  • Large Ham: Is often seen screaming and ranting at the top of her lungs at the Trio and Quartet (especially the Quartet, who don't tend to listen.) The scenery often shakes when she does so.
  • She's a Man In Japan: Reversed; Zirconia is a woman in Japan, but was bizarrely made male in the English dub, with a hilariously bad Yoda-esque voice.
  • Starfish Character: Zirconia is the physical manifestation of Nehellenia's desires for ultimate power and eternal beauty as well as her fears of growing old and ugly, created to carry out her will.

The Amazon Trio (Tiger's Eye, Hawk's Eye, Fisheye)

Voiced by
Tiger's Eye: Ryotaro Okiayu (JP), Jason Barr (EN), Yamil Atala (LatAm), António Semedo (PT).
Hawk's Eye: Toshio Furukawa (JP), Benji Plener (EN),Benjamin Rivera (LatAm), Rogério Jacques (PT).
Fish Eye: Akira Ishida (JP), Deborah Drakeford (EN), Vicky Burgoa (LatAm), Miguel Feijão (PT).

The Amazones Quartet (Cere Cere the Illusionist, Palla Palla the Ball Balancer, Jun Jun the Acrobat, Ves Ves the Tamer)

Voiced by
Cere Cere: Yuri Amano (JP), Daniela Olivieri (EN), Norma Echevarria (LatAm), Cristina Cavalinhos (PT).
Palla Palla: Machiko Toyoshima (JP), Jennifer Gould (EN), Circe Luna (LatAm), Olga Lima (PT).
Jun Jun: Kumiko Watanabe (JP), Mary Long (EN), Mónica Villaseñor(LatAm), Cristina Paiva (PT).
Ves Ves; Junko Hagimori (JP), Karyn Dywer (EN), Gabriela Willert (LatAm), Isabel Wolmar (PT).
  • Anime Hair: especially Jun Jun's.
  • Bokukko: Jun Jun.
  • Creepy Child: All of them, but specially Palla Palla.
  • Fiery Redhead: Ves Ves
  • Four-Girl Ensemble: Jun Jun and Ves Ves share the mannish role, Palla Palla is the childlike one, Cere Cere is the glamorous girl but tries to be mature too.
  • Heel Face Turn: In both the anime AND the manga.
  • Magical Girl: All four are actually Sailor Senshi who are charged with protecting Sailor Chibi Moon. But only in the manga. Their names come from the first four asteroids to be discovered in the asteroid belt.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Cere Cere has a knack for being this.
  • Master of Illusion: Cere Cere, fitting her manipulative tactics.
  • Pet the Dog: Jun Jun helps Chibi-Usa's friend Kyusuke with a problem of his in one episode before even learning that he's to be her new target.
    • Jun Jun has a tendency to help her targets fulfill their dreams anyways. Believed to be reference to the goddess Juno, for whom the comet she is named.
  • The Psycho Rangers: Each Amazon is a direct inversion of her Senshi counterpart (at least in the manga). Cere Cere is calm and refined where Minako is scatterbrained and hyper, Jun Jun is bullying where Makoto is nurturing, Ves Ves is out of control where (manga) Rei is coldly composed, and Palla Palla is childish and ditzy where Ami is mature and brilliant.
  • Rose-Haired Girl: Cere Cere.
  • She Fu: Jun Jun.
  • Shy Blue-Haired Girl: Subverted: Palla Palla is outspoken and childlike.
  • Third Person Person: Palla Palla.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Each role is shared by two girls.
    • Tomboys: Jun Jun and Ves Ves.
    • Girly Girls: Cere Cere and Palla Palla.
  • Tricksters: All of them.
  • Whip It Good: Ves Ves had a whip, as befitting her tamer work in the circus.
  • Yuri Amano: Cere Cere.

Shadow Galactica

  • Dark Magical Girl
  • Fallen Heroines: Many of Shadow Galactica's members in the manga are former Sailor Senshi that have turned evil. Those that aren't (The Sailor Anima Mates) killed the Sailor Senshi of their planets to gain power, though both manga and anime mention that they are being controlled by bracelets that Galaxia has put on them.

Sailor Galaxia

Voiced by: Mitsuko Horie (JP), Nancy McKenzie (LatAm), Isabel Wolmar (PT)

  • BFS
  • The Chessmaster
  • Demonic Possession: The anime version of Galaxia tried to turn herself into a can for sealing Chaos and sent her own Star Seed (Chibi Chibi) away to not get her contaminated. Didn't quite work. However, being The Chessmaster she made preparations to give the new generation of Sailor Senshi a fighting chance against her.
  • Disc One Final Boss: In the manga.
  • The Dragon: To Chaos.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Usagi, especially the manga.
  • Evil Redheads
  • Face Heel Turn and Heel Face Turn.
  • Fallen Heroine
  • Galaxy's Strongest Woman: In the anime, Galaxia was, as befits her name, the strongest Sailor Senshi in the entire Galaxy, before her Face Heel Turn and arguably kept the title to the end, as far as sheer power is concerned.
  • For the Evulz and You Have Failed Me...: In the anime, these tropes basically sum up Galaxia's treatment of her minions. It's fairly clear, that their missions were meaningless and meant only to entertain her to begin with, yet she still kills them off for failures. Moreover, her offer to Uranus and Neptune and her words after it is accepted imply that she cycled through many, many sets of minions this way. In the manga, she's not above offing a failed underling as well.
  • Hero-Killer: From the beginning in the manga, and after she gets bored of watching her servants getting whipped by the Senshi in the anime, she swiftly demonstrates why she is so feared.
  • Magnificent Bastard: In the manga, where she is influenced but not controlled by Chaos.
  • Nietzsche Wannabe: The manga version which was convinced that the world was horrible and the life was worthless, seeking power to justify her existence through remaking the galaxy.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: She wiped out all life on multiple planets in both anime and manga.
  • One-Winged Angel: In the anime, Chaos' manifestation is basically powered-up Galaxia. With actual demonic wings and a black uniform.
  • Rapunzel Hair: Long, pretty orange and red hair.
  • Redemption Earns Life: In the anime.
  • Redemption Equals Death: In the manga. Quite literatelly; it's the act of redeeming herself that kills her, as the bracelet sustaining her starseed shatters as a result of her Heel Face Turn. However, it's implied she's reborn along with all the other dead Senshi in the end.
  • Reliable Traitor: The manga version of Galaxia worked for Chaos in the hope to eventually destroy it, and take control of the galaxy. Of course, to gain power that can destroy Chaos, she intended to steal every star seed from every planet in the galaxy, thus clearing them of life, which was Chaos' goal from the beginning.
  • Sadistic Choice
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Both manga and anime versions think they're doing what's right and wish to destroy Chaos.

Sailor Mnemosyne and Sailor Lethe

  • Anti-Villain: Mnemosyne and Lethe joined Galaxia because they truly believed she would bring order to the universe, something they desperately wanted since their planets were engulfed in an endless war.
  • Heel Face Turn: Almost. Mnemosyne feels sorry for Sailor Moon and restores her memory after Lethe erases it, then convinces Lethe to join her in helping Sailor Moon. Both she and Lethe then get killed off by Sailors Phi and Chi for turning on Shadow Galactica immediately afterwards.
  • Redemption Equals Death: Same as above.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Lethe and Mnemosyne.

Sailor Anima Mates

Sailor Iron Mouse a.k.a. Nezu Chuukou

Voiced by: Eriko Hara (JP), Gabriela Willert (LatAm), Olga Lima (PT)

From the planet Chuu.

Sailor Aluminum Seiren a.k.a. Reiko Aya

Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue (JP), Maru Guerrero (LatAm), Olga Lima (PT)

From the planet Mermaid.

Sailor Lead Crow aka Akane Karasuma

Voiced by: Chiharu Suzuka (JP), Gisela Casillas (LatAm), Cristina Paiva (PT)

From the planet Coronis, also the homeworld of Phobos and Deimos in the manga.

Sailor Tin Nyanko aka Suzu Nyanko

Voiced by: Ikue Ohtani (JP), Ana Maria Grey (LatAm), Cristina Cavalinhos (PT)

From the planet Mau, also the homeworld of Luna and Artemis in the manga.

  • Anti-Villain: In the manga (definately not in the anime, although this is because she's Brainwashed and Crazy.)
  • Catgirl
  • Deadly Change-of-Heart: Sailor Moon manages to partway purify her by hitting one of her bracelets and destroying it; this causes one side of her uniform to turn white and her to be torn between acting good or evil. Galaxia will have none of this and kills her off before Sailor Moon can finish.
  • Smug Snake
  • The Sociopath: Her Brainwashed and Crazy personna in the anime is devoid of any empathetic qualities whatsoever.

Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon

From the planet Cocoon.

  • Action Mom: A surprisingly evil variant, though her being a mother isn't touched upon in the series proper.
  • All There in the Manual: The artbooks list her as a Samba dancer and a mother. They're also the source of the name of her planet.
  • Playing with Fire: Her Galactica Scales attack is fire based.



Movie villians


Voiced by: Hikaru Midorikawa as an adult and Tomoko Maruo as a child (JP). Steven Bednarski as an adult and Mary Long as a child (EN). Benjamin Rivera (LatAm)

  • Anti-Villain: He just wants to make Mamoru happy...
  • Expy: He resembles the Makaiju Aliens. The first thing he remembers in life is drifting in space and he doesn't know where he comes from, so the implication is that he IS a Makaiju Alien.
  • Heel Face Turn: After being freed from the Xenian Flower's power, he gives Mamoru the nectar which revives Usagi. Seems to be a Redemption Equals Death case as well, though we see him reborn as a child and drifting away into space immediately afterward.
  • Love Makes You Evil and Love Makes You Crazy: Xenian uses his feelings from Mamoru to control him into becoming her willing servent for the destruction of Earth.
  • More Than Mind Control: Xenian's hold on him is very physical and emotional as well as mental.
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend: If he is truly in love with Mamoru.

Xenian Flower

Voiced by: Yumi Touma (JP), Susan Aceron (EN), Norma Echevarría (LatAm)

  • Eldritch Abomination: She's capable of destroying stars and planets in order to survive, and is described as "the most dangerous flower in the universe".
  • Omnicidal Maniac
  • The Power of Hate: She pours hatred into her host's heart, causing them to fall under her spell and carry out her every whim. Eventually, she becomes powerful enough to destroy the entire planet along with the unfortunate individual whom she had deceived.

Princess Snow Kaguya

Voiced by: Eiko Masuyama (JP), Catherine Disher (EN), Laura Torres (LatAm)

The only movie villain who originated in the manga (though Naoko Takeuchi did sketch the SuperS movie characters).

Queen Badiane

Voiced by: Rihoko Yoshida (JP), Kirsten Bishop (EN), Liza Willert (LatAm)

Fairies (Poupelin, Banane and Orangeat)

Voiced by
Poupelin: Nobuo Tobita (JP), Robert Tinkler (EN).
Banane: Nobuhiko Kazama (JP).
Orangeat: Kazuya Nakai (JP). Susan Aceron (Banane and Orangeat, EN)

Lyrica Hubert

Voiced by: Yuriko Yamamoto (JP)

    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.