< Sailor Moon < Characters
Sailor Moon/Characters/Others
This page covers the (mostly) recurring minor characters of Sailor Moon.
Naru Osaka
Naru Osaka
- Break the Cutie: The deal with Nephrite sends her into an Heroic BSOD and it takes her a while to get better.
- Damsel in Distress
- Demoted to Extra: Ever since the end of the first season/first episodes of R.
- ... And she and Umino were still luckier than Yumiko (the long-haired girl) and Kuri (the short-haired girl), who never made it past the original series.
- Averted in the live-action. It's as if she knew that she was gonna be replaced as Usagi's BFF and struggled not to let that happen.
- ... And she and Umino were still luckier than Yumiko (the long-haired girl) and Kuri (the short-haired girl), who never made it past the original series.
- Designated Victim
- Hair Decorations: Her green hairband.
- Fan Nickname: The Official Energy Source of the Negaverse.
- Fiery Redhead: Subverted, she's more of The Cutie, though she did have two or three moments.
- Heroic Bystander: In both the first series and S, trying to get the energy-sucking plant out of Nephrite despite being affected by them herself and then trying to protect Umino from a Monster of the Week which was after his Pure Heart.
- Kansai Regional Accent: Lampshaded by her last name. Or Brooklyn accent in the English dub.
- Locked Out of the Loop: Though she may have become aware of Usagi's identity as Sailor Moon in the R season. At the very least, she knows she is part of something important and that Usagi doesn't want Naru to ask what. Which Naru accepts.
- Morality Pet: In the anime, she becomes one for Nephrite, triggering his Redemption Equals Death.
- Muggle
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Usagi's Tomboy, even when the latter's not that tomboyish.
- Tsundere: Veeeeery light Type B, towards Umino.
- Weirdness Magnet
Gurio Umino
Gurio Umino
- Beautiful All Along: According to Word of God, he is a Bishounen without his glasses.
- Bishounen: Take God's Word for It
- The Chew Toy
- Demoted to Extra: Ever since the end of the first season/first episodes of R.
- Dogged Nice Guy: For Usagi. By the time he falls for Naru, though, he drops the most annoying traits.
- Drowning My Sorrows: Parodied in Super S, when he attempts it with milk shakes. Chibi-Usa's grossed out face says all.
- Expy: In the forerunner series, Codename: Sailor V, Minako had an otaku pal named Amano who is identical to him, though Amano is much more proactive and able to aide Sailor V on several occasions.
- Heroic Bystander: In both the first series and S, he tries to defend Naru from a Monster of the Week. The second time, the monster was specifically targetting him.
- James Bondage
- Know-Nothing Know-It-All
- Nerd Glasses
- Second Love: For Naru. Who also was his second love, since Umino had a crush on Usagi at first.
The Tsukino family
Shingo Tsukino
- Adorably Precocious Child: Can slip into this sometimes, and don't think he won't if it works to his advantage.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Milder version. He can be annoying and nagging, but otherwise is less whiny than other kids like him.
- Mostly because his sister is more than whiny enough for the both of them.
- Art Evolution: One of the few characters to visibly age in the anime. The first season drew him the way most children appear in anime. In later appearences he looks more (appropriately) like a pre-teen and has had something of of a growth spurt. This was probably done to make him look older than Chibi-Usa but still younger than Usagi.
- Cross-Dressing Voices
- Deadpan Snarker: He often walks away with some of the best lines when he shows up.
- Demoted to Extra: Ever since the first season/first episodes of R.
- Fanboys My Alter Ego: More exactly, he's a Sailor Moon fanboy.
- Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The responsible to Usagi's foolish.
- Heroic Bystander: For a ten year old kid Shingo has some serious cajones, aside from his brief fear of cats he rarely loses his head when he ends up in the middle of weirdness Usagi attracts, and once even tried to fight a villain head on to protect Ami, buying enough time for the rest of the Sailor Senshi to find them.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Chiyoko Kawashima, who voiced Shingo, also voices Haruna and Sailor Pluto.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Jerkass Facade: Certain materials suggest that he's hard on Usagi simply because that's just job as her little brother, and he's trying to toughen her up to not be such a crybaby.
- Nice Guy: Usagi might disagree, but for the most part Shingo's a pretty decent person who sticks up for other people.
- Precocious Crush: Has a huge crush on Ami in one episode of the anime.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Is terrified of cats in the anime, due to an traumatic incident when he was a toddler. As a result, a whole first season episode is dedicated to Usagi trying to get Luna in his good graces, and after that it's never mentioned again.
Ikuko Tsukino
- Blind Idiot Translation: In the recently re-released manga, Kenji and Ikuko refer to each other as papa and mama
- Education Mama: Whooo boy...
- To be fair, she is nowhere near as bad as Minako's mother in Codename: Sailor V, to the point that Minako actually lists her "hag of a mom" as one of her dislikes.
- Hot Shounen Mom: Specially in the live action.
- Housewife
- Muggle Foster Parents: Largely averted. Usagi was reincarnated, so the Tsukinos are her biological family.
- Open-Minded Parent: In relationship subjects.
- Parents in Distress: Was attacked by Hawk Eye in Super S.
- What Happened to the Mouse??: Averted, as she is one of the only supporting characters to appear throughout all five seasons.
- She didn't appear in the S season(in anime) thought she did appear in the season S manga.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Though more tempery than the standard, and is hinted to have Kenji-papa very whipped in the anime.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: And guess what, her hair is a darker shade of blue.
Kenji Tsukino
- Blind Idiot Translation: In the recently re-released manga, Kenji and Ikuko refer to each other as papa and mama
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Although Usagi's entire family was Demoted to Extra, her mother and brother still made token appearances later in the series, but her father's last appearance was only in the second season.
- Henpecked Husband: In the anime, by his own admission.
- He Who Must Not Be Seen: Live-action only; even has his face obscured by a camera at Usagi's wedding.
- Hot Shoujo Dad
- Meganekko
- Muggle Foster Parents: Largely averted. Usagi was reincarnated, so the Tsukinos are her biological family.
- Overprotective Dad: He nearly drives off the road on learning that Usagi is dating. And this is before he learns of the age difference.
- Papa Wolf: The few times he was under attack, he immediately leapt to his family's defense
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
Haruna Sakurada
Haruna Sakurada
- Ascended Extra: When you think about it, she had a much MORE bigger role in the first season and Alien arc in season R then in the manga. Then after the Alien Arc she was Put on a Bus.
- She has a valid reason for disappearing once the girls move to high-school.
- Butt Monkey: A frequent youma victim alongside Naru. And even beyond that, the second episode had Umino (under a monster's influence) flip her skirt up revealing her smiley face panties. She started sobbing that she wouldn't be able to get married now.
- Christmas Cake: And how.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Stern Teacher: Was very exigent towards Usagi, but genuinely cared for her and her friends.
- Team Mom
- You Look Familiar: Her sister was Chieri's teacher in Naoko's previous manga The Cherry Project. In addition, Chiyoko Kawashima, who voices Haruna, also voices Sailor Pluto and Shingo Tsukino.
Yuuichirou Kumada
Yuuichirou Kumada
- Butt Monkey
- Canon Foreigner: Specially created for the anime.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Demoted to Extra
- Hidden Eyes: Under his bangs.
- Hopeless Suitor: He looks and acts like one - but he does cares for Rei selflessly, despite knowing she's not likely to be into him the way he wants, and so he protects her because that's his choice. He leaves it very clear to Kooan when she belittles him, this being both a huge Tear Jerker and his Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- Nice Guy
- Non-Idle Rich: Comes from a wealthy background but keeps steady employment, usually in jobs that are "beneath" him.
- Perma-Stubble
- The White Prince: Is revealed to be the son of a very wealthy family.
Momoko Momohara
Momoko Momohara
- Alliterative Name
- Series Continuity Error: Her hair color is switched from brown to purple in Super S without any explanation.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: In an episode of the R season, when she's accidentally infused with Black Energy. Chibi-Usa manages to debrainwash her, though.
- Chinese Girl: Dresses as one, her family owns a Chinese restaurant.
- Cool Big Sis: Acts like this towards Chibi-Usa.
- Odango
- Playing Against Type: His voice actor, Bin Shimada.
- Taeko Kawata
Kyousuke and Kotono Sarashima
Kyousuke and Kotono Sarashima
- Canon Immigrant: Kyosuke appeared first in the manga, then in the anime. Kotono wasn't as lucky, though.
- Fans: Sailor V fans.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Kyousuke
- Paranormal Investigation: Kotono was the president of TA Academy's supernatural research club.
- School Newspaper Newshound: Kotono was a member of Rei's school's news club.
- Shout-Out: Kotono's first name is an obvious one to Kotono Mitsuishi.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?:Kyousuke is scared of high jumps.
Ryou Urawa
Ryou Urawa
- Adorably Precocious Child: Pulls this despite being 14 already.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Canon Foreigner: Only appeared in the anime.
- Dogged Nice Guy: To Ami, though not as pushy as other examples of the trope.
- Enemy Within
- The Fatalist
- Boy Of The Week: Leading to Urawa-kun being Demoted to Extra.
- Psychic Powers: More exactly, Precognition.
- Put on a Bus: Or better said, on a train.
- He comes back in the Video Game, 'Sailor Moon Another Story'.
- Shrinking Violet: Very shy and insecure.
Motoki Furuhata
Motoki Furuhata
- Ascended Extra: A bit, in the live-action. He even gets to propose to Makoto in that continuity.
- Blind Idiot Translation: In the recently re-released manga, Motoki's nickname is translated as 'bro'. This gets incredibly awkward later on, when Makoto refers to him as 'the bro at the Game Center.' Uhh....
- Chubby Chaser: Somewhat. In the anime he told Usagi he found chubby girls cute. She saw this as an excuse to stop dieting and go back to her regular eating habits, until Luna clarified that he said "chubby", not "fat".
- Green Eyes
- Nice Guy
- Satellite Character
- Secret Keeper: In the manga and the live-action.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Sensitive Guy to Mamoru's Manly Man.
- They Do: He and Makoto in Special Act of the Live Action version.
- Trash of the Titans: His apartment, in the anime.
Reika Nishimura
Reika Nishimura
- Adaptation Dye Job: In the anime, Reika is a brunette. In the materials collection, she has strawberry pink hair, but in further colored manga artwork, she's blonde.
- Adventurer Archaeologist: Her work, in the anime.
- Art Shift: In the anime, her eyes had a distinctively different appearance from the rest of the cast. That changed when she returned in season four.
- Blue Eyes: Though she seemed to had different eye color later in the colored manga pictures.
- Cool Big Sis
- Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry: In the manga, Reika was really into gemstones, as she studies mineralogy at KO University. While she doesn't drape herself in jewels, she does wear rather stylish earrings and necklaces tastefully. A caption refers to her as a "high maintenance $6900 Versace queen."
- Long-Distance Relationship: With Motoki.
- Put on a Bus: Twice
- Talking to Herself: Played by Rika Fukami, who also plays Minako/Venus.
- This is avoided in the first season, but played straight in the second one.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: A bit more cheerful version.
Unazuki Furuhata
Unazuki Furuhata
- Cool Big Sis: To Usagi.
- First Kiss: Her A Day in the Limelight episode, in the S series, was centered on how she and her boyfriend had not even kissed...
- Genki Girl
- Mistaken for Cheating: Subverted in R. Mamoru once gave her a ride in his motorbike because she was late tio a date with her boyfriend; Usagi saw them and thought Unazuki was his new girlfriend. Since those were his "It's Not You, It's Me" days, he tried to use it to his advantage so Usagi would get over him. It backfired. Horribly.
Yumiko and Kuri
Yumiko and Kuri
- Bit Character
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Both are brunettes to blonde Usagi and redhead Naru.
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Their act in a talent show in one episode.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Even earlier than most other supporting characters.
- Social Circle Filler
- Those Two Guys: To Usagi, Naru and Umino, before Naru and Umino became this themselves.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Yumiko has long hair and wears pink. Kuri doesn't. She also tends to be more aggressive than Yumiko.
Dr. Mizuno
Dr. Mizuno
- When You Coming Home, Dad?: She truly cares for Ami, lamenting how her work kept her away from her girl. Ami might be a Lonely Rich Kid but she generally doesn't hold it against her mom, and it's because of Mizuno-sensei's example that she wants to be a doctor when she grows up.
- Hot Mom: When we finally see her in the manga, she looks like an older Ami.
- Invisible Parents: In the anime, we only see her back in the OP for the Super S movie.
- The Ojou: Older version.
- Unnamed Parent: Though she was called Saeko in the live-action.
Rei's Grandfather
Rei's Grandfather
- Ascended Extra: Somewhat, in the early anime.
- Bi the Way: Rei remarks at one point while complaining about his antics that "He'll hit on anyone regardless of gender"
- Dirty Old Man: Anime only. He keeps embarrassing Rei whenever he tries to pick up girls and convince them to become Mikos at Hikawa Jinja.
- Invisible Grandparent: In the live-action, possibly. It's not certain he exists in this continuity.
- Miniature Senior Citizens: Provides the trope image.
- Nice Guy: In the manga.
- Parental Substitute: Raised Rei after his daughter/her mom died of illness.
- Plucky Comic Relief: In the anime.
- Trickster Mentor: To Yuuichirou, in the anime.
- Unnamed Grandparent
Rei's parents
Rei's parents
- Death by Origin Story: Mrs. Hino.
- Disappeared Dad
- Ill Girl: Mrs. Hino.
- Invisible Parents: Anime and manga, though we see an image of Mrs. Hino in the manga.
- Jerkass: Mr. Hino is so emotionally distanced from his Ill Girl wife and his daughter due to his work as a high-class politician, that he doesn't visit the first one single time during her lethal illness, and afterwards he doesn't meet up with the latter unless it's her birthday because she cannot forgive him for his treatment of his dying wife.
- Strong Family Resemblance: Rei's mom looked like an older Rei, if the manga's to be believed.
- Unnamed Parent: Until the live-action, where they're named Takashi and Risa.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Rei
- Intergenerational Friendship: A 14-year-old girl and a man in his mid/late-20s.
- Meganekko
- Perfectly Arranged Marriage: He claims he's marrying the daughter of another high-class politician just because of political reasons, but Rei quickly says that if he really wanted to marry into a powerful family, he would've married her instead, so he must really like his future wife.
- Right-Hand Hottie
- Sharp-Dressed Man
Kakeru Oozora
Kakeru Oozora
- Hot Scientist
- Ill Boy: Blame the Big Bad for sapping his Life Energy through the MacGuffin, which is in his posession.
- Interspecies Romance: Or better said, he is Luna's Inter Species One-sided Crush.
- Rescue Romance: Luna fell for him after he saved her from being run over by a car.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: To Himeko.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Himeko Nayotake
Himeko Nayotake
- Closer to Earth: She's very logical and mature, in contrast to the more "dreamy" Kakeru.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: In English, voiced by Jennifer Gould, who voiced Hotaru Tomoe while in the Japanese version, she's voiced by none other than Megumi Hayashibara.
- Hot Scientist
- Meaningful Name: The "take" ("bamboo") and "Hime" ("princess") parts of her name are references to the original Princess Kaguya myth.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Victorious Childhood Friend: To Kakeru. In the manga version of the Princess Kaguya story, she's already pregnant with their child when she goes to space.
Naruru Osaka and Ruruna Kobe
Naruru Osaka and Ruruna Kobe
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Naruru is Naru's younger sister, though we only see them together for two panels.
- Brand X: Ruruna is an avid buyer of "Channel" brand items, and Naruru is an avid buyer of "Guccicci" brand items.
- Buffy-Speak: The two of them use words like "Haggened" or "Frappaccinoed" to abbreviate that they got ice cream or frappuccinos, among other things.
- Cosplay Otaku Girl: The two of them like to dress up as Sailor Soldiers.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Naruru Osaka's from Osaka. Ruruna Kobe's from Kobe.
- Fan Nickname: Naruru is "Sailor Guccicci" and Ruruna is "Sailor Channel".
- Fans: Of Sailor Moon.
- Fiery Redhead: Naruru. But in an energetic way.
- Genki Girl: Both of them.
- Rose-Haired Girl: Ruruna.
- Valley Girl: Both of them.
- Younger Than They Look: The two of them are supposed to be Chibibusa's classmates, but they dress in short skirts, high heels, and have clearly visible cleavage.
Kousagi Tsukino/Parallel Sailor Moon
Kousagi Tsukino/Parallel Sailor Moon
- Animal Motifs: Rabbits, like her mother.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: To Chibiusa.
- Big Eater
- The Ditz
- Elseworlds: Kousagi only exists in a one-shot story that was included in the Materials Collection. The story was later reprinted in Sailor Moon Short Stories Vol.2.
- Everythings Better With Bunnies: Rabbits are her favorite animal, and she wears bunny decorations on her sailor fuku.
- The Fool
- My Friends and Zoidberg: The daughters of the Inner Soldiers only let her hang out with them because their moms are friends.
- Generation Xerox: She clearly takes after Usagi more than Chibiusa does.
- Genki Girl
- Improbable Weapon User: She manages to summon all the cats of Japan to form one giant cat to devour the giant rabbit enemy.
- Insane Troll Logic: She somehow believes that the natural enemy of rabbits are cats.
- Meaningful Name: The kanji of her name translated means "little rabbit".
- Rose-Haired Girl
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