< Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon/Funny

Moments that made us laugh the hardest.

  • Lots of the funniest moments are split up on Youtube for your convenience.
  • The Entirety of Episode 78. (English Episode 71). To explain it, all of the Senshi are down with a virus except for Minako, so she tries to treat them. It goes... badly.
  • When the girls argue over who should play Snow White in the school play, Makoto claims it should be her because her bust is the biggest. Rei's face is hilarious when Makoto gives her "Want to compare? *wink*" and throws her bust in her face. This is even better in the North American dub, which attempted to censor it by making her claim she had the "most talent"... without taking out the BOING sound effect or the gesture that made it very clear what sort of "talent" she had the most of. Memetic Mutation ensued.
  • Episode 104, The Crayon Shin-chan parody, no words I can put together can say how funny this is it, what's more is that those are the original Japanese voices.
  • Chiba-Usa's first attempt at her Pink Sugar Heart Attack. Emphasis on "attempt."
  • In a filler episode Usagi was going to meet with some foreign exchange students and her Gratuitous English after getting drunk must be heard to be believed. Taken to the logical extreme here.
    • "Nice to meet you! Cream stew!" or "Nice tawh meetchoo, cream-oo seetchoooo."
    • It was also hilarious when Mamoru told the girls about meeting the students, and Usagi couldn't decide whether to feel excited about going to a fancy party with Mamoru or feel nervous about all the foreign conversations awaiting them.
  • "I'm a little weak in the knees..."
  • Seiya's Innocent Innuendo as he takes her out dancing. Poor Usagi...
  • Anytime Usagi cries like a baby or just acts like a 5 year old in general.
  • In the S movie, when Sailor Moon gets into trouble in a fight, a familar red rose is hurled. Sailor Moon looks up to see... Santa Claus???
  • Any of Ami's Covert Pervert, especially when she realizes where Fiore's feelings lie in the R movie.
  • The "Chibi-Chibi cake/towel conundrum"
    • From that same episode, Haruka and Michiru are completely taken by surprise (Luminescent Blush included) as Aluminium Siren whines about how they're standing atop the dining table; and when Eternal Sailor Moon's wings start knocking off things as she walks down the hall, forcing her to lean against the wall. Nothing like the show when it starts parodying itself.
    • Also from the Stars anime. The battle against the old art collector is hilarious, specially when he tries to get a power up... and his pose is a Shout-Out to Chibi-Usa's usual invocation of Pegasus in the much maligned Super S season. Refuge in Audacity at its finest!
  • From Super S: "I am a spider, I can climb...I am a spider I can climb...." And all of her other antics as Usagi the Red Ninja, Protector of Love.
  • From the S series, Usagi's secret looks to be about to be revealed to the bad guys and the Outer Senshi when the other Senshi arrive... with Sailor Venus masquerading as Sailor Moon, down to the hair buns.
    • From the dub: "And remember, I'm Sailor Moon!"
  • Minako was always a little too happy to learn that she really did have a pure heart.
  • Anytime Usagi and Rei argue.
  • When Rei went to take a bath and saw Mamoru naked in Episode 136.
  • Usagi spanking Chibi-Usa, but that's not the funny part. No, the funny part was when Chibi-Usa, later in the episode, had a daydream where the situations were reversed and she was spanking Usagi.
  • Minako dramatically lamenting that "Surely it is a curse... to be THIS BEAUTIFUL!" as the other girls roll their eyes at the nonsense.
    • Even more so later in episode 141 when the "hot guys" she had been "cheating" with reveal themselves to be Hawk Eye and Tiger Eye:
  • In the dub, anytime Darien refers to Serena as "meatball head" because of her odango hairstyle.
  • In both the dub and the sub, Usagi and Mamoru finding out that Chibiusa is their daughter.

From the dub:
Serena: What?! Me a parent?! Oh no wonder the little brat annoys me so much! She takes after YOU!
Serena/Darien: (glance at each other; Luminescent Blush)

    • Rei's comment about this in the sub is golden: ""What year, month and day did that happen?!?!"
  • Some of the lines in the dub are unintentionally funny, like Oh no, NOT the ducks! and BWAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAHAHAH III AM SO TIIIIIRED
  • Usagi's Epic Fail at training to be a proper princess/lady in the episode "Aim to be a Princess? Usagi's Weird Training".
  • Seiya getting knocked on top of Usagi. Cue Usagi throwing Seiya. "It was an accident!"
  • Episode 102 where Minako disguises herself as Sailor Moon to fool the enemy.
  • In episode 110, Eugeal speaks on Haruka and Michiru's answering machine. The message ends mid-sentence, and Eugeal has to call again to continue. The first thing she says is a complaint about the length of the recordings.
  • Funny in retrospect: Poor Sailor Iron Mouse. She looks around forlornly, wondering who could possibly have a star seed. She turns around to see a poster that announces a concert. It shows five people, namely Karajan, Michiru and the Three Lights. Guess who has a true star seed, and guess whom Sailor Iron Mouse chooses.
  • The rather disturbing scene of Mimete playing twister with the rest of the Witches 5 (or 4 if you want to get technical), complete with Professor Tomoe watching them from slightly open door. As Mimete's chanting "do it" and trying to bend her leg at a ninety degree angle, the camera keeps zooming to and from Tomoe as he quietly giggles. The dub somehow adds to this with Catherine Disher's portrayal of Mimete and her slightly erotic moaning.
  • In the third movie, Sailor Neptune disapproves of the thought of staying a child forever, and says she can think of some "fun things" only adults can do. Sailor Uranus blushes after this.
    • Neptune's line in the English dub, about how a full life can contain plenty of "wonderful experiences," sounds just a little bit less suspicious.
  • In the manga after Chibi-Usa returns to the 30th century at the end of the Black Moon arc, Mamoru and Usagi proceed to kiss but are suddenly interrupted by their future daughter falling on their heads again with a letter from Neo-Queen Serenity showing us that after 1000 years, Usagi never changes.
  • In the anime, Usagi first meeting Chibi-chibi. She asks her her name, and only gets a "chibi" as a response. She tries asking her where she's from, same response, and where her family is same response, and, you get the idea.
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