Percy Jackson & the Olympians/Characters
Characters who appear in Percy Jackson and The Olympians.
Sons and daughters of the Greek gods. They have heightened senses and combat skills that take the form of ADHD and their minds are hard-wired to read Ancient Greek, which gives them trouble reading English. Their skills and personalities are inherited from their divine parents (children of Aphrodite will be Love Freaks, children of Athena will be highly intelligent, and children of Apollo will be musically and/or medicinally inclined, as well as a good shot with a bow).
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Thanks to their combat skills.
- Badass Abnormal
- The Beautiful Elite: Aphrodite's children.
- Green Thumb: Demeter's children. Dionysus' twins, too - they work best with grapes, but since their dad isn't allowed to touch anything vaguely related to wine, they settle for strawberries instead (just them walking among the strawberry fields makes them of better quality already.)
- Heroic Bastards
- Improbable Aiming Skills: Apollo's sons and daughters are good at archery.
- L Is for Dyslexia: Brains are hard-wired for Ancient Greek.
- The Medics: Apollo's kids.
- Neurodiversity Is Supernatural
- Superpowerful Genetics / Lamarck Was Right: Powers relating to the domains of their divine parentage. For example, Demeter's children will have Green Thumbs, and Athena's children will be crazy-smart.
- Supreme Chef: Demeter's children.
- Teen Genius: Children of Athena and Hephaestus. Athena kids are wise and spend their time reading and researching, while Hephaestus kids are good with machinery.
- Wrench Wench: Daughters of Hephaestus.
- You Can't Fight Fate: A running theme of the series, justifiable given its origins. However, prophecies being what they are, it's terribly easy to misinterpret one's fate.
Perseus "Percy" Jackson
"Is he dangerous?"
"Very, to his enemies."
The son of Poseidon, god of the sea, and clear-sighted mortal Sally Jackson. The titular hero of the series, the books start in Percy's sixth grade year when he kills one of the Furies, masquerading as his pre-algebra teacher. Has a Cool Sword, Anaklusmos ("Riptide") and later becomes the third person in history to bear the Curse of Achilles.
- Achilles' Heel: The small of his back. Or, in a more figurative sense, Annabeth..
- Animal Talk: Can talk to horses and other vaguely equine beasts and sea creatures, since his dad made them.
- Author Avatar: Percy is pretty much an in-book avatar of Rick's son.
- Badass Abnormal: Among demigods, after his dip in the River Styx in The Last Olympian.
- Battle Couple: With Annabeth.
- Book Dumb: He prefers to leave the deep thinking to Annabeth.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Thanks in particular to his Fatal Flaw.
- Cursed with Awesome: A self-inflicted example.
- Dangerous Sixteenth Birthday
- Deadpan Snarker: Percy gets the award for being the most snarky in a World of Snark.
- Don't Call Me "Sir"!: He doesn't like it various subjects of his father call him "lord." Blackjack, Percy's pegasus, still calls him "boss" though.
- Embarrassing First Name
- Fatal Flaw: Personal loyalty.
- Informed Fatal Flaw: His big fat mouth and recklessness get him into far more trouble.
- First-Person Smartass
- Green-Eyed Monster: Of Luke's history with Annabeth.
- Green Eyes
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Percy's pretty terrible at anything besides the sword.
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad
- Indy Ploy: It'd be faster to count the number of times his plans didn't boil down to "I'll figure something out, in the meantime, try not to get killed."
- Kissing Cousins: Although it's explained that gods don't have DNA, so there's nothing wrong with people from different cabins dating one another.
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Locked Out of the Loop: Chiron and Annabeth never seem to tell him anything.
- Making a Splash
- Momma's Boy
- Meaningful Name: Named after the only Greek hero to actually get a Happy Ending. Also helps slay Medusa and hangs out with a pegasus.
- And Medusa's hacked off head is involved with getting rid of his mother's husband, a "suitor".
- Nice Guy
- Olympic Swimmer: Don't try to deny it.
- Only Known By His Nickname: Virtually no one calls him Perseus, except for maybe the demon cheerleaders. Not even the big bad does. This is pretty much the reason he can tell monsters from normal people. They are the only ones to say "Perseus" when talking to him.
- Showy Invincible Hero: Became this in the fifth book.
- Soft Water / Super Not-Drowning Skills: Not only can Percy always take a dive into water, from any height, to escape a bad situation (admit it, that's a handy thing to know), being submerged in water (more accurately, touching water in general, but it's strongest when he's submerged) heals and freshens him up, even to the point of detoxing any poison he's suffering from,; he doesn't even get wet unless he wants to. He can even use a lighter underwater. Being the son of the sea god has its perks.
- Underwater Kiss: In The Last Olympian with Annabeth.
- Sweet Tooth: His favorite food is "anything blue and sweet", understandable, since his mom used to work at a candy store and brought home lots of free samples.
- Undying Loyalty: His Fatal Flaw is said to be his loyalty to his friends.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy - He's kind of a sucker for his dad's good opinion.
- Will They Or Won't They - With Annabeth. They Do at the end of The Last Olympian. Even their fellow campers thought it was about time already.
Annabeth Chase
"Athena always has a plan."
Heroine of the series and the resident brainiac, Annabeth is the literal brainchild of Athena and military historian Frederick Chase (kids of Athena are just special that way). Her pastimes include architecture, Ancient Greek, killing monsters, and learning how to stab things. Annabeth ran away from home when she was seven and met up with Thalia and Luke; eventually they made their way to Camp Half-Blood, but lost Thalia in the process.
- Action Girl
- Adaptation Dye Job: Described as having blond hair and Gray Eyes in the book, but the movie gives her brown hair and blue eyes.
- For the sequel, they're reverting to her book hair color.
- Badass Bookworm
- Battle Couple: With Percy.
- Betty and Veronica: The Betty to Rachel's Veronica.
- Broken Bird
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Less with the clinging and more with the shunning, though.
- Composite Character: The first film's version of Annabeth is a combination of book Annabeth and Clarisse.
- Dawson Casting: Sure, they aged her up to 16 for the movie, but that doesn't change the actress playing her from being 23.
- Damsel in Distress: In The Titan's Curse. Not for very long, though.
- Drop the Hammer: She used one as her first defense against monsters before she met Luke and Thalia.
- Dumb Blonde: Inverted hard. Don't let her hear you insult her intelligence, either. She will gut you.
- Expy: At first, of Hermione Granger. She's the smart girl of the trio, who despite having only recently entered the fantasy world knows a lot about it because of her research. Diverges later on, though.
- Fatal Flaw: Hubris (Pride)
- Informed Fatal Flaw: She claims that this is her flaw (and would doubtless like to believe it herself) but the flaw that gets her in far more trouble is complex abandonment issues that result in her irrational and reflexive mistrust in people who haven't done anything to deserve it (particularly Percy and her Father) and her exxagerated devotion to distant parental figures who treat her like crap (her mother and Luke).
- First Girl Wins: If you exclude the bully at Yancy, Annabeth is the first named girl Percy meets.
- Gray Eyes
- Green-Eyed Monster: Of Percy's friendship with Rachel.
- Hair of Gold: In the book.
- Brainy Brunette: In the movie.
- Hot Amazon
- Hot Architect
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad: Inverted
- Invisibility Hat
- Kissing Cousins
- Knife Nut: Her weapon of choice; for clever fighters only.
- The Lancer
- Like Brother and Sister: Annabeth had always had a soft spot for Luke since she was a child, but in the end, they come to terms that they only see each other as brother and sister.
- Love Redeems: Convinced to the end that she can reawaken the good in Luke, and motivated by her history with him. It works, but not with the kind of love she expects.
- Morality Pet: For Luke.
- Memento MacGuffin: Her knife, which she received from Luke when they first met.
- Nice Hat: Her Yankees baseball cap, which can make the wearer invisible.
- The Pollyanna
- Restored My Faith in Humanity - For Luke.
- The Smart Girl: Hello, her mom's the goddess of wisdom.
- Teen Genius: Being a child of Athena, she is inherently smart. Her dream is to become an architect. At the end of the fifth book, she gets her wish - she gets to redesign Olympus.
- Tsundere: Type A, all the way. Even at the end while making out with Percy.
- Underwater Kiss: In The Last Olympian with Percy.
- Why Did It Have To Be Spiders: Annabeth does not like spiders (explained by the story of Arachne) and the feeling is apparently mutual. Having to chase a mechanical spider through the Labyrinth was not her favorite thing ever.
Luke Castellan
Son of Hermes and May Castellan. When he was an infant, his mother tried to become the new host for the Oracle of Delphi. It went horribly wrong. May went crazy from visions of her son's eventual future and became The Ophelia, and spent Luke's childhood babbling at him about his horrible fate. He ran away and met up with Thalia and Annabeth; they eventually made it to Camp Half-Blood, but not before Thalia died. Luke went on a failed quest and came back with a scar.
- The Ace
- Belated Backstory: Until the fifth book, all we know is that his dad sent him on the quest where he got his scar, and he hates him for it.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Percy in book one.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Blue Eyes: Of the "piercing icy-blue" variety.
- Calling the Old Man Out: He's pretty pissed at Hermes, not gonna lie.
- The Chosen One: He is "the hero" described in the Great Prophecy, not Percy.
- Dark Messiah
- Dying as Yourself
- Eyes of Gold: When possessed by Kronos.
- Face Heel Turn
- Fallen Hero
- Freudian Excuse: BIG TIME once you find out his backstory in The Last Olympian.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: He has a scar over the right side on his face and as the series progresses, his scar becomes more bloody.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- I Cannot Self-Terminate: A special case, in that he can self terminate, he just needs Percy to give him a knife.
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad
- Living Bodysuit
- Love Redeems
- Meaningful Name: A castellan is the noble tasked with defending a castle. So who's the one who ultimately protects Olympus?
- My God, What Have I Done?: In The Last Olympian, when he realizes he's hurt Annabeth and broken his promise to her.
- Rage Against the Heavens
- Redemption Equals Death
- Restored My Faith in Humanity: Thanks to Annabeth.
- Soul Jar: For Kronos.
- You Can't Fight Fate
Clarisse La Rue
Daughter of Ares and head counselor of Cabin Five, Clarisse frequently bullies new campers and her first appearance involves trying to shove Percy's head in a toilet. She and Percy never get along, but they do develop respect for one another.
- Action Girl
- Adaptational Attractiveness
- Badass: She killed a drakon to avenge Silena's death. What more needs to be said?
- Badass Boast: "I AM CLARISSE, DRAKON-SLAYER! I will kill you ALL!"
- Beta Couple: With Chris.
- The Big Girl
- Blade on a Stick: She is never far from her electric spear.
- Blood Knight: Takes after her papa.
- Glory Seeker
- Hidden Depths
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad
- Jerk Jock
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Matures into this around Book 4
- Large Ham: Clarisse would like you to know that she is CLARISSE, DRAKON-SLAYER!
- Pet the Dog: Her concern for and friendship with Chris and Silena.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: She's the red oni any time she works with anyone else, period. Which is not often.
- The Rival: To Percy.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: When the Drakon fatally wounds Silena.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: With Silena.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Like Percy, she's a sucker for her father's good opinion.
Silena Beauregard
Daughter of Aphrodite, ergo stunningly beautiful and in love with love. Extremely talented with handling pegasi. Hooks up with Beckendorf between the fourth and fifth books.
- The Beast Master: Pegasi, although we never see her use it in an actual fight.
- Beta Couple: With Beckendorf.
- Death by Disfigurement: Ouch, Silena.
- El Cid Ploy: Disguises herself as Clarisse in order to fool the Ares cabin into fighting in the war. It works, but at the cost of her own life.
- Faux Action Girl: For all the combat training they go through at Camp, Silena's not that great in a fight. Attributed to her being a daughter of Aphrodite.
- Go Out with a Smile
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Love Freak
- Meaningful Name: Everyone act surprised that a daughter of Aphrodite's name means something along the lines of "beautiful eyes".
- The Mole: She was the reason Kronos knew exactly what Camp Half-Blood was planning: she had been charmed by Luke into telling him everything.
- Morality Pet: For Clarisse in The Last Olympian.
- Redemption Equals Death
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: With Clarisse.
Charles Beckendorf
Son of Hephaestus and constantly hanging out in the camp's metal forges. Can build bombs.
- The Big Guy
- Black Guy Dies First: The first half-blood to die in The Last Olympian.
- Brother-Sister Incest: Averted, considering the fact that in the fifth book, it is explained that gods do not have DNA, and thus makes any arguments against inter-camp relationships null and void; with the one exception of two people from the same cabin.
- Fatal Family Photo: He just had to show off a picture of his girlfriend right before he raids the Princess Andromeda...
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Genius Bruiser: As a son of Hephaestus, Beckendorf has mad engineering skills.
- Gentle Giant
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad
- Last-Name Basis: Is referred to as Beckendorf by virtually everyone (except Silena).
- Nice Guy
- Out Gambit: He manages to play KRONOS, the Big Bad of the 1st series, like a fool. Beckendorf my man, you get mad props for that
- The Quiet One: Percy notes that Beckendorf was a guy of little words, but when he spoke everyone tended to listen and respect what he was saying
- Together in Death: With Selena
Connor & Travis Stoll
Sons of Hermes—not twins, but a year apart. They succeed Luke as co-counselors of Cabin Eleven and the main pranksters of Camp Half-Blood.
- Expy: Of the Weasley twins.
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad
- Meaningful Name: Lampshaded: their father is the god of thieves and their last name is Stoll.
- The Tricksters
Thalia Grace
Daughter of Zeus and an eighties starlet with a poofy hairdo. Her birth broke the pact the Big Three had made after World War II to never have children again. She ran away from her alcoholic mother when she was younger, met up with Luke and eventually Annabeth, and made her way with them to Camp Half-Blood. There they were overwhelmed by monsters and Thalia stayed behind to hold them off, dying in the process. Zeus turned her body into a pine tree.
- Abusive Parents: To say nothing of Zeus' abandonment, Thalia's mother was initially loving but then grew cold and distant, not to mention an alcoholic. The only reason Thalia didn't run away sooner was because of her younger brother Jason.
- Action Girl
- Acrophobic Bird: Kind of sucks that the daughter of lightning and the sky (which gives her wind and electricity powers) is scared of heights.
- Apocalypse Maiden: Narrowly averted.
- The Archer: Is talented with a bow and arrow. She puts it to good use upon joining the Hunters of Artemis.
- Back from the Dead
- Blue Eyes: Described as "electric blue."
- Blue Oni: To Percy.
- Broken Bird: She seems to be getting better, though.
- Dangerous Sixteenth Birthday: It never happens, leaving Percy and Nico as the only candidates for the Great Prophecy's "hero."
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Distaff Counterpart: To Percy, the main difference being that she has more self-confidence than Percy does.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!
- Fan Girl: Of Punk rock and roll.
- Fatal Flaw: Is said to be weak when offered power, like her father.
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad
- The Lancer
- Also somewhat literal, considering her weapon of choice, aside from her standard bow and arrow, is a spear. That grows out from a can of Mace.
- Posthumous Character: Until she's bought back to life.
- Perky Goth: More of a goth-punk mix, however. She wears her hair short and choppy, dresses in dark colors, and likes Green Day a lot, but she's a really nice kid once she defrosts.
- Plucky Girl
- Put on a Bus: After she joins the Hunters, she becomes a vaguely mentioned character. However, the bus comes back in the fifth book.
- It returns again in the sequel series.
- Refusal of the Call: Opts to stay a day short of sixteen forever instead.
- Shock and Awe
- The Snark Knight
- Why Did It Have To Be Heights: Her acrophobia is said to be ironic, considering she's a daughter of the Lord of the Sky.
Bianca di Angelo
Daughter of Hades and Maria di Angelo, Bianca and her brother were actually born in the 1920s.
- Aloof Big Sister: Bianca joins the Hunters of Artemis because she's sick of looking after Nico.
- Dark Magical Girl: One who sadly does not live up to her potential.
- Dropped a Bridge On Her
- Fatal Flaw: Holding grudges.
- Informed Flaw: But then again she didn't have much time to show her flaws before she died.
- Fish Out of Temporal Water
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad
- Stuffed in A Fridge: The whole point of her death is pretty much to give Nico a reason to run away.
Nico di Angelo
Younger brother to Bianca and son of Hades and Maria di Angelo. After Bianca's death, Nico runs away and teaches himself to use his unique powers.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Until he gets over Bianca's death.
- Awesome Moment of Crowning: When he declares himself the king of ghosts.
- Anti-Hero: Type II-III
- Beware the Nice Ones: Adorably perky and annoying in The Titan's Curse, out for blood in The Battle of the Labyrinth.
- Big Damn Heroes: Nico loves this so hard.
- Big Sister Worship
- Break the Cutie: When he learns about Bianca's death.
- Calling the Old Man Out: Thankfully, his father is possibly the only Olympian god that could be pestered that far without smiting his child for impudence.
- Cool Sword: All the other demigods have to use plain old celestial bronze. Nico gets black Stygian iron because he's just that special.
- Cute Shotaro Boy / Cheerful Child: Before Bianca's death.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Though, multiple times, described creepy by someone who is four years older than him. Even Nico himself knows his personality, or just being the son of Hades, would make him an outcast. The fifth book gives him a well-deserved happy ending.
- Dead Older Sister
- Dishing Out Dirt: Shows some earth-mover abilities, especially at the end of Battle of the Labyrinth.
- Fish Out of Temporal Water Averted Even tough he was frozen in time, he adapts quite well, I don't think they had trading card games in the 1920's
- Fatal Flaw: Holding grudges.
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad
- Ineffectual Loner: Downplayed, as he could be pretty effectual while working alone as seen in both “The Battle Of The Labyrinth “and “The Last Olympian”
- Missed the Call: Percy got it instead of him.
- Ship Tease: He sure blushed around Juniper a lot in The Last Olympian, if that means anything...
- Probably because she was a dryad and he was a preteen who was beginning to like girls. In the fourth book, he went to Camp Half-Blood just for Annabeth.
- Took a Level in Badass: Yes, the cute, excited little ten year old turns into one of the most badass characters in the series.
- Troubled but Cute: At first he's just an annoying cute little bro, then his sister dies. He stays cute.
- The Unfavourite: Hades makes it blatantly obvious that he likes Bianca more than Nico.
- You Should Have Died Instead: Hades implies this. He gets better.
Ethan Nakamura
Son of Nemesis, the goddess of revenge and balance, Ethan was one of the many residents of Cabin Eleven who went unclaimed or had no cabin of their own because their parents were minor gods. He promised his mother he would make a place on Olympus for the minor gods, and in exchange she took his eye.
- Eyepatch of Power
- Eye Scream: His mother took his eye part of the promise that he would change Olympus for the better.
- Fallen Hero
- Heel Face Revolving Door
- Hoist by His Own Petard
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain
- Pride Before a Fall: His mother is the goddess that causes the "fall" part of this trope. Ethan himself follows in her footsteps.
Other Camp residents
Grover Underwood
A satyr and Percy's best friend, Grover is the Searcher sent to Yancy Academy to keep an eye on Percy. He leads Percy to Camp Half-Blood and joins him on each book's quest (except the second, where the object is to rescue him). His dream is to find the lost god of the wild, Pan. He eventually does. Just in time to watch Pan die.
- Beta Couple: With Juniper.
- Brown Eyes
- Butt Monkey
- Cowardly Lion: He's relatively small for his size, easily frightened, constantly complains about going into dangerous situations, but will literally go to hell and back for his friends.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Disability Superpower: Not really but he presents as this, using crutches when among Muggles to disguise his goat-legged gait.
- Extreme Omni Goat
- Expy: Of Ron Weasley. He's the goofy sidekick ostracized by the magical society (Grover because of his failures as a satyr, and Ron because he's poor) but nevertheless knows a lot about the magical society because he's grown up in it.
- Friend to All Living Things: Comes with the territory.
- Herald
- Inept Mage: At first.
- Interspecies Romance: Technically with a tree. In mythology, though, Juniper is a Dryad, and nymphs are often considered to be the female version of a satyr.
- Magic Music
- Nice Guy
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Race Lift
- Took a Level in Badass: Goes from being the unquestionable Butt Monkey in The Lightning Thief to being a competent member of the good guys' team whose skill set complements the more action-oriented demigods.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Enchiladas.
- The Unfavourite: The Council of Cloven Elders has a very strong dislike for Grover out of all their satyrs, particularly after book four.
- Cool Teacher: Head of Camp Half-Blood.
- Herald
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Kronos is Chiron's dad, as with all the Olympians.
- Mr. Exposition
- Obfuscating Disability: We first see him as Mr. Brunner, Percy's wheelchair-bound Latin teacher. Turns out his wheelchair is merely a Hammerspace Hideaway for his horse legs.
- Our Centaurs Are Different
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: The immortal trainer of heroes and all that. At least until it is deemed that his services are no longer needed.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Super Wheelchair: It's a Hammerspace Hideaway for his horse legs.
Tyson is first introduced as a school friend of Percy's, but he is later revealed to be a Cyclops - one-eyed children of Poseidon, therefore making him Percy's half-brother.
- The Ace: He sounds dumb sometimes, and he can be a bit of a crybaby, but he can do anything.
- Adaptational Attractiveness
- Berserk Button: Sort of. He never really seems to get angry (except at Polyphemus), but threatening harm to Percy or Annabeth is an excellent way to get him to squish you.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cyclops
- The Engineer
- Gentle Giant
- Genius Ditz: He is apparently really good at Monopoly.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Peanut butter.
Mrs. O'Leary
Quintus's dog. Later becomes Percy's after Quintus/Daedalus dies.
- Big Friendly Dog: Emphasis on big.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Fluffy the Terrible
- Hell Hound
- Just Whistle: In the fourth book.
- Pet Monstrosity
Percy's trusty horse, who he rescued from slavery in Luke's ship. Percy can talk with him because he's a son of Poseidon, who made horses.
- Cool Horse: He's Percy's trusty steed, and he's cool.
- Don't Call Me "Sir"!: He feels obliged to call Percy "boss", but Percy insists that he calls him by his real name.
- Jive Turkey: Yo, boss!
- Just Whistle: This is how Percy can summon him, as well as additional pegasi (Guido and Porkpie say hi) if needed.
- Horseback Heroism: Much of the Final Battle is done with Percy riding him.
- Pegasus: That's what he is.
- Retcon: He was referred to by Percy as a girl in The Sea of Monsters, but in all books after that he's a guy.
- Sapient Steed: He is, technically, a person, but he doesn't seem to mind serving as a mount.
Sally Jackson
Percy's mother.
- Action Mom: As of book five.
Percy: Mom! When did you learn to fire a shotgun?
Sally: About two seconds ago.
- The above quote comes from Chapter 18, which is aptly named "My Parents Go Commando"
- Blue Eyes: That change color in the light.
- Genre Savvy
- Good Parents
- I See Them, Too: Can see through the Mist.
- Mama Bear
- Happily Married: To Paul, after getting rid of Gabe.
- Parents as People
- Parental Abandonment: Her parents died in a plane crash when she was young.
Paul Blofis
- Action Dad: We, once again, refer you to Book 5, Chapter 18: My Parents Go Commando. Paul picks up a sword and promptly kills a dracaena with it. After which he says a memorable quote:
"I hope that was a monster I just killed. I was a Shakespearian actor in college! Picked up a little swordplay!"
- Badass Normal: Is a normal human, with no powers, who can't actually see the monsters attacking his stepson. This does not stop him picking up a sword and killing them anyway.
- Happily Married: Marries Sally in Battle of the Labyrenth.
- Punny Name: Percy initially calls him Paul Blowfish behind his back, but stops doing it after he gets to know him better.
Frederick Chase
- Action Dad: In The Titan's Curse when Percy and friends are fleeing Mount Othrys, Frederick Chase flies by in a Sopwith Camel and strafes a line of monsters with bullet casings made of celestial bronze.
- Papa Wolf: Turns out to be like this even after all the crap he put her through. During his Big Damn Heroes moment:
"Get away from my daughter!"
Rachel Elizabeth Dare
- Betty and Veronica: The Veronica to Annabeth's Betty.
- The Chick
- Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Famous for hitting the Big Bad in the face with a hairbrush.
- Fainting Seer: As of becoming the mortal host for the Oracle of Delphi in The Last Olympian. She zones out and the spirit of the Oracle takes over her body, using it to recite prophecies. Lampshaded when Rachel worries about this happening in the middle of class.
- Fan Nickname: R.E.D.
- Fiery Redhead
- Full-Name Basis: So. Damn. Much.
- Green Eyes
- Heroes Want Redheads: Ultimately subverted.
- I See Them, Too
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy
- Loving a Shadow: More or less, Rachel's attraction to Percy rooted from her inevitable destiny to become the next Oracle.
- Red Headed Heroine
- Secretly Wealthy
- Spoiled Sweet
- Unfazed Everyman: Until the The Last Olympian.
May Castellan
Luke's mother, who is described as kind-hearted and multitalented. Until she tried to become the Oracle of Delphi despite Hades's curse, and paid the price for it.
- Abusive Parents / Parental Abandonment: Somewhere in the middle. She's there, but she's not, you know?
- Fainting Seer
- I See Them, Too: Born with the Sight. It ends badly when she tries to become the Oracle.
- Go Mad from the Revelation
- Mad Oracle
- Mind Rape: She saw what would happen to Luke, and it drove her insane.
- My Beloved Smother: At her best. No wonder Luke ran away.
- The Ophelia
Gabe Ugliano
Percy's abusive stepfather at the beginning of the series. He isn't the nicest of guys.
- Asshole Victim
- Evil Smells Bad
- Jerkass: And how.
- Meaningful Name / Punny Name: His last name should have plenty of hints as to his personality.
- Taken for Granite: Gets turned to stone by the Medusa's head along with his poker buddies. Sally later sells this statue for quite a lot of money.
Tropes that apply to many of the gods:
- Berserk Button: Don't sit in their chair.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Many of the gods: Poseidon is one of the three most powerful gods in existence, and he walks around in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts; Dionysus likes playing Pac-Man and whines about only drinking pop; and Apollo is the god of medicine, drives the sun chariot as a Maserati Spyder, and lets fifteen-year-old girls take it for a spin.
- Jerkass Gods: Most of the gods at one point or another, but especially Zeus and Ares. Even the most sympathetically portrayed have their moments.
- Parental Abandonment: They're both victims of this and guilty of it.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Bordering on Time Abyss.
The goddess of love and beauty. As one might expect, her role in an adventure story is pretty minimal.
- Eternal Love: Even if the rest of Olympus were to crumble into dust, Aphrodite would live on, since she represents love and emotional attachment.
- Hello, Nurse!
- Love Freak
- Obfuscating Stupidity: In The Lost Hero, Aphrodite shows an unexpectedly smart side to her in helping out her daughter, Piper.
- Shipper on Deck: She even tells Percy that she'll screw with his relationship with Annabeth just for the hell of it.
- World's Most Beautiful Woman: Arguably. Percy even describes her as looking like every girl he'd ever liked.
The god of war. As one might expect, he's petty and not that bright.
- Badass Biker
- Battle Aura: Emanates an aura that makes people violently angry.
- Blood Knight
- Dumb Muscle
- One-Man Army: Can bless demigods and possibly mortals, temporarily turning them into one of these.
The goddess of the moon, the hunt, and maidens. She is sworn as a perpetual maiden, and thus has no true children, but she does "adopt" maidens who foreswear men forever.
- Animorphism: Possibly. When Artemis is fighting against Atlas she is seen taking different animal forms at great speed by Percy. He then admits that another possibility could be that the pain of holding the sky is making him hallucinate and “see things”
- The Archer
- Badass in Distress: During The Titan's Curse.
- Different As Night and Day / Sibling Yin-Yang: Her and Apollo.
- Does Not Like Men: But she seems to be more mature about it than her hunters, as shown when she praises Percy and supports keeping him alive.
- Sibling Seniority Squabble: With Apollo.
- Token Mini-Moe: Her preferred form, as it's the same age as many of her Hunters.
The god of the sun, poetry, prophecy, and medicine, and Artemis's older twin brother (but don't bring that up). He speaks through the oracle of Delphi.
- The Archer
- Big Brother Instinct: He has a bit of this for Artemis, considering how he defied Zeus's orders to give advice to Percy and his friends on how to save her.
- Combat Medic
- Cool Car: He likes the sun chariot in the form of a sports car. And he lets fifteen-year-old girls take it for a spin.
- Different As Night and Day / Sibling Yin-Yang: With Artemis.
- Hot God: This applies to most of the gods, but special emphasis is given to Apollo (and Aphrodite, but that's a given).
- Real Men Wear Pink: Parodied. His being the god of poetry is Played for Laughs, with him spouting haikus at the best of times.
Apollo: Green grass breaks through snow,
Artemis pleads for my help,
I am so cool.
- When Artemis points out that the last line is only four syllables, he changes it to: "I am so awesome."
- The Power of the Sun
- Sibling Seniority Squabble: With Artemis.
The goddess of wisdom. A perpetual maiden, her "children" are born from a quite literal meeting of minds between herself and a mortal.
- Gray Eyes
- Genius Bruiser: She is the goddess of both wisdom and battle strategy, and in classical mythology is one of the most powerful gods, perhaps only second or third to Zeus and Poseidon. Percy himself points out that Athena would be a worse enemy to have than even Dionysus or Ares, because if she planned to have you killed, then you would die. No matter what.
- Athena is actually more powerful than Zeus, as her mother, Metis, was prophecied to always bear children more powerful than their sire. It's just, she also happens to be completely loyal to Zeus, regardless of the circumstances.
- Lady of War
- Overprotective Mom: Well, as "overprotective" as any of the absentee parent gods can get, anyway.
The god of wine, parties, and insanity. He's being "punished" by being assigned as the head of Camp Half-Blood for 100 years after chasing after an off-limits nymph, and is grouchy due to being put off the bottle and thus can't drink until his punishment is over. Has an extremely strong dislike of heroes. Known as "Mr. D" to the campers.
- Big Damn Heroes: In The Titan's Curse, saving Percy, Thalia, Zoë, and Grover from Dr. Thorn and his soldiers.
- Freudian Excuse: A non-villainous example. The reason he dislikes heroes is because his wife Ariadne was abandoned by the demigod Theseus.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- My Name Is Not Durwood - Mr. D staunchly refuses to get any of the campers' names right. Just ask
Peter JohnsonPercy Jackson. - Mind Rape: His signature move.
- Papa Wolf: Minor example, but he contacts Percy in a dream to make sure his one remaining son is safe.
- Pet the Dog: Restoring Chris Rodriguez' sanity in The Battle of the Labyrinth.
The god of the underworld. Bitter and asocial, but not truly evil.
- Animal Motif: He is described as been similar to a panther, lithe, graceful and dangerous
- Authority Equals Asskicking: In “The Lighting Thief” upon Percy’s meeting with Hades he states that Hades, above Ares and Dionysus, radiated power and that he had an air of order and lordship. The Asskicking part is seen in his Big Damn Heroes moment in “The Last Olympian”
- Big Damn Heroes: The end of The Last Olympian
- Calling the Old Man Out: "And if there's one thing we can agree on, it's that you were a TERRIBLE father."
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Everybody Hates Hades: Even though he didn't do anything to deserve it. Although this gets better in the end.
- Not So Stoic: Around his family.
- Orcus on His Throne: How Percy, Annabeth and Grover find him in “The Lighting Thief”
- Papa Wolf: Hades, it seems, is willing to go to much further lengths to protect his children than his brothers, including visiting them in person. Plus, it's stated that Nico lives in the Underworld with him.
- This ultra protectedness could be due to Nico and Bianca being his ONLY children (the rest of his siblings have oodles of kids in contrast that they can hardly keep track of them, Poseidon implies that Percy has many more unknown half-siblings, and Jason, main character in Heroes of Olympus is revealed to be Zeus's son). His pact with his brothers prevents him from having more kids making him more motivated to keep the ones he has safe.
- Well, only Greek children, anyway.
- This ultra protectedness could be due to Nico and Bianca being his ONLY children (the rest of his siblings have oodles of kids in contrast that they can hardly keep track of them, Poseidon implies that Percy has many more unknown half-siblings, and Jason, main character in Heroes of Olympus is revealed to be Zeus's son). His pact with his brothers prevents him from having more kids making him more motivated to keep the ones he has safe.
- Parental Favoritism: Hades makes it quite clear that he'd rather have Bianca alive instead of Nico, though it's probably because of Bianca's resemblance to their mother.
- Simple Staff: Acording to Nico, Its His Weapon of Choice .
The god of fire, blacksmiths, metallurgy, and technology.
The goddess of women and marriage. She is quite possibly one of the three gods who have never had a demigod child (the other two being Artemis and Hestia).
- Alpha Bitch
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
- Clingy Jealous Girl: To Zeus.
- Dysfunctional Family: Tries to hide this.
- Parental Favoritism: She flung Hephaestus off of Olympus for having the audacity to be born less than beautiful, and makes it painfully obvious that she dislikes those demigods born to already-married gods and goddesses.
- Stepford Smiler
- Yandere
The god of messengers, travelers, and thieves. As such, he's always extremely busy.
- Berserk Button: Never imply that he doesn’t care about his sons.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: He knew all along what would happen to Luke.
- Trickster Archetype: One of the oldest examples.
The goddess of the hearth. She's often overlooked by the other characters, often quite literally.
- Ascended Extra: From the original mythology.
- Demoted to Extra: In the original mythology, and of course as part of her past in the books. She seems to have happily embraced the option, however.
- Chekhov's Gunman: The little girl tending the hearth as Percy tours the camp for the first time in The Lightning Thief appears four books later as Hestia, goddess of the hearth and the titular last Olympian.
- Older Than They Look: Hestia in particular takes this trope out of all the gods, because she takes the form of a seven or eight-year old girl.
The god of the oceans, storms, earthquakes and horses. Poseidon is shown to take greater care of his children than other gods and as more mature than his brother Zeus.
- Doting Parent: He is the best father in the world, compared to some of his fellow gods, especially Zeus and Hades
- Father Neptune: The Greek equivalent of the Trope Namer. Especially apparent while fighting against Oceanus in The Last Olympian.
- Immortal Immaturity: Averted. In ancient times he was very similar to Zeus in temperament. He would often hold grudges and be highly vindictive when things did not go his way. In the series he comes across as having matured to a degree where he is much more reasonable, at least compare to his brother.
- Making a Splash
- Prongs of Poseidon: The Trope Namer.
Lord of Olympus and god of storms, justice, and oaths. The last two being ironic considering his actions throughout the series.
- Bolt of Divine Retribution: Quite literally. His symbol of power is the "master bolt." The first lightning bolt and most powerful weapon in the series.
- Jerkass: All the gods are this to a degree, but Zeus stands out compared to the others.
- Karma Houdini: Despite breaking a sacred oath and pulling a ton of other crap Zeus is never held accountable for his actions. Instead his children often have to pay for his crimes and mistakes. Being the most powerful god around has its perks.
- Immortal Immaturity: In ancient times, Zeus and Poseidon had almost interchangeable personalities. By modern day, Poseidon has matured to a degree, so he tends to be more reasonable. Zeus has not and still comes across as a pompous git who thinks he is perfect.
- Pride: His defining characteristic and source of many of the problems throughout both series.
- Shock and Awe
- Abusive Parents: Yes indeed.
- And I Must Scream: He literally cannot die. The first time, he was chopped into bits and pitched into Tartarus. The second time, his consciousness exploded and was spread so thinly across the world that there's little hope of it reassembling.
- Big Bad
- Big No
- Chessmaster: One of the best, hands down. His plans are brilliant.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Eyes of Gold
- Sadistic Choice: In the fifth book, Kronos frequently threatens to kill Percy's friends unless he surrenders to him.
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Sinister Scythe
- Time Master
- You Have Failed Me...: Kronos decides to let Atlas rot due to his repeated failures.
- The Dragon
- Eyes of Gold
- Foil / Evil Counterpart: Probably accidental, but he is pretty much this for Hades - one is a god and the other is a titan, Dark Is Not Evil vs Light Is Not Good, and both their names start with "H".
- Kill It with Fire / Playing with Fire
- Light Is Not Good
- The Power of the Sun
- Title Drop: Not of the book name, or even the series name, but the name of the publishing company.
- And I Must Scream: Has to hold up the sky.
- Archnemesis Dad: An infamously dramatic example.
- The Brute
- The Dragon
- Hero-Killer: He kills Zoë, as foreshadowed by the prophecy.
- Knight of Cerebus
- Luke, I Am Your Father: With Zoë.
- Butt Monkey: He thinks of himself this way
- The Resenter: To the other Titans.
- Villain Of Another Story: The Lost Hero reveals he was off defending Mount Othrys from the Romans.
Titan of craftiness and forethought. Sided with the Olympians in the first war, but out of a desire for revenge on Zeus and thinking the Olympians cannot win switches sides to the Titans.
- Affably Evil: If one can call him evil.
- If My Calculations Are Correct: Implied that part of his foreknowledge is his ability to calculate probability to predict the most likely outcome.
- Revenge Before Reason: One possible interpretation of his defection.
- Satan Is Good: In a sense. He is referred to once as "the good Titan" for the aid he has given to mankind with fire and curiosity in defiance of Zeus.
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