Pathfinder (tabletop game)/Characters
Core Rulebook Iconics
Amiri of the Six Bears
Race: Human (Kellid)
Class: Barbarian
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Homeland: Realm of the Mammoth Lords
- Action Girl: Amiri is a barbarian, and even though she came from a tribe where women Stay in the Kitchen she was the best hunter and warrior in the tribe.
- Hot Chick with a Sword: A giant's sword no less.
- Barbarian Heroine: From the Kellid tribe of The Six Bears.
- Bare Your Midriff
- The Berserker: Even for a barbarian, Amiri has anger problems.
- BFS: A giant-sized bastard sword taken from a dead frost giant. She can only wield the thing with full effect when she's in the throes of blood rage.
- No Guy Wants an Amazon: She is brave, brawny and independent, traits that are less than desirable in a Six Bears tribeswoman. To everyone else she's an example of a Hot Amazon.
- Plucky Girl
- Shout-Out: Or maybe just an obvious art reference--her main portrait, and thus elements of her costume, are obviously based on one of Yukito Kishiro's cover illustrations for Gunnm:Last Order, featuring Sechs in his/her original female body.
- Unkempt Beauty
- Unstoppable Rage: The only time she can utilise her BFS is when she goes berserk.
- Weapon of Choice: A giant-sized bastard sword.
- You Can't Go Home Again: Her slaughter of her fellow tribesmen that tried to get her killed has marked her as a kinslayer.
- You Go, Girl!: She came from a rather sexist tribe and was aware of her status as a woman; that's why she always tried to one-up her male "comrades". They were not happy about it.
Ezren Zefiir
Race: Human (Taldan)
Class: Wizard
Alignment: Neutral Good
Homeland: Absalom
- Clear Their Name: His father was accused of heresy. The charges were dropped, but his reputation was ruined. Ezren went through all the records trying to clear his father's name...and instead found irrefutable proof of his guilt.
- Cool Old Guy: Didn't get started adventuring until he was in his forties and is now considerably older. Still a cool guy though, and one who gets along well with his younger companions.
- Not to James Jacobs, the creative director: "Ezren, thanks to Josh Frost, who played him in my presence, has a loud and shrill voice that gives me a headache."
- Hollywood Atheist: Averted. Ezren is an atheist who is good-hearted and philosophical in nature. He enjoys friendly debate with his more religious comrades.
- Intergenerational Friendship: With all of his younger comrades.
- Nay Theist: Ezren doesn't worship the gods, but that doesn't mean he doesn't believe they exist, he just has... philosophical differences with them.
- The Philosopher: Ezren is always willing to discuss philosophy, especially with those who hold different points of view from him.
- Wizard Beard: Albeit a short and neatly trimmed one.
- Wizard Classic: Staff? Check. Wizard Robes? Check. Long white hair and beard? Check. Casts Spells like a wizard? Check. Yep, Ezren's a Wizard Classic
Race: Dwarf
Class: Ranger
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Homeland: Five Kings Mountains
- Anti-Hero: Type III, Harsk is a taciturn loner who atones for his part in his brother's death by slaughtering giants and making the wilds of the world safe (typically through violence).
- Badass Beard
- Big Damn Heroes: Averted, HARD. Harsk tries to be this, but he only arrives after his brother's entire party has been completely slaughtered.
- Came Back Wrong: Averted, in one of the blog posts James Jacobs mentions that Harsk has a policy against Reincarnation. Probably to avoid becoming an Inhuman Human.
- Dead Little Sister: Dead older brother actually.
- Hit and Run Tactics: How he avenged his brother against the giants that slew him.
- Our Dwarves Are All the Same: Mostly averted. Harsk has the traditional dwarf beard and gruff nature, but bucks tradition by specializing in the crossbow and prefers the wilderness of the surface world to the mines of his kinsmin. He also shuns alcohol in favor of tea as it keeps his senses sharp.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Angainst the giants who killed his brother.
- Tragic Keepsake: His brother's axe.
- Weapon of Choice: Heavy crossbow.
Kyra Sief al Kiraan
Race: Human (Keleshite)
Class: Cleric (Sarenrae)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Homeland: Qadira
- Action Girl: This is actually a religious requirement for Kyra since she is a Priestess of Sarenrae.
- Church Militant: She is rarely seen in battle without both her scimitar and holy symbol in hand. Sarenrae's clerics tend to be like this.
- Combat Medic: She is seen going toe to toe with the enemy as often as healing her companions.
- Doomed Hometown: The village she lived in as a girl was burned to the ground by bandits while priestess of Sarenrae attempted to defend it. This inspired her to become one herself.
- Hot Chick with a Sword: Also a Religious Requirement, Sarenrae's doctrine requires her priests to train with Scimitars.
- Go and Sin No More: Frequently invoked, as a priestess of Sarenrae, Kyra must offer mercy to those who would change their ways and tell them to Go and Sin No More.
- Mentor Occupational Hazard: The Priestesses of Sarenrae who inspired and defended Kyra were all killed off the battle which burned her Doomed Hometown
- Shoot the Dog: But when the time for mercy has passed, Kyra puts villains who won't accept mercy and change their ways down like rabid dogs.
- Weapon of Choice: Scimitar (her goddess's sacred weapon).
Race: Halfling
Class: Bard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Homeland: Cheliax
- Happiness in Slavery: Averted, unlike the rest of his family.
- Loveable Rogue
- Magic Music
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Tried to save his enslaved family by burning their master's manor. His family tried to put out the fires and bemoaned the loss of their shelter.
Race: Gnome
Class: Druid
Alignment: True Neutral
Homeland: Land of the Linnorm Kings
- Loyal Animal Companion: Droogami, the snow leopard.
- Nature Hero
- Unusual Eyebrows: Apparently part of being a gnome. They look like blades of grass.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair: Which also looks like grass.
Merisiel Sillvari
Race: Elf
Class: Rogue
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Homeland: Varisia
- Action Girl
- Aesop Amnesia: Repeatedly steals from people she probably shouldn't. As Valeros asks her, "Merisiel, do you notice certain patterns in your life?"
- The Ditz: Apparently not he sharpest knife in the tool shed, which is why she keeps dozens of them on her person.
- Knife Nut: "To date, Merisiel hasn't met a problem that can't, in one way or another, be solved with daggers."
- Raised by Natives: Merisiel is a Forlorn, an elf raised among humans. Though it doesn't necessarily mean that she has no social skills.
- Sticky Fingers: Merisiel is an impulsive thief who is constantly getting the others in trouble. After being pursued by yet another angry guardian out to reclaim its treasure, Valeros is forced to ask Merisiel if she is starting to notice "certain patterns in her life."
- Street Urchin: She was one till she became a drifter.
- Weapon of Choice: Daggers. Lots of them.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Sajan Gadadvara
Race: Human (Vudran)
Class: Monk
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Homeland: Vudra
- Ambiguously Brown: It depends on the artist, but sometimes he looks like a light-skinned black man or a dark-skinned Asian man. Since Vudra (the land he came from) has some Indian elements, it's safe to assume that he is supposed to look like an Indian man.
- Bald of Awesome
- Dead Little Sister: In his case more like Disappeared Twin Sister.
- Estrogen Brigade Bait
- The Stoic
- Theme Twin Naming: Sajan and Sajni.
- Unto Us a Son and Daughter Are Born: He's the son, Sajni is the daughter.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- Weapon of Choice: A Bich'hwa (curved temple sword).
- You Can't Go Home Again: He'd be executed as a deserter for setting off in search of his twin sister.
Race: Human (Garundi)
Class: Paladin (Iomedae)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Homeland: Katapesh
- Action Girl
- The Atoner: As a child, Seelah stole the paladin Acemi's helmet to pawn for food. Days later, Acemi died of a head wound. Seelah became a paladin herself to atone.
- Breast Plate: Minor example. She's covered completely, but the armour on her chest is more form-fitting than it needs to be.
- Church Militant: Paladin of Iomedae.
- Driven to Suicide/Interrupted Suicide: Tried to burn herself on Acemi's pyre, but was stopped by Acemi's allies.
- Helmets Are Hardly Heroic: Averted. She is rarely seen in a fight without it.
- Also deconstructed in her backstory: If Seelah hadn't previously stolen her helmet, Acemi might have survived that battle.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Played straight.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me
- The Paladin
- Parental Abandonment: Killed by gnolls.
- She Cleans Up Nicely: She has worn a dress approximately once in all of her art. But that one time...
- Smite Evil
- Street Urchin: She was this after the deaths of her parents and until she stole a paladin's helmet.
Seltyiel "Lirt" Bhrostra
Race: Half-elf
Class: Fighter/Wizard (evoker)/Eldritch Knight (Magus in Ultimate Magic)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Homeland: Cheliax
- Abusive Parents: Both his fathers.
- Archnemesis Dad: His elven father is a strong candidate for this trope.
- Affably Evil
- Anti-Hero
- Bastard Bastard: Conceived out of an affair between a married human noblewoman and an elven bandit-lord, Seltyiel's human "father" pretty much immediately realized that his son was a bastard. Subsequent treatment by his human nobleman "father" and his actual elven bandit-lord father assured that Seltyiel would be a bastard in every other sense of the word as well.
- Bishonen
- Captain Ersatz: Let's hope he doesn't get a sentient weapon with a bad attitude...and if he canonically takes the Bladebound Magus path, he just might.
- Dark and Troubled Past: God yes.
- Estrogen Brigade Bait
- Magic Knight
- Token Evil Teammate: He's Seelah's pet project, as it were.
- Troubled but Cute
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Race: Human (Varisian)
Class: Sorcerer (tattooed sorcerer archetype)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Homeland: Varisia
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Though her hair isn't really blond.
- Familiar: A lizard.
- Hot Sorceress
- Lady in Red
- Ms. Fanservice
- Mysterious Waif
- Power Tattoo: She has traditional Varisian tattoos, which literally empower some of her spells.
- Stripperiffic
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Witch Species: She's a sorceress of the Arcane bloodline, which means magic runs in her family.
Race: Human (Chelaxian)
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Neutral Good
Homeland: Andoran
- Badass
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Chivalrous Pervert: Valeros loves the ladies, but would never dream of pressing the issue once he's been rejected, and goes out of his way to protect the girls he's on a team with.
- The Cynic
- Dual-Wielding: Always.
- Estrogen Brigade Bait
- Farm Boy: A former one. Instead of becoming a hero, however, he's become a jaded mercenary.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has several good scars on his face.
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Heroic Build
- Hidden Depths: See Obfuscating Stupidity and Knight in Sour Armour.
- Hired Guns: A former mercenary who currently works as an adventurer for hire.
- Jerkass Facade: He acts like a typical crass mercenary but is actually a really good guy.
- Knight in Sour Armour: Valeros is a good guy who means well and will never let someone in need down. And he has the personality of the most bitter cynic you will ever meet.
- The Need for Mead: Out of every character presented in Pathfinder material, Valeros is the second greatest offender, right after his god.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: While not a genius by any means, Valeros is canonically somewhat above average in intelligence. He hides his wit and tactical ability behind a simple facade.
- Only in It For the Money: What he'd like you to believe.
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right: Part of why he had to go into the independent adventuring business.
Advanced Player's Guide Iconics
Race: Human (Garundi)
Class: Oracle
Alignment: Lawful Good
Homeland: Rahadoum
- Blessed with Suck: Like all oracles, Alahazra is blessed with considerable magical power, but at considerable cost - in her case, her eyesight.
- Blind Seer
- Hello, Nurse!: She is described as getting this reaction quite often and is rumored to have made consorts of many powerful men.
- Kuudere: She has a cold exterior that hides an inner rage and passion.
- Nice Hat: A particularly impressive and possibly heavy example.
- Prophet Eyes
- You Can't Go Home Again: Because of her unasked-for gift of divine spellcasting, Alahazra was exiled from her native country, Rahadoum, which outlaws religion. Ironically, she herself is agnostic.
Alain Germande
Race: Human (Taldan)
Class: Cavalier
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Homeland: Taldor
- Ambition Is Evil: Although Alain is not evil per se, his ambition has gotten a lot of his underlings killed.
- Casanova
- Glory Hound
- It's All About Me
- Jerkass
- Knight Errant
- Knight in Shining Armor: Subverted. Alain has the look, but cares only for himself.
Race: Gnome
Class: Summoner
Alignment: True Neutral
Homeland: Nex
- Cool Pet: His eidolon, which resembles an odd rooster creature.
- Robe and Wizard Hat
- Summon Magic
- Unusual Eyebrows: Which look like feathers.
- Wizard Beard, although it's his mustache that's really impressive.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Race: Elf
Class: Alchemist
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Homeland: Kyonin
- Alchemy
- Drugs Are Bad
- Jekyll and Hyde: Under the influence of the chemical mutagen he is addicted to, he turns into a monster.
- Mad Doctor
- Mad Scientist
- Master Poisoner
- Super-Powered Evil Side
Race: Human (Tian-Min)
Class: Witch
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Homeland: Lands of the Linnorm Kings
- Broken Bird
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Familiar: A fox
- Femme Fatalons
- Hot Witch
- Impossibly Low Neckline
- No Social Skills: Hers are less than stellar, due to being raised by baby-eating hags.
- Of Corsets Sexy
- Raised by Orcs: She was raised by a coven of hags who stole her from her parents.
- Shout-Out: She seems to share a dressmaker with Final Fantasy X's Lulu.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Woman in Black
- Zettai Ryouiki: Grade B
Race: Half-orc
Class: Inquisitor (Pharasma)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Homeland: Ustalav
- The Archer: Usually pictured with a bow or crossbow.
- Action Girl
- Badass Longcoat
- Beastess: Drawn as a heavily muscled, green-skinned woman with portruding tusks. This does nothing to stop the fans from prettying her up in art.
- Breast Plate: Minor example. She's covered completely, aside from a Cleavage Window. But her hauberk is more form-fitting than it needs to be.
- Church Militant: Pharasma judges the dead. Imrijka and other inquisitors take the enemies of the faith (especially The Undead) and render them up for judgement. Given her alignment she's about as far from a Knight Templar as you can get though.
- Dark Is Not Evil: A half-orc working for the Goddess of Death. She's Neutral Good.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- The Hunter: As an inquisitor of the goddess of death living in Ustalav, she's a very busy woman.
- Knife Nut: As an inquisitor of Pharasma, Imrijka is automatically skilled with the dagger, her goddess' favoured weapon.
- Lady in Red
- Magic Knight: Not to the level of Seelah or Seltyiel, but all inquisitors are trained in melee, ranged, and magical combat.
- Nice Hat: It's low-crowned, wide-brimmed, and matches her duster.
- Smite Evil
Ultimate Combat Iconics
Hayato Nakayama
Race: Human (Tian-Min)
Class: Samurai
Alignment: Lawful Good
Homeland: Minkai
- Honest Advisor: His lord saw that Hayato was not a yes-man even at a young age, earning his favor.
- Samurai
- The Stoic
- To Be Lawful or Good: Ultimately chooses good.
- You Can't Go Home Again: Killed the corrupt government official who goaded his lord into a fatal duel. He would have killed himself afterwards, but his lord's widowed wife told him to flee instead out of affection.
Race: Half-elf
Class: Gunslinger
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Homeland: Mana Wastes
- Badass Longcoat
- Boyish Short Hair: Cut to avoid getting it caught in her weapons.
- Guns Akimbo
- The Gunslinger
- Schizo-Tech: She comes from Alkenstar, a city-state in a wasteland where magic doesn't work all that well, which is why she relies on guns. This makes her stand out in the outside world.
- Spirited Young Lady
- Stay in the Kitchen: Her father and his friends on the force did everything they could to keep Lirianne out of the Alkenstar shieldmarshals, and even after she proved herself beyond a shadow of the doubt, had her consigned to menial jobs.
Race: Human (Tian-Min)
Class: Ninja
Alignment: True Neutral
Homeland: Minkai
- Action Girl
- Deadpan Snarker: Described as being "quick with a cutting remark"
- Ninja
- Parental Abandonment: Seeing as they got killed and all.
- You Killed My Father: She's plotting revenge on the feudal lord who killed her parents.
Rise of the Runelords Characters
Aldern Foxglove, the Skinsaw Man
Race: Human (Chelaxian), later dread ghast
Class: Aristocrat/Rogue
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, later Chaotic Evil
- Bishounen: His appearance in life.
- Green-Eyed Monster / Stalker with a Crush / Unstoppable Rage: His possible motivations (envy, lust, and wrath, respectively).
- Knife Nut
- Mask Power: Has a literal magic mask.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: How he originally appears.
- Our Ghouls Are Creepier: And how! He's closest to the "Zombie Ghouls" subtrope.
- Serial Killer
- Split Personality: Has three--the sorrowful "His Lordship", the brutal "Hurter", and the sadistic "Skinsaw Man".
- Tragic Monster: At first he was just a man looking to redeem his family name, but he made deals with the wrong people and became their patsy, becoming a ghast in the process.
- The Undead
- Unwitting Pawn: Of the Skinsaw cult, and by extension of Karzoug. His actions in the cult's service also unknowingly lead to the creation of the plague that devastates Korvosa in Curse of the Crimson Throne.
- The Virus: He was turned into a ghast by a magic disease and can spread it to his victims. He single-handedly starts a minor plague of ghouls this way.
- Was Once a Man
Ameiko Kaijutsu
Race: Human (Tian-Min)
Class: Aristocrat/Bard/Rogue
Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Action Girl: Not in Rise of the Runelords, where she's just a Damsel in Distress despite her history. She gets to shine in Jade Regent.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Break the Cutie: Her half-brother Tsuto kidnaps her as a sacrifice for Nualia, has his goblin minions beat her within an inch of her life, ties her up in a basement, and kills their father before the PCs rescue her.
- Damsel in Distress
- Faux Action Girl: She has a history as an adventurer, but in Rise of the Runelords she doesn't do much besides get kidnapped. See Action Girl above.
- Multicolored Hair: Her bangs are dyed white.
- Royal Blood: As revealed in Jade Regent, Ameiko is the heir to the throne of the Minkai Empire.
- Spirited Young Lady: She becomes an adventurer (and later, an innkeeper) against her very conservative father's wishes.
Karzoug the Claimer, Runelord of Greed
Race: Human (Azlanti)
Class: Wizard (transmuter)/Archmage
Alignment: Neutral Evil
- Big Bad
- Blade on a Stick: He wields a magical glaive as his symbol of office.
- Evil Overlord
- Evil Sorcerer
- Greed
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Slouch of Villainy: On the cover of GameMastery Guide.
Race: Stone giant
Class: Wizard (transmuter)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
- The Dragon
- Evil Sorcerer
- The Quisling: In ancient Thassilon, giants were slaves of the Runelords. When Mokmurian awoke Karzoug, he willingly let the wizard enslave his people.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness
Nualia Tobyn
Race: Aasimar
Class: Fighter/Cleric
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Fetus Terrible: She unknowingly conceived her child in an area desecrated by Lamashtu, the goddess of monsters. As a result, it was born stillborn and monstrously deformed. This threw her over the edge into insanity.
- Red Right Hand: She had a literal demonic hand. Also a huge gash across her abdomen.
- Sinister Minister: A priestess of Lamashtu.
- Starter Villain: She and her Goblins are this for the campaign as a whole.
- So Beautiful It's a Curse: Because of her angelic heritage, Nualia was gifted with unearthly beauty. Unfortunately, the townsfolk became obsessed with her and constantly begged her for blessings she couldn't provide. That was the start of her spiral into madness.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds
Shalelu Andosana
Race: Elf
Class: Fighter/Ranger
Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Action Girl
- The Archer
- The Cameo: She reappears, leveled up, as an elf captain in the Second Darkness campaign.
- The Hunter: Goblins piss themselves when they hear her name.
Curse of the Crimson Throne Characters
Cressida Kroft
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Ileosa Arabasti, Queen of Korvosa
Race: Human (Chelaxian)
Class: Aristocrat/Bard
Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Aristocrats Are Evil: Even before becoming queen she was a petty bitch.
- Artifact of Doom: Dons the Crown of Fangs, which contain a piece of Kazavon's soul.
- Big Bad
- Demonic Possession: She was influenced by the spirit of an evil dragon, Kazavon. It was More Than Mind Control, however, because Kazavon merely galvanized her already-evil nature.
- Depraved Bisexual: Possibly - as well as her marriage to the late king, there are rumors of a relationship with her female bodyguard.
- Evil Is Petty: Pre-possession.
- Evil Sorcerer: She's an evil Bard, whose powers are amplified exponentially by Kazavon's fangs.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Sure she was Queen of Korvosa beforehand, but she was such a spineless coward that it wouldn't have made any difference. Then she found the Fangs of Kazavon and became a fully-fledged monster.
- God Save Us From the Queen
- Gold Digger
- Kill the Poor: Unleashes a plague with this goal in mind.
- Manipulative Bitch
- Sanity Slippage
- Social Darwinist
- Sorcerous Overlord: Female variant.
- Vain Sorceress: Desires to become immortal and stay beautiful forever.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: The Crown of Fangs gave Ileosa great power at the expense of her sanity.
Jolistina Susperio
Race: Elf
Class: Rogue/Sorcerer
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Captain Ersatz: Possibly, she does have a lot in common with Harley Quinn.
- Mad Love: With her necromancer boss.
- Perky Female Minion
- Too Kinky to Torture
- Villainous Harlequin
Race: Blue Dragon
Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Artifact of Doom: After Kazavon's death, seven of his bones became powerful evil artifacts that still contained his wicked spirit. They can corrupt those they touch, and if all seven are assembled, can be used to resurrect him.
- Axe Crazy
- Bigger Bad: One whose threat doesn't end with Illeosa's defeat.
- The Corrupter: Each Artifact of Doom has this ability, inflicting the user with a case of With Great Power Comes Great Insanity.
- Dark Messiah: Kazavon was empowered by the God of Darkness to be his greatest weapon.
- The Dragon: To Zon-Kuthon, in the most literal sense of the term.
- Haunted Castle: His stronghold, Scarwall.
- The Man Behind the Man
- The Mole: In the Backstory, Kazavon disguised himself as a human warrior and helped a duke reclaim his lands from rampaging orcs. When the land was secured, Kazavon took the land for himself and began building his kingdom of darkness.
- More Than Mind Control: As noted above, Ileosa willingly falls under his sway when she comes in contact with his preserved fangs.
- My Death Is Just the Beginning
- No Celebrities Were Harmed He's essentially Golarion's Vlad the Impaler.
- Posthumous Character
- Back from the Dead: If you screw up at the very end.
- Psycho for Hire: He posed as mercenary, and essentially works for Zon-Kuthon because of the opportunities it gives him to hurt people.
- Soul Jar: The above-mentioned Artifacts of Doom.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
Laori Vaus
Race: Elf
Class: Cleric (Zon-Kuthon)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Affably Evil
- Black Eyes of Evil: Though that's because of elven genetics rather than evil.
- Epic Flail: She fights with a spiked chain.
- Fridge Horror: Chainmail is not a clingy formfitting material, yet Laori wears a skin-tight bodysuit made of the stuff, studded with hooks, spikes and other pointy bits. Zon-Kuthon's priesthood are noted elsewhere for sewing or otherwise integrating their vestments into their flesh...
- Genki Girl
- Impossibly Cool Clothes: in the pictures, her armor seems to be a hooked chainmail body stocking.
- Nightmare Fetishist
- Perky Goth
- Sinister Minister: Priests of Zon-Kuthon are not a stable lot.
- Too Kinky to Torture
Race: Human
Class: Necromancer
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Grave Robbing
- Jerkass
- Kavorka Man: One has to wonder just how Jolistina fell for him considering his looks and personality.
- Obviously Evil
- Psycho for Hire
Sabina Merrin
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Bodyguard Crush
- Heel Face Turn
- Heel Realization
- A Mother To Her Women
- My God, What Have I Done?
- My Master, Right or Wrong: Up until her breaking point.
Vencarlo Orisini
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Second Darkness Characters
Allevrah Azrinae
Race: Drow, formerly elf
Class: Cleric/Demonic Initiate (Abraxas)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Big Bad
- He Who Fights Monsters: She spent a lifetime trying to eradicate the drow, but due to her own hatred was transformed into a dark elf herself.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Red Right Hand: Her clipped left ear.
- Sinister Minister: She's a cleric of Abraxas, demon lord of magic and forbidden knowledge.
Saul Vancaskerkin
Race: Human (Chelaxian)
Class: Rogue
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Les Collaborateurs: He wants Riddleport to burn for his misfortune, so he sides with a drow plot.
- Red Right Hand: One of his hands was chopped off for his past crimes, so he has a stump with a large key on it (used to open a secret door) in its place.
- Smug Snake
- Treacherous Advisor: He plays the role of employer/mentor to the PCs before betraying them.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: If the PCs don't kill him, he's killed by his drow ally because he's no longer useful.
Telandia Edasseril, Queen of Kyonin
Race: Elf
Class: Wizard/Archmage
Alignment: Neutral Good
- The Chessmaster
- The High Queen
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Alone among a Deadly Decadent Court. She helps the PCs from behind the scenes, without their knowledge.
- The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask: She's a Neutral Good person trying to corral a Chaotic Good populace under the control of a Lawful Neutral secret society. This forces her to adopt a demure and passive demeanor while subtly manipulating her court (and the PCs).
Legacy of Fire Characters
Race: Troglodyte
Class: Cleric (Rovagug)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- An Axe to Grind: Like all clerics of Rovagug he favours the greataxe as his Weapon of Choice.
- Armour Is Useless: Averted. Grundmoch is heavily armoured, and trusts that it will protect him, wading into close combat without concern.
- Church Militant
- Enemy Mine: Grundmoch is a Chaotic Evil cleric in service to the setting's Ultimate Evil, yet he can still make a useful ally to the PC's, informing them of Zayifid's deception and providing them with a safe base of operations.
- Lizard Folk: He's a troglodyte--a primitive, lizard-like, Exclusively Evil humanoid.
- Revenge: Seeks vengeance on Zayifid, who slew and then impersonated his friend.
- Sinister Minister: He's a cleric in service to an Omnicidal Maniac. It would be hard to get more sinister.
- Spanner in the Works: When the jinni Zayifid killed and replaced the gnoll assassin Rokova, he didn't count on the gnoll's friendship with Grundmoch, who uncovered Zayifid's deception. If the PC's can befriend Grundmoch, the troglodyte is more than willing to share what he knows with them.
- Villainous Friendship: With the gnoll assassin Rokova. He's also managed to befriend a gibbering mouther he calls The Gargler.
Ghartok, The Carrion King
Race: Unchosen gnoll
Class: Warrior (unholy)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- An Axe to Grind: Carries a cursed greataxe in tribute to his god, Rovagug.
- The Berserker
- The Chosen One: Chosen of Rovagug anyway.
- Church Militant
- Disc One Final Boss: The primary antagonist for the first two volumes, and the leader of the Pale Mountain gnolls, Ghartok is nevertheless being manipulated by Zayifid and is dead by the end of Volume 2.
- Large and In Charge: Thanks to Rovagug's blessing, Ghartok stands twice the height of most gnolls.
- Praetorian Guard: Both the Carrion Initiates and his fellow unchosen gnolls.
- Starter Villain
- The Undead: May be resurrected by Jhavul to face the PC's in the final volume.
Race: Noble efreeti
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Badass Beard
- Big Bad
- Blessed with Suck: Like all efreet, Jhavhul can alter the very fabric of reality itself. Problem is, he can only do it when a mortal asks him to. But if he can coerce mortals into wishing the way he wants...
- Four-Star Badass
- Genie in a Bottle: He's actually a genie out of a bottle, though he can still grant wishes. Or rather, he can force mortals to wish for what he wants.
- Large and In Charge: He's around twenty feet tall.
- Love Makes You Evil: He was evil to begin with, but his obsession with the demigoddess Ymeri led him to attempt to merge with one of the Spawn of Rovagug so he would be a worthy suitor.
- Make a Wish / Reality Warper
- One-Winged Angel: If you fail to stop him from merging with Xotani the Firebleeder.
- Playing with Fire: Being a fire genie and all.
Council of Thieves Characters
Race: Human
Class: Ranger
Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Action Girl: Janiven leads the party on an action packed chase through an underground sewer maze, and that's just in the first act of the Adventure Path.
- Bare Your Midriff
- La Résistance: Against The Empire no less!
Other Characters
Baba Yaga
Race: Unknown
Class: Witch
Alignment: Neutral Evil
- Evil Old Folks: Certainly has the look.
- Eviler Than Thou: Has managed to make herself a very dangerous enemy in Kostchtchie, Demon Lord of cold, giants, and revenge.
- God Save Us From the Queen: She and all of her daughters.
- Public Domain Character: One of the Big Bads of Russian and Slavic folklore.
- Shout-Out: To Greyhawk, where she also had a daughter (Iggwilv) who became a witch-queen. She's explicitly noted in Pathfinder to travel to many different worlds, and The Witchwar Legacy mentions a daughter of hers with a name (Tashanna) similar to Iggwilv's alias (Tasha).
- Sorcerous Overlord: Of Irrisen, though she rarely visits.
- Ugly Guys Hot Daughter: When you look at Baba Yaga, and then at any of her daughters, you really have to wonder how they're related.
- Wicked Witch: Patron of them.
Channa Ti
Race: Half-elf
Class: Druid
Alignment: (unknown)
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Making a Splash: One of her powers as a water druid.
Eando Kline
Race: Human (Taldan)
Class: Rogue/Sorcerer/Bard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right
- Seeker Archetype: Like most if not all members of the Pathfinder Society.
Race: Human (Garundi), later ghost
Class: Wizard (necromancer)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Arch Enemy: Of Nex.
- Ghostly Goals: See Unfinished Business below.
- Glowing Eyelights of Undeath
- Haunted Castle: His palace, insofar as it's haunted by himself.
- The Necrocracy: Type III. In Geb's kingdom, undead are often in positions of power, but the living can and sometimes do rise to the same level. There is a whole underclass of human chattel who are bred only as food for vampires and ghouls, however.
- Our Ghosts Are Different
- Scary Black Man
- Sorcerous Overlord
- Unfinished Business: Geb's spirit is bound to Golarion until he can be convinced that his ancient archnemesis, Nex, is well and truly dead.
Radovan Virholt
Race: Tiefling
Class: Rogue
Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Sidekick: To Varian Jeggare.
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Alignment: Lawful Evil
- A God Am I: Claims to have passed the test of Starstone and to have become a god. In truth he has done neither.
- Cool Mask: Wears it to hide his mortality and his age; forces his cultists to do the same.
- Dark Messiah: And a blatantly fraudulent one at that.
- Evil Old Folks
- God-Emperor
- Path of Inspiration
- Sorcerous Overlord
Ruthazek, the Silverback King
Race: Human, later dire ape
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Captain Ersatz: Possibly of Gorilla Grodd from DC Comics, but without Psychic Powers.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Ruthazek actually appeared in the Compleat Encounters line of adventures before the creation of the Golarion campaign setting.
- Evil Overlord
- Killer Gorilla: A truly nasty example.
- Large and In Charge
- Maniac Monkeys
- Talking Animal
- Was Once a Man: He was originally an evil human who was found worthy by the demon lord Angazhan, who killed and reincarnated him as a dire ape.
Tar-Baphon, the Whispering Tyrant
Race: Human (Varisian), later lich
Class: Wizard (necromancer)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
- A God Am I
- The Dragon: A less powerful lich named Socorro, who is currently in hiding.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Like Ruthazek, Tar-Baphon originated in the Compleat Encounters series.
- Evil Overlord
- Evil Sorcerer
- Green-Eyed Monster: He was envious of Aroden's divine power.
- Hero-Killer: To date, he's the only non-divine being to kill a god (Arazni, the herald of Aroden). He's one of the few epic-level NPCs in Golarion, outclassing even Karzoug.
- Kill the God
- Our Liches Are Different
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- The Undead
The Tarrasque
Race: Unique monster
Alignment: True Neutral
- Big Eater: It eats kingdoms.
- Extreme Omnivore
- From a Single Cell: Only a carefully-worded wish spell can permanently end it.
- Healing Factor
- Hero-Killer: The tarrasque is one of the Spawn of Rovagug, god of destruction. It is the biggest, baddest monster in the entire world. It has utterly destroyed multiple empires.
- Implacable Monster
- The Juggernaut
- Just Eat Him
- Kaiju
- Nigh Invulnerability: It possesses the trifecta of obscenely high hit points, damage reduction, and regeneration.
- Public Domain Character: The creature derives from a medieval French legend. It was adapted into Dungeons & Dragons early on and gained a reputation as the game's most deadly (non-epic) monster.
- Single Specimen Species: It was magically created by Rovagug, so thankfully only one exists.
Varian Jeggare
Race: Human (Chelaxian)
Class: Wizard
Alignment: Neutral Good
Core Gods
Master of the First Vault
God of cities, wealth, merchants, and law
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Ancient Keeper: Abadar is the Master of the First Vault, a storehouse in his realm of Axis where a perfect copy of every single object ever made is stored.
- The Chessmaster
- Honest Corporate Executive: Honest enough that he has paladins in his service.
- Physical God
- Utopia Justifies the Means: A lighter example. He's perfectly willing to accept practices such as slavery as long as he believes it's for the greater good of the community.
Prince of Darkness
God of tyranny, slavery, pride, and contracts
Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Affably Evil: He puts this face forward, particularly when dealing with the good gods.
- Amoral Attorney: He is the evil god of contracts.
- Archdevil: As the ruler of the entire plane of Hell, Asmodeus is both a god and an (one might say the) Archdevil.
- Big Red Devil
- Cain and Abel: He apparently killed his brother and opposite number.
- Dark Is Evil
- Deal with the Devil: God of contracts.
- Devil but No God: Asmodeus had a brother and opposite number once. He killed him.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Helped to seal up Omnicidal Maniac Rovagug. In fact, he's the one who did the binding.
- Evil Counterpart: To Ihys.
- The Evils of Free Will: Asmodeus's motivation for trying to grind all creation under his Lawful Evil heel.
- God of Evil: One of several.
- He-Man Woman Hater: Asmodeus is an unrepentant misogynist and refers to females as "the second gender". This is why there are no female archdevils (unlike Hell's D&D counterpart). However, this did not stop The Whore Queens from becoming the second-most powerful devils in Hell (after the archdevils).
- Hell
- Horned Humanoid
- I Gave My Word: Asmodeus always honours his bargains.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: He enjoys tormenting Rovagug by dangling the key to his prison just out of reach. This would be bad were he not doing it to, you know, Rovagug.
- Legions of Hell: Rules over them as the greatest of the Archdevils.
- Man of Wealth and Taste
- Men Don't Cry: He shed the first and last tear in his existence when he killed his brother Ihys. See also Manly Tears.
- The Older Immortal: One of the oldest beings in the universe, and fond of reminding others of it. Unlike Erastil he doesn't look the part.
- Parental Favoritism: His favorite "son" is Mephistopheles; The Unfavorite is Baalzebul.
- Physical God
- Pride: God of it and victim of it.
- Public Domain Character: Asmodeus is a Hebrew demon associated with lust. The Pathfinder version takes a page from Dungeons & Dragons by basing him heavily on Satan as well.
- Rules Lawyer
- Satan: He is the Prince of Darkness and ruler of Hell. Differs from previous D&D interpretations in that he is not a fallen angel, but has always been a god in his own right (and was the brother and coequal of Ihys, the closest being to the Abrahamic God in the setting, who he killed.)
- Truly Single Parent: He personally created most of the archdevils and considers himself their father. Of the eight archdevils, the only one known not to be his son is Barbatos.
- Villainous Valour: When he, along with Sarenrae, imprisoned Rovagug at tremendous risk to themselves.
- Visionary Villain
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: What's really scary about Asmodeus is that he truly believes in his cause and desires nothing but eternal peace and order... achieved through brutal suppression and tyranny.
The Savored Sting
Goddess of trickery, lust, and revenge
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
- Gender Bender: Whenever the mood strikes her.
- Lust: She embodies the purely sexual (and neutral) aspects of lust; demon lords like Nocticula cover the negative aspects of it.
- Physical God
- Whip It Good
Cayden Cailean
The Drunken Hero
God of freedom, ale, wine, and bravery
Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: He was a mortal hero who passed the Starstone test...completely hammered.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Booze-Based Buff: Can grant them to his followers.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Has put the moves on almost all of the goddesses, from Desna through Callistria.
- Physical God
- Royal Rapier
- What Did I Do Last Night?: One night, he got drunk. The next morning, he had become a god. He still doesn't know how it happened.
Song of the Spheres
Goddess of dreams, stars, travelers, and luck
Alignment: Chaotic Good
- A Form You Are Comfortable With
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Dream Weaver
- Physical God
- Sufficiently Advanced Aliens: Played with. When she first arrived on Golarion she was immensely powerful and a friend of a number of gods, though she did not rise to true godhood until the death of her mentor.
Old Deadeye
God of farming, hunting, trade, and family
Alignment: Lawful Good
- Arcadia
- The Archer
- Badass Grandpa
- Deliberate Values Dissonance: He has some rather old-fashioned notions about men and women, to the point that many of his contemporaries feel he's a bit behind the times. Played with via his contemporary Fandarra, who Erastil finds too bound to old traditions.
- Elderly Immortal: When not adopting the form of an elk-headed archer, he usually appears as an older man of common birth.
- Good Old Ways
- Grumpy Old Man
- Heroic Neutral: Erastil and his followers are all about community, and for the most part, are willing to leave everybody alone. If you screw with one of his communities, however, you will regret it.
- Horned Humanoid: Has elk antlers in one of his forms.
- In-Series Nickname: Old Deadeye
- The Older Immortal: Very much so. He's one of the first gods, and adopts that look.
- Physical God
- Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior!: Erastil is a trifle blunt, particularly with regards to the other gods.
- Stay in the Kitchen: To a degree, though he's not completely inflexible. Erastil has no problem with strong women, he just feels they should be married to equally strong men. He also had a rather grudging admiration for Iomedae and Sarenrae.
Our Lord in Iron
God of strength, battle, and weapons
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
- Animated Armor
- As Long As There Is War: It's said that if all the people of Golarion ever stopped fighting, Gorum would wither away.
- Badass: All of the gods step lightly around Gorum. There's a reason for that.
- BFS: Usually pictured with one.
- Blood Knight
- Colonel Kilgore
- Know When to Fold'Em: Despite what one might expect, Gorum recognises the difference between cowardice and strategic withdrawal, and doesn't expect his followers to continue fighting against impossible odds. If they can escape to fight another day he is cool with that.
- Might Makes Right
- Physical God
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- War God: Gorum represents war as a whole, the good and the bad.
- War Is Glorious: His cardinal belief.
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl/Wouldn't Hurt a Child: Gorum strongly frowns on the killing of noncombatants, including women, children, and the elderly. Now, if any of the above enter the combat they become fair game.
The Wind and the Waves
God/goddess of nature, weather, and the sea
Alignment: True Neutral
- Gender Bender: Has two aspects. The female one is seen at sea or over water, while the male one is seen in the sky or over land.
- Mother Nature
- Physical God
The Inheritor
Goddess of valor, rulership, justice, and honor
Alignment: Lawful Good
- Action Girl
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: She was a knight-captain who ascended to godhood by passing the Starstone test.
- Badass: As a mortal Iomedae was a badass Action Girl who kicked a lot of ass in Aroden's name. As a god she has continued to be one.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Milani the Everbloom.
- Boyish Short Hair
- Breast Plate: Minor example. She's covered completely, but the armour on her chest is more form-fitting than it needs to be.
- Chosen One: Chosen by Aroden.
- Church Militant: Served by several orders of them and was once a member herself.
- Did They or Didn't They?: There are rumours that Peace Through Vigilance, a young celestial gold dragon who has sworn himself to her service, is her child by Apsu the Waybringer. The fact that Peace Through Vigilance refers to her as "Mother Iomedae" doesn't help.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: The longsword is her weapon of choice.
- Hot Chick with a Sword: Assuming you don't mind the Tomboy look.
- Jeanne D'Archetype: Right down to the haircut.
- Knight in Shining Armor
- Knight Templar: Some of her followers can veer into this, especially in the Worldwound/Mendev.
- Lady of War
- Legacy Character: She's the inheritor of Aroden's responsibilities.
- The Paladin: She was one as a human and maintains the attitude now, dedicating herself to the destruction of the Worldwound and other good causes.
- Physical God
- War God: Her portfolio, combined with her militaristic nature often causes people to view her as such in-universe, despite her refusal to accept the title; she is typically associated with just wars, and the necessity of fighting when all else fails.
Master of Masters
God of history, knowledge, and self-perfection
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: He achieved physical and mental perfection and was elevated to godhood, without taking the test of Starstone.
- Bare-Fisted Monk
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Ultimately leads to his becoming a god without the help of a major artifact.
- Physical God
Mother of Monsters
Goddess of madness, monsters, and nightmares
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Alternate Company Equivalent: To D&D's Demogorgon.
- Anything That Moves: Male, female, human, demon, animal...if it exists Lamashtu has screwed it.
- Arch Enemy: Her former lover, the demon lord Pazuzu, who envies her ascension. While Lamashtu is now far, far more powerful than her ex, Pazuzu both saner and smarter than she is, making him a chronic threat to her rule.
- Axe Crazy
- Corrupt the Cutie: Her objective regarding Shelyn.
- Dark Is Evil
- Demon Lord: As both a god and a Demon Lord, Lamashtu holds the title of "Queen of Demons", making her Pathfinder's rough equivalent to Demogorgon from Dungeons & Dragons.
- Dual-Wielding: Always pictured with two kukris.
- Eats Babies: Or at least demands their sacrifice.
- Evil Matriarch
- Eviler Than Thou: With Pazuzu, Nocticula, Urgathoa, Rovagug, and any other being whom she sees as a potential rival. She also declared war on the entirety of Abaddon in the past, and the grudges from that campaign still linger; Lamashtu is not popular with the Four Horsemen.
- Fetus Terrible: Every one of them. And her worshippers seek to induce this in themselves. And in others.
- Foe Yay: Towards Shelyn, who she wants to corrupt.
- God of Evil
- God Save Us From the Queen
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Evil Wings.
- Human Sacrifice
- Kill the God: When she was a demon lord she and her lover, Pazuzu, lured one of the gods to the Abyss and murdered him. Lamashtu delivered the killing blow, and as a result, was able to ascend. Pazuzu now wants to do this to her.
- Klingon Promotion: Murdered a god and stole his portfolio in order to ascend.
- Kukris Are Kool: Always pictured with two of them, one burning, one frozen.
- Obvious Pregnancy: All the time.
- Physical God: Ascended to godhood by killing her predecessor.
- Power Born of Madness: She's the Goddess of Madness.
- Public Domain Character: She's based on a Mesopotamian demon.
- Third Eye
- Your Worst Nightmare
The All-Seeing Eye
God of magic
Alignment: True Neutral
- Balance Between Good and Evil: He's torn by simultaneous urges to protect the world and destroy it.
- Mad God: Suffers from a split personality and borderline schizophrenia.
- Physical God
- Split Personality
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Oh boy did it ever.
The Reaper of Reputation
God of greed, secrets, poison, and murder
Alignment: Neutral Evil
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: The only evil god to have done so, all that is known of his past is that he was a mortal who passed the Starstone test. His followers go to great lengths to hide knowledge of his life before godhood.
- Black Cloak
- Combat Pragmatist
- Dark Is Evil
- The Faceless
- God of Evil
- In the Hood
- Master Poisoner
- Multiple Choice Past/Mysterious Past
- Physical God
- Professional Killer: Norgorber was an assassin and counts many of them among his followers.
- Red Baron: Spies and politicians call him the Reaper of Reputation; thieves' guilds call him the Gray Master; alchemists, herbalists, and assassins call him Blackfingers; finally, madmen, murderers, and maniacs call him Father Skinsaw.
- Secret Keeper: For his followers.
Lady of Graves
Goddess of fate, death, prophecy, and rebirth
Alignment: True Neutral
- Celestial Bureaucracy: The lines in her realm, the Boneyard, could put even the waiting room from Beetlejuice to shame.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Physical God
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: An unusually grim example.
The Rough Beast
God of wrath, disasters, and destruction
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Apocalypse How: Seeks to set of a Class Z.
- Arch Enemy: Of the gods and existence itself, but especially of Sarenrae, who imprisoned him.
- Bad Boss: Rovagug will destroy his own minions the moment he does not need them anymore. In fairness to him, he didn't ask for their help in the first place.
- Big Bad: Of the setting as a whole, though he really isn't up to much plotting.
- Dark Is Evil
- The Dreaded
- Eldritch Abomination: Rovagug crawled into existence from somewhere at the edge of reality with plans to destroy it.
- Fighting a Shadow: Rovagug's spawn are so powerful that almost none have been permanently defeated, and yet they're still nothing to the god itself.
- God of Evil: The worst in the pantheon, he literally represents the end of all existence.
- The Gods Must Be Lazy: Sealing Rovagug took the cooperation of every single deity in the pantheon, which makes sense, but they haven't done much to fight the Spawn emerging from the holes in his prison.
- Kill the God: Slew numerous other deities and seeks the destruction of the entire cosmos, gods included. Rovagug himself seems immune to this--the aforementioned destruction of the universe may well be the only way for him to die.
- Hero-Killer: Slew countless other deities during the war against him.
- The Juggernaut: Rovagug is this from the perspective of the other gods.
- Kaiju: All of his offspring, including the infamous Tarrasque. Rovagug himself appears as an impossibly huge insect/arachnid/reptile monstrosity.
- Misanthrope Supreme: Again, lots of his followers.
- Nietzsche Wannabe: A lot of his followers fall under this.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Wants the end of everything, universe and all. A major cause of Enemy Mines among the other gods.
- Physical God
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Courtesy of a joint effort by Sarenrae and Asmodeus, with the universe itself as the can.
- Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum: It's implied that Rovagug wants to die and the only way he can is by taking everyone else with him.
- Ultimate Evil: The closest thing in the setting.
- Wrath
The Dawnflower
Goddess of the sun, redemption, honesty, and healing
Alignment: Neutral Good
- Action Girl
- Arch Enemy: Of Rovagug.
- Badass: Sarenrae went toe-to-toe with Rovagug while everyone else (except Asmodeus) was cowering in fear.
- Beware the Nice Ones: She may be the most forgiving god in the pantheon, but push her and her followers too far...
- Celestial Paragons and Archangels: Was once one of the most powerful Empyreal Lords, before ascending to true godhood during the war against Rovagug.
- Council of Angels: She was an archangel before becoming a god. Many of her current servants and allies are her fellow Empyreal Lords and their servants.
- Enemy Mine: With Asmodeus during the war with Rovagug. She threw Rovagug into the rift, while Asmodeus sealed him up.
- Flaming Hair
- Flaming Sword
- Good Is Not Soft: One of the kindest beings in the multiverse, but she has a militant side. Consider what she did to Rovagug. She also has a whole sect of True Neutral worshipers (the Cult of the Dawnflower) who focus on her warlike side to the exclusion of her merciful aspect.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Good wings.
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Kill It with Fire
- Knight Templar: Some of her followers, especially in the south, can fall into this, despite Sarenrae's objections.
- Lady of War: She certainly has this look in her art.
- The Messiah: She loves everybody. Even the evil gods (except maybe Rovagug). She is the inheritor of Ihys's mission to safeguard mortals' free will.
- Physical God
- The Power of the Sun: Represents the good aspects of the sun.
- Winged Humanoid
The Eternal Rose
Goddess of beauty, art, love, and music
Alignment: Neutral Good
- Cain and Abel: The Abel to Zon-Kuthon's Cain. In a twist, neither one of them wants to hurt the other.
- Even the Girls Want Her: All the gods love Shelyn, even the evil, mad, or monstrous ones -- although not necessarily in a way she's comfortable with.
- Friend to All Living Things
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: With Zon-Kuthon. There is some indication that Dou-Bral is still in there, as Zon-Kuthon refuses to harm Shelyn.
- Love Goddess
- Love Redeems: She certainly believes so.
- The Messiah: Ever moreso than Sarenrae. Shelyn believes everyone is worth saving, and her paladin code requires that all enemies be given the chance to redeem themselves.
- Mismatched Eyes: She's described as sometimes having blue eyes, sometimes silver, and sometimes one blue and one silver.
- Physical God
- The Power of Love
- Unholy Holy Sword: Shelyn once shared a glaive with her half-brother Dou-Bral as their favoured weapon; when he returned from the void as Zon-Kuthon, he had corrupted it into the Whisperer of Souls. Shelyn took it back during their initial fight, and is now trying to release the souls imprisoned within it.
Father of Creation
God of the forge, protection, and strategy
Alignment: Lawful Good
- The Blacksmith
- Good Is Not Nice: He tends to be quite a bit more harsh than the other good gods.
- Happily Married: To Folgrit, dwarven goddess of motherhood, wives, and children.
- Pay Evil Unto Evil: Torag does not forgive evildoers; this is one of the reasons why he and Sarenrae do not get along.
- Physical God
- The Strategist
- War God: As god of strategy war is definitely part of his portfolio.
The Pallid Princess
Goddess of gluttony, disease, and undeath
Alignment: Neutral Evil
- Body Horror: Not only does she herself appear half-rotted, but her priestesses sometimes come back as a particularly squicky sort of undead.
- Dark Is Evil
- Dem Bones: From the waist down.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Evil Sorcerer: A lot of evil necromancers (including Tar-Baphon) are her followers.
- God of Evil
- The Hedonist: She became the first undead because she couldn't face giving up the pleasures of living.
- I Am a Humanitarian: She savors human flesh and encourages cannibalism among her worshipers.
- Necromantic: Sex with the undead is not beyond her worshipers.
- Parental Substitute: Seems to see herself as a sort of mentor/mother figure to Zyphus, demigod of meaningless, accidental death.
- Physical God
- Plaguemaster
- Red Baron: The Pallid Princess
- Sinister Scythe
- The Undead: She was the very first undead creature.
- Unholy Matrimony: She's actually a big fan of marriage, believing fully that a shared pleasure is doubled.
- Villainous Glutton: She wants to regain the sensations she enjoyed as a living mortal, so she's devoted herself to depraved acts of gluttony.
- Walking Wasteland: "Her return to the mortal world is said to be the origin of disease."
The Midnight Lord
God of envy, pain, darkness, and loss
Alignment: Lawful Evil
- And I Must Scream: To his worshippers, being reduced to a mutilated torso is an honour.
- Axe Crazy
- Body Horror
- Break the Cutie: He used to be the Neutral Good god of love and beauty. Then something had its way with him.
- Cain and Abel: Subverted. Zon-Kuthon and his sister are enemies, but he refuses to hurt her.
- Came Back Wrong
- Casting a Shadow: God of Darkness; can grant this power to many of his followers.
- Captain Ersatz: Of the Cenobites from Hellraiser.
- Cold-Blooded Torture
- Cosmic Horror: He's heavily implied to have run into one; it is responsible for his current madness.
- Dark Is Evil
- Despair Event Horizon: He's the God of Loss, and many of his followers have crossed it. It's heavily implied that he has crossed it himself.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: The only god he will never seek to harm is his sister, Shelyn.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Envy is a part of his portfolio, and is what originally spurred him to exile himself to the Outer Planes--he couldn't stand always being second best to his sister.
- Go Mad from the Revelation: Whatever Zon-Kuthon found in his journey throughout the multiverse drove him completely insane.
- God of Evil: One of several.
- Good Is Bad and Bad Is Good: To Zon-Kuthon, beauty is mutilation, love is misery, music is screams, and creation is torture.
- Nightmare Fetishist
- Physical God
- Prophecy Twist: Abadar convinced Zon-Kuthon to stay in exile on the Plane of Shadow until the sun vanished from the sky, in exchange for an item from the First Vault. This was supposed be when the sun burned out billions of years from then, but due to the Age of Darkness, it technically happened much sooner.
- Red Baron: The Midnight Lord
- Sealed Evil in a Can: He was once in exile on the Plane of Shadow, but eventually got out.
- Too Kinky to Torture: All of his followers.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Zon-Kuthon was originally Dou-Bral, who shared the portfolio of beauty with Shelyn.
Other Gods
He Who Walks In Blood
Demigod of blood, death, and assassination
Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Big Creepy-Crawlies: A giant preying mantis.
- God of Evil: Demigod actually, but since evil is among his domains it still fits.
- Kaiju: As a demigod, Achaekek is the only god so far with game stats. However, he is a 50-foot-tall praying mantis with vast supernatural powers, making him all but unbeatable except by the most powerful adventurers.
- Mysterious Past: No one is quite sure where Achaekek came from.
- Physical God
- Professional Killer: God of assassins and assassination. Along with Norgorber, Nocticula, and several other archfiends, he is one of the primary deities worshipped by the profession. There's an entire cult of them, the Red Mantis, dedicated to his worship.
The Waybringer
God of dragons, glory, leadership, and peace
Alignment: Lawful Good
- Alternate Company Equivalent: Of Bahamut from Dungeons & Dragons, though Apsu sticks closer to the original Babylonian myths.
- Arch Enemy: Has one in his son, Dahak, the evil dragon god.
- Did They or Didn't They?: The goddess Iomedae is served by a celestial gold dragon named Peace Through Vigilance who refers to her as "Mother Iomedae". There are rumours that she is his mother, and that Apsu is the father.
- God Couple: With Tiamat, prior to her siding with Dahak. And then there's the rumours about he and Iomedae, which given their overlapping portfolios, don't seem too far fetched.
- Old Gods: One of the oldest beings around, Apsu is, if you believe the metallic dragons, one of the beings responsible for the creation of the universe.
- Our Dragons Are Different: Takes the form of a massive metallic dragon.
- Public Domain Character: He is based on the creator-god Abzu from Babylonian mythology.
The Last Azlanti
God of human culture, innovation, and history (deceased)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Arch Enemy: Of the Demon Lord Deskari.
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: Was a mortal man who kicked a lot of ass before ascending (much like his successor, Iomedae).
- Badass: When he was a mortal, Aroden managed to drive Deskari's hordes out of Sarkoris.
- Last of His Kind: Aroden was the last living, full-blooded Azlanti human.
- Messianic Archetype: Subverted. What was supposed to be his Second Coming instead saw him Killed Off for Real.
- Physical God
- Posthumous Character
The Pirate Queen
Goddess of piracy, sea monsters, and strife
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
- Badass Longcoat
- Cool Ship: She has two--the Seawraith, her personal ship, that sails between worlds and can turn into any kind of warship; and the Kelpie's Wrath, a sentient ghost ship that serves as her herald.
- Elemental Embodiment: She began life as a water elemental or something similar.
- Envy: A common motivation for her followers.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: She sometimes manifests terrifying scars when she wants to look intimidating.
- Horny Vikings: Some of them worship her.
- Pirate: She's the patron of pirates of all types, from flamboyant rogues to murderous scum.
- Eyepatch of Power / Hook Hand: Sometimes appears with either or both, as well as sometimes a peg leg.
- Nice Hat: She usually wears a bicorne or tricorne, but sometimes a simple bandana.
- Pirate Booty: Pirates often drop treasure into the ocean to appease her, which she then guards with sea monsters.
- Pirate Girl
- Red Baron: She's known as the Pirate Queen.
- Sea Monster: Besmara is the goddess of all kinds of sea monsters, from sea serpents and krakens to giant crabs and sharks. Unlike Lamashtu, or Dagon (arguably her Evil Counterpart) she doesn't actually create these monsters; she just bullies them into submission.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: She often chooses to appear this way.
- Turncoat: She will turn on her allies in a moment if it gives her the upper hand, and encourages the same behavior from her worshipers.
The False Wyrm
God of destruction, dragons, evil, and treachery
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Alternate Company Equivalent: Although the goddess Tiamat exists in both D&D and Pathfinder, she is practically a non-entity so far in the world of Golarion. Dahak (her and Apsu's son in this continuity) takes her place as god of evil dragons.
- Antagonistic Offspring: To his father, Apsu the Waybringer.
- Arch Enemy: Of Apsu.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Treachery is a part of his portfolio after all.
- Dark Is Evil
- Evil Counterpart: To his father.
- Our Dragons Are Different: Shattered the original dragon gods into their current state and takes the form of a huge chromatic dragon.
- Public Domain Character: He is based on the evil spirit Zahhak, also known as Azi Dahaka. In Pathfinder, "azi" is the name of a race of dragons he spawned.
- Red Baron: The False Wyrm, Sorrowmaker, and the Endless Destruction.
- Satan: The dragonic equivalent, being the rebellious, destructive son of their creator god who seeks to place himself above all others.
- Turncoat: Patron god of traitors.
The Gossamer King
Demigod of parasites, infection, and stagnation
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Arch Enemy: Of Desna, who accidentally released him.
- Big Creepy-Crawlies: Takes the form of an immense mosquito.
- The Immune: Grants those who follow him immunity to disease.
- Insect Gender Bender: A male mosquito.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Rovagug's cultists claim that Ghlaunder is one of the Rough Beast's Spawn. If so he is the only one to achieve true godhood.
- Multiple Choice Past: The game offers several possibilities for Ghlaunder's origins.
- Plaguemaster: One of many in the setting. His cultists are frequent allies of Apollyon, Horseman of Pestilence, because of this.
- Poisonous Person/Typhoid Mary: Turns his followers into these.
- Red Baron: The Gossamer King.
- The Swarm: Unleashes swarms of mosquitoes and other blood sucking insects.
- Villain Team-Up: His followers are prone to allying with the Horsemen, and especially cultists of Apollyon, though Ghlaunder is careful--he knows the Horsemen see the universe as a zero sum game that ends in apocalypse.
God of the End Times
Demigod of empty places, ruins, and oblivion
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
- The End of the World as We Know It: The proper God of the End Times, Groetus' job is to turn out the lights after everyone else leaves.
- The Fatalist: The few among his followers who are not completely insane are inevitably this type of personality.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Averted. Groetus is Chaotic Neutral not Chaotic Evil. He will end the universe only after Pharasma has judged the last mortal soul, and not before.
- Power of the Void
- That's No Moon: The moon hanging over Pharasma's boneyard? That's him.
- Weird Moon: His symbol is a skull overlapping the moon.
The Angry Hag
Demigoddess of hatred, extortion, and spite
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Amazon Brigade: Served by an evil one.
- Does Not Like Men: Hates them.
- Eviler Than Thou: With the Demon Lord Mestama; they both seek the worship of all witches and hags.
- Evil Matriarch
- The Power of Hate
- Red Baron: Angry Hag.
- Wicked Witch: Called the Angry Hag for a reason.
God of creation and free will (deceased)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
- Crystal Dragon Jesus: He's very similar to Ahura Mazda, the creator god of Zoroastrianism (and bears more than a little resemblance to the God of Abraham as well). Fittingly, his brother Asmodeus's name is a Greek corruption of Aeshma Daeva, a Zoroastrian demon (and servant of Ahura's Evil Counterpart, Angra Mainyu).
- Devil but No God: See Asmodeus above.
- God: Not quite in the Abrahamic sense, because he coexisted with Asmodeus since the beginning and did not create everything by himself. However, Ihys was the first to create speech and life and is indirectly responsible for the creation of all mortals.
- Good Counterpart: To Asmodeus.
- My Death Is Just the Beginning: Although Ihys was killed by Asmodeus, the trauma of killing him led Asmodeus to allow mortals free will (see below), if only to prove Ihys wrong.
- Order Versus Chaos: The original conflict between the gods was between the forces of Law, led by Asmodeus, who believed that mortals should be no more than tools for the gods; and the forces of Chaos, led by Ihys, who believed that mortals should have free will.
- Posthumous Character
- Physical God
The Strong Man
Demigod of bravery, competition, and sport
Alignment: Neutral Good
- Bicep-Polishing Gesture: His symbol is an arm in this pose.
- Blade on a Stick: The javelin is his favoured weapon.
- Graceful Loser
- Red Baron: The Strong Man.
- Spirited Competitor: God of them.
- Worthy Opponent: Savors a good challenge in the sporting arena.
The Everbloom
Demigoddess of devotion, hope, and uprisings
Alignment: Chaotic Good
- La Résistance: Patron saint of revolutionaries.
- Red Baron: The Everbloom.
- The Revolution Will Not Be Vilified: Helps revolutionaries, but only the good kind.
The Headless King
Demigod of serpentfolk, immortality, and poison
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Captain Ersatz: Of Yig the serpent-god from the Conan stories.
- God-Emperor: Ruled the serpentfolk in person when he was alive.
- Losing Your Head: Inverted. Ydersius' head was chopped off and his massive, still writhing body continued to live.
- Master Poisoner
- Red Baron: The Headless King
- Snakes Are Evil: Damn straight.
- Snake People: God of them.
The Grim Harvestman
Demigod of accidental death, graveyards, and tragedy
Alignment: Neutral Evil
- Arch Enemy: The closest thing Pharasma has to one.
- Black Cloak
- Dark Is Evil
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: This happened to Zyphus when he was a mortal, and it is the reason why he rejected Pharasma's judgement. Those who fear this happening to them often serve him, and he may steal the souls of those who die in this fashion.
- Enemies with Death: With both the concept and Pharasma herself, although he keeps things fairly civil.
- Friendly Enemies: Zyphus hates Pharasma, but is smart enough to understand his limits, and therefore keeps things civil between the two of them, even as his cultists plot against hers.
- The Grim Reaper: He resembles the classic archetype, though he wields a pick instead of a scythe.
- Kill the God: His ultimate objective/
- Make It Look Like an Accident: Helps his followers to do this.
- Nietzsche Wannabe: Of a different flavour from the followers of Rovagug (who think that all his meaningless before the tide of destruction) and the Horsemen (who think that the meaninglessness of the universe renders existence itself a curse). Instead, Zyphus and his followers take issue with the random pointlessness that governs the world, and take it to mean that the gods are not doing their jobs, and the universe needs fixing.
- Powerful Pick: Favours the heavy pick as his Weapon of Choice.
- Rage Against the Heavens: Zyphus hates the gods and attracts followers with a similar outlook on life.
- Red Baron: Grim Harvestman.
- The Undead: Was the first being to die an accidental death and refuse to accept Pharasma's judgement, returning to life and ascending to demigod status. Since he was already dead, he's essentially an ascended ghost rather than an ascended mortal.
- Villain Team-Up: As a Neutral Evil deity residing in Abaddon, and an enemy of the very idea of both the gods and there being such a thing as an appropriate death, Zyphus' cultists are among the most frequent allies of the Four Horsemen. Zyphus himself seems to view the Horsemen as natural allies, though he deals with them with care, and he is the only god whose followers regularly summon daemons, particularly those related to accidental death.
A general term for demon lords, archdevils, archdaemons, and other fiendish demigods. Most notable amongst them are the Demon Lords of the Abyss, The Four Horsemen who rule Abbadon, and the lords of the nine layers of Hell. See also Asmodeus and Lamashtu above, who are counted as both true gods and a devil and demon, respectively.
Master of the Final Incantation
Demon Lord of forbidden lore, magic, and snakes
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Anti-Magic: Knows a spell (the Final Incantation) that undoes all magic.
- Bigger Bad: In the Second Darkness campaign, serving as the Big Bad's patron.
- Demon Lord
- Epic Flail: Is armed with a flail that can steal spells and parts of its victims' minds.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: His shield can animate and fight alongside Abraxas.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Snakes Are Evil: Has a pair of vipers in place of legs.
The Lord of the Divs
Demigod of divs, genies, oblivion, and subversion
Alignment: Neutral Evil
- Body Horror: Living snakes crawl in and out of his skin.
- Chain Pain: Huge chains are embedded in his flesh.
- Demon Lords and Archdevils: He is the ruler of the divs, a minor race of fiends formed from corrupted genies, and the only one of divine status.
- Eviler Than Thou: Ahriman is an ascended Neutral Evil archfiend with a portfolio involving oblvion who resides in Abaddon, so one could be forgiven for thinking that he and the daemons would get along. They do not, and he and his divs regularly go to war with the agents of the Horsemen.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Evil wings.
- Just Eat Him: Ahriman can swallow people whole. Those swallowed by him fall into a Bottomless Pit for eternity.
- Large and In Charge
- Necromancer: He created the undead genies known as ghuls, and those killed by him rise as undead.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Ahriman is the embodiment of entropy and oblivion. Creation is anathema to him.
- Panthera Awesome: His appearance definitely resembles some sort of big cat.
- Public Domain Character: Based on the Persian devil-figure, also known as Angra Mainyu.
She of the Six Venoms
Demon Lord of sand, scorpions, and thirst
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Big Creepy-Crawlies: She takes the form of a human-faced, giant golden scorpion.
- Parental Neglect: Since her mother, Lamashtu, ascended to godhood, they have had little to do with each other.
- Pyramid Power: Many of her temples are, appropriately, pyramids.
- Shifting Sand Land: Her realm, the Sea of Whispering Sands, which she stole from her sister, Areshkagal.
- Sibling Rivalry: She is constantly defending her realm from her invasions by her sister's minions.
- The Swarm: Has a swarm of scorpions perpetually inhabiting her back. She can control them with her mind.
The Razor Princess
Demon Lord of illusions, traps, and knives
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Cold-Blooded Torture: She loves torture and sadistic inventions, and is a patron to torturers.
- Fate Worse Than Death: Those who make it to the center of her maze (where she resides) are so traumatized by all the traps that they have no choice but to become her favored slaves.
- Hot Amazon: Appears as a "towering, beautiful woman" with green, scaled skin and long, crimson hair.
- Knife Nut
- Kukris Are Kool: Her favored weapon.
- Lizard Folk: She has scaled skin and reptilian eyes.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Has six of them.
- The Maze: Her realm is The Vault of Ten Thousand Deaths. Which is a trap-filled maze the size of a continent. Making this equal parts this and Temple of Doom.
The Ravenous King
Demon Lord of apes, jungles, and brutal tyrants
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Why yes, the giant red ape is aggressive. Why do you ask?
- Darkest Africa: His worship is the strongest in the least civilized areas of the Mwangi Expanse.
- Demon Lord
- Drugs Are Bad: His worship involves the consumption of mind-altering jungle plants.
- Evil Overlord: Jungle warlords are numbered among his favoured worshippers and servants.
- Evil Tower of Ominousness: Inhabits a massive black ziggurat that straddles several rifts in the Abyss.
- Frazetta Man: The charau-ka, a species of tree-climbing apemen from Mwangi who serve him almost exclusively.
- Horned Humanoid: Horned ape actually, but you get the idea.
- Human Sacrifice: Demands that the Spawn of Angazhan sacrifice human captives to him.
- Hungry Jungle: Lord of it.
- Killer Gorilla: The high girallons and awakened dire apes who worship Angazhan fall into this category, as do the fiendish apes, fiendish dire apes, and fiendish girallons who serve as his minions; the Gorilla King, who represents him in on Golarion; and the demon lord himself. (He also has various chimpanzee- and baboon-like minions, but gorillas are his favorite.)
- Jungle Drums: The apemen, girallons, and local natives all use drums in their worship of Angazhan.
- Large and In Charge: Takes the form of a huge, red, six-fingered gorilla.
- Maniac Monkeys: He takes the form of a colossal red ape, is worshipped by the charau-ka and the high girallons, and is served by fiendish dire apes, girallons, and other jungle monsters.
- Summon Magic: Grants his followers the ability to summon fiendish apes, dire apes, and girallons.
The Prince of Plagues
Horseman of Pestilence
Alignment: Neutral Evil
- The Archer: He carries a scythe, but is rather fond of the bow as well, keeping his image in-synch with that of Conquest/Pestilence in the Book of Revelations.
- Archdaemon: One of the Four archdaemons who rule Abbadon in concert.
- Artifact of Doom: Creates artifacts and unholy weapons that he than turns loose on the Material Plane to corrupt those mortals who find them.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: When his predecessor, Yrsinius vanished, Apollyon defeated all-comers to become the new Horseman of Pestilence. Daemon society in general is also structured this way.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: Rules the daemons alongside the other Four.
- Blow You Away: Air is one of his domains, presumably to better carry his plagues.
- Evilutionary Biologist
- Flaying Alive: Wears the hides of the angels who failed to slay him as a cloak.
- Genius Loci: His fortress is cut into the still living body of an immense being.
- Genuine Human Hide: Worse. He wears a cloak made of the hides of a dozen angels, stitched together.
- Grim Reaper: Shares the archetype with Charon. Apollyon has the Skull for a Head and Sinister Scythe aspects of the Reaper, Charon has the black robe and dominion over death.
- Hellish Horse: Septisaeus, a diseased nightmare wearing a golden crown with a neck pierced by dozens of barbed arrows.
- Horned Humanoid
- Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- Misanthrope Supreme: All daemons hold that mortality is a torment and that the entire universe has to be scoured of life, despite the fact that they themselves were once mortal.
- Nietzsche Wannabe: Daemons know that everything eventually dies. They, and their cultists, tend towards this attitude, believing that if nothing truly matters they may as well end the world.
- Nonhuman Humanoid Hybrid
- Omnicidal Maniac: All daemons are nihilists, who seek to feed on the flood of souls at the end of creation. The Horsemen are the worst of the lot. Apollyon seeks to cause it through the spreading of diseases that slaughter planets and warp reality itself.
- The Plague: Other gods like Ghlaunder and Urgathoa have a stake in disease as well, but only Apollyon symbolizes sickness on this scale.
- Mystical Plague: How he creates them, going for maximum virulence. Some of his diseases even attack the fabric of reality itself.
- Plaguemaster: Where other gods might represent various diseases, or forms of infection, Apollyon represents fullscale pandemics.
- Poisonous Person: Is one and can transform his followers into them as well.
- Public Domain Character: Apollyon was originally the Greek name of the Hebrew Abaddon, alternately the "king of tormenting locusts" and "angel of the bottomless pit" or the place of the dead. Pathfinder uses the Greek name for the Horseman and the Hebrew name for the plane he co-rules.
- Sinister Scythe: Carries one as his Weapon of Choice.
- Skull for a Head: A naked ram's skull to be precise.
- Synthetic Plague: He's manufactured a lot, through alchemical, biological, and magical means.
- Typhoid Mary: Has manufactured and manipulated more than a few of them.
- Villain Team-Up: His cultists often ally with followers of Rovagug, Urgathoa and especially fellow Plaguemaster Ghlaunder, whose portfolio of parasites, infection, and stagnation nicely complements Apollyon's love of pandemics.
- You Dirty Rat: Counts many wererats among his most fervent worshippers. He's also served by giant plague rats and other vermin.
- Rodents of Unusual Size: Frequently makes use of them to deliver his plagues.
- Swarm of Rats: Uses them as carriers of his infections.
- Your Soul Is Mine: Daemons are all soul thieves, and the Horsemen are more powerful than most. They can also grant their worshippers the power to become Soul-Drinkers, who ape the daemons by feeding on innocent souls.
The Faceless Sphinx
Demon Lord of greed, magical and mundane portals, and riddles
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Blood Is Squicker in Water: Her current realm, The Blood Clefts, is a region of crimson, stony hills and gulches teeming with rivers of blood.
- Go Mad from the Revelation: What happens to those who see her face, unless of course they just die from the sight instead.
- Pyramid Power: Like her sister, uses pyramids as temples.
- Riddling Sphinx: A particularly unfair and sadistic version. Different from other sphinxes in that she has dragon wings and a riddle-whispering viper for a tail.
- Sibling Rivalry: With her sister, Aldinach. Which, logically, makes Lamashtu her mother.
- The Exile: Her sister, Aldinach, kicked her out of her former realm, The Sea of Whispering Sands.
- The Faceless: Appears as such. Although she does have one, but you don't want to see it. See Go Mad from the Revelation above.
The Lord of the Flies
Lord of the Seventh Hell, archdevil of arrogance, flies, and lies
Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Archdevil
- Break the Haughty: Not that he's ever learned anything from it. Both envy and arrogance are part of his portfolio after all.
- Broken Angel: When Baalzebul demanded too much from Asmodeus, the god shattered his body and remade it from thousands of biting flies.
- The Corrupter: Needs everyone to be as broken and hateful as he is.
- Driven by Envy: Of Mephistopholes and anything beautiful.
- Fallen Angel: Was once an angel with the title of the Lord of All That Flies.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Towards all the Lords of Hell and Mephistopholes in particular. To a lesser degree he's like this towards those angels that retain their form, and creation in general.
- Public Domain Character: His name is a corruption of "Beelzeboul", the Greek name of Beelzebub. Baal, an ancient Mesopotamian god turned demon by the Church may also be invoked by it.
- Pyrrhic Victory: Baalzebul revels in empty victories, not least because they're the only kind he ever has.
- Red Baron: The White Son, The Lord of the Flies
- The Starscream: Towards Asmodeus; see "Well Done, Son" Guy for how complicated this is.
- The Unfavourite: Regards himself as this, with Mephistopholes as The Favourite.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Desperately wants Asmodeus' approval, as much or more than he wants his throne.
- Winged Humanoid
- The Worm That Walks: His body is composed of millions of flies.
Lord of the Minotaurs
Demon Lord of beasts, labyrinths, and minotaurs
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- The Beast Master
- Blade on a Stick: Favours the glaive as his Weapon of Choice.
- Demon Lord
- The Dragon: The closest thing that Lamashtu has to one.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Both he and his followers are fond of devouring human flesh.
- Large and In Charge
- A Load of Bull: Looks like a minotaur, is lord of the minotaurs, and grants his followers the power to turn into minotaurs. If you go off the legends he was actually created by Lamashtu for the specific purpose of leading her armies of minotaurs.
- Unholy Matrimony: He is one of Lamashtu's favorite lovers and is held highly in her esteem. Try not to picture that, okay?
The Bearded Lord
Lord of the First Hell, demigod of animals, corruption, and gateways
Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Archdevil: Averted. Barbados is not an archdevil; no one, save perhaps Asmodeus, has any idea what he is.
- Beard of Evil: He's called the Bearded Lord for a reason.
- The Corrupter
- Evil Old Folks: Takes the form of an old, decrepit man.
- In the Hood
- Infernal Paradise: His personal fortress, The Promised Land, looks like a paradise from the distance. But a closer look reveals that it is a truly twisted realm.
- Mordor: His layer of Hell, Avernus, is the surface layer; a vast volcanic desert of pitted iron and charred rock.
- Ominous Floating Castle: His fortress, The Promised Land, hovers over the realm of Avernus, taunting everyone trapped in the Hell below.
- Public Domain Character: He is based on an obscure demon from the Ars Goetia.
- Red Baron: The Bearded Lord.
- Third Eye
- Weird Beard: It's made of tentacles.
The Pale Kiss
Lord of the Fourth Hell, archdevil of adultery, deception, and desire
Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Archdevil
- The Corrupter
- Father of a Thousand Young: No archfiend has ever reproduced the way Belial has.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings
- Light Is Not Good: Invoked by the angelic half of his split form.
- Lust: Suffers from it, inflicts it upon his followers, and likes those who act on it.
- Public Domain Character: He is based on a demon from Judeo-Christian apocrypha.
- Red Baron: The Pale Kiss, The Thorned Caress, The Father of Whores
- Two-Faced: When dealing with the other Lords of Hell he takes on a form that is devilish on one side and angelic on the other.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Can take on any form when dealing with other beings, appearing as what they most desire; what his true form is, no one knows.
- Winged Humanoid
The Boatman
Horseman of Death[1]
Alignment: Neutral Evil
- Archdaemon: One of the Four archdaemons who rule Abbadon in concert.
- Asskicking Equals Authority
- Beware the Quiet Ones: Charon is easily the quietest, subtlest, and least overtly antagonistic of the Four. He's also the most patient, underhanded, and dangerous.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: With the other Four, though he's the closest to being first among equals, due to his status as the only one of the original Horsemen left. He rules the largest domain as well.
- Black Cloak
- The Chessmaster: Charon plays the longest game of Four, and is willing to wait eons for his plans to come to fruition.
- Co-Dragons: Was once Co Dragons to the Oinodaemon alongside the rest of the original Four.
- Cool Boat: His skiff, which can travel anywhere in the cosmos.
- Deal with the Devil: The most likely of the Four to make a deal with a human and honour it (at least on the surface).
- Dem Bones: Under his boatman's cloak Charon is nothing but a skeleton.
- Evil Is Deathly Cold: From the waters of the Styx to his gaze to the daemon himself, everything about Charon is cold.
- Evil Old Folks: The oldest and likely the most powerful of the Four, he's the only one of the original Horsemen left.
- Evil Virtues: Patience. Unlike some of his more impetuous kin, Charon knows that he can afford to wait a long, long time.
- Eyes of Gold: Sickly yellow actually.
- The Faceless
- The Ferry Man: His nickname is the Boatman for a reason--Charon typically appears as a ragged, cloaked figure on a skiff, fishing the River Styx for souls. His thanadaemons affect the same look.
- Grim Reaper: Of evil souls. They all eventually come to the Styx. Appearance wise, he's got the Black Cloak and the personality, while Apollyon has the scythe and Skull for a Head.
- Hellish Horse: Chloros, a mummified nightmare whose touch leeches life.
- Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- King Mook: Looks exactly like his thanadaemons, or them like him.
- Klingon Promotion: While Charon did not slay his predecessor, he did participate in the chaining of the Oinodaemon, elevating himself to the position of one of the rulers of Abbadon instead of merely The Dragon.
- Making a Splash: Water is one of his domains, and he makes his home in the Drowning Court beneath the River Styx.
- Misanthrope Supreme
- Nice Hat: Wears a broadbrimmed boatman's hat over his head.
- Nietzsche Wannabe: In addition to being a daemon, Charon is fully aware that time will eventually destroy everything. Empires fall, stars burn out, universes collapse, nothing endures. Nothing save perhaps the Boatman himself.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Charon is willing to wait a long time for his goals to be achieved, but like the other Horsemen, his objective is to usher in the End Times.
- Overnight Age-Up: Can inflict this upon those who see him or his steed.
- Pragmatic Villainy: Charon will do exactly what he has to in order to get results, no more, no less.
- Public Domain Character: He's based on Charon, the Underworld boatman from Classical Mythology.
- Everybody Hates Hades: Charon in the mythos was not even close to this evil.
- Simple Staff: The quarterstaff (or more accurately a boater's pole) is his Weapon of Choice and he is rarely pictured without one.
- Teleporters and Transporters: Charon and his ferrymen can take anybody anywhere on any of the planes.
- Villain Teleportation: This is part of what makes him so frightening.
- Stronger with Age: He's probably the most powerful Horseman and is so old that he predates the evolution of the humanoid form.
- The Undead: Frequently aids in the creation of liches, vampires, and other undead, knowing that these creatures will spread horrific levels of death wherever they go--and that in the end, they themselves will most likely be slain and end up in Abaddon.
- Vampiric Draining: One of his Hellish Horse's talents.
- Villain Team-Up: He's the one who offered Urgathoa and Zyphus land in Abaddon, and his cultists frequently ally with Zyphus'. Charon and Zyphus themselves seem to be on relatively amicable terms as well, or as amicable as two Neutral Evil deities can be.
- Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Dustbringer, an engine of war created by Charon with the help of two other (long dead Horsemen) and powered by the soul of a third. It is currently trapped in Caina (one of the levels of Hell) after a clash with Asmodeus himself.
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: As the agent of Death by Old Age, Charon actively opposes those who would extend their lifespans via magic or any other means.
- Xanatos Gambit: Charon is a master of these, frequently cutting deals that either end with mass deaths on a tremendous scale, or the supplicant's soul ending up in the Drowning Court. Either way, Charon wins.
- Your Soul Is Mine
Cyth V'sug
Prince of the Blasted Heath
Demon Lord of disease, fungus, and parasites
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Alternate Company Equivalent/Distaff Counterpart: Of Zuggtmoy, the Demon Queen of Fungus from Dungeons & Dragons.
- Combat Tentacles
- Demon Lord
- Genius Loci: Lives at the centre of the Jeharlu, a massive, living parasitic fungus larger than entire worlds.
- Green Thumb: Inverted. Cyth V'sug destroys entire forests, leaving areas bereft of life.
- Man-Eating Plant: Cyth V'sug resembles a monstrous fungal dragon, sprouting with tentacles, and waiting to devour or infect anything that comes into range.
- The Man Behind the Man: Might well be this to Treerazer, one of his spawn whom he recently exiled to the Material Plane. Some suspect that Treerazer's attack on Kyonin is part of Cyth V'sug's plan to establish a foothold on the Material Plane much like that held by Deskari in the Worldwound.
- Plaguemaster
- Planet Eater: Consumes the life of entire worlds and adds their remnants to his ever growing realm.
- Poisonous Person
- Puppeteer Parasite: Numbers them among his minions.
- Vampiric Draining: His parasites can grant this power to his followers.
- Walking Wasteland: Transforms entire regions into dying ruins filled only by fungus and parasites.
The Shadow in the Sea
Demon Lord of deformity, the sea, and sea monsters
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Anything That Moves: Dagon will sleep with everything and anything, though it's for the purposes of breeding, not enjoyment.
- Combat Tentacles
- Demon Lord
- Eldritch Abomination: Dagon's a former Qlippoth Lord and it shows. Both his size and shape are near impossible to describe.
- Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods: The krakens and devilfish who serve him, and arguably Dagon himself.
- Evil Eye: His symbol is a single octopus eye.
- Fish People: His followers can easily degenerate into this, becoming twisted deep ones.
- Kraken and Leviathan: Dwarfs all other sea monsters, and demon lords for that matter. He also commands the alleigance of many of these beasts.
- Large and In Charge: The largest demon lord in existence.
- Making a Splash
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous
- Prongs of Poseidon: Has the trident as a favoured weapon.
- Public Domain Character: Based on an ancient fertility god worshiped in the Near East, as well as the ruler of the deep ones in the Cthulhu Mythos.
- The Rival: To Gozreh and Besmara for control over the oceans and the monsters within it. It's worth noting that many of the evil beasts of the deep choose to worship Dagon, likely because he's the option who matches their attitudes best.
- Sea Monster: Dagon is not fully fish, octopus, or eel, but he is utterly horrific. He is also followed by many sea monsters, including devilfish, krakens, and other acquatic horrors.
- Swamps Are Evil: Marsh giants are among Dagon's most fervent followers, and areas where his worship is prevalent seem to degenerate into this sort of territory very swiftly.
Lord of the Locust Host
Demon Lord of chasms, infestation, and locusts
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Arch Enemy: Of the nation of Mendev in the present, and the nation of Sarkorsis, and the god Aroden in the backstory.
- Bigger Bad: Of essentially any campaign taking place in Mendev or the Worldwound, or involving the latter's Demons.
- Big Creepy-Crawlies: Resembles a human/locust hybrid, and is served by various giant insects and vermleks.
- Centauroid Form: Human(ish) from the waist up, locust from the waist down.
- Demon Lord
- Good Wings, Evil Wings
- The Worm That Walks: His wings are made out of thousands of buzzing insects. He also counts many Worms That Walk among his worshippers.
- In the Blood
- Overlord, Jr..: If the stories about his being Pazuzu's son are true.
- Red Baron: In addition to the title of "Lord of the Locust Host," his role in the destruction of Sarkorsis, and the emergence of the Worldwound has earned him the moniker of "Usher of the Apocalypse."
- Sorcerous Overlord: The true ruler of the Worldwound.
- The Swarm: Part of his portfolio are swarms of locusts.
- Take Over the World: Seeks to conquer the entire world through the rent his cultists have opened in the Worldwound.
- We Have Reserves
- Winged Humanoid: Though of a very different sort from his father.
- Zerg Rush: Deskari's followers understand that they are weak as individuals, but that together, they are strong, and rush into battle as a single-minded horde.
The Father of Dis
Lord of the Second Hell, archdevil of cities, prisons, and rulership
Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Amicably Divorced: From his second wife, the demigoddess Feronta.
- Archdevil
- Big Red Devil
- Carry a Big Stick: Favours the heavy mace.
- The Corrupter
- Evil Overlord: Of the city of Dis.
- Faux Affably Evil: Puts on a polite facade, but finds it utterly boring.
- Happily Married: To his third wife, Erecura, a former mortal who is also one of his closest advisors.
- Horned Humanoid
- Public Domain Character: "Dis Pater" was a cthonic earth-god worshiped by the Romans who was later identified with Hades/Pluto.
- Red Baron: The Iron Lord, The Father of Dis, The First King.
- Unholy Matrimony: He has been married three times. He cannot recall what happened to his first wife, he is Amicably Divorced from the second, and Happily Married to the third.
The Burning Maw
Demon Lord of fire, salamanders, and volcanoes
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Arch Enemy: Of one of the fire elementals, who battles him for the loyalty of the salamanders. So far, Flauros is winning.
- Blade on a Stick: Carries a spear in his preferred form.
- Demon Lord
- Everyone Can See It: He and Fhengasma are a villainous example. Flauros has never commented one way or another, but let's put it this way--she roosts at the foot of the volcano he lives in, she's been there as long as anyone can remember, and there seem to be a lot of half-fiend/half-red dragon offspring hanging around Flauros' lair.
- Large and In Charge: He is described as "immense" and wields a sixty-foot spear.
- Lethal Lava Land: His home plane.
- Magma Man: Amphibian anyway.
- Our Dragons Are Different: Counts a sizeable number of red dragons among his worshippers, is served by half-fiend red dragons, and is likely in a relationship with one.
- Playing with Fire: Can grant this power to his followers.
- Pyromaniac: His worshippers includes many arsonists among their number.
- Unholy Matrimony: Rumoured to be in a longterm relationship with a red dragon named Fhengasma.
- Volcano Lair: Makes his home in the midst of one.
The Source of Lies
Lord of the Fifth Hell, archdevil of forbidden knowledge, heresy, and snakes
Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Archdevil
- Consummate Liar: Geryon is The Source of Lies. With every lie spoken on the Material Plane, a drop of poison floods his realm. It is not surprising therefore, that he is a very good liar.
- The Corrupter
- Epic Flail
- Genius Bruiser: He may look like some sort of monstrous animal, but Geryon is actually very intelligent and has many of the secrets of the multiverse at his disposal.
- I Gave My Word: It doesn't happen often, but if Geryon actually gives his word, he keeps it, understanding that without truth there can be no lies.
- Large and In Charge: Geryon is the largest of the archdevils, and looks more like a guardian monster than one of the smartest beings in Hell.
- Manipulative Bastard: Offers secrets and forbidden knowledge in order to tempt those who speak to him into heresy.
- Multiple Head Case: Geryon has three heads.
- Public Domain Character: He is based on two serpentine creatures named Geryon, one from Classical Mythology (who battled Herakles) and one from The Divine Comedy (who was an actual demon).
- Red Baron: The Serpent, The Source of Lies, The Wild Beast
- Snake People: Has the lower body of a monstrous serpent and three seperate upper bodies.
- Snakes Are Evil
Song of the Swamp
Demon Lord of amphibians, boggards, and swamps
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: One possible origin story for Gogunta is that she was a mobogo (a monstrous boggard) that ascended to demonhood. That or she was a hezrou in service to Dagon.
- Frogs and Toads: She's a giant multi-headed frog.
- Multiple Head Case: Has many heads, and even more eyes and tongues.
- Swamps Are Evil: Her abyssal realm is the salt marsh of Mephizim, but it actually floats on top of Dagon's oceanic realm Ishiar. Dagon doesn't seem to mind, however, and the two lords' cults mingle freely.
- Whip It Good: Her favored weapon is a whip.
The Whispers Within
Demon Lord of alchemy, invention, and transformation
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Alchemy: Uses it for evil.
- A Load of Bull: His true form is said to be that of a demonic winged bull.
- An Axe to Grind: His favored weapon is a battleaxe.
- Beware the Quiet Ones: Often presumed to be among the least destructive and most reasonable demon lords. This is a ruse to get society to invent destructive weapons.
- Mad Scientist Laboratory: His abyssal realm, Cerebulim, is essentially an immense interlinked collection of laboratories, libraries, torture chambers, and bestiaries that he can shift around at will.
- Philosopher's Stone: Taught mortals how to turn lead into gold using one.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Prefers to appear as a member of the same race he is interacting with.
Mistress of the Hungry Moon
Demon Lord of desolation, the moon, and werewolves
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Big Badass Wolf: One of her forms.
- Demon Lord
- Everything's Worse with Wolves: Counts werewolves among her faithful, and has dire wolves, wolves, and wargs as her favoured minions.
- Horned Humanoid: In her manwolf form.
- Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: She and her consorts kidnap mortals from countless worlds in order to hunt them.
- Our Werewolves Are Different: She's the patron of werewolves, has many among her faithful, and may be the one to have introduced lycanthropy to the world in the first place.
- Shape Shifter
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Between a beautiful Varisian woman, a slavering wolf, or a mix of the two.
- Weird Moon: The moon always hangs over her lair in the Moonbog.
- Wolves Always Howl At the Moon
The Faceless Lord
Demon Lord of ooze, poison, and sloth
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Absurdly Spacious Sewer: His realm resembles one.
- The Alcoholic: He counts many drug addicts, alcoholics, and other substance abusers among his followers.
- Blob Monster: Appears as a gelatinous blob of protoplasm and is served by a variety of ooze monsters including his favoured servants, the omoxes, living waves of slime given sentience.
- Demon Lords
- Extra Eyes/Eyes Do Not Belong There/Red Eyes, Take Warning: His blobby body is covered in thousands of red eyes the size of a man's head.
- The Gods Must Be Lazy: Whether Jubilex even realises he has worshippers is a matter of some debate.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Enjoys absorbing mortals into his protoplasmic bulk when he runs into one.
- Lazy Bum: Not only in he the patron of sloth, but he suffers from it too. Unless you accidentally run into him, Jubilex poses essentially no threat to you.
- Muck Monster: The omoxes, which are essentially filthy water and rotting detritus given horrifying life.
- Not So Harmless: He's a joke as a deity, but Jubilex still has stats of well over CR 35, meaning that if you encounter him, you are just as dead as if it were any other Demon Lord.
- Orcus on His Throne: Jubilex spends most of his time wandering through the Abyss, bothering no one.
- Poisonous Person: Grants his followers the power to poison their targets.
The Deathless Frost
Demon Lord of cold, giants, and revenge
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- An Ice Person: Cold and frost are a part of his portfolio.
- Bald of Evil
- Beard of Barbarism
- Beard of Evil: Complete with skulls woven into it.
- Best Served Cold: Patron of it. Make your own joke.
- Demon Lord
- Determinator: An evil example. Having been transformed into a disfigured giant by Baba Yaga, Kostchtchie journeyed to the Abyss and became a Demon Lord (a process that can take eons) specifically so that he might gain revenge upon the witch.
- Drop the Hammer: Rarely pictured without his massive war hammer.
- Evil Is Deathly Cold
- Eviler Than Thou: With Baba Yaga and Thremyr, Chaotic Evil god of the frost giants.
- He Who Fights Monsters
- Our Giants Are Bigger: Stole the worship of many of the frost giants from their god, and resembles a deformed one of them himself. He also counts hill giants, ettins, and ogres among his worshippers.
- Public Domain Character: Named for Koschei the Deathless, one of the Big Bads of Russian folklore (and an archetypal lich) alongside Baba Yaga.
- Revenge: Kostchtchie loves the vengeful, and seeks to gain it himself.
- Revenge by Proxy: Hopes to raze Irrisen and kill Baba Yaga's daughters as a lesson to her.
- Self-Made Orphan: When he was human his father forced him to murder his mother and his sisters. Kostchtchie went him one better and killed his father as well.
- Was Once a Man: Kostchtchie was a human who was turned into a deformed giant by Baba Yaga. He fled to the Abyss and changed once again, becoming the Demon Lord he is today.
The Argent Prince
Lord of the Third Hell, archdevil of avarice, watchfulness, and wealth
Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Archdevil
- Artifact of Doom: Any treasure from Erebus has the potential to be one.
- Bigger Bad: In the Council of Thieves Adventure Path, where his bastard son, Eccardian is The Big Bad.
- Broken Angel: Mammon was ambushed by the celestials and his body destroyed; he now uses a bejewelled form designed to resemble his original one.
- The Corrupter
- Demonic Possession: Can do this to those who hold, or worse still, swallow, a coin from Erebus.
- Fallen Angel: He's the remnants of a fallen angel spread through all the treasures of Hell.
- Genius Loci: Mammon is the treasury of Erebus; every piece of treasure contains a part of his soul.
- Greed: He's Hell's treasurer and never lets a single piece get away; nothing claimed by Mammon or the realm of Erebus truly escapes.
- Heart Trauma: The gem that forms his heart is missing.
- Horned Humanoid: On his Argent Prince form.
- Public Domain Character: "Mammon" is a general term for the evil influence of wealth, personified as a fallen angel in Paradise Lost.
- Red Baron: The Countless, The Grasping One, The Open Palm, The Argent Prince
- Treasure Room: He is one, possessing the entire Vault of Erebus.
The Merchant of Souls
Lord of the Eighth Hell, archdevil of contracts and secrets
Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Archdevil
- Big Red Devil
- Consummate Liar: Only Asmodeus can tell when Mephistopheles is lying.
- The Corrupter
- Dark Messiah: He is Asmodeus' most fervent apostle and preaches the superiority of Hell to all those who will listen.
- Deal with the Devil: Loves them almost as much as Asmodeus.
- The Dragon: He is Asmodeus' favoured son and right-hand devil.
- Horned Humanoid
- Manipulative Bastard
- Playing with Fire: He's made of the stuff of Hellfire.
- Public Domain Character: Based, of course, on the character from Faust.
- Red Baron: The Crimson Son, The Devil King, The Merchant of Souls
- Rules Lawyer
- Trickster
The General of Hell
Lord of the Sixth Hell, archdevil of fire, obedience, and war
Alignment: Lawful Evil
- Archdevil
- Breath Weapon
- The Brute: He is very much Asmodeus' muscle.
- Choice of Two Weapons: Wields the thorned sword Ramithaine and the battleaxe Goreletch.
- The Corrupter
- Evil Is Not Pacifist: Though less so than Szuriel.
- Four-Star Badass: General of Hell's armies. Unstoppable in combat.
- Horned Humanoid
- Large and In Charge
- Playing with Fire
- Public Domain Character: Moloch was originally a god worshiped in North Africa and the Near East whose cult practiced human sacrifice by burning people alive inside a hollow metal bull statue.
- Red Baron: The Ashen Bull, The God of Fires
- War God: Moloch definitely has some aspects of this trope, and is associated with disciplined, regimented armies, and no holds barred warfare.
- We Have Reserves
- Wrath: All those who burn with anger join Moloch's legions.
Our Lady in Shadow
Demon Lord of assassins, darkness, and lust
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- A God Am I: May well be the next demon lord to ascend, a fact that worries Lamashtu enormously.
- Anything That Moves: She's about as discriminating as Lamashtu when it comes to picking her lovers.
- Attractive Bent Gender: Turns into a man when seducing straight women. He looks different each time, but is always attractive.
- Bat Out of Hell: She has a bat's wings and uses bats as her minions.
- Beware My Stinger Tail: Has three short tails ending in stingers.
- Black Widow: Seduces and then murders her targets.
- Brother-Sister Incest/Villainous Incest: With her brother Socothbenoth.
- Casting a Shadow
- Demon Lord
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Eviler Than Thou: One of the few demon lords to openly oppose Lamashtu.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Has massive bat wings.
- Horny Devils: She's the first of the succubi and is worshipped by them.
- Lust: Personifies all the negative aspects of lust, with the worst of her followers being serial rapists, sexual sadists, and the ever profligate drow.
- Klingon Promotion: Has cut a swath through the Abyss' demon lords, seducing them, murdering them, and stealing their followers. Lamashtu worries that she may well be Nocticula's ultimate target, as the demon lord's path to power bears a striking resemblance to Lamashtu's own.
- Man-Eating Plant: Like Cyth V'Sug, Nocticula often uses these to do her dirty work for her.
- Professional Killer: One of several beings to offer assassins their patronage.
- Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: Indeed it is, and Nocticula loves those bold enough to commit it. Rapists are among her most fervent worshippers.
- Sex Is Evil: Her kind certainly is.
- Siblings in Crime: With her brother/lover Scothobenoth
- Stripperiffic
- The Vamp: On a good day. On a bad day she's a full on rapist.
- Winged Humanoid
- Wolverine Claws: Has a truly nasty set of nails.
The Shining Scourge
Demon Lord of the deserts, the sun, and senseless warfare
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- A God Am I: Was worshipped in ancient Azlanti as a the sun god Nu'ruu'gaal and played a direct role in the downfall of that empire.
- Arch Enemy: Of Socothbenoth.
- Cain and Abel: Is said to be the half-brother of Nocticula and Socothbenoth. He has been at war with both of them for eons.
- Centauroid Form: Has a lion's lower body, a man's torso, and a lion's head.
- Eviler Than Thou: With the misotheistic aboleths, who destroyed Azlanti rather than let Nurgal have it for himself, and the demon lord Socothbenoth.
- Light Is Not Good: The posterboy, having the form of a lion, being associated with the sun, having light leak off of his body, and being completely and totally evil.
- Panthera Awesome: Served by many lions and leonine creatures. Nurgal himself has the lower body and head of a lion.
- Playing with Fire
- The Power of the Sun: Represents all the negative aspects of the sun--drought, scorching heat, dehydration, etc.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Not Nurgal himself, but his mortal aspect of Nu'ruu'gaal is trapped in the remnants of an Azlanti city.
- Thirsty Desert: Is most frequently worshipped in regions like this, and makes his Abyssal realm resemble one.
- War God: Represents wars that never should have been fought in the first place, and takes delight in sparking senseless conflicts.
The Oinodaemon
The First Daemon
Alignment: Neutral Evil
- Archdaemon: Was once the archdaemon in the way that Asmodeus is the archdevil.
- Cessation of Existence: What happens to those that he and his progeny feed upon.
- Evil Eye
- Evil Tower of Ominousness: The Ruined Spire, open to the sky wherein the Oinodaemon is trapped.
- Faceless Eye: Currently takes the form of a single, red eye hanging over Abaddon.
- Fate Worse Than Death: Bound and preyed upon by all the Horsemen.
- Genius Loci: His blood has infused itself into Abaddon, meaning that he can never truly be eradicated.
- Involuntary Shapeshifter: His imprisoned body changes shape constantly and randomly.
- Irony: An Omnicidal Maniac and Misanthrope Supreme whose legacy has involved the creation of the entire daemonic race, the demons, and the urdefans.
- Mad Oracle: Since his imprisonment the Oinodaemon has gone completely mad. He has also, however, begun to make unerringly accurate prophecies. It's one of the reasons (beyond sadism and a desire for power) that the Horsemen keep him around.
- Misanthrope Supreme: The daemonic hatred of mortality--including their own--originates with this guy.
- Monster Progenitor: He was the first soul to end up in Abaddon, and, infused with the plane's evil, became the original daemon. He later created the astradaemons to serve as his personal Elite Mooks. His descendants have continued this trend, producing the demons (by fusing sinful human souls with qlippoth) and the urdefans, a bizarre form of undead.
- Nietzsche Wannabe: The very first being to express the daemons' belief in all life being inherently worthless, he regarded mortality as a curse.
- No Biological Sex: The Horsemen use him and her interchangeably when talking about the Oinodaemon.
- Omnicidal Maniac: He is the Pathfinder verse's original nihilistic whack-job.
- The Omniscient: His omnipotence is gone, but within Abaddon his omniscience and omnipresence remains.
- Not So Omniscient After All: He totally did not see his fall and imprisonment coming.
- Physical God: Close enough.
- The Power of Hate: When the flood of souls reached Abbadon, the reason that he alone survived was because his hatred, rage, and self-loathing was so much stronger than that of his brethren that he was able to catalyze into a unique being and consume all the others.
- Red Baron: The Lord of the Forsaken, The Bound Prince.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Sealed Evil in a Can: The Four sealed him within his spire in the centre of Abbadon, that they might forever feed on his power.
- That's No Moon: The moon that hangs over Abaddon? If you look up from the Oinodaemon's spire you'll realise that it's really his eye.
- Your Soul Is Mine: Started the Abaddon soul trade.
King of the Wind Demons
Demon Lord of the sky, temptation, and winged creatures
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- A God Am I: Desperately wants to be a Physical God.
- Ambition Is Evil: Arguably the most ambitious demon in the Abyss, which is truly saying something.
- Arch Enemy: Of Lamashtu
- Beware My Stinger Tail: He has the tail of a scorpion on a body that is otherwise equal parts bird and human.
- Biological Mashup: Appears as a human/bird mix with the tail of a scorpion and a snake in place of his genitals.
- Blade on a Stick: His favoured weapon may be the longsword, but Pazuzu is usually depicted in art carrying a spear.
- The Chessmaster: One of the few demon lords smart enough to plan for the future.
- The Corrupter: A notorious recruiter of antipaladins, Pazuzu enjoys creating fallen heroes.
- Demonic Possession: Grants this power to his followers.
- Driven by Envy: His enmity for Lamashtu stems from the fact that she achieved godhood and he did not.
- Eviler Than Thou: With Lamashtu.
- Evil Genius: Pazuzu is one of the smartest demons in the Abyss. It's why he's able to vex someone as powerful as Lamashtu.
- The Final Temptation: Can grant this power to his worshippers. He's also rather fond of doing it himself.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Towards the real gods. See Driven by Envy above.
- Kill the God: He and Lamashtu lured one of the gods into the Abyss and murdered him. Since Lamashtu was the one to deliver the killing blow she ascended and Pazuzu did not; Pazuzu's goal is now to kill Lamashtu and take her place in the pantheon.
- Klingon Promotion: Seeks to gain one by murdering Lamashtu.
- Lean and Mean: In sharp contrast to the perpetually pregnant Lamashtu.
- Parental Favouritism: Pazuzu has many offspring, demonic, half-fiend, and tiefling, yet the Demon Lord Deskari remains both the most powerful, and his father's favourite.
- Public Domain Character: Like Lamashtu, he is a demon from Mesopotamian mythology.
- Shout-Out: His penchant for Demonic Possession is inspired by his role in the classic movie The Exorcist.
- Snakes Are Evil: Has one in place of his genetalia.
- Truly Single Parent: Is said to have created the Demon Lord Deskari with the first breath he exhaled on the mortal plane.
- Villain Teleportation: His headquarters teleports from plane to plane within the Abyss, making it almost impossible for the likes of Lamashtu to get a fix on him.
- Winged Humanoid
The Sacred Whore
Demon Lord of hopeless despair, heresy, and suicide
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Demon Lords and Archdevils: Was once a devil, who betrayed Hell to become a demon lord.
- Despair Event Horizon: Drives her victims to it.
- Driven to Suicide: Her specialty--drives a person to suicide, than claims their soul.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings
The Silken Sin
Demon Lord of perversion, pride, and taboos
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Anything That Moves: Like his sister, Socothbenoth doesn't care if his lovers are male, female, alive, dead, mortal, demon, bestial, or anything else. He has supposedly had affairs with Nocticula, Pazuzu, Baphomet, Andirifkhu, and of course, Lamashtu to name just a few.
- Arch Enemy: Of Nurgal.
- Bondage Is Bad
- Brother-Sister Incest/Villainous Incest: With his sister, Nocticula.
- The Casanova: Dark take. See The Vamp.
- Demon Lord
- Eviler Than Thou: With the demon lord Nurgal.
- The Hedonist
- Horny Devils: He's an incubus.
- More Than Mind Control: Can compel people into sleeping with him, and grants the same power to his followers.
- Pride: To his sister's Lust. She commits rape for its own sake; he revels in his own perversion and boasts of it.
- Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: Like his sister, he thinks it is the kind of special that deserves a reward.
- Sex Is Evil
- Siblings in Crime: With Nocticula
- The Vamp: A male version.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
The Angel of Desolation
Horseman of War
Alignment: Neutral Evil
- Archdaemon: One of the Four archdaemons who rule Abbadon in concert.
- Asskicking Equals Authority
- Badass: A requirement for being Horseman of War. Szuriel managed to cut down her predecessor, a monstrous daemon who butchered 10,000 demons in a single day during the war between Abbadon and Lamashtu's Abyssal forces. Not a girl you want to mess with.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: With the other Four.
- Black Eyes of Evil: "Mirrored and black as onyx," to be exact.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Blood Knight: A truly twisted one, whose wars tend to end in genocide.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Has a history of betraying those who contract her services.
- Cool Sword: Her Weapon of Choice is a jagged black greatsword named Lamentation of the Faithless; every Horseman of War since the office was created has wielded it.
- BFS: Her black greatsword is an example, and she prefers that her followers carry one as well.
- Black Swords Are Better: And may well cross over with Artifact of Doom.
- Dark Action Girl: Of all the evil female deities she is easily the most violence oriented.
- Evil Is Not Pacifist
- Fallen Angel: Affects this look, though it's likely that she was never an angel to begin with.
- Fallen Hero: May once have been a human paladin who was run out of her faith for heresy, and then turned on the very gods she once worshipped, exterminating the faith to a man.
- Fangs Are Evil
- Final Solution: Crucified every member of her faith after they exocommunicated her. She has gone on to support many other similar enterprises across the planes.
- Four-Star Badass: In life.
- God Save Us From the Queen: In life she may have been a conquering empress with a thing for crucifying her enemies.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Has black angel wings.
- Hellish Horse: Grace of Flame, a burning nightmare ridden by Szuriel and occasionally loaned to her most fervent worshippers.
- Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- Insane Admiral: Combines the worst traits of the Colonel Kilgore and General Ripper with Psycho for Hire and We Have Reserves. Sadly for the rest of the universe, she is not a General Failure.
- Klingon Promotion: Slew her predecessor in a duel for the title of Horseman of War.
- Lethal Lava Land: Her domain alternates between this and desert.
- Misanthrope Supreme: Szuriel had aspects of this in life, given her obsession with killing every member of her old faith and running her country into the ground. She's now a classic one as a daemon, seeking the extermination of all life, including her own.
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: Has a mouth full of fangs that would fit a dragon or a shark moreso than an angel.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: See her nicknames under Red Baron.
- Nietzsche Wannabe: Is one herself and, as the representative of the futility of war, tends to breed them.
- Obligatory War Crime Scene: Any campaign she involves herself in will have these, with her tacit (and sometimes open) encouragement.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Spreads violence, war, and chaos in the name of ending the universe.
- Playing with Fire: Fire is one of her domains, befitting a deity who wages scorched earth campaigns.
- Psycho for Hire: Often hires out her daemons as mercenaries so that they can engage in rampant slaughter; these campaigns always end in betrayal and the destruction of all sides involved.
- Rape, Pillage and Burn
- Red Baron: Angel of Desolation, Seraph of Devastation
- Salt the Earth: A favoured tactic.
- Slasher Smile: Her fangs turn every smile she gives into one.
- The Smurfette Principle: Is currently the only female Horseman among the Four.
- Sociopathic Soldier: Her followers, both human and daemon, will inevitably be these, or fully-fledged Psychos For Hire.
- Tears of Blood: Two streams of bloody tears run from each of her eyes.
- Volcano Lair: Based out of the Cinder Furnace, a volcano turned forge and military barracks.
- War God: Close enough. Szuriel represents all the negative aspects of war, including genocide, war crimes, societal collapse, futility, and brutal militarism.
- War Is Glorious/War Is Hell: Preaches the former whilst embodying the latter.
- Was Once a Man: She was a mortal paladin once upon a time.
- We Have Reserves: Encourages these kinds of tactics.
- Winged Humanoid
- Your Soul Is Mine
Lord of the Blasted Tarn
Nascent demon lord of pollution and the corruption of nature
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- An Axe to Grind: The imaginitively named Blackaxe which oozes acid. His favoured weapon is the battleaxe, and it is weilded by his few clerics.
- Arch Enemy: Of the Elves of Kyonin. Not only did he destroy their sacred forest, and take it as his own, he remains the one enemy whom the Elves cannot outwait.
- Demon Lord: Technically a nascent demon lord, which means he can be killed by non-epic mortals, but still has worshipers and can grant spells to his followers.
- Fertile Feet: Inverted. Mushrooms and mold sprout wherever he walks.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Evil batlike wings.
- Green Thumb: Horribly inverted.
- Large and In Charge
- Mordor: Turned the Fierani Forest into a barren, twisted wasteland known as the Tanglebriar.
- The Starscream: His former master, Cyth V'sug, exiled him to Golarion for attempting a coup.
- Unwitting Pawn: His betrayal and exile may be all part of a plan by Cyth V'sug to establish a foothold on Golarion, much like that held by Deskari in the Worldwound.
- Walking Wasteland
Trelmarixian the Black
The Lysogenic Prince
Horseman of Famine
Alignment: Neutral Evil
- Archdaemon: One of the Four archdaemons who rule Abbadon in concert.
- Apocalypse How: Set off a Class 5 while he was still mortal, causing the extinction of all life on his planet.
- Asskicking Equals Authority
- Axe Crazy: A gibbering lunatic who hears voices in his head.
- Bastard Bastard: Has no idea who his daemonic parent is, and is without a doubt, a bastard in every sense of the word.
- Bastard Understudy: To his predecessor/lover, The Parasite Queen.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: With the other Four. He's the youngest of the quartet, but his madness and success as a mortal ensure that the other three do pay attention to him.
- Body Horror: Inflicts cancerous growths and tumours on others and himself, in order to best demonstrate the self-cannabalisation of the body. His own body is covered in numerous carcinogenic growths, and is made of a slurry of bile, blood, and mucous that is barely contained by his transparent skin.
- Cold-Blooded Torture: Tortures angels to the brink of despair, and then devours them.
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience
- Evil Sorcerer: In life.
- Expy: Of game designer Todd Stewart's Planescape character, Shemeshka the Marauder, another jackal-headed daemon (or yugoloth, as they were called in D&D at the time).
- Full-Frontal Assault: Typically doesn't bother with clothes.
- Half-Human Hybrid: He was a tiefling in life, of human and daemonic heritage.
- Hearing Voices: Hears the voices of his servants and victims, most notably that of his predecessor, the Parasite Queen.
- Hellish Horse: The nightmare Halflight, a black, starving horse, with gleaming eyes. When Trelmarixian rides it, the boundaries between the two of them blur and it is hard to say which is the rider and which is the mount.
- Horror Hunger: Inflicts it on his followers and victims and suffers from it himself.
- Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- I'm a Humanitarian: Encourages cannibalism because after all, there's No Party Like a Donner Party when you're the Horseman of Famine.
- Klingon Promotion: Killed and devoured the essence of his lover and predecessor.
- The Mentally Ill
- Misanthrope Supreme: Killed every living being on his planet before becoming a daemon.
- Multiple Head Case
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Anyone dubbed "The Black" is probably bad news.
- Nietzsche Wannabe
- Omnicidal Maniac: Trelmarixian gets bonus points for killing every living thing on his home world when he was still mortal (and subsequently starving to death because of it). He's only gotten worse since becoming a daemon.
- Parental Abandonment: Trelmarixian has no idea who is parents, mortal or daemonic were, a fact that has forever haunted him.
- Power Born of Madness: Madness is one of his domains and he himself is absolutely insane.
- Power Fist: The spiked gauntlet is his Weapon of Choice.
- Skeletons in the Coat Closet: Occasionally dons the skeletons of those creatures slain by famine when journeying to the Material Plane.
- Was Once a Man: Or at least a mortal.
- Your Soul Is Mine
Demon Lord of natural disasters, storms, and trolls
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- All Trolls Are Different: Looks like a twenty-foot, horned Troll with an immunity to fire.
- Archnemesis Dad: Created the Trolls, yet loathes them all, going so far as to make his Abyssal realm a place of constantly burning fire, they're one weakness.
- Demon Lord
- Gaia's Vengeance: Some druids see him as such.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Horned Humanoid
- Kill It with Fire: Averted. He is immune to fire and can grant the same immunity to his druids and clerics.
- Large and In Charge: Stands twenty feet tall.
- Playing with Fire
The Horned Prince
Demon Lord of gargoyles, gluttony, and ruins
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Demon Lords
- Evil Eye: Has a parlyzing gaze that he can grant to his followers.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Stone bat wings.
- Multiple Head Case
- Our Gargoyles Rock: He rules the gargoyles and takes the form of a massive, four headed one.
- Villainous Glutton
The God of the Troglodytes
Demon Lord of vast caverns, reptiles, and troglodytes
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- A God Am I: Nice title Zevgavizeb.
- Beneath the Earth: The troglodytes and morlocks make their homes here, as does Zevgavizeb himself. His portfolio includes most of the world's vast underground caverns.
- Combat Tentacles: Appears as some sort of combination of dinosaur, dragon, worm, and tentacled monster.
- Demon Lord
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs: Is served by fiendish dinosaurs, and allows his worshippers to call them forth for aid.
- Tyrannosaurus Rex: Summoning a fiendish tyrannosaur is the best spell he can grant.
- Large and In Charge
- Lizard Folk: God of the troglodytes, the Exclusively Evil primitive predcessors of the lizard people. Evil lizardfolk have also been known to worship him.
- Lost World: His Abyssal realm closely resembles one, and his worship is strong in the lost worlds below Golarion, including dinosaur-infested Orv.
- Order Versus Chaos: More than any other demon lord, Zevgavizeb has no time for civilization. All of his worshippers (troglodytes, morlocks, lizardfolk) are primitive, often dwelling in caverns.
The Vampire Queen
Demon Lord of blood, cannibalism, and vampires
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Bat Out of Hell: Like Nocticula, she frequently uses bats as minions and messengers.
- Demon Lord
- Evil Redhead
- Fangs Are Evil
- God Save Us From the Queen: She was a monstrous queen in life; she's worse now.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Many of her worshippers are cannibals.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Bat wings.
- Lean and Mean
- Our Vampires Are Different
- The Undead
- Was Once a Man: An Aztlani queen anyway.
- Wolverine Claws
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- ↑ specifically, the inevitable death of old age