Lizard Folk

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    Apparently, lizards are Mayincatec.

    Almost every Standard Fantasy Setting with Loads and Loads of Races is bound to to have one group of these guys. A civilized or semi-civilized race of humanoid lizards, they vary from being scaly humans to large bipedal lizards to small dinosaurs and everything in-between. Sadly, they are almost always one of the bad guys, and even when not Exclusively Evil, they usually end up as antagonists.

    Most Reptilian Humanoids fall somewhere into this category, with the notable exception of lamias, nagas, and extraterrestrial reptiles, which generally fall under their own tropes.

    Lizard folk are generally divided into two types, the large muscled and brutish type, often crocodilian in appearance, and the smaller thieving gecko-like type, usually the more sympathetic of the two. Whenever Snake People are given hind legs, they are usually just Lizard Folk with fangs. If given a culture or civilization expect them to live in either a swamp or desert, be fairly primitive and tribal, and use various larger reptiles as beasts of burden.

    Lizard folk are often depicted as a very ancient race, far older than humanity. In this case they might be considerably more civilized, or rather they were in the past but are now a dying, degenerate fragment of a once mighty civilization.

    Expect some form of Sssssnaketalk, regardless of whether or not the culture (or species) is actually snake-themed. A mouthful of phlegm or mucus is also popular. May overlap with Fish People, depending on how willing the author is to stretch or disregard conventional taxonomy.

    Along with Catfolk, Lizard Folk are one of the most common types of anthropomophic beast-men. Also common in both sci-fi Space Opera and mythology. Their Sci Fi Counterpart are The Reptilians.

    Examples of Lizard Folk include:

    Anime & Manga

    • Tower of God: There are three kinds of Lizard Folk in the Tower so far: Anak's species, green humans with stout tails as long as their legs, Rak's species, giant, bipedal alligators with clawed hands, scales and a humanoid torso so that they look similar to Godzilla and Lebin's kind, basically humans with deep-slitted cheeks and reptilian fangs.
    • Lizardmen from The Slayers setting are well-loved by many of the show's villains as Mooks.
    • The progagonist from Dorohedoro Kaiman was once a normal guy that was turned into a lizard man through a spell, and spends a good part of the series chasing the person that transformed him into this.
    • Digimon has more than a few of these, usually falling under the "Dragon Man" classification. Notable examples include WarGreymon from Digimon Adventure, and OmegaShoutmon from Digimon Xros Wars. This being digimon, they tend to overlap with Our Dragons Are Different, and... well, a whole lot of other themes, frankly.

    Comic Books

    • The Grith, from Xenozoic Tales.
    • Spider-Man villain the Lizard, sometimes.
      • Komodo after One More Day
    • The Croccos, in The Phantom comic strip.
    • Killer Croc from Batman.
      • Croc used to be just a big strong guy with a skin condition, but he's become more lizard-like over time.
        • He was specifically mutated with a virus by Hush and the Riddler to make him more violent and feral, and less human. But by the end of the book it's mentioned he's received the antidote.
        • Which in the end didn't work; after War Games, he's more feral than ever and a scientist reveals (shortly before Croc eats her) that there's no way to undo it.
      • In adaptations, however, Croc is definitely an Alternate Company Equivalent of the Lizard, and has normal human intelligence (okay, normal comic book thug intelligence) no matter how monstrous the series at hand draws him.
    • Delphyne Gorgon of Marvel's Incredible Hercules is a much more reptilian take on the classical myth which combines this trope with Perky Goth, Hot Amazon, Catholic School Girls Rule and Tsundere in a Dating Catwoman storyarc. Is it any wonder she's a Fan Favorite?
      • Her race, the Gorgons, are portrayed as Lizard-folk with snake-hair, with a few having serpent tails instead of legs.
        • It's stated that the reason why she has legs is because after the Amazons cleared out a Gorgon nest in Atlantis they took some of the Gorgons with them, to interbreed them with humans.
    • Cross Gen gives us the Saurians, notable among other things for being able to acquire traits and knowledge from the creatures they eat, and for having ridiculously hot women.


    • The Grik in Taylor Anderson's Alternate History Destroyermen series, descended from raptors according to the Word of God.
    • The Hork-Bajir in Animorphs were large, bladed, dinosaur like herbivores.
    • In the Well World novels, Marquoz starts life as one of a small saurian fire-breathing race. After reaching the Well World, he is reborn as a Hakazit, a race of huge armored dinosaurlike war machines.
    • The Serpent Men of Robert E. Howard's Thurian Age, which were borrowed by H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos and Clark Ashton Smith's Hyperborea qualify, usually being portrayed with a full set of limbs.
    • Raymond E. Feist's Serpentwar Saga features the Sauur Lizardmen and the Pantathian serpent people.
    • Harry Harrison's Eden series has the Yilanè, a race of mosasaurs that evolved to intelligence in an Alternate History where the asteroid that supposedly wiped out the dinosaurs missed. Although there is conflict between them and humans they are actually more advanced (with technology based on genetic engineering) than the Paleolithic level humans.
    • The Lizardmen of the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks are the rulers of a vast and expansionistic empire, though there are also isolated tribes of primitive barbarian Lizardmen.
    • The hertasi are a rare benevolent form from Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar series.
    • Andre Norton examples:
      • The stand-alone short story "The Gifts of Asti" featured Non-Human Sidekick Lur, a good guy example; he doesn't walk upright, and speaks only through telepathy.
      • Quag Keep, which is set in Dungeons & Dragons' world of Greyhawk, featured a Lizardman named Gulth as one of the protagonists.
      • Norton's Zacathans turn this trope upside down and inside out. Yes, they're reptiles. They're also highly intelligent, extremely civilized, and tend to be top-level Intelligentsia (having very long lifespans gives them lots of time to learn a lot of stuff). And they're still outstanding fighters if they have to be, due to reptile hide and Very. Long. Teeth. (Oh yes, and the highest known psi rating in the galaxy, which they keep a Deep Dark Secret.)
    • Tamora Pierce's Tortall series has basilisks, which are bipedal, 7-foot tall, slender, lizard-like immortals that use Sssssnaketalk, speak most mortal languages, and can turn enemies to stone with a spell. Interestingly, the only basilisk seen in the series, Tkaa, is a good guy.
    • Terry Pratchett's Discworld has (in The Last Hero) the last two "Stupid Lizard Men", a race whose entire purpose seemed to be to act as drama-appropriate idiotic Mooks for evil overlords. They're all called Slime.
      • Given that other races considered absent from the Disc, namely orcs and goblins, have made a recent return it may turn out those were just the last two stupid ones.
    • Richard K. Morgan's The Steel Remains frequently refers to a great war that happened before the book itself is set, between the forces of humanity and their allies against the aquatic, lizard-like "Scaled Folk".
    • The Race of Harry Turtledove's Worldwar series are a species of imperialistic lizards who rule over an interstellar, multi-species empire. Their attempt at conquering and colonizing the Earth gives them quite the culture shock.
      • We give them even more of a culture shock in 'Homeward Bound' when we first send a slower-than-light ship to their world, and then a faster-than-light one.
    • The waterkin in Brave Story, as well as its attendant manga, anime, and video game.
    • Wild Cards has Wyrm, Troll, and Detective Harvey Kant, all scaly reptilian Jokers.
    • Anonymous Rex had some dinosaurs surviving their mass extinction. They adapted to human society by disguising themselves as people.
    • The Reptile Forces in The Ancestral Trail includes both crocodilian lizardmen and actual crocodiles; unusually, they're the good guys (OK, so they start off under The Evil One's control, but so does everybody else). The Cyber Dimension has a group of peaceful, highly cultured lizardfolk who are oppressed by Goffal and Pixar.
    • In the RCN Series novel Some Golden Harbor, occasionally sssssnake talking reptilian alien Fallert is on Daniel and Adele's side—and very taken with Tovera. This squicks Daniel something fierce; interestingly, his servant Hogg gets along just fine with Fallert.
    • The Dragonlance universe has Draconians. They start off Exclusively Evil, and usually appear as some variety of Mooks (either regular or improved, depending on the story), but the depictions have become more nuanced over time. The most notable subversion is Kang and his band of engineers, who while starting out as evil (in the alignment sense) are nonetheless sympathetic, likable, and relatively honorable characters (they eventually ensure their race's future, found a city, and if a scene at the end of the War of Souls trilogy is anything to go by, pull a Heel Face Turn on Takhisis).
    • A minor character in Moonscatter is "scaled like a viper and green as the new leaves of spring," and has a voice that's described as "harsh and inhuman." The implication, however, is that he looks very human otherwise. (Petting Zoo Lizardman?)
    • The Malazan Book of the Fallen series feature the K'Chain Che'Malle. They destroyed themselves warring with the Short-tails, the K'Chain Nah'ruk, which they themselves created. Mostly a fallen and forgotten civilization, they mostly appear as powerful zombies and large ruins. A few living individuals are encountered, one having been imprisoned in an Ancient Tomb and now quite mad, two others aiding a human who encountered them "in another land". The K'Chain Che'Malle seems to have organized themselves around Matrons in a manner similar to ants, the Nah'ruk were independent.
    • The Mwellrets of Terry Brooks' Shannara series. They're actually a subspecies of Troll, that survived in the swamps instead of the northern mountains. They have hypnotic eyes, limited control of magic, and a penchant for Fantastic Racism. One of the few species that has so far been Exclusively Evil.
    • The Chingers of Bill the Galactic Hero are a peaceful race of four-armed space lizards. Not that this stops the galactic empire from making war with them.
    • The rakoshi from F. Paul Wilson's The Tomb hatch out of eggs and are described in highly reptilian terms, although they don't have scales.

    Live Action TV


    • Super Mario Bros. presents Another Dimension where dinosaurs have survived and evolved into a species that outwardly resemble humans. There are still a handful on dinosaurs that haven't fully evolved, namely Yoshi.

    Mario: What single-cell organism did you evolve from?
    Koopa: Tyrannosaurus Rex -- the lizard king, thank you very much.

    Tabletop Games

    • Gagagigo and his subsequent forms in the Yugioh Card Game
    • The Lizard Folk of Dungeons & Dragons give this trope its name (they were "lizard men" in first and second edition, before political correctness kicked in).
      • In the same series are the smaller draconic (in more recent editions) Kobolds, and the similar-in-appearance but more hostile Troglodytes.
      • There's also the Yuan-ti, snake people. Pureblood versions look like people with scales and reptile like eyes. And ophidians, who often serve them or nagas.
      • Mystara does not leave many unused niches among the Petting Zoo People, so there are cay-men (little peaceful dudes), gator men (big ravenous thugs), and chameleon men (weird dragon-worshipping aborigine-analogs). Also turtles and snappers, if Turtle Folk count here.
      • The Forgotten Realms has the asabis (desert dwelling sort who eat humans) and pterafolk (humanoid pterodactyls) and firenewts. Also, there are saurials (four different species in a social symbiosis), but they were explicitly said to arrive from another world via gates - some were enslaved by a local rotten god, others as emigrants (in Malatra).
      • Dragonlance has draconians, as mentioned above.
      • Planescape has salamanders, firenewts again, and slaad, though the latter are more of frog-people.
      • Spelljammer has the common variety plus Hurwaeti and Dracons (dragon-worshipping reptilian centaurs) as PC races, plus syllix (aggressive Explosive Breeders with some impressive gadgetry and little to no magic) and several sentient "monsters".
      • And then, of course, someone had to submit a Dragon article with seven more species (Dragon's Bestiary: The Lizard Folk in #268).
      • Think we're done with lizardmen/folk, kobolds, trogloydytes, saurials, cay-men, gator men, chameleon men, yuan-ti and draconians? We're just getting started! There's about TEN more types of lizard men described in various other sourcebooks. Monster Manual II's got "braxats", Monsters of Faerun's got the "asheratis", "dragonkin" (another humanoid dragon race)... the Fiend Folio's got the "khaastas" and "sarkrith"; the Miniatures Handbook has got "khumats" (humanoid crocodiles) and "scaled stalkers", Races of the Dragon and 4th Edition have got the "dragonborn" (yet another humanoid dragon race)... I mean... holy shit, what's wrong with just lizardfolk?!
        • Ah, but normal lizardfolk can't drool acid into a vial to make an acid grenade. Think of the possibilities! (this is the canon explanation in the Forgotten Realms, where almost all the above races where created by the Sarrukh, the Reptilian Creator Race, for one purpose or the other)
        • On the subject of dragonborn, Lizardfolk don't breath devastating bursts of energy. And besides, Dragons are cool.
    • Lizardmen of Warhammer Fantasy Battle fantasy give this race a complete army and civilization (The Fantasy Counterpart Culture of various Mesoamerican civilizations, at that). Their leaders are a priestly caste of magic using Frog Folk - the Slann, who are the most ancient surviving civilization in the Warhammer setting. Earlier editions of the game had it that the Slann are a degenerate remnant of a race of Ancient Astronauts, though this is no longer canon. This setting is the Trope Maker for Mayincatec Lizard Folk, who have since been copied into such settings as Forgotten Realms, Rifts, Exalted, and several mods for Fall From Heaven.
      • Current cannon is that the Slann were engineered as the favoured servents to the Ancient Astronauts ... and that their culture is slowly degenerating and being lost.
      • Note also that they are sided with order rather than destruction and therefore one of few examples of lizardmen on the good side.
      • Loxatl fit the bill in Warhammer 40,000, though they're only a minor race of mercenaries, quadrapedal, and are more salamander than lizard.
      • The Old Ones, ubiquitous in the backstories of both games, are described as being reptilian and/or amphibian.
      • Technically the Lizardmen are four races: The aforementioned Slanns; the Skinks, small and skittish skirmishers and wizards; the Saurus, strong, ruthless and single-minded warriors; and the Kroxigor, huge, strong, not overly bright saurians who work both as heavy support fighters and manual labour.
        • Warhammer Fantasy Battle, of all things averts the usual "evil lizards" aspect of this trope. Unless you are in their "to kill list" (Chaos, Skaven, and Dark Elves in that order), they tend to ignore you unless you mess with their home. However, they have some serious communication problems as a Slaan's ramblings can have two completely different meanings (often causing disastrous results) depending on what Skink Priest interprets it.
          • Well, they are evil if you happen to be a dwarf player and sneak a peek at the timeline in the Lizardmen army book. The Slann realigning the continents broke the back of the old Dwarven empire.
          • Oddly enough, the Skaven accidentally started a massive earthquake in the area at the exact same time so it may be a coincidence.
        • Interestingly they are described as having a very different psychology to the 'mammal' races, being cold bloodedly slow to emotion but implacable once roused. This combined with their continual obedience to the plans of the old ones moves them into blue and orange morality territory.
    • Rifts has a number of lizard-like races, mainly the plain old Lizardmen, Tautons (Crocodile-men with scorpion tails that worship Egyptian Gods), Gromek, and others. In South America, a peaceful collection of Lizardman tribes was taken over by an organization of evil Dragons who have set up their own religion with Dragons as gods, and have built their own city for the various reptilian races. The Lizardmen, who would rather return to their simple lives along the (greatly-expanded) Amazon are growing increasingly dissatisfied with this arrangement.
    • The Viashino creature types in Magic: The Gathering, which can come in either the large and brutish or small and thieving brand of Lizard folk.
    • Earthdawn has the T'skrang, a river-dwelling race of water-loving swashbucklers - flamboyant pirates and story-spinners.
    • The Dragon Kings from Exalted are highly-advanced immortal, perfectly reincarnating humanoid reptiles who evolved from bestial savagery, make use of plant and mineral technology, use disciplined elemental powers, and ruled the world long ago. Who occasionally breath fire.
    • From fan-made Genius: The Transgression, the original Lemurians.
    • Saurans and sauruds from Talislanta follow the trope almost perfectly, right down to having a faster (saurans) and a heftier (sauruds) variety. They do live in volcanic hill country rather than swamps or deserts, though, and are skilled metalworkers.
    • The GURPS fantasy setting of Banestorm includes the Reptile Men, a race of reptile people originally from the Desert World of Gabrook.
      • GURPS Infinite Worlds includes Lizardia, a parallel universe in which humans don't exist and "neo-troodons" (the descendants of a small theropod dinosaur similar to a velociraptor) take their place. (Neo-troodons, by the way, avert the usual stereotype by being no more abhorrent than humans.)

    Video Games

    • MARDEK RPG: Chapter 3 features the Reptoids. They are actually Lawful Neutral, calm and meditative. They have a city (Xantusia) in the Sandflow Caves, and their chief Sslen'ck actually joins your party and becomes playable. Unfortunately, he leaves the city in the hands of his "trusted adviser", Blatantly Evil Chancellor.
    • The Argonians of the Elder Scrolls series are a smaller variety. They are usually portrayed as a civilized and friendly people (and are playable), just like the Orcs and Catfolk (Khajiit), and generally are treated well within the Empire. They, however, are victims of Fantastic Racism from the Dunmer, and most of them in Morrowind are slaves.
      • Not just from the Dunmer. The Argonians suffered considerable amounts of prejudice and demonization from other races and Tamriel's older empires in the past. Of course, racial relationships towards them have improved since the rise of the Septim empire.
        • In fact it was so bad that they had to make tyke bombs called Shadow Scales who are some of the deadliest assassins in the Empire
      • The very first game in the series, Arena, had "Lizard Men" as a common enemy, playing Exclusively Evil to a T. They have no real connection to Argonians, though.
      • And subverted by the Daedroth and the Clannfear - yes, they look like Crocodile Folk and Triceratops Folk respectively, but they're big ugly demons.
    • Bangaa in (most of) the Final Fantasy games set in Ivalice.
      • Don't ever call a Bangaa a lizard though. They take this very seriously.
    • Only in Tactics Ogre can Lizardmen be found in the Ogre Battle series. While they can be enemies, they can just as easily be members of your army, too. They aren't too bad of soldiers, either.
    • The Slithzerikai in the Avernum series are the bipedal crocodile type. However, there are both savage slith tribes and "civilized" sliths who have integrated into Avernite society. They're also a PC race from game 2 onwards.
    • Lizardmen are a playable race in the later Wizardry games. They're strong, tough, fast, resistant to acid, resistant to psionics... and comparing their intelligence to a sack of potatoes would be a grave insult to the spuds.
    • The Dracnari of Lusternia. Unusually for the trope, they're generally good guys - or at least neutral guys in their native city of Gaudiguch. They're both hardier and more intelligent than humans, and have a proud tradition as mystics and warriors.
    • Suikoden III had a race of lizard men. They weren't portrayed as evil or stupid though, more as proud warrior race guys. They also lived giant underground halls and specialized in blacksmithing. So they basically served the traditional role of dwarves in the setting.
    • In Quest for Glory III, there were the crocmen, who served as generic wandering monsters.
    • While there are no lizard men per se in the Warcraft setting (a small wonder considering how many different humanoid animal races there are in the games), the serpentine Naga probably still fit under this trope, being humanoid reptilians.
      • There are also dragonspawn, which are dragon-like humanoids.
    • Lizardman, once the proud spartan warrior Aeon Calcos, of the Soul Calibur series
    • Reptile, his mate, Khameleon, and a male of the same name, Chameleon, are examples from the Mortal Kombat Universe
      • it also must be noted that they are NINJAS!!!
        • Going against the popular Reptiles Are Abhorrent trope, Reptile's probobly the closest thing Mortal Kombat has to a sympathetic villain, and Khameleon's good.
    • The Dungeon Siege expansion pack Legends of Aranna featured the Zaurask which fit the tribal muscled variety.
    • EverQuest brings us the Iksar. As worshipers of a god of fear, they are pretty much Exclusively Evil personified. And you get to play as them.
      • Although EQ2 describes them as the orderly, structured evil to the dark elves' chaotic type. Considering the societies of Cabilis and Neriak respectively, this is not an unfair comparison.
    • The main adversaries of the original Neverwinter Nights campaign turn out to be a bunch of these coming out of hibernation they used to survive an ice age.
      • Also in several other D&D-Verse games, such as Temple of Elemental Evil, and Icewind Dale (I and II).
    • The MMO Istaria: Chronicles of the Gifted features the Sslik as a playable race. Apart from their hermaphrodite natures they tick all the tribal, muscled trope boxes.
    • Fiona's ending in Arcana Heart shows a Lizard folk swordsman helping her in her quest to return to the human world.
    • Many Ultima games feature Lizardmen as Mooks. Ultima Underworld, however, subverted this - in the Backstory, it turned out that the Lizardmen are actually quite intelligent, and were assumed to be mere monsters because they look fierce and are physically incapable of speaking the common tongue. When offered a peace deal and the opportunity to participate in a new, multi-cultural society, they eagerly accepted.
    • Lizardmen in Age of Wonders were a playable race. As they were neutral, both good and evil players could choose them as a second race during the campaign. In the sequel, they got displaced with draconians.
    • Chrono Trigger had the caveman of 65 million BC battling Reptites, humanoid, sapient dinosaurs. For the most part, the humans were losing the evolutionary war, but the arrival of a starfaring planetary parasite named Lavos doomed the Reptites to extinction and ensured humanity's dominance. Chrono Cross offers us a glimpse of what the Reptites would have become - an advanced species called Dragonians who would master both technology and magic, while living in harmony with nature. Unfortunately for the Reptites, the future changed.
    • Being a series with a cast composed almost entirely of Petting Zoo People, Star Fox naturally has some anthropomorphic reptiles, the most notable of them being Leon of team Star Wolf.
    • Battle for Wesnoth has the Saurians and the Drakes (both members of the same faction). The former are your average scaled semi-humanoids, the latter mini-dragons.
    • The Zelda series has a race of humanoid lizard monsters called Lizalfos, presumably a mistranslation or corruption of "lizard folk".
    • Bloodstone, a somewhat obscure CRPG which used the Magic Candle III engine, had the Tlengle. Big, scaly, strong, usually red. But they were also known for being skilled tailors, and the playable Tlengle would often crack terrible jokes. Bloodstone also had the Tlatol, primitive and violent evolutionary cousins to the Tlengle.
    • A minor enemy in some of the Castlevanias.
    • The Chamachies from Ascendancy are Lizardfolk Centaurs. Very smart Lizardfolk Centaurs.
    • The Kremlings in the Donkey Kong Country series.
    • Scaler has the main character Bobby/Scaler and his dad, Leon turned into this. Although Scaler and Leon are generally heroic, there are several other Lizard Folk who aren't and serve as antagonists.
    • The genetically engineered chameleon-based Deathclaws in the Fallout series. Although the typical Deathclaw is more like a vicious animal that attack humans on sight, the modified talking Deathclaws in the second game had the intelligence of eight-year olds and were capable of abstract thought and reasoning (despite their tendency to mimic human speech the way parrots do). Contrary to their violent relations with humanity, their own social groups was rigidly hierarchical, peaceful, and pack-based with a very strong Ape Shall Never Kill Ape attitude.
    • The Bedokaan of Arcanum are large, primitive and live in a swamp. They're not really evil, but have a very different psychology than "warmbloods". The conflict with them can be resolved peacefully, and one of them may join the party.
    • The Lizardmen of Armies of Exigo are an intelligent race who supply the Beast hordes with Striders (fast-moving, dinosaur-mounted, axe-throwing cavalry) and Warlocks (astrologer-type spellcasters). They're far more cultured than their Beast Man allies, and seem to have a society built on slavery and reading the stars.
    • Shra from The Reconstruction are humanoid lizards with a Healing Factor, in some cases anatomy-induced Snake Talk and tendencies of following whoever they consider the strongest. The ones living in human civilization are mostly enslaved, while most free Shra live anachronistically in jungle tribes. The major exceptions are the violent, fanatic Si'Shra and the pacifistic Sikohlon order.
    • X-Com: Terror From the Deep has two examples: the Gillmen and the Tasoths. The Gillmen are an evolutionary offshoot of the human race that had, presumably, went extinct at the time mammals became dominant, but were somehow preserved and enslaved by the aliens. The Tasoths are creatures that look like lizardmen, but are in fact organic androids manufactured by the aliens.
    • Frill Lizards in Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, along with their beefed-up counterparts, Über Frills.
    • Lizardmen were introduced to the Might and Magic verse with Heroes of Might and Magic III's Fortress town. They were a minor antagonist (annexing some border-regions of Erathia), but not evil (not doing anything more evil than, well, taking advantage of the chaos to annex some border-regions). Two lizardmen cultures were shown before the world blew up: Tatalia (represented by Heroes' Fortress town), a gnoll-lizardman-human swamp state currently ruled by a lizardman king, and the slightly less important Dagger Wound Islands lizardmen, who live on a set of islands that also houses a mysterious and ancient temple infested with various snake-critters...
    • Lizardmen show up one of the enemy types in Tales of Legendia. There are some rather silly variants, like one donning a baker costume that tries to give you a Baguette Beatdown, and a blindfolded, stick wielding one in a swimsuit who's accompanied by a killer watermelon.

    Web Comics

    • Being a Standard Fantasy Setting, there are Lizardfolk in the Fantasy subset of Irregular Webcomic. We don't see much of the civilization though, the most we know is that Draak is serving as a mercenary to support his home. He's also pretty smart and articulate, just not in common.
    • The Tsung Dao from Harkovast are a peaceful race of lizard-folk, making them a subversion of this trope, but there is one exception...
    • The Urrt of The Challenges of Zona
    • The Galapados from Terinu, justified in that they were genetically engineered from Galapagos Lava Lizards to serve as cannon fodder for the Big Bad.
    • Order of the Stick is a Dungeons & Dragons parody, so no surprise that this race eventually shows up. They seem to be common minions in the Empire of Blood, and so far include bounty hunters and a cleric. Roy also brings up the "lizardmen - lizardfolk" changeover, with Belkar quipping that "the lizard-feminists must be so proud of you."
      • The prequel book Start of Darkness also featured a tribe of swamp-dwelling lizardfolk.
    • The Mansion of E has (cave-dwelling) Troglodytes and (forest-dwelling) Saurs.

    Web Original

    Western Animation

    • The Mipedian's in Chaotic are actually fairly decent and honorable Lizard Folk, compared to the other tribes in the setting. They're desert dwelling, have wise members, and generally aren't a given episode's aggressor's, having even been the subject of at least one episode proving false Beauty Equals Goodness and Reptiles Are Abhorrent. Peyton is actually on very good terms with the entire tribe (and possibly some of the insectoid Danian's as well), more so than Tom Kaz and Sara with the Overworlders, Underworlders, and Danians respectively.
    • The Justice League episode "Eclipsed" has the Ophidians, who fought humanity "before cities, before writing", and whose spirits now form Sealed Evil in a Can. They're clearly meant as an Alternate Company Equivalent of Conan's Serpent Men.
    • The original 1980s He-Man and the Masters of the Universe cartoon occasionally featured Lizard Man, a friendly and helpful character, though not much of a fighter. Good for getting into a second-story window, though.
    • ThunderCats (2011) series has the Lizards, led by Slithe.
    • Chase Young from Xiaolin Showdown, who actually can turn into a lizard man.

    Real Life

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