< Pathfinder (tabletop game)

Pathfinder (tabletop game)/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Pathfinder's psionics system was done by Dreamscarred Press, whose third-party 3.5e psionics material was known for being more balanced than the official supplements (having the system's original creator as a member helps). Even the soulknife (whose only ability was summoning a weapon weaker than what he could buy in a shop) is now pretty Badass.
  • Complete Monster: Kazavon the dragon tyrant, both morally and physically. The specially-chosen champion of the god of pain who conquered the orcs of Belkzen and used them to terrorize a region. Imagine Vlad the Impaler as a 60-foot-long reptilian engine of destruction with an imperative from the depths of Hell and you're not far off.
    • Curse of the Crimson Throne has no shortage of despicable villains. All of them pale in comparison to what Kazavon got up to at the height of his power.
  • Crazy Awesome: Cayden Cailean, in his mortal life as well as during his godhood.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Laori Vaus, Perky Goth elf chick from Curse of the Crimson Throne.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: In some circles, Valeros the human iconic fighter and Imrijka the half-orc iconic inquisitor.
  • Fan Yay: Since the Rule 34, there's been a surprising degree of internet support for the Valeros/Imrijka pairing.
  • Fetish Retardant: Urgathoa, goddess of the undead. A sexy Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette from the waist up, but rotting and skeletal from the waist down.
  • Game Breaker: Depending on who you ask, the 3.5 CoDzilla (overpowered "Cleric or Druid") problem has either been preserved or addressed, with both sides arguing that their claims are correct. Given that everything boils down to individual player preference and the skill of the GameMaster to arbitrate these things, its probably best to Agree to Disagree. However, most people agree that the problem at least has been toned down.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Sarenrae's holy symbol features what would latter become Dark Souls's "Praise the Sun" gesture.
  • Iron Woobie: While the specifics have never been given, it has been stated that the goddess Desna's past has been shaped by tragedy and loss (including the murder of her closest friend and mentor), but she keeps on going without complaint.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Seltyiel, the token evil iconic, is rather pitiable if you read his backstory.
  • Les Yay: Between three of the four major good-aligned goddess, no less.
  • Memetic Mutation: Already spawning a few; Shalelu, the Red Mantis Assassins, and Hellknights (I AM THE LAW) are pretty popular subjects.
  • Nerf: And buffs too. A nearly-comprehensive list of each can be found on GiantITP, or you can ask around Brilliant Gameologists. Just be prepared for some backlash (see Ruined FOREVER below).
    • Most noteworthy is prestige classes, which seem to pale in comparison to the alternate class options of current era. Assassin was particularly badly hit, losing its small repetoir of useful spells and gaining only abilities used in conjunction with its hideously impractical death attack mechanic, making the class a really subpar rogue at best and a stripped down vivisectionist alhcemist at worst and like the Magus replaced the eldritch knight, so too did the ninja replace the assassin, gaining an easier to use, more effective version of death attack as an advanced talent.
  • Moral Event Horizon: What Zon-Kuthon, god of pain, did to his father.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • Lamashtu, full stop. Besides being a goddess of monsters and nightmares, there's all the horrifying details surrounding her progeny and worshipers. For example, Lamashtan priestesses who give birth to children blessed by their goddess do so by letting their offspring tear their way out of the womb.
    • More fun in this vein are The Motherless, The Tieflings with Qlippoth heritage. They're implied to eat their way out in childbirth.
    • Also Zon-Kuthon, god of pain, who preaches torture, mutilation (of both onesself and others), and dismemberment of living victims (who are kept alive as long as possible). Zon-Kuthon brutally tortured and flayed his own father until he was a broken and twisted slave.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: The developers sought to do this with some of the classic monsters, with the Misfit Monsters specifically going for some of the most laughed at monsters such as the Dire Corby, Wolf-in-sheep's-clothing, and the infamous Flumph.
  • Ruined FOREVER: Be very careful when you mention Pathfinder around The Gamer's Den and Brilliant Gameologists. Paizo isn't exactly popular with some members of those sites.
  • Squick: Lamashtu has this covered. See Nightmare Fuel above.
    • Zon-Kuthon. He's covered in ripped flesh and sucking wounds.
  • Ugly Cute: Goblins.
    • Fungus Leshy as well. Most of the leshy are Ridiculously Cute Critters, but the fungus-based ones look like baby spawn of Shub-Niggurath.

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