< PS238


The characters of PS238.

Spoilers abound. You have been warned.

Staff of PS238

nameHerschel ClayMantium
affiliationClay Corporation (presumably owner);
formerly ofUnion of Justice

Dagnab Cytocorp hardware! If I found out who's been ordering from that cheap-wad supplier... I might as well make my own EPROM chips if we're going to use this junk!

nameAlfred Cranston
affiliationPS238 (Principal)
formerly ofUS Government (President)

Even when you think you're doing the right thing, you might be going about it in the wrong way.

nameDoctor Positron
affiliationhis "family";
formerly ofUnion of Justice
  • Do-Anything Robot: Subverted when he has trouble fighting off aliens without the weapons in his combat body.
  • Me's a Crowd
  • Uncanny Valley: Normally, Doc P appears pretty much human, but (at least when interacting with his other selves) can lapse into Uncanny Valley-ness pretty badly. The other teachers tell him to knock it off because he's so unconvincing it's creeping them out.
nameVashti ImperiaSpell Syrin
formerly ofUnion of Justice

Only you see my true appearance. To everyone else I look like Vashti Imperia, J. Crew patron.

nameMaximilian KrutzCoach RockslideRockslide
formerly ofUnion of Justice

I think that's our cue. Let's go stomp some aliens.

  • Gentle Giant
  • Nigh Invulnerable: He's been driven something like four feet into concrete flooring by a blow to the head. It doesn't seem to have done much more than stun him briefly (and leave him stuck).
  • Shapeshifter Mode Lock: Max may be a massively strong, stone-tough bruiser that's more than seven feet tall, but he's pretty much stuck that way, which isn't much fun. He doesn't fit through doorways very well, can't move very fast and he can't even wear shoes, since they just kind of... burst.
  • Super Strength
nameCristina KyleMicro Might
formerly ofUnion of Justice

Victor Von Fogg: (to Zodon) You will pay for this, oh, yes...
Miss Kyle: Let's keep the vendettas down to a dull roar, okay?

nameWayne MillerThe Human Alloy
formerly ofUnion of Justice;
Power Partners

I've faced down military-level ordnance, fought beings with laser-beam eyes, taken on the worst the underworld has to offer... but [teaching] scares me worse than Doctor Von Fogg's legion of mole-warriors on a mushroom bender.

Herschel Clay: Besides, you have a knack for teachin' kids about science while scarin' the beejeebers out of 'em. It's a shame to waste a talent like that.

Other Staff:
  • Dr. Isadore Newby: School doctor, both superpowered healer and mundane medically trained.
  • Alice Oberon: Teacher of the Rainmaker classes. Canonically completely powerless; why she's in charge of the Rainmaker students remains unexplained.
  • Roland Wooster: former Battle Butler for the defunct Union of Justice (a.k.a., most of the current teaching staff).


nameJenny AdamsAmerican Eagle
affiliationPS238 (student)American politicians (sponsored superhero);
PS238 A-team (sometimes)

I'm in favor of blue - it's the same color of the skies, limitless and free, just like America.

nameBernard Brenner?
affiliationPS238 (student)

Bernard Smash!

nameRon PetersonMo-RonCaptain ClarinetArgonaut
affiliation Excelsior (student)Argos (King's only known heir)
formerly ofPS238 (student)Praetorian Academy (student)

I wasn't sure I wanted to do this saving people and stuff. It felt good to help, but I still want to make my music.

nameTom Davidson?
affiliationPS238 (student)

nameJulie Finster84
affiliationPS238 (student)PS238 A-team;
FISS movement (living symbol);
Earth ("official champion")
formerly ofUS Government (preliminary Earth Ambassador on Argos);
Argos (trojan delegate)

I'm sorry my powers aren't special or anything.

nameKevin KramerEmerald Gauntlet, Jr.
affiliationPS238 (student)PS238 A-team
formerly ofEmerald Ones (trojan delegate)

Son of expy of Green Lantern, somehow "inherited" a copy of the original gauntlet (and yes, it's still detachable)

Let's blast it!

nameAlejandro TorresThe Flea
affiliationPS238 (student)PS238 A-team (reconnaissance);
Revenant (field agent)

Is now when you tell me to "stay out of trouble" and "go back home" and "it's too dangerous" and stuff?

nameAmbriel ValentineGuardian Angel
affiliationPS238 (student)PS238 A-team

You can't touch me, you can't hurt me, and the more you try the worse it's gonna be for you.

affiliationPS238 (student);
PS238 A-team (magic expert)

The son of a demon and an angel.

To be honest, I didn't know I could do it. It sort of "happened." I think I need to learn more about what I am from Ms. Imperia.

  • Captain Ersatz: Looks like Spawn. Has the origin of Genesis. Acts considerably nicer.
  • Power Incontinence: Accidentally summons a tentacled... thing while listening to music.
  • Reality Warper: Among others - part of his remit is that there hasn't been a demon/angel hybrid before, so no-one knows what he can do.
  • Me's a Crowd: Mentions that he built "a homunculus out of cafeteria food."

nameToby MarlockeAbsolute Powers
affiliationPS238 (student)Nuclear Family

Tyler's former remote-control clone body, given autonomy by the actions of the forces of Order and Chaos and adopted by his parents. In the process, Toby gained quantum-based Reality Warper powers. To get what I wanted, I had to give up something: the best friend I could have.

  • Flight
  • Power Incontinence Every time he uses his powers to affect something, something equally bad or random happens in proportion to the scale of the task. Teleporting himself causes someone's phone to turn into a banana. Trying to give his brother powers gave every unpowered person in the world powers and depowered every superhero, and he was forced to change it back. Maybe. He also have a limited precognition for major side effects, so he could know it without actually resorting to Reset Button.
  • Reality Warper
  • Replacement Goldfish (Played with - though he's a clone designed to impersonate Tyler, he is the empowered son Tyler's parents have always wanted. As a result, Tyler worries they'll like Toby more. And whether they remember Tyler exists at all.)
  • Teleporter Accident: He is a walking Teleporter Accident. It's never directly harmful to himself nor (so far) other human beings, but the portal itself (if any) and/or something inanimate carried or in immediate vicinity of either origin or destination points is likely to end up... twisted.

nameTyler MarlockeMoon Shadow
affiliationPS238 (student)Revenant (sidekick)

PS238 A-team (informal leader)

formerly of84 (advisor "official consort" of the preliminary Ambassador)

A normal boy with two very famous heroes for parents. They wonder why he hasn't got any powers, but he is sent to school "just in case".

Look, I can't do any of the stuff you do. I don't have... you know... powers.

Tyler's diary: My parents put me here because they think I'll get powers someday. They don't seem to understand that if a blue boy who weighs a couple hundred pounds drops something big and metal on you, it doesn't matter if you were GOING to get powers someday.

affiliationPS238 (student)
formerly of?

I am acquainted with all stories form this world and others as they form the tableau of what you quaintly call "reality." The dreams of all sentient beings come together to shape what we see when we walk apart from the realms of sleep, and the whimsical novels of which we speak give their small contribution to making whole that which we see as the universe.

namePoly MekkisPolymer
affiliationPS238 (student)PS238 A-team
formerly of

One time I grabbed our mailbox when Mom was driving to the mall, and when we got there, my arm was-

Poly Mer: I'm glad I don't have to worry about costumes.
Julie: You don't?
Poly Mer: Nope.
Poly Mer: What?
Julie: Nothing. Just... nothing.

affiliationPS238 (student); Angie
formerly ofunknown planet

This is a sample of DNA that came from what you call a "cafeteria". It has evolved several times since I constructed this device. I have concerns for those consuming it.

  • Expospeak Gag: Once his dialogue is translated.
  • Foreign Queasine: His attitude about the cafeteria food.
  • Gadgeteer Genius
  • Intelligible Unintelligible: (Only to Angie.)
  • The Unintelligible
    • Prospero's dialogue is actually written with a font in which every character looks more or less the same. This font *is* decipherable, and reveals his dialogue for the first issue to contain nothing but comments from the author and Monty Python references. Later issues become slightly more in-character-esque.
  • Wingdinglish: Prospero's walls of text in his introductory chapters starts off with "If you can read this" and goes on with Monty Python quotes, a recipe, etc, to avoid heavy spoilers, but in the rest of the series, his utterings are often hilarious.

nameAngie Sinthousy
affiliationPS238 (student); Prospero

Ha! Never fails! You got owned, Dude! Now let's finish da Acessorizin'.

I rigged up dis hologram robot-thing o' my bad self to sit at my desk an' give da same wise-crackin' answers I usually do.
Does it work?
It spends most of its time in da principals' office, so I guess so.

name Marvin Hazelwood The Sleeper
affiliationPS238 (student, Rainmaker program)

nameSatori Deacon
affiliationPS238 (student)
formerly ofExcelsior (student)
  • Demonic Possession: Various non-corporeals try to possess her the moment they get the wind that there's a medium around.
  • Magnetic Medium: She can see ghosts and other supernatural phenomena. She hates it, because as soon as any given ghost figures this out, it will tell others, and soon they will bug the living crap out of her with requests from beyond the grave. And then other entities will get the wind of this and try to possess her. Which she likes even less.

nameSuzanne FinsterSuzi Fusion
affiliationPS238 (student)Nuclear Family

Doctor Positron says my internal body temperature can melt lead!

  • Gas Leak Coverup: Tends to prompt these.
  • Power Incontinence: Not powers per se, but her self-control is... well, it's good for 6-year old, but that does not say much. Thus everything works fine, right until she gets upset or distracted or panicked.

Zodon: If we can still see it, she's panicking. If she doesn't shut off the thrust, the only camera that can take her class picture is on the Hubble telescope.

Suzi: Don't worry! I'll keep you safe, Tyler!
(other kids) HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Suzi: What's so funny? Why is everyone laughing?

nameDillon FillmoreUSA Patriot Act
affiliationPS238 (student)American politicians (sponsored superhero);
PS238 A-team (sometimes)

The Defender of patriotism has arrived! And he's here to hone his skills and fight injustice!

nameVern McIntire
affiliationPraetorian Academy (student)
formerly ofPS238 (student, Rainmaker program)

nameVictor Mycroft Von Fogg
affiliationPS238 (student);
Von Fogg family (heir?)

Join Von Fogg or be vaporized from space.

So yes, we saved the planet. Again. Do I get a t-shirt if I do it a third time?

nameFranklin SpringerThe Whiz
affiliationPS238 (student)

Let's play kickball! Me against everybody!

  • Power Incontinence: He has to have his hair and nails trimmed multiple times a day to keep others from noticing how fast they grow.
  • Spirited Competitor: A teacher had him racing with Julie after noticing that Franklin is not going to try his best unless he competes against someone. Unlike in Superman vs. Flash racing, he plays to win, wants the prize (which the teacher invented on the spot just to make him run again) and complains that the conditions are unfair.
  • Super Speed
  • Superpowerful Genetics: Son of Lady Lightspeed.
affiliationPS238 (student)

My brain is going to hemorrhage. If I wasn't given the chance to do independent study in the labs, I'd go caroling ape-beans.


name?&? MarlockeUltima&Sovereign Powers
affiliationEarth Defence League;
Nuclear Family
Age? & ?

"To even think otherwise is to defy the will of the Universe."

nameUl-Ron? PetersonAtlas
affiliationArgos (Crown Prince; King)
formerly ofUS Government (sponsored superhero);
Earth ("official champion")
  • Expy: Of Superman.
  • Flying Brick: The brickiest among the Argosian nobility, which consists entirely of Flying Bricks.
  • Genius Bruiser: He has a mental boost implant, then was manipulated by a supervillain in childhood and learned from misadventure, grew up on a planet with very chaotic history, and for a while had to fight a trickster god every year. Some people both on Earth and on Argos think he can make a nice puppet just because he's polite and a bit too enthusiastic...
  • Rightful King Returns

name? Clay?Aurora
formerly ofUnion of Justice

nameMrs. RileyAstral Girl
affiliationUS Department of Metahuman Affairs
formerly of?

nameCharles BrigmanUnderguard Greyhound
affiliationPraetorian Academy (student, intern)
formerly ofExcelsior (student)

nameCecil Holmes
affiliationExcelsior (student);
Revenant (field agent);
cruiser Valiant Lance (acting captain)

nameAlec Kent
affiliationExcelsior (student)

nameWalter DurvinHeadmaster
affiliationPraetorian Academy (headmaster, duh)
formerly ofUSA Senate
  • Body Double: His Senatorial office is "now being run by a quite clever android duplicate". Because the sight of his new body would raise too many questions, some answers to which may contain "breaking and entering", "theft" and "patent violations" -- and that's even before his other deeds would be noticed.
  • Body Horror: Quite a looker. On the upside, now he can dig very fast through earth and data alike, and probably is mostly invulnerable.
  • Brain-Computer Interface
  • The Chessmaster: He has many layers of misdirection for his activities. Oh, and he unofficially rates his students on "Vetinari Scale".
  • Snake Person

nameDr. Philippe Von Fogg
affiliationA giant airship city-state (dictator)

What kind of world is it where a man who can build a zeppelin-mounted death ray can't even operate a simple camcorder?

nameAlexandra Von Fogg
affiliationPraetorian Academy (student; instructor/Metascience department chief/Fall Guy);
Von Fogg family (heir?)

Von Foggs do not humble themselves.

nameHarold NelsonThe Rainmaker
formerly ofUS government (test subject);
Dr. Irons (brainwashed minion)

The government wants to know how superpowers work, so they poke and prod the folks with powers that can't fight back. Like us.

name?The RevenantKent Allard, many other aliases
affiliationhimselfvarious enterprises

I sometimes think access to cash is the greatest superpower of all.

nameRoaring Cloud-
formerly ofhis tribe (chief)
Age?over 200 years

The former chief/shaman of an unknown tribe in America - a little before the arrival of Europeans (lucky for them).

  • The Atoner: It's kind of tricky, while he can't access his magic, interact with anything or even move around.
  • One-Man Army: Okay, almost half of the people on this page could count (at least potentially), but he made a point of issuing a challenge to a "conventional" army. When he finally gets to blast things, it was big magical artillery show indeed.
  • Personality Powers: Affinity to thunder-and-lightning magic is quite fitting for his (former) temper.
  • Smug Super: Consistently acted on excessive pride. Which is why he eventually was cursed.
  • Swiss Army Superpower: The first thing he does after getting his magic back is forming a radio transceiver from tiny discharges.

affiliationLas Vegas Metahuman Task Force (presumably)
formerly ofUnion of Justice or an allied group

Micro Might's estranged sister-in-arms. Now looks after law and order in Las Vegas. Appeared on two pages, but she's a part of UoJ history.

  • Fair Cop: She's easy on the eye in an uniform. So far it remains a mystery how she looked younger, air-dancing in some sort of tight outfit - this usually comes with the territory, doesn't it? - and maybe with a better hairdo, but there's always hope for more Union of Justice' flashbacks.
  • Flight: Of what we have seen. Other powers remain unknown.

affiliationfaceless forces of the Multiverse
Ageseveral millennia, according to himself

name?Mental Nucleus
affiliationNuclear Family

nameHigh Lord Dax-Ra
affiliationArgos (head of a noble House)
formerly ofcruiser Valiant Lance (captain)

Forak's former boss, on a mission to ensure the Rightful King Returns... and certain trusted advisor becomes the real power behind the throne?

  • Evil Chancellor: He expected Atlas/Ul-Ron, raised on a backward planet, will be a fish out of water and would make a nice figurehead.
  • Evil Gloating: If he had patience to steer clear or better off arrange an alibi when his operatives do something untoward and just let them do their job, nobody would know he's involved at all -- whether they'd be fooled the same way as he was or not. Truly "there's no fool like a royal fool".
  • Flying Brick: Like all Argosian nobility.
  • Jerkass: Somewhat infamous on his planet as a "tin-pot stiff-neck" having "odd priorities".

nameBrian HollandVictorious71
affiliation"Heroix"FISS movement (activist)
formerly of?

Sorry if I'm being too big a fanboy. I'm kind of nervous.

nameForak"New Atlas"Zero
affiliation84 (trainee, fan);
FISS movement
US Government (sponsored superhero)Infinite Vanguard
formerly ofcruiser Valiant Lance (engineer)
Agelate teens?

My royal blood is about as thin as toilet paper, and that's not the only similarity, in my opinion.

  • The Chew Toy: When we first meet him, poor chap stands right under a thick hatch door about to be explosively removed. His luck doesn't improve too much or for very long after that. Upon being extracted from under the hatch's bent remnants, he is hit with Shrink Ray and captured. Then gets out just in time to be irradiated with an Argonite crystal. Then he ends up marooned on Earth... And he understands better than anyone what a joke promoting him as "Atlas 2.0" is, thank you very much.
  • Flying Brick: Technically. He's on the opposite end of the Brick-iness scale from Atlas - just enough so that he counts as one. And had little to no flight practice.
  • Otaku Surrogate: He's a natural-born fanboy. Which helped him to distract one Man Child, but drove Julie half-mad when he started several "fan clubs" of 84 and began to follow her with a camera for co-admirers' benefit.

name?Ajax82 (planned)
affiliationPraetorian Academy (student);
FISS movement

Not for revenge. That's too petty. Besides, they'd just try to get me back. I'd gain nothing.

formerly ofSlavic pantheon

I know I'm being a bit of an A-type personality, but that's godhood for you...

  • Friendly Enemy: He used to fight Perun all the time; now that Perun is gone, he needs to find another opponent. He challenges a "champion of Earth" to yearly contest, and even did some trash talk. But in the end, it's a fate thing rather than his fancy, and he likes having a Worthy Opponent... and maybe getting some perks out of the deal.
  • Horned Humanoid
  • Stealth Mentor

formerly ofPlasma Pack

It was one of the names that weren't taken. It was either that, or Miss Miasma.

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