< PS238

PS238/Tear Jerker

  • The story of Mr. Extraordinary. "That's my girl". And then suddenly it turns into a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming.
  • When Tyler finds himself in a Castle Beyond Time, he finds a hall of mirrors where he sees versions of himself in other universes where he has powers, but several have definite Tear Jerker aspects. The worst? One where he is a powerful psychic who accidentally linked the entire human race, save himself, into a single peaceful, benevolent Hive Mind. The problem? The Commonality is too big and powerful for him to contact mentally, leaving him locked out, and very lonely. The only redeeming feature is that The Commonality is grateful to him and does try to make him comfortable.
    • Well it's not that bad. That version seems more bored then anything.
  • When Guardian Angel's powers are turned off, she feels rain for the first time, and decides to wait out in the cold instead of going inside.

Angel: I'm just going to wait here, because if I leave, my guardian might not be able to find me again. So I'm going to wait here.

  • Toby using his powers to make sure that his and Tyler's parents wouldn't reject the normal son now that they had the super-powered son they always wanted. In exchange, Toby had to give up the chance for the greatest friendship he would ever have.
  • Despite the generally light-hearted tone of the series, one character's subplot has taken a much darker turn. Ron Peterson, Captain Clarinet. After his parent's divorce, which he blames himself for, he finds himself increasingly disaffected with where his life is going. He suffers from a bad case of world of cardboard, and feels that PS238 isn't giving him the direction he needs. So he turns to the Praetorian Academy for... 'help'. Bear in mind that up until this point, these guys have been about as threatening as Dr. Claw. Given that Ron is the son of a prominent superhero, they decide to 'recruit' him. By mind-controlling his mother into abandoning him (deepening his already-bad abandonment issues) to their care, and beginning a program of thorough brainwashing. Ron is eight. I have been fervently wishing for something extremely unpleasant to happen to the villain in question.
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