Our Little Adventure/Characters
Here is a list of characters from Our Little Adventure .
Julie's Group
Julie Magilligan
"The power of friendship cures light wounds!"
Julie seems to be the protagonist of the story. The story begins with Julie working as a waitress for a bar in Huckleton called 'The Wayside.' Then one night, she gets a prophetic dream from a powerful shrouded figure she affectionately calls 'The Palm Tree Ghost.' The figure explains to her that she will save the world by getting the pendant and collecting the broken magicant pieces. How she will save the world with them will probably have to do with battling the Souballo Empire and using the Magicant's power to fix other problems.
- The Archer: A more proactive White Magician Girl, she uses a bow as her weapon of choice most of the time.
- Brainy Brunette: Though sunnier than normal brainy brunettes.
- Revealed to be subverted when the Palm Tree Ghost suggests to Julie to go back to being a blonde in this comic here.
- Big Brother Worship: Julie and Alfred are shown to have a great relationship.
- Cheerful Child: Just look at Julie while she's getting a piggyback from her brother.
- The Chosen One: Played with. Julie is the third person the Palm Tree Ghost sent on this mission.
- Cool Big Sis: As subverted as you can get with Angelika.
- Expospeak: Almost compulsively in the beginning. Even in universe those around her are annoyed with it.
- Happily Married: To Lenny, the group's fighter.
- The Heart: Usually is the kindest and most altruistic member of the group.
- The Hero: The others don't want the 'responsibility.'
- Hidden Eyes: Played straight when Pauline dies. Julie did not take it well.
- Five Stages of Grief: Played fairly straight when Pauline dies.
- Love Freak: She might become more of a real hero later, but for now she's this.
- Magic Music: She is a bard, after all.
- The Medic: She's the only group member who can use healing magic so far.
- Missing Mom: As Angelika explained, their mother died when Angelika was a baby and when Julie was a child.
- Neutral Good: Though the others think she's a bit too uptight to be simply neutral.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Thanks to Julie, Umbria/Zaedalkaah has been freed.
- The Pollyanna: Julie's happy-go-lucky most of the time, but she has some emotional baggage.
- Reluctant Warrior: She doesn't like fighting nearly as much as the others, and hates killing humanoid creatures.
- Spoony Bard: Her character class is Bard.
- Averted in that she is the most sensible of the group, mostly.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Julie is the sober, responsible half.
- Standardized Leader: Borderline case, though characterization is starting to kick in.
- Team Mom: The comic is invoking this as it progresses, especially when she's dealing with Angelika.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: When the comic began, but as it progresses her experiences seem to be changing that.
- Witch Species: Technically yes. Bards in D&D learn magic innately like Sorcerers do.
Angelika Magilligan
"I just USE the spells. I don't know anything about them!"
Angelika is Julie's fifteen year old sister. She bumps into Julie right after Julie quits her job at the bar and decides to join up with the quest. Angelika doesn't seem to care too much about Julie's mission and is only in it for the gold and to help keep her big sister safe. Angelika is very different from her sister, in both personality and the skills she uses.
- Bare Your Midriff: She wore a magic chain shirt that didn't for awhile. When she gets her new costume from her cloak of Charisma, she loses the midriff.
- Black Mage: To compliment Julie's friendlier type of magic.
- Black Magician Girl: Has the personality and powerful offensive magic.
- Blade on a Stick: Angelika's weapon of choice is a spear, though she had a Morningstar for awhile.
- Book Dumb: It's revealed Angelika doesn't know much of anything of the spells she uses.
- Chaotic Good...ish: Fans dubbed her this, in keeping with the The Order of the Stick definition.
- Bratty Teenage Daughter: The comic isn't a Dom Com but all the bratty self centered traits are there. She also has nothing but contempt for her father.
- Character Development: She's getting a bit less self-centered and rude as the story progresses. She's also warming up to Emily, though this may be due to coming through for her in combat and bonding over mutual distain for Rocky.
- The Chick: Subverted.
- Cute Witch
- Deadpan Snarker: Duels with Rocky for this title.
- Evil Costume Switch: Averted as Angelika isn't evil and doesn't become evil with the costume switch, but Norveg lampshades this trope.
- Girlish Pigtails: And she holds them in place with tiny skulls. She loses them when she gets her costume change.
- Hair of Gold: Subverted.
- Informed Attractiveness: Angelika is supposed to be very, very attractive but this drawing style doesn't really show it.
- Irrational Hatred: For Emily. It may be due to Emily being a wizard, or it may be due to Rocky really liking Emily.
- It's All About Me: One of the reasons she annoys those around her.
- Jerkass: She's a bit of a pain in the butt.
- Missing Mom: Angelika never knew her mother as she died when Angelika was a baby.
- Paint It Black: Subverted and spoofed. When she put on a Cloak of Charisma she gets a Darker and Edgier costume like this.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Her new darker look has this.
- Not That Kind of Mage: She's a sorcerer, not a wizard.
- Shorttank: Very much so.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: The wild, irresponsible half.
- Tsundere: Type A.
- Unkempt Beauty: Angelika isn't too shaken up about not bathing if it can't be helped.
- Witch Species: Being a sorceress she learns magic naturally, rather than with research and spellbooks.
- Youngest Child Wins: Played with. Angelika has powers of her own, but Julie is the big heroine of the story.
"You'll never get very far if you behave like a simpleton and never listen to reason."
Norveg is Angelika's new rat familiar. Despite numerous references, no-one will tell him what happened to her previous familiar. The rat and the blonde girl met in huckleton and have decided to travel together since then.
- Familiar: For Angelika.
- Head Pet: Angelika hates this too, but Norveg usually does it to escape from things that want to eat him.
- Let's Get Dangerous: In this comic here. Norveg being all badass was also quite cute.
- Meaningful Name: Norveg is probably a play on Rattus Norvegicus'' which is the latin name for a Fancy Rat.
- Morality Pet: Subverted as Angelika's often mean to him. Though she does get punished for this more than once.
- Non-Human Sidekick: For Angelika of course.
- Parrot Pet Position: In the beginning, but for a while Angelika had a baby snuggly to keep him in. Other times he's on her head.
- Straight Man: Often has this role, usually for Angelika.
- Talking Animal: In D&D, the master and familiar have their own special language, but in the comic, Norveg can talk to any human.
- Team Pet: Seems to have this role.
- True Neutral: Norveg's a lot less chaotic than Angelika.
Lenny Magilligan
"It figures some random bad guy knows more about this quest than we do..."
Lenny is Julie's husband, and for those who don't know, he took her last name. He has been dragged into the adventure by his idealistic but silly wife, but he doesn't mind too much. He originally worked as a mercenary and as job from his guild and he met Julie by guarding her carriage. The two fell in love and eventually wed, though details on their story are still fuzzy. In the group, he is a fighter and is the group's meat shield and skullbasher now.
- Ambiguously Brown:
- Badass Normal: He's got no magic powers, only kickass fighting skills.
- Bald Black Leader Guy: Subverted. His wife is the leader of this group.
- Bi the Way: There are more and more hints of it as the story goes on.
- Big Fancy Sword: His weapon of choice is a Bastard Sword.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Subverted. He's actually quite calm and laid back, to the point of being a bit passive.
- Character Development: Since Pauline's death, Lenny's been in the spotlight a bit more and has not only had more jokes to deliver, but has had some chance to grow a bit ballsier.
- Chekhov's Skill : More than once he's shown off his knowledge of rocks and minerals.
- Closer to Earth: Usually quite rational and sensible.
- Happily Married: To Julie, the group's bard and leader.
- Henpecked Husband: He frequently bows to Julie's wishes.
- Nice Guy
- Satellite Character: For Julie at first, but Lenny has his own personality that's coming out as the story progresses.
- Straight Man: Has few jokes himself, but often sets up other group member's funny moments.
- The Big Guy: Type 2.
- True Neutral: He's a nice guy, but has no extreme morals or ethics.
Rocky the rogue
"I'm gonna sell the swag. Don't worry, I won't steal ALL of it..."
Rocky's a sullen, unpleasant red haired teenage boy. He is also the group's rogue, specializing in picking the locks, disarming the traps, and shanking dumbass opponents from behind. Originally he worked for his father's flower shop, but got into trouble with the law over his flower selling techniques. While on the road somewhere along the line he met Angelika. The two decided to work together conning people out of their money and shiny possessions. While on their travels they met Julie and Lenny right outside of The Wayside, and now the four work together. Rocky may or may not regret this decision.
- Anti-Hero: Rocky's not above using indecent tactics to achieve a decent goal.
- Back Stab: Rocky's sneak attacks can be pretty damaging.
- Badass Normal: No magic powers, just underhanded (but effective) fighting skills.
- Combat Pragmatist: Rocky is a rogue after all.
- Crush Blush: Emily produces this in him.
- Deadpan Snarker: Competes with Angelika for the title.
- Hollywood Nerd: If he was drawn more realistically, he'd probably look like this.
- Here's a picture, judge for yourself.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's not as bad as Angelika, in fact Rocky's not such a bad guy once you get to know him.
- Knife Nut: Though he actually wields a shortsword...
- He does use throwing daggers for some of his sneak attacks.
- Perpetual Frowner: Rocky hardly ever smiles, and when he does it's usually a smirk of some kind.
- Redheaded Stepchild: Though he isn't a stepchild, he does catch some flak over his red hair, especially from Angelika.
- Real Men Wear Pink: His father owns a flower store and Rocky did help with it, including making flower arrangements.
- Sour Supporter: He's cranky yes, but he usually gives Julie and the group his best.
- The Lancer: Lenny could be as well, but Rocky does a better job contrasting Julie's personality in the five man band dynamic.
- True Neutral: Also the least fettered of the group.
Pauline Mikado "Less talky more stabby, guys!"
Pauline is a barbarian, a melee fighter that relies on rage, passion and two handed weapons to win battles. The group met her in a small town on their way from Huckleton to Everwood, after defeating her underlings in a bar fight. They also defeated her in combat the next day and she decided to join them on their quest. Pauline may be a girl but she's practically one of the guys and has some pretty nasty hygiene problems to boot.
- Action Girl: Moreso than Angelika or Julie. Pauline actually likes to fight melee.
- Action Mom: Played with. She didn't become action-oriented until after her husband and son were killed.
- Ambiguously Brown: Maybe an Asian-esque character. She's got black hair, brownish skin, and her last name is Mikado (which is Japanese, though Manjulias is not Earth.)
- An Axe to Grind: Pauline's weapon of choice is a greataxe.
- Badass Normal: No magic, just axe combat and raging.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Played fairly straight, contrasting Lenny.
- Chaotic Good: Pauline hates lawful things, but is more ethical than Angelika.
- Died Happily Ever After: Deduced. Then confirmed here.
- Defeat Means Friendship: When Pauline was beaten by Julie and her group, Pauline joined the adventure.
- I Was Quite the Looker: When Pauline talks about her past, it's revealed she used to 'wear a dress and everything.' And she opted for it again in the afterlife.
- Killed Off for Real: When she dies from the Minotaur she told Julie not to raise her.
- Go Out with a Smile: Probably because she has a dead son and husband to meet again now that she too has passed on.
- Lady of War:
- Lethal Chef: Pauline's cooking is terrible, as you can see with the picture above.
- The Big Guy: Female type 4 or maybe type 1.
- The Ladette: Obviously.
- The Pig Pen: She's pretty nasty in the hygiene department.
- Not in the beginning, but invoked later in her life. She was originally a girly-girl, bordering on Yamato Nadeshiko levels before her husband and son were killed.
- Took a Level in Badass: As the story of her past will tell.
Emily Wellis
"Fortunately I learned how to make magic arms and armor that DON'T scream obscenities at their wielders."
Emily is a pleasant but reserved wizard who has joined the group when they were in Llanadario. Emily was a magic student from Everwood, but is now on the road to learn about magic and document various different types of fungus.
- Brainy Brunette: Played straight.
- Cute Witch:
- Early-Bird Cameo: Introduced in the comic way back when Julie's group was in Everwood.
- Fantastic Racism: Not to the same extent as the Souballo Empire, but she doesn't think very highly of Elves, referring to them as tree dwelling baboons.
- Foil: For Angelika, but Emily's shown not to want to participate in that.
- Hollywood Nerd: She looks pretty fine in her Everwood Magic School uniform.
- An Ice Person: She states that she really likes ice spells while freezing four Kobolds to death.
- Item Crafting: Emily has the ability to enchant weapons and armor.
- Meganekko: And the only character we've ever seen with glasses so far.
- Nerd Glasses: The only character we've ever seen with them.
- Noodle Incident: She would not go into detail about why the school sent her on this strange fungus mission.
- The Quiet One: She's had a few jokes, but she's even quieter than Lenny in this regard.
- Scary Shiny Glasses: Invoked sometimes when attacking something with magic or when she's about to do something questionable.
- Shrinking Violet: Downplayed somewhat, but the girl's still pretty withdrawn even after joining Julie's group. She doesn't have the presence that Rocky and Angelika have and doesn't take part in their antics.
- Sixth Ranger: Technically the fifth, due to the original fifth member being killed.
- Squishy Wizard: Emily is a wizard.
- Wizarding School: Emily was training at the Everwood Magical University.
Umbria, and people she used
"I'm as innocent as a child with a fresh, delicious heart."
Umbria/Zaedalkaah is a secondary antagonist in the comic. She has had quite a bit of screen time, and has had many adventures on her quest to get her old body (and character classes?) back. Her quest is basically the B Plot of the entire comic.
- Back from the Dead: Zaedalkaah's rebirth took the form of whatever revived him. Since it was Julie's form, he may also qualify as a Gender Bender.
- Badass Teacher: When conventionally teaching her non-bard orchestra wasn't working so well, she opted to take them to Mr. Moriatos' practice dungeon for real combat/dungeon experience. She has helped twelve of her students gain their first bard level so far.
- Beta Test Baddie: Umbria is on a quest to regain her power and her true form, which this bardic form isn't.
- Card-Carrying Villain: She's evil and knows it.
- Combat Pragmatist: This combined with luck is how she's survived so long on her own.
- Consummate Liar: Subverted somewhat. She thinks she's a great liar, but her lying isn't that great, and Jason and Trevoricus caught on and eventually kicked her out of the group.
- Cool Teacher: Many of her students seem to think this...when she's not being really mean to them.
- Dark Action Girl: Quite excellent in combat, and evil.
- Deadpan Snarker: Definitely has her moments, and finding out Angelo's Kids is part of The Empire was probably the best one.
- Demoted to Extra: She was the main character of the 'B Plot' in the first volume. In the second volume she does little more than the empire's musical projects and is largely out of the B Plot spotlight.
- De-Power: Zaedalkaah's reincarnation required her to take Julie's class and levels, making her a Level 3 bard in the beginning. We see that the demon was originally a lot more powerful than this in the past judging by her conversation with a member of her guild in Everwood. The guild no longer wants her now that she's weak, so her main goal is to reclaim her lost power.
- Eye Scream: She seems to like stabbing people in the eye with her Rapier.
- Gilded Cage: She was taken to Souballo HQ and though in luxury, was forced to produce an anthem for the Souballo Empire.
- Good Colors, Evil Colors: Umbria's character design is an 'evil palatte swap' of Julie's design. She lampshades this when talking to two evangelists of Angelo's Kids.
- Jerkass
- Magic Music: A much darker reprise to Julie's powers.
- Manipulative Bitch: She has used Jason's (and Trevoricus' to a lesser extent) attraction to her as well as their greed to get them to do whatever she wants. They wised up and tossed her out of the group.
- Musical Assassin: Though in her past life, he was more traditional.
- Neutral Evil: Doesn't have any bias for or against law, but is clearly evil.
- Non-Lethal KO: Thanks to a bungled move silently check, the Scroll Shop Wizard heard Zaedalkaah coming and promptly foiled the assassination by petrifying him.
- Psychotic Smirk: Likes doing these a lot.
- Royal Rapier: Her weapon of choice.
- Sealed Evil In A Wand: Until Julie accidentally released it.
- Smug Snake: Oh yes, indeed.
- Spoony Bard: Albeit evil...
- Terrible Trio: With Trevoricus and Jason, until they kicked her out.
- The Unfettered: Umbria seems to be willing to do whatever it takes to reclaim her old power. She manipulates and lies to people, kills them, and has joined Angelo's Kids not because she believes in their dogma but because she believes it's a decent way to achieve her goals.
Jason Moriatos
"Now that I think about it, a 3 vs 5 fight wasn't too smart anyway."
Jason is a barbarian who was part of a three person team of bandits who attacked Julie's group. They lost, and Jane was killed (though not by Julie's group.) Umbria watched over them and joined the group. Jason seems to be attracted to Umbria and is fairly easily bent to her will.
- Badass Normal: Uses his strength and combat skills instead of magic.
- Big Screwed-Up Family: Jason comes from an evil family. This may attribute to why he's such a Horrible Judge of Character.
- Evil Matriarch: Jason's mom is implied to be one in this comic.
- Tyke Bomb: According to Jason, his sister Sophia is pretty high levelled. She also works for Brian.
- Brains and Brawn: The brawn part.
- Captain Obvious:
- True Neutral:
- Dumb Muscle: Jason doesn't strike the viewer as very smart.
- The Ditz: Jason can be pretty friendly, but he isn't very bright.
- Epic Flail: Jason's Weapon of Choice is a one-handed flail.
- Horrible Judge of Character:
- Super-Hero School: Jason graduated from Olivia's school for Responsible Barbarians.
- Terrible Trio: With Trevoricus and Umbria.
- Up until this comic.
- Token Good Family Member: Jason seems to be the least evil member of his family. He may also be a bit of a Black Sheep over this.
- The Unfavorite: Implied when compared to his sister, who has so much more power and so many more achievements.
- Why Couldn't You Be Different?: Jason comes from an evil family. Jason has complained about them chiding Jason over not being more evil like them.
"Confuse a little human girl for a halfling ONCE and they never let it go!"
Trevoricus is another part of Jane's team, before it was hijacked by Umbria. Trevoricus is a gnome wizard who is unliked by the law due to some unfortunate mistakes and indescretions he had with a young female human child. He is also the brains of the group, though he too passively follows Umbria's selfish and crazy schemes.
- Action Survivor: In his backstory comic, he tells that he fled when his hometown was destroyed by the Souballo Empire.
- Brains and Brawn: The brains part.
- Cowardly Lion: He's not known for his guts and knows it.
- Thanks to help from Jane's Ghost, he gets over his cowardice, confronts Umbria and kicks her out of the group.
- Eighties Hair: When he talked about his past he was shown with a pretty epic 80's mullet.
- Mistaken for Pedophile: He eventually explains that the "molestation accident" was him mistaking a human child for a halfling adult; he had good reason for that, since he was traveling with a caravan of halflings.
- Our Gnomes Are Weirder
- Pretty Fly for a White Guy: In the tale of his past, we can see him rapping 'Top That' with two other guys. It's as awful as it sounds.
- Running Gag: Umbria ribbing him over the whole accidental attempted child sex thing. Though the only one who finds that funny is Umbria herself.
- Squishy Wizard:
- The Resenter: Towards Jason at times in regards to his success with women (or supposed success with Umbria.)
- Terrible Trio: With Jason and Umbria.
- Up until this comic.
- True Neutral: Not so much as a philosophy but that he's wishy-washy this way.
Souballo Empire
Brian, the Emperor
"I'll go, but instead I will polymorph myself into HER instead! What a twist THAT would be!"
Brian is the emperor of the Souballo Empire, and is married to Angelo. He was outside relaxing on a balcony of his castle when he saw a giant beacon of light that Julie released when she activated her pendant for the first time. Judging from his reaction he knows about the Magicant and probably the pendant keeper as well, and has informed his followers to find her.
- Affably Evil: Is quite a bit more good natured than his husband.
- The Archmage: He causually uses the Shapechange spell, which is a level 9 spell in Dungeons & Dragons.
- In the ruin Stratus story arc, he uses a Quickened Disintegrate spell, which is considered epic magic in Dungeons & Dragons.
- Beard of Evil:
- Better Living Through Evil: One of his plans is rounding up 'choice people' to work for the empire. Brian attempts to invoke this trope on his old magic teacher Mr. Stratus, but fails.
- Beware the Silly Ones: He's been hard to take seriously as a villain in the past, but the 'ruin Thomas Stratus' arc shows him to be intelligent and not afraid to kill dozens of people with his magic.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: With Angelo.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He may have chastised Angelo for destroying an underling, but we learn that declining Brian's offers to join him result in lightning to the face.
- Benevolent Boss: He seems to care about his underlings more than the usual evil overlord, and is also fixated on professionality.
- Cloudcuckoolander: shows signs of this.
- Deal with the Devil: Offers Old Timer a chance to join the Souballo Empire as head tactician, but Thomas declined, and Brian did not take that well.
- Evil Overlord:
- Fantastic Racism: He and Angelo don't like Dwarves and make fun of them, but are mortified when a dwarf within earshot catches them doing it.
- Large Ham: He certainly enjoys playing the part of the Evil Overlord.
- Lawful Evil:
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Subverted. Brian sure isn't a very scary name for an evil emperor.
- Pride: Eagerly shows off his castle with two hour tours.
- Unholy Matrimony: He is married to Angelo.
- Villains Out Shopping: The first thing we see him doing is enjoying a hot chocolate while wearing his 'imperial pajamas.'
- Yaoi Guys: With Angelo.
Angelo Souballo
"If someone around here could make a decent drink, I wouldn't have to kill so many employees..."
Angelo is the leader of 'Angelo's Kids', a pseudo-religion of young adventurers who do his bidding and quest in his name. It is revealed that he works with Brian's Souballo Empire and is married to the emperor himself, making Angelo the 'co-emperor.' Angelo is more of a traditional evil overlord than his husband and isn't afraid to assert this fact.
- Ambidextrous Sprite: One of the most obvious examples in the comic.
- Bad Boss: What with the underling annihilation and all.
- Big Bad Duumvirate: With Brian.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Much moreso than his husband, Brian. Angelo can turn the sweetness on and off like a light switch.
- The Archcleric: Destruction's a level 7 cleric spell in D&D, but empowering it increases it to level 9. This guy's got power.
- Cruel Mercy: Angelo prevented Eva's suicide, only because he had something more interesting in store for her. It seems to have to do with the framing of Thomas Stratus.
- Dark Messiah: His followers certainly believe he is a messiah figure.
- Demon Head: Angelo does one to Janice in this comic here.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Totally annihilated an underling because she criticized Brian's meeting plan.
- Evilly Affable: Angelo's moments where he appears decent are mainly due to Brian suggesting him to be.
- Evil Overlord:
- Evil Redhead:
- Evil Sorcerer: Is shown to use high levelled arcane magic.
- Fashionable Asymmetry:
- Holy Halo: Subverted as Angelo's a pretty bad egg.
- It's All About Me:
- Kick the Dog: Most of his dealings with Eva.
- Lawful Evil: We may be stretching the lawful a bit.
- Light Is Not Good: Angelo is a cleric who wears mostly white, but seems totally insane.
- Manipulative Bastard: And when his words fail, he'll use magic to make you see it his way.
- Path of Inspiration: His religion he created.
- The Red Mage: Angelo is stated to be a 'Mystic Theurge,' a D&D prestigue class allowing the simultaneous advance of both Cleric spells and (in Angelo's case) Sorcerer spells. This usually leads to a Master of None situation, but Angelo seems to have overcome that through sheer experience and high levels.
- Rainbow Pimp Gear: Seemingly not played for laughs like with Peganone. Angelo's outfit is pretty out there.
- Smug Super:
- The Magnificent: His followers call him "Our Beautiful Worship."
- Yaoi Guys: With Brian.
Bruce Moriatos
"As per your request, sir."
Bruce Moriatos seems to be in charge of soldier training in the Empire when it comes to physical training.
- Battle Butler: Has this personality.
- Black Knight: His character sheet on the website says he's a Blackguard.
- Co-Dragons: Along with Sophia, Janice and Exillon.
- The Comically Serious: Remained as serious as ever even when giving those shortbread cookies to the Emperor.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Not as obvious as Sophia as he was wearing a helmet when he was congratulating Jason for passing Barbarian School.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He appears to care deeply about his family, and his daughter helps him out.
- Lawful Evil
- Punch Clock Villain:
Sophia Moriatos
"I also have a 347 page progress report for you to read if you desire."
Sophia Moriatos is Bruce's daughter, and in charge of the magical part of soldier training in the empire. She's a cheery go-getter, and a powerful sorceress in her own right.
- Cheerful Child: Though she's part of an Evil Empire.
- Child Prodigy: She's a child but has a high ranking position in the army.
- Co-Dragons: With Bruce, Janice and Exillon.
- Daddy's Little Villain: For Bruce, who is another department head.
- Early-Bird Cameo: We see her congratulating Jason when he finished Barbarian School.
- Enfant Terrible: Considering their line of work, she had to get strong someway.
- Genki Girl: Greets Angelo by glomping him.
- Perky Female Minion: Oh yes.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: She used mass suggestion on a group of magical commanders, which is an advanced Wizard/Sorcerer spell.
- Squishy Wizard
- Teacher's Pet: In an imperial organization instead of a school class.
Janice Jamison
"Mind your own business, you little rodent!" Janice, to Sophia.
Janice is the head of magical research in the empire. She is also tasked with being the military tactician and is researching on finding Julie. Her efforts have been unsuccessful so far.
- Co-Dragons: Just like Bruce, Sophia and Exillon.
- Deadpan Snarker: Not even Angelo chewing her out in some kind of evil, eldritch form phased her snark.
- Evil Old Folks:
- Foil: Comic's already showing hints of this between Sophia and Janice.
- Insufferable Genius: Angelo seems to hate this about her, too.
- Lean and Mean: Very much so. The website character info calls her Janice the Annis.
- Perpetual Frowner: It's easy to see where all those wrinkles came from.
- Power Hair: Wears it short like one.
- Squishy Wizard:
- You Didn't Ask: A very nice one here.
Master Exillon
Exillon is some kind of glowing robotic crystal, and the token non-human part of this villain ensemble. Exillon's an outside agent that's working in secret with the empire in exchange for some kind of reward. The only person who can understand what it says is Brian.
- Co-Dragons: Like Bruce, Sophia and Janice.
- Cyber Cyclops: It certainly looks robotic.
- Enigmatic Minion: Mainly because only Brian understands what it's saying.
- Faceless Eye: Exillon doesn't have a face, only a robotic looking central eye.
- Psychic Powers: Has a variety of psionic powers according to the website.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: A central eye (or robotic sensor) where its face would be.
- Sinister Geometry: An elongated tetradecahedron accompanied by 10 smaller crystal-like things in various 2d geometric shapes.
- The Unintelligible: Exillon speaks only in robotic sounding BEEPS, but Brian can understand it.
- What Exactly Is His Job?: Not explained in the comic yet, but in his character information on the website.
The Soldiers of The Souballo Empire
"Certain filthy Elves are gonna get what's coming to them in time."
The Souballo Empire seems to be the main antagonist force in the comic. It is led by Brian Souballo and Angelo Souballo, and its agenda includes making Manjulias a better place to live for humans, and anyone who allies with them. This would be all well and good if it weren't for its tyranical tendencies and hostile approach. This section will cover tropes of the Souballo Empire as a whole and various minor members of the Souballo Empire have invoked.
- Elite Mooks: Most all of the soldiers Julie's group has met so far have class levels and specialized training.
- Faceless Mooks: Completely averted.
- Fantasy Character Classes: There are members of every character class except Bard (with the exception of Umbria) in the Empire.
- Knight Templar: Most of the imperials are depicted this way.
- Fantastic Racism: Actively work against Elves due to idealogical differences.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: The Souballo Empire gives many other races this feeling.
- Magic Knight: Carissa went this route.
- A Nazi by Any Other Name: At its worst, the empire's warlike nature and genocidal attitude towards Elves somewhat resembles Nazi Germany.
- Punch Clock Villain: Brian's attempts at professionalism and the way he treats his underlings suggest they probably get paid quite well. There are some nutters, but many of the imperials are depicted as normal people who are fighting for a world they were promised.
- Putting on the Reich: Most of the members of the Empire we've seen seem to genuinely believe in the Emperor's vision and willingly do what he commands. These soldiers range from the nutjobs to seemingly reasonable people.
- We Are Everywhere: Word of God stated the Empire is the most concentrated in the northern half of the main Manjulias continent, but agents of the empire have been seen as far away as the Baxillon Island.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: When it comes to making the world a better place for humans, anyway...
Angelo's Kids
"Defying our Beautiful Worship is a capital offense. Even those who aren't under the light of his halo know that."
Angelo's Kids is a Cult composed of young adventurer fanatics who idolize Angelo Souballo as a holy man, due to his powerful divine and arcane magic. They preach his dogma and enforce his will, which often means destruction of any who won't submit to the 'light of his halo.' It's been revealed in the comic that Angelo's Kids is a faction of the Souballo Empire, but not all of Angelo's flock are aware of this. Even without official affiliation, the two organizations often work together due to having similar ideals. Angelo's kids are often more extreme in their methods than the Empire, and it's likely the Angelo's kids are used to perform certain things the Empire publicly won't.
- All Crimes Are Equal: In regards to defying Angelo, as quoted above.
- Burn the Witch: Often do this with heretics and other undesirables.
- Cosplay: In universe, with Angelo Souballo.
- Cute and Psycho: Many of them look very good, and are very cheerful as well as nuts.
- Fantastic Racism: A little less so than the Souballo Empire.
- Fantasy Character Classes: Much like the Souballo Empire, including the lack of bards.
- Fashionable Asymmetry: The AK uniforms mimic Angelo's taste in attire, with one gloved hand, and one boot longer than another.
- Flanderization: In universe. Many of them emulate Angelo's mannerisms and flamboyance. Some of them even use a Noblewoman's Laugh, despite Angelo himself never laughing like that once in the comic so far.
- Light Is Not Good: Some of the Angelo's Kids are Clerics (Angelo himself uses powerful divine magic) and channel positive energy.
- Obliviously Evil: Some may be aware that what they're doing is horrible, while others may just be thoughtlessly following orders.
- Path of Inspiration: They all follow the dogma of Angelo in a very hardcore manner.
- Stepford Smiler: With the nasty things they often have to do, it's hard to imagine them otherwise.
- Utopia Justifies the Means: Much like the Souballo Empire.
- We Are Everywhere: Perhaps even moreso than the Souballo Empire.
Other Characters
"You can't fight us with all that crap on your back!"
Jane was the former leader of a small adventuring group that waylaid Julie's group. They tried to bluff Julie that some treasure Julie's group found earlier was theirs. The bluff failed and they fought Julie's group for the swag instead, but that also failed. Julie's group spared the trio, but Jane was killed by Umbria/Zaedalkaah while Jason and Trevoricus were unconcious in order to usurp Jane's position in the group. However, recently she has come back as a ghost and appeared before Trevoricus. The two work together to defeat Umbria and kick her out of the group, so Jane can take her spot as leader back.
- Action Girl: Even as a ghost.
- Back from the Dead: Story-wise, but played with, as she's still technically dead.
- Badass Abnormal: After she dies.
- Badass Normal: Before she dies.
- Came Back Strong: Though ghosts have a couple of weaknesses, she gains some special powers and is harder to defeat outside of Turn Undead.
- Chaotic Neutral: Being an unscrupulous thief.
- Chekhov's Gunman: For Trevoricus in this comic here.
- Forgotten Fallen Friend: Jason does do something akin to an Alas, Poor Yorick speech about her, but other than that she's not mentioned afterword.
- It took 120 or so strips, but she has come back.
- Killed Off for Real: Originally, but has come back as a ghost, 120 pages later.
- Loveable Rogue: Jane is fairly charismatic and sociable, but still a thief.
- Nominal Importance: Double subverted with her death, and return as a ghost.
- Our Ghosts Are Different: She seems to be able to freely interact with living things.
- Twin Tails:
Thomas Stratus
" My apologies. I tend to zone out sometimes when dealing with really stupid people."
Up until the second book, this wizard didn't have an official name in the comic, but he has crossed paths with Julie's gang more than once. He runs a scroll shop in Everwood, which was where the group met him. They met him again in Huckleton when they were buying ferry tickets to cross the ocean. Originally he seemed to be an unimportant character, but the second book's has him established as a fair bit higher up on importance.
- Ascended Extra: While he was nothing more than a recurring character in the 'first book', he's arguably the main character of the B plot in the 'second book.'
- All Powerful Bystander: Old timer is very powerful, but doesn't have much to do with Julie's group.
- Badass Grandpa: He reveals that he's higher levelled than Rocky and Angelika combined, and that he's a great grandfather.
- Cool Old Guy:
- Deadpan Snarker: Many of his lines are pretty decent.
- Fantastic Racism: He holds the traditional wizard's opinion that Sorcerers are inferior to Wizards.
- He Knows Too Much: He learned about the Souballo's invasion plan, so the Emperor refines a plan to ruin Stratus' name in the city of invasion by commiting horrible crimes, disguised as Stratus.
- Old Master: He is a high levelled wizard, and has been revealed to be one of Brian Souballo's teachers.
- Recurring Character: He is one of the few non player characters that Julie's group has dealt with more than once, and probably later on as well.
- Retired Badass: He used to be a (presumably) magic teacher for The Emperor before making/selling magic scrolls in Everwood.
- Squishy Wizard:
- Taken for Granite: Does this to Zaedalkaah as punishment for Zaedalkaah's failed assassination attempt.
- True Neutral: His personality seems to be this. It's also hinted at when Brian extends the empire membership offer to him as someone "who would be cool...ish with the idea, alignment-wise." Even when Stratus delivers his You're Insane! speech to the emperor, Stratus seems to just phone it in somewhat.
- You're Insane!: Stratus does a half-hearted, snarky one of these to the Emperor before the Emperor attacks him.
Mr. Patterson
"Could you please, please, PLEASE un-quit and come back?"
Patterson is Julie's former boss when she was working at The Wayside. He's a fairly understanding person, but he does seem not to have that many scruples and is less lawful than one would expect or hope. He eventually gets kidnapped by Brian due to his good barkeeping abilities...and because Angelo wanted a 'Huckleton Heartthrob.'
- Beleaguered Assistant: Seems to be this for Angelo now.
- Benevolent Boss: He doesn't hold it against Julie when she leaves, but he teeters between Benevolent Boss and Stupid Boss.
- Deadpan Snarker: and strangely enough Angelo has minimal distain for it.
- Honest John's Dealership: He treats The Wayside bar like this, and gets in trouble with health inspectors when Julie blabs about his various practices.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Except for Julie.
- And Angelo, who refers to him as "PATTERSON!!"
- Gilded Cage: When he's kidnapped by Brian to make drinks for him and Angelo, though now his job list has expanded a bit.
- Odd Friendship: Developing a fairly nice one with Umbria.
- Stupid Boss: Has shades of this, between his work practices and treatment of employees he doesn't like.
- True Neutral: The only way he could easily tolerate people ranging from the sweet and kind Julie, to the selfishly evil Umbria.
Peganone Silkweed
"We're not judgin'...at least in the 'non chosen one' sense."
Peganone is an elven woman, and a member of the Everwood Council. She is also one of the three judges in Everwood Idol. She is a wizard who seems to be specialized in Divination magic. She is the most cheerful of the three.
- Actual Pacifist: Peganone gained her levels doing non-combat, governmental things. This is a bit of an issue for her since she has volunteered to hunt Umbria/Zaedalkaah down herself. Randi is going with her though...
- Chaotic Good: She's a nice person and uses her position in government to do good, but she's not especially organized and isn't handling the Umbria/Zaedalkaah situation very attentively.
- Desk Jockey: As with part of the Actual Pacifist thing.
- Expy: Peganone is probably based off Paula Abdul.
- Freudian Trio: With Randi and Simonicus. Peganone is probably Id, to match Paula Abdul's role in American Idol.
- Journey to the Center of the Mind: Peganone does this on Julie to see if she is the chosen one.
- Magic Mirror: Peganone uses one to do her scrying spells.
- The McCoy: While Randi is practical and Simonicus is distant.
- Our Elves Are Better: And in keeping with this comic's tradition, Peganone is also the name of an anti seizure medication.
- Rainbow Pimp Gear: Peganone's adventuring outfit is really over the top. She comments about not using it for awhile, which may explain it.
- Squishy Wizard: The official website says she is.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
"Your distressingly low level is all the more reason to keep quiet about your mission."
Simonicus is probably the leader of the Everwood Council, or it may be a triumverate thing. He is the most serious of the three, and is one of the judges in Everwood Idol. He is another wizard, though we haven't seen him do any wizardly things in the comic yet.
- Expy: Simonicus is obviously based on Simon Cowell, from American Idol.
- Freudian Trio: As with American Idol, Superego.
- Lawful Neutral: Even uses it as part of his snark.
- Mean Brit: Though in a fantasy setting.
- Our Gnomes Are Weirder:
- The Spock: While Randi is practical and Pegaone is emotional.
- Squishy Wizard: As stated in the website.
Randi Goldenaxe
"Call me crazy, but it might be a bit of a step backwards in the world savin', girl."
Randi is the third member of the Everwood Council. Unlike Simonicus and Peganone, Randi isn't a wizard, but a cleric with a level of Fighter. Randi is also the third judge in Everwood Idol. Randi told Julie that he would be checking in on her every so often, but we haven't seen him do that yet.
- Blade on a Stick: Randi wields a halberd.
- Covert Pervert: He wanted a hug from Julie and got a nice feel of her nicely toned butt. He is a dwarf so his shortness allows for him to easily/innocently do this. Julie wasn't fooled.
- Expy: Randi is based on Randy Jackson of American Idol.
- Freudian Trio: With Peganone and Simon. Randi is the Ego.
- Friends with Benefits: With Merla, casually revealed by her PsiCrystal.
- The Kirk: While Peganone is emotional and Simonicus is distant.
- Our Dwarves Are All the Same: Though Randi combines this with Soul Brotha.
- Soul Brotha: A weird fantasy version of this.
Merla Undercobble
"What's the point in giving a Psi Crystal an interesting name if it never comes when you call it?"
In Llanadario, Merla was the one who psionically called out to Julie so they could talk. Merla turned out to be a member of the Everwood Council's network, helping Julie on her quest.
- Characters As Device: The whole tower scene seemed more to do with talking about Julie and Angelika's past than revealing present information. Randi even mutters complaints about this.
- Cutesy Dwarf: Though she doesn't have dwarven features. She looks like an adult human, shrunken down.
- Fairy Companion: Merla has a psicrystal named 'Crystal' but this trope is subverted. Crystal is snarky and rarely helps her.
- Friends with Benefits: With Randi, it seems.
- Hobbits: Not called that in the webcomic for obvious reasons, but Merla's the first important Halfling character in the story.
- Kindhearted Cat Lover: Merla has several pet cats, who all love pesturing Norveg and Angelika.
- Psychic Powers: Merla is a powerful psionic.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Looked pretty much the same age almost 20 years ago when working with Theodore and Rosa Magilligan.
- Teleporter Accident: When attempting to teleport psionically to Everwood, she slams into one of her cats. The way she looks when she does it might be familiar to some.
- Voice of the Legion: When Merla speaks telepathically to someone, the voice heard in the mind is monsterous and horrible.
Eva Wilson
"You're wanted in Everwood for crimes against life! That's pretty cut and dry if you ask me!"
Eva Wilson is a Paladin for Stellina, the Angel of Justice (the main Lawful Good deity for Manjulias.) She has takes on on the quest of hunting Zaedalkaah down and bringing her to justice. This sentence is of course, death. Eva Wilson's quite the straight arrow, and isn't interested in the reward offered for Zaedalkaah's capture other than to donate it to charity.
- Action Girl: Easily defeated Zaedalkaah/Umbria when they actually fought (which consisted of a painful horse kick, Zaedalkaah/Umbria attempting to paralyze Eva and failing.)
- And I Must Scream: Eva was crushed into a bloody cube via Implosion spell. Her soul was then bound to a jewel so she could never get to the heaven that she thought she would go.
- Brainwashed: What Angelo did to her after preventing her suicide attempt.
- Better to Die Than Be Killed: Cruelly averted. when she loses the battle against Angelo, Eva attempts to commit seppoku to avoid a worse fate. This fails, and how she's under his mental control.
- The Comically Serious: Eva Wilson has never been seen as anything other than deadly serious so far.
- The Determinator: Successfully resists Angelo's first attempt to magically sway her to like him. The way Angelo looked when she successfully resisted his magic was awesome.
- Good Is Not Nice: Eva is good, but all work and no play. Umbria/Zaedalkaah even referred to her as Miko Miyazaki.
- Knight Errant: She swears fealty to Stellina, but doesn't seem to belong to a specific church.
- Knight in Sour Armor: She complains of being a Paladin sometimes, due to her strict adherance to law and her personal code.
- Lawful Good: Played pretty straight, almost to the point of Lawful Stupid.
- Leeroy Jenkins: When Angelo appeared and took Umbria/Zaedalkah, Eva pretty boldly called him out on his evil deeds and attacked him, despite Peganone insisting Eva to stand down. The next part did not go well for any of them.
- Odd Couple: Her partner is her horse, though Charismatic Seaweed is quite a bit less lawful than she is.
- Soul Sista: Averted.
- They Fight Crime: Eva and her fully sentient horse, Charismatic Seaweed.
- Tragic Hero: Her Tragic Flaw was inflexability in her ethics and alignment and her Tragic Mistake was not backing down even when Angelo gave her the chance to.
Terramycin Shadowleaf
"Living out of your backpack, kicking the Empire's ass...I'm so jealous."
Terramycin is an Elf girl that Julie's group met in a small town they passed through. She doesn't appear to like humans very much, and has strong and hateful feelings toward the Souballo Empire. She also has a son named Daytranna who runs a curiousity shop in the same town. There is more to her and her son than meets the eye.
- Action Girl: She turns out to be a mid-level rogue and shows off her skills in a battle in the town.
- Action Mom: Fights alongside her son against the Angelo's Kids who attack the town. She and her son stomp them flat.
- Badass Normal: She activated a scroll of greater invisibility but has no magic of her own, being a rogue.
- Fantastic Racism: Terramycin doesn't like humans very much, especially those from the Souballo Empire.
- Loveable Rogue: She's a fairly charming girl once you get to know her.
- Heroic Neutral: Expressed an interest in Julie's adventuring but turns out to be more interested in protecting her hometown.
- Hot Mom: Despite her being over 2 centuries old and having a son, she does rock the barmaid look as much as this comic gets.
- It's Personal: Terramycin and Daytranna slay an entire group of Angelo Kids because they murdered a gnome friend of theirs.
- One-Scene Wonder: Since they're town citizens and not going with Julie's group, it's fairly unlikely we'll ever see Terramycin or her son again in the comic.
- Our Elves Are Better: She also explains how Elves get their technicolor features.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Not quite seven hundred, but she says she's 245 years old, and oddly enough looks younger than her son.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Played with. She's not evil, but she's a force to be reckoned with.
- Reluctant Warrior: After her and Daytranna's part of the battle was over, she openly states that she hates fighting.
Daytranna Shadowleaf
"It's better to be lucky than good."
Daytranna is an absentminded Elven man who runs a curiousity shop in a small town Julie and her friends visited. Angelika first visited the store in hopes of getting a new tent, and first had the pleasure of meeting the super long haired man. His Mother is Terramycin, and she helps run the inn in the town. Like his mom, there is more to him than meets the eye.
- Absent-Minded Professor: Not a professor, but a very disorganized wizard who owns a curiousity shop. He knew there was a tent in his store for Angelika, but it took him 19 minutes to find it.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: The side he showed Angelika was quaint and lovably unfocused. The side he showed the Angelo's Kids was a lot less so.
- Eyes of Gold: Apparently a sign that he was a late fall/early winter Elf.
- Fantastic Racism: Has a fair bit less bile than his mom, but it's still there.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Many wouldn't know he was a capable magician just by looking at him or talking to him.
- Older Than They Look: Odd elven example in that even though Daytranna is Terramycin's son, he looks older than her.
- One-Scene Wonder: Like his mom is part of a Wacky Wayside Tribe.
- Our Elves Are Better: Daytranna's features are late fall/early winter as Terramycin explained.
- Rapunzel Hair: And various objects get trapped in it, such as caltrops. These caltrops even came in handy when fleeing an Angelo's Kids commander.
- Squishy Wizard: And the first one not to use fireballs and lightning bolts as their main way to fight. Due to being a Transmuter, he specializes in magic that can make him less squishy and more combat oriented if need be.
- Summon Magic: Summons creatures to fight for him with his magic, due to not being able to use evocation magic.