Endless Frontier

Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Endless Frontier is an Eastern RPG for the Nintendo DS. While not taking place in the same universe as the Super Robot Wars Original Generation games, it is nonetheless tied to its story.
The Endless Frontier is a collection of multiple worlds connected by dimensional portals known as "Cross Gates". In one of these worlds, Bounty Hunter and amateur ladies man Haken Browning and his Artificial Human Sidekick Aschen Brodel explore the ruins of a crashed spaceship, one they were both found in when Haken was just a baby. Inside they find, much to their surprise, a rather well-stacked young woman with a big-ass sword and a tiny dress sleeping in the crew's quarters. Turns out she's Kaguya Nanbu, The Ojou of one of the Frontier's worlds. Upon finding out there's a reward for her safe return, the pair decide to accompany her home. Since this is roughly the first ten minutes of the game, things naturally start to snowball from there: strange crystals start sprouting up all over the Endless Frontier, and some very familiar-looking robots connected with a war that happened ten years ago have appeared again. Secrets, conspiracies, spankings, and lots and lots of boob jokes await.
Along the way, our heroes run into a number of travelers from outside the Endless Frontier: Reiji Arisu, a law enforcement agent of Shinra from Earth, his fox-spirit partner Xiaomu (you may remember them (or not) from Namco X Capcom), and KOS-MOS, a Robot Girl from the far future. Unfortunately, their problems have tagged along, too.
A sequel called Endless Frontier EXCEED has been released, with a somewhat wider focus: The Fairies (Elves) from Elfetale fled the Frontier during the war and ended up spending the next ten years coexisting with the Shura. When a Shura fortress (coincidentally the one the Fairies are mostly living in) ends up getting tossed into the Frontier, Elven Princess Neige Hausen sets out to find out what is going on. Accompanying her is young Shura warrior Aledy Naash, who has the additional job of tracking down a Shura artifact that decided to step off it's pedestal and take a walk, particularly before their rivals find it first.
Meanwhile, the Frontier is abuzz about the appearance of black Mid-Keil crystals, and with them one of the last surviving Einst: Alfimi, along with Axel Almer, who have both lost their memories. To make matters worse, more Shadow-Mirror remnants are on the move again...
Understandably, EXCEED features a much-expanded cast. In addition to the new faces, the entire cast of the previous game joins the party, including Reiji, Xiaomu, and KOS-MOS (who also brings MOMO along this time). EXCEED even pulls in a character from an obscure Banpresto Super Nintendo RPG called Gaia Saver.
Oh, and there's been no word of a US release for EXCEED...
A third OG Saga game was released in 2010. This game was mostly unconnected to the Endless Frontier games, and is instead a remake of Super Robot Wars Gaiden, modernized to fit into Original Generation continuity.
Haken and Kaguya are set to reappear, this time in Project X Zone, a Spiritual Successor to Namco X Capcom. Although there's no news on whether or not their allies will appear with them, Sanger Zonvolt from the main Original Generation series will be in it.
- Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male: Subverted and Played for Laughs: Xiaomu makes a dumb joke and gets a spanking from Reiji. The only person to so much as blink is Kaguya.
- Xiaomu likes it though, so it's okay.
- Achey Scars: Reiji.
- Acceptable Breaks From Reality: Any decent physics engine would've rendered Kaguya immobile (or at least a hunchback) and if she could move, she'd: A) overbalance a lot, and B) have to put her dress back on after every fight (hmm...perhaps that's not so "acceptable," after all...). It also wouldn't have allowed the acrobatics and enemy tossing you can do.
- Actor Allusion: Whenever it's Reiji's turn to open a battle with a quote in the party, there's a slight chance he'll shout "WAIT!"
- That's also the very first thing he says in EXCEED. And it's played out with awesome.
- If Aschen's in the party, she might ask what's his name before the fight starts (in Surprisingly Good English), and he'll say "he has no name to give her"
- Hell, just add in Xiaomu, who would also say the traditional line of a certain spaceship loli..."Baka"...
- Xiaomu says "Your hand is burning red!" Aledy follows up with "It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory!"
- Adam Smith Hates Your Guts: In EXCEED, up to four merchants/shop owners join the party. Naturally, you don't get any freebies.
- A Date with Rosie Palms: A joke made at Dorothy's expense. Reiji makes a comment on how there's literally no conversation that isn't
laceddrowning with innuendo. - A God Am I: Wahrschein Lichkeit.
- Interestingly, Wahrschein Lichkeit's a fragment of the corpse of the Neue Regisseur, the eternal guardian of the universe who existed since the beginning of time. In Super Robot Wars Original Generation 2, Regisseur vehemently denied being God.
- Granted, Neue Regisseur hadn't created any universes at the time. Wahrschein Lichkeit was being quite literal.
- Interestingly, Wahrschein Lichkeit's a fragment of the corpse of the Neue Regisseur, the eternal guardian of the universe who existed since the beginning of time. In Super Robot Wars Original Generation 2, Regisseur vehemently denied being God.
- All There in the Manual: A lot of details regarding the story are in the second Super Robot Wars Original Generation and gaiden games. If you've played those game, you'll know more about the story than the characters do. Similarly, most of the information regarding Reiji's pursuit of Saya and T-elos' hate for KOS-MOS is glossed over. You'll have to play Namco X Capcom and Xenosaga Episode III to learn the details.
- A Mech by Any Other Name: Residents of Kagura Amahara call all robots karakuri. Suzuka controls her Jyaki-GUN-Oh like a marionette through strings attached to her fans.
- Come Exceed and the Shura refer to their mecha as Rasetsu-Ki
- An Axe to Grind: Ezel Granada uses one, and proves very effective with it.
- In the first game, decapitated skeletons carry their skulls in one hand and an axe in the other.
- Anime Hair: Kaguya's Rapunzel Hair and Xiaomu's multiple ponytails.
- In addition, Xiaomu's ponytails are actual tails.
- Anti-Hero: Though none of the characters are very far along the scale, whenever anyone suggests doing anything excessive, it gets lampshaded.
- Another Dimension
- Armed Legs: Aschen, who has shotguns built into hers.
- Ascended Extra: Dokugozu and Dokumezu were simply Saya's Elite Mooks in Namco X Capcom. Here, they become support antagonists each with a distinct personality.
- Ass Kicks You: Xiaomu.
- Atlantis Is Boring: Aside from the Wilkurkind's ruins, you can't explore the aquatic realm of Varna Kanai.
- Attack Reflector: Part of Neige's moveset and Overdrive has her conjure mirrors which reflect the bullets from her weapon at the craziest angles. May double as Improbable Aiming Skills, as none of the rounds will hit her.
- Bag of Sharing: Being an Eastern-style RPG, this is standard.
- Bag of Spilling: Where did all our Z.O. Swords and Monolith Armor from the first game go? Also applied to the whereabouts of the Alteisen Nacht and Weissritter Abend.
- BFS: Kaguya's Goshiki Zankantou.
- Battle Couple: In EXCEED, Axel and Alfimi are treated as a single unit during gameplay, meaning they always attack together.
- Bilingual Bonus: The localization only translates the script; the voice-acting is left untouched, and there's no captions for them, so you either need a grasp of Japanese or dig into your Ascended Fanboyism to understand the victory quotes and start-of-battle banter.
- Boss Rush: Because of scripted boss fights and a 100% flee rate from Mooks, the games can potentially feel like this. Played straight and more properly in the first game while exploring Wilkurkind, and once again near the end.
- Bottomless Magazines
- Brainwashed: In EXCEED, Pete Pain's use of Code PTP (Play The Puppet) on both Cardia Basirissa and eventually Aschen, and later Rig the Guard taking control over KOS-MOS, of all people, probably counts as this.
- Haemlin the Pied Piper also brainwashed people to fight Aledy and company, leading to Defeat Means Friendship.
- Calling Your Attacks
- Camp Gay: Katze Kotolnos. To hammer the point home, he refers himself to the feminine-only "atashi".
- Let's Get Dangerous: When you get to fight him.
- He still keeps making passes at the guys in EXCEED, prompting Haken to tell him to "not fall for him" when he praises him excessively. This is made funnier by the fact Haken uses the same phrase a lot during combat when he's busy beating down Mooks, although with a more mocking intent.
- Let's Get Dangerous: When you get to fight him.
- Canon Immigrant: Developer Monolith Soft seems to be making citizenship applications for their Xenosaga and Namco X Capcom characters with EXCEED.
- Catfolk Are Mean: Koma and Katze. Usually.
- Chekhov MIA: In the first game, you can see the W03 and W05 pod units in the Neverland are open and their occupants missing. Guess who shows up in EXCEED?
- Chest Blaster: KOS-MOS' D-Teneritas and T-elos' U-Teneritas (and to an even greater extent, KOS-MOS's X-BUSTER). The Phantom also has a heavy energy cannon on its chest, while the Jyaki-GUN-Oh has light artillery mounted on its torso that stuns Mooks with surprising reliability)
- Chivalrous Pervert / Loveable Sex Maniac: Haken, but it's hard to blame him considering just how ridiculous the boobage is.
- Clingy Costume: Fighter Roar suffers this problem in EXCEED. Wouldn't be that bad if the main crew didn't decide to go relax in an onsen.
- Combos: A key part of combat, which involves juggling (we don't mean that kind...yet) and preventing mooks and bosses from scoring an evasion.
- Colon Cancer: Just to be precise, the sequel Exceed has four different qualifiers. Super Robot Wars; Original Generations Saga; Endless Frontier; and EXCEED.
- Continuity Nod: In conjunction with I Knew It!, the Japanese-only drama tracks of the freebie CD bundled with the first game confirms Aschen's part of Lemon Browning's W-Numbers series of androids. W-00, the first in the series, was mentioned in the Video Game Remake of Super Robot Wars Original Generation, and is identified here as Haken.
- Did Not Do the Research: However, Atlus missed one important part, thus mistranslated the name "Lemon Browning" as "Raymond Browning".
- This flub has become a bit of a Fan Wank among those who refuse to ignore the translation that, in "the American continuity", Lemon's (or rather, an Alternate Universe Excellen Browning's) father began the W-Series project before Excellen died, and she switched the focus to androids after taking over in order to understand herself.
- EXCEED continues on from the events of Super Robot Wars Original Generation Gaiden, namely Axel's investigation of Lemon's "Project EF". The pre-order EXCEED drama CD also involves Fighter Roar.
- The real question is, how is Atlus going to rectify this in the undoubted localization on both Axel and Alfimi appearing in Endless Frontier, when they were both killed in action in the localized Game Boy Advance Original Generation, not in the No Export for You Super Robot Wars Original Generations and Original Generation Gaiden? (Not to mention the GBA Axel was a bonafide Jerkass, whereas Original Generations rectified the Flanderization)
- That's assuming they translate it, which is
highly probable but not guaranteedpretty much impossible now that the 3DS is coming out and Atlus has had bad experiences releasing their translations at the end of a system's lifecycle. Looks like a job for AGPT... one of many. Even then, the easiest way seems to be to assume those who care will have played or heard of Original Generations and Original Generation Gaiden; those that haven't can look it up- That also presses the assumption that everyone who wants to play it (if it gets translated) has easy access to play the import Original Generations and Original Generation Gaiden.
- That's assuming they translate it, which is
- The real question is, how is Atlus going to rectify this in the undoubted localization on both Axel and Alfimi appearing in Endless Frontier, when they were both killed in action in the localized Game Boy Advance Original Generation, not in the No Export for You Super Robot Wars Original Generations and Original Generation Gaiden? (Not to mention the GBA Axel was a bonafide Jerkass, whereas Original Generations rectified the Flanderization)
- Did Not Do the Research: However, Atlus missed one important part, thus mistranslated the name "Lemon Browning" as "Raymond Browning".
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Katze. Dear lord, Katze.
- Cute Witch: Kyon Feulion.
- Cute Little Fangs, Suzuka and obviously Koma.
- Death by Irony: Hilariously lampshaded by Haken while exploring the Dulces Tomb:
Haken: "We've worked too hard to suffer lame ironic deaths like being killed in a cemetery!"
- Deadpan Snarker: Virtually everyone lays the snark on thick as hell, but Aschen's primary personality programs deadpan to an art form.
- Dirty Old Man: John Moses, Haken's father; to hit it home, this is his initial greeting to Kaguya:
John: "Eh? Who's this? I don't think I asked for one today, but I won't say no..."
- In EXCEED, the first thing he does when the party meets him is to ask Kaguya and Neige to stand next to him. The girls oblige but aren't apparently aware of the implications. Axel's in awe at the sight of the two girls flanking the old man, while Aledy's blushing for some reason he can't define...
- Neige actually catches on to the implications. One of her lines after being called to stand by John's side is:
Neige: "Daddy, can I have a new handbag?"
- Does This Remind You of Anything? ("Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself.")
- Double Entendres (Followed by triple and quadruple entendres, and sometimes just plain innuendo and flat-out propositioning. Any dialogue will feature one eventually)
- Dual-Wielding (KOS-MOS with her signature dual gatling guns and Reiji with his fire-based and lightning-enhanced katanas and pistol and shotgun. Xiaomu also uses two pistols, and Haken will sometimes fire his Hand Cannon and assault rifle together)
- Subverted somewhat: despite having two katanas, Reiji will rarely use both of them at the same time (mostly because he carries his weapon rack in one hand). Saya has three katanas, but will never use two at any given moment, due to her style focusing on iaijutsu.
- Played more straight in EXCEED for Reiji, where several of his moves use both katanas in rapid succession and one of them has him rapidly dual-wield them.
- Subverted somewhat: despite having two katanas, Reiji will rarely use both of them at the same time (mostly because he carries his weapon rack in one hand). Saya has three katanas, but will never use two at any given moment, due to her style focusing on iaijutsu.
- Duel Boss (Any boss that isn't a Flunky Boss)
- Dynamic Difficulty (Averted: compared to the main series, there's none in this spin-off)
- Emoticon
Henne (reading from a report): "Bad-tempered robot (I hate this one the most >XD)."
- Easy Amnesia (Axel and Alfimi will be hit with amnesia upon arrival in the Endless Frontier. In fact, Axel will shift into his Ahoseru persona from Super Robot Wars Advance)
- Enemy Mine/Heel Face Turn: EXCEED's made it public knowledge that almost all villains from the original become supporting characters in the sequel: Saya even performs the Combination Attack Jyuu no Kata Kiwame with Reiji and Xiaomu.)
- Everything's Better with Princesses (And, of course, it's lampshaded:)
Aschen: "It appears there are more princesses than countries in this world."
- Everythings Cuter With Kittens (Koma's store/battle theme.)
- Exposed to the Elements (Subverted: in EXCEED, two areas are frozen over and the Stripperiffic girls (namely, Kaguya and Neige) immediately start complaining about the cold)
- Expy (Three of four original characters, all five Mecha, both guest characters from Namco x Capcom, multiple enemy mooks and elites, the Final Boss and half the soundtrack are all derived from elements of the Super Robot Wars franchise)
- Dr. Marion Sumii's basically a sexy elf Hot Scientist version of Marion Radom from the main series.
- Katze Kotolnos: expy of Katz Folneus? Who knows...
- In Name Only; Katz isn't Camp Gay, as far as his bio (or his portrait and mannerism) is concerned.
- Newcomer Aledy's too blatant enough to be Folka's long-lost brother. The new mecha are a Fairlion-type and an Ialdabaoth-type
- Both Big Bads of each game also qualify: the first game's Big Bad is based off of Alfimi's Persoenlichkeit: its first form is without the arms and the second is with. EXCEED's villain manages to be W05, the predecessor of Wodan Ymir from Super Robot Wars Original Generation 2. When he goes One-Winged Angel, he basically becomes Wodan's Humongous Mecha Thrudgelmir.
- Extremity Extremist (Katze)
- Fan Service, Fetish Fuel (Unleaded on both accounts. This series is pretty much making up for the lowered amount of both in the more recent SRW games. Also lampshaded mercilessly)
- Fantasy Kitchen Sink
- Fight in The Nude (Justified: only two or three characters actually get something different than what they're using for weapons; for the others, it's an ammo or targeting chip upgrade. Armors are worn under the character's signature outfits)
- Fight Woosh (On both screens)
- Fingerless Gloves (Haken, Kaguya, Xiaomu, Reiji, Aschen, Henne...)
- Foreshadowing (A background element in one cutscene reveals that Code DTD (Dust To Dust) overrides both Code PTP and Code ATA well before that information actually comes into play)
- Flunky Boss (Nearly all of them, though subverted for the first ArkGain fight in the original)
- Funny Animal (Lee, Katze, Shirou, Rubor Cucullus)
- Gag Boobs (Kaguya invokes this the most, but then again, she's a playable character and has Stock Footage. Anne Sirena, on the other hand, may be going over the line:)
Anne: Heh heh... Just so you know, I haven't even reached my full potential yet!
[TROPER GENERAL'S NOTE: Anne's already pushing a North American DD-cup/Eurasian F-cup]
Suzuka: What!? I don't believe it!
Xiaomu: OK, that's crossing the line from titillating to just plain creepy.
- To put it simply, there are only two breast sizes in the games: large breasts and flat chests. BOTH are played for more jokes than you can imagine and a boob joke will be stuck into any conversation possible by misinterpretation or snarking. Hell, EXCEED's animated opening has one bit where Xiaomu's examining herself and leering at the chests of the other girls.
- Gaiden Game
- Gainax Ending (The Big Bad mumbles something about motives and being responsible for the state of the world, then attacks the heroes when they ask for elaboration. After winning, the heroes inexplicably appear in their home dimensions, of which the Endless Frontier has now returned to being a single world, with the crossover characters having disappeared and supposedly returned to their respective dimensions. Rather than trying to figure out what just happened, the cast (and seemingly the inhabitants) writes it off as a victory, but goes back to bickering with each other)
- Gainaxing (Gratuitiously)
- Kaguya's Super Move Portrait Attack has a very noticeable bounce, and her battle sprite has one during her Hourai no Eda attack.
- In combat for EXCEED, while awaiting commands, any female character who isn't board flat bounces.
- Gatling Good, More Dakka (The Jyaki-GUN-Oh carries eight gatling guns)
- The Alt Eisen Nacht gets a small mention with a right-arm mounted five-barreled gatling gun
- KOS-MOS and T-ELOS call out gatling guns from their Hyperspace Arsenal
- Gratuitous Foreign Language (English and Japanese are most prominent, especially considering they left the voice acting untranslated for the localization. Haken uses some Spanish to fit his cowboy theme)
- The Gunslinger, Guns Akimbo (Haken, Reiji and Xiaomu)
- Hadaka Apron (Xiaomu appears in one of her Overdrives in EXCEED (along with a Meido outfit, gym bloomers and a wedding dress)
- Healing Shiv (In EXCEED, Suzuka can heal the entire party... with bullets)
- Technically, they're really party poppers and confetti.
- Hand Cannon (Haken's Longtomb Special)
- Hey, It's That Voice! (You'll be hearing a lot from Nobuyuki Hiyama, Yukana, Kaori Shimizu, Mamiko Noto, Kazuhiko Inoue, Omi Minami, Ryotaro Okiayu, Tetsu Inada, Sayaka Ohara and Ai Orikasa)
- EXCEED brings us Tomokazu Seki and Nana Mizuki as the new characters. Basically, Domon Kasshu and Fate Testarossa are teaming up
- Colette Brunel and Stahn Aileron team up, go! Sono mina no moto, kono kegareta tamashii- SATSUGEKI- -ni sabaki no hikari o furasetamae! BUKOUKEN!!! JUDGMENT!! ORENENENENENENENENENENENENENENENENE!!!! ORRDYAA!!! .... Huh?
- Throw in Guts and Sora for EXCEED.
- For EXCEED villains, we have Ragna The Bloodedge, Terumi and Carl Clover. Yet another place where the two Tomokazus duke it out. And like Terumi, Rig and Peter knows how to brainwash his share of artificial women.
- EXCEED brings us Tomokazu Seki and Nana Mizuki as the new characters. Basically, Domon Kasshu and Fate Testarossa are teaming up
- Heroic BSOD (Averted: Haken's upset when he learns he's W00, but he knows screaming about it won't help)
- Hot Scientist (Marion and Dorothy)
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl (Shuten and Suzuka)
- Humongous Mecha (Partially subverted; the Mecha present are actually 2–3 meters tall, around 1/10 of their actual size. The cast even remarks they'd be crushed by a 20-meter Super Robot, not that they're aware most of those regularly clear double that height)
- Hurricane of Puns (The characters make lots them)
- Hyperspace Arsenal (How does Dorothy fit all those bombs under that dress of hers?)
- I'll Never Tell You What I'm Telling You (Kyon's prone to doing this)
- Fundamentally Female Cast (The team consists of 2 guys and 5 girls; no antagonist group is all-male oriented)
- EXCEED bucks the trend by adding more male characters to the main group (Aledy, Katze, Ezel, Axel and Fighter Roar). Still, by the end of the game, the girls outnumber the guys in the main group (if we can even count Katze as a guy, anyhow).
- Inconsistent Dub (The aforementioned "Raymond" mistranslation. Also partially justified with Kaguya's Goshiki Zankantou, which would have been translated as "Type-5 Colossal Blade" if they hadn't chosen to leave everything from her dimension in its original Japanese)
- Atlus translated the family name of a missing royal family as "Howzen", when it's most likely "Hausen", after Shine Hausen of Original Generation. Made more apparent with Neige Hausen in EXCEED, who's described as a princess from Elfetale now returning to the Endless Frontier.
- Supplement on the Goshiki Zankantou: the kanji translates to "Protection Type Crown Cleaving Sword", rather than the normal "#-Type Ship Cleaving Sword"
- Atlus translated the family name of a missing royal family as "Howzen", when it's most likely "Hausen", after Shine Hausen of Original Generation. Made more apparent with Neige Hausen in EXCEED, who's described as a princess from Elfetale now returning to the Endless Frontier.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl (Kaguya, surprisingly: it's stated her incredibly skimpy and semi-transparent sundress is actually formal wear. So, to her, it's no more than wearing her Sunday Best. Every so often she has a fit of modesty and turns away from the screen to cover her bosom with her arms, all while screeching in an outraged manner and glaring at the player over her shoulder. However, this gives you a great view of her very well-drawn backside.)
- I Take Offense to That Last One
Henne: Looks like her report was right on. "Dumbass poser wearing a black trenchcoat, black hat, red bandana, and fingerless gloves."
Haken: What...!? What's wrong with my gloves!?
- Kick the Dog (Pete basically amounts to a "successful Original Generation Duminuss": he forces Cardia to blow herself up with Code ATA. He actually succeeds)
- Killed Off for Real: EVERY Agrado Heim member
- Lampshade Hanging
- Laser Blade (KOS-MOS' DRAGON TOOTH and Henne Valkyria's Roche Saber, the latter being a Shout-Out to the same named weapon for Personal Troopers in the main series)
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall (Haken's second introduction in EXCEED:)
Haken: "My name's Haken Browning. They call me..."
Haken: "...just like that."
- Let's You and Him Fight (ALL. THE. TIME.)
- Loads and Loads of Characters (EXCEED drop TONS of characters in your party. The support characters manage to exceed the number of playable characters)
- Especially notable when watching the gameplay videos revealing some really crazy chains of support combos. This one, for instance, doesn't use any of the villains and leaves out several of the main heroes (both old and new entrants), but it's still the Energizer Bunny combo: it just keeps going and going and...
- By the end of EXCEED, the main party has 15 females, 6 males, Katze and 6 mecha. Done perfectly, it's possible to chain attacks lasting 12 support attacks (4 Assists plus another 4 from a specific Spirit Command and 4 Support Attacks), 20 attacks from the vanguards and an Overdrive from the last attacker.
- Especially notable when watching the gameplay videos revealing some really crazy chains of support combos. This one, for instance, doesn't use any of the villains and leaves out several of the main heroes (both old and new entrants), but it's still the Energizer Bunny combo: it just keeps going and going and...
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me (Only for enemies in the first game: they can guard and can use Forced Evasion. EXCEED gives the player the option to also use the latter)
- Magic Skirt (Kaguya and Neige)
- Male Gaze (Neige notices where Aledy's looking at upon meeting Kaguya and proceeds to berate him)
- May–December Romance (When Xiaomu learns Neige's 117 years-old and Aledy's 17, she teasingly consoles her that it'll somehow work out. Might also apply to Xiaomu and Reiji, if the wind blows that way)
- Military Mashup Machine (Zeit Krokodil and Giant Marquis)
- Meido (Neige wears the outfit, but ultimately averts it. Xiaomu plays it straight in her new Overdrive for EXCEED, effectively turning her into a Cosplay Otaku Girl)
- Except in one post-battle banter, Aschen in her DTD-Genki Girl-mode starts berating Neige, leading her to "beg for forgiveness" and addressing Aschen as "goshujin-sama" ("my master")
- My Hero Zero (Haken Browning's Number: W00
- Mask Power (Ezel, who always wears a horned skull helmet)
- Mythology Gag (Asstons)
- The Nicknamer (Pretty much everyone. In the official guide for the first game (Japanese-only), there's a list of nicknames for each character. Kaguya has at least twenty, all of them reference either her breasts, status as a princess, or both)
- Ninja (of the Razor Wire and flame explosion type)
- Noble Demon (Ezel)
- Noblewoman's Laugh (Suzuka bursts into a rather impressive one at random moments, mostly while mowing down targets with her karakuri's numerous gatling guns. Also applicable to Neige in EXCEED)
- Non-Mammal Mammaries (Dodged in the case of Anne the Mermaid, who is actually part Orca.)
- Not Quite Deactivated (Cardia "W06" Barissia is still operational in EXCEED)
- Of Corsets Sexy (Dorothy)
- Our Ogres Are Hungrier (There are three types of ogres in the Endless Frontier: the "Master Ogre", "Studious Ogre" and "Nerdious Ogre". All three wear geeky glasses and carry a magic tome)
- Only Sane Person (Suzuka takes this role until Reiji joins the party)
- Only Smart People May Pass (In Dorothy's fortress. Probably justified, since she's an Insufferable Genius)
- Our Elves Are Better (Averted: while a variety of elves come into play at various points, from random encounters featuring shotgun-toting elf chicks and elven commissars with dual SMGs to Hot Scientists Marion and Dorothy to EXCEED's female protagonist Neige, none of them are your typical Earth-attuned elitist variety)
- The Wild and Wood elves? Instead of "Earth-attuned," "Magical-attuned" would be more appropriate.
- Party in My Pocket (Haken seems to keep the group in a hyperspace arsenal. In EXCEED, Aschen for a short while and Aledy for the rest of the game invoke this)
- Petting Zoo People (Too many to count)
- Pirate Girl (Anne)
- Portal Network (The Cross Gates, until the defeat of the first game's Big Bad)
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner (Haken lives for these)
Haken: "Welcome to Lost Herencia. Let me run the welcome wagon right over your ugly ass!"
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits (The whole cast counts as this)
- Random Encounters
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs (Nearly any character, mook or villain who doesn't wield a weapon)
- Aledy. Also the Ark-Won, ArkGain and Aschen. Seems to be a pattern with characters whose names start with "A".
- Rapunzel Hair (Kaguya's got the second longest ponytail ever seen)
- Razor Wire (What Otone and Suzuka use)
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old (Suzuka and Xiaomu. Despite her look, Neige's bio indicates she's 117 years-old)
- Recurring Boss (Expect to fight most bosses at least twice throughout the game)
- Robot Girl (Aside from Aschen and KOS-MOS, Evil Counterparts Cardia and T-ELOS, respectively)
- Rocket Punch
- Rule of Cool: The series like Super Robot Wars runs on this.
- Running Gag (Saya first mistakes Kaguya for a "werecow" because of her abnormal chest size and white-black clothing color scheme. Later, actual werebull Dokugozu asks Kaguya to marry him)
- Know what's the kicker? Kaguya's actually flattered by the proposal.
- Servile Snarker (Aschen would count towards Haken. It helps she's been with him for the past 23 years; even one of her character portraits in game has her bowing servilely)
- Shout-Out (Tons: GaoGaiGar, Hell Girl, Machine Robo, Dangaioh, Martian Successor Nadesico, The Wizard of Oz, Peter Pan, "Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs", Tomb Raider, Super Robot Wars Original Generation...)
- Coupled with Mythology Gag, there's just far too many to list, but this Japanese wiki lists all known shout outs in EXCEED.
- And at one point, Aschen calls Kaguya and Suzuka "Cow and Chicken".
- In EXCEED, apparently KOS-MOS has gotten ahold of one of Jr's gun techs...
- And one of Shion's close range techs from Xenosaga Episode I.
- There's one for Avenue Q, of all things:
KOS-MOS: Strange, in my time the Internet is for-
- Xiaomu shouts out "Hi-yo, Silver!" during her Nicho Sigaisen attack.
- It's more likely she's just saying the name of her pistols, aptly named "Silver".
- Xiaomu shouts out "Hi-yo, Silver!" during her Nicho Sigaisen attack.
Haken: Let's Play.
Aschen: Revolver Knuckle!
- Neige Hausen may has the "Fairy Dancing" theme song and the Royal Heart Blaster Combination Attack with the Fee-Kleid, but she isn't the expy of Shine Hausen (and that's before considering how much Fetish Fuel Neige induces).
- In Formido Heim, Koma (re)introduces herself as "The cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about!"
- Spam Attack (Not only are some attacks just repeated hits with the same weapon, but the player can force this by editing the command roster for the 5 moves a character can use with 100% of their command bar)
- Spank the Cutie (Reiji to Xiaomu, whenever she says or does something stupid. Do note this was implied originally in Namco X Capcom, but Endless Frontier brings it out fully)
- Spell My Name with an "S"
- Split Personality (Normally, Aschen's the resident Deadpan Snarker straight woman to Haken's playfulness, but once that Power Limiter is removed or she overheats, she takes a level in cheerfulness and hyperactivity that would make Excellen proud)
- KOS-MOS also has this, though it's much more subtle: she goes from sharp monotone to a soft, normal voice that's triggered randomly during the final hits of her Overdrive. Some of her pre-/post-battle quotes uses this tone of voice, too.
- Standard Hero Reward (The ending of the first game: all Haken had to do was travel through a few worlds, fight hordes of mercenaries, ogres, mutants and whatnot, face a lot of bosses a lot of times each and save the whole Endless Frontier from Instrumentality...)
- Worth it.
- Stripperiffic (Notably Kaguya, but Aschen and KOS-MOS, upon entering their Overdrive, shed their clothing. Neige in EXCEED also counts)
- Played with: in EXCEED, there's a section of the world covered in ice due to the local leader being An Ice Person. Reality Ensues as the underdressed Kaguya and Neige start complaining about the cold.
- Super Move Portrait Attack (Used, abused, and made into many an animated filetypes)
- Support Power (Party members in the back row can do this. Basically, everyone has an attack that can only be triggered when they're currently not in the fighting party. Furthermore, each support-only character in EXCEED comes with a preset chance of activating a skill or Spirit Command for the party member they're junctioned to, which also stacks with each members' abilities and Spirit Commands)
- Team Mom (Anne acts like this on occasion around the younger girls in the party, such as Alfimi and MOMO)
- Theme Naming (Fairy tales, especially the one's collected by The Brothers Grimm)
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill (Justified: the first game grants more experience if you finish an opponent off with a Support Attack or a Limit Break. EXCEED awards 20% or 30%+ experience for a Limit Break finish depending on whether you killed 1 or 2 or more enemies at the end of the battle, but a Support Finish (a partner assigned to a front-line fighter in the party) nets additional gold, while an Assist Finish (a party member in the back row) fills the Frontier Gauge up by 30%. The latter's noteworthy because in EXCEED, the gauge carries over for every fight)
- Note that your hits counter translates to F. gauge when you kill an enemy. It's a small amount (hits divide by 10, round down) but sometimes worth blowing that last attack on a dead enemy who hasn't hit the ground to fill the gauge. It's more important in the first game where the gauge resets between battles.
- This Is a Drill (The Thrudgelmir Expy in EXCEED gets one. Funny enough, it doubles as another Mythology Gag, since the original Thrudgelmir uses a BFS as its primary weapon, with a drill on its head; EXCEED's Big Bad has a blade mounted to its head, with a drill the main weapon)
- Thong of Shielding (T-ELOS; if you're lucky, you can catch a glimpse during her Super Move Portrait Attack. Kaguya also gets one as an (unfortunately invisible) accessory)
- Underground Monkey (Copious backtracking, among other things, allows for many monster types to repeat themselves every four dungeons in progressively stronger forms)
- Verbal Tic (KOS-MOS adds a "nya" to the end of some of her sentences, a Mythology Gag from a Xenosaga Fan Disc, and some of the other females get into it as well)
- Virgin Sacrifice (Averted: Kaguya's willing to seal off all the Cross Gates, in exchange for her life, so the Einsts cannot interfere with the Endless Frontier anymore, until Haken decides to "kidnap" her back to the party, by Taking a Third Option)
- It's more of a cross between Human Sacrifice and Powered by a Forsaken Child, otherwise Kaguya's mother Ui wouldn't have been able to pull off the same thing her daughter was prevented from doing
- Wave Motion Gun: Haken's Longtomb Special, although played more straight in EXCEED, when Haken can use it to hit multiple enemies as part of the Phantom Hold'em Frontier MAX.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: This game's utterly laced with ninjas, pirates, robots, Anime/cultural Shout Outs, Gag Boobs, flat chested girls, familiar expies, over-the-top Gainaxing, loads of Fetish Fuel-inducing moments ("Maybe it's a giant tentacle, molesting the planet itself?"), DISCO music and massive amounts of Innocent Innuendos and Double Entendres in every conversation. Name one other game that contains as much as Endless Frontier does, without straying away from the seemingly incredible gameplay.
- Whip Sword: Kaguya's sword can extend like one.
- World of Badass: The very first mook you meet attacks with a Macross Missile Massacre. The shopkeepers moonlight as Hired Guns. Old crashed battleships that constantly spew forth monsters from other worlds are basically treated as tourist traps.
- World Tree: There are two of them. One of them is in Kagura Amahara, which has the power of to close Cross Gates. The other is owned by Agrado Heim and has the power to open them.
- Yaoi Fangirl Xiaomu often comments about how she enjoys writing slash fan fiction. In fact if you party her with Reiji and Haken there is a chance that at the start of the fight she will whisper "Reiji Cross Haken..." to herself... just loud enough that Haken overhears her and asks her not to couple them.
- You Look Familiar (Invoked by Fighter Roar when he comes across Aschen the first time, mistaking her as Lamia, for good reasons)
- Zettai Ryouiki with most of the female cast, though the award would likely go to Kaguya.
- Zonk ("Gamble" Spirit Command and Kaguya's "Tsukimizake" skill: what's worst isn't when she poisons/stuns/paralyzes herself, but when she casts "Mercy" (max damage per hit cannot be greater than 10))
- Also, these are games where low level Mooks have several thousand HP a piece. Having "Mercy" on, you might as well be doing zero damage.
- On the other hand, allowing them to live long enough can be used to fill the Limit Break gauge.