Super Robot Wars Compact 2

The second entry of the Wonderswan series of Super Robot Wars, the Super Robot Wars Compact 2 story was so big it had to be separated into three parts: Earth Crisis, Cosmoquake and Galaxy Showdown. The story deals with the battle between Earth's forces and the extraterrestrial Einst, who seek to restart the world they deem too corrupted. The key to Einst's success or defeat lies within two cadets in the Earth Federation's forces, serving as the game's Original Generation.
Arguably one of the more famous SRW entries, despite the obscure handheld system it started out on. It was later remade using the Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden engine as Super Robot Wars Impact, the series' first entry on the Sony PlayStation 2, with all three games compiled onto one disc. Impact added two new series into the mix: G Gundam and Martian Successor Nadesico, including The Dragon Einst Alfimi. Like the preceding Super Robot Wars Compact, Compact 2 and Impact features the "Free Route System": rather than following a linear plot, the games allow the player to choose the order to play certain scenarios in. This may affect the storyline or give the player an opportunity to unlock hidden units and/or characters.
Series included in the Super Robot Wars Compact 2 trilogy/Impact (debuts are in bold)
- Banpresto Originals
- Mobile Suit Gundam
- Mazinger Z
- Getter Robo
- Getter Robo G
- Shin Getter Robo (Manga version)
- Brave Raideen
- Super Electromagnetic Machine Combattler V
- Invincible Super Man Zambot 3
- Invincible Steel Man Daitarn 3
- Aura Battler Dunbine
- Dancougar: Requiem for Victims (Debuts in Earth Crisis)
- Dangaioh (Debuts in Earth Crisis)
- Ninja Senshi Tobikage (Debuts in Earth Crisis)
- Machine Robo: Revenge of Chronos (Debuts in Cosmoquake)
- Martian Successor Nadesico (Impact exclusive)
- Mobile Fighter G Gundam (Impact exclusive)
- The Ace (Haran Banjou and Rom Stol)
- Ace Pilot (Kyosuke is a "Steamroller" and Excellen's a "Sniper", though when fighting alongside him, she steers towards "Bushwacker")
- Ascended Extra (Meganoid Generals Benmel, Cross, Mileena and Neros (who only appears in the Impact remake) only show up for one episode each, yet are more prominent in this game/series than other SRW Daitarn 3 appearances)
- Badass (Like their Super Robot Wars Original Generation counterparts, Kyosuke, Excellen and Alfimi are certified badasses in their own way. Every playable character in this game also count)
- Badass Abnormal (Excellen's a Half-Human Hybrid)
- Badass in Distress (Excellen gets kidnapped by the Einst.)
- Badass Normal: While most of his other companions are pilots with powerful psychic abilities or pilots who pilot Super Robots, Kyousuke manages to kick-ass & win battles solely by his insane skills & crazy amount of battle experience behind the cockpit(He IS the only person that can pilot the Alt Eisen/Alt Eisen Riese.) The only thing thats abnormal about him is his insane luck giving him the capability to survive injuries that can kill any other man/woman.
- Little Miss Badass (Alfimi)
- Back From the Dead (Emperor Muge Zorbados and Shapiro Keats, the Meganoids, Dr. Hell (as the Grand Marshall of Hell), Baron Ashura and Count Brocken all return from the previous war.)
- Beam Spam (Specialty of the Weiss and Rein Weiss)
- Big Bad (Neue Regisseur)
- Big Damn Heroes (Tobikage and Rom Stoll)
- Blade on a Stick (It should also be mentioned the BFG of Excellen's Weiss Ritter is named after the Oxtongue spear)
- Boisterous Bruiser (Excellen's a rare female protagonist example, though she slightly overlaps this with...)
- Boss Rush: Scenario 99 in IMPACT.
- Bottle Fairy, with a mix of The Pollyanna (Excellen loves her alcohol, but she doesn't need it to become the latter: its part of her nature, because her sunny disposition is what really cheers the cast up during the downer moments)
- Brainwashed and Crazy (Excellen in the Impact remake)
- Char Clone (Taken to logical conclusion when Anavel Gato is convinced into your group in IMPACT, he joins Char in his Colony Drop of Axis
- Chest Blaster (Mazinger Z's Breast Fire, Great Mazinger's Breast Burn, Grendizer's Hanjyuroku Storm)
- Cloning Blues (Alfimi in the Impact remake)
- Cool Big Sis (Excellen)
- The Collector (Benmel)
- Combination Attack (Impact marks the Rampage Ghost's first appearance)
- Aura Battler Dunbine Combination Attacks: Double Hyper Aura Giri (performed by Dunbine and Bilbine)
- G Gundam Combination Attacks: Double God Finger (performed by God Gundam and Nobel Gundam), Double Sekiha Tenkyoken (performed by God Gundam and Master Gundam) and Love Love Finger (performed by God Gundam and Shining Gundam)
- Machine Robo Combination Attacks: Double Kamaitachi (performed by Vaikungfu and Blue Jet) and Inazuma Cyclone Ganban Wari (performed by Vaikungfu and Road Drill)
- Martian Successor Nadesico Combination Attacks: Buttercup Formation (performed by Aestivalis-Ryoko, Aestivalis-Hikaru, and Aestivalis-Izumi) and Double Gekigan Flare (performed by Aestivalis-Akito and Aestivalis-Gai)
- Mazinger Series Combination Attacks: Double Burning Fire (performed by Mazinger Z and Great Mazinger), Triple Mazinger Punch (performed by Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger and Grendizer) and Triple Mazinger Blade (performed by Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger and Grendizer)
- Ninja Senshi Tobikage Combination Attacks: Beast Machine Combination (performed by Black Lion, Burst Dragon, and Thunder Eagle), and Dual Kage Combination (performed by Tobikage and Zerokage).
- Combining Mecha (Getter Robo, Dancougar, Dangaioh and Combattler V)
- Tobikage also combines with one of the three Mecha from its series when their Will is high enough
- Crowning Music of Awesome (Ever wondered where Steel Beowulf and Hakugin no Datenshi (localized as "Fallen White Knight") came from?)
- Ninja Senshi Tobikage's opening theme, Love Survivor, was already awesome, but Impact's version is undeniably one of the awesomest battle themes in the entire franchise.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?? (Don Zauser, Demon Emperor Barao, Gadess, Emperor Muge Zorbados, the Devil Gundam, Neue Regisseur)
- A very rare occasion in SRW where the True Final Boss is NOT this trope.
- Deadpan Loli (Ruri Hoshino (Impact only))
- Doomed Hometown: Mars for the Tobikage characters, Nadesico characters and Banjou Haran.
- The Dragon (The resurrected Emperor Muge Zorbados serves this role to the Einst Collective.)
- Eldritch Abomination (The Einst)
- Everything's Better with Princesses (Princess Romina)
- Evil Knockoff (Fake Daitarn 3s, Gildeens, Mass Production Great Mazingers, Einst Eisen)
- Face Heel Turn: Char and Gato in the true ending.
- Fix Fic (Bernie Wiseman (as a result of retconning his death in Gundam 0080), Norris Packard, Master Asia, Schwarz Bruder, Puru and Puru 2 get to live)
- Flash Step (F91 Gundam Formula 91)
- Gratuitous German (The names of Kyosuke and Excellen's mecha; similarly, all the names and attacks of Einst units and characters)
- Hive King (Neue Regisseur)
- Half-Human Hybrid (Excellen)
- Human Aliens (Duke and Maria Fleed, The Zambot Team members, 3/4s of the Dangaioh team, and the Zaboom and Rodarians.)
- Humanity on Trial (The Einst are disturbed by how warlike the Earthlings are and seek to Kill'Em All and replace them with a new species in an Adam and Eve Plot, using Kyosuke and Alfimi as its Adam and Eve)
- Improbable Weapon User (Kyosuke's Alt Eisen uses a pile bunker and mecha-sized titanium ball bearings as weapons. When it's upgraded to the Riese, it can't even move with the extra armor: who in the right mind would want to use this machine?? Fortunately, he's the only one who can ever use it and factor in his ungodly luck, here's a true example of a weapon not fit for anyone but him)
- Karmic Death (Gil Berg and Garimos from Dangaioh finally get it, after being Karma Houdinis in the series proper)
- Don't forget Kusakabe either. You finally get to blow up the bastard in Impact!
- Kinetic Weapons Are Just Better (In a setting where most Humongous Mecha are powered by Applied Phlebotinum, tinkered by Cosmic Horrors, shoot Frickin' Laser Beams and Spheres Of Destruction and other unworldly powers, the Real Robot Alt Eisen uses solely solid-based weapons. Unfortunately, it's an Awesome but Impractical unit, due to its specifications and difficulty in handling in-story. However, it functions on Rule of Cool, due to its pilot having been Born Lucky and in his hands, is able to take it to a point where it rivals Super Robots in damage capabilities)
- MacGuffin: The Star of La Mu.
- Make Me Wanna Shout: God Voice, which is unlocked after performing a sequence of events.
- Meta Mecha (Vikungfu and GP-03)
- Mid-Season Upgrade (Alt Eisen Reise, Getter Robo G, GP-03, Billbine, God Gundam, Shin Getter Robo and Rein Weiss Ritter. Unfortunately, you can't have the latter and Shin Getter at the same time)
- Multicolored Hair (Gold and brown for Kyosuke)
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot (Ninja Senshi Tobikage and G Gundam units (Impact only))
- One Game For The Price Of Three
- No One Could Survive That (Subverted: Excellen didn't survive the shuttle accident; the meddling Einsts brought her Back From the Dead)
- Official Couple (Kyosuke x Excellen, of course)
- Overly-Long Fighting Animation
- Perky Female Minion (Alfimi)
- The Power of Love (Which grants Kyosuke and Excellen their Combination Attack, complete with witty banter)
- Also slightly played at the same time: Excellen only ever calls it the "Love Love Attack"
- The original attack even shows up. The only difference is that Rain pilots the Shining Gundam for Impact.
- Put on a Bus (The only characters from G Gundam brought over for Impact are Allenby Beardsley, Domon Kasshu, Dr. Kasshu, Dr. Mikamura, Kyoji Kasshu, Rain Mikamura, Schwarz Bruder, Master Asia and Ulube Ishikawa)
ColdREALLY REALLY COLORFUL Sniper (Excellen)- Robeast (Mechanical Beasts, Fossil Beasts, Warrior Beasts, Slave Beasts, Mecha Boosts)
- Rocket Punch (Mazinger Z's Rocket Punch, Great Mazinger's Atomic Punch and Drill Pressure Punch, Grendizer's Screw Crusher Punch, Dangaioh's Boost Knuckle and Spiral Knuckle)
- Spell My Name with an "S" (Is it Alfimi or Alchemie?)
- True Final Boss (Char Aznable)
- Video Game Remake/Adaptation Expansion (Impact combines the three Compact 2 games together and mixes fan favorites Mobile Fighter G Gundam and Martian Successor Nadesico in)
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair (Alfimi, even when her origin is an orange-blonde Ms. Fanservice...)
- Zerg Rush