< Mobile Suit Gundam AGE

Mobile Suit Gundam AGE/Characters

The cast of Mobile Suit Gundam AGE, and associated tropes. Beware of spoilers.

First Generation

Earth Federal Forces

Flit Asuno

Voiced by: Toshiyuki Toyonaga (JP)

The first protagonist of Gundam AGE, he was born the same year that the war with the Unknown Enemies began. While he was still young, Flit and his family were attacked by the UE 7 years after "The Day Angel Fell", the first UE attack. It was during this attack that his dying mother provided him with control unit and schematics for the Gundam, leading Flit to spend years developing the "Legendary Mobile Suit" and devotes himself toward the defense of humanity and the defeat of the UEs. He is 14 years old at the start of his story.

Emily Amonde

Voiced by: Aya Endo (JP)

Childhood friend of Flit Asuno who met him when he first moved to Nora.

  • Blue Eyes
  • Childhood Friend Romance: Seems likely, and she appears to have some sort of feelings for Flit. And since his son is blonde and has Blue Eyes...
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She doesn't show this in terms of keeping Flit away from other girls (and there aren't any on the Diva anyway), but from the Gundam. In Episode 4 she accepts Woolf's challenge in the hopes that Flit will lose (and thus lose his place on the ship so that he'll accompany her and Dique to a new colony), and she gets angry at Woolf and Grodek for encouraging him to fight. Understandable, since nobody wants to see their crush die in battle. She eases up after a chat with Lalaparly Mardona later on.
  • Expy: She looks similar to Sayla and has a similar role to Fraw Bow.
  • Hair of Gold
  • Patient Childhood Love Interest
  • Plucky Girl
  • Snooping Little Kid: She shadows the Diva's intended captain and overhears his intentions to abandon the colony. She later overhears Grodek blackmailing another Federation officer and confronts him about it at one point, but the incidents motivate her to speak up on his behalf when Adams questions his right to command.

Dique Gunhale

Voiced by: Kouki Miyata (JP)

Another friend of Flit's who ends up on the Diva with Emily when she decides to sneak aboard with Flit.

  • Big Fun: One of the more comical characters, even in the generally more serious second arc.
  • Tagalong Kid: For most of the first generation, until he becomes Vargas' assistant.

Commander Henrik Bruzar

Voiced by: Ikuya Sawaki (JP)

The commander of the Federation forces at Nora. He serves as a sort of father figure to Flit, and sacrifices himself to help the colony core escape.

Deputy-Commander Grodek Ainoa

Voiced by: Hiroki Tochi (JP)

Captain of the United Earth Federation warship, Diva, on which Flit Asuno and the Gundam AGE-1 are stationed.

  • Anti-Hero: Type III
  • Badass Beard: Complete with sideburns.
    • And possibly a Beard of Sorrow, as it doesn't appear in the flashbacks of his pre-military days.
  • Being Good Sucks: As a reward for destroying Ambat, the Federation Forces court-martial him for treason and sentence him to life in prison, while taking credit for his operation.
  • Big Good: Despite some complicated issues in first generation he is the one leading humans forces against UE.
  • Byronic Hero: He's a deeply wounded man who takes on the UE when nobody else in the Federation is willing to, but his main goal is to get back at them rather than protect civilians. And his crew seems to believe that he's more noble than he actually proves to be in the end.
  • The Captain
  • Commissar Cap
  • Cool Shades
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Lost his wife and daughter in The Day Angel Fell.
  • Expy: A sideburned, sunglasses-wearing captain who has suffered a past trauma. Just like a certain other Gundam captain...
  • Guile Hero: He's willing to kidnap uncooperative officers and key himself into the system as their replacement...and it only escalates from there.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: A mild example, but still undeniably present, as his desire for revenge against the UE pushes him to steadily more questionable acts.
  • Revenge: It fuels his desire to battle the UE at all costs and leads him to burn his bridges like it's going out of style.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: The Day Angel Fell did bad, bad things to his mind.
  • Slasher Smile: A few times during the raid on the Vagan base.
  • Shut UP, Hannibal: He is not interested in what Yark Dole has to say about the Vagans' reason for war.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": One of the worst examples. Grodek, Grudek, Grudech? Ainoa, Ainor, Aynoa, Aynor?
  • You Are in Command Now: He was Bruzar's deputy commander; when Bruzar realises that the Diva's captain intends to abandon the colony, he sends Grodek to seize control of the ship.

Millais Alloy

Voiced by: Yu Shimamura

A female officer onboard the Diva. She originally served under Bruzar and is loyal to Grodek, despite some uncertainties.

  • Bridge Bunny: In Generation 1.
  • Captain's Log: Although not captain yet, she sums up the events after Ambat at the end of episode 15 in a disillusioned journal entry about Grodek's trial, the origin of the Unknown Enemy, and the continuing corruption and mismanagement of the Federation government.
  • Cool Big Sis: To Flit and Emily.
  • Heroic BSOD: When she finds out who the UE were actually people.
  • Mission Control: The operations and communication officer, to be specific.

Adams Tinel

One of the bridge staff for the Diva.

  • Darkskinned Blonde
  • Fatal Family Photo: Subverted. He narrowly survives the battle of Ambat.
  • Heroic BSOD: Similar to Millais and Woolf, he gets one after finding out that the UE were actually humans belonging to Vagan.
  • Mission Control
  • Sour Supporter: He's openly skeptical of Grodek's motivations and would much prefer to be doing this without committing mutiny against Federation command...but he's still manning his post.

Vargas Dyson

Voiced by: Naoki Bandou (JP)

Emily's Grandfather and the co-developer of the AGE-1 Gundam AGE-1 Normal. He also serves as an expert mechanic, who makes several upgrades to the Earth Federal Forces's mobile suits.

Largan Drace

Voiced by: Wataru Hatano (JP)

A mobile suit pilot of the Earth Federal Forces, who pilots the RGE-B790 Genoace. He is supposed to pilot the AGE-1 Gundam AGE-1 Normal until he was injured during the UE's attack at Nora.

  • Badass Normal: Sure, he has trouble catching up with the heroes in terms of strength & skill, but that doesn't stop him from going into the fight & lending them help whenever it's needed. The most awesome example was taking on a Baqto knowing it's an almost hopeless fight & surviving.
  • Can't Catch Up: His standard-issue Genoace just can't compare with the Gundam or the G-Exes. He's aware of this, judging by his battle cry of "I can fight too!" in Episode 12. The poor guy is finally able to destroy a UE suit on-screen in that battle.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: He grows increasingly distressed over the possibility of engaging in combat with Earth Federal forces due to Grodek's mutiny.
  • Cool Shades
  • Fiery Redhead: Kind of subverted; he's usually amicable, but quite determined in battle.
  • Nice Guy: He's pretty friendly to everyone he meets and doesn't bear Flit any ill-will for basically stealing his assignment to the Gundam.
  • Put on a Bus: He doesn't appear in Generation 2.

Woolf Enneacle

Voiced by: Daisuke Ono (JP)

A former Mobile Suit Grand Prix champion, he joined the Earth Federal forces when that got dull and quickly distinguished himself as a skilled pilot. Rather arrogant in attitude, he has expressed an interest in piloting the Gundam himself.

  • Ace Custom: Prior to getting his hands on the G-Exes, he pilots a custom white Genoace, as befits an Ace like him.
  • Animal-Eared Headband: Technically, it's his hair. It automatically falls into wolf-ears once it's dry from a shower.
  • Badass Normal: No special abilities, not an X-rounder, just pure skill & talent at kicking asses in an MS.
  • Bishonen: To the point he has a Shower Scene just to drive home he's male, if the voice didn't tip anyone off. Bonus points for being voiced by Daisuke Ono.
  • Cool Old Guy: By Generation 2.
  • Dark-Skinned Blond: Technically, it's white, but close enough.
  • Drives Like Crazy: Intentionally. He's a former racer with a massive ego, and loves showing off his moves to anyone unfortunate enough to be his passenger.
  • Dual-Wielding
  • Expressive Hair: His "ears" twitch.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Episode Four. He steps out of the shower, tells the mirror that he's the best, and then flings the towel away with a declaration of "I'm looking great!"
  • The Fighting Narcissist: A minor, heroic example.
  • Handsome Lech
  • Heroic BSOD: Woolf has one from not only realizing the UE are actually human, but also from seeing a bleeding Vagan soldier he befriended die in his arms.
  • Human Popsicle: He was recuperating in a pod in the medical bay whilst the Diva was docked at Nora, causing considerable bewilderment when he wakes up to find the colony's gone, his ship is under new management, and some dumb kid scored the first ever confirmed kills against the UE with a home-made mobile suit.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He quite enjoys being deliberately annoying, but he does care about his comrades. He makes a point of looking out for the less-experienced Flit in battle, almost like an older brother.
  • Let's Get Dangerous: From his introduction, Woolf seems more or less like an arrogant prettyboy and irritates everyone he meets. Once he's in a battle situation, though, it's plain that his confidence is fully justified.
  • Man in White: Wears a white pilot suit, has white hair, and flies a white mecha. There's a theme going on here.
  • Nose Art: Regardless of the suit he's piloting, it has to have an all-white paintjob.
  • Red Baron: "The White Wolf."
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: After Episode 15 and into the Second Generation.
  • Spirited Competitor: He's not brutal enough to be considered a Blood Knight, but going into battle really fires him up.
  • Stepford Smiler: His enthusiastic style of leadership in the Second Generation seems to mask his concern for Asemu.
  • Super Pilot
  • Testosterone Poisoning: Insists on manliness even in his eating habits.
  • Tragic Keepsake: The necklace from the dying Vagan soldier.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy


Voiced by: Aya Endo

Haro is a special computer robot unit developed by Flit during his stay at Nora.

Stoller Guavaran

Voiced by: Taiten Kusunoki

A Federal Forces officer on a mission to apprehend Grodek Ainoa.

  • Commissar Cap
  • Sympathetic Inspector Antagonist: He looks like Inspector Javert at first, but he seems interested in Grodek's information about the UE when he first arrests him (he switches back to chase mode after Grodek's crew comes to the rescue). In episode 12, he decides to let the Diva continue on its self-proclaimed mission after they defeat an UE ambush.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: He has a limitless supply of chocolate bars and tends to angrily take a bite whenever he makes a point. He says that his brain needs the energy that chocolate provides.
  • Worthy Opponent: He speaks highly of Grodek's cunning and realizes his true intentions, even predicting his tactics, when the UE interrupts the second arrest attempt.

Unknown Enemy (UE)/Vagan

The villains of the piece, the UE appeared out of nowhere 14 years earlier, launching seemingly random attacks on Earth and the space colonies. In one of the attacks they destroyed Flit's colony, and killed his mother. What they want--and indeed what they are--was a mystery. Their true identity is a group of people left for dead in Mars by the Earth Federation when the Mars Colonization plan failed. Whilst their motives are still unknown, their hatred for the Federation that abandoned them is very apparent.

Tropes associated with the UE as a whole:

  • Ace Custom: The Zedas, a souped-up Gafran that specialises in close combat. It's Desil's personal suit.
  • Alien Invasion: Highly speculated, in and out of series. Turns out they're human.
  • Blade Below the Shoulder: The Baqto features a Laser Blade built into its right arm.
    • The Gafran was displaying this long before the Baqto was introduced, having them produced by their own hand vulcans. The Zedas' tail blade is often held in the same manner, but can be held in a more traditional method as well.
  • Combat Pragmatist: They always operate in teams, attack military bases before they can mobilise, retreat when faced with superior opposition, shoot down ships and/or weapons before they can be finished launching, bypass individual enemies to focus on the main mission objectives, and have no problem using superweapons when their initial attack fails. So far they've demonstrated a remarkable amount of Genre Savvy, pragmatism and genuine tactical aptitude.
  • Chest Blaster: Standard for UE suits, though the precise kind varies according to the model.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy: The UE don't really play by standard Gundam rules.
  • Dual-Wielding: The Zedas that attacked Nora in episode three carried a pair of beam sabres.
  • Elite Mooks: The Baqto heavy assault suit, the Mighty Glacier to the Gafran's Fragile Speedster.
  • Fragile Speedster: The Gafran was a Lightning Bruiser prior to the introduction of the AGE-1. Even afterwards it remains a speedy target, that's difficult to lock onto, without Psychic Powers.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: Even after we learn precisely who and what they are, their motives remain a mystery.
  • Human All Along: The UE are from Vagan, a nation of survivors from the failed Mars Colonisation Project.
  • Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons: The Gafrans have a dragon-like alt mode, complete with wings and tails.
  • Know When to Fold'Em: The UE are very cagey adversaries.
  • Laser Blade: The Zedas duel wields beam sabres in its battle with Flit.
  • Lightning Bruiser: So far the Zedas is this. It's even faster than the already speedy Gafran, heavily armoured enough to shrug off hits from the DOTS-Rifle, and carries two beam sabres that allow it to engage the AGE on an even basis. The Gafran was this prior to the introduction of the Gundam.
  • Mecha-Mooks: The Gafrans are the UE's standard unit, though they're tougher than many Gundam Mooks. The Baqtos are Elite Mooks.
  • Mighty Glacier: The Baqto is as close to this trope as the mobility-obsessed UE design ethos allows - in other words, the Federation's suits can actually keep up with it.
  • Power Palms: All UE suits feature beam gatlings in each palm. In the more advanced models, these can be turned into beam sabres for close-quarters combat.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Fans can't seem to agree with the spelling of the UE's real name. Is it Vagan (currently the most accepted spelling), Veigan, or Vegan (by far, the most amusing)?
  • Transforming Mecha: The Gafrans have a dragon-like alt-mode. The Zedas transforms into a jet/UFO cross.
  • We Have Reserves: They will cheerfully finish off wounded allies, though this may have more to do with ensuring that none of their secrets fall into the hands of their enemies.
  • Weapons of Mass Destruction: The colony destroyer that the Gafrans can mount as an optional weapon.

Desil Galette

Voiced by: Ayahi Takagaki (JP)

A red-haired boy Flit meets on Fardain. Although he appears to be a young child, Desil seems to have the same abilities as Yurin, and is already a master Mobile Suit pilot. He is a pilot for Vagan's advance force, and due to his skill is given quite a bit of freedom to act as he pleases.

  • Ace Pilot
  • Arch Enemy: Flit's.
  • Ax Crazy: From trashing his room in episode 10 to giving a Slasher Smile when he's about to head out against the Gundam, this kid is anything but sane.
  • Blood Knight: Desil is probably one of the youngest (and most heinous) examples imaginable.
  • Child Soldier: Of the Precociously Talented type, though it's played for anything but cutesyness.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: His black Khronos.
  • Creepy Child: He's just as cheerful as you'd expect a kid his age to be...but the episode he was introduced in was titled "The Demon Boy" and he has made some rather unsettling comments about Flit's survival.

"I hope to meet you again, Flit-oniisan...if you survive long enough, that is."

Yark Dore/Geera Zoi

Voiced by: Yuuichi Nagashima (JP)

A mysterious man who, with his son Arabel, commands the Space Fortress Ambat. He is also an Arms Dealer.

Lord Ezelcant

Voiced by: Ryuzaburo Ohtomo

The leader of the UE, and the instigator of the conflict. Geera Zoi implied that his ultimate goals are more than simple revenge against the Earth Sphere, though what exactly those are is unknown.

  • Anime Hair: You know those braidini things? Well, apparently Lord Ezelcant employs a corkscrew for the same purpose. Plus hairspray.
  • Big Bad
  • Boomerang Bigot: An interesting and unusually honest example. He holds X-Rounders in contempt despite openly admitting to being one himself.
  • The Chessmaster: In Generation 2, his plan to merge a fortress with a supply colony near Earth to act as a beach head had a plan B where the fortress is blown up and his forces are hidden within its debris that would fall to Earth for an eventual surprise attack.
  • The Man Behind the Man
  • Psychic Powers: Is hinted at in Zeheart's flashback to be an extremely powerful X-Rounder.
  • Visionary Villain: Based on the limited info currently available his goal seems to be to ensure peace by destroying the rotten Federation and creating a Vagan utopia.


Yurin L'Ciel

Voiced by: Saori Hayami(JP)

A young girl Flit rescues as he's fleeing Nora's collapse. She has some kind of extrasensory perception, using it to guide Flit out of the colony. Similarly to Flit, she was orphaned by the UE, and was later adopted by the richest man in the Minsry colony, but has trouble accepting the idea of him as her family. It is heavily implied that she, like Flit, is an X-Rounder, thus why Decil pressed her into joining Vagan in episode 12.

Mukured Madorna

Voiced by: Hiroshi Shirokuma (JP)

An independent mobile suit mechanic who runs his own workshop. He's an incredibly talented engineer and designed Woolf's G-Exes and G-Bouncer.

Alzack Birmings

Voiced by: Tomomichi Nishimura (JP)

An old friend of Don Boyage, he has since moved to the neutral colony of Minsry and adopted Yurin as his daughter. He also helps Grodek plan out an attack against the UE Ambat base, making him a key ally during Diva's campaign against the UE. Or so it seems...

Don Boyage

Voiced by: Kenta Miyake (JP)

Leader of the Zalam faction of the Fardain colony, which continues to fight despite the reasons for the war being long past. He has the appearance of a gangster boss.

Ract Elfamel

Voiced by: Junichi Suwabe (JP)

Leader of the Euba faction of Fardain, whick continues to fight against Zalam despite there really being no reason for them to do so. He styles himself as a chivalrous knight.

Second Generation

Earth Federal Forces

Asemu Asuno

Voiced by: Takuya Eguchi (JP)

The second protagonist and Flit's son. He's 17 years old at the start of his story.

  • Always Someone Better: He sees himself as second-best to Zeheart in battle and as the object of Romary's affections at first. Add that to his inferiority complex towards his father, and it's no wonder some viewers noticed some Sanity Slippage.
  • Anime Hair: As you can see, it's a spiked mullet with a ponytail. The spikes get even bigger by the time he's a father.
  • Badass: Like father, like son.
    • Badass Biker
    • Badass Normal: It turns out that he did not inherit his father's X-Rounder abilities. This puts him at a serious disadvantage over Zeheart. Despite this, he proves himself later to be a very dangerous MS pilot(and not just because he's piloting a Gundam...), managing to singlehandedly kill and obliterate Desil -- a powerful X-Rounder -- in their duel.
      • He even becomes the one person that can out-duel Zeheart in a straight-on fight. That is, until his son, Kio comes along...
    • Badass Abnormal: For a single episode. He uses the captured mu-szell -- a Vagan helmet -- to give himself X-Rounder powers, and manages to take out Leo of the Magician's Eight. However, the helmet causes him physical pain and brain damage, so he abandons it.
  • Be Yourself: What Woolf and Rody urged him to do instead of copying his father, but losing to X-Rounders and Flit's attitude made it hard for the lesson to stick. Until Episode 26, when he rips Decil to pieces for killing Woolf.
  • Berserk Button: Until episode 27, Zeheart. The face he wears for most of Episode 24 even edges close to Sanity Slippage.
  • Blue Eyes
  • Can't Catch Up: His biggest worry for most of his arc is that he won't be able to match his father and Zeheart as a MS pilot.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: It's understandable that he rushes out to the Gundam every time there's a Vagan attack. Saving the school bully from dying of lack of oxygen? Heroic blood.
  • Dangerous Seventeenth Birthday
  • Dont Think. Feel: What Woolf was telling him to do during piloting. When Asem mastered it, it allowed him to become unreadable for X-Rounders.
  • Dual-Wielding:
    • Notably takes up a "two sword style" once he pilots the Gundam.
    • Probably inspired by Woolf's style. The second ED shows Asemu's younger self playing with a G-Exes model.
    • Taken to new levels with the Double Bullet. It was designed with dual-wielding in mind.
  • Expy: With his rival being a powerful X-Rounder and having limited X-Rounder aptitude himself, he seems to be developing into AGE's equivalent of Garrod Ran.
    • Personality-wise, he bears similarities to Kou Uraki.
    • Since the show acts as being to similar to all 3 of the original Universal Century Shows he counts as the Kamille to Flit's Amuro and Kio's Judau.
    • He is also called The White Devil, although that's more of a Mythology Gag.
  • Happily Married: With Romary in Episode 28.
  • Hereditary Hairstyle: He has Emily's close-cut-with-ponytail, along with the blond gene.
  • Heroic BSOD: When the Zedas R stands victorious over the Gundam and Zeheart pops out to tell him he shouldn't be fighting.
    • And again when the pose is repeated, only with Zeheart in the Zeydra and Asemu in the Gundam AGE-2.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He flies into the Vagan fortress to stop a Colony Drop with no expectation that he'll have time to escape. Fortunately for him, Ezelcant had a way out prepared for Zeheart, who had also flown in to do the same thing.
  • Hot-Blooded: Becomes increasingly so on the battlefield.
  • Hot Dad: Hot DAMN.
  • Kid Hero: Subverted. He's also the oldest of the three protagonists. And by the time he graduates from his school, a year and a half have passed since his 17th birthday/introduction, making him 18 at this point and therefore technically an adult.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: This was his default tactic until Woolf's death. It got him in trouble with Millais and thrown into the brig a lot, and ultimately got Woolf killed.
  • Legacy Character: To Woolf, in all but name.
    • Reinforced in episode 28, where in the one-year timeskip, his Gundam has a white color scheme and he himself is all in white.
  • Man in White: At the very end of the Second Generation, in tribute to Woolf.
  • Meaningful Name: "Asem" is Arabic in origin, and means "protector, guardian, or defender." Given where he draws his strength from, it's quite apt.
  • Mid-Season Upgrade: Gets a more obvious one than his dad. Whilst the Titus and Spallow had their pros and cons relative to the AGE-1 Normal, the Double Bullet is nothing but an improvement on the AGE-2.
  • Military Brat: Unlike most, his dad is a high-ranking officer, but it still means that Asemu doesn't get to see him very often.
  • Military Maverick: Spends much of his time growing into one, with Woolf's encouragement.
  • Nice Guy: Although he enters the show by taking some other kids to task for bullying his friends, he seems to be quite pleasant to people who give the same courtesy to him.
    • Zeheart tries several times to dissuade Asemu from joining or remaining in the military by saying he's too kind to be on a battlefield.
    • Never Found the Body: All that was recovered of the AGE-2 from his final mission was the core block and the AGE Device.
  • New Meat: As a mobile suit pilot. The difference between him, Max, and Arisa is a smidge of experience, untapped talent, and that the AGE-2 is a much stronger mobile suit than their Adeles.
  • Ordinary High School Student: That is, until his father gives him the AGE device for his birthday and he falls into the AGE-1's cockpit.
  • Psychic Powers: Averted. Despite being Flit's son, he has not inherited his father's X-Rounder abilities, so it's going to take more than piloting a Gundam to turn him into an Ace Pilot.
    • He tries using a mu-szell to artificially make him an X-Rounder, but the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.
  • Red Baron: According to a sidestory manga that takes place in AG 151, Asemu has become known as the White Devil on the battlefield, a moniker he shares with the original Gundam pilot.
  • Retirony: Went MIA on his final mission.
  • Second Love: To Romary.
  • Secret Identity: Vargas tells him to enforce this while he's still at school. It becomes unnecessary when he joins the military. Unfortunately, Zeheart figures it out right from the get-go.
  • Super Pilot: Despite not being an X-Rounder and the obvious advantages of being one, Woolf encourages him to improve on, and rely on his own skill and become a Super Pilot to make up for it. Right before Woolf dies, he even tells Asemu to be become the best damn Super Pilot in the world.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Unlike his father, Asemu wastes no time in completely obliterating Desil after he kills Woolf.
  • Upbringing Makes the Hero: Unlike many, many Gundam protagonists Asemu has Good Parents whom he deeply loves and respects.
  • Was It All a Lie?: He asks this to Zeheart once the latter reveals himself to be a Vagan.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: He's determined to win the Mobile Suit contest no matter what, in order to impress Flit. Living up to his famous father also pressures him to work hard when he joins the military.
  • Worthy Opponent: he and Zeheart eventually see each other as this.

Flit Asuno

Voiced by: Kazuhiko Inoue (JP)

A Vice Admiral by the time of the second generation, Flit continues to fight against the Vagan, albeit from a position of authority. As the commander of Big Ring, he makes the strategies with which the Earth Federation fights the Vagan, and is not above getting back into the AGE-1 and flying into combat himself. He is 39 at the start of Asemu's story.

  • The Ace: His son sees him as this. As time goes on, this becomes Broken Pedestal.
  • Anti-Hero: Type IV.
  • Badass: Age has not stopped him from being one when he needs to be.
    • Badass Mustache: Very much so.
      • Badass Beard: What the above evolves into by the Third generation.
    • Four-Star Badass: He's the commander of Earth Federal Forces & is still a very deadly Mobile Suit pilot, as seen in his team up with his son against the Galette brothers.
  • Berserk Button: Even after marrying Emily and having two children together, do NOT remind him of Yurin's death.
    • Also, don't be Desil.
  • Big Good: In the second generation, despite even more complicated issues than with Grodek in first generation.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Very much so.
  • Cool Shades: Sports these in episode 16.
  • Expy: As an adult, one could argue that he also has a more than passing resemblance to Patrick Zala.
  • Happily Married: To Emily, with two children (Asemu and Unoa). In a subversion, despite caring for his family, after 25 years he shows no signs of forgetting about Yurin's death anytime soon. Very understandable, considering how he lost her.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: His ultimate goal, starting in the second generation, is the extermination of Vagan.
  • Fallen Hero: From The Hero to Dark Messiah.
  • I Let Yurin Die: And he never gets over it.
  • Hot Dad: Subverted. While Flit is not exactly ugly after 25 years, he has lost his youthful looks when compared to his Hot Mom wife Emily who looks almost exactly the same as she did before. However, we're shown some pictures of a Flit in his 20's with a young Asemu...holy shit, he played this trope straight.
  • Jerkass Woobie: He turns into one after Yurin's death.
  • Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: Yurin's death has all but made him a fanatic for exterminating the Vagans.
  • Not So Different: To Lord Ezelcant. Not only is Flit an X-Rounder, but he also wants to protect his people...even if it means killing every last enemy in his path.
  • Parents as People: He loves Asemu and Unoa, but his military position keeps him away from home for long periods of time. He also puts a lot of pressure on Asemu to carry on the legacy of the Gundam and isn't there to see how much Asemu obsesses over it.
  • Please Don't Leave Me: "You're leaving me again...." Said when he realizes that Woolf is dead.
  • Revenge: Flit's desire for revenge has gone Up to Eleven due to Yurin's death.
  • Sanity Slippage: More than a little after Yurin's death.
  • Skyward Scream: When Grodek dies in his arms at the end of episode 24.
  • Still Got It: Episode 22 shows he can still kick some serious ass in the defense of Big Ring.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Justified Trope considering how Yurin's death and the whole war scarred him.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Seems to be the common reaction after he revealed the purpose of his coup d'etat in episode 28.
  • "What the Hell?" Dad: Towards Asemu. After the boy joins the military, Flit progressively turns to treating him as a subordinate and not as a son.
    • Moreover, he was nowhere to be seen during his son's wedding. Really, Flit?

Emily Asuno

Flit's wife and Asemu and Yunoa's mother.

Yunoa Asuno

Voiced by: Asuka Ogame (JP)

Asemu's younger sister. She looks up to her mother and her brother and also enjoys hanging around with her family's Haro.

  • Annoying Younger Sibling: Refreshingly averted. She's actually a very pleasant sibling to Asemu, not to mention that she has a great sense of humor at the dinner table.
  • Generation Xerox: She shares most of her mother's appearance. She is also outgoing and optimistic, much like her father used to be.
  • The Medic: This is what she does offscreen while her older brother is flying around in a Gundam.
  • Nice Girl

Romary Stone

Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa (JP)

A popular girl in Asemu's high school. Much to the annoyance of her best friends, she shows an interest in Asemu's mobile suits.

Arisa Gunhale

Voiced by: Ami Koshimizu (JP)

A rookie pilot for Woolf's squadron and Dique's daughter. While outgoing and competitive, she lacks the battle experience at the time of her introduction.

  • Doting Parent: Astonishingly enough, according to her son.
  • Fun Personified: It is really hard not to grin when she's onscreen.
  • Generation Xerox: Even though she's a girl who's much fitter than her father, she acquires much of her father's fashion sense as well as his skin tone and hair color.
  • Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: To Asemu. However, Gunhales do this by slapping the fellow in question on the ass.
  • New Meat: Her first real battle is in episode 19, and it shows.
  • Nice Girl: Despite her competitive nature, she's still quite friendly with Asemu.
  • Plucky Girl: Being a rookie, she can barely keep up with Obright, Woolf, and Asemu at first. Unlike Max, though, she never mopes about it and eventually does become an effective member of the squad.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The tomboy to Romary's girly girl.
  • Through His Stomach: Not quite romantic, but she tries to cheer Asemu up by bringing him some food during one of his stints in the brig. (Presumably because his butt is out of reach.)
  • What Measure Is a Mook?: When Asemu asks how she feels about killing enemy pilots, Arisa says it's a waste of time to think about it.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: She gets her pale blue hair from her father.

Millais Alloy

The captain of the Diva, she is the commanding officer of Asemu Asuno.

  • The Captain: She's in command of the Diva in Asemu's arc. Unlike her predecessor, she got there without hacking into the Federation database.
  • Commissar Cap: Sports one in the second generation, as per her promotion to captain of the Diva.
  • Older Than She Looks: She definitely does not look like she is older than Flit, being fifty years old and all.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: Her first appearances as captain show her to be quite good at her job. When Flit starts to use the Diva as his flagship, though, her role is reduced to something like a glorified chauffeur.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: She's pretty strict with her raw bridge crew and disciplines Asemu for insubordination even though he destroyed both the Vagan suits he was fighting. Because, as she says to Woolf, the enemy won't make allowance for them being "just kids" either.

Woolf Enneacle

Promoted to mobile suit commander aboard the Diva by the second generation, he is Asemu's direct superior. Pilots the G-Bouncer, his next-generation all-white custom mobile suit.

  • Badass Long Hair: Grows his hair out into a ponytail between generations.
  • Badass Normal: One of his major crowning achievements in the second generation was to defeat one of the Magicians Eight in single combat. Despite not being an X-Rounder, he manages to win handily due to his own skills.
  • A Father to His Men: He's much more concerned with his squad staying alive than with defeating Vagan.
  • Go Out with a Smile
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He pushes Asemu out of the way of a beam saber attack from Desil in episode 26, taking the hit instead.
  • Hotblooded Sideburns: The tufts make it nearly resemble Grodek's Beard of Sorrow, but not quite.
  • Killed Off for Real: Rest in Peace, White Wolf. May you keep riding on in the heavens & proud of your protege becoming the Super Pilot he always was.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: The "jerk" part is lipservice by this point; he just tells his squad to stay alive because he has fun annoying his subordinates.
  • Large Ham: He mellows into one by the second generation. (Yes, mellows.)
  • The Mentor: Serves as this to Asemu.
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: Was The Obi-Wan to Asemu. Is killed by Desil saving him.
  • Military Maverick: According to what Arisa's heard, he's a pain in the ass for Command. But according to previous subordinate Obright, he is also a very good commander.
  • Obi-Wan Moment: He tells Asemu one last time to be proud of himself, and that he can become a better pilot than Woolf.
  • Still Got It: Despite being 49 at the start of Asemu's story, he's easily one of the most skilled pilots in the Federation.
  • Taking the Bullet

Dique Gunhale

Voiced by: Shintarou Oohata (JP)

Flit Asuno's childhood friend and Arisa Gunhale's father, the chief mechanic aboard the Diva during the second generation. He is in charge of the maintenance of the Gundam AGE-2 and the AGE System.

  • Big Fun: Despite the second generation's more serious nature, he still manages to put a lighter touch on various scenes.
  • The Engineer: As an adult, he takes Vargas's place on the Diva.

Max Hartway

Voiced by: Daisuke Sakaguchi

Another rookie in Woolf's squadron. He prays to God for strength before going into battle.

  • Can't Catch Up: Seems to feel this in regards to Asemu.
  • New Meat: He'd never been in live combat until episode 19, and it knocks his confidence around some.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: When he runs into Asemu at the Advanced Pilot Training Program:

"I'm not here because I'm upset that you have a better record than I do, even though I outrank you."

Obright Lorain

Voiced by: Kōji Yusa

A Genoace pilot who has served under Woolf before. He's noticeably calmer than the rookies.

  • Captain Obvious: Explaining "Advanced Pilot Training Program for Next Generation Types" with "It's an advanced training program to cultivate next generation pilots". Lampshaded by Arisa.
  • Crush Blush: Whenever he talks to Remi.
  • Love At First Sight: With Remi. In traditional Gundam fashion, it ends horribly.
  • Love Confession: In episode 25, he blurts out his love for Remi and proposes marriage in front of the whole mobile suit bay, out of nowhere. She flees. She accepts the next episode.
  • Love Hurts: Remi accepts his marriage proposal in Episode 26...and then she gets killed in the following episode.
  • Mr. Exposition: Serves as this to the rookies on the squad.
  • Number Two: Among the Diva's mobile suit team. He takes charge of Max and Arisa whenever Woolf has to rush off after Asemu.
  • The Stoic: In contrast to the rest of Woolf's squad. Until he meets Remi.

Remi Ruth

Voiced by: Ayane Sakura

A mechanic and Dique's assistant. She specializes in maintenance on the Genoace II.

Frederick Algreus

Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu

A young Federation strategist who serves as Flit's right-hand man.

Grodek Ainoa

The former commander of the Diva, he is released from prison during the events of the second generation.

  • The Bus Came Back: Twenty-five years after being sentenced, he's released from prison and is shown meeting Flit in a bar at the end of episode 23.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: He is knifed in an alleyway by a disguised Arabel while going to meet Flit at the end of episode 24, and dies in the latter's arms.
  • It's All My Fault: He apologizes to Arabel for pushing him down the path of revenge, after Arabel stabbed him.
  • Killed Off for Real


Zeheart Galette

Voiced by: Hiroshi Kamiya (JP)

A Vagan operative who infiltrates Asemu's school, looking for the Gundam. He is Desil's younger brother. He was promoted to Commander of Earth Occupation Force after his infiltration mission.

  • Anti-Villain: Currently a mix of Types I and II.
  • Badass Bishonen: He has a lot of fans (mostly girls) during his time at school due to the fact he's actually a pretty nice guy and cares about his new found friends even though he's a Vagan spy. He's also a very dangerous MS pilot and up until now not even Asemu has beaten him in a straight fight.
    • Scratch that 'cause as of episode 27 even he has trouble keeping up with an "Awakened"Asemu during their final duel. Still doesn't loosen his Badass-ness though.
  • Becoming the Mask: He is aware of it and refuses to give into his amicable feelings, though it's probably a good thing for the Vagans that they started the operation when they did.
    • This becomes more literal when he is given his new mobile suit that requires a mask-like helmet to use effectively. The Engineers say that taking it off will make it less effective, so he has to leave it on indefinitely.
  • Char Clone: Complete with his own mask and red mobile suit that goes three times faster than normal Vagan suits.
  • Chick Magnet: A horde of his fangirls can be seen during graduation.
  • Cool Mask: Justified. It helps control his X-Rounder abilities.
  • The Dragon: Assigned by Lord Ezelcant as his commander of Earth Occupation Forces.
  • Eyes of Gold: Like his brother.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: With regards to Decil. He had already been intending to remove Decil from the battlefield somehow, due to his insubordination and vengeful recklessness. Given the choice between saving his brother (and probably losing the surviving Magicians 8 in the process) or letting Asemu resolve the problem permanently, Zeheart opts for the latter.
  • Improbable Age: Ezelcant himself places him in charge of the Earth Occupation Forces. Lampshaded when his men grumble about being placed under a kid's command.
  • It Meant Something to Me: When Asem asked if he was just pretending to be a friend, he answered with "Perhaps we could have (otherwise) remained friends".
  • Mid-Season Upgrade: Goes from the Zedas R to the Zeydra.
  • New Transfer Student: His cover story to infiltrate the colony. And apparently, this is all it takes for the Federation to arrest him for spying.
  • Nonchalant Dodge: Against the school bully on his first day. He does so while faking an apologetic bow.
  • Psychic Powers: Is an X-Rounder and his powers as so strong that it wasn't till the Zeydra that he could pilot a mobile suit that could keep up with him. Even then he has to wear a mask to control his abilities.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: He's the Anti-Villain to his Ax Crazy older brother.
  • Siblings in Crime: With Decil.
  • Taking the Bullet: a non-lethal variation, where Zeheart tackles the AGE-2 away from falling debris during atmosphere re-entry. If Dole Frost hadn't been around, however, he would have bit the dust either way.
  • Villain Protagonist: The Second Generation focuses on him just as much as it focuses on Asemu, although how much of a villain he's shaping up to be is still up for debate.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy
  • Worthy Opponent: he and Asemu eventually see each other as this.

Desil Galette

Voiced by: Takuma Terashima (JP)

A Vagan pilot and the older brother of Zeheart, he has spent most of the last 25 years brooding over his defeat at Flit Asuno's hand and thirsts for revenge.

  • Ax Crazy: Even more so in the second generation, he's not above killing his own allies.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: He complained about how boring his fight was with Asemu and Woolf. Later on, Asemu gave him exactly what he wished for and more.
  • The Brute: After his younger brother outranked him, he become pretty much this.
  • Expy: By the second generation, Desil has a lot in common with Ali Al-Saachez, and Ali's own model, Yazan Gable, the original Gundam Psycho for Hire.
    • He also looks like Bring Stabity.
    • Desil also has a counterpart in a figure from Real Life military history, that being World War I Ace Pilot Lothar von Richthofen, brother of the more famous Manfred. Both were psychotically aggressive Blood Knight-types and the less accomplished brothers of fellow aces in red machines using considerably more measured tactics (though it should be noted that the real Richthofen brothers had a much better relationship. Manfred lived in constant fear that his brother would get himself killed with his reckless fighting style, whereas Zeheart coldly sits back and allows that very thing to happen once his brother has proven himself to be a liability.
  • Foreshadowing: The Gundampedia segment for episode 22 mentioned that Desil's mobile suit, the Khronos, was rumored to have the ability to control other mobile suits. Guess what he does in episode 26?
  • It's All About Me: He hates Flit for having the audacity to defeat him. Still doesn't understand why Flit hates him in turn. He's still willing to use his own soldiers as Cannon Fodder, too.
  • It's Personal: With Flit, following his humiliation at Flit's hands.
  • I Was Quite a Looker: As a kid, he at least could make himself sorta pass as a cute little boy. As an adult, he'd fit in Looks Like Cesare if not for the red hair.
  • Killed Off for Real: Asemu utterly annihilates Desil in episode 26.
  • Obviously Evil
  • Shirtless Scene: Introduced this way after the Time Skip. Cue squealing fangirls.
  • Sibling Rivalry: Is NOT happy that his younger brother Zeheart outranks him. However, this seems to be one-sided on Desil's part.
  • Siblings in Crime: With Zeheart.
  • Slasher Smile: Pretty much all the time during the second generation.
  • Slouch of Villainy: His posture is even worse when he grows up.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Believes he should have been the leader of the Earth Occupation Force instead of his brother when it's pretty obvious that his superiors (rightly) see him as nothing more than an attack dog.
  • Sore Loser: He throws another hissyfit after Flit effortlessly rebuffs all of his efforts to attack the Diva.
  • Theres No Kill Like Overkill: Deservedly lands on the receiving end of this in episode 26. Judging from how Asemu completely obliterated every trace of Desil's mobile suit, it's safe to say Desil isn't going to crank a Mu La Flaga anytime soon.
  • Unskilled but Strong: Despite being an Ace Pilot, he overly relies on his X-Rounder powers, rather than his own personal skill. This got to the point where Flit could hold him back by doing nothing but relaying firing coordinates for the Diva, and completely over-powered when he could no longer read Asemu's movements.
  • Villain Decay
    • Ventures into Fridge Brilliance. Within the span of 25 years, Flit has learned discipline and the art of making war, and has become an amazing pilot and skilled tactician. Desil, on the other hand, is no more disciplined as an adult than he was as a kid, and has spent time encapsulated -- which has done nothing for learning how to get better.

Magicians Eight

The Magicians Eight is a group of elite Vagan MS pilots. They are also X-Rounders, hence why they pilot specially-configured Zedas mobile suits.

Medel Zant

Voiced by: Minoru Inaba (JP)

A high-ranking Vagan soldier who acts as Zeheart's second-in-command. When Zeheart goes into cold sleep again, he takes control of Vagan's forces on Earth and tries to assassinate the prime minister. He is ultimately killed in a duel by Asemu.

  • Ace Pilot: He only gets into a mobile suit cockpit in episode 28, but he tears shit up when he does.
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: He scythes through all the Federation grunts with ease in his Zeydars, reaches the Prime Minister (with Flit) on the stage, and...wastes time training a laser sight on Olfanoa when there are literally no obstacles whatsoever and certainly no range problem. Opening up right then would have taken out Flit too, which could only benefit Vagan, but Medel takes long enough for Flit chew out Olfanoa, allowing time for Asemu to arrive and engage him.
  • Happily Married: He has a wife back on Mars who he wants to return to before she dies, since she hasn't been going through the coldsleep process like he has.
  • Multi Melee Master: His mobile suit, the Zeydars, has exactly one ranged weapon. However, in close range, it can use its Wolverine Claws and bladed tail.
  • Name's the Same: Not the first enemy to be named Zant.
  • Number Two: To Zeheart.
  • Undying Loyalty: Utterly devoted to the Vagan cause to the bitter end. He even glimpses a vision of the Eden they seek as he dies.

Daz Roden

Voiced by: Tora Take (JP)

A Vagan soldier who acts as Zeheart's handler during the latter's infiltration mission into Tordia. He later serves Zeheart in the Earth Occupation Forces. He ultimately dies when he overloads his mu-szell and crashes his Dorado L into the Gundam AGE-1 Flat.

  • Dying Moment of Awesome: Took out an opponent way out of his weight category through sheer bloody-minded determination.
  • Epic Fail: His first on-screen outing in a mobile suit, in which Vargas and two of his similarly elderly drinking buddies fend him off with a hand-held rocket launcher and the garden sprinkler system.
  • Hostage Situation: Takes Romary hostage at the graduation to prevent Zeheart from being arrested by the military police.
  • Mauve Shirt: Villainous example. Aside from being Zeheart's handler and advisor, he doesn't really do much, he's just given a name, a face, and a personality. He ultimately dies in a kamikaze attack against the AGE-1.
  • Self-Destructive Charge: Tosses everything into a final charge at the AGE-1. He cripples it, effectively knocking Flit out of the battle.
  • Senseless Sacrifice: Subverted. While his self destruction attack fails to kill Flit,it does manage to forced Flit to retreat.
  • Taking You with Me: Attempts this on Flit. He fails to kill him, but he does cripple the AGE-1.
  • Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty: Whatever it takes to succeed. He's not above taking hostages, as he showed with Romary.
  • Undying Loyalty: To the Vagan cause. He kamikazes into Flit for it.


Rody Madorna

Voided by: Masakazu Morita (JP)

Mukured and Lalaparly's son. He helps out at the Madorna Workshop. He's not as skilled with mobile suits as his father, but he finds other ways to make up for it.

  • Be Yourself: Can't match his father's skill as a mobile suit designer, and is totally fine with that. He's found other things to excel at instead.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Managed to build a mobile suit simulator out of an old Genoace cockpit without his father's help.

Third Generation

Earth Federal Forces

Kio Asuno

Voiced by: Kazutomi Yamamoto (JP)

The third protagonist, he is Flit's grandson and Asemu's son. He is 13 years old at the start of his story.

  • Badass: What can you say? It's in his blood.
  • BFG: The AGE-3's SigMaxiss Rifle is essentially a scaled down version of the Diva's Photon Blaster Cannon.
    • And then it gets a temporary upgrade that is essentially a miniature Photon Ring Ray.
    • And then he gets the AGE-3 Fortress, which has four. And can combine them to form a Wave Motion Gun.
  • Blue Eyes
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: By the first episode, he jumps to save some kids without thinking beforehand on how to get back to a safe place.
  • Combining Mecha: The AGE-3 is the result of the Core Fighter and G-Cepter merging together.
  • Disappeared Dad: Asemu went missing after Kio was born.
  • Expy: His AGE-3 looks similar to ZZ Gundam, which makes him the Judau Ashta of AGE.
    • He is also similar to Uso Evins; both are 13 and played mobile suit simulators at a young age.
  • Falling Into the Cockpit: Subverted. While he said that he can't pilot the G-Ceptor by himself after Flit left, he's good at piloting Gundam. See I Know Mortal Kombat below.
  • Generation Xerox: Physically, he's more or less a Gender Flipped version of his mother Romary.
  • Heroic BSOD: When Shanalua tells him that she'll be executed as a spy if she goes back to the Diva with him.
  • I Know Mortal Kombat: The reason he can pilot the AGE-3 so well is because Flit gave him a MS Battle Simulator disguised as a video game when he was younger.
  • Improbable Age: 13, putting him on line with Uso from Victory Gundam...
  • Kid Hero
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Was turning into one of this based on Flit's teachings. Fortunately, Shanalua snapped him out of it.
  • Memento MacGuffin: The AGE Device is all he has left of his father.
  • Nice Guy
  • Psychic Powers: Not only is he an X-Rounder, but so powerful that in his first episode he could detect the Vagan's attack on orbital base Big Ring. From Earth.
    • To further put this into perspective: Kio's X-Rounder abilities are stronger than Zeheart's.
  • Tyke Bomb: Flit trained him with an MS Simulation game when he was growing up.
  • Unskilled but Strong: Despite his early victories, Kio is still a woefully inexperienced pilot, and relies on his X-Rounder abilities to keep up with his opponents. This was made painfully clear in episode 34, in which he couldn't lay a single hit on the Dark Hound and was more or less flailing around in space.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: He's oblivious to Wootbit's antipathy until Wootbit makes it explicitly clear that he doesn't like Kio. And when Shanalua is discovered as a spy, he thinks that if he just explains to Grandpa how she's really a good person she can come back and it'll be all right.

Flit Asuno

Asemu's father and Kio's grandfather, he has now retired and left the Earth Federal Forces. He still fights against the Vagan though, and is responsible for building the Gundam AGE-3 as well as training Kio in using it. He is 64 at the start of Kio's story.

  • Adventurer Outfit: Airman, In Space
  • Anti-Hero: Still a Type IV, but now almost bordering a Type V when it comes to the Vagans.
  • Badass: Age still hasn't stopped him from being one when he needs to be, 50 years later.
    • Badass Beard: Not just a mustache anymore.
    • Badass Grandpa: The very first thing he does in his appearance in the third generation is save Kio from a Vagan mobile suit. And then he jumps off of the Core Fighter while in flight to get to the G-Cepter.
    • Retired Badass: Retired from the military years ago. Still awesome.
  • Dropping the Bombshell: He only hesitated for a second or two before telling Kio who the pilot of the Dark Hound was.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: He's kicked a lot of Vagan ass and saved the Federation from certain doom over 50 years. He's even been Commander-in-Chief. However, almost everyone treats him like crap because he's old and retired, and only Algreus is willing to listen to any ideas he has.
  • Expy: One could compare his third generation appearance to Bask Om, with the goggles and all.
    • And to Dr. J as well, seeing as he developed the Gundam.
  • General Ripper: He's gotten even worse on this count, to the point where the destruction of Vaigan and the extermination of its people is all he lives for now. Shanalua's pretty freaked out by what he's trying to mould Kio into.
  • The Obi-Wan: To Natola.
  • STILL Still Got It: See Badass Grandpa. The years, they...have not changed Flit too much at all.
  • What the Hell, Grandpa?: He didn't attend his grandson's birth. Although he did spend quality time with him later...by training him in mobile suit simulators, behind the backs of his wife and his daughter-in-law in order to allow Kio to inherit the Gundam.
    • Exhibit A.
    • He also seems pretty nonchalant about his son still being alive.

Wendy Hearts

Voiced by Mariya Ise

A friend of Kio's from childhood. She follows him when he decides to help some stranded orphans and ends up on the Diva when it's de-mothballed.

  • Expy: The protagonist's childhood friend? Is assigned to take care of a trio of kids who may or may not be orphans? Wendy is the third generation's equivalent of Fraw Bow.
  • Hair of Gold
  • The Medic: Becomes an assistant for Unoa.

Captain Natola Einus

Voiced by: Rina Sato (JP)

Newly promoted Captain of the Diva, she is woefully inexperienced with command of a ship and the realities of war, and unhappily aware of it.

  • Apologizes a Lot
  • Butt Monkey
  • Character Development: In episode 33, she showed signs that she was beginning to come into her own.
  • Fiery Redhead: Inversion. She's closer to an Extreme Doormat than anything else.
  • Kicked Upstairs: Her commander had severe doubts about her competence (suspecting that she only got as far as she did through family connections), and gives her the Diva captaincy to get her out of his hair.
  • Lieutenant Commander Newbie: She has about fifteen minutes between her promotion and having to take command.
  • Nepotism: Subverted. She apparently got her initial rank of lieutenant from family connections, but then her promotion to Captain of the Diva was mostly because they wanted her out of the way.
  • New Meat: Abis spots two telltale signs of her inexperience the first time he sets eyes on her.
  • Nice Girl: She's very polite, is quite aware that she's unready to be a captain, takes the initiative to help evacuate a group of civilians, and is shown helping to console young evacuees as early as her second appearance.
  • Pointy-Haired Boss: It's clear that she was promoted to Captain way before she was ready for the position.
  • Reassigned to Antarctica: The Diva was only sent out at Flit's insistence, and so the field commander threw all the problem people he had onto the crew, and assigned them a complete newbie of a Captain.
  • Significant Green-Eyed Redhead
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Natola or Netora?
    • Let's not start on her surname.
  • Unfortunate Punny Name: Her first name is reminiscent of the infamous 'netoare genre', whilst her surname...well, it's pronounced exactly the way you'd hope it wouldn't be.

Seric Abis

Voiced by: Eiji Takemoto (JP)

The leader of the Diva's mobile suit squad. He pilots a Clanche Custom.

Rody Madorna

Mukured and Lalaparly Madorna's son. Serves as the mechanic aboard the Diva.

Obright Lorain

A member of the mobile suit team assigned to the Diva. Pilots the Genoace O-Custom instead of a Clanche.

Frederick Algreus

Flit's former Number Two. Is now an admiral and in charge of the Federation forces stationed on Earth.

Shanalua Mullen

Voiced by: Romi Park

A member of the Diva's mobile suit team. She takes over as Kio's combat instructor once the Diva gets moving.

Yunoa Asuno

Voiced by: Aya Endo

Flit's daughter, Asemu's sister, and Kio's aunt. She serves as the chief medical officer aboard the Diva.

Wootbit Gunhale

Voiced by: Shintaro Ohata

Arisa's son and Dique's grandson. He's Rody's assistant, and doesn't take too kindly to Kio...at first, anyway.


Lord Fezarl Ezelcant

The leader of Vagan. He began the war in AG 108 to return the descendents of Mars' abandoned colonists to Earth, viewing it as a paradise. He's also an incredibly powerful X-Rounder.

Zeheart Galette

A commander in the Vagan forces who reports directly to Ezelcant. He was in cold sleep for an amount of time between the second and third generation and pilots another custom red suit in the attack on Kio's city.

  • Ace Custom: His red Wrozzo.
  • Attack Drone: Is capable of using bits in the Ghirarga that function similar to GN Fangs.
  • Blade on a Stick: The Ghirarga's main weapon. It can be split into two scythes.
  • Hidden Depths: At least to Fram Nara when he names all the soldiers who died in the operation.
  • Kick the Dog: Despite his sympathetic nature in Generation 2, he starts this time by attacking a square of celebrating civilians and ignoring the city's military targets.
  • Law of Chromatic Superiority: Still pilots a red mobile suit, even when it's not a unique model.
  • Mask Power: Still needs it twenty-five years later. Just how strong are his X-Rounder powers, anyway?
  • Older Than They Look: Thanks to cold sleep, he doesn't look a day past 19, despite actually being 41.
  • Psychic Powers: Not even the Ghirarga can keep up with his X-Rounder abilities.
  • Slouch Of Anti-Villainy: When he's sitting around in the command center.

The Phantom Three

A group of three Vagan pilots who stationed themselves in the desert. They attacked from beneath the sand, and had already sunk three Federation battleships before they met the Diva. Led by Godom Dynam.

Fram Nara

Voiced by: Minako Kotobuki


Captain Ash AKA Asemu Asuno

Voiced by: Kosuke Toriumi

The leader of Bisidian. He pilots Gundam AGE-2 Dark Hound.

  • Ace Custom: The AGE-2 Dark Hound could be counted as this even if the AGE-2 was always his to begin with.
  • Badass: Oh, HELL YES.
  • The Captain: To Bisidian. Duh.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: Stubble=Badass.
  • Expy: Of Kincaid Nau minus the Newtype powers. Like the Crossbone Vanguard, they have been secretly helping the Earth Federation, though in Bisidian's case, they are trying to reform it.
  • Eyepatch of Power: His Gundam has a targeting lens that rather resembles one, especially when it catches the light.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has one running down from his right eyebrow, past his eye. He received this from his battle with Sid.
  • Genre Savvy: Saved Kio the same way Woolf saved him. But didn't get killed because he anticipated the death blow from behind.
  • Hairstyle Inertia: Averted hard after 13 years.
  • Hero Antagonist: He attacks Federation units, but only because they're working for the Vegan.
  • Hook Hand: the Dark Hound has one, which also doubles as a Grappling Hook Pistol.
    • Sort of. The hooks are mounted in the Gundam's binders rather than actually replacing hands.
  • Knight Templar: He attacks the ship his father and son are on to test if they're worthy of the AGE system and the secret he gives Kio. Same for going off and becoming a pirate to cure the corruption in the Federation.
  • Papa Wolf: He tests Kio to see how good he is, but when his son is truly in danger he rips into the Vagans.
  • Scars Are Forever: The incident in which he got his scar occurred thirteen years ago.
  • Space Pirate: Obviously.
  • Took a Level in Badass: In third generation, we see him for first time wanting to test if Kio and Flit Asuno are good enough for the AGE system. Compare it to the beginning of second generation where Asemu wanted to impress his dad. Damn.
  • Vigilante Man: The Bisidians had been taking out Federation Units that were in cahoots with the Vegans.
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