Mahou Sensei Negima/Characters/Cosmo Entelechia
That's right, Mahou Sensei Negima is so overstuffed that it broke the folder system. Again. And it's still growing. So we decided to split the page. Again. This page is for everyone who's a member of Cosmo Entelecheia or allied with them. If you're still hungry after the first three pages, you might want to grab yet another sandwich. Or maybe an enchilada or something to shake things up.
This page is full of spoilers, naturally. You have been warned.
Cosmo Entelecheia
A mysterious group who instigated the ancient war between the Confederation and the Hellas Empire. Their supposed goal was to bring about The End Of The (Magical) World As We Know It. The Ala Rubra stopped them, though remnants of them are still active, which the Ala Alba are currently fighting.
Shared traits
Tropes pertaining to Cosmo Entelechia as an organization
- Alien Blood: On the rare occasions in which they've been made to bleed, the blood appears to be either clear or white. Considering how they are formed, this may be raw magical energy, as evidenced by the fact that when destroyed they appear to blow into the same flower petals that Magic World residents are made of.
- Ambiguously Evil: The organization as a whole has a good goal, namely saving over a billion people. However, they want to do this by forcefully rewriting everyone into a paradise realm they cannot escape from. Yet they're trying not to hurt anyone if they can help it and the more human members seem to have genuine respect for their opponents and humanity as a whole. How noble you find them is a bit of a YMMV issue considering the information.
- Anti-Villain
- Artificial Human: Everyone in the original organization except the Lifemaker and possibly Dynamis. Tsukuyomi (the mercenary) and the two loosely affiliated with CE (Poyo and the Gravekeeper) appear to be the only humans. Well, a demon and an apparently immortal human for the latter two.
- Back from the Dead: Every major CE member over the last twenty years has either come back from the dead or simply returned to the battlefield.
- The End of the World as We Know It: Their ultimate goal is to destroy the Magical World along with its 1.2 billion residents.
- Five Element Ensemble: They appear to try and maintain this. There's the primary four elements of wind/lightning, earth, fire and water/ice plus Dynamis as shadow. This is also referenced in the name, 'Cosmo Entelechia' though not pointed out explicitly.
- Gender Blender Name: Averrunci names are gender neutral. Though it may be a case of No Biological Sex.
- Divided We Fall: Ala Rubra and CE refused to work together. Ala Alba is trying to reach a compromise instead. And right as Negi convinces Fate to stop doing this, he gets... overruled.
- Jerkass: All of them, apparently.
- Technical Pacifist: Members of Cosmo Entelechia avoid lethal force as much as they possibly can. Severe threats get an exception, but otherwise the no killing policy is strictly in place. In fact, Quartum shows that even if they wanted to, they are in fact built to not be capable of intending to kill opponents that aren't a significant threat. However, this programming applies in such a way that Chachamaru is not considered alive, and if the target is sent to Cosmo Entelechia upon death it's also okay, since that's what the group intends to do anyway.
- Theme Naming: Numbers. Their model names also tend to reference mythology, such as Averruncus being the Roman god of disaster prevention or Atar (Nii) being related to fire in (apparently) Parthian.
- Villainous Valor: When Ala Alba is charging the Gravekeeper's palace, Cosmo Entelechia is completely on the defensive and stalling for time as much as possible. They receive multiple beatdowns and some rather sympathetic portrayals, especially Shirabe and soon after, Fate himself.
- We Hardly Knew Ye: All of the constructs apart from Fate, Secundum and Dynamis are quite lacking in development: They are brought in and swiftly disposed of. It actually happens twice to the Averrunci triplets.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- You Are Number Six: Primum through Sextum for the Averruncus series, Nii, and Septendecim (apparently the Adad line suffers high casualties). Apparently, Dynamis is special, as he is the only exception.
- You Can't Fight Fate: Policy set up by the Lifemaker, apparently.
- Your Princess Is in Another Castle: Negi defeats Fate and the two of them agree to try Negi's plan, and it looks like the end of the arc...but then the Lifemaker shows up with every single member of the past three generations of Cosmo Entelechia, and he doesn't agree with Negi's plan.
Fate Averruncus
Fate Averruncus

Negi's Arch Enemy. The dragon to Dynamis' big bad, though he's the stronger fighter. Basically emotionless if not vaguely polite outside of his conceit. Often defends with his shield magic rather than act offensively. Usually seeks to finish battles quickly by petrifying his opponents. Skilled in both Western and Eastern style spell-casting. Knows Supernatural Martial Arts.
After his Heel Face Turn, he's now working with Negi on his plan to save the world, and has taken over as Class 3A's homeroom teacher.
= Voiced by: Akira Ishida (Japanese), Chris Patton (Negima!) =
- Akira Ishida
- Anti-Villain: Notable even among the rest of Cosmo Entelechia in that he can be very callous, however, unlike the others he appears to be the only full member doing it because he feels it is the morally correct decision, though at the same time he denies that it was a decision he made himself. He also takes in war orphans and sends them off to school unless they want to stay with him, of whom Shiori was the first.
- Artificial Human
- Berserk Button: He's been trying to save the world for nearly twenty years, with a god and who knows how many other super-powerful/intelligent beings. Do not think you can come up with a better answer than his in a day.
- Big Damn Heroes: For a Self-stated Villain he is surprisingly fond of this when it comes to saving his future haremettes.
- Big Damn Villains/Villainous Rescue: His The Only One Allowed to Defeat You moment.
- Break the Haughty
- Character Development: Seems Rakan's speech during their fight really did get to him. Tsukuyomi approves, because it's no fun to kill dolls.
- He's a completely different character before and after his final battle with Negi. No matter what he says.
- He goes so far as to BEING the substitute teacher in Mahora for Negi.
- Clingy Jealous Guy: While he almost certainly doesn't realize how it looks to outsiders due to his retarded emotional development, after his Heel Face Turn he starts trying to keep 3A away from Negi and claiming that Negi already belongs to him.
- The Comically Serious: His minions' reaction to this. Spoilers!
- Covert Pervert: It's extremely subtle, but it seems that he never passed up an occasion to dress up his minions (and Anya, at one point) in Meido clothes. Not to mention the outfit he makes Asuna wear after he captures her. Then again, considering it's Fate, he may have no idea that he's dressed them up in an unusual manner.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Evangeline kicked his butt pretty easily, but didn't stick around long enough for a proper fight. Then later on he kicks Negi's butt.
- Dissonant Serenity
- The Dragon: Though he appears to be the boss, he is in fact considered Dynamis' subordinate. That said, Dynamis is still not the boss either. The Lifemaker is simply incapacitated.
- Elemental Powers: Dishing Out Dirt to match the other three of the Averruncus series, which each have their own element as well.
- Embarrassing First Name: Tertium.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Erases Secundum for terrorizing Shiori and erasing Shiori's big sister.
- Fantastic Racism: Against the Mundus Magicus natives. He won't even acknowledge them as real and destroys them with a Lack of Empathy. Later subverted: He's trying to send everyone to a heaven like dimension, because they would end up annihilated if left to their fate. He views himself as a doll as well.
- A Father to His Men: Fantastic Racism and emotionless-ness aside, Fate seems to genuinely care about his subordinates.
- Final Boss Preview: Multiple times. First he shows up in the Kyoto arc and is clearly superior to Negi, but not amazingly so. Evangeline quickly forcing him to flee the battlefield only heightens the impression. But then he shows up at the gateport and utterly thrashes Ala Alba, showing that he's still way above Negi. After this comes another confrontation or two where Negi still can't match up. However, by the end of the arc, Negi is more-or-less evenly matched with him.
- Foe Yay: With Negi of course. So much so that Tsukuyomi lampshades it.
- Flechette Storm/Storm of Blades: He can summon stone/metal spikes and blades.
- Ghost Memory: Tertium has Primum's memories, but he is not the same individual.
- Gray Eyes
- Deadly Change-of-Heart: Subverted, it was attempted but he survived and it was a successful Turn instead.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Kaworu-kun?!
- I Am Not Left-Handed: He's a western-style mage, and evidently not all that good at Onmyodo (relatively speaking). When he switches over, the results are startling. Not quite a standard example, since he wasn't in any real trouble before the switch, and even after it he still wasn't trying particularly hard...
Fate: ...Oops. Overdid it...
- I Am Your Opponent
- Instant Expert: Fate can 'install' new abilities, allowing him to learn a wide variety of skills instantly. Presumably it is also how he learned to fight. Kotaru lampshaded this when Fate demonstrated excellent singing (as in scoring 100% at the karaoke bar on the first try!).
- Jerkass. Means well, but not exactly a people person. Does not even mean well when teaching Negi's class, meaning the jerkass is dominant.
- Kick the Dog: Stabbing Negi in the back during the Gateport Incident. Also, forcibly undoing Asuna's Laser-Guided Amnesia and causing her to go into an Heroic BSOD out of pure horror. Also, bitchslapping Nodoka after she points out the hypocrisy of his actions and then offers him a chance to join the good guys and come back to Earth with them.
- Macross Missile Massacre
- Magic Knight: In contrast to the other Averrunci Fate is apparently much more oriented towards brawling and physical power.
- Seems to be the shtick of earth magic: "Physical Power"
- Meaningful Name: "Averruncus" is the Roman god of disaster aversion. Given how Fate views his own plans, this is quite appropriate.
- Considering Averruncus is also known for causing as much disaster as he prevents? Very appropriate.
- His real name is also meaningful: "Tertium" means "Third". As Ku Fei points out, this means there could easily be a Fourth, Fifth...
- His chosen name "Fate" could also count.
- Minor Injury Overreaction: Decides that It's Personal after Negi becomes the first person to ever successfully hit him.
- Major Injury Underreaction: When Tsukuyomi cuts his arm off, he's really not concerned about it at all.
- More Than Mind Control: Unlike the other Averrunci, he was not programmed to follow Cosmo Entelecheia's goal absolutely, rather, the Lifemaker granted him free will. Instead, Tertium appears to have come to the conclusion that it is the best option. If Fate decides not to follow the Lifemaker's plan, he's free to do so.
- Mundane Utility: Uses his ability to be calibrated to 'download' the ability to sing enka and thus cheat at karaoke.
- Nietzsche Wannabe: Often asks the good guys why they even bother fighting, as everything they do is pointless.
- No Social Skills: To a degree due to his being an Artificial Human. He decides to take over Negi's job as Class 3A's homeroom teacher to overcome this.
- Nothing Personal: At first. It gets more and more personal each time he fights Negi, until recently he's declared himself The Only One Allowed To Defeat Him and went batshit on Tsukuyomi when she suggested she might kill Negi herself.
- Not So Stoic: Negi finds his Berserk Button in Chapter 298. It's Negi claiming that he can make a better future.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Tertium attacks Quintum because Negi's students are his prey and he's royally pissed off. He became a threat again after he defeats Quintum.
- Pass the Popcorn: Declares he will enjoy watching Negi struggle when his students 'attack' him for not being considerate enough.
- Person of Mass Destruction
- Pet the Dog: So what does the Big Bad of the series do in his free time? Apparently he travels around saving war orphans, including all of his Pactio partners. Those who want to can work for him, and he insures that those who don't receive a proper education.
- He also gets a pet the dog moment in a flashback to his first meeting with Shiori and her sister. He passes out due to slight malfunction in his body caused by not being calibrated to be loyal or driven like most of the Averrunci and is picked up. He is nursed back to health and bonds with them due to his love for coffee and Shiori's sister's talent for making it. The village they live in is later attacked by human soldiers and Shiori's sister is wounded and possibly raped. Secundum erases them leading to the pet the dog moment: Fate instantly decapitates him as he aims for Shiori. His obvious reasoning? While they may be going about trying to erase the world, there's no need to be complete, utter assholes about it like Secundum.
- Power Floats
- Psychotic Smirk: Boy howdy. Despite the trope below, what expressions Fate does allow on the lower half of his face are definitely evil (at least when he's not exasperated by the antics of either Rakan or his henchwomen).
- Reality Warper / Rewriting Reality: He holds one of seven of the Grandmaster Keys to the Magical World. Only the Great Grandmaster Key, which created the Mundus Magicus in the first place, is more powerful.
- This might be a case of A God Am I as well. He claims to have the power of those that created the Magical World. He even fulfills the trope of having a harem of devoted followers that may be considered brainwashed; as they became orphans due to the war that Fate helped to create.
- Replacement Scrappy: In-Universe: Takes over as Negi's substitute for teaching 3A while Negi is busy and the class hates him.
- Sadist Teacher: Goes out of his way to make up rules on the spot and make his students break them at the same time, also known as entrapment when used by the police.
- Serious Business: Coffee for good reasons. See Trademark Favorite Food below.
- Shoot the Medic First: He's given his minions permission to kill Nodoka and Konoka, even though he normally refuses to kill people from the Old World, as their respective mind-reading and healing abilities give Ala Alba a great advantage.
- The Slow Walk
- The Stoic
- Taken for Granite: One of his techniques is to turn people to stone. Fortunately, it can be reversed with healing magic... Unless he's using the permanent version, like he attempted to do with Nodoka (fortunately he was interrupted). This is what was done to Negi's village. Konoka, who has more potential as a healer than just about anyone else ever born, may someday be able to reverse it, if she trains really hard. She succeeds in the Where Are They Now? Epilogue.
- Team Dad: To his haremettes, several of whom he seems to have literally raised.
- Technically a Smile
- Teleporters and Transporters
- Tempting Fate: No, really.
Fate: It would be a little boring, if it ended... just like this.
cue Kill Sat beam to the face.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Followed by Shut UP, Hannibal.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Tertium has always been a big coffee drinker. It's also used in something of a sad scene in which Shiori's sister made him some apparently good coffee, he went back to work and had some terrible coffee and then when visiting her again found her wounded. She got Rewritten, he avenged her and noted that he won't be able to drink it anymore.
- Tsundere: Appears to be Type A towards Negi after his Heel Face Turn. After deciding to side with Negi, his overtures of cooperation have generally been repeated statements along the lines of 'I'm not doing this for you or anything' and 'don't get the wrong idea, I'm just trying to save the world.' 'I-it's not like I want to save the world with you or anything, *blush* I just have nothing else to do!'.[1]
- This panel below. This looks like a nice tsundere-face, no?
- Villain Forgot to Level Grind: Stated outright, too.
- Villain Teleportation: While not the only character to be capable of teleportation, he appears to be able to use it easier than anyone else and is thus seems to do it more than anyone. That said, it doesn't appear to be very useful as an actual combat technique, perhaps indicating that post destination arrival he is momentarily vulnerable or the technique has some other unavoidable downside.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: However, if the new anime is correct, he's got aquamarine hair. Aquamarine. You Gotta Have Aquamarine Hair?
- And upgraded to a full-fledged Bishounen thanks to the age deceiving pills. Even lampshaded by the cheerleaders, down to his hair color.
- Worthy Opponent: Tertium finally sees Negi as this.
- You Are Number Three
The Lifemaker
The Lifemaker/Mage of the Beginning

Former leader of Cosmo Entelecheia and designated Final Boss. All personal Information unknown. Defeated at the end of the war 20 years ago, at which point he had a notable lack of a head, leading Rakan to assure Negi that he wasn't around anymore.
- Ambiguous Gender: Very androgynous in his[2] first appearance and a lot of the language used to refer to the Lifemaker has been vague. We know the Lifemaker has used four bodies, though: A male one that Evangeline destroyed, the androgynous and very girly one the Nagi beat, Zect and finally Nagi himself. Given the implications that the Lifemaker turned Evangeline into a shinso to possibly use her body at a later date, it is likely that the Lifemaker is not only ambiguously gendered, but perhaps no longer really has one.
- And Then What?: After being activated, Fate went along with the whole mission just like the other constructs. But unlike them, he asked the Lifemaker what happens to him and his fellow constructs after everything was done. The Lifemaker had never thought about it, but decided they could do whatever they wanted, even go to Cosmo Entelechia if they wished.
- Anticlimax Boss: After coming back and oneshotting Negi and Fate, he does absolutely nothing to prevent the girls from freeing Asuna, holding the Villain Ball until he's oneshotted himself by Negi and Asuna in a single chapter's span. Then he's defeated one final time OFF PANEL during a Time Skip.
- The Archmage: When a society of considerably powerful wizards speaks of you as a god, you get this title.
- Bigger Bad: Doesn't have much actual time on-screen, but is none the less responsible for most of the series events, though for most the series was assumed dead.
- Black Cloak: A bit of a Badass Long Robe.
- Casting a Shadow: Every time we've seen the Lifemaker use actual offensive magic, it's always been massive barrages of black shadow beam things. On top of that, Dynamis confirmed Magia Erebea had characteristics similar to the Lifemaker's own magics.
- Creating Life
- The Dark Lord
- Demonic Possession: Appears to have possessed Zect. In the present, the Lifemaker is now possessing Nagi.
- The Faceless: Until this revelation. Turns out the Lifemaker is quite beautiful... though there's no way of telling the gender.
- Fallen Hero: Strongly implied. He's the guy that created the Magical World and fits under the second distinction of the trope. Asuna describes him as 'a terrible and sorrowful person.' Indeed, he or she is the parent of the first mage in the Pactio system and founder of the line of Ostia, Amateru.[3]
- Hero-Killer: Is by far the most powerful villain the series and his unique powers make it impossible for the inhabitants of Mundus Magicus to beat him, and even without that he almost single-handedly beat Ala-Rubra.
- I Control My Minions Through...: Agenda and Divine Right apply to all of them, inherent Mind Control for all of them except Tertium and Indoctrination for Tertium instead. And Nii wants revenge but otherwise doesn't seem to really care.
- Immortality: Though it's currently unclear as to method or just how immortal. Doesn't seem to have been bothered by being destroyed. Twice.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: He is Negi's distant ancestor on his mother's side.
- In a way may apply to Evangeline as well, as Al implied that it was he who turned her into a vampire in the first place. Confirmed as of chapter 332 when he calls Evangeline "my daughter".
- This is now a literal example with the revelation that the Lifemaker is currently possessing Nagi.
- The Man Behind the Man
- Nietzsche Wannabe: Not really. If anything, the Lifemaker seems to admire humanity.
- The Older Immortal: 2600 years old as compared to Evangeline's 600ish and Zect's vague 'couple centuries.'
- Perspective Flip: The flashback near the end of Negi's fight with Fate puts the final fight with Nagi in a different light. Rather than looking down on humanity, the Lifemaker seems to have been rather fond of it. Though still condescending. Chapters after this start putting shades of gray on both sides as the Lifemaker is rather callous, but Nagi has no plan and doesn't want to talk. And then the Lifemaker pulls the same stunt on Negi anyway.
- Physical God: We are not sure exactly what the Lifemaker is, but consider these: An immortal spiritual being that can resurrect at will, capable of creating whole worlds and lifeforms, created a paradise for them, created powerful beings that acts as his messenger, terrifying destructive power, his descendants became the ruling dynasty of said created world... His divine credentials are obvious enough that not even narrative texts shy away from calling the Lifemaker "God".
- Posthumous Character: Subverted. The Lifemaker is merely sealed.
- Projected Man: The Lifemaker appears to have showed up on the battlefield in the form of a projection reminiscent of Albireo. Fortunately, this made him intensely vulnerable to antimagic and led to the projection being destroyed and the Lifemaker forced to leave the battlefield. Current status of the real body is unknown.
- Sealed Evil In The World Tree: Not for long.
- Shout-Out: He and his power are named after the James P Hogan novel Code of the Lifemaker.
- Trial by Friendly Fire: A villainous version: he shoots through Primum to hit Nagi, though Primum survives. And then through Fate to hit Negi.
- Ultimate Evil: Until Fate's flashback, at which point the Lifemaker becomes a very human figure and gains a face.

Powerful shadow using mage allied with Fate. Previously, he fought against Ala Rubra in the war 20 years ago, and currently views himself as The Rival to the new generation. The oldest surviving member of Cosmo Entelechia, he appears both weary of it and quite enthusiastic at the same time.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Big Bad: Fate may be more powerful, but the one in charge is actually Dynamis. At least, he's in charge while the true Master, the Lifemaker, is incapacitated.
- Bishounen: Yes, really!
- Black Cloak
- Brutal Honesty: Lampshaded by Fate's girls.
- The Chessmaster: Even considering that he was one of the first "defeated", you'd never tell from the overall battle.
- He had possibly predicted everything up to the Lifemaker's resurrection.
- The Comically Serious: He chews the scenery like a pro, reaching Rakan-like levels at times. But unlike Rakan, he takes himself completely seriously. The Quirky Miniboss Squad tends to lampshade this behind his back.
Dynamis: WE PLAYED DEAD!!!
Minions: That's so lame...
Dynamis: It is not "lame". It is a military tactic.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Single-handedly tears apart pretty much all of New Ostia with zero effort until Nodoka, Setsuna, and Kaede force him to retreat.
- In chapter 306, he gets one done to him by a rampaging, darkside-possessed Negi, to the point where he is nearly killed.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Openly admits that he dislikes being in a position where he has no choice but to accept help from the likes of Tsukuyomi.
- The Faceless
- First-Name Basis: Of a strange sort; he's the first person shown in the series to call Fate by his real name.
- Full-Frontal Assault: Explodes out of his normal clothes in preparation to don battle armor. Right in front of everyone.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Thinly insults Fate's minions, even refusing to call them by name, says that it's pathetic that Cosmo Entelecheia has to rely on them to fight their battles. Then he thanks those same minions for getting them as far as they have and for allowing him a chance at revenge against Godel and Takamichi, and tells them to be proud of themselves for surpassing the Cosmo Entelecheia of the past.
- Half the Man He Used To Be: Though, in Chapter 313, Sextum healed him.
- Hot-Blooded: A firm believer of the "let the fists do the talking" philosophy.
- Large Ham: Oh, yes.
- Mask Power: Even Fate's minions hadn't seen him without his mask until Chapter 301. Turns out, he's actually quite handsome.
- Meaningful Name: "Dynamis" apparently comes from a similar Greek root that can mean "ability", "power" or "I am able/powerful", depending on the context. As a bonus, he is not referred to by a number-like name, indicating that unlike the Averrunci or other series, he's unique.
- Not So Stoic: For all the imposing appearance and constant icy calm of his early appearances, in private he's actually... kinda weird.
- One-Winged Angel: Dynamis Mighty General Battle Mode! And it's indeed awesome.
- The Remnant: The only surviving member of the incarnation of Cosmo Entelecheia from the great war. And he's not happy about it.
Dynamis: I am but a defeated general who has lost his master. A wretched puppet who has lived beyond his years.
- Strike Me Down with All of Your Hatred
- The Rival: He appears to see himself as the Worthy Opponent to Ala Alba as a whole.
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: He strips his clothes! And yet there are a few out there who think that his ass is sexy or something.
- Well, he is quite muscular...
- Running Gag: Just like his fellow shadow armor user, he gets naked mid fight. Unlike her, he does it willingly to change armor and it doesn't slow him down. Still hilarious though.
- Spell My Name With A Y: While his name is spelled "Dynamis", the katakana for it reads "Dyunamisu". Scanlation groups claim that this is pronounced "Dunamis", despite "Dynamis" being the official spelling.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Xanatos Gambit: During Negi's attack on Cosmo Entelechia's base to interrupt the ritual. How so? All he has to do is get in their way, despite being ridiculously overpowered. The Fatettes tie up his allies while Negi beats the crap out of him, assuming he's won. Once that happens Dynamis fires a shot at Negi that will either A) Do significant damage if he takes it, or B) Take out several of his allies, who can't heal from it. When it results in option A, Negi goes berserk, causing the magical overdose thing to finally kick in for real and he petrifies. Building from there, with Ala Alba's only top tier fighter down it doesn't matter what Ala Alba does. He assumes (incorrectly[4]) they can't take Fate, but admits that their plan might still work... but he had already stalled enough that the others in the Averruncus series have woken up. And the whole time, he's trolling away. May double as Xanatos Speed Chess.
Lord of the Crypts/The Gravekeeper
Graveyard Keeper

Probably the least known of Fate's allies/minions at this point, even less well known than the recently revealed Zazie's older sister. So far his/her contribution to the plot has been minimal, with the Gateport attack being his/her only major time of action. Although s/he has been revealed as the one who called Zazie's older sister ("Poyo") to help them out in the first place, calling her an old friend. Other than that, not much is known about him/her at this point, not even by most of his/her allies. She disappeared from the battlefield when she was supposed to be guarding over Dynamis and Sextum and has not been mentioned since. Current whereabouts unknown.
- Back Stab
- Chekhov's Gunman: First appeared back at the Gateport, over a hundred chapters before showing up again.
- Face Framed in Shadow: Played with in 314: she's mostly obscured, but she has eyebrows like Arika and a twintail like Asuna.
- Heel Face Turn: Sorta: "When did I ever say I was on your side? I, for one, would like to see what the boy has planned." However, both Dynamis and Sextum rejoined the battle later..
- In the Hood
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Called Negi her descendant.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: After halting Dynamis and Sextum she hasn't been seen. This may indicate that the Lifemaker defeated her or that she was working for the Lifemaker all along. And now the series has ended and absolutely nothing concrete was ever shown or explained about her or her whereabouts.
- Wild Card: Neutralized Sextum, who was about to kill Chisame. On the other hand, the fact that Dynamis and Sextum are back on the field doesn't bode well for Negi..
Quartum, Quintum and Sextum
Quartum, Quintum and Sextum Averruncus
Three more of the Averruncus series. Unlike Tertium, who was instead revived from the previously destroyed Fates, these three are all the creation of Dynamis. Quartum and Quintum are male and Sextum is a girl... leading to many jokes about how unlike the other two attacking opponents immediately, she heads straight for Negi.
- Anime Hair: Quartum and Quintum. Sextum's hair is much more realistic
- Ax Crazy: Quartum, unlike the other Averruncus series, is shown to actively enjoy murder and expresses disappointment that he's forbidden from killing humans.
- Clothing Damage: In chapter 314 Sextum was stripped. We all saw that coming...
- Combat Medic: Sextum. She healed Dynamis.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Sextum was ambushed by someone everyone thought was an ally so she doesn't really count, but Quintum and Quartum are both defeated in the span of a single chapter each despite supposedly being as powerful as Fate.
- Elemental Powers: Matching Fate's Dishing Out Dirt powers, we have:
- Playing with Fire: Quartum
- Blow You Away/Shock and Awe: Quintum
- Making a Splash/An Ice Person: Sextum
- Foil: All of them serve to show how Fate has drastically changed by contrast with their simplistic outlooks and mere following of orders.
- Fragile Speedster: Quintum is taken out in a single powerful blow by Fate. Judging by Quintum's statement about Fate being specialized in physical combat, it's likely they Averrunci all have specific strengths and weaknesses.
- Half the Man He Used To Be: Quartum after being subject to a Curb Stomp Battle from Negi. Oddly, Negi's statement actually implies it's not intended to be a lethal blow. And it wasn't.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Quartum rips Chachamaru in half and then continues beating on her and stabbing her through the chest, saying something to the effect of 'Turn off, doll. Turn off!' This did not win him many fans.
- Red Mage: Sextum.
- Running Gag: Once again the Clothing Damage was used. In a "good way" for the reader.
- Slasher Smile: The only one to show visible emotion right off the back is Quartum and his grin after chopping Chachamaru in half.
- Squishy Wizard: Quartum is absolutely destroyed when Negi draws the fight into close quarters. Judging by Quintum's statement about Fate being specialized in physical combat, it's likely that the Averrunci all have specific strengths and weaknesses.
- Token Girl: Sextum
- Wham! Episode: Have fun with three more opponents at Fate's level and already losing the Great Grandmaster Key plus the whole 'chopping people in half and electrocuting them' thing.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Technically speaking, Sextum is [5] wearing a boy's uniform.
- You Are Numbers Four, Five, and Six
The first Averruncus, activated sometime before the start of the war. Fate's predecessor as the Earth mage of Cosmo Entelechia.
- The Dragon
- Ghost Memory: Fate has his memories, though they aren't the same individual.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Posthumous Character: Died in the battle against The Thousand Master 20 years before the series began.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Subverted. While certainly callous to shoot through your own minion, it seems it was just to have an easier shot. Primum lived through it and the Lifemaker (having created him) would know he'd survive it. Primum died instead due to being crushed by a falling rock.
The second Averruncus, activated four years after the end of the war. He's the most emotional of any Averruncus seen yet, displaying a kind of enthusiastic zeal for Cosmo Entelecheia's mission.
- Anime Hair
- Ax Crazy: Like Quartum, he seems to enjoy his job a little too much.
- Bullying a Dragon: Not actual bullying, but Secundum is not the brightest bulb in the drawer. Yes, that's right, scoff at the Thousand. Master. The guy who not only put the beat down on Primum but actually took out your boss once.
- Break the Haughty: Considers himself superior to the Mundus Magicus inhabitants and normal humans His on-panel fights consist of fighting Nag, and when he returns in the present, Jack and Evangelin, both of which result in him getting his ass kickedl
- Butt Monkey: He's constantly punched in the face and thrown around in a Keitaro-like undignified way. And he deserves all of it.
- Evilly Affable: He's a complete jerk with no apparent redeeming qualities, but he's quite friendly. For a certain definition of friendly, anyway.
- Evil Tastes Good
- Genre Blindness: When faced with an opponent with so many titles to their name, you DON'T underestimate them!
- Hot-Blooded: Tertium even asks him why he's so enthusiastic. Then asks his boss. Apparently the Lifemaker (possibly influenced by his fight against Nagi) dialed all of his parameters up to the maximum. He admits this was probably a mistake.
- Jerkass: He gets to be listed here as well as in the shared traits thing because he is just that much of an asshole.
- Kick the Dog: Doesn't seem to understand that he doesn't need to scare the hell out of the people he erases.
- Moral Myopia: He honestly seems to think he's the good guy.
- Off with His Head/Losing Your Head: Decapitated by Tertium as he tries to Rewrite Shiori, at which point he starts raging at Tertium and is apparently shut up by Tertium just blowing up the head. Second part presumably justified by the Averruncus series not being built quite like humans are.
- As he scattered into petal like bits, it's possible he was sent to Cosmo Entelecheia.
- Posthumous Character: Killed by Tertium long before the story. However, see the top of the page.
- Psycho Electro
- Shock and Awe
- Sociopathic Soldier: Think a more affable Quartum or a less crazy Tsukuyomi. Unclear if type one or two.
- This Cannot Be!
The mage who filled the position of the water mage in Cosmo Entelechia twelve years before the story. Appears to be the same model as Fate's two bodyguards from the war.
- The Faceless/Face Framed in Shadow: Her entire face has been left heavily shadowed even when seen completely. Her eyes also have a strange appearance. It is possible that her face just looks like this, though.
- Making a Splash
- Posthumous Character: Presumed.
- Rapunzel Hair
The mage who filled the position of the fire mage in Cosmo Entelechia twelve years before the story. Appearance does not seem to correspond with any previous models, though likes the others her name still indicates her true nature. Oddly, though, unlike the latin names of the others, hers is Japanese.
- Oral Fixation Fixation: In casual moments she always seems to be eating something.
- Playing with Fire
- Posthumous Character: Presumed.
- Revenge: Does not appear to care about what CE is doing at present, but bears a heavy grudge against Rakan and speaks of him in an incredibly rude manner. Reasons still unknown but suspected to be due to Rakan killing the previous CE fire mage, to which she may be related.
Fate's Adorable Minions
Fate's assumed Pactio partners. Basically an Amazon Brigade group of Evil Counterpart Psycho Rangers, all of them being Dark Magical Girls that Fate personally recruited since they were all war orphans with no place to go. Since the real names of only two out of five girls have been revealed, they've been filed under their code-names instead. And finally, one of them might be on her way to a High Heel Face Turn.
Shiori ("Bookmark")/Luna
Outer Personality, Kagurazaka Asuna Inner (True) Personality

- Anti-Villain: The most sympathetic of the girls.
- Becoming the Mask: While her Signum Biolegens supposedly makes her more-or-less a sleeper agent (which is in and of itself a subversion of this trope, as she truly believes she's Asuna when posing as her) with added control (she can apparently switch at will), Shiori became attracted to Negi on her own accord after witnessing his kindness. Infiltrating a group held together by a Chick Magnet might not have been the best of ideas...
- Caught the Heart on His Sleeve
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Dead Older Sister: More exactly, wounded-and-then-erased-from-existence older sister.
- Go Through Me: Tries this on Negi to stop him from doing something he'll regret later.
- Hair Decorations: Has a cute bow hairband.
- Her sister used to have one too.
- If you see the one she was wearing in the flashback, it probably IS her sister's.
- High Heel Face Turn
- Master of Disguise: Her artifact turns her into a perfect copy of someone, right down to their memories and personality.
- Morality Pet: Sure ALL of Fate's minions are these, but it is more true with her as how Tertium was given more free will by Primum, the same is true between Shiroi and Tertium. The Tear Jerker backstory also helped out with this.
- The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body: Thanks to her artifact's ability.
- Unusual Ears
Shirabe ("Melody")/Brigitte

- Affably Evil: She compliments her enemies when they survive her artifact's abilities, and is all-around the most well-mannered of the girls beside Shiori.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Being possibly the most amiable of the group besides Shiori does not stop her from holding back no less than six opponents by herself, fuelled only by sheer determination.
- Cute Monster Girl
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Defeat by Modesty: Due to a certain Boisterous Bruiser Panty Thief.
- Determinator
- The Dragon: She seems to be the most highly trusted of the girls by Fate, given that she's the one performing the ritual while Fate ensures there are no interruptions. At the very least, Shirabe is the minion that needs to be defeated/stopped as of Chapter 317.
- Dreadful Musician
- Elegant Classical Musician: Her artifact takes the form of a violin, which she plays to produce various effects.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Green Thumb: She can control plant life due to a racial ability.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Horned Humanoid: Said horns also provide her with her magical power, and can also presumably be severed and melted down into a supposed miracle elixir.
- Instrument of Murder: Her violin.
- I Shall Taunt You
- Make Me Wanna Shout: Her music can shatter stone.
- Mission Control: While the other girls were fighting, Shirabe was helping Fate use Asuna's Anti-Magic to reset the Magical World.
- Musical Assassin
- Rapunzel Hair
- Rubber Forehead Aliens: She has what looks like antlers on the sides of her head.
- Undying Loyalty: Given Chapter 320, she's possibly even more loyal than Homura.
- Unusual Ears
- Villainous Valor: Frankly, Shirabe felt more like the good guy in her confrontation with Negi's group: Ridiculously outnumbered, outgunned, tragic backstory revealed, all the odds against her. You might even be glad to see that she manages to accomplish her goal of getting Asuna back to the altar by neglecting her own safety, before remembering that she's the villain here.
Homura ("Flame")

- Big Bad Wannabe: She has a habit of underestimating her opponents, which often results in her getting her butt kicked.
- The Brute: Definitely the most straightforward in terms of fighting tactics among the minions.
- Clothing Damage: Activating her full powers completely destroys her clothing.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Dark Action Girl: Homura is the most unrepentant of the minions.
- Defeat by Modesty: Ironic, considering she doesn't seem to mind Full Frontal Assaults...
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: She tells this to Jack Rakan when he learns her Dark and Troubled Past.
- Eye Scream: If you look at the close-up of her in her flashback during the girls' fight against Rakan, her left eye has a significant amount of blood streaming down from it.
- Say... Isn't that the same eye she uses to cast fire spells? Wait a minute... that sounds somewhat similar to Amaterasu...
- Full-Frontal Assault: Activating her full powers tends to incinerate her clothing.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Hair Decorations
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: She either doesn't care or doesn't notice that her full powers remove any semblance of modesty from her appearance.
- Personality Powers: She's by far the most rash and excitable of Fate's minions; fitting for someone who deals in fire magic.
- Playing with Fire
- Elemental Shapeshifter
- Wreathed in Flames: In her Salamandra form.
- Plucky Girl
- Psychic Powers
- Tsurime Eyes
- Undying Loyalty: She seems to be the most loyal of the minions.
Koyomi ("Calendar")

- Black Bra and Panties: The first time Rakan steals her panties, he asks her if black is really her color.
- Butt Monkey: The poor girl just can't catch a break.
- Catgirl
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Dark Chick: Among Fate's minions, she's the most colorful.
- Defeat by Modesty: Due to a certain Boisterous Bruiser Panty Thief, and to her eternal embarrassment.
- Fragile Speedster: In full beast form, she moves like a blur. However she is easily taken down by the powered-up Yuna, Makie, and "Asuna".
- Half-Human Hybrid
- The McCoy: By a longshot, she is the most openly expressive/emotional of Fate's Ministrae.
- Petting Zoo People: In her full beast form.
- Tareme Eyes
- Time Stands Still: Her artifact, but it hasn't seen much use.
Tamaki ("Bracelet")

- Achilles' Heel: She has to stay in her artifact's dimension to maintain it, making it possible to find and defeat her. Not easy, but when your opponent is Jack Rakan...
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Cute Monster Girl
- Defeat by Modesty: Due to a certain Boisterous Bruiser Panty Thief.
- Going Commando: Word of Akamatsu says that it's because her tail is too big for her to be able to wear panties, and that her entire race has this issue.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Lizard Folk: A rather cute variation.
- Our Dragons Are Different
- Phantom Zone: Her artifact. One of her implied tactics is to trap an opponent in it and leave them there until they starve to death.[6]
- Rubber Forehead Aliens: She has horns growing out of her head.
- The Stoic: But by no means emotionless.
- Tsurime Eyes
Non-Member Associates
These individuals are those who were either hired by Cosmo Entelechia for a specific task or are assisting them of their own free will for some other reason.

Ax Crazy, Psycho for Hire Shinmeiryuu who plays the part of Setsuna's Evil Counterpart/Worthy Opponent (amongst other things). Likes to use Summoned demons in place of Shikigami. Partial to Gothic Victorian clothes that inevitably get destroyed in combat. Enjoys smiling and laughing during battle (especially against strong women and young-looking boys).
= Voiced by: Hiromi Tsunakake (Negima!), Rie Kugimiya (OVA) (Japanese), Samantha Inoue Harte (English) =
- Artifact of Doom / Evil Weapon: "Hina". My God, that ain't RIGHT.
- Attempted Rape: She started cutting all of Setsuna's clothes off while ranting about how she wanted Setsuna to "satisfy her".
- Ax Crazy: She was more of a mere mercenary initially, but by her appearance in the Magical World arc she seems to derive sexual pleasure from murder.
- Badass Adorable: When she's not being full-on Yandere she's very cute, soft-spoken, and frilly. Then you remember she's a really scary Depraved Bisexual...
- Black Eyes of Crazy: Word of God says that it's because she's essentially tapping into The Dark Side.
- Blind Without'Em: Setsuna won their first battle by... knocking Tsukuyomi's glasses off.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Blood Knight
- Close-Call Haircut: Gets one when she tries to fight Fate and then taunts him about wanting to fight Negi by herself. When Fate defeats her, he cuts about half her hair. She doesn't seem to mind, though.
- Combat Sadomasochist
- Cool Sword: Hina.
- Cute and Psycho: Remember when she was first introduced, acting sweet and playful as she fought and had a healthy respect (and possibly, a still-nice and cute crush) for Setsuna? Even back then, there were... hints. Just look at her eyes in one of the bottom panels...
- Dark Action Girl
- Depraved Bisexual: While her interest in Setsuna is very obvious, she seems to be interested in Fate and Negi as well.
- Dojikko: In Negima! Neo. Watch her [dead link] ruin her own Dynamic Entry.
- Dual-Wielding: She uses a short sword and dagger.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita: Victorian-style Pimped-Out Dress.
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Why she gets defeated in her battle with Setsuna during the assault on Cosmo Entelecheia to free Asuna.
- Giggling Villain
- Glove Slap
- Guns Are Worthless: Though the series likes to subvert this, her sword speed and Bullet Catching play it straight.
- Hannibal Lecture: To Fate, to convince him that he's got a case of Foe Yay going with Negi.
- Shipper on Deck: She seemed very pleased when she pointed that out to both of them.
- Hemo-Erotic
- He Who Fights Monsters: Possibly? The Cool Sword is an artifact of corruption at least.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Her seiyuu for the Magic World OADs may remind you of a certain Gundam 00 pilot.
- Hime Cut
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- I Have You Now, My Pretty: Coming from a frilly, bespectacled little blonde moppet makes this scary.
- Implausible Fencing Powers: Shinmeiryuu.
- Kansai Regional Accent
- Ki Attacks
- Licking the Blade
- Loves the Sound of Screaming
- Meganekko: She's Blind Without'Em.
- Mythology Gag: Compare the sword she has here with the sword in Love Hina here.
- And now it turns out that it is the exact same sword (she stole it).
- Name's the Same / Meaningful Name: Shares her name with the Shinto moon deity. The male Shinto moon deity.
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: You know it's true.
- Psycho for Hire
- Psycho Lesbian: To a terrifying degree. There's a good reason why she's used as the page quote.
- Psycho Supporter: Nominally a supporter of Cosmo Entelechia, but far too psychotic to truly be on anyone's "side".
- Psychotic Smirk
- Punch Clock Villain: She seemed to be this at first, being polite and playful and leaving the battlefield with a smile (and even thanking Kaede for their battle) as soon as she was told to do so. Then Flanderization kicked in...
- Rie Kugimiya: Mahou Sensei Negima: Mou Hitotsu no Sekai OAD.
- Relationship Voice Actor: With Yuu Kobayashi as Setsuna. Let's see, Kanon and Shanon, and Ayame and Kagura. Let that mull in your brain for a bit.
- Sex Is Violence: Gets turned on while (and by) fighting Setsuna, Fate, and now Negi.
- Slipknot Ponytail
- Stalker with a Crush: To truly frightening levels.
- Strange Girl: She's pretty much the only female character in the entire run of the series portrayed as 100% evil. Plus all the creepy subtext she gives out. Most definitely even the only character, judging by some of what Fate is saying.
- The Vamp
- Wild Card: She joins whatever group will give her the opportunity to fight the most people. She recently attacked both Fate and Ala Alba with no apparent motivation other than for the hell of it.
- Yandere: To Nightmare Fuel levels.
Poyo Rainyday
A high-class demon girl allied with Cosmo Entelecheia, who seeks to prevent the events that lead to the apocalyptic future of Chao Lingshen. While she personally has no stake in this future, as a powerful entity she nonetheless feels obligated to do what she can to avert the upcoming crisis.
She initially appears in the Gravekeeper's Palace posing as her younger sister Zazie, and uses the artifact Magic Lantern Circus to halt the Ala Alba's progress. When Negi breaks free and announces that he has found his own solution for the Magical World's crisis she, like the rest of Cosmo Entelecheia, doesn't believe him.
- Anti-Villain
- Cute Monster Girl
- Dark Magical Girl
- Eldritch Abomination: What she summons in Chapter 299, when she gets serious...
- Evil Twin: Zazie's, though pretty low on the evil meter.
- In-Series Nickname: Poyo after her Verbal Tic.
- Lotus Eater Machine: Her artifact's power. More specifically, it creates a replica of "Cosmo Entelecheia", a perfect world crafted to suit each person's ideal life. It has no effect on those who are already satisfied with their life.
- Meta Guy: She talks in game terms, like Chisame.
- One-Winged Angel: When she reveals her demon heritage in Chapter 299. Complete with wings and multiple sets of horns.
- Our Demons Are Different: Apparently capable of limited shapeshifting, not evil and apparently even further up the demon nobility than Graf Wilhelm.
- Tsurime Eyes: Unlike Zazie, who has Tareme Eyes.
- Verbal Tic: -Poyo, then -zazi, then -ponyo, then back to -poyo again. She's sticking with that one, apparently.
Graf Wilhelm Josef von Herrmann

One of the demons who attacked Negi's hometown back when he was still a kid. He came to Mahora with the Slime Sisters not only to seek out Negi himself under orders from Cosmo Entelecheia (or at least, that's what Donnet reports in Yuna's day in the spotlight), but also to know how Negi has improved.
- Affably Evil
- Anti-Magic: It was due to Asuna wearing a device that makes him immune to magic. When the other girls take it off, he can be affected.
- Badass Grandpa
- Bishounen Line: Inverted. He starts off with his old man form then goes demon form after he reveals his true form to Negi, unlocking his Berserk Button.
- Blood Knight
- Dirty Old Man: Why else would he dress up Asuna in that get up?
- Card-Carrying Villain: His explanation for the outfit.
- Let's Get Dangerous: When Negi proves his worth to him, he finally reveals his real fighting style.
- Noble Demon
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Was at least until someone let him and the Slime Sisters out from that bottle.
- Taken for Granite: Via a beam he fires.
Slime Sisters
Amee, Slime, Pudding
- Ahoge: Amee and Slime.
- Blob Monster
- Emotionless Girl: Expression on Pudding's face hardly changes.
- Fantastic Racism: Kotarou's Wouldn't Hit a Girl doesn't cover slimes.
- Hair Decorations: Slime.
- Hime Cut: Pudding.
- Making a Splash: They use a water barrier to restrain kidnapped girls.
- Meganekko: Amee.
- Rapunzel Hair: Pudding's hair are longer than her body.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Unlike Herrmann, they are resealed in the bottle.
- Shapeshifting: One of them changes into Konoka to catch Setsuna.
- Super-Deformed
- ↑ Okay, he didn't say the third one, but still.
- ↑ Note: 'He' is not confirmed.
- ↑ Not to be confused with Amaterasu.
- ↑ Fate is knocked unconscious, which would normally mean victory
- ↑ or rather was
- ↑ but she has to be inside too for it to work, so she'd need to guard the only cache of food or get supplies from her allies