Mahou Sensei Negima/Characters/Ala Rubra
That's right, Mahou Sensei Negima is so overstuffed that it broke the folder system. Again. And it's still growing. So we decided to split the page. Again. This page is for everyone who's a member of Ala Rubra or was a close ally. Feel free to munch on some chips as you read.
This page is full of spoilers, naturally. You have been warned.
Nagi Springfield
The Thousand Master
Negi's Disappeared Dad, the epitome of the Idiot Hero, and quite possibly the most powerful combat mage ever to live. Unlike his son, he is straight forward, child-like, laid back and disrespectful. He hates respectful titles and prefers to be called by his name without honorifics and such. He has a strong affinity for lightning and has mastered the element's strongest spells. Though his skill in battle is beyond question, he actually isn't all that good at remembering his magic, and often has to read his spell incantations off of a notebook.
= Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu (Negima!), Miyuki Sawashiro (Negima?!) (Japanese), Troy Baker (Negima!), J. Michael Tatum (Negima?!) (English) =
- Badass Long Robe
- Big Damn Heroes/Dynamic Entry: Can pull this off without even being physically present.
- Bishonen
- Blow You Away
- Book Dumb: Dropped out of magic school.
- Brought Down to Badass: Leaps into a canyon full of gigantic vicious monsters where magic cannot be used in order to save Arika. He still makes it out unharmed.
- Chick Magnet: Even ten years after his disappearance, he's still highly popular with the ladies. In a flashback, his friends lampshaded this when chibi Asuna asked him to be her partner.
Why the hell are you always that popular with everyone!?
- Chivalrous Pervert: As shown in the flashbacks with his interactions with Arika.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Nagi confronted 'The Mage of the Beginning', a wizard of such immense power that he threatened the entire world, created Fate Averruncus, and terrified even Jack 'Crazy Powerful' Rakan... and won, basically just by hitting him really hard. Subverted. After this it's shown that the Lifemaker wasn't truly beaten, he simply possessed Zect and left the battlefield. Ended up possessed himself in the end.
- Dope Headbutt
- Doppelganger Attack
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: In the first anime adaptation.
- Flash Step
- Grand Theft Me
- Hot Shoujo Dad
- I Cannot Self-Terminate: Asks Negi to come find and kill him, although considering that he's the Lifemaker's current meat-puppet, it's unclear who's really saying it.
- Idiot Hair
- Idiot Hero: Deconstructed. An idiot hero is great when all you need to do is beat your opponent. But then what happens after that? What happens when you're not smart enough to fix the situation because all you know how to do is fight? What happens when you can't kill your opponent just by blowing him up?
- Improbable Age
- In the Hood
- Invincible Hero: Explicitly stated to be completely invincible. Which makes it all the more worrying what could possibly have happened to him to make him disappear...
- Kung Fu Wizard
- Magic Knight
- Mundane Solution
- Names to Know in Anime
- Takehito Koyasu: His seiyuu in the first anime series and the Ala Rubra Drama CD.
- Miyuki Sawashiro: His seiyuu in the Negima!? series.
- Neck Lift / Neck Snap.
- Offscreen Moment of Awesome: How he was saved from the Livemaker and brought back. You'd be forgiven if the final chapter's Hand Wave explanation leaves you happy but confused.
- Parental Abandonment: Not by choice, though.
- Person of Mass Destruction
- Power Floats
- Projected Man: The Lifemaker appears to still be sealed. However, he appears to have pulled the same trick as Albireo. Fortunately, pulling this trick appears to have made him extremely vulnerable to Asuna's anti magic sword.
- Red Baron
- Redheaded Hero
- Running Gag: He says or does something stupid or unthoughtful in front of Arika, and in the next panel has an extremely bright slap mark on his face.
- Shock and Awe
- Single Tear: Oh, Nagi....
- Skyward Scream: Seems to be fond of this back in his Ala Rubra days.
- Unexplained Recovery: He shows up in the final chapter, free of the Lifemaker's control, with the circumstances of his freedom simply glossed over.
- Unskilled but Strong: An Idiot Hero who only has six spells committed to memory, needing a cheatsheet for the rest, and is also bad at Latin, which is the standard language for the Western school of magic that he practices.
- Not that any of this has ever been a hindrance to him in battle.
- World's Strongest Man: His enemies' intel on him: "Invincible. Has no weaknesses."
Princess Arika Anarkhia Entheofushia of Vespertatia
Queen of Calamity
The Princess (and later Queen) of the kingdom of Ostia and one of Ala Rubra's allies during the war. At the war's end, she was instrumental in preventing the destruction of the Magic World, but at the cost of the destruction of her kingdom. Despite making every effort to evacuate as many as possible, she was falsely accused of genocide and nearly executed for it before being saved by Ala Rubra. Afterwards, she hooked up with Nagi, and was eventually revealed to be Negi's mother. Her current status and whereabouts are unknown. And unfortunately, never will be.
= Voiced by: Megumi Hayashibara (Only in the Ala Rubra Drama CD.) =
- Armor-Piercing Slap
- Badass Princess: Although she didn't really become Badass until she wasn't a princess anymore.
- The Chains of Commanding
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Initially very cold towards everyone, due to being raised in a very stifling and dark environment, filled to the brim with plotting politicians and insidious royalty. Gradually evolves into a...
- Kuudere: With oh, so much Tsundere-style violent reactions (though she still keeps a straight face) whenever Nagi pisses her off; especially in Ch. 269).
- Does Not Know How to Say Thanks
- Fallen Princess
- Faking the Dead: Thanks to Ala Rubra's Big Damn Heroes plan.
- Hair of Gold: Revealed by Volume 26's cover.
- The High Queen
- Hime Cut
- Hot Mom
- I Dub Thee Sir Knight
- Lady of War
- By the time Ala Rubra and Cosmo Entelechia are already fighting head-to-head, as seen in Tertium's flashback, she's more of a regular Action Girl, going as far as pulling a Big Damn Heroes moment for Nagi himself when the latter is nearly beaten by Secundum.
- Mismatched Eyes: Revealed by Volume 26's cover.
- Missing Mom
- Mysterious Parent
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: By taking the blame for Asuna, she has enabled the Cosmo Entelecheia to continue their plans and has caused the Senate to view Negi as an enemy.
- Not So Stoic: Her normally aloof/serious demeanor pretty much shatters in Ch. 269 when Nagi confesses his love to her, giving way to lots of blushing, stuttering/stammering, and emotional outburst. Also, when he headbutted her to shut her up, we see a shocked Chibi!Arika.
- Oblivious to Love: Well, now we know where Negi gets it from.
- Overly Long Name
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Self-Made Orphan: One of the crimes she was placed on trial for was assassinating her father.
- That Man Is Dead: Invoked by Nagi who claims that Queen Arika died and the Arika Nagi is with is just plain ol' Arika.
- Unusual Eyebrows
- Walk the Plank Her execution. At least, that was the idea.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: We never find out what happened to her. Her last chronological appearance or mention was twelve years before the story began.
- Zero-Approval Gambit: She lets herself be accused and executed as the instigator of the great war. Thankfully, they only succeed in the first one.
Jack Rakan
Jacobus 'Jack' Rakan
The Thousand Blades
An extremely powerful warrior who's every bit as invincible as Nagi (the one time we saw them fight, it was a draw). He is a very laid-back and seemingly carefree person, loving nothing more in life than cute girls and powerful opponents. He primarily works as a mercenary, charging hilariously overpriced fees for his help, but ended up joining the Ala Rubra and fighting alongside them to save the world.
Though he can use magic, it really isn't his style; he prefers to use swords, fists, and Ki Attacks. His decades of experience in battle leave him with few to no weaknesses as a fighter, a fact he tries to hide with his goofy attitude and lack of (apparent) strategy.
In keeping with Kurt Godel, his name may be a reference to Jacques Lacan, psychoanalyst and philosopher. The two names would be identical in katakana.
= Voiced by: Rikiya Koyama (Drama CD and OAD.) =
- The Ace
- Awesomeness By Analysis: After seeing Negi's superior speed, he is able to predict where Negi will be.
- Back From the Dead: Twice.
- Badass
- Badass Grandpa: He's got to be at least sixty or so. Twenty years as a gladiator plus time spent as a mercenary plus the twenty year time span after the war. He could even be in his seventies or older. He also hits every other point in the Badass Grandpa trope. However, as a member of the Hellas race, he's apparently not really that old for his race.
- Battle Aura
- Beware the Silly Ones
- Beyond the Impossible: He apparently breaks the rules of magic. Or is he just so good at magic that it looks that way?
- BFS: His artifact. A lot of them.
- Bigger Is Better: One of his giant-summoned-sword-based attacks is called the "Zankanken", possibly a pun on the Shinmeiryuu technique "zanganken", or "rock-cutting sword". It means "warship-cutting sword"... which has the same meaning as SANGER ZONVOLT's ZANKANTOU
- Blood Knight
- Boisterous Bruiser: The picture here is one of the few times he looks that serious.
- Brick Joke: The attack that he created as Negi's Finishing Move, Eternal Negi Fever. Guess who uses the attack in the their fight.
- Broken Hero
- Calling Your Attacks: Most of them he makes up on the spot.
- Chivalrous Pervert: He actually fights on several occasions by stealing his opponents panties and flipping their skirts. His mind also appears to be eternally in the gutter.
- After the timeskip; he's apparently mentoring Paio... in panty-stealing techniques.
- Chunky Updraft: He does that the first time he gets anything close to serious.
- Crazy Awesome
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Curb Stomp Battle
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Defeat by Modesty: His modus operandi when dealing with cute girls.
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Determinator: After being erased from existence, he willed himself back. Repeat: he was erased from existence, and he temporarily forced himself back through sheer force of will. Twice! To Rakan, being erased from existence is like being Put on a Bus.
- Dirty Old Man
- Field of Blades
- Finishing Move: Negi and Rakan discuss the necessity of having a good finishing move.
- Game Breaker: An In-Universe example. Jack Rakan is so ridiculously powerful, some of the older characters even say he's a "broken game character".
- A short and hard to read (due to small speech balloons) exchange between Rakan and Chamo illustrates the point perfectly.
Chamo: This isn't physically possible...
Rakan: Make up for it with guts.
- Genius Bruiser: Yes.
- Genius Ditz
- The Giant
- Gladiator Games
- Hard Work Hardly Works: An explicit aversion. While it certainly took him longer and he had to work harder to get there, he's still a fighter on par with Nagi.
- Heroic Resolve
- Heroic Willpower: It actually appears to be a power of his that increases his damage.
- Hidden Depths: On being capable of Mind Reading: "Nothing's impossible for me!" On being a surprisingly talented artist: "I have no weak points."
- Hot-Blooded
- How Much More Can He Take?
- Idiot Hero: Not as stupid as Nagi, but he admits he's not much of a schemer compared to Gatou and Albireo. Rather than being unable to plan like Nagi, he actually seems like a reasonable intelligent person who chooses not to think about things.
- I Have Many Names: And all of them are awesome.
- Implacable Man
- Impossible Thief: In regards to his abilities to steal girls panties while they are wearing them, and without them even noticing.
- Indy Ploy: How he likes to operate.
- The Juggernaut
- Kamehame Hadoken: Rakan Impact.
- Large Ham
- Let's Get Dangerous
- Lightning Bruiser
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- Made of Iron: The vast majority of attacks used on him when he is being serious have little to no effect despite the fact that he's primarily a swordsman, not a [1] and thus isn't using a barrier. It turns out that he's negating a lot of the force behind attacks by turning his body slightly and going for glancing blows.
- Mega Manning: He has copied Eishun's Zanmaken Ni no Tachi, Gateau's Muonken (Rakan For-The-Hell-Of-It Right Hand Punch looks pretty similar), Albireo's Gravity magic (Great Dimension Breaker), and Evangeline's Magia Erebea. Though it turns out the last one was a bad idea as he's entirely incompatible with it.
- Miser Advisor
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Bearer of a Thousand Blades. And hell, all of his names.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Rakan is not as dumb as he acts. Not. Even. Close.
- The Obi-Wan: Complete with an Obi-Wan Moment. [2]
- Odd Friendship: With Chisame.
- Older and Wiser: He becomes Negi's teacher.
- Older Than They Look
- Panty Thief: To the point of using this as a fighting move.
- Pec Flex
- Pensieve Flashback
- Person of Mass Destruction
- Power Fist: Summons one in his final fight against Fate Averruncus, soon pinning Fate to the ground with it and then hammering him into a crater with a piston-powered strike. Then he disintegrates.
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs
- Rated "M" for Manly
- Red Baron: "The Thousand Blades", "Legendary Hero", "Invincible Idiot", and "That Damn Guy You Can Stab With Swords All You Like And It Won't Do A Thing, Damnit!".
- Refuge in Audacity
- The Rival: Nagi's.
- Rule of Cool: It is portrayed at first as though this is how he operates entirely, but it actually turns out to be a subversion. He's quite knowledgeable and even a good enough mage to break barrier dimensions, something that normally isn't possible.
- Screw Destiny:
Heh. "Illusions"? "Puppets"? Heheh, screw that crap!!
- Self-Made Man: He was a war slave and fought his way up.
- Shipper on Deck: Like everyone else, he ships Konoka/Setsuna and makes a special move in honor of their first kiss. He also shipped Nagi/Arika 20 years ago.
- Shirtless Scene
- Shower of Awkward: With Chisame. He laughs it off.
- Showy Invincible Hero: And he's loving it.
- Sky Surfing
- Take Our Word for It: His account of the war is rather... lacking in detail.
"And, well, a whole bunch of things happened after that--before we knew it, we all became friends. And then, well...a whole buncha stuff happened after that. The war ended, and here we are now...and, uh...the end."
- Testosterone Poisoning: The manly in Negima was saved up for him.
- Troperiffic: Seriously, if this list keeps growing, we're gonna have to give him his own page!
- The Nose Knows
- Unexplained Recovery: He gets written out of existence and comes back... TWICE!
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Most of Rakan's crazier attacks. "Eternal Negi Fever", the "In Celebration of My First Kiss With Ojou-sama!" technique, and "Rakan-For-The-Hell-Of-It Right Hand Punch!" come to mind.
- When All You Have Is a Hammer: His solution to almost any problem is to hit it with a big enough sword. Or dozens of them. Or flexing his muscles and being awesome.
- World's Strongest Man: As Nagi's rival, when Nagi vanished the title more or less passed to him.
Albireo Imma
A powerful mage who is proficient with both gravity and healing magic in addition to his being a skilled unarmed combatant. At some point, he becomes a Minister Magi to Nagi and is revealed to have several more contracts in the past, all of which are dead. The fact that his pactio with Nagi remains active serves as a proof that the Thousand Master is indeed still alive, though Albireo himself doesn't know where he is.
Albireo visibly takes delight in tormenting and playing mindgames with Evangeline and is labeled as one of the two of the vampire's natural enemies, the other being Nagi. He's even bold enough to call the Dark Evangel 'Kitty'. His actual age is unknown, but he himself alludes to the fact that he is Older Than He Looks. He is currently living underneath Library Island at Mahora.
= Voiced by: Daisuke Ono (Drama CD and OAD.) =
- All-Encompassing Mantle
- Apologetic Attacker
- Badass Bookworm
- Badass Long Robe
- Bishonen
- Cheshire Cat Grin: The picture here is one of the very few times he doesn't have one.
- Colonel Badass
- Curb Stomp Battle
- Curtains Match the Window
- Daisuke Ono: The OVAs and the Drama CD.
- Disturbed Doves: Lampshaded by the hologram of Nagi.
- Ditto Fighter: His artefact allows him to copy anyone he's met.
- Energy Ball
- Eyes Always Shut
- The Gadfly
- Gravity Master
- Green Lantern Ring
- Handsome Lech
- Healing Hands
- Hot Librarian
- Insistent Terminology: He would prefer to be called "Ku:nel Sanders", thank you very much.
- In the Hood
- Kung Fu Wizard
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- Meaningful Name: Albireo is the name of a binary star; which is two stars held in a constant orbit by their gravity. This alludes both to the character's use of gravity magic, as well as his ability to create a 2nd physical projection of himself.
- The Medic: His combat abilities are quite high, but he seems to have played this role for Ala Rubra. And in a group shot comparing Ala Rubra and Ala Alba, he appears to have occupied the same position as Konoka.
- The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body
- Morph Weapon
- Nigh Invulnerability
- Older Than They Look: Implied.
- He stated that he was "the oldest one present"... at a gathering that included Headmaster Konoe, Evangeline, and the Lifemaker.
- Power Floats
- Red Mage: He does both healing magic and gravity magic which makes him basically the only character in the series so far apart from Anya and Sextum who can do both.
- Sarcasm Failure
- Shapeshifter Weapon
- The Smart Guy
- Stellar Name: see Meaningful Name.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Eva, from which he derives endless entertainment over.
- With Rakan as well, it looks like.
Konoe Eishun
Konoe Eishun
Formerly Aoyama Eishun
A master of the Shinmeiryuu style, Eishun is currently head of the Kansai Magic Association. He is also Konoka's father. Before marrying into Konoe family was part of Aoyama clan (relation to Motoko and Tsuruko is unknown).
= Voiced by: Masaki Terasoma (anime), Toshiyuki Morikawa (Drama CD) =
- Achilles' Heel: Women.
- Berserk Button: Don't waste his food.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Chaste Hero
- Functional Magic: Onmyodo.
- Hot Dad: Partially. He's not ugly in any way, but compared to Nagi and Albireo, he's rather plain.
- I Was Quite a Looker: ... Looks like he didn't really age well. Unless you ask Asuna.
- Implausible Fencing Powers: Shinmeiryuu style.
- Ki Attacks
- Meaningful Name: His name written in Kanji is a direct Japanese pronounciation of the Chinese Kung Fu Style Wing Chung, in spite of not yet showing any expertise in said martial-art.
- Scars Are Forever: Upper body, presumably from his Ala Rubra days.
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: Nagi and Rakan apparently could not take a look at Eishun's face in the hot springs due to the fact that they have described him as attractive.
- Team Chef
Gateau Kagura Vanderburg
Takamichi's master. Deceased.
= Voiced by: Keiji Fujiwara (Only in the Ala Rubra Drama CD.) =
- Big Brother Mentor: to Takamichi.
- Cool Old Guy
- Multiethnic Name
- One Last Smoke
- Only Sane Man
- Perma-Stubble
- Posthumous Character: Barely. He really only features as an element of the Dark and Troubled Past of Takamichi and Asuna; we don't know all that much about the man himself.
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs
- Smoking Is Cool
- Yin-Yang Bomb: The kanka technique combines magic with ki, which normally isn't possible.
Takahata Takamichi
Death Glasses/The Eternal Wind
= Voiced by: Norihiro Inoue (Anime), Tetsuya Kakihara (Young appearance in the Ala Rubra Drama CD.) =
- Air Jousting: During the Mahora Budokai.
- Badass
- Broken Hero:
I don't deserve to be loved by anyone.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Finishing Move
- Flash Step
- Ki Attacks
- Meteor Move: How Negi finds out why Takahata sensei was once a feared warrior.
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs
- Red Baron: "Death Glasses" Takahata, and not just to unruly students. Also known as "The Eternal Wind", apparently...
- The Slow Walk
- Stoic Spectacles
- Tagalong Kid: In the backstory. Now he's Older and Wiser.
- Walking on Water
- Weak but Skilled: He can't invoke spells.
- Yin-Yang Bomb: The kanka technique.
Zect Filius
A calm, collected and skilled warrior excelling in unarmed combat and counter magic. Nagi addresses Zect as "Oshisou", which means the same as "sensei" (i.e. teacher, master in the master/journeyman sense), but is more old-fashioned.
Voiced by: Jun Fukuyama: Only in the Drama CD.
- Adorably Precocious Child
- Barrier Warrior
- Blush Sticker
- Deflector Shields
- Grand Theft Me:Body snatched by the Lifemaker twenty years ago.
- Posthumous Character: Dissolved into nothing after the fight with the Lifemaker ended and was credited as a hero killed in action.
- The Quiet One
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Zect is said to be couple of centuries old by Word of God.
- Shorter Means Smarter
- Token Mini-Moe: Ala Rubra's Adorably Precocious Child (not counting Takamichi and Kurt, who joined later), his age notwithstanding.
Kurt Godel
- ↑ Though he's not bad at that either
- ↑ Two, in fact, as after the first one, he wills himself back into existence to Bright Slap Negi.