This page is about characters that appear in the Hellsing manga and OVA. For characters in the TV series, see Hellsing (anime).
Hellsing Organization
Voiced by Joji Nakata (JP), Crispin Freeman (EN)
Extremely powerful, to the point where he qualifies as "nature" in terms of man vs. x conflicts, Alucard is a vampire who is well over 400 years old. He acknowledges Integra Hellsing, a woman who is one of the last living members of the Hellsing family, as his Master. He spent twenty years sealed in the depths of the Hellsing manor by Integra's father, until a young Integra discovers his "corpse" when she was fleeing from her wicked uncle. Integra is shot in the shoulder, and her blood just so happens to fly into Alucard's mouth, which awakened him. As a way of showing his thanks, he helps Integra kill her pursuers, and from then on, grants her his services and protection. He is highly skilled in firearms and his vast powers are divided into seals with increasing levels of power (with Level Zero being the strongest to 5 being the "weakest"). His servant is Seras "Police Girl" Victoria.
Most definitely IS Dracula.
- Affably Evil
- Alucard : No shit.
- Anti-Hero: Ranges anywhere between Type IV and V.
- Horrifying Hero: Our PROTAGONIST, ladies and gentlemen!
- Army of the Dead: Contains an armada of ghouls formed from pretty much every single person he ever killed inside his body.
- Ax Crazy
- Back for the Finale
- Badass
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Badass Longcoat: A red one, adding to the gore by allowing many regenerations of his limbs. Though not the only one; the villainous equivalent is the Captain.
- Badass Long Hair: And the more Badass he becomes, the longer it gets.
- Badass Mustache: When Alucard releases all the restraints, he actually looks somewhat like Vlad Tepes, including the mustache. Not quite as impressive as the one in the famous portrait of him, but it would be difficult to take him seriously with that thing.
- Little Miss Badass: Girlycard. Maybe.
- Word of God (and canon) says that form is female. Strangely Girlycard still has a male voice in the OVA.
- Sealed Badass in a Can: Is this in "Master of Monster". There's a magic seal on the door to the room he's being kept in (much like the seals on his gloves, that keep his powers in check). When Integra opens the door, she breaks the seal.
- Beast and Beauty: Along with his Knight/Lady dynamic with Integra, there are definitely shades of this.
- Berserk Button: Alucard doesn't seem to have many, but Anderson finds one when the latter uses Helena's Nail to gain the power to defeat the former. Alucard is outright furious at Anderson for throwing away his humanity in order to defeat him, saying that Anderson has become just like Alucard: a monster. For the record, Alucard believes that only a human can defeat a monster, hence his rage at Anderson using Helena's Nail. Also, whenever someone escapes his bloodthirsty counterattacks by committing suicide. Well, he gets very angry at least. Likewise, never, Never, NEVER insult, threaten, or harm Integra whenever he's nearby. It will be the last thing you'll do. Case in point, Enrico Maxwell once called Integra a "Sow" prompting Alucard to, albeit politely, tell Maxwell that he'll personally kill him for insulting his master. Or betray him or her. He can't stand traitors.
- Better to Die Than Be Killed: Alucard is very much not of this opinion.
- Blood Knight: He just LOVES to fight all kind of enemies. The harder the more fun it'll be.
- Blood Lust: Oh yes.
- Bloody Murder: Alucard practically puts his blood through gymnastics using it as a weapon
- Bodyguard Crush
- Bottomless Magazines: He won't reload until all the surrounding enemies are dead.
- Break the Cutie: When he was just a little kid, he was sold out by his father, Dracul the prince of Wallachia, to the Turks, who did all sorts of ghastly things to him. No wonder he decided to become what he is today.
- Broken Ace
- Card-Carrying Villain: Straight up admits that he is the worst of all vampires, which is saying something.
- Characterization Marches On: Chapter 1 is most affected by this.
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Red.
- Combat Sadomasochist
- Crazy Consumption: Out of all the vampites in this series, Alucard really takes the cake with this one. So long as Integra orders him to kill, he'll do whatever he damn well pleases to his victims. Including tearing off their heads and letting the blood pour into his mouth. And using demon dogs to eat them alive. Honestly, this guy acts more like a cannibal than a vampire.
- Creepy Good
- Crispin Freeman
- Cynical Mentor: He's not the best father figure towards Seras. Most of the time he's rather insulting and mean towards her, but he does give her advice which has helped her many times before.
- Death Seeker: One of his possible motivations.
- Averted, after the fight with Anderson, Alucard made it clear he wasn't in a rush to die yet.
- Did Not Get the Girl: Mina Harker.
- Dracula
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: In the form of Schrodinger. Okay, so maybe it was more 'dropped mathematics and technobabble on him'.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: After essentially being sent to purgatory by Schrodinger, Alucard seeks out and kills his millions of lives (except Schrodinger's), finally putting them out of their misery and earning his life back.
- Let's not forget that he comes from a past filled with Downer Endings no matter what. The series and other characters love to list what he lost after the decesive battles.
- Eldritch Abomination: His other unnatural forms.
- Humanoid Abomination: What he is when he isn't fighting hard yet.
- Even Evil Has Standards: He told those teen vamps that the way how they kill for no reasons just show how pathetic they actually were, and thats is the reason why they should be wasted.
- Evil Laugh: Anytime Alucard is entertained, or is impressed with the antics of the Major, that great fanged maw opens up with peals of maniacal laughter.
- Evil Sounds Deep: Look who his seiyuu is...
- Extra Eyes: Alucard develops tons of these during transformations.
- Eyes Do Not Belong There: See above.
- Fan Nickname: Alucard's 1944 form, which is either referred to as "Girlicard" or "Lolicard".
- Alucard's form as Vlad Dracula III goes by either "Vladcard" or "Beardycard".
- From a Single Cell
- The Fettered: Though not unhappliy, mind you.
- A Form You Are Comfortable With
- Freudian Trio: Alucard is The Id among Integra and Seras.
- Glass Cannon: He gets blown to bits worse than Sonny Corleone, but it doesn't matter since he just regenerates from it.
- Good Thing You Can Heal
- Guns Akimbo: His twin hand cannons.
- Hair Contrast Duo: With Integra, Seras, and Anderson.
- Hand Cannon: Two, in fact.
- Happiness in Slavery: Although not a slave, Alucard's more than happy to serve his Master.
- Healing Factor: One of the most extreme examples.
- Heel Face Turn: Well he seems to like life as a good guy.
- The Hero
- Sociopathic Hero: Was a bloodthirsty monster before he became a vampire. The vampire thing just made him worse.
- Hero-Killer
- Hey, You: At first, he purposely refused to call his apprentice by her name Seras Victoria, resorting instead to the sneering alias "Police Girl" which shows his disdain for her reluctance to drink blood and embrace her vampire nature in full extent.
- Historical Beauty Update
- Historical Villain Upgrade: Ladies and gentlemen, we present Vlad "Dracula" Tepes III.
- Humanoid Abomination: Alucard. Then he loses the humanoid part...
- Humans Are Special: He believes this with all his being. While sometimes he would sneer at humans, for Alucard they are the pinnacle of the creation of God and those worthy to inherit earth, to the point that he refuse to die except at the hands of a human reason why he breaks in tears when Anderson transforms himself with the Nail.
- Hunter of His Own Kind: In the most brutal way possible. He seems to hate most other vampires nowadays, especially those who kill For the Evulz.
- I Hate You, Vampire Dad: He receives this treatment from Seras sometimes and he doesn't improve this status either, due to the fact that he has a jerkass attitude towards her and enjoys mocking and scaring the hell out of her.
- Immune to Bullets: His usual tactic is to let his opponents perforate him utterly... and then regenerate and get right back up again.
- Improbable Aiming Skills: He can gun down multiple enemies without even looking at them.
- In Love with Your Carnage // Interplay of Sex and Violence: With Integra.
- In-Series Nickname: Hellsing's dog/lapdog usually. Anderson used "the black plague" on him once.
- Insult Backfire:
SWAT team member: Monster!
Alucard: I get that a lot.
- It Amused Me: Why does Alucard turn himself into a little girl in his fight against Walter? Giggles mostly, and irritation.
- Jerkass
- Joji Nakata
- The Juggernaut
- Kick the Dog: "Oh, hello there, Police Girl. It appears your entire team was just turned into ghouls right before your very eyes, and now there is a priest who is molesting you and about to rape you. Can I ask you a personal question? Are you a virgin, my dear? WELL!? You are? Wonderful! Allow me to shoot you through the lung even though there are plenty of other ways I can kill the freak behind you."
- Knight in Shining Armor: Double Subversion. Integra expected one to save her and got a vampire...who acted as one to her, regardless.
- Knight Templar: He used to be one of these.
- Lady and Knight: A pretty dark Knight, but he and Integra definitely have this dynamic.
- Large Ham
- Made of Plasticine
- Manly Tears: Two instances. The first instance are Tears of Blood when he is dreaming of the day Abraham defeated him. The second instance follows Anderson's death after he used Helena's Nail. Alucard truly believed with all his being that Anderson was capable of beating him as a human. By turning himself into a monster, Alucard was essentially heartbroken that he threw away what he believed made him strong.
- Mook Horror Show: Heaven and Hell help you if you have to fight him.
- More Dakka
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family
- Mr. Fanservice
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Alucard sprouts extra pairs during his battle with Rip van Winkle.
- Name's the Same: There are major differences between him and the Alucard from Castlevania
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Alucard...
- Nigh Invulnerable
- Nightmare Face
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant
- Not So Different: Alucard admits he and the Major are alike in volume 4 as incorrigible warmongers. But unlike the Major who is a Complete Monster, Alucard shows indeed remorse and tears up when he recalls what he lost in past battles. His comparison with Anderson in volume 9 is far more accurate.
- Now That's Using Your Teeth: How he stops one of Rip Van's bullets. It appears to have broken his jaw. Don't worry though, he gets better.
- Odd Couple: With Integra, but whether it's romantic or not is debatable.
- Odd Friendship: With Walter, most predominately in The Dawn.
- The Older Immortal
- One Head Taller: With Integra. Whether or not this is supposed to have romantic undertones is a Shipping issue.
- Even more obvious in Alucard and Seras's case, even though it's used to depict their father-daughter, mentor-student connection.
- Seras reaches Alucard far below the shoulder.
- Even more obvious in Alucard and Seras's case, even though it's used to depict their father-daughter, mentor-student connection.
- Oral Fixation Fixation: It goes without saying really, considering the whole vampire thing...
- Parental Substitute: Seems to be this for Seras, along with Integra.
- Power Limiter: Alucard's monstrous powers are kept in check by a series of 4 magical gates, called the Control Art Restriction System. Alucard has some access to these via the "Cromwell Approval", but Integra herself must authorize their level of use for the most part.
- Power Makes Your Hair Grow: The more powerful he becomes, the longer his hair grows out.
- Prehensile Hair: Although it's kinda difficult to tell where the guy's hair ends and where his shadow tendril things begin. But he definitely has more prehensile body parts than any creature has the right to have.
- Psycho for Hire: Sort of. He has all of the mannerisms and motives necessary for this trope, but he only works for one person.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Type C. Though he's usually composed and a perfect gentleman, he turns into a giggling lunatic in battle.
- Psychotic Smirk: Default expression.
- Rape as Backstory: Heavily implied.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Integra's blue, and to a lesser extent, Anderson as well.
- Retired Monster: At the end of the series.
- Scary Shiny Glasses: Often.
- Sdrawkcab Name
- Sharp-Dressed Man: Oh yes.
- Slasher Smile: All the damn time.
- Spirited Competitor: Nothing makes him happier than fighting a Worthy Opponent. Well, except Integra.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: So long as Integra orders it, he'll do whatever he damn well pleases to his opponents. If they can't stop him, well, it sucks to be them.
- Token Evil Teammate
- Undying Loyalty: Not only is he fiercely dedicated to his master and country, he can't forgive traitors. Sort of Berserk Button.
- Vampires Are Sex Gods
- Villain Protagonist
- Villainous Breakdown: Oh, he doesn't suffer one. He causes them.
- What Have I Become?
- Wild Hair: Especially as Vladycard.
- Will They or Won't They?: with Integra.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds
- Worthy Opponent: Humans who can face him receive his absolute respect, probably born from being defeated, at his mightiest by Abraham Van Helsing and restoring his faith in humanity. Its also the reason why he obeys Integra to death and beyond.
Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing
Voiced by Yoshiko Sakakibara (JP), Victoria Harwood (EN)
The head of the Hellsing organisation and the last descendant of said bloodline; one of the knights of the Round Table also known as the Twelve Conventions that control the 'British Empire' in the shadows and protect the Anglican faith and the Crown. It is unknown how she lost her mother, but her father died when she was about twelve years of age. As her father lay on his deathbed, he told Integra that if she ever was caught in a bad situation and has no one else to turn to, she should head for the cells deep below the manor, where the family's "darkest legacy" is kept, and that it will be her greatest weapon and the "instrument of her salvation". She awakens Alucard with her blood when she was cornered by her evil uncle Richard Hellsing, but Alucard saves her life and swears his loyalty to her. Shortly after this, Integra kills Richard Hellsing and is knighted days later. She's twenty-two years old during the course of most of the story.
- Action Girl
- Adrenaline Makeover: From timid and sweet young girl into cocky, rookie leader into harderned, brave and inspiring leader and mentor to the next generation.
- Anti-Hero: Type III, occasionally leaning towards type IV.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Double Subversion. She's the weakest member of the Hellsing Organization, but still a Badass Normal Lady of War.
- Badass:
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Badass Longcoat
- Badass Normal: The woman can hold her own against Anderson. Yes. She has fought, and survived, against the man whom Alucard feels is his equal.
- Beast and Beauty: Along with her Lady/Knight dynamic with Alucard, there are definitely shades of this.
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Played straight until she loses her eye in the last chapters, up to that point even the blood stains she got in middle of a battle vanished from her face and long hair (that remained majestically untangled during the entire ordeal).
- Berserk Button: To some degree; don't eat her men or make her servant disappear.
- To quote the later: "WHAT DID YOU DO?!!" sounds familiar?
- Don't insult her looks. She goes pretty angry at Seras when she gives her unflattering nicknames in chapter 2.
- That probably had more to do with Seras insulting her looks in front of Alucard, though.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Young Integra is full of surprises.
- Bifauxnen: Subverted. Outside the fandom, Integra is never mistaken as male in canon nor she's trying to dress like a man or act like one. Everybody knows she's a lady and seems pretty proud of this fact. It's more a case of Samus Is a Girl when she introduces herself in the beginning. Most didn't expect Sir Hellsing to be a young woman.
- Big Good
- Blue Blood
- Blue Eyes
- Bodyguard Crush: Major implies this in volume 4.
- Break the Cutie
- The Chick: Though not as useless as other examples.
- Cigar Chomper: How she manages to speak with a cigar in her mouth is beyond us.
- Clasp Your Hands If You Deceive
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Blue.
- Coming of Age Story
- Cool Big Sis: To Seras occasionally.
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Subversion of the normal traits.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Death Glare: Integra glares a lot, but she really gives one to Major (emphasis on eyes, no mouth draw) after Alucard vanishes.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Suddenly sour and bitter Integra in her fifties begins to smirk and smile again after Alucard's return with a good excuse.
- Eyepatch of Power
- Eye Scream: A milder example in the series; the Captain shoots her in the eye as she moves in for the kill.
- Flower Motifs: Red Roses (in her manga funeral hat and her Calendar picture).
- Freudian Trio: Integra counts as Superego between Seras and Alucard.
- Good Is Not Nice
- Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!
- Hair Contrast Duo: A pretty obvious one with Alucard.
- Hair of Gold
- Heroic BSOD: when Walter reveals himself as a Nazi and after Alucard disappears.
- Hey, You: Like Alucard, she usually only refers to Seras as "Police Girl" as well. Notable times exceptions after Seras went overboard and slaughtered Integra's ghoul-turned men, causing Integra to give her a Cooldown Hug to calm her, when Integra "feeds" Seras, and after Seras becomes a full-on vampire.
- Hot Chick in a Badass Suit
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- I Did What I Had to Do
- I Will Wait for You: Waits for Alucard after his disappearance. For thirty years.
- Ice Queen: Cold, dour and dispassionate...most of the time. She's seen getting angry a lot, but that's mostly from atrocities being committed against her organization and/or her country. The rest is from Alucard riling her up.
- In Its Hour of Need: Even if seriously outnumbered, Integra stays in the destroyed London and stands her ground before reinforcement arrive. Then goes into the Zeppelin to fight the last battle.
- In Love with Your Carnage // Interplay of Sex and Violence: With Alucard, it's mostly initiated by him.
- In-Series Nickname: Integra (her full name is Integral). But also several ones (most of them she disliked): Miss Nemesis Face/Lady of Iron (by Seras), Babylon (by Anderson), Protestant Sow (by Maxwell), Beautiful Fräulein (by Major), Countess (by Alucard).
- Iron Lady
- It's All My Fault
- Just a Kid :Young Integra.
- The Kid With the Leash: She became Alucard's master very early in life.
- Knight Templar
- Subverted. Under normal circumstances, Integra can be reasoned with and flexible in her standards. But once you attack her men, threaten her country or betray her. All bets are off.
- Lady and Knight: She's the Lady of course, and Alucard is her unlikely, vampiric Knight.
- Lady of War
- Large Ham
- Leave Behind a Pistol: Leaves one for Sir Penwood, though not to use on himself. It was a parting gift of sorts to use on the vampiric Nazis.
- Les Yay: With Seras. The fingerlicking scene was blatant fanservice.
- Let's Get Dangerous: A couple times, most notably after she pulls herself from a carcrash, decapitates the vampire who attacked her and mocks the rest, then tells them to bring it on so she can kill them.
- Looming Silhouette of Rage
- Lovely Angels: With Seras, in volumes 9-10.
- Lust Object of several characters
- Made of Iron: Gets into a pretty serious car crash and is still able to decapitate a vampire like it's no one's business. Later, she gets shot in the eye and barely even falters.
- She also got shot in the shoulder when she was twelve and it barely seemed to bother her. Afterward, she was even able to pick up a gun and shoot it.
- Meet Cute: Manga only. For a tense moment, Hirano managed to paint the meeting between Alucard and Integra in an awkwardly endearing light. This overlaps with Boy Meets Ghoul.
- Meganekko: Quite subverted since she isn't exactly what you'd call "Sweet". Played straight when she was young.
- Mercy Kill: Forced to do this do her ghoulifed men after the Valentine invasion. She accepts all responsibility for their deaths.
- It's also the real motivation of why she and her father to kill monsters that threaten their country. Aside of their duty to keep it safe.
- Morality Chain: to Alucard, being the person he acknowledged to serve.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Any name with the word 'hell' in it is a name you should be weary of, but Hellsing is worse.
- Not So Stoic: She seems cold, distant and icy. That is until her men or her vampires are involved. It becomes evident throughout the series that she struggles to be The Stoic.
- Odd Couple: With Alucard, but whether it's romantic or not is a shipping issue.
- The Ojou
- Older Than They Look: For most of the series, Integra's only twenty-two years old and sometimes gets treated in a condescending way because of her age.
- Omniscient Morality License: Towards the end, she's the one who is giving the moral resolutions about monsters.
- Only Sane Man: All things considered, Integra is the only character in this franchise who is, for the most part, a collected and ordinary being. She can still whip you a new one, though.
- Sometimes. She still has her less sane moments. "SEARCH AND DESTROY" comes to mind.
- Oral Fixation Fixation: Especially in the OVA's, where she would spew entire sentences with a cigar in her mouth.
- Overly Long Name: Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing. Parodied in The Abridged Series.
- Parental Abandonment
- Parental Substitute: Act very motherly towards Seras.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Alucard's red. Her and Maxwell seemed to have this dynamic earlier on, too.
- Screw the Rules, I Make Them: The Twelve Conventions lord over the country and has a power grip that is only rivalled by the Vatican. Integra can order a slaughter in front of international cameras in another country without real consequences.
- She Is the King: Despite being a woman, she holds the male title "Sir" instead of "Lady".
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Gives a short verbal bitch slap to Major after killing him.
- Also gives one to Jan Valentine. With her gun.
- Smoking Is Cool
- Spell My Name with an "S": While this isn't so much an issue in the English speaking fandom, her name has an alternative spelling Hirano gives ('Integla').
- Stiff Upper Lip
- The Stoic: Not quite. But Integra struggles to be like this during big crisis.
- Team Mom: She acts this way sometimes in the manga, in particular as contrast to Alucard in their guidance of Seras. While he tries to be harsh, lying down the rules and teaching her practical matters in his twisted way, Integra nurtures her in own way via giving her Cool Down Hugs and feeding her (via her own blood) with more diplomacy (and sometimes, quite the Les Yay fanservice). At the epilogue, she chides at her like a mother would to a naughty child.
- This Is Sparta: "SEARCH. AND. DESTROY!"
- Tranquil Fury
- Tsundere: Towards Alucard when he's being an idiot.
- Which includes flinging the classic tsuntsun strategies "URUSAI!" and "Baka!" at him. Once even with a Luminescent Blush, verging on Suspiciously Specific Denial.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: with Alucard
- Van Helsing Hate Crimes: Despite being his descendant, this gets an interesting exploration considering that Integra was saved by a vampire from her only very living relative who wanted her dead and she ends up ordering the deaths of all her enemies without discriminating who is undead and who isn't
- Virgin Power: makes her blood extra delicious.
- The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask
- Women Are Wiser: Easily the most intelligent and level-headed (Tsundereusually) character in the series. Granted, it helps that most of the males in this series are batshit insane.
- Yoshiko Sakakibara
Seras "Police Girl" Victoria
Voiced by Fumiko Orikasa (JP), Katey Gray (EN)
A cute young police officer who was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was sent to investigate the mysterious disappearances in the small village of Cheddar. However, things are much worse as she finds out—a vampire masquerading as a priest had taken over the village and killed all the villagers, most of them now turned into slavering, mindless ghouls (zombies). Despite being severely outmatched, Seras refuses to back down and fights as best as she could. She was finally captured and held hostage by the vampire priest, who threatened to rape her (to make her lose her virginity, as non-virgin vampire victims become ghouls) and kill her. Alucard destroys the vampire, shooting Seras through the lung in the process. After this, Seras allows Alucard to suck her blood and transform her into a vampire. She becomes his servant and is employed as one of Hellsing's soldiers soon after.
- Action Girl
- Adrenaline Makeover: Goes from a shy and submissive vampire girl to a hardcore Draculina.
- Artificial Limbs: Her shadow arm after she loses her real one to Zorin.
- Badass:
- Badass Adorable
- Badass in Distress: Occasionally, for Pip or Alucard to save.
- And Integra too. See Sword Dancer arc.
- Battle Couple: With Pip.
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Subverted hard when she lost her eyes and one arm during a battle. She regenerates her eyes, but her arm remains missing, replaced by a tendril of blood-shadow.
- Berserk Button: Never ever insult Pip Bernadotte in her presence
- Beware the Nice Ones: You really shouldn't have killed Pip, Zorin Blitz...
- Also, when the ghouls that Jan Valentine made out of Hellsing's initial guards basically swarm her. Seras promptly goes berserk and kills almost all of them, until Integra intervenes.
- BFG: The Harkonnens. Look at the first Harkonnen compared to Walter.
- And near the end it's topped with Flak 88. Which she somehow summons.
- The Big Guy
- Blood Lust: Seems to go into something akin to a "blood rage" after tearing apart Hellsing's ghoul-turned army. Integra snaps her out of it and nothing comes from it. It never happens to her again, not even after becoming a full-fledged vampire.
- Blue Eyes
- Seras' eyes were first colored brown in the manga, then green, finally Hirano settled for blue.
- Boobs of Steel
- Brains and Brawn: With Pip as the Brawn.
- Break the Cutie
- Cat Smile: She has one in OVA/Volume 8. And this was after she drank Pip's blood, embraced true vampirism, and decimated Zorin and her troops.
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Yellow.
- Conveniently an Orphan: Walter finds that she has no family left, which makes dealing with her new status as a vampire much simpler.
- Cooldown Hug: Seras gets one from Integra at the end of the Valentine brothers fight
- Cute Bruiser
- Cute Little Fangs: At least at first...
- Cute Monster Girl: Come on, admit it—Seras is adorable.
- Dangerously-Short Skirt: A miniskirt, and she definitely has the danger level set.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Sure, Seras dresses in bright colors, but she's a vampire. And you know how most vampires are portrayed. Alucard himself should have been an indication.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Extreme Doormat: To Integra. With Alucard, it's sightly subverted that she complains a few times, but he's so intimidating that makes her act quieter.
- Fair Cop
- A Form You Are Comfortable With: Not as much as her Master, but she shifts her shadow/tendril into whatever she wants (arm or wing or swirly whip-thing).
- Freudian Trio: With Alucard as The Id and Integra as Superego, Seras is Ego.
- Fumiko Orikasa
- Gag Boobs
- Guns Akimbo: Harkonnen II
- Hair of Gold (With shades of Dumb Blonde, according to Pip: "She's a bit dim/dumb, but a good girl.")
- Happiness in Slavery: Being Alucard/Hellsing's servant doesn't seem to bother her very much.
- Heroic BSOD: after Zorin kills Pip in OVA 7.
- Hidden Depths
- How Do I Shot Web?: Seras encounters this issue with her new vampire powers.
- Hunter of His Own Kind
- I Hate You, Vampire Dad: There is no love lost between Seras and Alucard... Until she drinks Pip's blood and becomes a true Draculina, at any rate...
- In-Series Nickname: Police Girl (by the author himself, used by most characters), Girly/Missy/Mignonette (Pip Bernadotte's).
- Lecherous Licking: With Integra. You enjoyed it.
- Les Yay: With Integra, via the fanservicy finger biting scene.
- Lightning Bruiser: After she fully awakens her dormant vampire powers, from drinking Pip's blood.
- Looming Silhouette of Rage
- Lovely Angels: With Integra in volumes 9 and 10.
- Meaningful Name: Translated from Latin, her name means "Bringer of Victory".
- Morality Pet: Acts as this throughout the series. Honestly, if it weren't for Seras, Integra and Alucard would be a lot less sympathetic.
- More Dakka: Harkonnen II. Holy hell, the Harkonnen II. A pair of eighty eight millimeter cannons belt fed from a backpack.
- Ms. Fanservice: It even gets lampshaded in-series.
- Panty Shot: The uniform. Just...the uniform...
- Her first meeting with Sir Penwood in the OVA is basically a loose combination between Ass Kicks You and Crash Into Hello, with emphasis on Seras' backside.
- No Name Given: It's not that the characters insisted to call her Police Girl, but that Kohta Hirano didn't have a name for her until deadlines demanded him to change that at the end of the first volume. She was 'Police Girl' to him when he made the character. Then she became Seras Victoria.
- Now That's Using Your Teeth: How she tears off Zorin's arm.
- Oral Fixation Fixation: Occasionally.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Plucky Girl
- Pro-Human Transhuman
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Shipper on Deck: In Romancia, Seras subtly teased Integra with Alucard, by trying to mimic him and offer to suck her blood. Integra got angry and kicked her as result.
- Shounen Hair
- Shout-Out: The name of Seras' main weapon comes from Dune. Hirano jokingly compared the Harkonnen II's design to the Dendrobium Orchis.
- Sidekick to Alucard, Integra and briefly Walter.
- Slasher Smile: Do not under any circumstances piss the sweet, busty blonde with the mortar off. She will rend you apart with her bare hands and be enjoying every second of doing it.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Is it Seras, Ceres, or Serouss?
- The Squadette
- Theme Music Power-Up: In Ultimate 7, while Seras drinks Pip's blood, "Zakuro" by Suilen underscores both her transformation and her defeat of Zorin's forces.
- Token Good Teammate: Even after devouring Pip's blood and becoming a full-on vampire, her niceness is absolutely impossible to debate.
- Tomboy: When she was young. She appears to have grown out of it today.
- Took a Level in Badass: Becomes the second strongest vampire after she drank Bernadotte's blood
- Trauma Conga Line: Lost the people closest to her not once, not twice, not three times, but four times.
- Tsundere: Towards Pip Bernadotte, in particular.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Pip Bernadotte at least in the beginning.
- Unstoppable Rage
- Vampire Bites Vampire: Hope you didn't need that arm, Zorin!
- "Well Done, Daughter" Girl: Seems to be anxious to win Alucard's approval of her merits. After killing Zorin, she got just that.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Thigh high socks and mini skirt. Nuff' said!
Walter C. Dornez
Voiced by Motomu Kiyokawa (JP), Ralph Lister (EN)
Integra's butler and also the retired retainer of the Hellsing Family. He is known as the "Angel of Death", due to his incredible fighting prowess and skill with manipulating ultra-thin wires that can cut nearly anything to ribbons. Don't be fooled by his elderly appearance—to this day he can still prove to kick a lot of undead ass.
- Always Second Best: to Alucard.
- Badass:
- Badass Bookworm
- Badass Grandpa: Emphasis on the "Badass" part. 70 years old, and still quite capable of tearing you and your undead army some new orifices. He claims he's not as spry as he used to be... which makes you wonder what he was like when he was younger. Then he gets rejuvenated, losing the Grandpa part, and vampirised and keeps the Badass part.
- Battle Butler
- Battle Couple: Not a romantic one, but Young Walter and Girlycard (female version of Alucard) can be included here.
- Bishounen: Young Walter.
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Dark purple.
- Cool Old Guy: He may be 70+ years old but he sure can still rip you a new one.
- Deadly Upgrade: vampirized Walter, who's only stable in this 14-year-old form.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Evil Costume Switch: Walter's post-vamping ensemble.
- Face Heel Turn: Although Sir Islands points out there's reason to suspect that he turned WAY before the series started.
- Go Out with a Smile
- Green-Eyed Monster: He's tired of being Always Second Best and wanted to defeat Alucard at least once.
- Heel Face Turn: Walter redeemed himself at the very end.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Walter's not the first Battle Butler role for Motomu Kiyokawa. He also played Norman Burg. In addition, he's also voiced several older male characters like Fuyutsuki, Dr. Mikamura, Jose, and Laker Randolph. And Dr. Tokioka. Kiyokawa would later go on to play Valkenhayn, who is basically Walter as a werewolf.
- Hidden Depths
- In-Series Nickname: "Shinigami Walter" (Angel of Death/Grim Reaper Walter).
- Inexplicably Awesome
- I Was Quite a Looker
- The Lancer
- Mouthy Kid: Dawn reveals that he was rather bratty as a kid. Probably justified; it'd be hard to discipline a 14-year-old whose well-deserved nickname is "Angel of Death".
- The Mole: For Millennium.
- One Last Smoke: How he goes out.
- Razor Floss: His trademark weapon, stored in his gloves. Walter has three versions of his gloves, two pairs like normal gloves (in white and black) and a fingerless pair.
- Retired Badass
- Rival Turned Evil: One possible interpretation.
- Scary Shiny Monocle: Half the glasses, double the scary-shininess.
- Smoking Is Cool: Young Walter thinks so.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- The Butler Did It: is believed to be behind the security breaches that allowed the Valentine brothers to infiltrate Hellsing's HQ.
- Trailers Always Spoil: A victim of it, especially for those who have not read the manga. The initial trailer for the Ultimate OVA (the big one set to "Broken English") showed off a glimpse of Walter as a vampire. Then, the credits for Ultimate 3 revealed Walter amongst the Millenium commanders back in 1944. The trailer for Ultimate 8 also re-showed Walter's rejuvenated vampire form.
Pip Bernadotte
Voiced by Hiroaki Hirata (JP), Yuri Lowenthal (EN)
The captain of the Wild Geese mercenaries, who are hired by Hellsing after the entire Hellsing forces were wiped out by the Valentine Brothers. Bernadotte is cynical, snarky, and a pervert, but he's also a cunning strategist and very proficient in the art of war.
- A Form You Are Comfortable With: Within Seras, as a mass of shadows, with his body...
- Anti-Hero: Starts out as a Type IV, before growing into as much of a Type II as you could hope to find.
- Back from the Dead
- Badass Normal
- Badass Long Hair
- Battle Couple: with Seras.
- Boy Meets Ghoul: Overlapping with Meet Cute. His introduction to Seras Victoria had shades of Belligerent Sexual Tension since the beginning.
- Braid Of Action
- Brains and Brawn: with Seras, as the Brains.
- The Captain
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: Usually green, but one that is brownish instead of bright green.
- Combat Pragmatist: Pip's one for sure.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Disappeared Dad: He died fighting in Colombia.
- Everyone Looks Sexier If French
- Eyepatch of Power
- A Father to His Men
- Genius Bruiser
- Good-Looking Privates
- Green Eyed Red Head
- Handicapped Badass
- The Heart
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Hidden Depths
- Hiroaki Hirata
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Love Interest: For Seras.
- Limited Wardrobe: Subverted in Pip's case. We've seen him in at least three different outfits besides his mercenary apparel.
- Made of Iron: Poor guy gets attacked again and again by Zorin and her mooks, including getting stabbed in the stomach by a wooden splinter. It takes a few shots into his torso and being stabbed straight through the back by Zorin's scythe to finally bring him down, and even then he's able to light a cigarette and give one last Rousing Speech before he kicks the bucket. Sort of.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Nice Hat
- Not Quite Dead
- Officer and a Gentleman
- Official Couple: With Seras, after he becomes her familiar.
- Only in It For the Money: Being a mercenary, he says that money—even just a few cents—is his only real reason for fighting... until he meets Seras, that is.
- Redheaded Hero
- Rousing Speech (a fountain of them)
- The Smart Guy
- Sacrificial Lion
- Smoking Is Cool
- Spell My Name with an "S": "Bernadotte" or "Vernadead"?
- Stuffed Into the Fridge
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Yuri Lowenthal
Abraham Van Hellsing
- Badass: This was the man who defeated Alucard at his best, in an implied Curb Stomp Battle and is the reason Alucard thinks Humans Are Special. Damn. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the most Badass characters in the series.
- Badass Grandpa
- Badass Normal: A normal human breaking Alucard. It doesn't get any more badass than that.
- Badass Longcoat: It would later become Alucard’s
- Cool Old Guy
- Face Framed in Shadow: A rare heroic example
- Nice Hat: It would later become Alucard’s
- Noodle Incident: Is never explained or show even a glimpse (for all the massive Flashback) of how Abraham managed to defeat and enslave Alucard. All that is stated is that Alucard went all out, was imprisoned and Abraham managed to put such fear (and respect) in Alucard that he hunted his nightmares for hundreds of years and make him weep blood... yeah. No matter how you cut it, this man is Badass
- It is heavily implied Alucard was much weaker back then and more in line with a normal vampire. Hellsing is stated to have experimented heavily on him in the last hundred years making him stronger which was why Anderson was surprised the conventional ways to kill a vampire did not work on Alucard.
- Our Founder
- World's Strongest Man: It certainly says something if this guy gave Alucard a run for his money, and engraved his mindset about humans.
Arthur Hellsing
Father of Intergra and leader before her
Iscariot/Vatican Section XIII
Father Alexander Anderson
Voiced by Norio Wakamoto (JP), Steven Brand (EN)
A member of the Vatican black ops group the Iscariot Organization, Anderson is a Catholic priest trained to efficiently kill vampires. He has been genetically engineered to heal from any wound he receives, making him Alucard's equal in combat. His weapon of choice is blessed bayonets, which he carries in great quantities, throwing them with unerring accuracy in order to hit his target in as many places as possible. Both in and out of battle he is a very compassionate and caring person, whether it is towards the orphans in his charge or his fellow members of Iscariot. However he shows no mercy to his opponents, but holds special place in his heart for Alucard (presumably for his challenging nature) and Integra (whose bravery he finds impressive).
- Alliterative Name
- Anti Hero Antagonist: Type IV.
- Awesome McCoolname: Alexander Anderson just has a kickass ring to it.
- Badass:
- Badass Abnormal: But to a lesser extent than you'd think. He's got one mother of a Healing Factor, and he uses magic Bible pages from time to time to teleport away or block escape. Usually, though, he simply relies on brains, guts, and a fuckton of blessed knives to fight, say, Alucard.
- Badass Longcoat
- Badass Preacher
- Bayonet Ya
- Blond Guys Are Evil: Subverted. In his first appearance he seems like a straight-up villain, but he's very much an Anti-Hero.
- This only applies in the animated versions. In the manga covers, Anderson is Ambiguously Brown with silver/graying hair and blue eyes. They have Maxwell and him swap colors for some unknown reason.
- Blood Knight: He enjoys slaughtering vampires just a little too much than is normal.
- Calling Your Attacks
- Catch Phrase: "Amen", and by GOD does he get to say it a lot.
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Neon Green and a darker shade of blue than Integra's to be Alucard's blue Oni.
- Deadly Upgrade: Helena's Nail
- Death Glare: Pooooooor Seras...
- The Determinator: Really stands out in his final fight with Alucard.
- The Dragon: To Maxwell.
- Dual-Wielding: His bayonets.
- Enemy Mine: With Integra, when his boss Maxwell got drunk with power, attempted to finish London's population off and in so "betrayed God".
- Establishing Character Moment: When he's introduced, he breaks up a fight between two orphans and says that violence is never the answer. Except where heathens and monsters are concerned.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Even though he's not really evil. Anderson almost always follows his own set of rules, regardless of what Maxwell tells him. A notable example is when Anderson's unit is ordered to protect Integra during the attack on London. Most of the team members are itching for an excuse to kill her, but Anderson knows that keeping her alive is a one-way ticket to fighting Alucard, so he tells them to shut up, act polite, and guard her from Millenium's soldiers. And when Maxwell gives the order to kill Integra, Anderson looks like he's about to run towards Maxwell and rip him a new one for having the nerve to order the execution of the master of his greatest rival.
- What about when Maxwell went nuts and killed the survivors of the London attack for no reason other than their Protestant beliefs. Anderson believed he betrayed God and the Vatican for his actions and decided to waste him.
- Expy: A chemically enhanced Badass Preacher Friend to All Children with Perma-Stubble who uses a Deadly Upgrade to push his body past its limits and Goes Out With A Smile thinking about the children at his orphanage? Sounds an awful lot like Nicholas D. Wolfwood.
- Don't forget Anderson is originally a very old, hentai character from Angel Dust.
- Fan Nickname: "Anderplant" after getting the Nail.
- A Father to His Men
- A Form You Are Comfortable With: Subverted because he loses control over this.
- Friend to All Children
- Foe Yay: With Alucard and with Integra.
- Gratuitous English: "If Anyone Does Not Love The Lord, Jesus Christ, Let Him Be Accused O Lord Come, AAAAMEEEN!!"
- Go Out with a Smile
- Hero Antagonist: Arguably. He wants to kill Alucard for being a dangerous vampire. Which he is.
- He Who Fights Monsters: He sacrificed his human side for power in order to defeat Alucard
- I Have Many Names: Bayonet Anderson, Killing Judge Anderson, Angel Dust Anderson (a Mythology Gag to his origins), Paladin Anderson, just to name a few. Alucard gives him another one: "Judas Priest", which doubles as a joke to Iscariot itself.
- I Was Just Passing Through: Anderson helps Integra because only they can defeat her.
- The Juggernaut
- Kill the Ones You Love: Had to do it on Maxwell, who was one of the many children he had taken care of in his orphanage and risen like his own son, since he went nuts with power and ordered the genocide of London's population.
- His Dynamic Entry rescue of Integra in Ultimate 5 was basically hand-crafted for Norio Wakamoto because it is oozing with so much ham and Narm, that only Wakamoto could pull it off while retaining the awesomeness of the moment.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Kick the Dog: His introductory fight with Alucard had him do this to Seras.
- Knight Templar
- Knife Nut: Infinite supply of Holy Bayonets, because he's actually fourth-dimensional.
- Mood Whiplash: Can act very polite and father-like one minute, and switch to a ruthless maniac the next. Norio Wakamoto makes the mood shifts even more jarring, but in a good way.
- Noble Demon
- Norio Wakamoto: Hamming it up! But only in the Ultimate version, replacing Nachi Nozawa (RIP); that said, it is one awesome cast change.
- Perma-Stubble
- Pet the Dog: He's nice to all those children back at the catholic orphanage.
- The Rival: To Alucard.
- Slasher Smile: Just about as much as Alucard.
- Sociopathic Hero
- The Starscream: To Maxwell, again. An anti-heroic one.
- Thou Shalt Not Kill Muggles: Yes, this even includes Protestant muggles, Maxwell.
- He doesn't seem to have so much against killing civilians as long as they are "heathens", as Maxwell's motivation for doing so, to show off his power in his own glory, rather than God's
- Token Good Teammate: Van Helsing Hate Crimes aside, he's not really a bad person, and actually spreads his influence on those beneath his command. This is in stark contrast with the higher-ups in Iscariot.
- Van Helsing Hate Crimes: But considering what most of the vampires in the series are like, can you blame him?
- Violent Glaswegian: English language interpretations have conferred a Scottish accent on him even though he has no official nationality and works at an Italian orphanage. Then again, Anderson is a Scottish surname...
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- Worthy Opponent
- Would Not Stab A Civilian: And thus why he leaves Maxwell to his just desserts.
Enrico Maxwell
Voiced by Show Hayami (JP), JB Blanc (EN)
Maxwell is the ambitious commander of Section XIII and an even more fanatically bloodthirsty Catholic than Anderson. While he does not do any fighting and killing in person, his orders are ruthless and he shows no mercy to Protestants, considering the "sinners" to be less than human. Maxwell can be viewed as Integra's rival, in the same way that Anderson is Alucard's rival.
- All of the Other Reindeer: His backstory reveals that as a child he was an outcast for being the son of a prostitute.
- Ambition Is Evil
- Ax Crazy
- Beta Baddie: His ambition comes from an inferiority complex.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
- Blond Guys Are Evil: In the Manga.
- Cavalry Betrayal: It was his idea.
- Drunk with Power: Lampshaded by Anderson. It's the reason he's offed by the latter.
- Evil Laugh / Slasher Smile: He has his moments.
- Foil: To Integra. Both are strong commanders and vampire hunters, but Maxwell has an unstable side that Integra lacks. It will be the cause of his downfall.
- Freudian Excuse
- Holier Than Thou: Than Hellsing and the protestants. To the point that he's willing to kill them all.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice
- In-Series Nickname: Catholic Swine (briefly used by Integra).
- Karmic Death
- Knight Templar
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: In his first appearence, he is actually quite friendly and affable, and seems to be the Only Sane Man in regards to Anderson and his henchwomen's fanaticism. However, as the invasion of London reaches its peak, he reveals his true colors, being perfectly willing to sit back and watch the "filthy Protestants" get slaughtered by Millenium before ultimately ordering his men not only to forget the vampires and focus solely on murdering Protestants, but also to butcher any Catholic who refused to do so. Anderson was not amused.
- Large Ham: Once he goes off the deep end. The Major even humourously comments that "He's not bad when he puts his mind to it."
- Laughing Mad
- Only Sane Man: Comes off as this in his introduction. While he's just as bigoted as everyone else in Iscariot, he is nevertheless quite friendly and reasonable and not nearly as fanatical as Yumie, Heinkel and (especially) Anderson. In fact, he actually tries (and fails) to restrain Anderson when a fight threatens to break out between him and Alucard in a public museum. It doesn't last.
- Parental Abandonment
- Purple Eyes: In the OVA.
- Sanity Slippage
- Sissy Villain: Somewhat more noticeable in the OVA.
- Show Hayami
- Smug Snake
- Villainous Breakdown
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: In the OVA.
Heinkel Wolfe and Yumie Takagi
Heinkel and Yumie first appear in the Crossfire extras at the end of Hellsing volumes 1, 2, and 3 as female Iscariot assassins, taking down various anti-Catholic terrorists. Heinkel, who cross-dresses as a priest, wields a pair of pistols. Yumie exists as the fanatical alternate personality of the meek nun Yumiko, the only Japanese character in Hellsing. Both are extremely effective in combat.
Word of God says that the Heinkel and Yumie in Crossfire are different characters from the ones that appear in the main continuity, but they are identical in personality and appearance anyway. The OVA has given both slightly more screentime.
- A Day in the Limelight: The Crossfire side-stories focus on them.
- Ambiguous Gender: It's unclear what gender Heinkel is in the main continuity. In the OVA Heinkel's seiyuu is female, but she speaks in a more masculine tone. It seems that the OVA series decided Heinkel is male—the credit sequence for the 9th OVA focuses on Hellsing's female characters, but leaves Heinkel out.
- Anti-Hero: Type IV
- Badass Normal: Heinkel, at least. Yumie appears to be an ordinary human both in Crossfire and the Hellsing manga but in the OVA she is shown transforming into a purple, shadowy substance when attacking.
- Bandaged Face: Future Heinkel
- Battle Couple: One possible interpretation.
- The Berserker: Yumie
- Bifauxnen: Heinkel is female in the Crossfire extras.
- Calling Your Attacks: Yumie
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Yumie is ridiculously effective with her katana.
- Cool Shades: Heinkel
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Yumiko's a pacifistic, harmless nun, but when the glasses come off you're screwed.
- Cute and Psycho: Yumiko is a sweet, gentle soul who will go off her fucking gourd if her glasses are taken off.
- Deadpan Snarker: Heinkel
- Gangsta Style: Heinkel tends to hold her guns this way.
- Guns Akimbo: Heinkel
- Implausible Fencing Powers: Yumie
- Hero Antagonist
- Hot Chick with a Sword: Yumie
- Katanas Are Just Better: Yumie
- Lovely Angels
- Madness Makeover: Having Yumie die in front of her and getting her face mangled did wonders for Heinkel's personality.
- Mauve Shirt
- Meganekko: Yumiko.
- Mitsuki Saiga: Heinkel's seiyuu.
- Nuns Are Mikos: Yumiko/Yumie
- Panty Shot: Yumie, a couple times
- Stocking Filler: Garters!
- Red Oni, Blue Oni
- The Rival: In the Distant Finale, Heinkel and Seras have a relationship similar to Alucard and Anderson's.
- Samus Is a Girl: Heinkel inspires this reaction in Crossfire.
- Scars Are Forever: For Heinkel, even with regenerator powers.
- Slasher Smile: Yumie.
- Smoking Is Cool: Heinkel
- Sociopathic Hero: Not as bad as most other characters in Hellsing, but they're still pretty violent, Yumie especially.
- Split Personality: Yumiko/Yumie in Crossfire. It's unclear if the Yumiko persona exists in the main continuity.
- Yuko Kaida: Yumie's seiyuu.
Maxwell's advisor
Maxwell's sucessor
The Major
Voiced by Nobuo Tobita (JP), Gildart Jackson (EN)
The leading commander of Millenium, an nazi vampire organization hellbent on destroying London as a revenge for the Third Reich's defeat. He is a short, fat, Aryan cyborg who was a former member of SS, who was given order from the Führer himself to create a mighty army of super vampires. He created at least 1000 vampires before Nazi Germany's defeat but the Major took the Führer's order at heart and spent the last 50 years on planning to restart World War II.
- Artificial Body, Hollywood Cyborg
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Averted, which is strange for someone who gets a boner for killing and murder.
- Ax Crazy
- Bad Boss
- Badass Longcoat
- Big Bad
- Non-Action Big Bad : He lets his minions do all the work for him. Not to mention he has terrible aim.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Blood Knight: "Mein Kameraden, Ich LIEBE das Krieg". And he DOES. The ultimate text book example of a blood knight. He even gives a five minute speech on how much and why he loves war right before he starts the attack on London. If he had super powers than it would probably be the end of the world as we know it.
- "Ich liebe das Krieg" is also Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping. FYI it's "Ich liebe Krieg." or "Ich liebe den Krieg."
- Card-Carrying Villain
- Character Filibuster
- The Chessmaster: All throughout the series, everybody dances according to the Major's deranged tune.
- Clasp Your Hands If You Deceive: Dang. Just look at that picture up there.
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Kohta Hirano also designed him purple, but a lighter shade than Walter's.
- Curtains Match the Window: In the OVA
- Death Seeker: The defining character trait of him and Millennium.
- Determinator: Probably the human with the greatest force of will in the entire verse, being the only one who managed to sneer at the "power of the monsters" at his death and still be himself. Remember that neither Alucard or Anderson were capable of this. .
- Eyes of Gold: Has them in the OVA.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: It took 50 years but in the end it was worth it.
- Fan Nickname: "Montana Max", based on his prototypical appearance in Coyote.
- Faux Affably Evil
- Foe Yay: With Alucard. They're both fascinated with each other and then they spoke to one other after 50 years, they spoke like they were old friends.
- All his flirting to Integra, too... She doesn't seem interested.
- There is a fan comic somewhere in which the Major's declaration of war is not about revenge, or conquest, but a contest to see who can claim the right to Integra's virginity.
- Go Out with a Smile
- Graceful Loser: He got his war, so it didn't matter if he won it or not. He's happy in the end.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: The Major is Kamille Bidan. No joke.
- His seiyuu also voices Milhouse in the Japanese dub of The Simpsons. I'm dead fucking serious.
- Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: The most likely reason as to why the Major doesn't take to the battlefield himself; his marksmanship is pitiful.
- Would that make a him a quasi-Modern Major-General? Excellent at leading and planning but poor at combat itself?
- Large Ham
- Light Is Not Good
- Man in White
- Man of Wealth and Taste: He dresses immaculately.
- Nobuo Tobita
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Somewhat. Yeah, the guy's a madman who causes the death of millions, but he is respectful to his troops and actually gives Rip a honorary salute for doing her job as she's killed by Alucard. In contrast when Blitz displays dishonorable tactics in her siege against Seras's group and has the tables turned on her. He sends Schrödinger to tell her off and that she would not be getting the same send off nor would he activate the chip in her that would burn her alive rather than be killed by the enemy.
- Rousing Speech: A villainous example.
- Scary Shiny Glasses: Although it's scarier to show him without it. Then you see the madness in his eyes...
- Slasher Smile
- The Sociopath
- Terms of Endangerment: To Integra. All the time.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: To Alucard, who consider his antithesis and in the end, he (may/may not) managed this.
- He didn't.
- The Unfettered
- Villainous Breakdown: Put here because he soundly averts it. How rare is that? Plus, nearly every other villain in the series suffers one. He just grins away contentedly as everything burns around him.
- Villainous Glutton
- Wicked Cultured
- We Can Rebuild Him
- We Have Reserves: He doesn't care how many of his soldiers dies just as so long it would be a wonderful war as a result.
- This came as Fridge Brilliance in the end because the entire war existed so they could die with meaning. His reaction to his soldiers is, in fact, fulfilling their wishes.
- Worthy Opponent: Van Hellsing, who are precious to him because they are the only ones worth enough to kill them.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Averted in the manga. He has white/silver hair but is fat and definitely not sharing any of the usual traits. He's given straw blond hair in the OVA.
- Xanatos Gambit: Subverted. He thinks that whether Millennium wins or loses, he'll get his krieg and a shot at taking out Alucard. Then Integra points out the flaws of his plan in a Shut UP, Hannibal fashion. He is not human and this wasn't a real war (it went down in history as a terrorist attack: The Zeppelin Incident). Alucard returns, so he never defeated him..
The Captain
The Dragon to the Major's Big Bad. He is a seemingly-immortal werewolf, always seen in his full uniform with the collar turned up. Like Alucard and Anderson, the Captain is Millenium's supernatural trump card, boasting great strength, speed and abilities in all three of his forms.
- Badass: He's able to beat Walter.
- Badass Longcoat
- Berserk Button: The Captain (particularly notable given his status as The Stoic) when Girlycard started mocking him by barking; the Captain's response was to kick him/her in half.
- The Coats Are Off: The Captain loses his coat in the beginning of his fight with Seras, then proceeds to beat the crap out of her. He gets bonus points for wearing no shirt.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: In the OVA
- Death Seeker: : The Captain's laughter upon being killed by Pip Bernadotte indicates that, like Alucard, he was trying to find a way to die in battle and break his immortality.
- Confirmed in the collected manga, where the Captain kicks something toward Seras, and it's revealed to be a silver tooth (or maybe a tooth with silver filling), and Pip concludes that the Captain wants to die.
- The Dragon
- Even Evil Has Standards: The Captain is much more chivalrous than the other members of Millenium. He shoots Heinkel nonfatally and gives her a first aid kit, then points for Integra the way to find the Major.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"
- Extreme Doormat: to the Major.
- Fan Nickname: "Hans Günsche", based on his prototypical appearance in Desert SS.
- Go Out with a Smile
- Karmic Death: Subverted, the captain is killed by a tooth with silver filling or silver tooth ripped from a concentration camp prisoner. This would have been Karmic, because he was a Nazi, but he never displayed any prejudicial tendencies or any agreement with the Final Solution (he also never kills any innocents on panel).
- Lightning Bruiser
- Made of Iron: He can regenerate wounds and can appears to be immune to Walter's razor floss. He catches it in his hands in volume six with little or no damage to his fingers.
- No Shirt, Long Jacket
- Noble Demon: If not for his chosen employers, he'd be one of the better characters, morally speaking.
- No Name Given
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- The Stoic
- Token Good Teammate: At least, compared with the other members of the Letztes Battalion.
- Our Werewolves Are Different: Able to change at will into either a werewolf or dire wolf. Possibly immortal but vulnerable to silver.
- The Voiceless: He rarely speaks during his entire appearance in the manga.
- Wolf Man: One of his forms.
The Doktor
The chief scientist of Millennium. He is the one responsible for the creation of the artificial vampires, made possible by his work involving "Shi" (Mina Harker's remains). He is always seen with a blood-stained lab coat, glasses with multiple lens, and often a remote with many buttons whose functions range from incinerating subordinates to destroying Jackal. Ironically, he's arguably the sanest of the Millennium bunch. He frequently scolds Warrant Officer Schrodinger.
- Badass Labcoat
- Bare Your Midriff: Exhibit A: Nazi doctor in a bellytop.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Deadpan Snarker
- Evil Genius
- Fan Nickname: "Avondale Napyeer" or "Alan Napier"
- For Science!: Most likely his motive for working with Millennium. Later chapters reveal that he sincerely believes in the importance of science and is devoted to his research.
- Handy Remote Control: What he uses to kill off some Milennium members.
- Herr Doctor
- Hoist by His Own Petard
- Mad Scientist
- Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate
- No Name Given
- Omnidisciplinary Scientist: Doc may well have a doctorate in EVERYTHING.
- Only Sane Employee: Unlike the rest of Millennium, the Doktor has more orthodox goals, like continuing his research. He sometimes gets exasperated with his more eccentric colleagues and their antics.
- Red Right Hand: Pay attention to the Doktor, he has six fingers.
- Scary Shiny Glasses
- Yes-Man: "Enjoy it to the fullest, Major."
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: He frequently finishes off defeated subordinates via the remote-controlled chips in their bodies.
First Lieutenant Zorin Blitz
As part of Operation Seelowe 2, she is tasked with attacking Hellsing Manor, laying siege to it with Seras and the Wild Geese inside. As a vampire, she is enthusiastic about killing humans, frequently calling them "insects". Zorin makes use of her ability to torture her opponents, physically and mentally. She has an intense fixation on Seras for some reason. Which doesn't end well for her.
- Ax Crazy
- The Brute
- Butch Lesbian: No word on what her orientation is, but she has the appearance. Pip calls her an "ugly dike" several times.
- Cruel and Unusual Death: Seras literally turns her into a red smear on a wall.
- Dark Action Girl
- Evil Gloating: Engages in this often.
- Evil Redhead
- Eyes Do Not Belong There: She has one on the palm of her right hand.
- Master of Illusion
- Mind Rape: Her favorite tactic.
- Mismatched Eyes
- Psycho for Hire
- Psycho Lesbian: Some translations have Pip calling Zorin one. She is, at the very least, fixated on hurting Seras.
- Shout-Out: Her name is a reference to Bond villain Max Zorin and the German tactic blitzkrieg. Also, Hirano sometimes works phrases into her tattoos, such as "Trigun Maximum" and "Elvis Lives".
- In one of the omake, he admits to doing this as a result of boredom and the sheer tediousness of the detail involved.
- Sinister Scythe
- Slasher Smile: Zorin really enjoys using her powers.
- Smug Snake: She was specifically warned by the Major not to underestimate Seras...
- Social Darwinist
- Tattooed Crook
- You Have Failed Me...: The Major lets Seras brutally murder Zorin for disobeying orders rather than activating her suicide chip and granting her a much more merciful and dignified death. It's awesome.
- Its also a bit warped; Rip Van Winkle shared the same fate- in her case, she was brutally murdered by Alucard- but the reason her chip wasn't activated was as a reward for her so-called Heroic Sacrifice. They shared the same fate for the exact opposite reasons.
First Lieutenant Rip Van Winkle
Voiced by Maaya Sakamoto (JP), Kari Wahlgren (EN)
Millennium's magical sharpshooter and Perky Female Minion, seen singing opera in her first appearance. She compares herself to Kaspar, the protagonist of the German opera Der Freischütz; appropriately, her Weapon of Choice is a musket with magic bullets.
- Affably Evil
- Author Appeal: Rip Van Winkle has been described as "The sum of all Hirano's fetishes". And seeing how her death scene is chock-full of rape imagery, this has some frightening implications.
- Ax Crazy
- Back for the Dead
- Bizarre and Improbable Ballistics: Her weapon of choice generally has an aimed range of about 50 yards. She routinely hits multiple targets with a single bullet from well outside the nominal effective range of her weapon, even if this requires the bullets to change direction in mid-flight.
- Catch Phrase: Varies by translation, but it's usually something along the lines of "Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor, my bullet punishes all without distinction."
- Her rendition of "O diese Sonne" counts as well. Doubles as an Ear Worm
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Curtains Match the Window
- Cute and Psycho
- Cute Monster Girl
- Dark Chick
- Even Evil Has Standards: She sure doesn't like traitors who would sell out their comrades in exchange for superpowers, and she won't hesitate to execute them.
- Face Death with Dignity: Although she breaks down at first when Alucard arrives, he actually pauses and lets her compose herself and fire off one last shot before killing her.
- Friendly Sniper
- Heroic Sacrifice: Villainous example. The Major glorifies her death, as it ensured the initial success of Operation Seelowe 2 by luring Alucard away from London.
- Hot Chick in a Badass Suit
- Idiot Hair
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice
- Kari Wahlgren
- Looks Like She Is Enjoying It: Rip's Japanese VA in the OVA decided to go in this direction. Her English VA didn't.
- Maaya Sakamoto
- Meganekko
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: Her trademark shark smile.
- Older Than They Look: Rip appeared in Dawn, meaning that she is at least 60 years old. Admittedly she's a tech vampire.
- Perky Female Minion
- Pinball Projectile: Her magic bullets.
- Psychopathic Manchild: What with the color guard-esque shenanigans with her Musket and general squee-ing personality, Rip comes off less like a Vampiric monster and more like a really chipper 13 year-old who's totally excited about this whole Nazi thing.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Scary Shiny Glasses
- Shout-Out: Der Freischütz.
- Slasher Smile
- Villainous Breakdown: Turns into a sobbing wreck when Alucard lands on her ship, her subordinate even tells her to get a hold of herself. To be fair, who wouldn't Freak-Out while facing down Alucard?
- It should be noted that most people start freaking out when they see what Alucard is capable of. Rip starts freaking out the instant she realizes that he's in the area - while he's still fifteen miles away. He must have done something truly terrifying to her in the chapters of Hellsing - The Dawn that haven't been written to make that kind of impression on her. Also notable is that she's the only person who gets into a fight with Alucard that actually freaks out without fighting him. Every other villain besides her claims that they will kill Alucard. Not her.
- Wicked Cultured: Shoots down fighter planes while singing opera.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: And it's Navi blue hair in her case.
- Only in the OVA. Hirano colors her hair black.
Warrant Officer Schrodinger
Voiced by Ryoko Shiraishi (JP), Laura Bailey (EN)
The blond, sassy Catboy who's "everywhere and nowhere". Although he looks like comic relief, he's not to be brushed off. Due to his powers, he's practically impossible to kill.
- Ambiguously Gay
- Ambiguous Gender
- Catboy
- The Cat Came Back
- Chekhov's Gunman: Although a minor character, he's actually the key to defeating Alucard.
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Darker Yellow.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Enfant Terrible: A Nazi kid who's just as sociopathic as his superiors.
- Laser Guided Tykebomb
- Laura Bailey
- Meaningful Name: It's a Shout-Out to Schrodinger's cat.
- Mouthy Kid (or a Bratty Half-Pint, if you ask the Doktor)
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Apparently, Alucard did not get the hint...
- Negative Continuity: The in-story basis of his invulnerability.
- Nigh Invulnerability
- Perky Female Minion: A male version.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Right-Hand-Cat: to the Major.
- Ryoko Shiraishi
- Staying Alive
- Villain Teleportation: One of his powers, due to the fact that he is "everywhere and nowhere" at once.
- "In the time it took you to walk down the hall, I went all the way to London, had a freakishly large gun shoved in my mouth, got my head blown off, and came back here."
Tubalcain "The Dandy" Alhambra
Voiced by Hochu Otsuka (JP), Steve Wilcox (EN)
The second Millennium agent to confront Hellsing. He is modeled after Brazilian malandro characters and his powers are very similar to various DC and Marvel characters.
- Absurdly Sharp Playing Cards
- Back for the Dead
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Badass Finger-Snap
- Batman Gambit: It didn't work, predictably.
- The Dandy (well, it's his alias)
- Death Dealer
- Glass Cannon: He's fast and agile enough to keep with Alucard and can slice him up badly with the use of his cards, but Alucard actually hitting him was enough to incapacitate him.
- Flechette Storm
- Hochu Otsuka
- Man of Wealth and Taste
- Smug Snake
- Wall Crawl: One of his abilities.
The Valentine Brothers
Voiced by Takehito Koyasu (Luke, JP) and Wataru Takagi (Jan, JP), Patrick Seitz (Luke, EN) and Josh Philips (Jan, EN)
Jan and Luke Valentine are the first of the Millennium forces sent specifically to attack Hellsing.
Appearance-wise, Luke is a sophisticated prettyboy. He is the "brains" of the operation and he believes that he can surpass Alucard. His vampiric power manifests as regeneration and super-speed. While Jan doesn't seem to have any specialized power whatsoever, he's more than happy to casually slaughter ordinary humans. Covered in piercings, he is the more vulgar and depraved of the brothers.
Despite their status as some of the weaker nonhumans of the cast, they manage to inflict significant casualties on Hellsing's human personnel.
After their deaths, Luke and Jan become the hosts of the Hellsing omakes at the end of each manga volume.
- Affably Evil: Luke
- Ambiguously Brown: Jan, made even more confusing by the fact that Luke is white. Lampshaded in The Abridged Series.
- Anticlimax Boss: Alucard is disappointed.
- Ax Crazy: Jan, even compared to other Hellsing characters. Or maybe he's just more vocal about it.
- Back for the Dead: Luke
- Badass Finger-Snap: Jan
- Badass in a Nice Suit: Luke
- Badass Long Hair: Luke
- Badass Longcoat: Luke
- Big Bad Wannabe
- Blond Guys Are Evil: Luke
- Cluster F-Bomb: Jan's a pottymouth.
- The Dandy: Luke's appearance suggests one.
- Dying Moment of Awesome: Jan
- Eaten Alive: Luke's death.
Alucard: If I'm a dog...then you're dog food.
- Evil Laugh: Luke's is more of a subdued chuckle, but Jan can get really maniacal.
- Faux Affably Evil: Jan
- For the Evulz: Jan, apparently.
- Gorn: Lots of it wherever Jan goes. Luke's death presumably involved lots of this.
- Guns Akimbo
- Healing Factor: Luke regenerates after getting shot in the chest (by Casull in the manga) or head (by Jackal in the OVA), which sets him apart from most other artificial vampires. He can't regenerate his legs, however.
- The Hyena: Jan
- Konami Code: Quote Jan:
- Large Ham
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Luke
- Man of Wealth and Taste: Luke fancies himself to be one.
- Motor Mouth: Jan
- Not So Harmless: While they do end up biting off more than they can handle, Walter shrugging them off as barely being a threat proved quite inaccurate.
- Oh Crap: When Alucard goes One-Winged Angel during his battle with Luke, Luke has an especially memorable one of these, which lasts right up until his death.
- Patrick Seitz: Luke
- Psycho for Hire
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: They're designed to be opposites of each other, personality-wise and appearance-wise.
- Sex Is Violence: Jan memorably declares that he's "so fucking hard" while killing some men.
- Siblings in Crime
- Sir Swearsalot: Jan
- Smug Snake: "I was born to be your destruction!" Guess what happened next.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Luke. Alucard puts him in his place.
- Stoic Spectacles: Luke
- Super Speed / Flash Step: Luke's ability
- Takehito Koyasu: Luke's seiyuu.
- Those Two Bad Guys
- Wataru Takagi: Jan's seiyuu.
The Convention of Twelve
A secret organization that controls England from the shadows, and is modeled after the Knights of the Round Table. Some members of Parliament, military officers, and a few prominent nobles are among its members, as well as the leader of Hellsing (currently Integra). Integra's father and predecessor Arthur Hellsing (who gets some screentime in Dawn) may have been the "leader" of the Convention, and passed his position of authority to his daughter and Sir Islands. It is likely that membership is hereditary; Sir Penwood informs Integra that this is how he got into the Convention, and the finale reveals that Sir Penwood's grandson succeeded him.
- Badass Bureaucrat
- Badass Family: The Hellsings, subverted by Richard Hellsing.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Arthur Hellsing
- Cool Hat: Sir Islands has a top hat.
- Cowardly Lion: Sir Penwood
- Freudian Trio: Arthur = id, Penwood = ego, Islands = superego, as portrayed in the ending credits of OVA 5.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Sir Penwood
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: Sir Penwood
- Mauve Shirt
- The Mentor: Sir Islands to Integra
- No Name Given: The majority of them.
- Old Friend: The reason Sir Islands puts up with Arthur.
- The Omniscient Council of Vagueness: From an outsider's perspective.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Arthur Hellsing and Sir Islands, respectively.
- Shoot the Dog: Sir Islands is characterized by his willingness to do so.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Sir Islands or Sir Irons?
- Stiff Upper Lip: Arthur Hellsing, to Sir Islands' chagrin.
- The Stoic: Present-day Sir Islands.
- Taking You with Me: Sir Penwood
- Technical Pacifist: Sir Island's descendant, who wants to solve conflicts without weapons.
- Trash of the Titans: Arthur, when Walter's not around.