< Galaxy Angel (video game)

Galaxy Angel (video game)/Characters

The cast of characters in the Galaxy Angel universe, divided between the games and the Anime. Because the two versions are somewhat different, expect to see some identical character entries with some overlapping tropes attached.

Galaxy Angel (anime)

Introducing all (but three of) the characters from Galaxy Angel! From left: Chitose, Ranpha, Mint, Forte, Malibu, Mary, Kokomo, Volcott, Milfeulle, Normad, and Vanilla

Milfeulle Sakuraba

Voiced by: Ryoko Shintani (JP), Jocelyne Loewen (EN)

Milfeulle is the only one of the group who believes that the Galaxy Angels have some kind of duty and responsibility to the Transbaal Empire. She can be seen in most episodes baking cakes and other kinds of delicious treats, or on missions generally making a fool of herself. If ever there a character expresses hopes that a certain piece of recently acquired Lost Technology won't be used by accident due to its dire consequences, it is inevitably Milfeulle who will trigger it and cause the good times to roll, so to speak. The more cynical members of the Angel Wing often attempt to take advantage of her innocence and good luck but even they must occasionally tread carefully around her. The more she is pushed, the harder reality pushes back.

  • Born Lucky: Taken to absurd levels. Reality itself will literally bend to accomodate the most favourable outcome. It is also the subject of a few episodes where her good luck lands the Angels in considerable trouble.
  • Comedic Sociopathy: Milfeulle is sometimes completely oblivious to other characters' distress, and other times obsessively empathetic depending on the whim of the writers.
  • The Ditz: At one point she wants to date a rice-cooker.
  • The Fool: An archetypal example is her running off a cliff, chasing after food that was rolling away.
  • Friend to All Living Things: She loves animals and animals love her. Well, animals, plants, recently deceased animals and plants...
  • Green Lantern Ring: The hairband with the flowers serves mainly as a pair of rotary blades that allow her to fly, but have also served as radio antennae and some kind of telepathic transmitter/receiver.
  • The Hero: of the anime.
  • The Messiah: Milfeulle parodies the concept several times throughout the series' run.
  • Naive Newcomer: In the first season, quickly becomes a regular.
  • The Pollyanna
  • Rose-Haired Girl
  • Supreme Chef: Makes a cake with emeralds and gold-leaf.
  • Sweet Tooth: She loves cakes and pastries, and sometimes it seems like the only things she can cook.
  • Team Chef: Though the others can cook, mostly at campfires.
  • Theme Naming: She is named after the French pastry Mille-fuelle.

Ranpha Franboise

Voiced by: Yukari Tamura (JP), Nicole Leroux (EN original series, Z, A & AA), Tabitha St. Germain (EN S & X)

A fast-talking, loud-mouthed, fiery girl who has few desires in life beyond marrying a rich, handsome man and retiring to a quiet resort planet where she can live out the rest of her days. To these ends, Ranpha is behind many of the Angel Wing's get-rich-quick schemes and is quick to take on missions for clients who are rich, attractive, or both. She tends to be very physical and often gets into spats with Forte, but is more likely to team up with her than any of the other Angels in pursuit of a greater goal.

Mint Blancmanche

Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro (JP), Nicole Bouma (EN)

She may seem sweet to a fault but those who cross Mint will always regret it. Her serious and proper exterior conceals a sociopathic streak that is a source of much humour to the audience but not particularly healthy for the characters in the show. She also has an obsession with kigurumi, or mascot costumes, and does not think twice about manipulating circumstances or jeopardising missions for the opportunity to wear one. The flip side of this is that she is very easy to entice, so she takes great pains to conceal her hobby from just about everyone. Mint is also quick to cash in on the get-rich-quick schemes perpetrated by the other Angels even though she is the heiress to the Blancmanche Corporation and would theoretically have more money than she could ever spend at her disposal.

  • Beware the Nice Ones: Mint is willing to kill to preserve her secret hobby. Never get in her way.
  • Cosplay Otaku Girl
  • Honest Axe: Mint is offered a gold animal costume and a silver animal costume at a time when she believes that wearing an animal costume will kill her. She's not very happy when the water sprite tries to give her both.
  • Little Miss Badass
  • The Ojou: Complete with a Noblewoman's Laugh when she's feeling particularly evil. Also lampshaded in several episodes:
    • In A there is an episode where they are dangling off a cliff and she reminisces on her family, who are so very very distinguished.
    • In X she remarks that anything with "Legendary" in its name would spark her interest as she is the daughter of a rich family.
  • Unusual Ears: Droopy Rabbit/Dog/Cat/whatever ears that make odd sounds whenever they perk up.
    • What's really weird is that one time, she was shaved bald, and her second set of ears just plain vanished, as in she had a perfectly normal human head with no extra appendages. Maybe, they're just Idiot Hair?
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight
  • Theme Naming: She is named after Mint, and a blancmange.
  • Verbal Tic: -desu wa.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Type A

Forte Stollen

Voiced by: Mayumi Yamaguchi (JP), Alison Matthews (EN)

Ostensibly the senior member of the Angel Wing, Forte dislikes taking responsibility and would prefer to go drinking or fire off some of her impressive firearm collection at the range. Oh and, speaking of guns, she almost as crazy about them as Mint is about her mascot costumes. While she is not given to elaborate scheming, rare guns are often the only incentive needed for Forte to take on a job, something the other Angels know and sometimes actively exploit. She has a very masculine personality and is sensitive about her age which leads to violent confrontations with Ranpha, but the two of them are the most likely of the Angels to team up when faced with a common enemy. Forte also has a curious father-daughter relationship with Commander Volcott, which is explored during breaks in the whirlwind of shenanigans.

Vanilla H

Voiced by: Mika Kanai (JP), Anna Cummer (EN)

Vanilla speaks very rarely, if at all. Not much is known about how she joined the Angel Wing or why but she cooperates with or at least acquiesces to the schemes and shenanigans of her squadmates without so much as blinking, implying that she may share some of their interests or desire for good looks and worldly possessions. She can usually be seen drinking tea, holding Normad, abusing Normad in some manner, or observing one of her many, many religious rituals. She can also manipulate nanomachines for a wide variety of purposes, the most common of which is healing wounds.


Voiced by: Mika Kanai (JP), Richard Ian Cox (EN)

Normad is a living example of Lost Technology, a missile from some nameless war that started to develop a respect and appreciation for its own life. Knowing that when it exploded, the sum total of its knowledge and experience would be lost, it instead chose to desert and drifted in space until it was found by Vanilla in a field of junk. After blackmailing the Angel Wing into finding it a new body, Normad joined the cast and often contributed to their wacky hijinx with its knowledge of Lost Technology. It considers all of the Angel Wing girls to be crass and unrefined, with the exception of Vanilla whom it treats with something resembling reverence.

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Now, normally he isn't too keen on taking revenge on the Galaxy Angels but when he does...
  • Comedic Sociopathy: A common running gag between being mistreated by Vanilla and being shot in the head by Forte.
  • Companion Cube
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Living Toys: Subverted in that Normad can't actually move or manipulate the environment, yet is able to form some semblance of facial expressions and feel pain, depending on how funny it would be at the time.
  • Mad Libs Catchphrase: "Oh, Vanilla-san!" and "Your rotten hearts/souls/lives".
  • Meta Guy: Normad is constantly dumbfounded at the other characters' irrationality.
  • Mr. Exposition
  • Overly Long Name: MA347612890 GT40785791 32RS2400Z 17924398 TZRS 2000 modular semiconductor type 452963752391 MQTO GLS-equipped self-computing 0037 293165734285 YGNKTI 0120 YMCA 4126 PPPKG lower-right KKP 53 Normad.
  • Stalker with a Crush: The amount of devotion that Normad lavishes on Vanilla borders on creepy.
  • Talking to Himself: With Vanilla in the Japanese version, and with Jonathan in the English version.
  • Team Pet

Col. Volcott O. Huey

Voiced by: Keiji Fujiwara (JP), Michael Kopsa (EN)

Volcott is a veteran leader held in high regard by the military and charged with leading the Angel Wing. Unfortunately for almost everyone concerned, he is well past his prime and looking mainly to preserve his pension and keep the Angels out of trouble. For their part, the Angels more or less ignore him or try to keep him out of the loop whenever they botch a mission. In the past he rescued Forte from a life of crime and the two of them eventually took on several high-profile missions together.

Major Mary

Voiced by: Sayaka Ohara (JP), Sylvia Zaradic (EN)

Mary was introduced in Galaxy Angel A as the commander of the Twin-Star Team, commissioned to replace the Angel Wing in their mission to hunt down and secure Lost Technology. She is almost the complete opposite of Volcott; she prefers a hands-on approach to the job and can occasionally be abusive towards her charges. It is implied that the Twin-Star Team is her pet project and, as it competes directly with the Angel Wing for funding from the military, she resorts to all sorts of underhanded tricks when it comes to the rivalry between the two. On the other hand she is not nearly as sociopathic as many of the other characters in the show and gets along with Volcott reasonably well outside the inter-taskforce rivalry, which is not very often.

Kokomo Peyrot/Perot

Voiced by: Yuko Sanpei (JP), Reece Thompson (EN)

The more spunky of the Twin-Star Team. Kokomo is generally very immature, loves sweet things and hates spicy things. He handles all the weapons for the group.

Malibu Peyrot/Perot

Voiced by: Tomo Saeki (JP), Danny McKinnon (EN)

The more reserved of the Twin-Star Team. Malibu handles tactics and analysis of the enemies, and is more mature than Kokomo. He does tend to have a bit of a sadistic streak and enjoys tormenting or otherwise thwarting Kokomo's hijinx.

Chitose Karasuma

Voiced by: Saori Goto (JP), Tegan Moss (EN)

One day, a terminally ill Chitose was sitting in her hospital bed staring out the window at the rest of the Angel Wing playing hopscotch. She wanted to be friends with them so badly that when the chance came she manipulated all of them to try and get a spot on the team. It almost worked. Although she was unable to insinuate herself among the Angel Wing, she did manage to get onto their base by joining up with the Twin-Star Team where she serves as a recurring antagonist who constantly seeks revenge on them for having snubbed her previously. Next to Mint, Chitose is arguably the most intelligent member of the cast and has used her knowledge of their respective quirks to get the upper hand at least once throughout the course of her very short run on the show. Aside from her tendency to faint when faced with highly stressful emotional situations, almost nothing about her was carried over from the games. She doesn't even get her own Emblem Frame.

  • Art Major Biology: After suffering from a terminal illness for so long, she has learned to alter her body temperature and go into comas at will.
  • Attention Whore: 'Nuff said.
  • Chew Toy: Whenever she gets any screentime at all it usually ends badly.
  • Fan Nickname: Cheetos.
  • Ill Girl: Her backstory is a parody of the traditional Ill Girl personality and she exploits it whenever she can.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
  • Sixth Ranger: Subverted by her not actually joining the team.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Subverted in that although she looks like one on the outside, wears a kimono to bed, and has a very appropriate-sounding Leitmotif the reality is something completely different.
  • Yandere: One of the most devoted friends you could ever want, until the moment you show affection to anyone else. Then you'd best watch your back.

Patrick, Jonathan and Gasteau

Voiced by:

Patrick: Akio Suyama (JP), Alistair Abell (EN)

Jonathan: Hiroyuki Yoshino (JP), Richard Ian Cox (EN)

Gasteau: Makoto Yasumura (JP), Andrew Toth (EN)

From left: Jonathan, Patrick, and Gasteau

Galaxy Angel Rune (anime)

Introducing all (but four of) the characters from Galaxy Angel Rune! From left: Suzuki(s), Satou, Natsume, Mimolette, Tanaka, Nano-Nano, Tequila, Kahlua, Apricot, Anise, and Lily

Apricot "Rico" Sakuraba

Voiced by: Yuuna Inamura (JP)

Rico fulfills much the same role that Milfeulle did in the original anime. She is the newest member of the Rune Angel Wing and the one least experienced in the ways of the world. However, she is more practical than her older sister and, in addition to cooking, she is also very handy with household chores and appears to be more grounded in reality than her older sister. Apricot idolises Milfeulle and frequently writes to her, which takes the form of the show's narration.

Lily C. Sherbet

Voiced by: Erina Nakayama (JP)

A knightly girl of regal bearing, Lily is the most serious-minded of the Rune Angels and handles all of their mission requests. Although the team is mostly informal, Lily is shown to be the de facto leader due to her reliability and cool, knightly demeanour. On the other hand she can be a real stick in the mud when she wants to be and tends to be a bit judgemental of others, especially Anise. As the responsible, military and humourless type, Lily does not appear as frequently as the other characters within the anime's slice-of-life context.

  • Catch Phrase: "That goes against the way of the sword!" and "NG-da" (Literally, "that's no good" in a more manly sort of way.)
  • Only Sane Man: Err...woman. Girl. Whatever.
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Until the murder mystery in Episode 11 where we see that her powers of deduction are decidedly sub-par, breaking the mystique.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Lampshaded in one episode where Lily notes that she and Anise had been on the same team for 10 years and were still as antagonistic towards each other as they were on the first day. They are certainly not friends.

Nano-Nano Pudding

Voiced by: Satomi Akesaka (JP)

The Rune Angels' resident catgirl. That is literally all there is to say about her. Okay, Nano-Nano is actually a sentient colony of nanomachines that was discovered by Vanilla on some remote world somewhere, which she then adopted and raised on her own. Nano-Nano's clearest memory of Vanilla is how she told her to become a big nanomachine colony, which she does by absorbing all sorts of machinery. She looks up to Anise in a sisterly sort of way and has a good relationship with Natsume who is around the same age as her. She also plays around with Mimolette a lot by virtue of the fact that they are both cats or catlike.

Kahlua/Tequila Marjoram

Voiced by: Aya Hirano (JP)

Kahlua Marjoram leads two lives. The first is the unpredictable and ditzy sorceress whose experiments consistently blow up in her face or have horrifying results. The other is her hypercompetent alter ego Tequila who generally doesn't do anything and has a reputation for promiscuity and speaking in lots and lots of innuendo. They transform back and forth whenever Kahlua ingests alcohol, when she eats one of her special magic chocolates, or when the plot dictates that it would be funny for her to do so. In spite of her constant clumsiness, Kahlua has a sunny personality and is more than willing to help out her friends especially if it involves her main areas of expertise: cosmetics and TV dramas. In the crazy mixed up world of the Rune Angels, these things prove to be useful on more occasions than one might expect.

Anise Azeat

Voiced by: Satomi Hanamura (JP)

The easiest way to describe Anise would be some kind of cross between a space pirate, an odd-jobswoman and a biker gal. In many ways she's the polar opposite of Lily; lazy, loudmouthed, extremely spendthrift and basically amoral. In fact, she would not have been part of the Rune Angel Wing at all if she hadn't tried to hijack the Luxiole. She owes Mint a debt of astronomical proportions, one that she will never be able to pay, and it dominates her every waking moment. As such, she even more prone to get-rich-quick schemes than the Moon Angels on a good day.


Voiced by: Akiko Kobayashi (JP)

Kahlua's loyal floating cat-head-thing, who seems to have inherited Normad's tendency to have horrible things happen to him every few minutes.

Kuchen Baum

Voiced by: Katsuyuki Konishi (JP)

The concierge of Villa Angel, the boarding house where the Rune Angel Wing lodges when not on duty. Which seems to be most of the time. Kuchen has a tendency to be theatrical and presents himself as a long-suffering nanny who has to follow after the girls and pick up the pieces of their latest catastrophe. He serves as a strong contrast to Volcott who tended to suffer in silence, but it appears he cares for the girls almost as much as his more military counterpart. Kuchen can actually be seen in several places throughout the series working odd jobs as either a man or a woman, presumably to help pay the upkeep of Villa Angel.

Cdr. Isabella Essence

Voiced by: Yuki Matsuoka (JP)

The girls' commanding officer. Only ever appears over a TV screen, which is sometimes zoomed in on random and not-so-random parts of her body.

Mayor Dorten Bein

Voiced by: Yuichi "Cho" Nagashima (JP)

The mayor of Seldor. Appears as a CGI projection in a moving chair.

Princess Natsume Izayoi

Voiced by: Atsuko Enomoto (JP)

Natsume is a representative of the Arms Alliance to EDEN. Just what the Arms Alliance is never comes up because her mission as a goodwill ambassador turns out to be nothing more than an excuse for her world tour to try out the finest cookies in the universe. After tasting some of Kuchen's cookies, she decides to stay and sets up her own personal castle and requisite island on the outskirts of the Rune Angels' home city. There she mostly keeps to herself and doesn't get involved with the girls' onscreen hijinx but she shares a cordial relationship with Nano-Nano, who sometimes comes to her garden to play. Oh, and she also has an impressively shiny forehead.

Tanaka, Satou and the Suzukis

Voiced by: Fumie Mizusawa (JP)

Natsume's servants.

Kazuya Shiranami

Voiced by: Hisafumi Oda (JP)

...does not appear in the anime aside from two scenes. That's all there is to say about him.

Galaxy Angel/Galaxy Angel II (games):

Tact Mayers

The Hero of the story and all-around nice guy. Tact began as the commander of a patrol fleet on the border of the Transbaal Empire with no knowledge of the coup d'etat that had taken place on the homeworld. Just when he was beginning to enjoy the easy assignment, he is approached and hailed by a trio of women in strange, unidentified fighters and so his journey begins. Although he has gained a reputation as a skirt-chaser and slacker, he is personally appointed as captain of the Elsior with orders to support the Moon Angel Wing in protecting the last remaining heir to the throne.

At first, Tact comes off as an incompetent and lazy commander but when the situation truly warrants it, he becomes serious and completely devoted to the task at hand. His foppery and whim conceal a brilliant tactical mind and as the game goes on, he displays all the qualities of a natural leader and there is a lot of talk that he could become supreme commander of the Imperial Forces if he wanted to. As it is, he just accepts a position on the Frontier Exploration Team.

  • Accidental Kiss: In both, game and manga, with the same girl.
  • Accidental Pervert
  • Back in the Saddle: for Moonlit Lovers depending on the girl you chose.
  • Bad Dreams: Putting his loved ones in harm's way more than once does actually taken a toll on his psyche. The tutorial mission in Eternal Lovers is actually this, because the battle is really easy, but after that the Elsior and the Angel Wing suddenly get bombarded by a surprise attack that leaves them defenseless, and then the Chrono Quake Bomb wipes them all out, with Tact only having time to ruminate over the deaths of the Angels, hearing the disappointed voice of his chosen girlfriend, before the end comes for him too...and he wakes up in his girlfriend's room, happy it was just a dream.
  • Brilliant but Lazy
  • Chivalrous Pervert: The "pervert" part is quite mild, actually, although more pronounced in the manga since in the manga he's willing to do things like look up a girl's skirt or peep in the girls' side of the hot spring. In the games, it depends a lot on the player's choices. Even in the games, the most "perverted" Tact ever gets is when he mistakenly thinks he's going to see the Angels naked in the hot spring (they were actually wearing bathing suits). Otherwise, in the games, Tact's "perversion" amounts to a slightly more adult and mature version of "She's SO PRETTY!"
  • Commanding Coolness: For the first trilogy, even when he controls the entire Transbaal Navy he's simply called Supreme Commander rather than say, Admiral.
  • Farm Boy: According to the manga, he spent a lot of time in his grandmother's farm.
  • Happily Married: At the end of the manga, Milefuelle becomes his bride and the two are shown to love each other very much.
    • In the game he will do this at the end of Milfie, Ranpha, or Vanilla's route. Also, in Mint's, Forte's, and Chitose's routes, while it doesn't happen in the original trilogy, it is strongly implied that Tact married them before the events of Galaxy Angel II, since in the first Galaxy Angel II game they're willing to call Tact "Anata".
  • Ho Yay: After being shown a very traumatic dream sequence where everyone dies, Tact is visibly overjoyed when his best mate Lester is alive and breathing. He shows this by hugging him so tight, Coco practically fangasmed and Almo going full on Heroic BSOD. Naturally, this is all played for laughs.
  • Humble Hero
  • Ignorant of the Call (Tact at first had no idea why the Angels would seek HIM out of all people, that has to be explained to him by Commodore Luft before he's handpicked to be the Elsior's new commander.)
  • Insult Backfire: A running gag is Tact completely misunderstanding Stealth Insult or general sarcasm with praise. Setting him straight falls to Lester, or more rarely, Luft-sensei and/or Forte.
  • Made of Iron: Especially in Ranpha's Path in EL. As a result of a combination of Val-Fasc sabotage and an argument Tact had with her previously, Ranpha develops an uncontrollable reflex causing her to strike Tact whenever he touches her. Since Tact still wants to be close to her, Tact intentionally trains his body to withstand lots of punishment so that he can hug Ranpha and be able to take the hit. It doesn't completely work, but Ranpha appreciates the gesture, since she has no desire to hit Tact every time either, she can't control it until Tact makes the reflex go away near the end of her route by saving her life.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": While official names have spelled his name as Tact, or Takuto (which is the phonetic pronunciation of the katakana タクト), an in-game screenshot of a letter he wrote makes out his first name to be "Takt". As it stands, there's no consensus on which one to use.
  • The Captain: Of the Elsior in the first trilogy and the Luxiole in Galaxy Angel II: Zettai Ryouiki no Tobira
  • The Strategist: He can give Lelouch a run for his money.
  • The Empath: He's surprisingly capable of understanding other people's emotions to the point that Mint Blancmanche, a telepath, wonders if he doesn't have some kind of psychic powers.
  • Think Nothing of It: Despite being seen as a legendary hero in GA II, he remains as modest as he was on his first day.
  • Unishment: In Eternal Lovers, Tact screws up real bad in one of his duties, that is, pursuing the stolen Emblem Frame Unit 7 by Wein. Not only Tact had to let them escape, he was led into a carefully laid trap, and only the timely intervention of The Cavalry allowed him to escape by the skin of his teeth. For this, he was severely reprimanded by Empress Shiva and is given the punishment of...becoming the Supreme Commander of Eden Liberation Fleet, with the mandate that he better liberate it from the Val-Fasq, or else.

Lester Coolduras

Tact's best friend since his Academy days and his devoted adjutant onboard the Elsior. Lester is everything that Tact is not: hard-working, takes his job seriously, a precise and efficient commander who is very good at managing day-to-day affairs on a battleship. Despite the fact that no one on the Elsior is strictly military, Lester is able to enforce a degree of discipline while still keeping the respect and admiration of his subordinates. In fact, it's often joked that maybe it's Lester and not Tact who should be in command of the operation. Together, the two of them make an unstoppable team.

Milfeulle Sakuraba

Voiced by: Ryoko Shintani

An extraordinarily lucky girl who is possessed of boundless energy and incredible cooking skills. However what most people don't know is that she's not only very lucky but very unlucky as well. In fact no one is ever quite sure what is going to happen next around her, which makes her either the most fun person on the Elsior or a gigantic pain in the rear depending on who you ask. She also happens to be an Emblem Frame pilot with a great deal of potential, having scored the highest on simulations in the history of the Academy. Out of all the girls, she is the only one who puts her faith in Tact from the outset and never judges him. She's a kind and caring soul who just wants to make friends and stay friends with everyone.

Milfeulle pilots the GA-001 Lucky Star, the most balanced of the Emblem Frames. In fact, no one else has been able to pilot it thanks to its massive power stability issues.

  • Amnesiac Lover: In the third game, Galaxy Angel Eternal Lovers, Milfeulle suffers an injury that removes all memory of Commander Tact Mayers, her boyfriend. Her boyfriend spends a great deal of time trying to restore her memories, but eventually has to settle for loving the "Milfeulle now"...until he kisses her and her memories are restored anyway in a throwaway line.
  • BFG: The Lucky Star's Hyper Cannon.
  • Born Lucky: Played with. In the games, Milfeulle's luck is both extremely good and extremely bad, but sometimes an apparent misfortune ultimately results in a glorious success. It's hinted that she has the power to alter probability to get the outcomes she really wants.
  • Chef of Iron: She pilots a huge space fighter with a BFG strapped to it as her day job. Never forget she can lay down some serious ass-kicking and basically use her luck to influence the whole universe if pushed far enough.
  • The Ditz: As a child, she wanted to be a spaceship! (To be fair to Milfeulle, the teacher didn't specify her dream had to be possible, the ditz part came in when Milfeulle didn't realize the teacher was probably thinking of celebrity goals as "doesn't have to be possible.")
  • Fake Ultimate Hero: She's often touted as the Academy's most promising recruit with the highest scores on the piloting simulations. In reality, her amazing luck was as significant a factor as her actual skill.
  • Feminine Women Can Cook
  • The Heart
  • Jack of All Stats: The Lucky Star is perfectly balanced in mobility, defense and attack. Her missile/homing lasers have good attack power during pass-through attacks and her Hyper Cannon bursts combined with her machineguns do inflict quite a bit of burst damage. Simply put, out of all units, hers require least micromanaging.
  • Pollyanna
  • Retired Badass: The ending of her route in the first game. Becomes Ten-Minute Retirement due to sequel.
  • Rose-Haired Girl
  • Supreme Chef: The mere mention of one of her picnics is enough to get the rest of the Angel Wing moving.
  • Team Chef: Whenever there's a picnic or other celebration.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Cake, and she gets into a few arguments with Mint over the course of the story about whether cake or sweets are better.

Ranpha Franboise

Voiced by: Yukari Tamura

Initially the most hostile towards Tact, Ranpha is also the slowest to place her trust in him. She has been friends with Milfeulle ever since the Academy and often likes to claim that Milfie is a nuisance and only followed her into the Moon Angel Wing to annoy her to death. It doesn't help that she seems to continually be on the receiving end of Milfeulle's bad luck when it strikes. Ranpha is very direct and trains frequently during downtime but posesses a girly side that can often be seen in her love of fortune-telling and fairytale romances. In spite of her sometimes gruff attitude she cares deeply for her friends and is as quick to forget fights and rise to their defence as she is to anger.

Ranpha pilots the GA-002 Kung Fu Fighter, the fastest of the Emblem Frames. It's really powerful at close quarters but has paper-thin armour.

  • Berserk Button: Sure she likes martial arts, but do not mention that she is a tomboy or otherwise un-girly.
  • Big Eater
  • Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce: The Ranpha Special.
  • Chinese Girl
  • Cleavage Window
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Walks a fine line between this and out-and-out Tsundere-ness.
  • Facial Markings
  • The Fatalist: She is absolutely convinced her fortunes will come true and spends a great deal of time agonizing over it.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Kung-Fu Fighter is very fast, very maneuverable, complete with plenty of firepower (Large and Small Missiles and double Autocannons). In later games, her Anchor Claw can chain-kill enemies if they inflict overkill. However, it possesses a very low defense such that sending her solo without her Anchor Claw ready is a recipe for disaster. To make things worse, it's faster than everyone else and, while almost always landing the first blow on an opposing fleet, she'll also be the one to bear the brunt of the counterattack. To top it all off, Kung-Fu Fighter can literally outrun Harvester that is trying to repair it (except for the second game's modified AI behavior). As such, she's better relegated to resupply with the Elsior rather than Harvester's repairs.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: Ranpha doesn't seem to have any particular style to her training or fighting techniques. Just simple (and effective) punches and kicks.
  • Lethal Chef: Averted; unlike in the anime she can cook and takes lessons from Milfeulle.
  • Megaton Punch: Standard "remedy" if she senses Tact "cheating" with another girl. Also an invoked trope; if playing her route in Eternal Lovers Ranpha suffers a mental breakdown causing her to have no real choice in the matter since this trope becomes an ingrained reflex.
  • Rocket Punch: The Kung Fu Fighter's Anchor Claws.
  • She's Got Legs
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: Pity Lester, Almo and Coco. The bridge of the Elsior will never be the same.
  • Tomboy: But would rather not be seen as one.
  • Tsundere
  • Unknown Rival: To Milfeulle, in their backstory.
  • Unstoppable Rage: One Emblem Frame. An unstoppable tide of enemies. The Elsior in flames. Hit it.
  • Zany Scheme: If it involves romance and love troubles, Ranpha will come to your rescue! She will however need a ball of yarn, a bit of chocolate, some tarot cards, a very emotionally touching movie, Forte (whether she likes it or not), etc.

Mint Blancmanche

Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro

Mint is the only daughter of Darno Blancmanche, the CEO of one of the biggest corporations in the galaxy. As a result she has lived a charmed life but conducts herself with all the grace and poise expected of a rich lady. Her love of tea and sweets of all kinds is well-known on the White Moon but what most people don't know is her hobby of wearing kigurumi or mascot costumes. She's mostly worried that anyone who saw her would consider her childish or silly, a problem that is exacerbated by her short stature. Mint's relationship with her father is strained and she prefers to try and handle her the problem without getting anyone else involved. Likewise, she initially has misgivings regarding Tact's ability to command but generally keeps them to herself.

Mint pilots the GA-003 Trick Master, an Emblem Frame built for long range scanning. She generally runs support and interference with her Fliers, which can attack from any direction she wishes.

  • Attack Drones: The Trick Master's main weapons.
  • Beam Spam: The Trick Master's Flier Dance.
  • Berserk Button: Anise's insulting nickname, "Mint Butamanjuu" (pork buns).
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Oh no, what's happening? The interest rate on your loan is skyrocketing!
  • Child Soldiers along with Vanilla, Chitose, and Milfie. Ranpha is exactly 18 if memory serves correct.
  • Crazy Prepared: Whenever Milfeulle decides to throw one of her picnics, Mint can be seen bringing enough gear to account for the most likely eventualities. She is the only one with an umbrella when the sprinklers on the holodeck are set off.
  • Every Proper Lady Should Curtsy (In the original game, there is an animated FMV sequence in which each Angel introduces herself individually to Tact. Mint introduces herself with a curtsy.)
  • Gradual Grinder: While Trick Master is quite balanced, it trades mobility and burst damage (compared to similarly-balanced Lucky Star) for a slower, yet steadier damage-over-time thanks to her multi-directional Fliers that has a constant damage output. Trick Master's special attack, Flier Dance, is this trope Up to Eleven, gradually wearing down HP of enemy units in a designated area over time. Sufficiently leveled, she can clear an area of weaker enemies all by herself.
  • Little Miss Badass
  • Mindlink Mates: In Moonlit Lovers.
  • Noblewoman's Laugh: Rare, but one comedic instance in Moonlit Lover has this for her.
  • Older Than They Look: Would you believe she's really 16?
  • The Ojou
  • Pastimes Prove Personality: She normally acts really mature and composed but her childish side comes out through her mascot costume hobby. And it is absolutely adorable.
  • The Power of Love: Basically how Mint and Tact overcome all odds, with a little help from...
  • Psychic Powers: Mint is telepathic.
  • Sensor Character
  • Strong Family Resemblance: Darno and the family butler have the same kind of ears.
  • Sweet Tooth: Mint loves her sweets. A little sidenote though, she likes her sweets artificial, which led to her monstrously 10,000x sweeter-than-natural-sugar sweetener concoction.
  • Unusual Ears: Her rabbit ears, or whatever they are.

Forte Stollen

Voiced by: Mayumi Yamaguchi

The commanding officer and most experienced of the Moon Angel Wing, Forte is the most reserved and keenly observes Tact for any sign of weakness or laxity. Like the other Angels, she is mistrusful of him in the beginning and will only believe in him once she thinks he is someone she can count on to watch her back in a fight. In times of crisis she always keeps a cool head even when the rest of the Angels start arguing and no matter what misgivings she has, she is more than willing to put her foot down in support of the new commander. Forte has a keen interest in solid projectile firearms and has converted the firing range into her own personal haven where she practices with numerous kinds of guns up to and including rocket launchers.

Forte pilots the GA-004 Happy Trigger, which boasts the most armour and firepower of the Emblem Frames. It's really slow though.

  • Big Bra to Fill
  • Boobs of Steel
  • Cool Big Sis
  • Fiery Redhead: Averted; she's the most level-headed and the calmest girl in the Brigade. Played straight during game battles, though, where Forte will frequently crow that enemies can't get away from her, and will curse if she misses her target.
  • Gun Stripping: There is a scene where Forte is stripping one blindfolded and Ranpha decides to steal one of the springs as a prank.
  • High-Class Glass: She does however take it off in a lot of occasion. One wonders why she's using it at all.
  • Les Yay: Due to Ranpha's Re-enact Romantic Moments plan to help Chitose and her condition, she essentially strong-arms Forte to act out the male part. There's an event CG just for this, showing just before Forte and Ranpha kisses. Tact stops them just before the act, and while Ranpha (romantic as she is), protests Tact's interruption, Forte is visibly Squicked by what she had to do.
  • Macross Missile Massacre: The Happy Trigger's Strike Burst
  • Mighty Glacier: Happy Trigger is de facto the slowest out of all Frames. It also means that her firepower and defense far outstrips anyone else's (barring Harvester's defenses). As such, she is a great asset in taking down frigate-sized targets up to large battleships. Of course, sending her to a pursuit job isn't exactly something she can do. Happy Trigger's Strike Burst enables it to rapid-fire its laser cannon, double railguns and deplete an entire arsenal of homing lasers and missiles. From second game onwards, its special attack will damage or kill surrounding enemies if it overkills its first target; a welcome addition considering how overpowered Strike Burst is.
  • More Dakka: ...than the other Emblem Frames.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Despite not being her fault, the infamous hijacked Mission 6 has Forte opening fire on the Elsior. Everytime she handles a gun afterwards, she gets flashbacks and from that point on, suffers what is essentially a PTSD.
  • Nice Hat: As seen in the anime entry.
  • Officer And A Lady
  • Off-Model: Despite being consistently portrayed as about as tall as Tact (or slightly taller due to her Nice Hat), her Eden ballroom scene video in Eternal Lover depicts Tact as One Head Taller than her. The inconsistency is pretty jarring.
  • Revolvers Are Just Better: Her signature weapon is an engraved revolver in the style of Colt Single Action Army. Her other signature however, weapon is a shorter barreled version of M1911 that she entrusted to Chitose.
  • The Tease: Not very prominent, but every once in a while, she puts on her best seductive voice and pulls this on Tact. That or teasing Ranpha that she does things "differently" with Tact when they're in private.

Vanilla H

Voiced by: Mika Kanai

More soft-spoken than Mint, more reserved than Forte, more devoted than Ranpha, more kind than Milfeulle, with half the words spoken, and near zero expression. All of these things can be said of Vanilla, the medic of the Angel Wing. She is a highly skilled with nanomachines, which she uses to treat illnesses and injuries. When not in combat she can often be seen in the Infirmary helping Kela tend to the patients or assisting Creta with repairs on the Emblem Frames and the Elsior. She also spends a lot of time in the room set aside for the Space Whale, though what she does there is something only Kuromie knows. She can seem alternately shy and cold but needs to control her emotions in order to properly use the nanomachines. Still, there is something about her past that drives her to work herself, sometimes to the bone, for those in her care.

Vanilla pilots the GA-005 Harvester. In terms of technical performance it is the worst of the Emblem Frames but has the ever-useful ability to repair the others.

  • All a Part of the Job: A major part of her character. Vanilla loves her job and being able to make a difference, saving lives, but she works herself ragged sometimes.
  • Combat Medic: A Vanilla with sufficient affection levels can do some respectable damage and spam her special attack almost infinitely.
  • Emotionless Girl: A big part of her story deals with her childhood trauma of losing the person she cared the most and the feeling of helplessness from it. The fact that she can express herself more is treated as a very significant character development.
  • Friend to All Living Things
  • Healing Hands: Courtesy of her nanomachines.
  • Her Story Repeats Itself
  • Instant Fanclub: But she doesn't know how to react to it and has to ask Tact for advice.
  • It Is Pronounced "Tro-PAY": Her last name is pronounced like a French H (sounds like the word Ash).
  • Like Brother and Sister: The ending of the first game didn't quite make it out as romantic as the other girls. Starting from the second game however, half the plot is about Vanilla wanting to be "more than just a little sister" to Tact. Chitose's usual misunderstanding didn't really help either, despite the entire crew rooting for them (except Vanilla's fanclub).
  • Luminescent Blush: Considering her usual deadpan expression, seeing this on her face just makes her all the more adorable.
  • My Greatest Failure: Vanilla is haunted by her inability to save those she cares about the most, and it is a recurring theme on her route.
  • Nanomachines: Both her Nanomachine Pet and the Harvester are composed entirely of the things.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Inverted by one of the sweetest girls you will ever meet.
  • Stone Wall: Harvester is a purely defensive craft. It can take ungodly amounts of punishment and not flinch; so much so that the only time she needs to return back is when she's out of energy. Unfortunately this also means she doesn't deal much damage. Adding to her Stone Wall-ness is her Special Attack, Repair Wave. While it sounds descriptive enough, Repair Wave covers the entire map, making it unnecessary for Harvester to go near other ships to repair them. However, beyond Repair Wave, Harvester cannot repair itself without going to Elsior. Furthermore, Moonlit Lover onwards tax the Energy Gauge heavily on Special Attack move, which means spamming Harvester's Repair Wave over and over is a recipe for repeat resupplies. Since Elsior's supply is not unlimited as well, timing repairs is crucial.
  • What Is This Thing You Call Love?: "My heartbeat rises and my blood pressure increases when I'm near you, yet it's not a disease. What is this feeling?"
  • When She Smiles: The most heart-warming expression you will ever see out of her usually stoic persona.

Chitose Karasuma

Voiced by: Saori Gotou

A very traditional and polite girl, Chitose joined the military out of respect and admiration for her father and the Moon Angel Wing. She worked very hard and excelled in piloting and archery, earning her a place among the Angels by the time of Moonlit Lovers. However she is still the newcomer and a lot of humour is derived from her being the proverbial fish out of water. Because she idolised Tact and the Moon Angel Wing Chitose assumed that they would all be model soldiers and initially found it difficult to even call them by their first names, eventually settling on the honorific "-senpai". To further compound her isolation from the others, Chitose gets into increasingly complicated situations and exacerbates the cracks that begin to show in Tact's relationship with the Angels. Nevertheless she enthusiastically supports Tact and his chosen partner, and is extremely remorseful when she finds out she has unwittingly caused them to start fighting.

She is shown to be very skilled with electronics and helps decrypt a mysterious distress call to the White Moon. In the academy simulations, she was able to surpass even Milfeulle's scores through sheer hard work and determination.

Chitose pilots the GA-006 Sharp Shooter, a sniper model with a long range and advanced targeting systems.

  • Amnesiac Lover: Sort of in her route in Eternal Lovers. She doesn't technically lose her memories of her love for Tact...they just all get transferred to Lester instead because she's fallen under a delusion.
  • The Archer: Although she's technically a sniper, Chitose practices kyudo[1] and the Sharp Shooter has an archery-themed super attack, Fatal Arrow.
  • Broken Pedestal: Chitose holds Tact and the Angel Wing in the highest regard and finds herself completely out of her depth when confronted by the laid back and quirky reality. The only person who matched her ideal image of a soldier was Lester Coolderas. The broken pedestal becomes a plot point in Eternal Lovers in Chitose's romantic route; she falls under a delusion that her feelings for the quirky commander Tact were for the more ideal soldier Lester. It didn't help that Tact had no choice but to do something very un-boyfriend-like and shoot her down to prevent the Val-Fasc from getting their hands on her.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: : One of the reason why Sharp Shooter is difficult to use. Being a sniper unit, most of its weaponry are fixed, forward-firing ordnances with the exception of her high-speed homing lasers. Also, Sharp Shooter's special move, Fatal Arrow is very damaging, but tricky to use due to range limitation (she needs to gain distance to use it), and being stationary makes her very vulnerable to flanking units unless covered by other units or is near Elsior/Vanilla's Harvester. Also the reason why her introductory combat mission is almost impossible to execute without casualties, combined with the fact that Tact is commanding a common cruiser instead of Elsior.
  • Fainting: During times of high emotional stress, like when she eats a single bite of Ranpha's trademark Ranpha Special or meets Prince Shiva in person for the first time. Hilariously, she also faints right after she and Tact confess their love to each other near the end of Eternal Lovers.
  • Big Eater: Out eats Forte, Ranpha, and Tact in the curry deathmatch.
  • Friendly Sniper
  • Glass Cannon: Very high burst damage from her sniper railguns and large missiles. Purely average defenses. Not very pronounced until she basically enters Siege Mode for her Fatal Arrow attack in which she becomes a large, sitting duck. However, Fatal Arrow fires multiple times, and when it destroys a target, it will switch to another one until it depletes its battery (three shots normally, five when leveled).
  • Hime Cut
  • High-Pressure Emotion: Following a long-overdue Anguished Declaration of Love and a following Cooldown Hug, she promptly overheats and collapses.
  • Lady of War
  • The Mole: In the manga. But not of her own choosing. Noah found Chitose shortly after the accident that killed the latter's father. Then Noah "reprogrammed" Chitose to abduct Tact and sabotage the Angel Wing, but Noah also hid the memory of the reprogramming itself so even Chitose didn't know she was a Mole until it was too late and Noah activated her "programming."
  • Oblivious to Love: In her route in Eternal Lovers, sort of, but that was Tact's fault since he was too nervous to tell her his feelings for her directly; a problem he soon rectifies of course as the route progresses.
  • Rapunzel Hair
  • Shy Blue-Haired Girl: Except her hair is actually purple.
  • Sixth Ranger: Of the type that's an ally right when she joins the team since she directly joins the Angel Wing through proper channels, instead of being introduced as an enemy first.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko
  • You Gotta Have Purple Hair

Luft Weizen

Tact's mentor from the Academy and often considered to be one of the greatest teachers in the Empire. Luft happens to be one of the few high-ranking officers still able to take command after the coup attempt. As soon as Tact returns with the three members of the Angel Wing he bailed out along the frontier, Luft puts him in command of the (previously ceremonial) battleship Elsior and the Angel Wing itself, whether he likes it or not. Though he considers Tact to be one of his finest students, he is also frustrated by Tact's laziness and lack of a sense of duty.

  • Big Damn Heroes
  • Cool Old Guy
  • Last Stand: He even gets a CG of the entire crew of the Elsior giving him a fine send-off. Averted later on when it turns out the coup forces didn't really put up much of a fight and were much more interested in pursuing the Elsior.
  • Old Master: Of both Tact and Lester.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Although only a Commodore, Luft seems to be more principled than most of the Admirals. He tends to focus on getting the job done rather than sucking up to the nobility and opposes Tact being relieved of his command.
  • Supporting Leader

The Elsior's Crew

The hardworking women and men (but mostly women) that perform most of the day-to-day tasks needed to keep the Elsior up and running. The entire crew complement was drawn from the attendants of the White Moon, also known as its "Priestesses". Their job in peacetime is to research Lost Technology and find ways to use it for the preservation of peace. They may not have the discipline of an ordinary military crew but they are completely dedicated to their jobs and perfectly competent. More to the point, they are better than anyone at handling the Elsior, itself a piece of Lost Technology from the earliest days of human history.

Notable crewmembers are:

    • Almo Blueberry, Communications Officer
    • Coco Nutmilk, Radar Operator
    • Creta Biscuit, Chief Engineer
    • Kela/Cera Hazel, Doctor
    • Kuromie Quark, Animal Handler

In addition, other characters also assist with day-to-day tasks aboard the Elsior. Tropes associated with them should go under their respective entries. Please note that due to the Mildly Military nature of the vessel, stated positions are not to be taken seriously.

    • Mint Blancmanche, Quartermaster/Supply Officer and Diplomatic Liaison
    • Lester Coolduras, Executive Officer
    • Ranpha Franboise, Hand-to-Hand Specialist and Fortune Teller
    • Chitose Karasuma, Archery Specialist and Master of Tea Ceremonies
    • Tact Mayers, Captain
    • Milfeulle Sakuraba, Cook
    • Forte Stollen, Tactical Officer and Firearm Specialist
    • Shiva Transbaal, Political Figurehead

Shiva Transbaal

A 10-year-old child and sole surviving heir to the throne of Transbaal. Shiva was never expected to have to take the throne ever, and so was sent to the White Moon to study under its High Priestess, Lady Shatyarn. His cousin Eonia is scouring the galaxy to find him, so Tact and the Elsior are tasked with bearing the prince safely to Rhome where the rest of the fleet is regrouping. Contrary to what you'd expect, Shiva is remarkably serious for his age and accepts the duties of being a ruler with considerable aplomb. Tact comments that he has great potential as a leader and will one day grow up to be a fine king.

  • A Child Shall Lead Them
  • Curtains Match the Window
  • Detached Sleeves
  • Gender Blender Name
  • MacGuffin Girl: The reason Eonia is after Shiva is because she is the only one currently outside the White Moon that can undo its seal.
  • Missing Mom Everyone assumes that Shiva's mother died when Eonia bombed Transbaal, but if the player successfully completes Shiva's subroute, our heroes later find out that Shiva's real mother is Shatoyarn.
  • Noble Fugitive
  • Parental Abandonment Shiva thought at first that her father just left her with the Moon Goddess, and she was additionally afraid that everybody would forget about her.
  • Rebellious Princess: Sort of. It's mostly rebellious only in terms of personality, such as when Tact had to convince Shiva not to try to take back Transbaal for fear that the only legitimate ruler left would be killed. But Shiva has no real problem in performing the royal duties and someday taking up the throne, though in Shiva's sub-route Shiva briefly complains to Tact that Shiva has to hide some of Shiva's real personality behind a royal countenance.
  • Royal Blood
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Subverted. Shiva can't actually do anything no matter how much he wants to and it's only with persuasion from Tact that he manages to accept the importance of being a figurehead for the already shattered Imperial Fleet.
  • Royal We: Used in the Fan Translation when Shiva is trying to be especially noble (read: stand up to Eonia).
  • She Is the King
  • Tell Me About My Mother
  • The White Prince: Of the composed and reserved kind.
  • Unexpected Successor
  • Unsettling Gender Reveal Shiva does this to the entire known galaxy shortly after taking the throne. However, since Shiva still remains ruler in the sequels, the galaxy seems to have eventually adapted to this. It helps that the galaxy has to rebuild itself after Eonia's coup attempt, and since Shiva's the only royal family member left, the galaxy has to take what it can get.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair


Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue

  • Badass Long Hair: Long hair, and she's the one who rescued the Transbaal Empire from a total Dark Age after the Chrono Quake Bomb wiped out all their technology. In the first videogame in the trilogy, she also successfully managed to avoid capture by Eonia by sealing off the White Moon from the outside world. That contribute to our heroes' eventual victory since she also managed to preserve the Chrono Break Cannon for them this way.
  • Barrier Maiden: In the videogame trilogy, she sets up an impenetrable seal around the White Moon so Eonia couldn't capture either her or the White Moon's Lost Technology. Either Shiva or Shatoyarn herself are the only ones who can open the seal.
  • Beauty Equals Goodness: Beauty equals the most pure woman in the whole galaxy in her case, respected by everyone including the villain.
  • Cloning Blues
  • Cry for the Devil: In the manga, when Eonia is killed, since that would never have happened if Eonia had forgotten about his feelings for Shatoyarn like Shatoyarn told him to. In the game, it's not really a "cry," Shatoyarn's mourning is more subtle, since her connection to Eonia is less personal in the game.
  • The Fog of Ages
  • Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!: She is 600 years old, which is older than any potential reader's great, great, great-grandmother.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Kikuko Inoue, who voiced Belldandy in Ah! My Goddess.
  • Hologram : In the manga, Eonia successfully managed to capture Shatoyan but may as well have failed since Shatoyan has closed herself off from him physically and mentally, so sometimes Eonia mournfully muses to himself over the hologram he has of Shatoyan.
  • Hot Goddess
  • Hot Mom
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness
  • Luke I Am Your Mother
  • The Messiah: Shatoyan decided to share the lost technology of the White Moon with the people of Transbaal, and began what is now known as the Gift Age. With the moon goddess's assistance, Transbaal was able to quickly emerge from its long dark age and Transbaal returned to space to unite with its former colonies and other struggling planets. Shatoyan is therefore deemed largely responsible for the birth of the Transbaal Empire and its continued prosperity. She is universally revered by all the empire as both the administrator of the White Moon and as a goddess.
  • My Secret Pregnancy Since until the end of the first game no one knows that Shiva is the result of Gerard and Shatoyan's affair, Shatoyan must have been successfully able to pull this off.
  • Mysterious Waif: "Waif" in terms of her role in the galaxy, though; Shatoyarn is not physically a child.
  • Oblivious to Love: In the manga, subverted! Eonia told her his feelings flat-out, but she sensed in advance that he'd turn into a monster because of them and asked Eonia to forget about her. It...didn't work out, to put it mildly.
  • Older Than They Look: She's 600 years old, but looks like a maiden of motherly age.
  • One Name Only: In terms of actual names, she's just Shatoyarn. However, she frequently has titles attached to her, like Moon Goddess, Holy Maiden, etc.
  • One-Woman Wail: In the manga, since Eonia's death is actually sympathetic there since he was trying to win Shatoyan's affections in a horribly misguided manner, foolishly believing that Shatoyan would love him if he gave the entire galaxy to her by force. Averted in the game trilogy, where Eonia's death is less sympathetic since his goal was to turn the Transbaal Empire into an empire that engages in never-ending conquest. Shatoyan still mourns his death in the game, but her reaction is more subdued.
  • Parental Substitute: She raised Prince Shiva as though she were Shiva's mother, so Shiva looks up to Shatoyan as he would to a mother. (But secretly, she is Shiva's mother biologically, de facto not just de jure, due to Emperor Gerard having an affair.)
  • Purple Eyes
  • Rapunzel Hair: Her hair reaches down to her feet in her character sprite, although you have to look a bit closely to see it since a lot of the hair is covered by her white veil.
  • Really Six Hundred Years Old
  • Secret Relationship: With Emperor Gerard Transbaal.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Shatoyan (English), Shatoyarn (Japanese). Shatyan, Shatyarn, are the other Japanese spellings that appear in the official artbook and other media.
  • Take Care of the Kids: Gerard asked Shatoyan to take care of Shiva for him. Which, because Shatoyan is secretly Shiva's biological mother for real, meant Gerard asked Shatoyan to take care of her own kid.
  • When She Smiles: She actually smiles more often than usual examples of this trope, but it's still rare enough that she looks significantly more beautiful when she does, so this trope still applies.
  • Winter Royal Lady
  • Woman in White

Gerald Transbaal

  • The Emperor
  • The Faceless: He only appears in person in an animated FMV sequence in the beginning of the first videogame when Eonia's forces bomb the planet Transbaal into smithereens.
  • Face Framed in Shadow: A rare non-villainous example: you don't see his face, and he's killed by Eonia's forces bombing Transbaal.
  • One World Order: A very rare benign example; he's the emperor of the Transbaal Empire, and empires are known for forcibly unifying the places they clonize...but the Transbaal Empire is benign, itself a very rare example given the usual evil role of Empires in fiction, and it's Eonia whose rampage is murderous when he disrupts Gerard's rule.
  • No One Could Survive That: He's this trope because you don't actually see his body fall; the animated FMV sequence freezes on him then everything fades to white as the palace is bombed. Subverted, however, because he's quite clearly treated for the rest of the trilogy as "dead as a doornail."
  • Pastel-Chalked Freeze-Frame: Just before he's killed in the aforementioned FMV sequence.
  • Royal Blood
  • Secret Relationship: With Moon Goddess Shatoyarn. Shiva is the result of their affair.

Eonia Transbaal

Voiced by: Shinichiro Miki

You know this guy. Appears out of nowhere with a massive fleet? Bombards the homeworld and usurps the throne in one move? Main villain that dogs our heroes for the entire story? Yeah, that's him. Originally a member of the Royal Family, Eonia was exiled to the frontier after first speaking out against the White Moon and then trying to take it by force. Several years down the line and Eonia's wanderings have landed him with a massive fleet of unmanned warships that roll forth to crush the Transbaal Empire. He still covets the power of the White Moon and seeks to use its technology to increase the power and reach of the Empire, which would effectively make him master of the galaxy. Naturally, an empire founded on the blood and corpses of its people doesn't sit well with our heroes and they crush his subordinates in repeated battles. Which forces him to intervene directly. Not an amazing idea when he's in possession of a planet destroying superweapon.

  • Blond Guys Are Evil
  • Cry for the Devil (Manga. When he dies The Moon Goddess Shatoyarn does cry for him.)
  • Dark-Skinned Blond
  • The Evil Prince
  • Galactic Conqueror
  • My Name Is Inigo Montoya ("My name is Eonia! I will show my power before Transbaal's history and carve my name into eternity!")
  • New Era Speech
  • Love Makes You Evil (In the manga. In the game, a more accurate saying might be Obsession With The Possibilities Of Your Empire Makes You Evil.)
  • Pet the Dog (When Noah offers to create a homunculus based on Sherry.)
  • Rapunzel Hair
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something
  • Utopia Justifies the Means (Played straight in the game. Subverted in the manga, where he couldn't care less about the well-being of the Empire; his goal is to "give it all to Shatyarn.")
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: But his "well intentions" are different depending on the medium. In the game, he mistakenly thought that using murderous Lost Technology was justified if it benefited the Transbaal Empire in terms of increased wealth and prosperity. In the manga, he was in love with Shatoyan and mistakenly believed that the best way to get her to return his feelings was to conquer the galaxy by force and then give the whole galaxy to Shatoyan, regardless of Shatoyan's own preference for the galaxy to remain peaceful. Also, in both the game and the manga, he accuses Emperor Gerard of being corrupt, so of course Eonia's perfectly justified in using endless bloodshed to install a "true" regime. He's wrong in the game, since the game provides no evidence that Gerard was corrupt (Gerard had an affair, but game!Eonia didn't know that, he was exiled for something else entirely). He's right in the manga, because in the manga Eonia personally discovered that Gerard and Shatoyan had an affair that produced Shiva.

Sherry Bristol

Voiced by: Yoko Soumi

Eonia's most trusted retainer and the commander of his armies. Sherry willingly followed Eonia into exile and has been with him ever since the beginning. When her commanders fail to capture the Elsior she personally intervenes, often attacking in concert with the Hellhounds for a more difficult fight. She and Eonia appear to have feelings for one another but they Cannot Spit It Out until near the end. Then Sherry sacrifices herself to try and take down the Elsior, leaving Eonia very confused as to why she would do such a thing.

The Hell Hounds

A mercenary squad of fighter pilots that align themselves with the Legitimate Transbaal Empire early on in the war, which serves as a direct counter to the Angel Wing. They are vicious, frighteningly competent, and every bit as loyal to Eonia as the Angel Wing are to the Transbaal Empire. Well okay, they don't come off well at all and serve mainly as comic relief but are things finally turn serious towards the end after one clash too many. Noah decides that enough is enough and forcibly connects them to their units, overriding their personalities and granting them a twisted version of the Emblem Frames' hyper mode. Despite all of this they still lose and the Angel Wing lament their ultimately pointless and futile deaths. Initially they're stuck with Mook units but are eventually given Black Angels, specially built fighters with power and performance rivalling that of the Emblem Frames.

The Hell Hounds are:

    • Camus O. Laphroaig
    • Guinness Stout
    • Riserva Chianti
    • Red Eye
    • Vermouth Matin

  • Ace Pilot: All five, that's why Eonia hired them to kill the Angels. Played straight in the manga where they constantly come out ahead of the Angels in battles until near the end. Subverted in the game; they're ace pilots in terms of pure skill but the Angels beat them every time, and they think they're more skilled than they actually are.
  • Blood Knight: Red Eye.
  • Creepy Monotone: Red Eye's normal tone is quiet, without any emotion at all, even when complaining about a loss or threatening to kill Forte. All of the Hell Hounds get similar creepy monotones after they've been hijacked by Noah.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Camus' light blue eyes match his light blue hair, and during the only time you see a full character spite (when all of the Hell Hounds are shown on Eonia's flagship), he's wearing a dark blue outfit. Guinness Stout's eyes and jacket are brown, like his hair (though his undershirt is red). Riserva's hair is purple, and so are his/her eyes and mink stole and shoulder pads (the rest of his/her outfit is not colored purple). Red Eye's a partial subversion; he has ONE eye that's as red as his hair, but the other eye is purple. The rest of his outfit is indeed red, though. Finally, Vermouth Matin's eye color is unknown since his glasses hide his eyes, but he's wearing an outfit as green as his hair.
  • The Fighting Narcissist: Camus, almost to a tee. The other Hell Hounds come close with their arrogance, but don't obsess over their own beauty as much as Camus does.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: The guy who built the robot that impersonates Tact? Yeah, that was Vermouth.
  • Goldfish Poop Gang: Played straight in the game, losing every fight. In fact, in each Angel's route, a different Hell Hound ends up humiliating himself even further into goldfish poop territory by being a sore loser to the Angel who is Tact's girlfriend. Averted in the manga, where the Hell Hounds WIN almost every battle with the Angels except for the very last one.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Guinness is unmistakeably Guy Shishioh, with even more COURAGE if that's possible. Or it may just be sheer obliviousness. We're not quite sure. Camus' voice actor may be recognized as Wizardmon, Gaara, Kaworu, Fish Eye, and Xellos. Vermouth's voice actor has mostly been in minor roles, but Red-Eye's voice actor is also Tentomon, Suzaku Kururugi, Joe Shimamura/009, Cloud Strife, Megaman X in the later games, and Kiyo Takamine. Finally, Riserva Chianti is also Tsugumi Komachi, Motoko Aoyama, and Luka Megurine.
  • Hot-Blooded: Guinness Stout. It comes with channeling Guy Shishioh.
  • Mismatched Eyes: The aptly named Red Eye.
  • Nerd Glasses: Vermouth.
  • Psycho for Hire: Their manga incarnation.
  • The Psycho Rangers
  • The Quiet One: Red Eye.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad
  • The Rival: Guinness to Ranpha, though it's rather one-sided. He even goes as far as calling her an old friend or Friendly Enemy.
  • Royal Brat: Riserva, while not being actual royalty, has all the attitude and negative characteristics. She particularly hates Mint, because Mint and the Blancmanches are technically Nouveau riche in comparison to the older wealth that Riserva possesses. So Riserva's a bizarre case where she snobbishly looks down on another rich person.
  • Something About a Rose: In the game, Camus is depicted (at least in his full character sprite) holding a rose to play up his image as a romantic charmer. Also, in the manga, Camus somehow arranges to leave roses in Milfeulle's bed, which freaks Milfeulle out to no end.
  • Sore Loser: In the game. As a group, the Hell Hounds take their losses surprisingly well, actually. But in each Angel's route as Tact's girlfriend, a different Hell Hound has an additional scene where he finally snaps into sore loser territory. In Milfeulle's route, Camus insists on romantically stalking Milfeulle AGAIN, but this time Tact chimes in to tell him in no uncertain terms to buzz off and stop bothering Milfeulle. Instead of reflecting on his own behavior, Camus convinces himself that Tact is "misleading" Milfeulle into a "nightmare," and promises to give Milfeulle a "beautiful eternal sleep" for this. In Ranpha's route, Guinness keeps insisting that he'll triumph over Ranpha one day, and Ranpha thinks people who say that never win. Guinness reacts as if Ranpha were trying to confuse him with math. Both Ranpha and Tact attempt to explain how pitiable Guinness is, but Guinness not only insists that he'll triumph over all obstacles because he's a hero, but he takes the trouble to declare Tact his enemy although they were ALREADY enemies. In Mint's route, Riserva tells Mint not to get arrogant. Mint tries to explain to Riserva that Riserva's the arrogant one, but Mint's subtlety flies completely over Riserva's head and Riserva mistakenly thinks Mint is talking about Tact. In Forte's route, Red-Eye complains that he hasn't snuffed out Forte's life yet, but Forte's response to sore loser-dom is the most insulting of all the Angels' routes; Forte outright calls Red-Eye a "whiny little man" since that's the only thing he can say when a woman's got his throat. However, Vermouth's own sore loser-dom in Vanilla's route plays this trope the straightest; Vermouth blames his loss to Vanilla on Vermouth not being used to his frame. Vanilla drops the name of this trope and calls him "sore loser," to which Vermouth blows up and calls Vanilla a "sullen woman" and Tact a "gay jerk."
  • Spear Counterpart: All of them in the manga. All of them except Riserva in the game, since in the game Riserva is female.
  • Spirited Competitor: Guinness.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Camus for Milfeulle. Since he repeatedly tells her he'll give her a beautiful death, however, one wonders how much of his 'crush' is real.
  • Superpowered Mooks: After being brainwashed by Noah first, see below trope.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: In the game, Noah brainwashes the Hell Hounds and strips them of their souls, fusing them with their machines. The Angels think this is disgusting, and deeply regret having to kill the Hell Hounds for good.
  • Terms of Endangerment: Camus has one for Milfeulle: "My Honey~" in the game and "ma cherie" in the manga.
  • Theme Naming: All the Hell Hounds are named after alcoholic drinks.

The Valfask

An ultra advanced civilization that ruled the galaxy for over 600 years and the chief antagonists of Moonlit Lovers and Eternal Lovers. It was because of the threat of Valfask invasion that the White Moon and the Black Moon were created. It was the Valfask who caused the Chrono Quake and brought an end to civilization centuries ago. Now they are back and hungry for conquest.

  • Aliens Are Bastards: Oh yeah. Because of Wein's Heel Face Turn, however, Tact and his girlfriend come to believe it's possible for the Valfask to subvert this if only Gern could be taken out of the picture. Later games do not make it clear whether this is subverted or played straight.
  • Bad Boss: Gern. When Wein ends up dead as a result of his Heel Face Turn, Gern calls Wein "garbage" because of his failure to really act like a Valfask. This understandably pisses our heroes off.
  • Bigger Bad/The Man Behind the Man: The entire race. Eonia's behavior in the first game was partially due to Noah's manipulation, but the reason Noah acted as she did was because she and the Black Moon were originally created as a defense mechanism against...you guessed it, the Valfask. In fact, the White Moon itself was also originally created as a defense mechanism against the Valfask; it's the Black Moon's twin in that regard. They're also the ones who caused the Chrono Quake that caused Lost Technology to be lost in the first place, setting up Eonia's motivation in the first videogame for trying to turn the Transbaal Empire into warmongers for the sake of the Lost Technology's promise of increased prosperity. Basically, the Valfask caused the situation that indirectly led to all the trouble in the first Galaxy Angel trilogy. For a straighter example of a Bigger Bad, "Gern" is the Emperor of the Valfask and your final opponent in the Galaxy Angel videogame trilogy. That's not a spoiler because you're told who Gern is early on.
  • Circular Reasoning: Gern. Tact actually asks him why he and the Valfask do what they do. Gern says it's "obvious," the Valfask's purpose is the Valfask's purpose, or rather the Valfask's purpose is its own purpose. They basically destroy and conquer everything because that is their purpose. They destroy and conquer and when everything's destroyed and conquered, they'll similar start the process again with another race somewhere else.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: You learn Nefuria is a Valfask, and learn that there even is such a race as Valfask, because after you think you've beaten Galaxy Angel Moonlit Lovers by defeating Rezon Mayzon and his subordinate, Nefuria, Nefuria suddenly backstabs Rezon Mayzon by remotely activating a self-destruct mechanism on Rezon's ship, killing him in an explosion.
  • Evil Laugh: Nefuria, Rowilu, and Gern have these. Wein has a much less hammy but no less evil version when he's revealed to have secretly been a Valfask in disguise.
  • For Want of a Nail: They would have succeeded in all their plans as early as 600 years ago, but the White Moon fortuitously escaped the Chrono Quake and drifted back later so Shatoyan could revive Lost Technology for the human race.
  • Heel Face Turn: Because of the eventual fate and attitude of Wein, Tact and his girlfriend come to believe that the Valfask can do this if Gern was taken out of the picture, so they stop hating the Valfask and come to think of the possibility that humans and Valfask can peacefully coexist. Since the Valfask do not appear in the Galaxy Angel II trilogy, it is unclear whether or not this is correct.
  • Holier Than Thou: Gern's attitude. Not so much "holy" as it is that he thinks morals are what he says they are. It's not so much that he believes the Valfask have the right to dominate the humans and/or commit genocide against them, it's more like he believes he is already the "peerless king" of the galaxy and the humans have no moral right to oppose him! He also repeatedly compares Shiva to a barking puppy that doesn't know who its master is when Shiva tries to object; Tact actually has to advise Shiva to stay calm and not let Gern goad him.
  • Long Game: Villainous example. Some of their schemes, such as their first Chrono Quake Bomb, took over two hundred years to complete.
  • Long Lived: Some members of the race can live for as long as several hundred years.
  • Machine Worship: The Valfask can interface directly with machines, allowing a single Valfask to theoretically command thousands of warships at once, and they worship having a "machine"-like personality without such emotions as "love."
  • Pride: The Valfask's biggest flaw.
  • Royal We: This is how Gern, the Emperor of the Valfask, refers to himself.
  • The Spock: Subverted, they believe themselves to be a race of this trope, since they think emotions are worthless, but they repeatedly demonstrate arrogance, cruelty, and triumphalism.
  • This Cannot Be!: Nefuria's reaction (before her death scream at least) when she's finally defeated at the end of Galaxy Angel Moonlit Lovers. Subverted with Gern in Eternal Lovers, who merely laughs, because the second Chrono Quake Bomb he prepared for this century will still activate without him. Also subverted with Rowilu in Eternal Lovers, who laughs bitterly upon defeat because he knows that Wein has proven to be the better Valfask and will have a plan of his own after Rowilu is gone.

Kazuya Shiranami

Voiced by: Hisafumi Oda

Kazuya pilots the RA-000 Brave Heart, a unique Emblem Frame manufactured in EDEN that can combine with the others in the series to boost their fighting potential. It resembles a sword.

  • Chick Magnet: He qualifies for this trope, and Tact doesn't, because the RUNE Angels are much friendlier to Kazuya right off the bat than the MOON Angels were to Tact right off the bat (however, Kazuya still has to work his butt off to get an Angel to actually fall in LOVE with him, rather than simply thinking he's unusually cute and sweet).
  • Combining Mecha: The main strength of the Brave Heart.
  • Dude Smells Like A Lady: Kazuya bakes sweets so frequently he smells like Apricot's big sister Milfeulle, which is why Apricot just shoves him if he touches her rather than throwing him into the air like she does to other men who touch her.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Only one very tiny, played-for-laughs example. If Tact romanced Vanilla in the previous trilogy, and the player made the correct choice at the beginning of the first Galaxy Angel II videogame to have Vanilla as Tact's married wife in Galaxy Angel II, Kazuya will wonder aloud why Nano-Nano doesn't call Tact "Papa" the way she calls Vanilla "Mama." The other Rune Angels joke that it's so Tact won't have any trouble picking up girls, an activity that would be made inconvenient if he was called "Papa" in public, which very briefly gets Vanilla irritated at Tact since she and Tact are married at that point. Tact apologizes. Vanilla warns him "Be careful...dear," but this is clearly in jest and the matter is cleared up.
  • In Touch with His Feminine Side: A very mild example. He's emotionally sensitive and freaks out at strange things, and his favorite thing to cook is sweets. Plus, in Lily's route in the first Galaxy Angel II game, for a completely justified reason, He's the one who acts like a scorned lover and runs away in near tears, and Lily has to do the "manly" thing and fix the mess she made in their relationship, in a direct inversion of the usual Galaxy Angel videogame plot. However, Kazuya does not actually behave like a girl, and is willing to do "manly" things like risk his life for the sake of his loved one or invite his loved one out on a date.
  • I Will Definitely Protect You: In Apricot's route in the first Galaxy Angel II game, this prompts him to maneuver himself so he is between Apricot and an explosion. For his trouble he gets pierced in the back by shrapnel which cuts deep enough to make him spew blood out of his mouth; also for his trouble he gets into an opportune situation, namely while he's recovering in the medbay, for him and Apricot to confess their love to each other.
  • Loves My Alter Ego: Played with in Kahlua's route in the first Galaxy Angel II game. In this case the alter ego, Tequila, thinks Kazuya only loves the original self Kahlua. Kazuya has to bake Tequila a cake and kiss her in order to convince her that since Kahlua and Tequila are both (mostly) the same person, Kazuya loves them both.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: When Roselle Mateus shows up in the second Galaxy Angel II game. Kazuya's the sensitive guy; Roselle's the manly man. This actually causes a problem in Anise and Kahlua's routes since Roselle's manlier qualities attract Anise and Tequila, Kahlua's alter-ego, and indirectly causes a problem in Apricot's route due to Kazuya's insecurity about the issue, but does not become an issue in Lily's and Nano-Nano's routes.
  • Supreme Chef: Where desserts are concerned.
  • The One Guy: Sort of. He's not the first male in a group of women in the Galaxy Angel franchise, but he is the first male to officially be declared an "Angel," since he takes a much more active role in battles than Tact ever did (Tact gave orders from the Elsior; Kazuya gives orders but also directly latches onto an Emblem Frame to power it up).

Roselle Mateus

Roselle pilots a mass-produced Emblem Frame called the Holy Blood, designed to be flexible enough to counter threats from other dimensions.

  • Dead Little Sister: Named Bianca
  • Heroic Sacrifice: At the end of the second Galaxy Angel II videogame, he sacrifices himself to destroy the enemy by first ramming his ship into the enemy's ship and then detonating the Chrono Strings. The sacrifice doesn't stick; he's back in the third Galaxy Angel II game.
  • The Rival: The romantic kind, in Anise and Kahlua's routes for different reasons. At least at first he's more appealing to Anise than Kazuya since Roselle's personality more closely matches Anise's; in Kahlua's route it's Tequila who finds Roselle attractive while Kahlua is still loyal to Kazuya. Subverted in Apricot's route; Kazuya mistakenly thinks Roselle's a rival because Roselle is "cooler" than he is, but Apricot has no interest in Roselle, it was just Kazuya's insecurities showing. Not an issue in Lily's route (he doesn't contribute much to the plot, good OR bad, in that route) or in Nano-Nano's route (he's at his very most sympathetic in that route and Nano-Nano reminds him of deceased little sister Bianca).
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Roselle's the Manly Man to Kazuya's Sensitive Guy. This actually causes a problem in Anise and Kahlua's routes, for reasons listed in the above trope, and indirectly causes a problem in Apricot's route, again for a reason listed in the above trope.

Apricot "Rico" Sakuraba

Voiced by: Yuuna Inamura

Rico pilots the RA-001 Cross Caliber.

  • Allergic to Love: Less "allergic" and more "by reflex she throws a man into the air if he touches her"
  • Big Sister Worship Apricot absolutely adores Milfeulle Sakuraba, her big sister; in fact, Milfeulle was one of the reasons (though not the only reason) Apricot joined the Rune Angel Troupe. At the end of the third Galaxy Angel II game, she even changes her hairstyle to match Milfeulle's as a joke.
  • Does Not Like Men: Subverted! The game version of Apricot likes men just fine, in the sense that she can maintain a civil conversation with a man, can express concern for the well-being of nearby males, and in general maintains a pleasant demeanor. The problem is that men make her nervous and she's afraid of them, not that she hates them. Kazuya Shiranami is an exception for either one reason or two reasons depending on whether or not you're playing Apricot's route. The first reason is that because Kazuya Shiranami frequently bakes sweets, the smell tends to stick to him and remind Apricot of her big sister Milfeulle. The second reason, if you're playing Apricot's route, is that Apricot eventually falls in love with Kazuya and this motivates her to try to get rid of her fear of men at least enough so she can be close to Kazuya.
  • Kiss of Life: If playing Apricot's route in the first Galaxy Angel II videogame, during their beach date a trio of male surfers take an unhealthy interest in Apricot. It just gets one of them thrown into the sea for their trouble due to Apricot's fear of males being activated by touch; however, when Kazuya goes to rescue the one thrown into the sea so he won't drown, the other two surfers make the mistake of trying to grab Apricot, who then throws THEM into the sea due to her conditioned fear reflex, but they fall in Kazuya and knock him out. That makes it necessary for Apricot to wake Kazuya up through CPR, but she inadvertently steals Kazuya's first kiss in the process.
  • Super Strength: Not all the time; it only gets triggered if a male touches Apricot, due to her fear of men. Kazuya's an exception; he just gets a normal-strength "shove" because he reminds Apricot of her sister Milfeulle (because Kazuya smells like her).

Lily C. Sherbet

Voiced by: Erina Nakayama

Lily pilots the RA-002 Eagle Gazer.

  • By The Book Angel: Firm believer in protocol, usually addresses others by rank.
  • Hot Chick with a Sword
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: Only once. If playing her route in the first Galaxy Angel II videogame, she wears an extremely skimpy bikini to her date with Kazuya. She picks that bikini because she can move more freely in it than in other swimsuits.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Played for laughs at first; if playing Lily's route in the first Galaxy Angel II videogame, during Kazuya and Lily's beach date, Lily wears an extremely skimpy, nosebleed-inducing bikini but does not understand why Kazuya might freak out and ask her to walk behind him instead of ahead of him (though at least she complies to his request). She also makes Kazuya uncomfortable by getting way too close to him while both of them are posing for a "holograph" photograph shot, but Kazuya lets that one slide since it's a very romantic moment he wants to treasure. Gradually played more and more seriously as Lily keeps referring to all positive social interactions as "training." This trope finally becomes a major plot point later in Kazuya's route, when, due to a series of misunderstandings in a conversation, Lily throws a priceless memento of Kazuya's down a garbage chute; the memento was the holograph snap taken of their date!!! Kazuya is clearly heartbroken, but Lily doesn't even realize she did anything wrong at first and she even refers to their previous date as a "teamwork building exercise"; Apricot finally has to explain to her that constantly referring to hanging out as training, combined with throwing Kazuya's memento away as merely the final straw that broke the camel's back, is causing Kazuya to believe that Lily cares nothing for him. Lily has to solve the problem by actually digging in the garbage chute for the memento.
  • Lady of War
  • Not So Above It All: Lily will sometimes burst into tears unexpectedly, to the shock of everyone present.
  • The Perfectionist
  • So Unfunny It's Funny
  • Straight Woman
  • The Comically Serious
  • Verbal Tic: Lily will sometimes express displeasure by saying "NG," which stands for "No Good." She will sometimes express agreement by saying "OK," using English letters; the latter only sounds odd because it's coming from a native Japanese speaker.

Nano-Nano Pudding

Voiced by: Satomi Akesaka

Nano-Nano pilots the RA-003 First Aider.

  • Cheerful Child
  • Disney Death: In the first Galaxy Angel II game, if you pursue Nano-Nano Pudding's route, Kazuya becomes fatally injured by a lucky shot. Nano-Nano Pudding sacrifices herself by using up every nanomachine that comprises her body to bring him back to life. Then SHE becomes a Disney Death when Kazuya and the crew get the idea to gather all of the nanomachines together to reconstruct Nano-Nano Pudding back to life.
  • Genki Girl
  • Fur Bikini: Not real fur, but if playing Nano-Nano's route in the first Galaxy Angel II videogame, Nano-Nano Pudding wears a tiger-striped bikini to her date with Kazuya.
  • Legal Jailbait: She looks like a little girl, flat chest and all. However, since she's actually a construct made entirely out of nanomachines, she has no real "age" and thus Kazuya (and the player-by-proxy) can romance her guilt-free.
  • Little Miss Badass: She fits this trope, and not Vanilla in the previous trilogy, because in addition to "Repair Wave" Nano-Nano's First Aider machine also has a "Needle Flechette" special attack that sends twelve needles out to "penetrate" the enemy ship, so Nano-Nano can fight almost as well as she can heal, while Vanilla in the first trilogy was mostly good for healing.
  • Lost Technology: At least technically. She was discovered in an abandoned laboratory on the planet Femto. She wasn't the only human-shaped nanomachine construct they found, but she was the only one they could successfully activate. While in-universe Lost Technology plays a major role in the plot, Nano-Nano is only technically this trope; she's not treated like Lost Technology because Vanilla adopted her as her daughter.
  • Male Gaze: Subverted! The one time she shapeshifts into a "busty woman" for Kazuya to stare at, he doesn't react (and as detailed below under Shapeshifting Seducer, his lack of reaction to the busty woman's big breasts earns him more brownie points with Nano-Nano.
  • Nanomachine Kid
  • The Nicknamer: Mild example, she calls Anise "oyabun," meaning "boss."
  • Plot-Relevant Age-Up: At the very end of the third Galaxy Angel II game. After the credits, the player sees that Nano-Nano has shapeshifted into an "adult" version of herself, so she can properly care for "Cookie." See more details on "Cookie" under Turn Out Like Her Mother below.
  • Playing Doctor: Only once in the first Galaxy Angel II videogame, and played for laughs and not for titillation, given the Galaxy Angel franchise's focus on innocent romance. Nano-Nano and Kazuya play doctor as Kazuya takes off his shirt and Nano-Nano examines Kazuya's chest. Then Nano-Nano offers to take off her shirt so that Kazuya can have a turn examining her chest...but Kazuya, who unlike Nano-Nano is very much aware of the Unfortunate Implications of examining a girl's naked chest as opposed to examining a guy's naked chest, runs away screaming. Nano-Nano just wonders what got into Kazuya all of a sudden, too naive to realize the implications of what she was asking him.
  • Shapeshifting Seducer: Tries to pull this off once in the first Galaxy Angel II videogame if you're playing her route. She notices Kazuya staring at a couple of women with big breasts and feels insecure about herself. She leaves, and comes back as a busty blond woman so she can seduce Kazuya. Kazuya doesn't recognize her and tells the woman to go away, he's waiting for Nano-Nano Pudding. After a long conversation with the "busty woman," upon finding out that the big-breasted woman IS Nano-Nano Pudding (and that he unintentionally scored major brownie points with Nano-Nano by telling the "busty woman" how much he likes Nano-Nano), Kazuya explains that he was staring at the big-breasted women earlier because they reminded him of Forte and Ranpha, two members of the Moon Angel Wing Kazuya admires, not because of any attraction to them.
  • TurnOutLikeHerMother: Positive example of this trope. Like her foster mother Vanilla, Nano-Nano is the team's healer, and the "youngest" (at least appearance-wise) of the Angels. Played even more straight in the third Galaxy Angel II game if you're playing Nano-Nano's route, because Nano-Nano and Kazuya discover a baby nanomachine girl named "Cookie," who accidentally absorbs Kazuya and Nano-Nano's DNA, becoming their biological daughter. So just like her "mother" Vanilla, at the end of the trilogy Nano-Nano adopts a nanomachine girl as her daughter.
  • Verbal Tic: Nano-Nano has one, nano da!

Kahlua/Tequila/Verita Marjoram

Voiced by: Aya Hirano

Tequila pilots the RA-004 Spell Caster.

  • All Women Are Lustful: Sort of. There's a non-sexual "making out" version of this trope near the end of Kahlua's route at the end of the first Galaxy Angel II game. Kahlua accidentally transforms into Tequila and Tequila takes advantage of the opportunity to turn out the lights so she can make out with Kazuya. Ranpha and Mimolette interrupt, but then Ranpha apologizes for interrupting and runs away so Tequila can have her (non-sexual, since these games are rated for kids and teenagers) way with Kazuya.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Tequila suffers with this for a bit. It takes a bit of her Heroic Resolve to get herself back in control.
  • Breast Expansion: Each time she swaps from Kahlua to Tequila, her bust line (and by extention, her whole body) fills out and practically exceeds her top, leaving her green dress underneath. See the Transformation Sequence here in its Fanservicey glory.
  • Cute Witch / Hot Witch: It depends on which personality is in control at the time.
  • Loves My Alter Ego Played with in the second game in the Galaxy Angel II trilogy. Kahlua Marjoram remains loyal to Kazuya Shiranami if the player pursued Kahlua in the first game, but Tequila, Kahlua's alter ego, starts developing an attraction to Rozelle Mateus. This series being as idealistic as it is, this problem is cleared up neatly near the end of the game.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Not to the extent of the anime, but she does have her moments.
  • Split Personality: Both are basically two halves of her. One's the calmer and more reserved one, while the other one is a bit more impatient and provocative.

Anise Azeat

Voiced by: Satomi Hanamura

Anise pilots the RA-005 Relic Raider.

  • Action Girl
  • Competition Freak (to a mild extent, fortunately, though exaggerated in the anime)
  • Royal Blood: Sort of. In the second Galaxy Angel II videogame, if you're playing Anise's route, it is discovered that while not royalty and thus not a straight example of this trope, Anise actually comes from a family of "distinguished treasure hunters" who were friends with the Seldor royal family.
  • Heel Face Turn: She's actually first introduced as an enemy pirate trying to get the Luxiole to surrender all their valuables; there's even a videogame battle the player has to play with Anise as the enemy. It's getting beaten in that battle that damages Anise's ship and makes it necessary for her to seek a loan from Mint. Also, an enemy named "Dieta" offers Anise a large sum of money if she can steal the Brave Heart from the Luxiole. Anise face-turns a lot sooner than most examples of this trope, though.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold
  • Malaproper: (Sometimes she uses a word that sounds similar but has a different meaning. This bites her in the ass when she accidentally calls Mint Blancmanche "Mint Butamanju," which actually means "Mint Porkbun," causing Mint to retaliate by raising the interest on Anise's debt.)
  • The Nicknamer (Mild example, she refers to Ranpha as "Sis" and Forte as "Big Sis")
  • Only in It For the Money (at first. She's after treasure and at first couldn't care less about the battles Kazuya and crew are trying to fight. Justified, she's trying to pay off a huge debt to Mint in a manner similar to Han Solo, though obviously Mint is comparatively much nicer about it than Jabba the Hutt)
  • Satisfied Pirate
  • Street Smart
  • Tomboy: Enough of a tomboy that at one point, played for laughs, she asks Kazuya to feel her heart to see how fast it's racing, but she puts Kazuya's hand on her breast so Kazuya can feel her heart, embarrassing Kazuya.

Princess Natsume Izayoi

Voiced by: Atsuko Enomoto

Natsume pilots the RA-006 Papillon Chaser.

  • Early-Bird Cameo: While she was originally revealed as a game character, her first actual appearance was in the anime.
  • Heel Face Turn: Introduced as an enemy at first. The Three Marquis, the true rulers of the Arms Alliance, lied to Natsume and made her think the Seldor Alliance that the RUNE Angels serve is evil. Then, after being captured, Natsume heel-face-turns for two reasons: One, she realizes the Angels aren't evil after they prove to be nice and friendly, so the Three Marquis must have lied to her. Two, the Three Marquis firmly grasp the Villain Ball and decide to abandon Natsume to her fate back when Natsume thought the Angels were evil and going to do something bad to their prisoner. Natsume realizes who the real bad guys are, and joins the RUNE Angels.
  • Royal Blood: She is, or at least was, the duchess of the not-affiliated-with-Seldor "Arms Alliance."
  • Sixth Ranger: Complete with being introduced as an enemy at first. Anise would be this, but she's fifth, not sixth, so Natsume's a much straighter example.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Of the Three Marquis, at first. She gets better.


Voiced by: Akiko Kobayashi


Because Noah is rather central to the plot of all three games in the first series, expect major spoilers ahead. So as to not disrupt Tropers who wish to read the rest of the character sheet, please keep Noah's entry at the bottom of the page.

A mysterious little girl who appears to come and go as she pleases, effortlessly slipping through even the tightest security. More often than not, though, she can be seen at the Eonia's side where she struggles to understand his views on the universe. Calling him "big brother", she takes it upon herself to analyze the technology and tactics of the Elsior and develop appropriate countermeasures for the purpose of "breaking" them. At the very end of the game she takes to the battlefield personally and powers a shield surrounding Eonia's super-fortress the Black Moon. It then turns out that Noah herself is an avatar of the Black Moon itself, bent on fusing itself with the White Moon to create the perfect weapon.

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Appears to be played straight but is subverted in Moonlit Lovers when it turns out the Black Moon was following its original programming the whole time.
  • Asuka Tanii
  • Creepy Child
  • Creepy Monotone In the first game, when speaking as the Black Moon.
  • Death Ray
  • Evil Counterpart: Of the White Moon.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Once she allies with the Transbaal Empire, Noah's knowledge of Lost Technology is invaluable.
  • Heel Face Turn: In Moonlit Lovers.
  • Insufferable Genius: When the Angels meet Noah for real, it turns out that she's darn arrogant, demanding that they call her Noah-sama and looking down on everyone. A small segment of the plot is dedicated to convincing her to come out of her room.
  • Lost Technology
  • Mouthy Kid: When the Angel meet the real Noah, she tells them none of them could ever be the White Moon Administrator (to put it in context, she thought the White Moon's administrator Shatyarn was going to wake her up), and she angrily tells each Angel what Noah personally thinks is wrong with them (though because of Vanilla's stoic attitude, Noah is convinced Vanilla might be at least close to a good administrator...because Vanilla's like a machine. Understandably Chitose takes exception to this in Vanilla's defense).
  • Ms Exposition: You can go to her room during the conversation phases and she will answer questions about the nature of the two moons and the Valfask in general.
  • Older Than They Look: She was 10 years old when place on the Black Moon and was in SuspendedAnimation for 600 years.
  • One Name Only
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: The real Noah is the core of the Black Moon.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning When speaking as the Black Moon instead of as her avatar
  • Space Station
  • Wise Beyond Their Years
  1. traditional japanese archery
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