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Fire Emblem/Characters/Seisen no Keifu

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War

The fourth game in the Fire Emblem series, and the first part of the Jugdral canon.

First Generation Playable Characters

Sigurd of Chalphy (Siglud)

The son and heir of Duke Byron of Chalphy, left behind in Chalphy with a only small retinue of knights while the bulk of Grannvalian forces are off to war in Isaach. His departure to handle the Verdane attack on Jungby sets off a chain of events which changes Jugdral forever...

Class: Lord Knight
Holy blood: Baldo [Major]

  • Blade on a Stick: Notable for being the first Lord in the series to be able to use them. However, it's more likely that he'll stick with swords instead.
  • Dead Little Sister: Near the end of the First Generation.
  • Decoy Protagonist: His son Seliph takes over the plot after his death, and ends up unifying the accidental conquests.
  • Disappeared Dad: Later on. Damn you, Arvis.
  • Expy: His class, Lord Knight, is effectively a Paladin on 'roids, and the Tyrfing sure looks a lot like the Falchion.
  • Forgotten Fallen Friend: Averted: he's mentioned at least once in every chapter of the Second Generation, played straight with almost every other First Generation character, however... unless we count their kids' talks.
  • The Hero: He fights injustice across Jugdral, and inspires a large amount of disparate people to join him, from peasant dancers to other royals.
  • The Hero Dies: He's branded as a traitor and killed when he returns to his country. He is the only lord in the series to actually die in their own game (and stay down for good).
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: He's capable of using any sword in the game, except the Balmunc and Mystletainn (and those are personal weapons anyway).
  • Hot Dad: Of Seliph.
  • In-Series Nickname: In the Nuts Fujimori manga, Quan affectionately nicknames him "Sigulin" (Portmanteau of "Siglud" and "Ethlin").
  • Late Arrival Spoiler: He dies, along with almost everyone else in his army, but seeing as how everyone knows about the Second Generation now and how it's almost impossible not to find out before beating First Generation, it's not as surprising.
  • Leitmotif: Birth of the Holy Knight.
  • Light Is Good: He's a descendant of Baldur, the Crusader of Light. He doesn't get any magic though.
  • Mage Killer: Once he gets the Tyrfing.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different/Spirit Advisor: He comes back in a secret cutscene very late in the second generation just to tell Celice not to let Arvis's death go do his head, and that he still has a way to go before he understands just what the whole war's been about.
  • Shaggy Dog Story: He just can't catch a break.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: He rescues his friend, deposes a couple of corrupt rulers, and ends Silesse's civil war. But his search for Deirdre ends with her amnesiac and married to another man, he's unable to clear his name, he's summarily executed, and he accidentally turned his country into an empire that goes on to oppress all the places he freed, and then some.
  • The Wise Prince: He would honestly prefer to leave places like Verdane and Agustria to govern themselves once he removes their corrupt rulers.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Like most Fire Emblem Lords.
  • You Killed My Father: To Lombard and Reptor.


A knight of Chalphy, one of the few remaining with everyone else off to war. Loose, relaxed and something of a womanizer.

Class: Cavalier

Naoise (Noish)

A knight of Chalphy, one of the few remaining with everyone else off to war. Devoted and fiery.

Class: Cavalier


A knight of Chalphy, one of the few remaining with everyone else off to war.

Class: Sword Armour

  • Adaptational Badass: Heroes makes him a rather unique Mighty Glacier, having one of the lowest Speed and Resistance stats in the whole game, but also some of the highest HP, Attack and Defense. What makes him unique is his special Follow-Up Ring, which allows him to always perform an extra attack regardless of his actual speed stat if he's above half HP. Combined with his Brave Sword, this allows him to be one of the only armored units in the game to be capable of consistently performing quadruple attacks. Add in an inherited Special such as Bonfire or Ignis that takes advantage of his obscene Defense, and he's a much tougher beast than he was in his game of origin. Also put in the fact that his old problem (being a low movement unit in a game with huge maps) is omitted (the maps in Heroes are much smaller), he can put his new advantages to use more often.
  • Berserk Button: Don't call him slow!
  • Butt Monkey: His unique events play this up.
  • Can't Catch Up: In spades. Being a low-movement, low speed Armor Knight wielding swords really hurts his usability in the long run, and being forced to do nothing but lag behind for the entirety of the 1st Gen forces most players to bench him after the first couple chapters. In the game where you actually get to deploy your entire army simultaneously.
  • Catch Phrase: He likes to claim that he's "strong and tough", but don't call him slow!
  • Face of a Thug: In official arts, he wasn't that bad looking, but his art in Fire Emblem Heroes made him look like a convicted thug. Still, he's a Gentle Giant.
  • Gentle Giant: Say what you will about his stats and looks, the man's got a heart as big as his armor.
  • Gonk: Though he's not as ugly in his official artwork.
  • Guide Dang It:
    • Similiar to Lex, Arden needs a ring in order to get the Pursuit skill. The event he gets it from is similarly out of the way and not foreshadowed at all. Even if you got Lex's Brave Axe, you would still have to guess randomly about who has an event on that tiny peninsula.
    • Arden has another such event in Chapter 5 which not not only requires Arden to stand on one particular out-of-the-way tile, but also requires him to be married,which almost never happens.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: If you pair him.
  • I Regret Nothing: His death quote has him claim this, having been proud to have served Sigurd all his life.
  • Mighty Glacier: He has excellent defense but hardly any movement. This is particularly pronounced in Fire Emblem Heroes, where he is the first unit to have at least 60 HP and 40 Defense, but he is tied with Zephiel for the worst speed in the game.
  • Pre-Mortem One-Liner: In Fire Emblem Heroes.

"I'm strong, and you're toast."
"I'm strong and I'm tough!"
"Nnn… ngh!"
"Ain't no way I'm gonna die!"

  • Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: More "homely" than outright ugly, but since all the women are stunners, this happens if he's paired at all.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: One of the few characters whose fate is left ambiguous after the Battle of Belhalla.

Azelle of Velthomer (Azel)

The half-brother of Arvis of Velthomer. Despite Arvis's warnings to the contrary, he travels to the south to assist in the fight against Verdane and rescue Edain, taking Lex with him.

Class: Mage
Holy blood: Fala [Minor]

Lex of Dozel

The son of Duke Lombard of Dozel, the half-brother of Danann, and a childhood friend of Azelle. He accompanies Azelle to assist Sigurd in the fight with Verdane, fully aware that his father would not be happy about assisting the house of Chalphy.

Class: Axe Knight
Holy blood: Neir [Minor]

Lex: Hahahaa... Alright, let's do this. Finally, a chance to kick some ass.

Prince Quan of Leonster (Cuan)

The prince of Leonster, a childhood friend of Sigurd and Eldigan, and married to Sigurd's sister Ethlyn. He accompanies Ethlyn to Chalphy to assist Sigurd.

Class: Duke Knight
Holy blood: Noba [Major]

  • Different As Night and Day: His Nuts Fujimori and Oosawa adaptions are this. In the first, he's oblivious and sometimes comically stupid; in the second, he's much more serious and mature, though sometimes Not So Above It All.
  • Disappeared Dad: To Leif and Altena.
  • The Lancer: To Sigurd. He's more level-headed and less reckless. He also fits the weapon part too.
  • The Obi-Wan: To Finn.
  • Shipper on Deck: For Finn and Lachesis in the Oosawa manga. It is his idea that Finn becomes Lachesis's bodyguard after all.

Princess Ethlyn of Leonster (Ethrin, Ethlin)

Quan's wife and Sigurd's sister. She sets out for Chalphy upon hearing word of their plight at Verdane's hands.

Class: Troubadour
Holy blood: Baldo [Minor]

Finn (Fin)

A fresh knight in the service of Leonster who accompanies Quan and Ethlyn to Chalphy.

Class: Lance Knight

  • Badass: Very much so:
  • Blade on a Stick: Being a lance knight this is essentially a must, it helps that he gets an Infinity Minus One Lance and is essentially his trademark weapon.
  • Bodyguard Crush: On Lachesis in the Oosawa manga.
  • Crutch Character: In the Second Generation, providing he was leveled up sufficiently before he left in the first half. Lacks Holy Blood of any sort, which equates to a severe disadvantage as far as growth rates are concerned.
  • Foreshadowing: Hey, guess what all that talk Quan gave Finn about him being an important soldier and telling him not to die was for?
  • Hot Dad: If paired up.
  • It's Personal: To Travant in the Second Generation for killing Quan and Ethlyn.
  • The Lancer: To Quan, a literal one in fact.
  • Love Martyr: A possible Alternate Character Interpretation for him as a borderline one to for Lachesis, in the Oosawa manga. Even if not, the scene where he brings Lachesis back from the Despair Event Horizon by stabbing himself with the Earth Sword and almost bleeding to death on her raises one or three eyebrows. Fortunately, they both get better.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Is this to his daughter (most likely Nanna, if we take the mangas and Thracia 776 in consideration, but he also has a talk like this with Lana and Lakche) if he had a lover in the First Generation. Interestingly enough, he never gets to talk to his son.
    • That MAY be a throw-back to how Delmud (the older brother of Nanna, who is his daughter if we follow Thracia 776 and the mangas) may not be his son, but Beowolf's. Not an excuse in the case of Leonster, Skasaher or other boys though.
  • Manly Tears: He cries when he meets Altena for the first time in years, and then she thanks him for having taken care of Leif.
  • Older Than They Look: In the Second Generation, he's in his mid 30s and a year older then Oifey (who does look his age), but despite that, he looks about 20.
  • Parental Substitute: To Leif. And Nanna, if he's not her father.
  • Second Love: In the Oosawa manga, to Lachesis after Eldigan kicks it.
  • Sex Equals Love: Justified Trope though: they hook up and go through Their First Time the night before he leaves Silesse alongside Quan and Ethlyn. And we all know what happens afterwards. Even more so, in that particular continuity... it's also the time where they conceive Diarmuid. May also qualify in the game timeline. Since Diarmuid is the older sibling, Beowolf is most likely Lachesis' first lover. Since Beowulf was "in the way", he was left out of the manga. Given Beowolf's last conversation with Lachesis though, she may had never truly loved him since she was too hung up on her brother, and he became aware of it so he let her go. After Beowolf's death, she probably fled to Leonster and had Nanna with Finn, and they raised her alongside Finn's ward Leif. She then disappears when she crosses the desert back to get her son.
  • Undying Loyalty: To the House of Leonster, and specially Quan.

Midir (Midayle, Middir, Mideel)

A knight of Jungby who attempted to protect Edain from the Verdane forces, but was defeated by Prince Munnir. Upon reclaiming Jungby Castle, he is found by Sigurd and accompanies him into Verdane to rescue Edain.

Class: Bow Knight

Brigid: Look, Midir. I know you used to like Edain. Do you think you'll be happy with me?

Lady Edain of Jungby (Eideen, Edin, Aideen, Adean)

The daughter of Lord Ring of Jungby, taken hostage by Prince Munnir: her kidnapping is what kicks off the whole plot, as Sigurd and his knights set off to rescue her and free Jungby. She is soon freed by Prince Jamke, to find her way back to Sigurd's forces with the help of Dew.

Class: Priest
Holy blood: Ulir [Minor]

  • Adrenaline Makeover: In the Fujimori manga, she dons more practical clothes and ties her hair down in a ponytail... coincidentally looking like a younger version of her twin Brigid's "other self" Eyvel.
  • Armor-Piercing Slap: Gives an awesome one to Munnir in the Nuts Fujimori manga.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Pulls this in the Oosawa manga, healing a seriously injured Azelle right after she and Dew escape.
  • Bouquet Toss: Gets it during Sigurd and Deirdre's wedding in the Nuts Fujimori manga. And she then becomes the next girl to get paired in the story.
  • Different As Night and Day: With Brigid.
  • Distress Ball: Is whacked with one at the beginning.
  • Generation Xerox: If she's paired up, her daughter Lana will be very similar to her. Lampshaded by Finn if he's her dad.
  • Go Through Me: In the Oosawa manga, she goes Dangerously Genre Savvy and tries to stop Jamka from fighting by directly stepping in between the armies, hoping her Ulir blood will get her luck up. The Verdane archers shoot her, much to Jamke's horror, but their arrows barely graze her cheek. She doesn't even flinch, and manages to recruit Jamke for their cause.
  • Hello, Nurse!: Very, very popular with males.
  • Hot Mom: Of Lana and Lester.
  • Rescue Romance: If paired up with Jamke, who bats the Distress Ball away from her.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: Does not rely on fighting skills and does not need to. And apparently, she used to be training as a knight before donning a cleric's robes.
  • Team Mom: Gen 2, although she doesn't actually appear.
  • White Magician Girl: She became this to better search for her sister.
  • Woman in White: As a cleric.

Dew (Deu)

A thief caught and imprisoned by Jamke in an attempt to steal from Verdane's Castle Marpha, he was released by Jamke along with Edain and protected her on the way back to Sigurd, staying with the crew from then.

Class: Theif

  • Distress Ball: In-story, not in gameplay. He was a mere thief who was caught stealing treasures by Jamke, who then pardoned him but only if he became Edain's escort in exchange.
  • Ephebophile: He's quite a bit younger than several of his love interests... though not a pre-pubescent boy either. The Oosawa manga makes him around 13-14.
  • Fragile Speedster: He's very good at dodging, but if he does get hit, you should be careful.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: His love talk with Lachesis.

Dew: Everyone's been sayin' that crap. I'm not a kid anymore!
Lachesis: I can definitely vouch for that, Dew. Heheh... Especially after what we...
Dew: H-hey! You're gettin' red there, girl!

Princess Ayra of Isaach (Ira, Aira)

The princess of Isaach, taking refuge in Verdane from her country's war to protect her young half-nephew Prince Shannan upon request of her brother, Crown Prince Mariccle. Verdane's Prince Cimbaeth forced her to fight for Verdane by holding Shannan hostage, but once Shannan was rescued by Sigurd, she joined the Chalphy army following the downfall of Castle Genoa.

Class: Swordfighter
Holy blood: Odo [Minor]

Prince Jamke of Verdane (Jamuka, Jamka)

A Prince of Verdane, the younger brother of Cimbaeth and Munnir. Kinder than his brothers, he is the only member of the royal family not under the sway of Sandima. He frees Edain and Dew before departing to confront his father, and is later convinced by Edain to defect to Sigurd's army.

Class: Bow Fighter

  • The Archer: As a bow fighter, this is what he brings to the table for your army. In the Oosawa manga, he and his group of bow knights are noted to be the only section of the country's army that isn't made up of ruffians.
  • Badass Normal: A solid unit who comes in with one of the best bows in the game, and the only royalty character without any holy blood.
  • Bad Dreams: In the Oosawa manga, he keeps having a nightmare in which Edain is shot to death by his arrows. He has an Heroic BSOD when it seems to come true, but Edain is unharmed except for a cut in her cheek, and he defects.
  • Cain and Abel: His brothers Cimbaeth and Munnir (who was already pretty bad) fell under Sandima's control.
    • Strangely, one of the later guides calls them his uncles despite Jamke and Munnir calling each other brother.
  • Facial Markings. A beauty mark of sorts in his forehead. In the Nuts Fujimori manga, he inherited it from his mother.
  • Hot Dad: If paired up.
  • Only Sane Man: For being the only one willing to see that Sandima is just using Verdane.
  • Rebel Prince: Subverted: he only rebels when Sandima takes control of the Verdane royal family, but he still loves his old man no matter what and isn't happy to go against him.
  • Tall, Dark and Handsome
  • You Killed My Father: He's righteously pissed at Sandima for corrupting and then murdering his father.

Deirdre (Diadora, Dierdre)

A mysterious girl living in the Spirit Forest of Verdane. She and Sigurd instantly fall in love upon meeting, marrying shortly after the suppression of Verdane. She is later kidnapped by Manfroy of the Loptyr Cult... and brainwashed into becoming the wife of Arvis of Velthomer. She is the daughter of Grandbell's Prince Kurth and Cigyun, the former wife of Victor of Velthomer; as such, she possessed both the blood of the Divine Dragon God Naga and of the Dark God Loptous. She gives birth to three children: Seliph, with Sigurd, and the twins Julius and Julia, with Arvis; Julius's birth, and his resultant possession of full Loptous blood, inherited from both Deirdre and Arvis, was key to the schemes of Manfroy and the Loptyr Cult.

Class: Shaman
Holy blood: Naga [Major], Loptous [Minor]

Deirdre: "Julia... you must survive..."

  • Facial Markings: Had one on her forehead, which she hid with her circlet. It came from her major Naga/Heim blood.
  • Girl in the Tower: Or better said, Girl In The Forest. Like her Missing Mom Cigyun, since their kids would be potential vessels for Loptous.
  • Heroic Bastard: Deirdre was the illegitimate daughter of Lady Cigyun of Velthomer and Prince Kurth. Cigyun fell to Death by Childbirth, Kurth never knew about her and died several years later (or, in the Oosawa manga, died right after learning of her existence).
  • Hot Mom: Of Celice, Yurius and Yuria. She even looks the same when both are grown as seen in the attract mode.
  • Housewife: To the Lord of Chalphy. Lampshaded when, in the Oosawa manga, she's kidnapped while defending one of the conquered castles.
  • Hypnotize the Princess: One of the most dramatic and successful examples ever.
  • Love At First Sight: With Sigurd.
  • Non-Lethal KO: Every time she "dies", she'll come back at the end of the chapter, unscathed because the enemy merely captured her. Justified Trope though: the bad guys NEED her alive and well in order to marry to her half-brother and thus create an evil god.
  • Rags to Riches: From a young girl who lived in the forest and had no idea that she was a Fallen Princess, to the loving wife of the future Lord of Chalphy, and then to the mindwiped Crown Princess/Empress of Grannvale.
  • Rescue Romance: With Sigurd.
  • Together in Death: When her and Sigurd's souls meet with Seliph.
  • White Magician Girl: Pretty decent staff user.
  • Woman in White: How she appears in artwork.

Chulainn (Holyn, Holin)

A gladiator found as the strongest opponent in Castle Evans' pit, and joins the group once he's defeated. He is a distant relative of the House of Isaach.

Class: Swordfighter
Holy blood: Odo [Minor]

  • Defeat Means Friendship: He's the last fighter in the Evans castle's arena, and once he's defeated, he joins the group. Note that this only happens when you clear it out for the first time, and he doesn't appear later.
  • Fallen Princess: Implied. His father is the lord of Sophara, but we see him as a fighter in an arena, and in the Second Generation, Sophara is under Iucharba's command, and nobody knows what happened to Chulainn's dad...
  • Hair of Gold: Which is actually kinda odd, as he's from Isaach and yet pretty much every Isaachian we meet is black-haired save for him and Galzus.
  • Hot Dad: If paired up.
  • Kissing Cousins: With Ayra if you hook them up.
  • Money, Dear Boy: Used to be his motivation, until you recruited him.

"You've got some serious spirit in your attack. Obviously, you're not here for the money. Cash has been my motivator all these years... But after seeing you it kinda loses its meaning. You mind if I tag along? It'd be nice to fight for something real for a change."

Princess Lachesis of Nordion (Raquesis, Rackesis)

The willful and hotblooded princess of Nordion, who holds her brother Eldigan in the utmost regard.

Class: Princess
Holy blood: Hezul [Minor]

Beowolf (Beowulf)

A Conote mercenary partnered with Voltz, hired by Macbeth of Agustria to hold off Sigurd. He is convinced to side with Sigurd... for a small fee. He claims to be an old friend of Eldigan, though how true his claim is is up in the air.

Class: Free Knight

  • Forgotten Fallen Friend: His mercenary friend Voltz.
  • Hot Dad: If paired up. And not only to his son and daughter in Seisen, but to Felgus of Thracia 776. But Felgus is an Heroic Bastard, so...
  • Punch Clock Hero: A mercenary whose attitude towards fighting his old friend (should you choose to do that) is, basically, que sera sera (not that Voltz feels any different, mind you).

Prince Lewyn of Silesse (Levin, Levn)

Silesse's errant prince, travelling the world. He is present in Agustria during Sigurd's conflict with it, travelling with Silvia, and sides with Sigurd. After dying at the hands of Manfroy some time after the Battle of Belhalla, he was revived by the god Forseti and later served as an advisor to Seliph.

Class: Bard
Holy blood: Holsety [Major]

  • Back from the Dead: He did die after Belhalla, but Forseti itself revived him... at the cost of giving him Laser-Guided Amnesia.
  • Blow You Away: As a descendant of Forseti, he specializes in Wind magic. He starts with Elwind and eventually gets Forseti.
  • But Now I Must Go: At the end of the Second Generation. Many believe that he actually does die, as he got a lease on life via Forseti and now his mission is fulfilled.
  • Hot Dad: If paired up. In Thracia 776 and the mangas, however, his kids are Fee and Sety, meaning his Hot Mom companion is Ferry.
  • King Incognito: Hides how he's the prince of Silesse.
  • Man in White: A priestly version, as usual in Fire Emblem.
  • Modest Royalty: In his own words: in the Second Generation though.

"Seliph, I don't care what Oifey may have told you. Don't EVER address me as 'King Lewyn' again. Got it?"

  • Nice Hat: Or again, nice headdress. He ditches it in the Second Generation.
  • Parental Substitute: To a young and amnesiac Julia.
  • Parents as People: With his kids, and specially his daughters. It depends heavily on who his wife was: he's pretty harsh to Erinys's daughter Fee, acts somewhat gentler to Silvia's daughter Lene, and cries when he talks to Tailtiu's daughter Tine.
  • Rebel Prince: Is dead set against taking Silesse's throne until midway through Chapter 4.
  • Sand in My Eyes: If he is Arthur and Tine's dad, the latter will make him cry when telling him about Tailtiu's Kill the Cutie deal.

Tine: Lewyn... are you okay?
Lewyn: Huh? Why do you ask?
Tine: I don't know. It kinda looks like you're crying.
Lewyn: No, I'm... it's... it must just be sweat. It's nothing...

  • Stealth Mentor: Word of God says he was one for Tailtiu's son Arthur. Which explains why the latter starts with Wind Magic regardless of who his father is despite being of Thrud descent.
  • The Strategist: Second Generation. Since Oifey is now a capable fighter, Lewyn takes up the role he had as a child.
  • Team Dad: In the Second Generation. He doesn't have a lot of interaction with his actual children, however.
  • Trickster: First Generation.
  • Wandering Minstrel: Subverted: he's only using a bard disguise at first.

Silvia (Sylvia)

A dancer who travels Jugdral to use her skills to help the suffering. During her travels, she met Lewyn, and is with him in Agustria during its fight with Sigurd.

Class: Dancer
Holy blood: Blaggi [Minor]

Lewyn: That self-confidence can't come from your breasts, that's for sure. You flat-chested girl!
Silvia: At least call me slender! *SOB*

Lewyn: Alright, you can come with me if you want. But things might get a little rough. You okay with that?
Silvia: Yeah! I like it rough!

  • Hot Mom: Of Leen and Corpul.
  • Kissing Cousins: It's heavily implied that she and Claud are brother and sister (mostly due to their shared Bragi blood and the fact that he mentions that he has a long-lost sister who would be about her age), though Word of God says they are just distant cousins.
  • Mouthy Kid: Is already 14 (16 in the Oosawa manga), but comes off as this sometimes.
  • Spoony Bard: Though she can use swords.
  • The Tease: She can flirt shamelessly with several men. In fact, her first in-game talk with Alec had them cheerfully flirting with each other.

Erinys (Ferry, Fury)

A Silessen pegasus knight searching for Prince Lewyn, looking to bring him home.

Class: Pegasus Knight

  • Action Girl
  • Badass Normal: She's the only woman in the first generation to lack any kind of Holy Blood, and one of the few playable characters in the game that isn't a Second Generation replacement that lacks Holy Blood. She still is a strong unit who serves as the sole flier utility in the First Generation as well.
  • Bodyguard Crush: On Lewyn, though she can be paired with any first gen male other than Sigurd or Quan.
  • Heel Face Turn: She's tricked into believing that Lewyn is about to be executed by Sigurd, so Levn has to talk her outta it.
  • Heroic BSOD: When Annand dies.

Erinys: Huh!? My sister was... No! It can't be true! Ooooh! Please! Someone tell me it's not true!!

  • The High Queen: After Queen Rahna's death and Lewyn's disappearance, Erinys becomes the Queen of Silesse (only if you pair her with Lewyn, in the original game; in Thracia 776 and the manga, it's set in stone canon). According to Ced, she was a Reasonable Authority Figure and very compassionate: "She never could turn a blind eye when somebody was in trouble."
  • Hot Mom: Of Fee and Ced.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: If you pair her with Arden.
  • The Ingenue: Has some traits, specially in regards to how gullible she can be sometimes.
  • Lady of War: She's one of the Four Angelic Knights of Silesse, and the only one you can recruit.
  • Oblivious to Love: Her love interests have to spell "I love you" to her. Double if it's Lewyn.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: The squad she leads to Evans in Chapter 2 gets developed as this in the Nuts Fujimori manga, with all members given a name, face and personnality: Tino, the youngest member, a Genki Girl in unrequited love with Erinys; Aurora, sweet childfood friend and Straight Man to Tino; Psyche, a strong and cheerful girl who loves to eat; and Jeremiah, the Cool Big Sis of the squad and Erinys' Lancer.
  • Tender Tears: Is said to cry a lot in the Oosawa manga.
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend/Victorious Childhood Friend: Depending on whether or not you pair her with Lewyn in Seisen. Thracia 776 and the mangas do make her the latter though.
  • The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask: She did what she could as the Silessen Queen (in the manga and Thracia 776), but ultimately died of illness while waiting for her hubby to return.

Tailtiu of Friege (Tailto, Tiltyu, Taillte)

The youngest child of Friege's Duke Reptor. She is an admirer of Father Claud, and accompanied him to Bragi Tower.

Class: Thunder Mage
Holy blood: Tordo [Minor]

  • Black Magician Girl: Frieges are usually thunder mages.
  • Bokukko: Her speech patterns are more boyish than the other girls's.
  • Break the Cutie: After Belhalla, her brother abducts her and her daughter and forces them to return to Friege, where they're abused by his wife Hilda. Ultimately Kill the Cutie, when she succumbed to illness due to said abuse and then died a broken woman.
  • Cain and Abel: Her older brother Bloom.
  • Genki Girl: In the first part, mostly. Then things got worse.
  • Glass Cannon: At low health she activates her skill Wrath where all her attacks will be Critical Hits. At that point, she will be able to kill most enemies in one shot... but will also be killed by pretty much anything that hits her.
  • Hot Mom: Of Arthur and Tine.
  • Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter: The good daughter of Reptor. The eldest of the two, actually: the younger is Ethnia.
  • Magic Knight: As a Mage Fighter, she can use swords and magic.
  • Mama Bear: Even in her lowest times, whenever Hilda threatened little Tine, she gathered what was left of her spunk and willingly took punishment so her girl would be physically untouched.
  • Rebellious Princess: She knows her father is Sigurd's enemy. She joins his army anyway... though she was at first hesitant on being unwelcome in the team. She got over it quickly.
  • Shock and Awe: As a Thrud descendant, she is highly specialized in Thunder magic, in which she could only wield Thunder magic at her base class.
  • Stepford Smiler: Looks cheerful and plucky, but fears she'll be branded as a traitor. And after Belhalla... her fears come true.
  • Take Care of the Kids: Each one of her lover's talks will involve this in one sense or another.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Ethnia's Girly Girl.
  • Tomboyish Ponytail: Most of the other women wear their hair loose, but childish and plucky Tailtiu has hers up.
  • Tsundere: A Type A.
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend/Victorious Childhood Friend: Depending on whether or not you pair her with Azelle or Lex.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl: Which is actually a family trait, since Crusader Tordo's descendants generally have silvery hair.
  • Woman in White

Father Claud of Edda (Claude)

Edda's ruler, who travelled to Bragi Tower to pray and learn of the truth of the circumstances of Prince Kurth's death. Accompanied by Tailtiu, the two are cornered by the pirates of Orgahill upon departure.

Class: High Priest
Holy blood: Blaggi [Major]

Brigid (Briggid, Bridget, Bridgette)

The leader of the Orgahill pirates, abducted and raised by them at a very young age. She is the missing daughter of Jungby's Lord Ring and the twin sister of Edain. The pirates turn on her with dissatisfaction at her style of leadership, and she is reunited with Edain. She somehow survives the Berhalla Massacre, albeit without her memories, and eventually turns up in the distant Fiana Village under the name Eyvel...

Class: Sniper
Holy blood: Ulir [Major]

"Dobarl, enough! I won't allow any such nonsense! I've got a creed to uphold, and pilfering is no part of it. We Orgahill Pirates are known for giving to the poor, not taking from them!"

  • The Ladette: Due to her upbringing as a pirate.
  • Loving a Shadow: If she hooks up with either Jamke or Midir, she will deeply fear that they only love her for being the twin sister of Edain. Both of them will dispell her of said beliefs in their last love talk.
  • Pirate Girl: Was kidnapped as a child by type 2 pirates, but the leader grew fond of her and raised her as his kid and the future leaderess of the group. Though sadly she's not in the pirate class, who seem to be Always Male in Fire Emblem.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Edain's Girly Girl.
  • Trauma-Induced Amnesia: She survived Barhara, but was memory-wiped afterwards. She took up the name "Eyvel", and we see her as a playable character in Thracia 776. Her Thracia 776 ending says she recovered her memories in the end and was reunited with Patty and Febail.

2nd Generation Playable Characters (fixed)

Seliph (Celice, Serlis)

Class: Junior Lord
Holy blood: Baldo [Major] Naga [minor]

The son of Sigurd, and The Hero of the second part. A shy but strong-willed boy with huge sword-fighting abilities and a gentle heart, he's now the hope of hundreds of people who see him as the one who can end the tyranny of Grannvale.

  • Badass: After his promotion he's just powerful as Sigurd.
  • Badass Long Hair: Not as long-haired as Shannan, but just as badass.
  • The Chosen One: Subverted. This is what the people think he is, but Seliph genuinely wasn't chosen by a god or a prophecy. He knew about his heritage and all, then decided that he'd had enough of Grannvale's tyranny and chose to stop hiding and start kicking arse up and down the land until he changed things.
  • Humble Hero: He continually downplays his own importance.
  • Mage Killer: Once he gets the Tyrfing.
  • Nice Guy: A very pleasant young man who is friendly and welcoming to those who express interest in fighting alongside him. Cranked Up to Eleven in the Nea Fuyuki manga, where he extends his hand to Ares even as Ares is trying to kill him and has him cornered at the edge of a cliff.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: In regards to Julia, after she's captured by Manfroy.

Lewyn: You're worried about Julia, aren't you... You really like her, don't you...
Seliph:No, I'm just worried about her.

Oifey (Oifaye)

Class: Paladin
Holy blood: Baldo [Minor]

Sigurd's cousin and Shannan's best friend, we meet him in Part 1 as a sweet boy who worked as The Strategist for the good guys. After the Time Skip, we meet an Older and Wiser Oifey who helped raise Seliph and the other children, trained Diarmuid in swordplay, and is now a strong fighter.

Julia (Yuria)

Class: Shaman
Holy blood: Naga [Major], Fala [Minor]

A sweet and shy girl around Seliph's age, who is brought by Lewyn in the group. She has amnesia and has forgotten a good part of her past, but can handle staves and magic tomes well. She is actually Seliph's half-sister, Julia's twin sister and Deirdre's daughter with Arvis, as well as the one holding major Naga blood in this generation.

  • Black Magician Girl: Give her the right spellbook, and she'll become an absolute Game Breaker.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Manfroy does this to her and forces her to fight against Seliph's army. This also has the purpose of keeping her Naga power from threatening Julius.
  • Brother-Sister Incest: Subverted, as she and Seliph have a negative love growth. However, it is possible to pair them anyway if you exploit the "Jealousy" system via strategic placing of Larcei and Lana, but this only works if you don't reset the game at all after Chapter 5 (or if you keep them pretty much "glued" to each others's sides until she gets kidnapped).
  • Magical Girl Warrior
  • Non-Lethal KO: If she gets killed off in battle, once the stage is over, she'll be found by Seliph in the recently-taken castle. Again, a Justified Trope: as the Princess of Grannvale, the Grannvale enemies won't kill her, and the Thracian enemies presumably want to use her as a hostage.
  • White Magician Girl: No matter what spellbook you give her, she'll always handle staves well.
  • Woman in White: Dresses this way in her artwork.

Iuchar (Johan)

Class: Axe Knight
Holy blood: Neir [Minor]

The second of the three sons of Danann, the ruler of Isaach and heir of Neir. A mounted axe warrior with a crush on Larcei and a somewhat kinder disposition than his dad. Sadly, he does NOT get along with Iucharba, his youngest brother; therefore, he can't be recruited if you reach for Iucharba first.

Iuchar (as an enemy): Ahh... The virtuous rebel army has defeated me... Larcei/Creidne, our love is eternal...
Iuchar (as an ally): Though Iuchar dies, love will never... Guhaa...

Iucharba (Johalva, Johalvier)

Class: Axe Fighter
Holy blood: Neir [Minor]

The third and youngest of the sons of Danann, the ruler of Sophara and heir of Neir. Also an axe warrior and very Hot-Blooded. Too bad he doesn't get along with Iuchar; therefore, he can't be recruited if you reach for Iuchar first.

"He acts like a bad guy, but is honourable deep inside."

Prince Leif of Leonster (Leaf)

Class: Prince
Holy blood: Baldo [Minor], Noba [Minor]

Seliph's paternal cousin and the youngest son of Quan and Ethlyn, raised by Finn in hiding.

Prince Shannan of Isaach (Shanan)

Class: Swordmaster
Holy blood: Odo [Major]

As mentioned above, he's the half-nephew of Ayra and the son of King Mariccle of Isaach, thus he is the rightful heir to the throne occupied by Danann. Raised by Edain alongside the other kids, he is the oldest of the group and has a huge responsibility on his shoulders.

Ares (Aless)

Class: Cavalier
Holy blood: Hezul [Major]

Son of Eldigan and Lachesis' nephew, and the holder of the major Hezul blood.

  • Black Knight
  • Fallen Princess: Was raised by a mercenary named Javarro after Nordion fell, his dad was executed, and his mom was killed when Leonster also was invaded. If he makes it to the end of the game, he returns to Agustria so he can take over and reconstruct it.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: With Seliph, once they sort the Sins of Our Fathers issues out.
  • Kissing Cousins: Since he's the son of Eldigan, this happens if he's paired with Lachesis' daughter Nanna.
  • Mage Killer: The Mystletainn gives him a substantial resistance boost.
  • Tragic Keepsake: Aside of the Mystletainn? A letter from Eldigan that Lachesis gave to Nanna before leaving. She gives it to him as proof of how Sigurd and Eldigan never were enemies.

Princess Altena of Thracia (Altenna)

Class: Dragon Knight
Holy blood: Noba [Major], Baldo [Minor]

The princess of Leonster as well as Quan and Ethlyn's daughter and Leif's older sister. Raised by the killer of her parents, Travant, she appears as an enemy but soon starts having doubts about her mission and heritage. Thus she can be swayed to your side...


Class: General

The most powerful general of the Thracian kingdom, and a noble and just person who is very well-loved. Unfortunately, his boss King Travant has caught on his intentions...

  • Cool Old Guy: While his exact age is unclear, he's definitely much older then everyone else as evidenced by the wrinkles on his portrait.
  • Married to the Job: According to a villager.
  • Mighty Glacier: He's quite strong (and his class grants him the Great Shield skill, which prevents the enemy's attack from doing any damage upon activation), but he doesn't have a lot of movement.

2nd Generation Playable Characters (Children)

Children of Edain

Lana (Rana)

Class: Priest
Holy blood:[1] Ulir [Minor]

The daughter of Edain, and a quite powerful healer. As strongwilled as she's kind, she's among the first who joins Seliph's quest.

  • Cool Big Sis: To Julia. To the point that Lana feels guilty if she and Seliph hook up, as poor Lana believes she's betraying Julia's love for him.
  • Kissing Cousins: If paired up with Brigid's son Febail. Technically Brother-Sister Incest as well, as they're genetic siblings due to Brigid and Edain being identical twins.
  • Plucky Girl: When Seliph tells her "nuns and warfare DO NOT MIX", she stands her ground and refuses to leave. Seliph admits he's wrong and lets her join.

Lana: "Nuns can fight too, you know. I feel just as strongly about this as Larcei does. The imperial troops are becoming crueler with each passing day. It's dangerous just to be a girl anymore! But I don't plan to go down without a fight. I have my own means of warfare!"


Class: Arch Knight
Holy blood:[2] Ulir [Minor]

Edain's son, Lana's brother and Seliph's good friend, and a skilled archer like many descendants of Ulir.

Children of Ayra

Larcei (Lakche, Luchtaine)

Class: Swordfighter
Holy blood:[3] Odo [Minor]

One of Ayra's Half-Identical Twins children, and a Hot-Blooded swordwoman just like her mom. She was raised with Seliph and has a crush on her cousin Shannan, though her romantic feelings can be swayed towards others.

Ulster (Skasaha, Skasaher)

Class: Swordfighter
Holy blood:[4] Odo [Minor]

The other half of Ayra's Half-Identical Twins children, also raised with Seliph and Shannan alongside other figitive royal kids. Levelheaded and soft-spoken, but as strong as his twin sister.

Children of Lachesis

Diarmuid (Delmud, Dermott)

Class: Free Knight
Holy blood:[5] Hezul [Minor][6]

The oldest of Lachesis's children, and a mounted swordsman. Was taught swordplay by Oifaye while being raised by Edain. Rackesis disappeared searching either for him or his cousin Ares.


Class: Troubadour
Holy blood:[7] Hezul [Minor][8]

Diarmuid's younger sister and the other child of Lachesis. Unlike Diarmuid, she grew up in Leonster alongside Leif, and was taken care for by Finn.

  • Action Girl/White Mage: Whether she's good as one or the other will heavily depend on which guy is her dad though.
  • Badass Princess: More archetypically feminine than her mother, but still determined to do the right thing and help out Leif and her friends.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: Milder case, if Finn is her father. In their Chapter 7 talk, she has just found out that Lachesis never reached for Diarmuid and went missing after getting into the Yied desert and is not happy about it.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Regarding Leif in the Nea Fuyuki manga.
  • Hair Decorations: The feathers in her hair.
  • Hair of Gold
  • Kissing Cousins: With Ares, if you pair them.
  • The Lancer/The Chick: She also follows Ares to Augustria if she's not paired up.
  • Plucky Girl: Nanna is very stubborn and brave in the face of danger. In Thracia 776, she's once captured alongside Mareeta, and when her captors try to use her as a hostage, she immediately tells the group to not give in.
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend/Victorious Childhood Friend: Depending on whether or not you pair her with Leif. Officially becomes the second in both Thracia 776 and the Nea Fuyuki manga.

Children of Erinys

Fee (Phee)

Class: Pegasus Knight
Holy blood:[9] None [10]

A Pegasus knight in training who hails from Silesse, and the daughter of Erinys.

  • Action Girl/White Mage
  • Calling the Old Man Out: To Lewyn, if he's her dad. And she keeps resenting him afterwards.
  • Fragile Speedster: As per her class.
  • Genki Girl: She's very eager to start fighting in the liberation army.
  • May–December Romance: Fee is easy to pair with Oifey, who's almost twice her age. They have a special conversation in which she lampshades the trope.
  • Plucky Girl: Despite not being able to find her brother before she meets Seliph, she's not very worried; in fact, she has a feeling they'll meet up soon.

Ced (Sety)

Class: Sage
Holy blood:[11] None [12]

Erinys' son, Fee's brother, and an extremely powerful magic user. He is considered "Ced the Brave" for fighting against the empire.

"Manster had a great number of children seized and sent to the shrine in Miletos. I was unable to prevent it... I'm no hero, sir. I'm a coward if anything."

Children of Tailtiu


Class: Mage
Holy blood:[13] Tordo [Minor]

The son of Tailtiu, who grew up in Silesse. Managed to escape from the Frieges and learned Wind Magic in spite of his thunder-magic-oriented heritage, and now he's back and has some bones to pick with his own family.

  • Big Brother Instinct: Towards Tine, especially if you don't pair either and get a special talk event with them in the final chapter.
  • Disc One Nuke: If you pair Tailtiu with Lewyn, he gets Holsety at the beginning of the Second Generation.
  • Momma's Boy: A sympathetic example. Having been separated from Tailtiu when he was a little boy, Arthur has his mother's image in a high pedestal and will NOT forgive those who made her and Tine suffer.
  • Orphan's Plot Trinket: He and Tine have matching pendants given to them by Tailtiu.
  • Sugar and Ice Personality: Fee refers to him as one.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy

Tine (Teeny, Tinny, Tinni)

Class: Mage
Holy blood:[14] Tordo [Minor]

Arthur's little sister and Tailtiu's daughter. She was raised in a very ill-tempered household, thus despite her high magical skills, she's very insecure and shy.

Children of Brigid


Class: Thief
Holy blood:[15] Ulir [Minor]

Brigid's daughter, who became a thief to help feed the kids of the Orphanage of Love she and her brother Febail were raised in.

  • Action Girl
  • Braids of Action: Keeps her Hair of Gold in a long braid.
  • Fan Girl: Of Shannan, whom she's admired for quite a while. In fact, when he catches her stealing the Balmung and reveals his identity to her, she starts fangirling him right there, and he has to remind her that she's got his sword.
  • Genki Girl: Every piece of official art depicts her with a big grin; given the faces on the other characters (including her brother's), she rather stands out.
  • Gold Digger: Portrayed as this in the Nea Fuyuki manga. She comically fails at this, and ultimately can't help but fall in love and hook up with the poor-as-a-church-mouse Lester.
  • Just Like Robin Hood: When Seliph balks at accepting her stolen funds, she points out that the Imperials are far worse plunderers.
  • Kissing Cousins: If paired up with Edain's son Lester. Technically Brother-Sister Incest too, since their mothers were identical twins.
  • Magikarp Power: As a thief, her attack power is low until she promotes.
  • May–December Romance: If paired with the quite older Shannan.
  • Nice Hat: Such a cute and HUGE one.
  • Older Than They Look: A conversation with Coirpre in Chapter 9 suggests this.

Patty: You said I look like a CHILD?!

Febail (Faval)

Class: Bow Fighter
Holy blood:[16] Ulir [Major]

Brigid's son with major Ulir blood and huge archery skills. Was tricked into joining Friege's army, so he has to be brought by Patty into the group.

"Yeah, well, I caught a guy making fun of you. He said 'It's no wonder you became a thief with a pirate for a mum.' Of course, I floored the guy for saying that."

Children of Silvia

Lene (Leen, Lynn)

Class: Dancer
Holy blood:[17] Blaggi [Minor]

A beautiful dancer and Ares's companion and friend. She is the lost daughter of Silvia, raised in a convent and away from her brother Coirpre.

  • Attempted Rape/Rape as Drama: Strongly hinted that she went through this under Bramsel.
  • Broken Bird: Can be quite cynical compared to the other girls in the army, and is revealed to have serious abandonment and self-esteem issues.
  • Does Not Like Shoes: Depicted barefoot in her official art.
  • Hair Decorations: Pink hairbands.
  • Long Lost Sibling: To Coirpre.
  • Mysterious Protector: If her father is Lewyn, she will tell him that she's always felt someone has been watching over her, and wonder if said protector was his dad. Knowing Lewyn... if said story is true, he probably was.
  • Petite Pride: In her TCG card, she's got rather small boobs. Specially when compared with the more curvy Laylea. She doesn't seem to care.
  • Rescue Romance: If paired with Ares.
  • Spoony Bard: Just like her mother. She can rejuvenate other fighters and give them another turn, but she isn't really cut out for combat.
  • Stripperiffic: Part of her job as a dancer.
  • Tell Me About My Father: She asks this to Levn in Chapter 10, if he is her and Coirpre's father. He can't say a lot for obvious reasons, but will assure her that her parents love her and will come back for her someday.
  • Tsundere: Slightly, to Ares.

Coirpre (Corpul, Corple, Cairpre)

Class: Priest
Holy blood:[18] Blaggi [Minor]

Silvia's youngest kid, who was raised by General Hannibal... and used as a hostage by his father's boss King Travant.

  • Dude in Distress: Is taken hostage as a means of forcing his adoptive father Hannibal into battle.
  • Hair of Gold
  • Late Character Syndrome: Unfortunately, he suffers this as well, so most players deem him not worth the effort (unless his dad is Claud, that is: then he can have the Valkyrie staff and handle healing and reviving while he leaves the Forseti to Ced or Arthur).
  • Magikarp Power: With Azelle or Lewyn as his father, he can become quite a powerful magic unit.

Second Generation Playable Characters (Replacement Children)

  • Expy: All of them are expies of the original children, in one way or another. Especially Amid and Linda, since they have holy blood (minor Thurd) as well.
  • You Killed My Father: In story, their mothers and fathers were retainers and/or warriors associated to Siglud and co (or to Eldigan, since Tristan and Jeanne's Disappeared Dad was one of Eldigan's Cross Knights); they were killed off either during the war of shortly thereafter, so their kids join the Liberation Army for their sake. For Amid and Linda, their dad was killed off... and their mom was Ethnia, Blume and Tailtiu's Dead Little Sister, who was abused by Hilda until she died.

Replacements of Edain's children

Muirne (Mana)

Class: Priest

A civilian girl from Issach who was raised by Seliph, trained (presumably by Edain) in staff use. Replaces Lana if Edain didn't have children.

Deimne (Dimna)

Class: Arch Knight

A young archer from Isaac as well as Muirne's brother. Replaces Lester if Edain didn't have children.

Replacements of Ayra's children

Creidne (Radney)

Class: Swordfighter

A beautiful but skittish swordwoman from Isaach, and Seliph's another female friend. Replaces Larcei if Ayra didn't have children.

Dalvin (Roddlevan)

Class: Swordfighter

Creidne's levelheaded older brother, and an Isaachian swordsman. Replaces Skasaha if Ayra didn't have children.

Replacements of Lachesis's children

Jeanne (Janne)

Class: Troubadour

Youngest daughter of a dead Cross Knight, raised by Finn after a turbulent early life. Replaces Nanna if Lachesis didn't have children.

  • Hair Decorations: Nanna has a feather-shaped hairpin, Jeanne has a pink headband
  • Happily Adopted: Twice. After her Cross Knight dad perished, she was taken in by a local merchant (and separated from Tristan at the same time). However, her kind adoptive dad was killed too when she was about 7 years old, and then Finn adopted her and raised her with Leif.
  • Plucky Girl
  • White Mage: What a troubadour usually does.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: In her TCG card.


Class: Free Knight

Eldest son of a dead Cross Knight and the brother of Jeanne, raised by Edain. Replaces Diarmuid if Lachesis didn't have children.

Replacements of Erinys's children

Hermina (Femina)

Class: Pegasus Knight

A Sigurd and Erinys fangirl who has just achieved her dream to be a Pegasus Knight. Replaces Fee if Erinys didn't have children.

  • Action Girl/White Mage
  • Ascended Fangirl: While she obviously doesn't get to fight with her idols, Hermina does get to join Sigurd's son in his quests.
  • Fan Girl: She was a Erinys and Sigurd fan, and became a Pegasus Knight to follow their example.

Hawk: So you joined the liberation army, did you?
Hermina: Yep. I wanted to help out Sir Seliph.
Hawk: Hmph... I'm not surprised. You've admired his father ever since you were little.
Hermina: Yeah. My dream has always been to become a Pegasus Knight just like Erinys was. You just watch... I'm gonna make it!


Class: Sage

A talented and famous magician, as well as Hermina's brother. Replaces Ced if Erinys didn't have children.

Replacements of Tailtiu's children


Class: Wind Mage
Holy blood: Tordo [Minor]

A wandering mage from Silesse, who has a grudge against the Frieges due to the death of his mother Bloom and Tailtiu's younger sister Ethnia. Replaces his cousin Arthur if Tailtiu didn't have children.


Class: Thunder Mage
Holy blood: Tordo [Minor]

A sweet mage from the House of Friege, and Amid's sister. Replaces her cousin Tine if Tailtiu didn't have children.

  • Black Mage: She's actually a Friege, so this is the family business.
  • Expy: In addition to the automatic expy-ness of being a replacement character, she's also somewhat of an expy of the first and third games' Linde, which is lampshaded by recurring character Jake in a conversation.
  • Hair Decorations: Her yellow headband.
  • She's Got Legs: In illustrations, the slits of her white robe show off a very long and shapely pair of legs.
  • Shock and Awe: Is a Thunder Mage.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: Linda is sweet and humble, but less shy than Tine. She's also a thunder mage, with raw power almost equalling her aunt Tailtiu's..
  • Woman in White: In almost all illustrations, except for a card in which she's dressed in purple.
  • You Killed My Father: She and Amid pull this on Hilda, on behalf of the deceased Ethnia.

Replacements of Brigid's children


Class: Thief

A civilian girl who has taken up stealing from the rich to help the Orphanage of Love she was raised in. Replaces Patty if Brigid didn't have children.

  • Action Girl
  • Adult Child: She acts very childishly sometimes.

Daisy: My personal lesson with Shannan! WHEEEE!


Class: Bow Fighter

A talented and well-known archer, and Daisy's brother. Replaces Febail if Brigid didn't have children.

  • The Archer
  • Fire-Forged Friends: With Seliph. He hates all royalty and nobles with a passion after his and Daisy's parents were killed, caught under two fires during the Thracia-Manster wars, but still, on his own admission in the ending, came to like him.
  • Friend to All Children: Adults dislike and fear him, but children love him. And he loves them back, doing his hardest to make money with mercenary work for the orphanage he holds with his sister Daisy.
  • Hachimaki
  • I Just Want to Be Special: In the last chapter, if he's paired with Muirne, he will have a conversation with her where he'll tell how frustrated he is at being powerless in this battle, and wish he could have just a little Crusader blood in him.
  • Red Baron: "Hitman of Conote".

Replacements of Silvia's children

Laylea (Leilia, Leyla, Layla)

Class: Dancer

A beautiful and sorta cynical dancer who works with Ares. Replaces Lene if Silvia didn't have children.

  • Broken Bird: Suffers from the same thing as Lene.
  • Does Not Like Shoes: Like most dancers.
  • Rape as Drama: Since Laylea takes Lene's role, this is hinted for her as well. Damn you, Bramsel.
  • Spoony Bard: She's not really suited for combat, but she can give units an extra turn.
  • Stripperiffic: Again, like most dancers.
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Looks less Moe than Lene, both in face (finer features, less rounded face shape) and body (Lene is slim and flat chested, Laylea has a hourglass figure).
  • The Tease: Is somewhat more seductive and straightforward than Lene.

Charlot (Sharlow)

Class: Priest

The adopted son of General Hannibal, and Laylea's brother... though they don't know it. Replaces Coirpre if Silvia didn't have children.

  • Magikarp Power: He's got slightly better stats than Coirpre, specially due to the Elite skill that lets him grow levels faster.
  • Man in White: He entered into priesthood at a very young age.
  • White Mage: Like Coirpre, he starts out as a healer.



Class: Axe Fighter


Class: Axe Fighter

Prince Cimbaeth of Verdane

Class: Warrior

  • Big Brother Bully: Averted in the Nuts Fujimori manga, as Jamke mentions that Cimbaeth treated him kindly when he arrived to the Verdane court.
  • Butt Monkey: In the Fujimori manga, he clearly has no idea what he's doing. Ayra is the main threat his army poses.
  • Heel Face Turn: The Nuts Fujimori manga has him portrayed as not being deep down a bad guy, and Sigurd, noticing this, gives him mercy on the promise he will atone for his sins. Cimbaeth is genuinely moved and promises. This mercy is important as Jamke later fights Sigurd not only because for his father, but also because he believes, in a misunderstanding, that Sigurd has killed his beloved brother Cimbaeth in battle.

Prince Munnir of Verdane

Class: Warrior

  • Butt Monkey: His portrayal in the Nuts Fujimori manga.
  • Cain and Abel: He's Jamke's brother.
  • Evil Uncle: A family tree in one of the Fire Emblem books says he's Jamke's uncle.

King Batu of Verdane


Lord Eldigan of Nordion (Eltshan, Eltoshan, Eltosian)

Class: Paladin
Holy blood: Hezul [Major]

  • Brother-Sister Incest: Lachesis admires him a little too much. And as said before, the Oosawa manga takes their thoughts on each other and amps them Up to Eleven. To the point where they're this close to have sex, but Eldigan ultimately refuses it to not "taint" Lachesis (though they still share a Last Kiss)... and dies shortly afterwards.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Even when he was pretty stupid, in the Oosawa manga, he managed to say "fuck you" to Chagall when he was about to literally lose his head. It was awesome. And depressing.
  • Hair of Gold
  • Honor Before Reason: After all of the crap Chagall put him through, he still insists on serving him after thinking it is his duty. Even when Zyne offers his aid to oust Chagall, he still refuses to do so.
  • Hot Dad: Of Ares.
  • Lawful Stupid: He insists on serving Chagall despite the latter's obvious cruelty and stupidity. This attitude ultimately costs him his life, one way or another.
  • Off with His Head
  • Red Baron: Lionheart Eldigan.[19]
  • Sacrificial Lion: Yeah, he's not making it to the end alive. Fits right in with his title "Lionheart Eldigan".

Elliot of Heirhein

Class: Duke Knight


Class: General

Lord Boldor of Heirhein

Class: General


Class: Forrest Knight

  • Forgotten Fallen Friend: A friend and maybe even mentor of Beowolf who doesn't come with him when he's hired by Sigurd.
  • Punch Clock Villain: As he says himself as a mercenary, you work for a lot of different clients regardless of ideology.

Lord Macbeth of Anphony

Class: General

  • Adipose Rex: Is a Noble, and is overweight.
  • Fat Bastard: His appearance is of a chubby elderly man wearing fancy clothes. He's noticeably more corrupt than other Lords.
  • Kick the Dog: Is first seen sending bandits to rob from his own subjects.
  • Stout Strength: Despite being obese, he's an armor knight with decent stats.

Lord Clement of Mackily

Class: Bishop

  • Fat Bastard: Averted: he's comparatively less corrupt than the other villains.


Class: Duke Knight

  • Anti-Villain: In Oosawa's manga, where his personality is fleshed out as a very sympathetic and patriotic captain. It makes you feel sorry for him the next time that you face him in the game.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: Sigurd's.
  • Eyes Always Shut: In his character portrait.
  • The Men First: Again, in Oosawa's manga, he makes his men stand back to confront Sigurd alone in a duel, so that they may keep on living.
  • Palette Swap: Infamous for the amount of times his portrait was used for other bosses.
    • The fanbase goes on to call the rest of the palette swaps as "Harolds" or Harold clones despite Zyne being the first one to use this portrait.
  • Patriotic Fervor: "Nothing more noble then dying for the motherland!"

King Chagall of Agustria (Shagall)

Class: Baron


Class: Forrest

Thracia First Generation

King Travant of Thracia

Class: Dragon Master
Holy blood: Dain [Major]

"My wish is to rebuild Thracia into that prosperous nation that Dain and Njörun created. ...And if that process dooms me to Hell, then so be it."


Class: Dragon Knight


Class: Dragon Master

Thracia Second Generation

Prince Arion of Thracia

Class: Dragon Master
Holy blood: Dain [Major]


Class: General

  • Anti-Villain: He's a friend of Hannibal and is only fighting because he doesn't want Hannibal's son to die.
  • Palette Swap: Of Phillip.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: If Seliph rescues Coirpre/Charlot and recruits Hannibal without killing Kanatz, he'll just disappear.

Orgahill Pirates

Dobarl (Duvall)

Class: Warrior

  • Pirate: A Type 1 which is why he betrays Brigid.
  • Rape, Pillage and Burn: Is annoyed that Brigid won't let him loot villages and does it behind her back anyway.
  • Smug Snake: Eager to mutiny against Brigid, but it quickly bites him in the ass when Sigurd's group shows up.
  • Straw Misogynist: Doesn't like being under the orders of Brigid. Though this might be less about Brigid being a woman and more about her not letting him be a Type 1 Pirate.


Class: Warrior


Queen Rahna of Silesse (Lahna)

  • Determined Widow: Does what's in her hands to keep Silesse stable after losing her husband/Lewyn's dad (and the one with major Forseti blood).
  • The High Queen: Became the ruler of Silesse after her husband died.
  • Hot Mom: Despite not being as young as the other moms in the story, she looks quite fine.
  • Palette Swap: Curiously, of the Lady of the Lake in Lex's Honest Axe incident.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: She's pretty levelheaded and does what she can for Silesse.


Class: Falcon Knight


Class: Baron

Deet'var (Deetver, Dietova)

Class: Falcon Knight


Class: Bishop


Class: Baron


Class: Falcon Knight

  • Adaptational Attractiveness: Just like Deet'var. Even more in the Oosawa manga, where she's actually drawn different from Deet'var via getting a Boyish Short Hair.
  • Always Someone Better: The Oosawa manga adds this as her other motivation, having her tell Ferry that she never could surpass Mahnya in life, and asking her to kill her.
  • Ambition Is Evil: As soon as Rahna's position was seriously threatened, Pamela betrayed her in hopes of becoming the top Falcoknight. She openly admits it when she kills Mahnya.
  • Antagonist in Mourning: In the Oosawa manga. To the point of personally carrying Annand's lifeless body to Queen Rahna and giving her Annand's Silver Lance instead of taking it for herself.
  • Anti-Villain: In the Oosawa manga, she's given a somewhat more expanded role and a surprisingly sympathetic portrayal. See Antagonist in Mourning above.
  • Ascended Extra: In the Oosawa manga.
  • Dark Action Girl
  • Death Seeker: Refers to herself as such as well.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: In the Oosawa manga, she cannot bring herself to desecrate Annand's body via cutting her head off and sending her to the enemy, and when Andrey points it out, she gets pissed.
  • Face Heel Turn: Sides with Daccar against her queen. She kills Annand and mocks the grief of her loved ones.
  • The Rival: To Annand, and later to Ferry in the manga.
  • Smug Snake
  • This Cannot Be!: Her last words when you kill her are pretty much this.
  • Woman in White: Her artwork portrays her as this, but her in-game portrait has her wearing black.


Class: General

  • Kick the Dog: Sends his men to kill civillians.
  • Palette Swap: Of Cimbaeth, yet is somehow a General instead despite the soldiers under his command being Axe Fighters and Warriors. Hell, he doesn't even uses axes himself.

Leimia (Lamia)

Class: Swordmaster

Grannvale 1st Generation

King Azmur of Grannvale

Holy blood:[20] Naga [Major]

  • Despair Event Horizon: After Kurth's death, he is bed-ridden and can barely handle the government. This makes easy for Arvis to manipulate the old man and make everyone believe he is dead.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: In both the game and the Oosawa manga, Azmur is never fully convinced that Byron and Ring were planning a coup. Unfortunately, his poor health makes it so that he can't really interfere on their behalf.

Prince Kurth of Grannvale

Holy blood:[21] Naga [Major]

Lord Bryon of Chalphy

Class: Master Knight
Holy blood:[22] Baldo [Major]

  • Almost-Dead Guy: Survives just long enough to deliver the Tyrfing to his son Sigurd.
  • Cool Old Guy: He's already a grandfather in terms of age, and becomes one literally once Sigurd and Ethlyn find their lovers.
  • Disappeared Dad: He was nearly killed by Slayder until Sigurd saved him. He was too badly wounded to survive, but was able to give the Tyrfing to him.
  • Sacrificial Lion
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: In the Oosawa manga, with Ring. Eagerly and amusingly lampshaded.

Ring: Look what you've done! Because you said something unnecessary, the Prince is now depressed!
Bryon: I just stated the obvious, don't blame me!
Kurth: ...I can hear you...
Authors's Notes: "The two are best buds!"

Lord Ring of Jungby

Holy blood:[23] Ulir [Major]

  • Ascended Extra: In the Oosawa manga, he got some more development. Still not enough to avoid his death.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: Toyed with in the Oosawa manga. We do see his death... but it's from Bryon and Kurth's POV, meaning that we only see his back and some blood as he gets an arrow to the throat.
  • Informed Ability: As major Ulir, he's supposed to be a good archer, yet Edain has the Yewfelle so she can give it to Brigid and he gets killed off-screen (or not, in the manga) by his own son Andrey.
  • Overprotective Dad: In the Oosawa manga, Ring mistakenly thinks that Siglud married Edain. He comically freaks out at the thought.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Specially in the single scene in the Oosawa manga, which has him discussing Kurth's plans to search for his heir/heiress with Bryon and Kurth. And then It Gets Worse.
  • Tenchi Solution: He either had two different wives or an official wife alongside a mistress, since Brigid and Edain have a different mother than Andrey.
    • It's also possible he remarried Andrey's mom after Brigid and Edain's mom died.

Lord Victor of Velthomer (Viktor)

Holy blood:[24] Fala [Major]

  • Casanova: He was infamous for being a womanizer.
  • Disappeared Dad: To Arvis (and Azelle).
  • Evil Redhead: Arvis got his red hair from him. As for the evil part... Well, look at the rest of his tropes.
  • Jerkass: He really has no redeeming values.
  • Spurned Into Suicide: When Cigyun cheated on him, he was so humiliated that he wrote a letter denouncing her and her lover and either hung himself (game) or drank poison/stabbed himself (Oosawa manga).

Lord Arvis of Velthomer

Class: Sage / Emperor
Holy blood:[25] Fala [Major] Lopto [Minor]

  • Aloof Big Brother: But he won't hesitate to tell Sigurd how much Azelle means to him.
  • Anti-Villain: Again, arguably.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Though he may look to be the big bad guy of the story, the true villains were always Manfroy and Loptous.
  • Break the Haughty: To the point where it ages him horribly.
  • Brother-Sister Incest: Had twin kids with his memory-wiped younger half-sister Deirdre. He at first didn't know she was his sister, and when he learned the truth, he still was so in love with her that he decided it didn't matter anymore.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Hates the child hunts so much that he comes up with a Batman Gambit to thwart them with Ishtar's help.
  • Evil Redhead: Well, Extremely Morally Ambiguous Redhead, at any rate.
  • He-Man Woman Hater: Was this in his past, due to his Jerkass father's philandering and his mom Cigyun's disappearance. When this happened, young Arvis had all of his dad's mistresses kicked out of the Velthomer court save for Azelle's mother, and except for Aida he became very bitter towards ladies. Until Deirdre came along, that is.
  • I Have Your Wife: Literally does this, unknowingly or not, to Sigurd right before he murders him in cold blood.
  • Magic Knight
  • Oedipus Complex: Once you learn his backstory... holy crap. He's even strongly hinted to have killed people for mentioning what happened to Cigyun.
  • Playing with Fire: Falaflame, his magical tome.
  • Promotion to Parent: At seven years old, even. When Victor died or better said, killed himself, he took baby Azelle under his wing as soon as he saw him.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He possibly would have managed to truly unify Grannvale, or at least have Velthomer take the lead spot for the greater good, if not for Manfroy's manipulations finally turning his Empire into a tyranny.
  • Yandere: Arguably, for Deirdre. That would certainly explain why {spoiler|he brought her Brainwashed and Crazy self to Sigurd's presence to show off how she was his wife now, before killing him}}.

Lady Cigyun of Velthomer

Holy blood:[26] Lopto [Minor]

Duke Lombard of Dozel

Class: Baron
Holy blood:[27] Neir [Major]

  • Ambition Is Evil: Like Reptor, he wanted power, which was being undermined by Kurth. He was also first described as avaricious.
  • An Axe to Grind: The Helswath, a sacred axe.
  • Archnemesis Dad: For Lex, who will express regret that it's come to this.
  • Beard of Evil: He has quite the impressive one.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Expresses disgust at Andrey's killing of his own father, since Lombard actually respected Ring.
  • Evil Old Folks: He's a bitter old man with very ambitious plans to gain as much power as possible.
  • Smug Snake: Despite his fierce grimace, he's every bit as smug and zealous as his cohorts.

Duke Reptor of Freege (Leptor)

Class: Baron
Holy blood:[28] Tordo [Major]

  • Ambition Is Evil: He already had a very high position in the Empire, but wanted more than that.

Reptor (to Sigurd): "Hmph, you idiot! Politics is all about power! Your father had no power, which is why he died."

  • Archnemesis Dad: For Tailtiu and Ethnia. In fact, he's one of the few who can scare the living SHIT out of the usually fearless Tailtiu.
  • Evil Chancellor: He's the Prime Minister of Grannvale, and a greedy, treacherous one at that.
  • Evil Old Folks: He's already old enough to have three children and potentially be a grandfather. He's also a prideful, ambitious asshole.
  • High-Class Glass: Helps show his position as the Evil Chancellor.
  • Psycho Electro: The Thor Hammer tome that Bloom and Ishtar wield? It's originally his weapon.

Duke Andrey of Jungby

Class: Bow Knight
Holy blood:[29] Ulir [Minor]

Brigid: When I delve into my memories of him, I see him smiling like a little angel... So why would he do such a thing like killing our father to take over as the head of the family?


Class: Great Knight


Class: Mage Fighter


Class: Mage Fighter

Princess Ethnia of Freege

Holy blood:[30] Tordo [Minor]

King Mannanan of Isaach

Holy blood:[31] Odo [Major]

  • Disappeared Dad: To Mariccle and Ayra.
  • Out-Gambitted: He tried to prove himself as "loyal" to Grannvale by conquering Rivough, then offering the head of its ruler (his own son-in-law, also Galzus's father and Mareeta's grandfather) as "proof". He only got to get himself executed by Manfroy and Reptor.
  • Posthumous Character: He's already dead by the time Ayra joins the group.
  • Warrior Prince

Crown Prince Mariccle of Isaach

Holy blood:[32] Odo [Major]

Lady Grahnye of Nodion

Grandbell 2nd Generation

Duke Danann of Dozel (Danan)

Class: Baron

The son of Duke Lombard and the father of Brian, Iuchar and Iucharba. He was appointed King of Isaach when the Grannvale Empire placed an occupation force in the kingdom.

  • Always Someone Better: In the Oosawa manga, this is the actual reason why he hated Lex so much and ultimately betrayed him. Since Lombard tended to favor Lex when the two brothers were young (at least until little!Lex started questioning him), Danan felt constantly inferior and he never got over it, projecting his self-hate on Lex and Ayra, and later on Ulster and Larcei.
  • An Axe to Grind: Being a member of Dozel, he obviously specializes in axes.
  • Archnemesis Dad: To his sons Iuchar or Iucharba, depending on who is recruited.
  • The Caligula: When Arvis conquered the entire continent for Grannvale, the countries were divvied up between the Grannvalian nobles and Danann got Isaach, which it's mentioned he's running straight into the ground by the time the second generation starts.
  • Combat Pragmatist: In the Oosawa manga, since Danann can barely keep up with Ulster, he begs for mercy, and as soon as his nephew lowers his guard, he uses Helswath to seriously hurt him. Ultimately fails, since Ulster pretty much brings himself back when Larcei comes to help, and they both defeat him.
  • Complete Monster]]: He's almost as bad as Hilda and Manfroy.
  • Hate Sink: There's nothing remotely likeable about him: he's there to demonstrate how terrible Grannvale has become.
  • Heroic Lineage]: Of the Neir bloodline, but one of the few cases who doesn't get to use his family's Ancestral Weapon (Helswath, in his case). However, this is because his eldest son Brian has it in his possession, as seen in the final chapter.
  • Kick the Dog: If one can count making the entire country suffer a massive dog kicking.
    • The Oosawa manga adds another one: Lex and Ayra returned after the horrific Battle of Belhalla. Danann at first acted like a cool big bro and welcomed him until Lex handed down Helswath... and then he betrayed both of them, resulting in Lex's surefire death and Ayra was implied to die afterwards.
  • Mighty Glacier: In the Oosawa manga, he tries to fight against Ulster on his own... but quickly finds out that Helswath is not the easiest axe to wield.
  • Puppet King: Danann isn't a puppet himself, but he does run Arvis's puppet regime in Isaach after deposing the rightful royal family.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: In the Nea Fuyuki version, Seliph manages to recruit both Iuchar and Iucharba, which gives them enough troops to surround his castle and force him to surrender.
  • Sucksessor: Even Lombard thinks he's useless, as he's unable to quell a small rebellion in Isaach even when Lombard was still alive. Even moreso, in-game he doesn't even bring Helswath with him despite having major Neir blood, leaving it to Brian... which would become his downfall.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: Received the end of it by Seliph for making the people suffer.

Seliph: "King Danann... Under your rule, many people have suffered and died. Now you must face the consequences."

  • Underestimating Badassery: He thinks that Oifey and Shannan are the most concerning of the Liberation Army. Seliph and his friends proved him otherwise.
  • Warm-Up Boss: He is your first major boss in the Second Generation, and since he is an axe user while most of your units use swords or ranged weapons (which he lacks on the latter), he is easy to kill.
  • You Killed My Father:
    • Invoked when fighting Seliph, whose father killed his father.
    • In the Oosawa manga, Lex and Ayra's kids Ulster and Larcei invoke this on him instead.

Duke Bloom of Friege (Bloome, Blume)

Class: Baron
Holy blood:[33] Tordo [Major]

Son of Duke Reptor and the brother of Tailtiu. He was appointed in the occupation of the Manster District. He is married to Hilda and the father of Ishtore and Ishtar.

  • Ancestral Weapon: He's the direct inheritor of Mjolnir. He passes it further down the line to Ishtar at the start of Chapter 8.
  • Anti-Villain: Very hard to see, as he rules like a tyrant and makes people suffer, but he possesses some standards, especially about Child Hunts, and it is hinted that he's quite kind to Tine, even if he looked like a controlling stepfather. Most likely, he's only doing all those in order to preserve the Friege House's reputation rather than outright malice/evil. In addition, compared to Danann, Bloom didn't come off as The Caligula; he's tyrannical, but he's not indulging in selfish pleasures, just concentrating on keeping order.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Doesn't like the child hunts, even when he doesn't protest about them.
  • Pet the Dog: Does care for Tine (or Linda), though he is controlling towards her. Through What Could Have Been, he would have more based on Kaga's notes: while he left Tailtiu to die, he would still give her a proper burial by putting her in an ice coffin and sent the coffin to Silesse, which was later used by Claud to resurrect her at the cost of his life and the Valkyrie Staff.
  • Psycho Electro: His weapon is called Thor Hammer, and it's a Thunder spell.
  • Puppet King: See Danann, but for Manster.
  • Unholy Matrimony: Subverted. Both he and Hilda are horrible people, but Bloom's actual feelings for Hilda were not shown, thus remaining ambiguous. He also didn't share her joy for Child Hunts.

Duchess Hilda of Friege

Class: Queen
Holy blood:[34] Fala [Minor]. Through a glitch makes it Dain [Major] in the last chapter.

The wife of Duke Bloom and the mother of Ishtore and Ishtar and sister-in-law to Tailtiu and Ethnia. She was in charge of the occupation force in the Miletos District

  • Abusive Parents: Where do we even begin on this? Not only she hideously abuse Tine/Linda, her nieces, for lulz, she also mentally abuses Ishtar to just marry Julius just so she gets the peerage of being directly linked to the Imperial family, ignoring Ishtar's true feelings for Julius. One can just wonder how she treated Ishtore, who lacked Holy Blood compared to Ishtar...
  • Adaptational Attractiveness: Her official game portrait had her face possessing wrinkles, but when it comes to official arts or TCG portrayals, she looked actually more decent for an old woman that hasn't reached grandma status, and no more wrinkles.
  • Adapted Out: She's not present in the Mitsuki Oosawa manga, which could be saying something, as the manga was well known to make formerly unsympathetic characters look more sympathetic, meaning that even Oosawa thinks that Hilda is just unsalvageable.
  • Bastard Bastard: When you consider where the Fjalar blood within her comes from, one can assume that she's born from one of Victor's womanizing antics. Either you can wonder if Victor just happened to impregnate a cruel woman and/or Hilda got most of her bad stuffs from Victor and took it Up to 11 with actions that not even Victor would dream of doing.
  • Complete Monster: In-universe. Aside of her brutal torture of Tailtiu and Tine or Ethnia and Linda, when you try liberating one of the villages in the map she's in, this exchange pops up...

That Queen Hilda of Chronos is wicked to the core. She began abducting kids after allying with this dark bishop. She kills the mothers too without a blink of an eye! That woman's not even human. I'd say she's more like a devil!

  • Dark Action Girl: More exactly, a very powerful Lady of Black Magic.
  • Domestic Abuse: Inflicts this to Tailtiu/Ethnia to the point it killed them, then continues to do that to Tine/Linda. Ishtar only got the mental abuse version.
  • Evil Gloating: Likes to rub in the faces of Arthur and Tine/Linda that she drove their mothers to death and takes great pleasure in that act and trying to repeat that to them.
  • Evil Matriarch: An exceptionally terrifying sort, even by the standards of this trope.
  • Expy: She seems to have gotten one in the form of Sonia, who is similarly hot and similarly evil.
  • For the Evulz: There's absolutely no reason why Hilda is such a power-hungry evil bitch that likes the suffering of others. Hell, even Manfroy and his Loptyrian clan kinsmen can make the claim that their years of persecution eventually drove them into Card-Carrying Villain status (though they have no regrets), Hilda has no such excuse. Even the idea that her abuse towards Tailtiu was revenge for her "shaming" her family by supporting Sigurd's "coup" is shot down, as she outright admits to Teeny that she did it solely for her amusement.
  • Glass Cannon: Very strong Lady of Black Magic... with a very heavy fire tome.
  • Hate Sink: Made to be so utterly reprehensible and lacks any sort of Freudian Excuse (for reference, even Manfroy has one). Hilda was REALLY made to show the lowest that the Empire can do even with minimum Loptous interference.
  • Heroic Lineage: A minor degree of the Fjalar bloodline. However, 'heroic' would be the last thing you would refer to Hilda as.
  • Hypocrite: She's pissed that you killed her husband and son, Bloom and Ishtore, and wanted to exact revenge. But she gloats proudly about driving Tailtiu/Ethnia to death and is said to be very delighted when she drove the parents of many children to death.
  • It's All About Me: Subtly: when Hilda talks about her grudge against Seliph and his army for killing Bloom and Ishtore, she refers to them as "[her] husband and son". That specific choice of words wouldn't seem strange if she were talking to anyone other than Ishtar, her daughter. You know, Bloom's daughter and Ishtore's sister? Also, as said about her being a Hypocrite, kill HER husband and son? That's a horrible crime and she wants revenge. When she herself kills someone else's family member (or just drove them to death)? What a joy.
  • Kick the Dog: It's mentioned in the intro of Chapter 10 that she drove numerous citizens to "hideously cruel" deaths. Meaning Tailtiu/Ethnia wasn't the only person she tortured to death. In addition, she heartilly supports the Child Hunts. When some escape, she orders them all killed (we'll say this again... when some children escape, she orders for all of them to be killed).
  • Noblewoman's Laugh: She will usually let one out whenever either Arthur or Tine/Linda confront her, before she starts her Evil Gloating. Just so you get REALLY angered at her quickly.
  • Playing with Fire: Her tome Bolganone.
  • Puppet King: See Danann, but for Miletos.
  • See You in Hell: Her response to Arthur in the final chapter.
  • Smug Snake: So very full of herself, as she also seemed a little too controlling on Ishtar, her own daughter, who's far more powerful than her because of her Major Thrud Holy Blood and only follows her around because she understands familial love and piety. And then there's her Evil Gloating (which is usually preceded with a [[Noblewoman's Laugh), which many players find very satisfying to wipe off from her face using either Tine or Arthur.
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
  • Unholy Matrimony: With Bloom. And she wants Ishtar to follow her example by marrying Julius, though Ishtar truly loves the Prince and shows hesitation about the deal.
  • Unique Enemy: Gets her own class and skillset to herself for unknown reasons.
  • You Monster!: Aside of her brutal torture of Tailtiu and Tine or Ethnia and Linda, when you try liberating one of the villages in the map she's in, this exchange pops up...

That Queen Hilda of Chronos is wicked to the core. She began abducting kids after allying with this dark bishop. She kills the mothers too, without a blink of an eye! That woman's not even human. I'd say she's more like a devil!

Princess Ishtar of Friege

Class: Sage
Holy blood:[35] Tordo [Major]

Daughter of Bloom and the "Goddess of Thunder". Inheritor of the Mjolnir, she is in love with the Prince of Grannvale, Julius.

  • Ancestral Weapon: Mjolnir.
  • Anti-Villain: Thracia 776 has her state that neither she nor Ishtore approve of the child hunts.
  • Broken Bird: She's torn between her love for Julius and her family, and her own sense of what's right and wrong.
  • Cool Big Sis: To Tine/Linda.
  • Dark Mistress: She's not really evil, but her love for Julius and loyalty to her family make her a foe.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: Despite her mother possessing Fjalar blood, she doesn't have minor Fjalar blood in her stats.
  • Gold Digger: What Hilda wants for her, in regards to Julius. Since she does like Julius for more than his power, she's not very convinced.

Hilda: Ishtar, you listen up! We Frieges are of noble rank within Grannvale. And I'm originally from Velthomer, just as the Imperial family is. Who could possibly make a more worthy partner for His Highness than yourself!?
Ishtar: ...Yes, Mother...

  • Heroic Lineage: Major Thrud blood from her father, minor Fjalar blood from her mother. Unlike her parents, she's got more heroic and honorable traits, but remains loyal to both of them and her family, unlike her aunt.
  • Lady of Black Magic: She uses the Mjölnir with deadly power and accuracy.
  • Like Father, Unlike Son: Let's recap: Bloom is a tyrannical jerk, Hilda is pretty much a devil in human skin. So how in the hell did Ishtar turn out to be an honorable girl?
  • Love Martyr: To Julius. She doesn't approve of everything he does, but sticks with him out of love.
  • Morality Pet: Subverted, as Julius is a little nicer to her, but it's not enough to redeem him.
  • Noble Top Enforcer: A very sympathetic, decent and kind-hearted lady whose loyalty happens to lie with the enemies, and in love with the devil-possessed Big Bad. One of the Camus Archetype characters in the Second Generation.
  • Punch Clock Villain: She fights the heroes because of her love for her family and her boyfriend.
  • Red Baron: "Goddess of Thunder".
  • Shock and Awe: Being born in the Thrud lineage, she's a deadly thunder mage, even more so since she has Major Blood, thus has access to Mjolnir.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl: Though in some TCG cards, her hair is more lilac.
  • Woman in Black: In some artwork, her blue dress is black. She's an aversion personality-wise though.
  • You Killed My Father: And brother and mother too. She tries doing this to Seliph and the Liberation Army, but obviously fails because she was on the wrong side anyway.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Of the "long dress with huge slits, long boots/stockings" variety.

Prince Ishtore of Friege (Ishtor)

Class: Mage Fighter
Holy blood:[36] Tordo [Minor]

  • Adaptational Attractiveness: Is ruddy and plain looking ingame but a White-Haired Pretty Boy in his artpiece.
  • Anti-Villain: Ishtar notes in Thracia 776 that he's also strongly opposed to the child hunts, but he is nevertheless an enemy who needs to be fought.
    • He also cares for his cousin Tine/Linda and her mother despite Hilda's abuse.
    • He's also genuine in loving Liza, and was utterly crushed if she's killed before him, swearing revenge.
    • When Seliph beats him, he starts wondering if he's truly a bad guy, because he looked like someone who'd be decent off-battle.
  • Eyes Always Shut: His ingame appearance.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: Like Ishtar.
  • Heroic Lineage: Fjalar and Thrud like his sister, but minor in both cases.
  • It's Personal: He has nothing against Seliph's army unless Liza dies... then he's more than willing to take vengeance.
  • Like Father, Unlike Son: Same deal with Ishtar.
  • Magic Knight: He's one of the few male War Mages in the game.
  • Punch Clock Villain: He's really not that bad a guy, he just happens to be on the enemy side.
  • Shock and Awe: He's part of House Friege and has the signature electricity spells expected of a descendant of Thrud, such as Bolting and Thoron. Unfortunately for him, he didn't inherit major Thrud blood like his sister, so he can't use Mjolnir.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He's a minor boss who dies fairly early into the Second Generation, but it has a ripple effect on the rest of the Friege nobility. In addition, he's also the first boss that caused Seliph to question whether the Empire was really completely filled with bastards, which would test his mettle as a leader a few chapters later.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: After Liza is killed.


Class: Thunder Mage

Meng, Maybell and Bleg

Class: Falcon Knight

Fetra, Eliu and Vampa

Class: Wind Mage, Thunder Mage and Fire Mage respectively


Class: Mage Knight

  • Anime Hair: Duuuuuude, what's up with that fop of hair?!
  • Hachimaki
  • Magic Knight: As expected of a Mage Knight, he throws thunderbolts at whoever dares gets in his way.

Prince Brian of Dozel

Class: Master Knight
Holy blood:[37] Neir [Major]

Brian: The Swanchika was defeated so easily!? Was I on the right side...?

Brian: "You're the person that killed my father... It's time to end this grudge that has plagued the House of Dozel for 3 generations!"

  • Younger Than They Look: His ingame portrait looks like an old man, when in fact, he's not likely to be past late 20's/very early 30's.

Duke Scipio of Jungby

Class: Master Knight

  • Adaptational Attractiveness: Just like his dad and Ishtore, he isn't that ugly in game, but he's handsomer in art. And unlike in-game also actually looks different from Andrey in the aforementioned art.
  • Avenging the Villain: His dad asks him to do it at his death, and Scipio intends to do just that.
  • Horse Archer: Much like most of House Jungby, he excels in archery, more specifically mounted archery.
  • Overlord, Jr.: The evil son of Andrey.
    • Generation Xerox: Scipio's personality is pretty much exactly the same as Andrey. Which makes one wonder how, as Andrey died way too early to have raised him much.
  • Palette Swap: Has the same portrait as his father.
  • Smug Snake: From what little we do know of him, he seems to be just as smug as his father.

Prince Julius of Velthomer

Class: Dark Prince
Holy blood:[38] Lopto [Major]

  • Brainwashed and Crazy: It's strongly implied that the Loptous tome's magic pretty much took over his mind as soon as he was given the spellbook.
  • Cain and Abel: With Seliph and Julia, also Saias, to a degree.
  • A Child Shall Lead Them: One of the rare villainous examples.
  • Evil Redhead: One of the bad guys, with blazing red hair.
  • Facial Markings: Has the mark of Loptous in his forehead and shows it proudly.
  • Final Boss: He's the last opponent you face in Genealogy of the Holy War.
  • Ill Boy: In Thracia 776, a conversation between Ishtar and Saias mentions that he has "never been strong", and his health has apparently gotten worse after he was possessed by Loptous.
  • Pet the Dog: Is somewhat nice, if controlling, to Ishtar. One of his first apparitions is pulling a Big Damn Heroes (well, big damn villains) when she's defeated for the first time.
  • Self-Made Orphan: Killed his mother Deirdre and tried to kill his sister Julia after being given the Loptous tome. Deirdre, however, managed to spirit Julia away before dying at his hand.
  • Soul Jar: For Loptous.
  • Teen Genius: Is the Dragon-in-Chief to Manfroy's Big Bad... while still under 20 years old.
  • The Dragon: To Manfroy.
  • Yandere For his girlfriend Ishtar, since he tells her in Thracia 776 that he hates how Reinhardt looks at her and threatens to kill him if he appears in front of them again.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Tells this almost word by word to his own mom before killing her.


Class: General

Lene/Laylea: Look at you acting so tough now that Ares isn't around! You sick old man!


Class: Forrest Knight

  • Broken Pedestal: To Ares, after finding out about what happened to Lene/Laylea and how he never said anything about it. Telling Ares to forget about her made him very furious, and he promptly betrayed his former boss.
  • The Dragon: To Bramsel.
  • He-Man Woman Hater: Though maybe its just romantic relationships.
  • Hot Dad: Looks fairly young.
  • Palette Swap: Of Jacoban.
  • Parental Substitute: To Ares, having raised him after his mom Grahnye perished.

Lopto Sect

Manfroy (Manfloy)

Class: Dark Bishop


Class: Dark Mage

  • Dark Is Evil: He's your first Dark magic-user and boss you face.
  • Hidden Eyes: You can't really see his eyes thanks to his hood, giving him a sinister appearance.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Convinced Batou to invade Grannvale and made the Princes of Verdane into his pawns. Though in a subversion, he takes orders from Manfroy.
  • Poisoned Weapons: FENRIR.
  • Smug Snake: Always wearing a smug grin and supremely confident in his dark magic. To compound this, his artwork had him wrapped with some sort of magical snake, just so the symbolism is complete.

The Twelve Crusaders

The twelve fighters that went through blood rites with the Dragon Tribe in what's know as the Miracle of Darna, then fought and eventually overthrew the Lopto Empire during the Gran Calender Years 632-648. Each of them has a weapon infused with the power of a certain member of the Dragon Tribe, and only the crusader who wielded their weapon and their descendants with major holy blood can wield them. Also, each Crusader has a holy blood line named after them (except Heim, whose holy blood line is called Naga).

Baldur the Holy Knight (Baldr, Baldo)

Likely class: Paladin

Saint Heim

Likely class: Sage

Hezul the Black Knight

Likely class: Paladin

  • Big Screwed-Up Family: His descendants, both the Royal House of Augustria and the Nodion family. More exactly: Hezul's youngest daughter, the one who inherited the major Hezul blood, married a Nodion nobleman. The Nodions are the ones with major Hezul blood and not the Augustrians, who either only have minor or nothing at all (like in Chagall's case). This is the basis for many, many of Eldigan and Lachesis's troubles later.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: Mystletainn.
  • Red Baron: "Black Knight".
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Or better said, his sword's name. Mistoltin? Mistolteen? Mistilteinn? Mystletainn? Some alternate spelling of any of these?

Ulir the Bow User

Likely class: Sniper

  • Ambiguous Gender: We don't know if they're a lady or a gentleman.
  • The Archer: Ichii-bal.
  • Born Lucky: People with Ulir blood tend to have the highest Luck growth bonuses in-game (a whooping case of 30%, alongside the charas's natural growths). In-story, this is pretty much a legend in Jugdral, which is invoked by the Genre Savvy Adean in the Oosawa manga.
  • Red Baron: "Bow User".
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Ichival? Ichaival? Ichii-bal?

Njörun the Lance Knight (Noba, Nova)

Likely class: Duke Knight

Dain the Dragon Knight

Likely class: Dragon Master

Ced the Wind User (Sety)

Likely class: Sage

Thrud the Mage Knight (Tordo)

Likely class: Mage Knight

  • Generation Xerox: Subverted: Reinhardt is said to be like his second coming and to look a lot like him... but he's not of Thrud blood, since he only works as a highranked commander for the Frieges.
  • Magic Knight
  • Red Baron: "Mage Knight".
  • Shock and Awe: Mjolnir is a tome of thunder magic.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: His silvery hair becomes a distinguishing physical trait among the Frieges, with Ethnia (brunette) and her children Amid (green hair) and Linda (brunette too) as his only not silver-haired descendants.

Fjalar the Mage Fighter (Fala)

Likely class: Mage Fighter

Neir the Axe Fighter

Likely class: Warrior

  • Always Someone Better: All his ingame descendants are overshadowed by Thrud's: Langobalt, by Reptor; Danan, by Bloom; Brian, by Ishtar, etc.
  • An Axe to Grind: Helswath.
  • BFS: The aforementioned Swanchika is the heaviest weapon in Fire Emblem history! And it hits from two spaces away! But it also shows the downside of this trope as it heavily slows down its user, who will have little chance of landing a hit on speedy Balmung users.
  • Red Baron: "Axe Knight".

Od the Sword Saint (Odo)

Likely class: Swordmaster

Bragi the Arch Bishop (Blaggi, Blagi)

Likely class: Bishop

Loptousian Empire

Emperor Galle

Saint Maera (Maira)

Dragon Tribe

Loptous (Loptyr, Loputousu)

Forseti (Holsety)

Class: Sage (shown as one in the attract mode)

  • Blow You Away: Forseti, the wind tome he created for Crusader Ced and his descendants's use.
  • Empathic Weapon: To a degree. Forseti himself was the youngest and most Hot-Blooded of the Dragons, so he put a lot of his own power and love for humanity in the tome, and this is why not only the spellbook is so powerful and has his name, but one of the reasons why the Forseti users "inherit Forseti's will as well as his power."
  • God Is Good: As said above, he genuinely loves humanity and is among the most sympathetic to their plight.
  • Soul Jar: Uses Prince Lewyn as one. It's not clear for how long this has been going on: some sources say it happened as soon as Rahna gave Lewyn the Forseti, others say it happened after Belhalla. In the Oosawa manga, it's hinted that Forseti's spirit can speak to Lewyn through the tome, and he does it for the first time when Ferry gives him the Forseti, which Rahna manages to give her; it's not explained though if Forseti fully takes control of Lewyn's body in that moment or not.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifter: Took a human form to contact the Twelve Crusaders, alongside his Dragon siblings.

Naga (Narga)

For Naga's tropes, see his section here.


  1. Default, not considering the father's blood.
  2. Default, not considering the father's blood.
  3. Default, not considering the father's blood.
  4. Default, not considering the father's blood.
  5. Sefault, not considering the father's blood.
  6. Canonically outside of Genealogy of War, Beowolf (no holy blood) is his father, so this remains true.
  7. Default, not considering the father's blood.
  8. Canonically outside of Genealogy of War, Finn (no holy blood) is her father, so this remains true.
  9. Default, not considering the father's blood.
  10. Canonically outside of Genealogy of War, she possesses minor Holsety blood, as Lewyn (major Holsety) is her canon father.
  11. Default, not considering the father's blood.
  12. Canonically outside of Genealogy of War, he possesses major Holsety blood, as Lewyn (major Holsety) is his canon father.
  13. Default, not considering the father's blood.
  14. Default, not considering the father's blood.
  15. Default, not considering the father's blood.
  16. Default, not considering the father's blood.
  17. Default, not considering the father's blood.
  18. Default, not considering the father's blood.
  19. Even though he is technically only a duke.
  20. Not a playable character, but it'll be mentioned for story reasons.
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  31. Not a playable character, but it'll be mentioned for story reasons.
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  33. Not a playable character, but it'll be mentioned for story reasons.
  34. Not a playable character, but it'll be mentioned for story reasons.
  35. Not a playable character, but it'll be mentioned for story reasons.
  36. Not a playable character, but it'll be mentioned for story reasons.
  37. Not a playable character, but it'll be mentioned for story reasons.
  38. Not a playable character, but it'll be mentioned for story reasons.
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