Fire Emblem Thracia 776/Characters
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
The fifth game in the Fire Emblem series, and the second part of the Jugdral canon.
Main Characters
Prince Leif of Leonster
Class: Lord
The main character of the game. Son of Quan and Ethlyn and Prince of Leonster.
- Brainy Brunette
- The Hero
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: Has some self-worth problems, which are understandable considering his backstory and lack of major holy blood.
- Man in White: He's got entirely white armor.
Class: Lance Knight
A Knight of Leonster who once served Quan and is Leif's guardian.
- Badass
- Hot Dad: All but stated that he is this for Nanna.
- Parental Substitute: To Leif.
- Older and Wiser: Has grown quite a bit from his Genealogy of the Holy War days.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Lampshaded by Selphina and Leif. She reprimands him for being much colder than he used to be, but Leif later says he's just forgotten how to cry after all the shit that hit the fan.
- Team Dad: Finn is a father figure to Leif and Nanna.
Orsin (Osian, Othin)
Class: Axe Fighter
A hot-blooded member of the Fiana Millitia. Best-friends with Halvan.
- An Axe to Grind: He gets a unique one in the first map, the gamebreaking Pugi!
- Boisterous Bruiser: Hot headed in contrast to Halvan.
- Slap Slap Kiss: With Tanya.
- Those Two Guys: With Halvan. Halvan's laidback and calm personality contrasts with Orsin's wild and hotheaded nature.
Class: Axe Fighter
A calm and cool member of the Fiana Millitia. Best-friends with Orsin.
- Those Two Guys: Is kinda this with Orsin.
Class: Swordmaster
Leader of the town of Fiana and it's millitia. Is actually Briggid of Jungby.
- Action Girl
- Crutch Character: She is very strong with her base stats, but she leaves very early for the rest of the game, and when you get her back, she is not as strong or useful.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: As Briggid, she wore her Rapunzel Hair loose and with a Hachimaki. As Eyvel, her hair is shorter and in a ponytail.
- For Want of a Nail: If you don't restore her? Have the Deadlord Draco attacking you in the Last chapter.
- Hot Mom: She is the mother of Patty and Febail from [FireEmblem:GenealogyOfHolyWar\], as well as the adoptive mom of Leif, Nanna and Mareeta.
- Lady of War: Eyvel pretty much singlehandedly can solo the first few chapters of the game.
- Mama Bear: Eyvel found young Mareeta locked inside a cage in a slave market: she was so pissed off to see a little girl subjected to slavery that she slaughtered all the traders and guards and promptly adopted her as her own.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: She is the leaderess of the small village where Nanna, Mareeta and Leif live.
- Taken for Granite: She's turned to stone in Chapter 5 and stays that way until Chapter 24x.
- Team Mom: For the group, specially Mareeta and Nanna.
Class: Warrior
The leader of the Purple Dragon Mountain Bandits, albeit reformed thanks to Eyvel.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Dagdar is one of the strongest members of the group.
- Crutch Character: Another one, he does have much more playtime than Eyvel though.
- For Want of a Nail: Careful! Don't skip Chapter 8X or he'll become Deadlord Tigris.
Class: Bow Fighter
Dagdar's daughter. Quarrles with Othin often.
- Action Girl
- The Archer
- Bokukko
- Raised by Dudes: Her father Dagdar is a brigand and works with other brigands, so she's lived with men all of her life.
- Shorttank
- Tsundere: To Orsin.
Class: Brigand
A member of the Purple Dragon Mountain Bandits.
- Gentle Giant: Marty has one of the constitutions in the game and his ending even mentions his gentle nature.
- Stone Wall: Marty's defense, build and HP are really, really good. On the flipside, his Skill and speed are really, really poor.
Class: Bow Fighter
A hunter from the village of Iss. Joins the party when defending it from the Lifis Pirates.
- The Archer
- Bishonen: He's a very pretty man.
- Naive Newcomer
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Class: Priest
A priestess from the Free City of Tahra.
- Plucky Girl
- Proper Lady: Very softspoken, but with a will of iron.
- White Magician Girl
Class: Thief
The leader of a band of pirates who attacks villages on the coasts of eastern Thracia. A bit of a sleazeball.
- Butt Monkey: When talking to Salem or Perne. Lifis does deserve it though.
- For Want of a Nail: If you don't recruit him, or you get him killed? Have the Deadlord Porcus after you.
- Fragile Speedster
- I Have You Now, My Pretty: Kidnaps Safy and forces her to become his lover. The pirate says he'll fight for the people in exchange for a personal "favor" from her (hinted to be sexual) but later admits to a Mook that he's lying just to get her to do his "favor".
- Jerkass: Maybe he becomes a Jerk with a Heart of Gold later, maybe....
- Pirate: Definitely type 2 in the beginning. Though Lifis is not of the pirate class.
- Rape, Pillage and Burn: You stop his men from doing this in the second chapter.
- Token Evil Teammate: One of the more crooked recruitable characters.
- Villainous Crush: Lifis fancies Safy, but not enough to risk his life fighting The Empire.
Class: Sword Fighter
A member of the Magi Squad, an anti-Empire rebellion group.
- Action Girl
- Battle Couple: With Brighton.
- Hot Chick with a Sword: And An Axe to Grind, when a Hero.
- Tomboy: Has a more masculine looking appearance compared to the other female swordfighters and is the only one that can promote to Hero, which is typically a male-only class, and is the second, one of only 7/9 females in the series to use axes.
Class: Axe Knight
Another member of the Magi Squad, was formerly a Manster Knight before joining.
- An Axe to Grind: As an Axe Knight, he uses an axe on a horse. However, dismounting, and joining in a set of indoor chapters, means it will be a while before Brighton uses an Axe. Instead, he'll be using swords till he mounts up.
- Battle Couple: Implied with Machyua as they marry in their endings.
- Defector From Decadence: He was once a knight of Manster, but he deserted and joined the Magi Squad in order to change things for the better.
- Mighty Glacier: Has especially high HP and Build.
- Younger Than They Look: According to the official site, he is 23. He looks as if he was in his 30's.
Class: Thief
A member of the Magi Squad, has ties to Pahn of the Dandylions.
- Action Girl: Too a lesser degree, as people prefer to have her as a Dancer rather than a Thief/Thief Fighter.
- Fragile Speedster: Her HP and Defense is especially low, as is her build.
- I Owe You My Life: To Perne, who rescued her from being a child slave.
- Made a Slave: And hinted to have been a Sex Slave as well.
- She's Got Legs: Remarked on by the artwork.
- Spoony Bard: Can be promoted from Thief to Dancer.
Class: Free Knight
A wandering Mercenary.
- The Dulcinea Effect: Is thrown into jail for beating up a guard who was bothering Karin.
- Heroic Bastard: Beowolf's illegitimate son.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Fergus can be rude to others, but he does all he can to help others, particularly Karin.
- Punch Clock Hero
Class: Pegasus Rider
A Knight of Silesia looking for it's missing prince.
- Action Girl
- Blade on a Stick: Of course, her introduction chapters mainly have her using swords since they're set indoors.
- Fragile Speedster: As a Pegasus Knight.
- Slap Slap Kiss: Hinted to like Fergus despite yelling at him a lot.
- Tsundere: She gets angry a lot at Fergus, but cares for him deeply. She also teases Ilios quite a bit.
- What the Hell, Hero?: To Ced for leaving Silesia when Queen Erinys was lethally ill, and later to Misha for supporting the Empire and not Silesia.
- Woman in White: Her Pegasus uniform is white.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Class: Axe Armor
A honorable Knight of Manster. Has second thoughts on Raydrik's administration
- An Axe to Grind: He's a variant of an Armor Knight that uses Axes. He's the only unit that can use axes in the Manster chapters, so many bring the Brave Axe along for him to use.
- Big Brother Instinct: Joins Leif because he saved his little brother from the Child Hunts.
- Mighty Glacier: His defense and strength base stats and growths are quite high. However, his speed growth is low compared to the other characters, and he will deal with low movement unless he gets a very lucky level. Even with higher movement, there is still plenty of terrain Dalsin cannot cross.
Asbel (Asvel)
Class: Mage
A mage whose grandfather was a Bishop from Frest.
- Blow You Away: Grafcalibur.
- Forgotten Childhood Friend: To Leif.
- Magical Boy Warrior
- Magikarp Power: He starts very average, but if well trained, he will become a staple of the army, synergizing well with later-acquired mages.
Princess Nanna of Nordion
Class: Troubadour
The Princess of Nodion, and daughter of Lachesis (and probably Finn).
- Blue Eyes: Notable because she did NOT have them in Genealogy of the Holy War. This is perhaps the biggest clue that she really is Finn's biological daughter.
- Distress Ball: What sets the action off is her and Mareeta's kidnapping. Not to mention in Chapter 3, she gets used as a hostage by the enemy so Leif will let the imperial forces take him, even when Nanna tells him not to do so.
- Hair of Gold
- The High Queen: If she makes it to the end.
- Lady of War: If well trained, after promotion.
- Plucky Girl
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The girly girl to her friend Mareeta's tomboy.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: To Leif, if she makes it to the end.
- White Magician Girl: A mounted one
- Woman in White: Nanna's outfit is mostly white.
Class: Axe Knight
A Knight of Manster with a strong love for his child
- An Axe to Grind: He's an Axe knight who comes with a poleaxe.
- Papa Wolf: Decides to help Leif once he hears he's fighting to stop the child hunts, since thanks to him his son Maphy and other kids were saved from them.
- What the Hell, Player?: Calls the player out and doesn't join if you didn't rescue his son Maphy.
Class: Sword Fighter
A mercenary hired by Lifis' pirates.
- Knight in Shining Armor: To Safy, whom he protects from Lifis's lechery
- Older Sidekick: At thirty, Shiva is older then the twenty year old Lifts.
- The Stoic: Well, he follows the Navarre/Nabarl archetype after all.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Shiva is one of the taller characters, wears black, has dark hair and is quite handsome.
- Token Good Teammate: He's also the most moral associate of the Lifis Pirates.
Class: Social Knight
A Knight of Leonster.
- Blade on a Stick: Though he mainly prefers swords.
- Cool Sword: And he's really good at using them. Not to mention he can get the nice Elite Sword...
- Knight in Shining Armor
- Nice Guy
- Parental Abandonment: Dad died in the war, mother died some time after Hannibal saved them.
- Tragic Keepsake: Said Sword, if he gets it from Selphina? It turns out to be the one that belonged to his Disappeared Dad.
- Undying Loyalty: To Hannibal, who helped him and his mom in the war.
Selphina (Selfina)
Class: Arch Knight
A Knight of Leonster, and the daughter of Dorias and wife of Glade.
- Action Girl
- Battle Couple: With Glade.
- Horse Archer: Selphina is an arch knight, which uses bows and rides a horse.
- Lady of War: She's very ladylike, but she's still a knight of Leonster.
- The Ojou
- Parental Substitute: Her ending mentions that she made her Big Fancy House a refuge and training center for orphan children. That would make her known as "Mother of Thracia".
- She's All Grown Up:
Fin: ...Well... So this is that little girl with the braids...
Selphina: Ten years can make a big difference. I'm now married to Glade.
- Silk Hiding Steel: Very sweet and kind, but being polite doesn't make her less outspoken.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- What the Hell, Hero?: To Finn, in regards to Lachesis.
- Woman in White
Cain (Kein)
Class: Lance Knight
Another Knight of Leonster. Both of his parents died in battle.
- Blade on a Stick: Course he has to switch to swords when dismounted...
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Alva.
- Orphan's Ordeal
- Those Two Guys: With Alva.
Class: Lance Knight
A Knight of Leonster. Friends with Cain.
- Blade on a Stick: Even though he's a lance knight, he curiously has a higher rank in swords which... he can only use dismounted...
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Cain.
- Those Two Guys: With Cain.
Class: Arch Knight
Yet another Knight of Leonster.
- Horse Archer: Oddly, he doesn't suffer from Crippling Overspecialization, as he stays with bows once dismounted.
- Magikarp Power: If well-trained, his growths are quite powerful. He also has a movement star, and three pursuit critical stars.
- Shrinking Violet: Off battle. Girls seem to like it, according to his ending.
Class: Paladin
A Knight of Friege and Olwen's right-hand man.
- Blade on a Stick: Being a Paladin, he can use both equally well without suffering from Crippling Overspecialization. He even starts with a thunder sword.
- Bodyguard Crush/May–December Romance: With Olwen. He's "only" seven years older than her, but his ending mentions that some people made fun of him because of the age difference.
- Jack of All Stats: His stat spread is quite balanced, and he can use multiple weapons when mounted.
Class: Mage Knight
Leader of a band of Knights from Friege. Younger sister of Reinhardt.
- Berserk Button: Never ever insult her older brother Reinhardt! Kempf deliberately used this to give her and Fred a Distress Ball.
- Lady of Black Magic: A Magic Knight variant, but nevertheless a dignified knight with a powerful Dire Thunder.
- Magic Knight: Can use both swords and magic, as mentioned above, but contrary to Ilios, the other recruitable character of this class, she's less balanced and more of a mounted Squishy Wizard.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Has a severe Heroic BSOD like this when she learns that the Friege army is conducting the child hunts.
"This... This is the child hunting? I heard rumors, but I never thought they were actually doing it... This is terrible... Is this... Is this what my country has been doing!?"
- Naive Newcomer: Is mocked by Kempf for being a fresh recruit in the Friege army.
- Shock and Awe: She has a higher Thunder rank than her Fire and Wind rank; plus, she has the Dire Thunder too.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
Class: Sword Fighter
Eyvel's adopted daughter. The unwilling owner of the Darkness Blade
- Action Girl
- Berserker Tears: When under the curse of the Darkness Blade.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Via an Evil Weapon. Once she's snapped out of it though, with some help from Saias, she "tames" the sword and makes it her Weapon of Choice.
- Cute Bruiser: Mareeta is a cute teenage girl, but learns one of the most powerful combat skills in the game.
- Death by Childbirth: What happened to her biological mom.
- Distress Ball: What sets the action off is her and Nanna's kidnapping.
- Fallen Princess: Her father Galzus was the prince of Rivough, a small kingdom invaded by Isaac.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: She and Galzus have marks of Odo on their backs.
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- I Call It Vera: Her non-evil anymore "Mareeta's sword".
- Luke, You Are My Father: How she manages to recruit Galzus in Chapter 24.
- Plucky Girl
- Shipper on Deck: Ships Leif/Nanna, and if the three are alive by the time the Final Battle hits, she'll encourage Nanna to tell him her feelings.
Mareeta: "Go on, Lady Nanna! Just say it!"
Nanna: "B-But..."
Mareeta: "You'll regret it forever if you don't say it now. Or do you just want to stay as his 'cute little sister'?"
Nanna: "But Mareeta..."
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The tomboy to her friend Nanna's girly girl.
- Walking the Earth: In her ending.
Salem (Seiram)
Class: Lopto Mage
A former member of the Loptous Sect. Also, the first-ever playable character in the Fire Emblem series to use dark magic.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Or better said, in his case, it used to be.
- Defector From Decadence: He was a former member of the Loptous Sect. He gets better, and he writes a book about how much the Loptous Sect sucked in his ending.
- Evil Redhead: Pre Heel Face Turn.
- I Owe You My Life: Perne saved Salem's life when he was badly injured after escaping from the Loptous Sect for his "treason".
- Poisoned Weapons: His tome Yotsmungand poisons you if it hits.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: What he told to the Loptous Sect people at some point. They didn't take it well and almost killed him.
Perne (Pahn, Pirn, Pan)
Class: Theif Fighter
Leader of the Dandylion Gang out of Dakia Forest.
- But Now I Must Go: In his ending.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Perne comes off as a kidnapper initially, but it turns out he's a Lovable Rogue helping the poor folk.
- Just Like Robin Hood: He only steals from The Empire, and gives the gold to the regular people oppressed by the Grannvalle Empire.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: If he is recruited by Lifis then he does this to him. Seeing as how he terrorized a town, he had it coming.
- Lolicon: Averted in his and Lara's backstory. When he realized how young Lara was, he felt very awkward upon her having to dance for him by orders of her master, and did what he could to free her.
Troude (Trewd)
Class: Sword Fighter
A member of the Dandylions.
- Number Two: To Perne.
- Punch Clock Hero: He's only a part of Leif's army thanks to Perne, he's otherwise no different from a common sellsword.
Class: Priest
Safy's younger sister. Was caught by Pahn and forced to stay with them.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: To Safy.
- Magikarp Power: She joins much later than Safy, but has unique potential all her own.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The unruly tomboy to her sister Safy's girly girl.
- Walking the Earth: In her ending.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Or in her case, bugs.
Class: Duke Knight
A Knight of Leonster and husband of Selphina and friend of Finn.
- Battle Couple: With Selphina, in which she gives a massive support bonus to him.
- Blade on a Stick: Though sadly nerfed by dismounting.
- Happily Married: With Selphina.
- Two Guys and a Girl: Selphina, him and Finn are a grown version of this.
Deen (Dean)
Class: Dragon Knight
A dragon rider from Thracia sent by Areone to protect Linoan.
- Bodyguard Crush: He seems to have feelings for his Master's fiancee Linoan, who he was entrusted to guard. She seems to like him back, but they don't stay together.
- Blade on a Stick: Is given a unique lance, the Dragon spear, by his master Areone.
- Vendor Trash: The Dragonspear is reduced to this in the later chapters due to dismounting.
- Brother-Sister Team: Eda, a fellow Dragon Rider, is also his little sister.
- Dragon Rider: The first recruitable Male Dragon Knight in the series.
- Humble Hero: Makes many sacrifices for his ideals and refuses to stand out among others. Lampshaded by Eda and Linoan.
- Knight in Shining Armor: To Linoan.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Deen is one of the taller characters and his handsomeness is remarked upon.
Class: Dragon Rider
Deen's younger sister and fellow dragon rider
- Action Girl
- Blade on a Stick: Switches to swords dismounted.
- Brother-Sister Team: She and her brother Deen.
- Dragon Rider: She rides a wyvern, obviously.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Undying Loyalty: To her lady in liege Altenna.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Homer (Homeros)
Class: Bard
A wandering bard who is a bit of a womanizer and lush.
- The Alcoholic: Heavily implied, at least in his dialogue with Nanna.
- Estrogen Brigade Bait: And holy shit, HOW. Just look at him! [dead link]
- Handsome Lech: Nanna recruits him by slapping him when he offers her a drink.
- Healing Hands: Upon promotion.
- Light'Em Up: His main weapons are light tomes. But since there are few of these in Jugdral...
- Blow You Away: If you give him Wind tomes instead, he will use them to quite the benefit of the group.
- The Storyteller/Wandering Minstrel: In his ending, which makes him famous in Jugdral.
Duchess Linoan of Tahra
Class: Sister
The women in charge of the free city of Tahra.
- Arranged Marriage: To Travant's son and Deen's master Arion.
- Bodyguard Crush: On Deen.
- Magical Girl Warrior
- Married to the Job: She "never married despite her beauty" and spent all of her time devoting herself to rebuild her hometown of Tahra.
- Nice Girl
- The Ojou: Kind and sweet.
- Silk Hiding Steel: And she's both mentally strong and powerful in the battlefield.
- Woman in White
Ralf (Ralph)
Class: Hero
A mercenary against the Empire.
- The Generic Guy: Nothing is really notable about him. Despite this, he actually has dialogue during cut scenes which a couple of other characters don't even get (e.g. Cain, Alva, Robert).
- Punch Clock Hero/Not in This For Your Revolution: Joins Leif's fight against the Empire because he can't stand their tyranny.
- We Help the Helpless: The vilagers helped him and took him in, he aids them in return.
Ilios (Eyrios)
Class: Mage Knight
A Knight of Friege. Dreams of becoming a noble.
- Ambition Is Evil: In his case, it's more like "Ambition makes you a Jerkass sometimes."
- Inferiority Superiority Complex: Combined with Don't You Dare Pity Me! in his recruitment conversation, in regards to his low birth.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Hates when Karin calls him "Olson".
- Shock and Awe: Is a (rather decent) Magic Knight and his speciality is Thunder Magic.
- Ted Baxter: Specially in his ending.
Class: Priest
A priest from Edda, known as the "Eyes of Claude".
- Bishonen: He is very, VERY pretty.
- Hair of Gold
- Holy Hand Grenade: Once promoted, he can use light magic.
- Man in White: He's a priest after all.
- Silk Hiding Steel: Rare Male Example
- Spirit Advisor: He has Claude's spirit as this.
- White Mage: He plays this role like all priests, but is rather noticeable for his base A staffs which allows him to use any staff not locked to another character.
Class: Pegasus Knight
A mercenary from Silesia who fights to earn money for orphans.
- Action Girl
- Defector From Decadence: Joins the Army despite knowing it's not a good one, since she's taking care of the kids in an orphanage.
- Like Father, Like Son: Averted. She's the daughter of Deet'var, but makes a point about how her mom's death at the hands of Sigurd's group has nothing to do with her motivations.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Is told this by Karin and August for putting the Silesian kids's needs over the whole world, though to be fair, she didn't know about the child hunts.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Class: Sister
A strange, young girl with ties to the Loptous Sect. She decides to side with Leif and his group instead.
- Broken Bird: One that instead of being bitter and cynical, is distracted and pretty much a...
- Cloudcuckoolander:
Oh, are you from the Liberation Army? Did she say something to you? Please forget it. She mumbles strange things from time to time. She can be an odd girl at times.
- For Want of a Nail: Make sure you recruit her and don't get her killed off. Or not only you'll lose the chance to save Eyvel, but she'll end up as the Dark Lord Elf, a Dark Magical Girl on the enemy's side that can pack quite the magical punch (okay, so you'll still fight Elf if this doesn't happen, but Sara!Elf is quite more powerful than normal!Elf).
- Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter: Manfroy is her gramps, and he killed Sara's father when her mom was pregnant with her.
- Magical Girl Warrior: Considering she has three of the best skills in the game, she can become a deadly force in battle.
- Moe: A cute, kinda playful youngster, though with an air of sadness around her.
- Mystical Waif: She claims that she could hear Leif's voice in her mind and that's why she wants to join him.
- The Ojou: She's first seen talking to an enemy, who refers to her as "Lady Sara". This is because Manfroy keeps her around due to her being his heir of sorts.
- Strange Girl
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Woman in White
- You Killed My Father: To Manfroy.
Princess Miranda of Alster
Class: Mage
The Princess of Alster.
- Action Girl
- Arranged Marriage: Her advisors want one of these between her and Leif, but she doesn't like the idea since they tell her such things for being a girl. Miranda does consider it since Leif is a decent guy, but tells him to fight and finish the war first. And their endings say Leif married Nanna (or stayed single if she died), and Miranda married someone else (who may or may not be her loyal knight Conomor) anyway.
- Badass Princess
- Broken Bird
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Averted: she's the princess of Alster, but still goes to lots of crap.
- Fallen Princess: She hails from the fallen kingdom of Alster.
- Lady of Black Magic: More Hot-Blooded than usual, but still a feminine mage who is also a princess.
- May–December Romance: In her ending, Miranda is said to have married "a certain knight". It's believed that said knight was Conomor, who is quite older than her.
- Well, Excuse Me, Princess!: A young noblewoman with quite the spunk.
- What the Hell, Hero?: To Leif, for running away at first which caused the death of her father.
- Woman in White: She wears a white dress.
- Zettai Ryouiki: In some illustrations, she has long thigh high socks plus a white dress with deep leg slits.
Class: Swordsmaster
A mercenary from Silesse who impersonates Prince Shannan of Isaach.
- Body Double: To Shannan, upon his request. He doesn't fool Shannan's allies though.
- Joke Character: He teaches Mareeta a powerful skill by mere fluke.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Shannam is a a tall handsome dark-haired man who looks just like Shannan. Of course, his personality is quite bumbling.
Class: General
A general of Lenster who was forced to join Freege after it's fall
- Cool Old Guy: And HOW. The guy may be old, but he's a very powerful unit.
- I Have Your Wife: Cannot have a Heel Face Turn because the families of his soldiers are held hostage. You have to help him free them if you want him to join your cause.
- Mighty Glacier: Aside from movement, this is averted, as Xavier's speed growth is actually quite high.
Class: Paladin
A Knight of Friege who is secretly against the Child Hunts.
- Action Girl
- Lady of War
- My Country, Right or Wrong: At first, but she can be talked out of it.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Conomor (Conomool, Conomore)
Class: Paladin
A Knight of Alster who fights for the Empire to ensure Miranda's safety.
- Badass Moustache
- Bodyguard Crush/May–December Romance: If you believe he's the "certain knight" whom Miranda married.
- Cool Old Guy: He's still a knight despite how old he is.
- My Country, Right or Wrong: However, he can be recruited if you speak to him with Miranda.
Prince Diarmuid of Nordion (Delmud)
Class: Forrest Knight
The Prince of Nodion and Nanna's brother. Is playable in Genealogy of the Holy War.
Saias (Cyas)
Class: High Priest
A priest from Velthomer, and son of Emperor Arvis, albeit illegitimate.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Mareeta.
- Evil Redhead: Subverted: he starts as your enemy, but is actually a sweet dude.
- Heroic Bastard: The illegitimate child of Emperor Arvis and one of his allies, Aida.
- Man in White: He's a devoted member of the church of Bragi and wears a holy white robe to match.
- Nice Guy
- The Strategist
Prince Ced of Silesse (Sety)
Class: Sage
Leader of the Magi Squad.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Asvel.
- Blow You Away: In Thracia 776, he already has the wind spell Forseti.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome
- Hero of Another Story: His exploits in Manster are never fully covered. The only glimpse of it is during the Manster escape.
- Man in White: In some illustrations.
- Red Baron: "Ced the Hero".
Class: Hero
The former prince of the Kingdom of Rivough, and a powerful mercenary.
- Disappeared Dad: He tried raising Mareeta alone after her mom died in childbirth, and they were doing fine until he once got distracted and little Mareeta was caught by slave drivers. Additionally, if he's recruited and Eyvel is saved from petrification, he decides to leave Mareeta with her since he believes he's too bloodstained by his revenge quests, though promising to visit her at least once a year.
- Fallen Prince: Was the prince of Rivough, a small kingdom invaded by Isaach.
- For Want of a Nail: If he's not recruited, the players will see him as Deadlord Bovis.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: He and Mareeta have marks of Odo on their backs.
- Late Character Syndrome: Though in a subversion, it doesn't really hurt him much due to starting out with several maxed stats and powerful weapons.
Notable NPCS
Class: Bishop
A former Bishop of Bragi, member of the Lifis Gang and Leif's adviser.
- Badass Beard/Bald of Awesome
- Good Is Not Nice: He knows how to torture people and use pragmatic tactics. Despite this, August stands for freeing the continent, avoids unnecessary killing, and does show sympathy to his foes.
- Heel Face Turn: He used to work for Lifis and it's implied he was even shadier in the past.
- Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids: Until Character Development hits via Dorias's death.
- The Strategist: As Leif's adviser, he gives one leadership star to him.
Count Dorias of Leonster
Class: N/A
A noble of Leonster, lost his right arm in the Battle of Alster.
- Handicapped Badass: Lost his left arm in the war, but still trains people and helps out as much as he can.
- Sacrificial Lion: He dies when he and his troops were ambushed by Bloom's army.
- The Strategist
Class: Bishop
Leader of Frest and Asvel's grandfather.
Raydrik (Leydrick)
Class: Baron
A general from Conote who switched sides to the Empire and became lord of Manster.
- Bodyguard Betrayal: Apparently he pulled this on Leif's grandpa.
- Evil Weapon: His Loptous Sword.
- Face Heel Turn: He was once a general of Leonster, but he betrayed the king to Thracia.
- The Quisling/Les Collaborateurs: Was originally the general of Conote before he betrayed Manster and sided with the Grannvale empire. He was eventually made the Duke of Manster under the empire's rule.
Class: Sword Armor
The Boss of Chapter 1, a Knight under Leidrick.
Class: General
The boss of Chapter 3. He guards the captive children of the Child Hunts.
Class: General
- Anti-Villain: Actually a nice guy and a friend of Olwen.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: If captured and then released.
- Evil Old Folks: Only in the sense that he opposes you.
Kempf of Friege
Class: Mage Knight
- Bad Boss: Forces Oltov to do an no retreat battle to the last man.
- Jerkass: Kempf is an utter asshole who holds everyone in contempt, especially anyone or anything related to Reinhardt.
- The Rival: Hates Rinehart and his sister Olwen.
- Smug Snake: Even his fellow commanders view him with disgust.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: His hair is silver like many characters from Friege.
Class: Bishop
Class: General
Class: Baron
Class: General
Class: General
Class: Mage Knight
Class: General
Class: General
Class: Baron
Class: Baron
Class: Baron
Class: Mage Knight
- Anti-Villain: He just follows orders, but he clearly despises the motivations behind him.
- Shock and Awe: Dire Thunder is a tome that conjures lightning and strikes twice consecutively, basically being a Brave tome. His Fire Emblem Heroes variant also has Blazing Thunder as his default special, which is a 5 square vertical AOE which deals damage equal to his attack minus the enemy's defenses x1.5, calculated individually for all affected enemies, before triangle advantage or disadvantage is calculated before combat.
- SNK Boss: He is feared and revered by many characters for a good reason. He has multiple skills, endgame boss level stats, max movement stars which could give him the chance to move again, and two weapons that strike twice consecutively. Take him head on at your own peril, especially without Nihil. In fact, it's usually just best to cheese him and the map with staff wielders, to the point that a Warp staff is given to Leif's army in that same map.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
Class: Warrior
- Heel Face Turn: Says he'll quit piracy and become a fisherman upon being released.
- Rape, Pillage and Burn
- Pirate: He is one of Lifis's goons.
Class: Warrior
Class: Warrior
- Rape, Pillage and Burn: Unlike the rest of the dandelion gang, Colho and his followers don't want to be Just Like Robin Hood.
Class: Warrior
Class: Dragon Knight
Class: Dragon Knight
Class: Dragon Knight
Loptous Sect
Class: Dark Bishop
- Sinister Minister
- Taken for Granite: Can do this to you. And does it to Eyvel in the beginning. Not to mention, in scrapped ideas he was supposed to also do it to Lachesis and Sylvia too.
Class: Dark Bishop
Class: Dark Bishop