Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones/Characters
This is a list of characters in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.
Main characters
The Princess of Renais. Elegant, beautiful, strong-willed and just, as well as into diplomacy and politics rather than into war despite being an accomplished swordswoman, but also being heavily implied to have an incestuous crush on her twin brother Ephraim (though she can form relationships with her other friend Innes or other male characters, via supports). When Grado invaded Renais, Eirika escaped with her guardian Seth to the neighboring Frelia and worked her way to uncover the mystery of Grado's invasion, one that leads to a resurrection of the Demon King Fomortiis.
Class: Lord
- Action Girl
- Badass Princess: She's only been learning swordplay for three years and has never been on a battlefield before, but given her regular disposition and nature, she bears with it surprisingly well.
- Bodyguard Crush: If she develops feelings for either Forde or Seth.
- Cry Cute
- Distress Ball: Twice Eirika gets into trouble and needs rescuing by Ephraim.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Eirika's beauty and grace are admired greatly by many of the girls that follow her.
- Fragile Speedster: Though she can take a hit a time or two.
- Lightning Bruiser: If well-trained.
- The Hero: For the First Story Arc. Come Chapter 8, she jointly shares the role with Ephraim in-story
- Heroines Prefer Swords
- Heroines Want Redheads: She and Seth.
- Hot Amazon
- Hot Mom: She gives birth to a girl if she and Saleh marry via A supports.
- Humble Heroine: She displays this pretty openly, given her normal disposition towards people.
- Idiot Ball: Falls for Fomortiis' trick to claim the Renais Sacred Stone all too easily.
- Incest Subtext: Not stated outright, but the implications are there...
- Lady of War: Other characters comment on her grace, and her sprite animations are rather elegant.
- The Messiah
- Modest Royalty: Spends the game wearing some practical light armor.
- Naive Newcomer: She's shocked by the cruelties of war and the battlefield, which she had never laid eyes on before. She doesn't let it define her for long though, and works hard to grow past it.
- Nice Girl: One of her defining characteristics. Everyone who has known her for more than five minutes comments on how nice she is.
- Pimped-Out Dress: As Fire Emblem: Awakening DLC.
- Plucky Girl: Just try and make her Stay in the Kitchen.
- Royal Rapier: Her first personal weapon, and in general her attack animations show her using all her swords with thrusting attacks. Justified, as while she's hardly the first Lord to use a Rapier in Fire Emblem, the game shows that she was trained in swordsmanship by Ephraim, who uses a lance.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: To Novala in Chapter 6.
- Skilled but Naive: An accomplished swordswoman, but having been trained for diplomacy for most of her life and having just finished her swordmanship training, she has to be heavily advised on tactics and strategy.
- Thigh-High Boots
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: As seen with Idiot Ball above. However, this doesn't stop her from being...
- The Wise Princess: Hardly an idiot by any measure of the imagination in spite of this. For instance, she might have been shocked with Novala's tactics in Chapter 6, but she quickly told him to shut his trap when he gloated too much and warned him she wouldn't stand for her citizens being abused.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Blue hair. Seems to run in the family.
- Zettai Ryouiki: She wears a skirt with her armor, which the practicalness is questioned In-Universe.
The Crown Prince of Renais, who unlike his twin sister is more into combat and war strategies rather than politics. He wields a spear instead of the standard Fire Emblem hero weapon the sword. When Eirika escapes, Ephraim was already on the way to slow Grado's advances. He eventually joins up with Eirika and helped her in her quest, eventually learning that he will have to take responsibility to be a good king, not just fighting all the time.
Class: Lord
- The Ace: Deconstructed. Ephraim starts off so damn amazing he's a borderline God Mode Sue. However, when he gets back to Renais, Seth tells him that the citizens are not cheering for his return. They're only happy because Orson's reign of terror is over. Ephraim takes this as the sign that his Leeroy Jenkins tendencies haven't been great for his people and begins to mature from then on.
- Action Hero: He's every bit as capable, perhaps more so, than any of his knights.
- Badass Boasting Catch Phrase: "I don't pick fights I can't win."
- Big Brother Instinct Mentor: It's not made clear if he's older than Eirika, but he acts as one to her anyway. Also applies in his relationship with Myrhh: she specifically asks if she can call him "brother" in their C Support, and their deepening relationship is this as opposed to romantic.
- Big Damn Heroes: Saves Eirika twice in the story.
- Blade on a Stick: One of the few Lord characters who uses something other than a sword.
- Blood Knight: Could probably give Ashnard a run for his money in this department. Ephraim is more or less addicted to fighting and seems to constantly be on the lookout for a Worthy Opponent. Deconstructed by the end, alone with his Ace characteristics.
- Book Dumb: He knows nothing of magic, as he will frequently point out. In a flashback, he also complains that books are too thick and have too many words. Not to say he's actually stupid or can't read, he's just too bored and impatient with books. This is tied into his Character Development in accepting his duties.
- Cutscene Power to the Max: The game stubbornly refuses to allow Ephraim to fail at anything in the storyline.
- Cutscene Incompetence: That said, Lyon manages to steal the Renais Sacred Stone from him a bit too easily.
- Expy: Like Hector, but uses lances instead.
- Glass Cannon: Less breakable than most, but he still shouldn't take too many hits at first; fortunately, he more than makes up for it very hard from the beginning, and his high critical rate is nothing if not beneficial.
- Lightning Bruiser: Once he's trained up a bit.
- Glory Hound: He gets the most glory out of all the heroes throughout the region.
- Guile Hero: He was able to wage guerrilla warfare on the Grado forces with only three soldiers, and when Orson led them into a trap, he and his two remaining soldiers fought through Valter's forces by breaking east, thanks to his tactics. Obviously it doesn't shine through in gameplay (it's the player who's in charge), but between-chapter exposition frequently shows evidence of Ephraim's tactical and strategic genius.
- The Hero: Come Chapter 8 and the end of the First Story Arc, he joins up with Eirika, and from then on, they share this role in-story.
- Hero of Another Story: During the First Story Arc, you're hearing of his exploits against Grado as he and his men use guerilla tactics to weaken the army. The game's sole Gaiden Chapter even gives you control of him and his men instead of Eirika's.
- Idiot Savant: Not an extreme example but with shades of it - Ephraim's a bloody genius and veritable Badass on the battlefield, but he lacks skills in many of the finer aspects of a royal upbringing like historic knowledge and tact - sometimes he's even pretty blunt in everyday situations. Still a good person overall.
- Incest Subtext: Not stated outright, but the implications are there...
- Jack of All Stats
- Leeroy Jenkins: If trying to take on an enemy castle, and then their capital city with only two soldiers doesn't qualify you for this, who knows what will. And somehow, Ephraim makes it work.
- Lost Forever: Happens if you allow Orson to run off with Ephraim's signature lance Reginleif. You can't get another one, even if you play Ephraim's route (whereas Eirika can find an extra Rapier on her route).
- Modest Royalty: He dresses like the mercenary he wishes he was. Notably, while Eirika is made for royalty while traveling the countryside, no one ever suspects Ephraim of being anything but a gentleman soldier.
- Nice Guy: Despite his love of battle, he is very much this. He reacts to the enemy recruit Amelia by advising her on how to fight better, overcoming the vile rumors she's heard about him and winning her to his side.
- Rebel Prince: In the flashbacks to only a year or two ago, Ephraim commented that if it was up to him, he'd leave the kingdom in Eirika's hands and become a mercenary. Ephraim's journey forces him to confront the responsibility his father's death has placed upon him and grow into his duty as king.
- Tender Tears: Only once and only on his own Route, but it's quite a moving moment when the calm and composed Ephraim becomes misty-eyed.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Just like Eirika and his father, his hair is blue green.
King Fado
The King of Renais, Fado is killed shortly into the story by Prince Lyon. His death motivates his children.
Class: General
- Badass Beard: A pretty sweet blue goatee.
- Hot Dad
- Mighty Glacier: Likely, his class was General.
- However, he has a unique sprite in the opening cutscene in which he is killed; the "General" class is only for the recruitable version in the post-game content.
- Sacrificial Lamb: He doesn't live past the first chapter and his death is what kickstarts the plot.
- We Hardly Knew Ye: He doesn't even make it past the prologue.
A high-ranking knight in the service of Renais, Seth is ordered early on to escort Eirika to Frelia. He acts as The Lancer to whichever sibling is the main character in the story from there.
Class: Paladin
- Blade on a Stick/Heroes Prefer Swords
- Bodyguard Crush: On Eirika, if they support to A level.
- Crutch Character: A softer example: Seth can crush any foe for the first dozen or so chapters, and even after that, he never really becomes bad.
- The Determinator: Only death will stop Seth from carrying out Renais' will.
- Foil: More so for the prince than princess.
- Knight in Shining Armor: A very important part of his character is how he wants to protect the twins and his land, as well as those who need his help. Also ties in to gameplay, as Paladins are the number 1 rescuers in battle; having one of the highest movement ranges allows them to rescue anyone in need very quickly.
- The Lancer: In-game, he qualifies for both twins, even following the Route of whichever twin you choose to follow.
- Lightning Bruiser: At first, reduces down to Jack of All Stats later on.
- Meat Shield: A very effective one for keeping enemies away from more fragile units.
- Number Two: To both Eirika and Ephraim. He's the only non-royal character that can fall in battle and still be relevant to the plot.
- Redheaded Hero
- Secret Keeper: Seth knew about the Bracelets but kept his mouth shut per orders of King Fado, only spilling the beans out after the king's demise.
- Team Dad: Despite being of middling age compared to the others, his wisdom and maturity allows him to fall into this role.
A fresh knight in the Renais military, Franz joins Seth in escorting Eirika across the border. Franz is sent ahead initially and returns later with Gilliam. His older brother Forde is also a Cavalier, but he's under the direct service of Ephraim alongside Kyle and Orson.
Class: Cavalier
- An Axe to Grind: If he promotes into a Great Knight.
- Birds of a Feather: With Amelia.
- Blade on a Stick/Heroes Prefer Swords: His initial weapons, but he can also pick up...
- Captain Ersatz: While not as blatant as his older brother's resemblance to Edward Elric, Franz does resemble Alphonse's human form.
- Friendly Rival: He and Amelia try to help one another's growth by being friendly rivals in both their supports and Amelia's supports with Dussel. By the time he and Amelia reach A support (and implied in Amelia and Neimi's A support), their relationship has deepened considerably.
- Hair of Gold
- Hot Dad: If he marries Amelia, they have a daughter.
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Gilliam.
- Like Brother and Sister: With Natasha.
- Magikarp Power: Is not bad by any means initially, except when compared to Seth. Franz will often surpass Seth by the end of the game, and has a good chance of being the strongest of your cavaliers when all's said and done.
- Nice Guy: He's shown as a person who is friendly to everyone.
- Older Than They Look: He doesn't really look fifteen or sixteen, does he?
- Real Men Wear Pink: He can make a nice satchel.
- Wise Beyond Their Years: This is illustrated is several of his Support combos.
A retired former soldier of Renais, Garcia left the military after his wife Risa died so he could raise his son Ross. When father and son are saved by Eirika's group early on, Ross manages to convince Garcia to rejoin the military and fight for the sake of Renais.
Class: Fighter
- An Axe to Grind: At first, though if he promotes into a Warrior, he'll also become The Archer, or he can prove that Heroes Prefer Swords.
- Badass: Especially for one of the poorly balanced Fighter class. Granted, he's a bit rusty at first (due to his retirement, no doubt), but trained up back into form and... oh yeah.
- Badass Beard: He's one of three of these you can get in the game.
- Berserk Button: First, don't threaten Ross. Two, don't damage his Badass Beard.
- Boisterous Bruiser: And even more so after being retired for years. Eagerly lampshaded by Seth.
- Cool Old Guy: He's still got it after retiring long ago.
- Face Death with Dignity: His Badass death quote: "I have no regrets. This was always my fate."
- Good Parents: He dearly loves his boy Ross.
- Papa Wolf: He takes up his axe again to defend his son after the bandits come to destroy their village. If you don't recruit him until after the level, he'll rampage through the thugs all by himself.
- Retired Badass: Left the army after Risa's death so he could raise Ross. When their village was destroyed, and they were saved by Eirika's crew, he returned to action when Ross decided to join the troupe. In his solo ending, he becomes an instructor in the Renais military, helping out the newbies.
Garcia's son, one of the three new "trainee" classes. In this case, he's a Journeyman, a sort of Pre-Fighter/Pirate class. Ross is eager to become a great warrior like his father.
Class: Journeyman
- An Axe to Grind: Like his father, and he can pick up the same sub-weapons as his father too.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Like Father, Like Son!
- Calling the Old Man Out: He pulls this to convince Garcia to join Eirika's group and let him fight.
- Generation Xerox: Damn proud of it too.
- Glass Cannon: Ross falls into the typical axefighter's trap of being extremely strong on offense but having low defenses. He's able to offset it well with his high HP, speed and luck, however, so he can tank a hit and dodge the rest before he's in trouble.
- Hot-Blooded
- Hot Dad: If he and Amelia marry, they have a son.
- Magikarp Power: He starts as a weak Journeyman, but you can easily train him and make him a powerhouse. Even better: since he's the first of the pre-classes to join, it's easier to have him leveled.
- Nice Guy: When off-duty, he's quite the sweetheart.
- When All You Have Is a Hammer: If he takes the route to Berserker, he will never pick up a secondary weapon. He will also be so powerful with just his axe, he has no need for one.
A resident of Renais, and an Archer of reasonable skill. Neimi's village is sacked by Brigands. Eirika agrees to help her find her childhood friend Colm. She turns out to be the granddaughter and disciple of Sethla, a legendary archer.
Class: Archer
- The Archer: She can also become a Hot Chick with a Sword and a Horse Archer if you promote her into a ranger.
- Expy: Similarly to Eirika, Neimi's stats are almost identical to those of Rebecca. Unless you make her a Ranger, becoming more similar to Rath or a promoted!Sue.
- Fragile Flower: She's quite emotionally frail and given to getting upset a lot.
- Hot Mom: Has a daughter and a son (whom she trains as archers) if she and Colm marry.
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Garcia and Gilliam.
- Memento MacGuffin: A handmirror that belonged to her Missing Mom. Colm went to the bandits' hideout specifically to retrieve it.
- She actually has two MMG's. One is the aforementioned handmirror, the other is her archery gauntlet that she uses in battle.
Neimi: (to Garcia, about her gauntlet) My late grandfather gave it to me. It was too big for me, so I resized it to fit my hand. He was the one who taught me how to use a bow... This is a keepsake he gave me.
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Tender Tears: Cries very, very easily.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: If you pair her with Colm.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: If you don't.
Neimi's childhood friend, and a Thief. The group encounters him stealing from a group of Bandits to reclaim Neimi's Memento MacGuffin... after he steals Eirika's Lunar Brace. Afterwards, he returns the bracelet and joins the group alongside Neimi.
Class: Thief
- Badass: Well, he IS a thief.
- Badass Cape: The cloak to go with his dagger.
- Chekhov's Gunman: First appears at the end of Chapter 2 (The Protected).
- Completely Missing the Point: With hilarious results in his and Moulder's B support.
- Fragile Speedster: While he does take a lot of damage when hit, he often can dodge pretty well.
- Gentleman Thief: What he becomes in his solo ending. If you pair him with Neimi though, he will quit his thieving ways.
- Hot Dad: Has a daughter and a son if he and Neimi marry.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's very brusque with Neimi, but he still goes out of his way to get her mirror back, and is concerned over Eirika.
- Percussive Pickpocket: Steals Eirika's bracelet this way.
- Small Name, Big Ego: To a degree, if he supports with Rennac. Who becomes his Trickster Mentor.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Snarky, cool, and teases Neimi a lot with a straight face. But Heaven help whoever makes his Neimi suffer. In fact, he went to the bandits's hideout on his own solely to recover Neimi's Tragic Keepsake.
- Trickster: How he's introduced, effortlessly filching Eirika's bracelet and then raiding Bazba's hideout without anyone noticing.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Dark blue hair. It matches his clothes, oddly enough.
A humble, gentle monk the party encounters trying to purge the woods of Monsters. Artur joins them after the incident.
Class: Monk
- Bishonen: Lampshaded by Tethys.
- Fragile Speedster: He has quite high speed for a monk.
- Holy Hand Grenade: His light magic is really useful against monster enemies.
- Hot Dad: If he and Lute marry, they have a son.
- Man in White: As a man of the cloth, like other examples in Fire Emblem.
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: With Lute. Specially if they get married, as their ending says he's the one handling the household.
- Nice Guy: He's polite and humble in contrast to Lute.
- Silk Hiding Steel: Yet another male example. In short, he's a nice and gentle guy with a Holy Hand Grenade.
- Squishy Wizard: Has great magic powers, but very poor Defense.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend/Victorious Childhood Friend: Depends on your whether you pair him with Lute or not.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: He's arachnophobic. It wasn't improved when Lute released a swarm of them in his bedroom once to "help" him get over his fear of them.
This proud mage is old friends with Artur; she joins during the same battle he does.
Class: Mage
- Action Girl
- Badass Bookworm: She spent most of her childhood in her grandmother's library, but is an incredibly good mage who eagerly goes into battle against ancient monsters.
- Black Magician Girl: She's the dark mage of the team.
- Blood Knight: Possibly. She really enjoys killing Monsters with her magic. But she also does it "with love" in her own words.
- Child Prodigy: She's very proud of this, and has the skills to back it up.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Like L'Arachel, she's very much on her own wavelength, and her though process is incomprehensible to others. If she and Artur marry, it's implied her son is just as odd as she is, as she starts studying the child's "baffling habits" with as much interest as her magic (curiously, her and Kyle's son is normal in behavior... likely because Kyle is the one mostly raising him).
- Holy Hand Grenade: If promoted into a Sage.
- Hot Mom: Of a son, if she married either Artur or Kyle.
- Insufferable Genius: Constantly brags about her brilliance and unaccountable magic skills. True to form, she has the best magic growth in the game.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Opposites Attract: Kyle is an extremely serious, straight-laced guy, while Lute is... not. This doesn't stop Kyle from falling for her if they support, finding Lute's peculiarities incredibly charming.
- Playing with Fire/Razor Wind/Shock and Awe: Starts with a Fire tome, can start using other Anima tomes as she levels up.
- The Rival: To Knoll, though he was tricked into being her rival.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Amelia, Tana, Natasha, Vanessa, Tethys, Marisa, Eirika (with Seth or Saleh) and L'Arachel (with Ephraim) all fall into this, but Lute's relationship with Artur arguably has them all beat.
- Squishy Wizard: She's bound to become one of your more powerful magic units, but she can not take a hit.
- Stalker with a Crush: Her hobby is "monk watching". Says a lot. Granted, she and Artur were living together before they joined...
- Strange Girl: Has immersed herself so far in her books that she's left completely unable to function in the real world. Her paired ending with Kyle outright states that all of Kyle's compatriots were unable to understand what he saw in such a strange girl.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Her A support with Artur has her going into almost shock when he tells her that he loves her, then blushing and not knowing what to do or say until Artur tells her to just be herself. She also shows borderline child-like reactions to Pegasi, via her and Vanessa's supports.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: More dark purple in her case.
A knight of Renais, and one of two soldiers under Ephraim's command. Serious and straightforward.
Class: Cavalier
- Blade on a Stick/Heroes Prefer Swords: Though like Franz and Forde, can also gain An Axe to Grind.
- Captain Ersatz: Of Spike Spiegel, minus the tragic aspects of Spike's backstory.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Used to be pretty bad about it.
- Cultured Badass: Very well-educated and courteous, with an interest in wooden handicrafts, and always under control (unless he's with Forde). In his paired endings, he trains his kids (a son, with Lute; a daughter, with Syrene) to be both strong and well-mannered.
- Genius Bruiser: He's quite a tactician.
- Hot Dad: Of a son or a daughter, depending on who he marries: Lute or Syrene.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Lampshaded by Syrene.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue to Forde's red.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Cool and stoic to most people, but very sweet to his love interests.
- Uptight Loves Wild: While not so much "wild" as "very strange", Kyle is fascinated by Lute's personality when they support, and can end up marrying her as a result.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: He and Syrene actually met when they were around 12-13. Their C support is all about Kyle remembering this and going all "Are you THAT little Syrene, the one I met as a kid?".
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: A deep forest green to match his armor.
The other of Ephraim's loyal men, and Franz's older brother. Easygoing and carefree.
Class: Cavalier
- Big Brother Mentor: To his little brother Franz.
- Bodyguard Crush: On Eirika.
- Brilliant but Lazy: He's an excellent fighter, but he has a tendency to fall asleep in the saddle; in fact, he even has a special saddle so he won't fall off.
- Captain Ersatz: He looks an awful lot like Edward Elric, with the blond ponytail, red clothes, and he's even the older brother.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Not in the league of Sain, but hey.
- Heavy Sleeper: Sometimes dozes off in battle. Hilariously used in his and Vanessa's C support, where she and her Pegasus almost crash on him and he doesn't even notice. Forde likes his naps so much that his horse saddle is specially outfitted for his use. That way he can nap as much as he likes while in horseback without risking to fall off.
- Nice Guy: It's somewhat hard to see behind his irreverent nature, but he's remarkably kindhearted.
- Promotion to Parent: His and Franz's mom died when Forde was a teenager and Franz was a baby. Then their dad dies few years later.
- Stepford Smiler: While Forde is a genuinely Nice Guy, Franz notices in their supports that sometimes he forces himself to keep acting like that when not in the mood to help his friends stay strong.
- Warrior Poet: He is a very accomplished painter. In his solo ending, he retires from the military and becomes the court artist; in his and Eirika's shared one, he paints a beautiful portrait of her that becomes legendary.
A knight who serves Ephraim and is in his party starting and ending with Chapter 5x. In Chapter 8, he betrays the heroes and takes residence in Renais Castle. He spends the rest of his days with his Empty Shell of a revived wife Monica, pretending that she is alive, uncaring of his surroundings. He is the boss of Chapter 16, where he (as well as said zombified wife) is killed by Ephraim and his group.
Class: Paladin
- Badass Beard: A rugged scruff underneath his chin.
- Blade on a Stick: As a paladin, he can use lances, but he seems to prefer swords.
- Brown Eyes
- Climax Boss: Chapter 16 concludes the Second Story Arc in the game, given that it liberates Renais Castle and pretty much concludes the fight against the Grado Army.
- Despair Event Horizon and Love Makes You Evil: He and Monica were very Happily Married. Monica, however, was an Ill Girl and died some time before the game started. The loss threw Orson in such an emotional and moral turmoil that when Riev offered to revive her, he immediately betrayed his land to get a chance to have his beloved wife back.
Seth: His wife passed away some six months back. The loss may have been too much for his mind to bear. His love and devotion for his wife were well known among the knights.
- Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: When he's with you, his eyes look normal. They become this when he is Chapter 16's boss.
- Face Heel Turn
- Guest Star Party Member: Turns out to be one in the side chapter where Ephraim first appears.
- Meaningful Name: His name means 'bear', and you know just how possessive and aggressive bears (both male and female) can be about what's theirs. This seems to be reflected in his defection: he just couldn't let his wife go, and becomes passive-aggressive towards those who he thinks will take her away from him.
- Meat Shield: Because his growths are those of a Crutch Character while his three companions grow much more powerful, and to prevent the Wutai Theft of him taking his gear with him when he defects, canny players get a lot of use out of Orson by using him as unarmed but hard-to-hit bait to lure the large enemy force into traps.
- The Mole: During Chapter 5x.
- Necromantic: He lives with the reanimated body of Monica, which horrifies everyone.
- Sanity Slippage: He's normal, if slightly grim, when he's on your side, but by the time of his return, he's totally lost it.
- There Are No Therapists: Orson could not deal with the grief of losing his wife. Without any other options, it ate away at him until he went insane.
- Wutai Theft: He runs off with any weapons on him, once Ephraim's side-quest is completed.
King Hayden
King of Frelia, Hayden greatly helps the Twins in their quest, dispatching his armies to fight back the Grado Empire.
Class: Ranger
- The Archer: Of the Horse Archer variety, at least in the Creature Campaign.
- Hot Dad: Of Innes and Tana.
- Irony: Out of the Creature Campaign's unlockable characters... he's the only one who didn't die in the game.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: He immediately offers shelter and aid to Erika after the fall of Renais despite having to fight his own battle against Grado.
- The Wise Prince: He's called "The Venerable Sage King".
Class: Knight
- Badass Beard: Has a really nice goatee.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: They're massive, almost as big as his beard.
- Blade on a Stick: And he'll gain An Axe to Grind and a Sword when he promotes.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Him and Syrene, until their A support.
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Franz and Neimi.
- Mighty Glacier: His only really low stat is Speed.
- Stone Wall: Especially if you get him an S-rank in Spears so that he can use Vidofnir.
- Non-Standard Character Design: Gilliam's drawn differently than many of the characters, having a distinctly hawkish face compared to the more traditionally attractive younger characters.
- Not So Stoic: Is extremely serious and by the book, but gets very flustered when Syrene teases him and says she finds him handsome.
A Priest of Frelia, Moulder is dispatched alongside Gilliam and Vanessa to aid Eirika.
Class: Priest
- Badass Moustache: So awesome that it leads to people claiming him to be a Memetic Badass.
- Badass Preacher: In Colm's supports, he helps him become a better person.
- The Comically Serious: In Colm and his C and B supports.
- Cool Old Guy: He's one of the oldest priests in the franchise.
- Healing Hands: He can heal and mend people and weapons.
- Holy Hand Grenade: When he promotes, either as Sage (Anima plus Light) or as a Bishop (only Light).
- Nice Guy: Very kind-hearted, as you might expect from a priest.
- Shipper on Deck: The first one to notice and encourage Vanessa's Bodyguard Crush on Innes.
- Team Dad: For the Frelians, and to a smaller degree to the whole group.
- White Magician Guy
A Pegasus Knight of Frelia, Vanessa is also dispatched to aid Eirika. She and her older sister Syrene are the ones who trained Tana in both fighting and Pegasi riding. Her Pegasus's name is Titania.
Class: Pegasus Knight
- Action Girl
- Big Eater: In their supports, Syrene states that one of Vanessa's most charming qualities is that she can out-eat anyone.
- Blade on a Stick: Becomes a Hot Chick with a Sword if promoted into a Falco-Knight.
- Bodyguard Crush: On Innes.
- Crash Into Hello: Hilariously subverted in her C support with Forde, where she and Titania almost crash on him... but he's sleeping and doesn't notice.
- Dragon Rider: Can be promoted into one.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: Milder case.
- Hot Mom: If Vanessa marries Innes, she becomes not only his Number Two, but the mother of his child.
- Odd Friendship: With Lute.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Always cool and professional, but can be quite naive in her supports with Moulder or Syrene.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Dark Green in this case.
- Zettai Ryouiki: She has the skirt and tall boots version.
Princess of Frelia, and a fresh Pegasus Knight, Tana sneaks out to aid the Twins against her father and brother's will, with different results depending on which path you're following. Her Pegasus's name is Achaneus.
Class: Pegasus Knight
- Action Girl
- Blade on a Stick: The same as with Vanessa.
- Boobs of Steel: One of the bustiest playable characters in any Fire Emblem game according to official art, and her great growths make her potentially one of your strongest units.
- Chekhov's Gunman: First appears in Chapter 1 (Escape).
- Distress Ball: She caught one very early, when she was in a Frelian manse that was taken over by some Grado troops. Justified Trope since she was all alone in there, so there was no way she could've fought on her own at her early level. She catches another in Ephraim's path, when she runs away to bypass her dad's veto and gets caught by Gheb and co, and it's even more justified because the boss is not only of a higher level and class than her but has the advantage of using an axe, thus winning in the weapon triangle. After that, however, it's whacked away from her and she can take more than one level in badass.
- Dragon Rider: Can be promoted into one.
- Expy: Bears a certain resemblance to Shiida/Caeda from the first Fire Emblem game, being a powerful Badass Princess Pegasus knight with blue hair, a crush on the hero, and a happy talent for winning over more good-natured enemies to your side with pluck and kindness.
- Modest Royalty: Invoked in her and Cormag's supports, as she specifically asks him to not call her "Princess Tana".
- Plucky Girl: And how. Never tell her to Stay in the Kitchen or to abandon her friends! Doubled when she manages to recruit Cormag (who even lampshades it) by basically sweet-talking him into a Heel Face Turn on first sight, and when she snaps Ephraim out of an Heroic BSOD in his path, just like L'Arachel does to Eirika in hers.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: She and Eirika are a grown-up version of the trope.
- She's Got Legs: Long and nice ones, clad in Zettai Ryouiki.
- Skilled but Naive: Tana has just finished her training under Vanessa and Syrene, so she still has work to do and Innes tries to tell her to go back home. It fails, and she sticks around, which helps her take levels in badass.
- Tomboy Princess: She might not look it, but she's absolutely determined not to stay safe at home.
- Took a Level in Badass: In Ephraim's route, she starts out as a Damsel in Distress, but is actually a powerful unit who can surpass Vanessa and Syrene with ease if well trained. Additionally, in-story she gets two CMOA's by pulling Ephraim out of a short Heroic BSOD later, and an optional one as well by sweet-talking a very upset Cormag into a Heel Face Turn.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: A darker shade than Eirika and Ephraim.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Wears the dress/thigh-high boots variant.
The Crown Prince of Frelia. Innes is dispatched to Jehanna after the twins reunite, and they end up encountering him along the way in her storyline... and right on time, since he has caught quite the Distress Ball: depending on the route, he'll be either under attack from Pablo's mercenary troops (alongside the mercenaries Gerik and Tethys) or trapped in Jehanna Hall as it burns down (alongside Eirika and Saleh).
Class: Sniper
- Aloof Big Brother: To Tana.
- The Archer
- Child Prodigy: As stated in Moulder and Vanessa's supports, he defeated a famous archer when he was as much 12 years old.
- The Comically Serious: He takes himself really, really seriously. And yet he can be hilarious when he tries not to be. Seee his talk with Gerik and Tethys in Eirika's path and his supports with L'Arachel for good examples.
- The Determinator: He won't give up even if he's dying:
I won't give up... Not here... Not in this place... I'll keep going, even if I have to crawl...!
- Expy: Of Klein. Comes from a noble house; joins about halfway through the game[1] as a Level 1 Sniper, but unlike most pre-promoted units, is potentially useful in the endgame if trained properly; is a cold but caring older brother to an adoring sister who only wants to make him proud; has a strong friendship with a battle-scarred mercenary and potentially gets romantically involved with one of his pegasus knight subordinates... even the length of their names is the same, at least in English.
- Good Is Not Nice: His heart is in the right place, but he's also very stubborn and competitive.
- Guile Hero: Not only he's a very skilled archer, but the leader of the spy network in Frelia.
- Hot Dad: If he marries Vanessa.
- Jerkass/Jerk with a Heart of Gold: So much that Gerik and Tethys ask if he's hit his head when he genuinely thanks them. And in his romantic supports, he wavers between Sugar and Ice Personality (to Eirika and Vanessa) and Tsundere (to L'Arachel). He also puts on a Jerkass Facade to try and make Gerik and Tethys leave, rather than stand by him and be slaughtered by Carcino's troops (they don't) and to get Tana to go back home (she doesn't).
- The Rival: To Ephraim, and how. Played for Laughs with L'Arachel. With an A support, they fall in love and get married.
- Serious Business: Joshua is able to get quite a lot of gold off of him when Innes loses one coin toss after another, but keeps betting more. When Joshua finally comes clean that he fixes coin tosses, Innes refuses to take his money back because he was unable to spot the trick, and in fact asks Joshua to keep going.
- The Smart Guy: See Five-Man Band on the main page.
- Stay in the Kitchen: Tells that to Tana, and to a degree Eirika and L'Arachel. They don't listen. He later swallows his words. Vanessa and Syrene, however, get spared since they're very experienced vassals.
A knight of Frelia, she's encountered very late in the game along the way to Rausten. She is also Vanessa's older sister and greatly admired by Tana, whom the sisters taught all they knew in regards to fighting.
Class: Falcoknight
- Always Someone Better: To Vanessa. Which becomes a case of Story and Gameplay Segregation given that it is very possible for Vanessa to surpass her in stats by the time they reunite.
Vanessa: I've always wanted to be like you. You've always been my role model. But, I feel like whenever I finally catch up to you, you're already gone. You've already moved on. I'll never catch up with you, no matter how hard I try.
- Cool Big Sis: To Tana and Vanessa.
- Faux Action Girl: She's not quite as capable as one would expect from a highly respected squad captain. True, Creature Campaign can help remedy that, but still, she doesn't live up to her reputation as much as she should from the start.
- Hot Mom: She has a daughter (who is as polite and pretty as her mom) if she marries Kyle.
- Lady of War: Famous for her beauty and elegance.
- She's All Grown Up: Kyle implies that she grew into her looks.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Queen Ismaire
The Queen of Jehanna, known as "Ismaire of the White Dunes". Just, wise, calm and kind-hearted, she has been reigning alone ever since her husband perished and her son left the palace. Very well-loved by her people. Sadly murdered by Caellach about halfway through the game. Her son is actually Joshua the Myrmidon.
Class: Swordmaster
- Determined Widow: She took over as ruler when her husband died. As the ruler of Jehanna is also the high guildmaster of all of the mercenary guilds in the country, this was no small feat.
- Faux Action Girl: One of the most tragic cases ever.
- Hot Mom: Of Joshua.
- The Ojou: Older version.
- Sacrificial Lion: As Queen of Jehanna, she's supposedly the strongest of all of the mercenaries. However, she doesn't put up much of a fight when Caellach comes for her Sacred Stone.
- Stupid Sacrifice: Gives her life in an attempt to stop Caellach from destroy Jehanna's sacred stone... except this doesn't stop Caellach from getting it anyway, nor does it even inconvenience him in any way. It could almost be a Senseless Sacrifice, except Caellach attempts to talk her out of it and basically Lampshades that it wouldn't stop him taking the stone either way.
- Theme Naming: In the original Japanese version, at least, she and her son Joshua are both named after Biblical figures who were known for wandering in the desert.
- The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask: Was a just and noble queen, but always lamented not being a better mother to her runaway son.
A mercenary encountered early in the game. Also the Prince of Jehanna in disguise.
Class: Myrmidon
- Badass
- The Bet: With Natasha, so much. In their A support, he even proposes to her in the form of a coin flip. Being a The Gambling Addict, everything he does is decided on a coin flip.
- Born Unlucky: A running gag is that Joshua will lose whatever coin toss or endeavor he attempts early on.
- The Charmer: Hits on a nun within seconds of being introduced, but wouldn't kill her even if paid to. If their support level is raised to A, they get married. See also Nice Guy below.
- Cool Sword: The Killing Edge he has when he joins. And the family heirloom Audhulma, which Ismaire gives to him before she dies.
- Failure Is the Only Option: No matter what story path you take, or how strong he is, or how quickly you go through the maps, he will never ever get the chance to save his mum.
- The Fatalist: He comments to Gerik in their supports that even the greatest warrior can't beat being unlucky, although Gerik tells him that luck is no excuse for success or failure.
- The Gambling Addict: Decides his allegiance via coin flip, and manages to get L'Arachel addicted to it as well. Supports also reveal that he cheats on a pretty regular basis, so he may be disguising his decisions with the illusion of chance.
- Handsome Lech: His attractiveness is never pointed out in-game, but his mother is repeatedly described as beautiful. Also, the personality of a gambling addicted mercenary who joins a team for a hot nun? Yeah... Attractive indeed...
- Heroes Prefer Swords: It's the only weapon he can ever equip.
- Heroes Want Redheads: L'Arachel, Natasha and Marisa.
- King Incognito: And it's hinted that, in Ephraim's path, he never reveals his true identity to anyone except through the Where Are They Now? Epilogue.
- Lightning Bruiser: His defenses are sub-par, as is the case with all Myrmidons, but his HP is surprisingly high to compensate and thus partly negates the issue of them being Glass Cannons.
- Meaningful Name: Joshua (occasionally known as Jesus of Nun) is a warrior from the Bible, noted for being born in Egypt before the Exodus, one of the twelve spies sent to search out Canaan, Moses' apprentice and successor, and an extremely good leader in battle. Admittedly understated in English speaking countries as Joshua is a very common name, but it's not that common in Japan.
- Nice Guy: He has the largest support pool besides Ephraim and Eirika, composed of the most standoffish, prickly, or otherwise unapproachable people. Marisa and Innes are the most obvious, but Artur and Natasha have three support candidates each. Thus he actively seeks out withdrawn people to talk to.
- Nice Hat: Never commented on in-game, but the fandom always love mentioning that he's easily got the most bitchin' hat in the series.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: It's implied that he rigged the coin toss with Natasha so he would have an excuse not to kill her. Also, who expected a gambling addicted mercenary who shamelessly flirts with nuns to be the lost prince of Jehanna?
- Paper-Thin Disguise: He wears a hat over one eye, and... that's pretty much it. Joshua is even his given name, seeing as Queen Ismaire called for him while dying. But justified since after ten years, it was quite likely that no one recognized him once he grew up, and assumed he was named after the prince, rather than actually being him.
- Rebel Prince: He threw his old life away to go Walking the Earth so he could learn about the needs of the Jehannan people. Came back home too late to save his Hot Mom).
- The Sixth Ranger
A renowned mercenary leader, who encounters the viewpoint twin roughly halfway through the story. Tough-looking, but kind and very loyal to his employers.
Class: Mercenary
- Badass Teacher: In his ending with Tethys, he leaves the mercenary life behind to become a fencing instructor.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Ross, in his supports.
- The Captain: A damn competent leader for a Badass Crew.
- Chick Magnet: Since he's a Nice Guy under the tough looks, Marisa and Tethys adore him.
- Failure Knight: Became a mercenary to follow his childhood friend. Said friend ended up dying.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: A few under his chin and a rather big one across his nose.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Literally. He'll also gain An Axe to Grind if you promote him into a Hero, or a Bow and Sword in Accord if you promote him into a Ranger.
- Hidden Depths: He sees through Joshua's coin trick when even notably observant characters like Innes are unable to follow it; he confides in Joshua that he was a big gambler himself back in the day.
- Horse Archer: Only if you make him a Ranger.
- Jack of All Stats: As a Mercenary.
- Lightning Bruiser: While Gerik is extremely balanced at the outset, he rapidly grows to be downright godly.
- Martial Pacifist: Surprisingly, he's not the biggest fan of violence, and his desire to protect the weak is what led him to becoming a mercenary aside of the Jehannian environment in itself.
- Nice Guy: And it's him being kinder than the majority of the Jehanna mercenaries that draws Tethys and Marisa to him.
- Number Two: To Joshua, if they have A support. Justified Trope: the King/Queen of Jehanna is supposed to be the highest Guildmaster of the many mercenary guilds there.
- Pride Before a Fall: According to his supports with Tethys, Gerik got his scar when he got a little too confident on his abilities and challenged a mighty hero, but got almost killed by him. When the other spared his life, he was knocked off his pedestal and reconsidered his Suicidal Overconfidence.
- Red Baron: "Desert Tiger".
- Team Dad: To his mercenary group.
A dancer in the employ of Gerik, a beautiful and seductive woman who raised her little brother Ewan after they were abandoned by their parents.
Class: Dancer
- Awesomeness By Analysis: According to her supports with Gerik, she taught herself how to dance by memorizing and mimicking the moves of a famous dancer she once saw in action. When supporting with Marisa, Tethys also manages to deduce that she poses as a righty despite being a southpaw on mere sight.
- Badass Pacifist: Has no direct offensive capability, but she can literally give those who do the ability to literally kick ass more than once. Also, Innes tells her and Gerik to flee at one point when certain death looks likely, and like Gerik, she stands her ground.
- Belly Dancer: Unlike the other dancers, she's the odd one out because of her belly dancing.
- Cool Big Sis
- Deadpan Snarker: "Could you act less, like... men?"
- Hooker with a Heart of Gold: Mostly implied to be one. Her pre-recruitment appearance gives you the first major clue, and her little brother Ewan even lampshades this in one of his and Tethys' support conversations.
- Plucky Girl: The lady has had a very harsh life, but she's still as sweet and gentle as she is emotionally strong.
- Promotion to Parent: To Ewan.
- Spoony Bard: A dancer in Fire Emblem tradition, though her ability to allow units to move twice is actually pretty useful.
- Stripperiffic: Toyed with. Since she uses a midriff-baring top... with long pants. This means she's less stripperiffic than most other Fire Emblem dancers.[2]
A mercenary working for Gerik, but circumstances in either route cause her to be lead astray from him... either simply being deployed in the wrong region, or deployed on the opposite army he's fighting on.
Class: Myrmidon
- Action Girl
- Badass
- Dojikko: Outside of the battlefield, she is very clumsy.
- Hot Amazon: Admired for both her beauty and strength.
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Magikarp Power: She comes in as a level 5 Myrmidon, but can become the best Assassin in the game, and she ain't no slouch in the Swordmaster department either.
- Not Good with People: Lampshaded by Gerik.
- Red Baron: "Crimson Flash".
- She's Got Legs: Which she puts on display in her official art.
- Subordinate Excuse: To Gerik.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Tana theorizes that she's actually shy rather than deliberately aloof. She seems to be right.
- Testosterone Brigade Bait: Lets see: she's extremely good-looking, has dark and mysterious features, kicks tons of ass, is cool and sexy yet has a soft side, has pink hair and apparently has amazing legs? Aw yeah!
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: It's kind of tough to tell if it's pink or purple.
A trainee mage under Saleh's tutelage, and younger brother of Tethys.
Class: Pupil
- Adorably Precocious Child
- Child Mage: Notable, as he is the only playable Jehannan who has magical rather than physical powers.
- Curious as a Monkey: Evidently, he's so curious he ends up traveling the entire world in search of new things to learn.
- Dark Is Not Evil: If he becomes a Shaman.
- Expy: He's literally a "What If" version of Roy if he was a little guy trained in magic.
- Fiery Redhead: He's about as hyper as you'd expect a kid like him to be.
- Glass Cannon: His magic packs an enormous punch fairly early, but his defenses are almost nonexistent until very late in his growth. Like Ross, however, he is really fast and has really high Luck, so he can at least make up for his terrible defenses by dodging a lot.
- Holy Hand Grenade: If he becomes a Sage.
- Hot Dad: He and Amelia have a daughter if they support to level A.
- Magikarp Power: If you train him well.
- Playing with Fire: Starts using a Fire tome. It should be noticed that he loses the ability to use Anima magic if he promotes into a Shaman... and gains it back if you promote him into a Druid.
- The Prankster: Loves playing pranks on people.
- Walking the Earth: Sets off in a trip to see the whole Magvel world. If he has an A support with Amelia, she follows him in his voyages.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: To his sister and to Saleh.
Pontifex Mansel
The wise, calm leader of the Theocracy of Rausten.
Class: Pontifex
- Church Militant: Less than his niece, but it's still there. Rausten does have its own troops after all.
- Dude in Distress: Chapter 19 is failed if the enemies reach his throne and kill him.
- Hot Dad: Or better said, Hot Uncle.
- Parental Substitute: Raised L'Arachel as his heiress and adoptive daughter, after her parents died when she was a child.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: He's extremely helpful to the group, offering Rausten's Sacred Stone to aid in the fight as well as his castle for a temporary reprieve.
The Crown Princess of Rausten, L'Arachel is on a self-appointed glorious quest to purge the monsters from the world, like her deceased parents did in the past. She's certainly an interesting character.
Class: Troubadour
- Adult Child: She's not exactly an adult, per se, but she's around Ephraim's age... and the significantly younger Ross, Amelia and Ewan are all way more mature than her.
- Born Lucky: What happens when you pair her with Joshua? Why, she can beat a rigged coin toss, of course! This is reflected in her growth rates, as she'll almost always max out the Luck Stat on her own.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Appears twice (alongside Dozla and Rennac) before you gain control of them in the second part of the game.
- The Chick: See Five-Man Band on the main page.
- Church Militant: Benevolent version.
- Cloudcuckoolander: L'Arachel marches very much to the beat of her own drum, and while she's really a sweet girl, she has no common sense at all.
- Genki Girl: She's rather excitable and can't sit still for even a moment.
- Hidden Depths: While she's portrayed as cheerful and spoiled, her supports with Eirika show the sadness that she feels due to being orphaned.
L'Arachel: Everyone would tell me of my parents' bravery, of their honor... But I will never see them. I will never know them for myself. Oh, what I would give if I could have met them... just once.
- Holy Hand Grenade: If promoted into a Valkyrie.
- Large Ham: Never will you meet a mage quite as badass.
- Lord Error-Prone: The very definition of this trope, running off on a crusade to emulate the heroes of her court bard's stories, without the slightest clue what she's doing or where she's going. Ironically, she ends up being one of the most important pieces to winning the war.
- Love Freak: She has love for her friends, her creed and her kingdom.
- Magikarp Power: Perhaps the definitive example of this trope in the Fire Emblem franchise. While all three Recruits grow to be amazing units from their weak initial forms, L'Arachel starts out as just a good but somewhat fragile healer that takes forever to level up... then, once she becomes a Mage Knight or a Valkyrie, she can solo the first floor of the Bonus Level of Hell and hit level 20 in her first sortie as a fighter.
- Plucky Girl: The most outspoken of all the team.
- Red Mage: When promoted into either Valkyrie or Mage Knight.
- Refuge in Audacity: L'Arachel. Particularly in her support with Ephraim which ends in romance, and her non-romantic support with Joshua.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: While she's not a childhood friend like Tana, Eirika and L'Arachel become very close in much the same way on Eirika's route.
- Slap Slap Kiss: With Innes and Ephraim.
- Spoiled Sweet: She's incredibly spoiled and rather egocentric, but she's also a very nice girl in spite of all that, especially towards Eirika. Rennac's endless woes stem more from L'Arachel's oblivious enthusiasm than any meanness on her part.
- Tsundere: She can get paired up with the other Tsundere of the game, Innes.
- Well, Excuse Me, Princess!: L'Arachel. She's also a Genki Girl and a Lord Error-Prone, with a dash of Church Militant. The combination is... interesting.
- White Mage: A mounted one.
- Woman in White: She tries to play up the "purity" aspect, with mixed results.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Has a skirt.
L'Arachel's bodyguard. A cheerful, fight-happy man who's not too booksmart, but very friendly and loyal.
Class: Berserker
- An Axe to Grind: He gets the exclusive Battle Axe, one of the strongest weapons in the game, but very unwieldy. Fortunately, he's big enough to get some use out of it.
- Badass Beard: A massive Santa Claus beard. Apparently, L'Arachel loved to tug on it when she was younger.
- Boisterous Bruiser: He can't wait to put his axe into an evildoer.
- Chekhov's Gunman: See L'Arachel above.
- Completely Missing the Point: In his B support with Myrrh, discussing why her chest feels funny seeing L'Arachel and Ephraim together.
Dozla: You, my dear, are in love with Princess L'Arachel!
- Emotional Bruiser: His and L'Arachel's ending says that his tearful displays of emotion were the most memorable episode of L'Arachel's wedding.
- Gentle Giant: His supports with Ewan and Myrrh, especially the latter.
Dozla: (when Myrrh cries for her dad): Ah! What do I do? Wait. Just think. I must have run across something like this before. When Princess L'Arachel was a babe, and she would begin to cry... She would tug on my beard! That would always make her happy. C'mon, lassie, grab a handful of my beard and give it a good, strong yank!
- Gonk: Compounded by the fact that he fights in an army filled with inexplicably attractive characters, not to mention L'Arachel herself.
- Large Ham: "GYAHAHAHAHA!"
- Undying Loyalty: To L'Arachel, naturally.
A soft-spoken cleric of Grado, Natasha defects when she's told about the truth of Grado's goals by her dying mentor, and joins Eirika's troupe.
Class: Cleric
- The Cassandra: Nobody believes her when she tries to explain that she's not a traitor. Even Seth and Eirika were a little distrustful when she told them, but ultimately took her in.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome/Workaholic: She often works herself to the point of collapsing since she can't turn a blind eye to the necessities of others. Pointed out by the concerned Joshua and Seth in their supports.
- Combat Medic: When promoted, she gains the ability to use attack magic.
- Defector From Decadence: Her mentor was murdered because he knew too much, so Natasha ran away to try warning Frelia or Renais.
- Hair of Gold: She serves as one of the group's healers and is noted for her kindness, sorrow over the tragedy playing out with Grado, and being selfless to the point of occasional detriment.
- Holy Hand Grenade: She can be promoted to use light magic. If she becomes a bishop, she can also deal triple damage.
- Like Brother and Sister: Her and Franz.
- The Medic: The second healer you get access to.
- Naughty Nun: Averted really hard. While she did gamble once, the others are very understanding, as it was her own life being wagered in the midst of a battlefield.
- Silk Hiding Steel: While Natasha is the most graceful, serious and compassionate of all the characters, she doesn't hesitate to speak against the government on fear of death.
- Uptight Loves Wild: If you get her with Joshua, they follow this trope to the gender-flipped letter.
- Woman in White: Wears a long-sleeved, floor-length white dress and matching knee-length veil, which would be extremely covered up even if everyone else wasn't wearing miniskirts.
A newly recruited soldier in the Grado army, coming from a small town named Silva. She starts as an enemy unit, but can be recruited into the group and can promote into either a Cavalier or Knight with some training.
Class: Recruit
- Action Girl: Of the Badass Adorable and Magikarp Power type: she starts out very weak, but with some training, she becomes an awesome fighter. Made easier due to the existence of the lifesaving Tower of Valni.
- Birds of a Feather: With Franz.
- Blade on a Stick: Is also likely to pick up An Axe to Grind and become a Hot Chick with a Sword as well.
- Childhood Marriage Promise: While a little older than the standard, she'll get one of these from either of her three possible hubbies: either via a promise of mutual protection (Franz), a vow to rebuild a Doomed Hometown (Ross) or a decision to going Walking the Earth together (Ewan).
- Crash Into Hello: In her and Ross's C support.
- Hair of Gold
- Heartwarming Orphan: Happily subverted if she supports with Duessel.
- Heel Face Turn: Not that she was evil to begin with, but was fooled by the huge propaganda coming from Grado.
- Hot Mom: Of either daughters (with Franz or Ewan) or sons (with Ross).
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Duessel.
- Number Two: In their ending, she becomes this to him in gratitude for reuniting her with her Missing Mom.
- Magikarp Power: Train her in the Tower of Valni. It's very worth it.
- Naive Newcomer: Her three possible recruiters (Eirika, Ephraim, Franz) comment on how she's just a newbie to fighting.
- Parental Abandonment: Her unnamed father was killed when Silva was ransacked by bandits. Her mother Melina was abducted in another bandit raid. She's actually alive and in another Grado place, thanks to Duessel.
- Plucky Girl
- The Pollyanna: The fact that she's on the losing side of an imperialistic war doesn't seem to bother her much. Even as the war wages on, she remains optimistic.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Neimi.
- Strong Family Resemblance: Duessel manages to deduce that she is the daughter of Melina, a woman he rescued from slavery years ago, since they look very much alike.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Similar to most Pegasus Knights, interestingly enough. This is likely a design holdover from when she was meant to be a trainee flying unit.
A wyvern-riding of Grado, Cormag defects when he begins to question Grado's goals. Younger brother to Glen, one of the Grado Generals.
Class: Wyvern Rider
- Beware the Nice Ones: Toyed with. He comes off as a sweet and thoughtful Nice Guy in his supports; however, before getting them, we get to see him utterly pissed at the heroes because he has been tricked into thinking that they killed Glen.
- Blade on a Stick: Though he can use swords if you promote him to a Wyvern Lord.
- Country Mouse: He and Glen in their backstory. They were from the countryside, working in their parents's fields and becoming very skilled in chasing animals away. They were taken in by the military after they threw stones at a bunch of stray dogs that were hounding Vigarde's crew.
- Darkskinned Blonde: Has this appearance.
- Forced to Watch: At Glen's mangled corpse. Valter, You Bastard.
- Kindhearted Cat Lover: Finds an injured kitten in the battlefield and asks Natasha to heal him in their C support. Their B support mentions that he let the kitten go when he found out its mother was still alive.
- Knight Templar Big Brother: Well, little brother. He gets better if you recruit him though.
- Number Two: Duessel wants him to become his heir and companion since he has no children of his own.
- Star-Crossed Lovers Pleasantly subverted if he gets an ending with Tana. He does leave after Grado's reconstruction, and Tana spends years searching for him... but they find each other, and he becomes a knight of Frelia, presumably under Tana's direct orders since she's the one who knights him instead of either Innes or Hayden.
- To Be Lawful or Good: On Ephraim's route, Cormag has to struggle with this dilemma, opening him up for a Heel Face Turn if you speak to him with either Tana or Duessel. In Eirika's route, however, Valter's manipulations lead to Cormag defecting when he realizes Eirika wasn't his brother's killer.
- You Killed My Brother: At first, to the twins. When that's cleared, he switches this towards the real culprit: Valter.
Duessel the Obsidian
Longtime general of Grado known by the title Obsidian, Duessel is one of the first to question Grado's motives, and defects early on in Ephraim's story.
Class: Great Knight
- Badass Grandpa
- Chekhov's Gunman: First appears at end of Chapter 3 (The Bandits Of Borgo).
- Defector From Decadence: He defected after having it with Vigarde's new attitude.
- Demoted to Extra: Sadly, after his recruitment chapter, he (unlike Innes, in Eirika's route) loses all storyline importance.
- Evil Weapon: Carries a cursed lance as a family duty, though never uses it. Valter wielded it when his current lance broke, and the results weren't pretty.
- Foxy Grandpa: The trope page compares him to Sean Connery, for crying out loud!
- Genius Bruiser: Saw through the Vigarde shell the main villain used to carry out Grado's plan.
- Good Is Not Dumb: Immediately noticed something was rotten in Grado...
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Attempted this in Ephraim's route (only implied in Eirika's), then got cornered alongside his group. Which leads to the Protection Mission.
- Heel Face Turn: Not that he was evil to start with.
- The Mentor: To Ephraim and Lyon, the latter of which he shows great remorse upon confronting him.
- Mighty Glacier
- Protection Mission: Thankfully, he's pretty Badass in his own right and can survive a while until you show up.
- Weapon of Choice: He can wield the entire weapon triangle right from the start.
A court mage of Grado, Knoll is imprisoned when not only he learns a little too much of what Lyon is up to, but also attempts to stop him.
Class: Shaman
- The Atoner: Feels a great deal of guilt for his part in Lyon's experiments, and is implied to blame himself for Lyon being exposed to the evil of the Dark Stone.
- Black Mage: Able to use Dark Magic and, if promoted into Druid, Anima magic as well.
- Born Unlucky: When rescued, he assumes that his execution date was moved up. His Luck Stat is appropriately low... It starts at zero.
- But Now I Must Go: In his ending, he quietly leaves after the reconstruction of Grado, and is never seen or heard of again.
- Butt Monkey/The Chew Toy: An utterly non-humourous example.
- Dark Is Not Evil: According to his research, dark magic was not always called such and was branded it at one point or another in history. Even if it is dark, he also insists its not evil.
- Defector From Decadence: Was one of Lyon's sidekicks in his project to revive Vigarde. He questioned this and was thrown in jail.
- Glass Cannon: Not only Knoll is Born Unlucky, but while his Magic growths go off the ceiling, his HP and speed ones are pretty low. Still, if raised well, he'll still be frail in regards to defense... and a magical attack powerhouse: he still dies quickly, but only if the others manage to reach him... which won't be easy as either Druid (Dark and Anima Magic) or Summoner (Dark magic and raising the dead).
- Healing Hands: When promoted to either Druid or Summoner. Due to his very high Magic, training him up in staff use is a very good idea.
- He Knows Too Much: Was imprisioned and slated for execution because he knew that Vigarde was a "zombie".
- Nice Guy: Though he is reserved and elusive due to the troubling knowledge he holds, he does turn out be a kind and soft-spoken person.
- The Philosopher: In his supports with Natasha, he offers this: "There are as many truths out there as there are people to tell them. Perhaps it's best simply to choose the truth with which you are most comfortable."
- Sufficiently Analyzed Magic: In his supports with Natasha, he states that dark magic stems from knowledge and understanding, in contrast to light magic, which stems from faith.
- Dude in Distress: He's being held hostage by his corrupt colleague Pablo when Eirika gets to him.
- Good Is Not Dumb: Immediately opposed to an alliance with Grado, so Pablo and his group started hounding him.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: As leader of Carcino's council, he tried to uphold their alliance with Frelia and offer Eirika safe passage. Had it not been for Pablo, Eirika would have had a rather easy time.
A lazy and vocal mercenary from Carcino.
Class: Rogue
- Brilliant but Lazy: Due to his raising he's an excellent Con Man and dancer, but horribly apathetic.
- Butt Monkey: Due to the Berserk spells in this chapter, he can often run right into your brainwashed partner.
- Can't Stand Them Can't Live Without Them: L'Arachel's adventures are not what Rennac signed up for, especially not since L'Arachel seems to genuinely believe Rennac is helping purely out of the goodness of his heart and doesn't need compensation. In spite of this, Rennac can't seem to bring himself to say "no" to L'Arachel's call to adventure, even though he'll demand nearly 10,000 gold off Ephraim when he thinks Ephraim will kill him.
- Chekhov's Gunman Alongside L' Archel and Dozla (then he goes off on his own).
- The Complainer Is Always Wrong: Played for laughs.
- Fragile Speedster: Rogues aren't exactly known for their HP. However, he has excellent dodge due to his speed.
- Hopeless Suitor: Acts as one to Tethys in their supports; Rennac's clearly interested in impressing her, while Tethys is flattered, but still interested in Gerik.
- Sarcastic Devotee: Is rather sarcastic to L'Arachel, but ultimately never leaves.
He was never able to escape his service to the self-centered princess who became queen. Admittedly, he didn't try very hard.
- Trickster Mentor: To Colm, in their supports.
- Visible Sigh: You can see it in his face when Ephraim doesn't kill him on the spot.
A powerful sage, the grandson of the Elder of Caer Pelyn, and Ewan's teacher.
Class: Sage
- Badass Bookworm/Healing Hands: Since he's a Sage, he can both attack the monsters and heal your wounds with the right equipment.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Ewan.
- Failure Knight: Saleh once accidentally killed a good person in the battlefield, and he could never forgive himself for that. Said guy turned out to be Gerik's old friend.
- Glass Cannon: Minor case. Saleh's HP is only average and his Defense is quite lackluster, but he has such high Skill that he'll be able to whip out many critical attacks. Even if he doesn't, he has plenty of Magic and can damage the enemy nicely.
- Hot Dad: In his and Eirika's ending, they have a daughter said to greatly remind others of the legendary Lady of War from Caer Pelyn, Nada Kuya.
- Mr. Exposition: His supports with Eirika give a LOT of insight on Caer Pelyn and its very spiritual lifestyle, as well as in regards to the figure of Nada Kuya the Battle Princess.
- The Quiet One: He's mostly silent, and when he does speak, he keeps it brief. He makes Seth look chatty by comparison.
- Raised by Grandparents: More exactly, his grandma Dara.
- Silver Haired Pretty Boy
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: "Dark" may be a bit of a stretch, but he's got quite a bit more color than most of the cast.
- Berserk Button: Don't call Myrrh a Manakete, okay?
- Cool Old Lady: She's revered as very wise, and someone to go to for information. Her Dummied Out profile reveals she's over 100 years of age!
- No Name Given: ...Until Ewan and Saleh's A support.
- Parental Substitute: Strongly implied to have raised her grandson Saleh on her own.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Sorta, as the leader of Caer Pelyn.
Darkling Woods
The legendary Great Dragon who led the original defeat of the Demon King (but was never known for it), the elder of the Manakete tribe, and the adoptive father of Myrrh. He tries to stop the Demon King again when he passes through. It doesn't end well for him.
Class: Manakete
- Badass Beard: It looks vaguely villainous, but he's far from it.
- Eyes of Gold
- Fate Worse Than Death: Not only is he killed by Lyon/The Demon King, his remains are desecrated and made to fight as the first dracozombie.
- Hot Dad Of Myrrh [dead link] , even if just adoptive.
- Humble Hero: Was the leader of the Five Heroes and dealed the fatal strike to Fomortiis, but refused to take any credit and was just content with taking care of Caer Pelyn and the Darkling Woods.
- Older Than They Look: He looks pretty old to begin with, but he's centuries rather than decades old.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: His role in history is ignored, but he does not take umbrage, and in fact prefers it.
- Sacrificial Lion: If you were wondering how much of a threat the Demon King is, Morva's death should drive it home for you.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: In human form.
One of the Manakete, the adoptive daughter of tribe leader Morva. She is sensitive to the existence of the "great evil" emanating from Grado, and was compelled to track it down. Along the way, she met Ephraim and started travelling with him.
Class: Manakete
- Action Girl: In a Badass Adorable, Black Magician Girl kind of way.
- The Big Guy: Yes, she does qualify for this: see Five-Man Band on the main page.
- Break the Cutie: That poor, poor little girl.
- Cute Bruiser: But of course.
- Killer Rabbit: Yet another cute pre-teen girl with huge wings. You know what THAT means in Fire Emblem.
- Odango: Though hers have ponytails at the end of them.
- Older Than They Look: Is obviously centuries old, yet looks like a pre-teen girl no older than 12.
- Really 1200 Years Old: Dozla thinks she's not though.
- Self-Made Orphan: Sorta, if you make her fight the already zombie-fied Morva. Happy now, you bastard/bitch?
- Shrinking Violet: With indigo hair to match too.
- Superweapon Surprise: Myrrh is such a sweet, shy girl. But when she uses her Dragonstone, then she becomes a fricking huge dragon that can kill most enemies in one shot.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Hers is indigo, which Saleh uses to his advantage when trying to track her down.
Lyon, Prince of Grado
Class: Necromancer
- Anti-Villain
- Badass Bookworm: An extremely skilled dark magic user, pretty much genius level. The dude is the most powerful magician in the whole Magvel, period.
- Beneath the Mask: Whether you're on Eirika's route, and he pretends to have more control than he really does, or you're on Ephraim's route, and he pretends to have less control than he really does. Either way, he left Grado's Sacred Twin weapons for Ephraim to find, and Knoll implied that Lyon wanted Ephraim to find them. He also scheduled Knoll to be executed the day after Ephraim laid siege to Grado Keep, implying that he may have wanted Ephraim to find Knoll too.
- Big Bad
- Big Bad Friend: Especially in Ephraim's route.
- Black Magician Boy
- Climax Boss: The boss fight of the first battle in the Final Chapter.
- Demonic Possession
- Despair Event Horizon: The death of his father. He tried to revive him via forbidden magics... and It Got Worse.
- Dying Declaration of Love: If you played Eirika's path, his Famous Last Words are this.
- Green-Eyed Monster: In Ephraim's route, Lyon admits that he was always envious of Ephraim; strong while Lyon was weak, confident while Lyon was unsure of himself, and adored by Eirika, who Lyon was in love with. This isn't the reason that Lyon turned to evil, but it does influence Lyon's Super-Powered Evil Side to want to fight Ephraim as a Worthy Opponent.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation
- Ill Boy: He's had a sickly disposition from a young age.
- Meat Puppet: For the Demon King.
- Recurring Boss: You must defeat him two separate times in-game.
- Seers: Developed this power during his research, according to Knoll's supports with Natasha.
- Shrinking Violet: What he used to be.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Or Demonic Possession, depending which route the player takes.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Eirika.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: And with very good reason, as the Epilogue reveals...
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: To Vigarde.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Fomortiis The Demon King
Class: Demon King
- Bigger Bad
- Dark Is Evil: And boy is it ever.
- Eldritch Abomination: His original body, to the right.
- The Man Behind the Man
- More Than Mind Control: On Lyon, arguably.
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- True Final Boss
The Silent Emperor of Grado. Once a ruler beloved by all for his kindness, his declaration of war on Renais was completely unexpected and out of character. Because by that point, he wasn't even himself. See below.
Class: General
- Came Back Wrong: And holy shit HOW.
- Climax Boss: The last boss of Ephraim's route before he reunites with Eirika.
- Dead All Along: No, he's not responsible for the Grado invasion. He's just a corpse.
- Disc One Final Boss: Sort of: if you played Ephraim's route first without any spoilers, he definitely comes across as this
- Hot Dad: Of Lyon.
- Posthumous Character: He's dead well in advance of the main plot. Lyon's grief about this is what kickstarts the story.
- The Quiet One: "Silent Emperor". There's a reason he's silent...
- Soulless Shell: His body's back from the dead. His mind, however, is gone for good.
Valter the Moonstone
Class: Wyvern Knight
- Axe Crazy: Just check out his quote. That's his personality in a nutshell.
- Bad Boss: Played interestingly; he seems to work just fine with Tirado up until the latter's unexpected death, but his next "confidant" Hadon knows it's time to get the hell out of dodge when he's failed, causing him to cut and run in hopes of escaping Valter's punishment.
- Blade on a Stick: Unlike his counterpart Glen, he can only wield lances.
- Blood Knight
- The Brute: His role in the Six General ensemble. He's very strong and has no other interests besides indulging his hunger for blood.
- Dragon Rider: Of the Sacred Stones-only Wyvern Knight variety.
- Evil Weapon: Grabbing Duessel's cursed lance is the reason he is what he is.
- Expy: Basically Narshen 2.0, sans his hair color.
- Face Death with Dignity: Takes his end the worst of the evil generals, screaming in pain.
- Foil: Each of the three "evil" generals has a Foil among the "good" ones. Valter and Glen are both promoted Wyvern Riders, but are of different promotions. Both served under Grado and Duessel before. The three collectively are called "The Imperial Three".
- For the Evulz: Valter extends the war to savor the pleasure of the hunt and the kill, but several of his more dickish actions, such as setting up Cormag to attack Eirika or convincing Selena to withdraw from executing Dussel only to be reprimanded and sent to her death, are done purely for his own amusement.
- I Have You Now, My Pretty: To Eirika, and how.
- Psycho for Hire: He was dismissed from Grado's army in the past because of his insanity. When Grado goes on the warpath, he's made a general.
- Smug Snake: His attitude throughout the entire game. Even his portrait has him with a smug grin. Needless to say, taking him out is extremely satisfying.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: He was a mere Jerkass at the beginning, but once he got his hands on Duessel's cursed lance to defend himself in battle after his weapon was broken, he became ten thousand times worse.
Selena the Fluorspar
Class: Mage Knight
- Affably Evil: She's kind and polite, taking special care of the villagers in the countries Grado invades. She's still firmly committed to Grado's wanton destruction, however.
- Anti-Villain: She absolutely refuses to betray her knight's oath.
- Country Mouse: In her backstory.
- The Dark Chick: The only female amongst Grado's six generals.
- Death From Above: And a Bolting.
- Expy: Of Brunnya and, to a lesser extent, Ishtar.
- I Owe You My Life: To Vigarde, who saved her village from starvation when she was young.
- Lady of Black Magic: Of extremely powerful black magic at that. She's legendary for "wielding the power of the thunderstorm."
- My Country, Right or Wrong/My Master, Right or Wrong: More of the second, since she cites her loyalty and love towards Emperor Vigarde as the reason she refuses to defect, no matter how evil he may have become.
- Playing with Fire: Has an Elfire tome.
- Self-Made Woman: She started off as a simple foot soldier before her devotion and talent allowed her to rise through the ranks all the way to general.
- Subordinate Excuse: Towards Vigarde.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Her fate isn't even mentioned should the player take Eirika's route, making it seem as if she simply vanished off-screen.
- Worthy Opponent
Glen the Sunstone
Class: Wyvern Lord
- Anti-Villain
- Big Brother Instinct: Towards Cormag, whom he mentors in the way of knighthood.
- Blade on a Stick: His main weapon of choice, though he can use swords as well.
- Country Mouse: He and Cormag, as already explained.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Valter dispatches him with little trouble.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Has this appearance.
- Dead Older Brother: He becomes this for Cormag.
- Deadly Change-of-Heart: Valter kills him before he can complete his Heel Face Turn.
- Dragon Rider: Per his class, he rides a wyvern.
- Good Is Not Dumb: Takes note of the problems in Grado just as Duessel does, but is killed before he can change sides.
- Sacrificial Lion: He dies pretty much to prove how dangerous and psychotic Valter is and prompt Cormag going in his Roaring Rampage of Revenge. And provide tension story-wise because he's a fricking general.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Very tall, much tanner than the others in his kingdom, and ruggedly handsome.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: His fate isn't even mentioned should the player take Ephraim's route, making it seem as if he simply vanished off-screen.
Caellach the Tiger-Eye
Class: Hero
- Affably Evil: He is about as wicked as they come, but he's extremely polite and has something that resembles a code of honor.
- Ambition Is Evil: Valter is a Blood Knight and Riev a Demon worshipper; Caellach just wants to be a King.
- An Axe to Grind: His weapon specialty. Unusual for the Hero class, which promotes from the sword-slinging Mercenary.
- Justified by the fact that they also promote from Fighters in this game, Caellach's axe specialty suggests that Fighter was his original class.
- Big Bad Friend: He and Joshua were buddies back in their days as mercenaries, although their reunion on the battlefield varies depending on which route you took. In Ephraim's, he's a perfect Friendly Enemy, greeting Joshua as an old friend and asking him if he'll ditch "these losers" and work for him; Joshua replies he's not going to let Callaech use him, and they tell each other it's Nothing Personal as they fight. In Eirika's, however, it's VERY different: Callaech tells Joshua he knows he's the prince, and admits to killing Joshua's mother; this time, the battle is intensely personal, with the two drawing their weapons on much less friendly terms and fighting to the death for Jehanna's throne.
- Even Evil Has Standards/Pragmatic Villainy: It says a lot for how sick Valter and Riev are, that even Caellach finds then despicable.
- Eviler Than Thou: Make no mistake, Caellach isn't a great guy, but he's nowhere near as bad as Valter and Riev are. He even makes a point about that.
- The Evil Genius: In the tactical and pragmatic sense, at least.
- Face Death with Dignity: Caellach takes his end a bit better than Valter, merely expressing his resentment over dying before he could become a king.
- Foil: To Selena. Both are the least extreme of their own general triad (Selena had doubts about Grado but remained loyal, unlike Duessel and Glen; Caellach is a bastard, but Valter and Riev are both Complete Monsters). Selena is extremely loyal to Vigarde, while Caellach is The Starscream and mocks him whenever he can get away with it.
- Genius Bruiser: He's a strategic genius and one of the toughest soldiers Grado has to throw at you.
- Kick the Dog: Killing Ismaire. Also kills his subordinate Aias for failing him, even when said subordinate is genuinely loyal and devoted to him. Though Caellach himself doesn't seem exactly gleeful in either case... well, he still did it.
- Nothing Personal: You're a stepping-stone... And I'm moving up. Don't take it personally.
- Self-Made Man: What he aims to be. He's gone from a simple mercenary to a general in Grado's army. His ultimate goal is King, and he's not picky about which land he's king of.
- The Starscream: Lyon knows it and calls him out on this, but then says that if it keeps Caellach motivated, he'll let it by.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: He's usually rather polite, but he shows off a pretty sharp wit from time to time.
- We Can Rule Together: To Joshua. Who promptly refuses.
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Or so he claims; it doesn't stop him from fighting with female characters, nor does it stop him from killing Ismaire. To his credit, he did try to talk her down and give her a chance to live. Valter (and *maybe* Riev) would probably have done worse.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: To Aias.
Riev the Blood Beryl
Class: Bishop
- The Caretaker: Seems to act as one for Lyon later in the game.
- Co-Dragons: To Valter.
- The Dragon
- Evil Old Folks: The oldest of the Six Generals, and the wickedest by a pretty substantial margin.
- Face Death with Dignity: Unlike Valter and Caellach, Riev accepts his death gleefully, fully believing in his master's victory and his own eternal reward for his service (he's wrong).
- Foil: To Duessel. Both are loyal to their lords (Vigarde and Lyon) as long as they agree with their Lord's ideals (Lyon simply hides his true nature in Ephraim's route, while Vigarde doesn't), both abandon their homeland (Grado and Rausten) to fight for the opposite side against each other.
- Gonk: He appears sallow and corpse-like, ugly compared to even the worst-looking of his comrades.
- Good Powers, Bad People/Light Is Not Good: Uses Light magic, and is a demon worshiper.
- Manipulative Bastard: Riev spends most of the early game using his subordinates or his monster servants to do his fighting for him. He doesn't actually begin to fight himself until there's nobody left to use.
- Optional Boss: In Chapter 19. Technically, all bosses in a Hold the Line mission are optional, but since the computer is pouring in swarms of promoted units from where Reiv is standing, he's particularly hard to reach. Defeating him in this mission rewards you with his spellbook, the very powerful Aura.
- Whether you kill him in Chapter 19 or not, you have to take him on in Chapter 20.
- Sinister Minister: For which he was kicked out of Rausten's bishopric. He's only gotten more sinister in the meantime.
- Smug Snake: He's got Valter beat in this department, even dying with smug confidence.
A general from Jehanna and the bodyguard for Queen Ismaire, who has been in love for her for years... this makes him easy to manipulate for Caellach and his group. Trained her Rebel Prince son Joshua in swordplay.
Class: Swordmaster
- Anti-Villain: He betrays his country to Grado, but only because he's been driven mad from love of Ismaire.
- Badass Beard: It's one of many signifiers that he's not to be trifled with.
- Broken Pedestal: For Joshua.
- Climax Boss: The last boss of Eirika's route before she reunites with Ephraim.
- Despair Event Horizon: When Caellach takes Ismaire away from him, Carlyle's dialogue bits with everyone are pretty much summed up in "It's All Junk".
- Evil Mentor: Subverted: Carlyle was a good and noble teacher to Joshua, since he tutored him in swordplay years before he went Yandere. In fact, Joshua is very openly shocked if you make them fight.
- Love Makes You Evil: His love of Ismaire was his only weakness, which Caellach is able to exploit mercilessly.
- Yandere: For Queen Ismaire.
The boss of the only Gaiden chapter 5x. Leader of a mercenary troop that is hired by Tirado to take care of the Renvall castle.
Class: Mercenary
- Blond Guys Are Evil: Or at least Jerkasses.
- Jack of All Stats: Is a Mercenary.
- Unwitting Pawn: Though he realises this shortly before dying.
"L-lord Tirado... It can't be... Were we... merely pawns?"
The boss of Chapter 6, a subordinate of Riev.
Class: Shaman
- Dark Is Evil: A shaman and a damn dirty bastard, to boot.
- Dirty Coward: He's an utterly gutless bully for all his big talk.
- Evil Gloating: Once he obtains Eirika's bracelet. Ironically, it's what gives her the resolve to beat his ass.
- Hostage Situation: Stages one with three Innocent Bystanders and some Demonic Spiders.
- Smug Snake: He thinks a lot of himself, but he's just a cowardly, underhanded scumbag whose "clever plot" is foiled easily.
- The Starscream: Has ambitions to replace Riev by capturing Eirika.
- This Cannot Be!: When he's killed.
The boss of Chapter 8 ("It's a trap!"), and a subordinate of Valter.
Class: General
- Bad Boss: To Zonta.
- Blade on a Stick: His Silver Lance.
- The Chessmaster: And not half-bad at it to boot, actually.
- Climax Boss: Chapter 8 concludes the First Story Arc in the game.
- Face Death with Dignity/Graceful Loser: When he dies, his last words are a compliment to those who defeat him, while also warning them about Valter and his ruthlessness.
- Genre Savvy
- The Starscream: Some people believe he planned to overthrow his commander Valter.
- Starter Villain: He's the first promoted unit you fight in the game. Being a general, both of the Lords (but especially Ephraim) have an advantage against him.
- Unintentional Backup Plan: When capturing Ephraim fails, he cleverly spreads a rumour that Ephraim was captured and is to be executed in order to lure Eirika in. It works until Ephraim hurries back in time, meets up with Eirika, and they team up to defeat him.
- "Wake-Up Call" Boss: If you don't have good axe units and/or Armorslayers, it'll be hard to kill him.
A member of Carcino's Council of Elders. He wanted to break off the traditional alliances and make a new one with Grado, and when Klimt refused to join him, he started to bribe everyone in the council. When he learns that Prince Innes is in his way, he sends out mercenaries after him.
Class: Sage
- Bastard Understudy: He's one of the senior members of the Council under Klimt, but couldn't be more different than the kind, sagely Klimt if he tried.
- Healing Hands: One of the few magical-type bosses who carries a staff and uses it.
- Oh Crap: If you have Innes face him in the chapter where both of them are introduced.
- Optional Boss: Shows up as a mini-boss a few chapters after he appeared first as a normal boss, in a chapter that already has another boss already (two if you end up fighting Cormag instead of recruiting him).
- Rich Bitch: Money has not done any good for Pablo's moral compass. Quite the opposite, it's made him uncontrollably greedy and sadistic.
- Smug Snake: He seems to be under the impression that he can buy his way out of any problem. He's so, so wrong.
The boss of Chapter 13 on Eirika's path. Quiet, brainy, a rather strong fighter. He also was one of Caellach's old mercenary companions, and followed him when he went to Grado's army.
Class: Great Knight
- Evil Genius: Of Caellach's troops.
- Face Death with Dignity: If he survives the Hamill Canyon stage. He knows that Caellach will tell him "You Have Outlived Your Usefulness", but still faces him and tells him "screw you" before dying at his hands.
- Genius Bruiser: A powerful Great Knight and a strategist of legendary proportion.
- Graceful Loser: If you kill him in battle, he'll calmly praise your group.
Aias: Very... impressive. You've pierced the battle formations I'd perfected... No one's ever done that. Renais's tactician has earned my highest regard.
The boss of Chapter 9 on Ephraim's Path. Not exactly a major character, but he's such a Fountain of Memes that he HAS to be mentioned.
Class: Warrior
- An Axe to Grind: He can technically use bows as well, but he only has two axes.
- The Archer: As a Warrior, he should be able to use bows, but he has none equipped.
- Ascended Extra: There is a mod that exists with him as the main character.
- Bad Boss: Tells a reluctant generic|soldier that he'll burn him to the stake if he refuses to follow orders and that no one cares whether he or his comrades live or die When Amelia (a fresh recruit who had not even finished her training) calls him out, Gheb sends her to the first combat lines. Then say this as the battle starts.
Gheb: Form up, you useless worms. Don't let those dogs near the throne. Grado cannot afford to lose a brilliant tactician of my stature! No one will blink if any of you worthless toads dies. But if I die-- You should be happy to fight, kill, and die in my service!
- Fat Bastard: The fattest commander in Grado. Also one of the most vile.
- Gonk: His design is... freakish, let's say.
- I Have You Now, My Pretty: Implied with Tana.
Gheb: Heh heh... I like her. Throw her in a cell. I'll spend the evening giving her a thorough interrogation. Heh heh heh...
- Kick the Dog: A lot for a minor boss. In addition to the implication of what he'll do Tana and treating his soldiers like crap, he also calls Duessel a washed up coward.
- Smug Snake: He uses his soldiers as meat shields, all the while mocking your group and his colleagues. You quickly find that he doesn't even have close to the talent to back this up.
- "Wake-Up Call" Boss: He's very dangerous at this point minus his lack of range.
Universal Fire Emblem character tropes present
- Action Girl: Marisa, Eirika, Tana, Amelia, Vanessa, Lute, Myrrh and Neimi. L'Arachel acts like one as well despite being a White Mage who can only fight after being promoted.
- The Archer: Neimi, Innes, Ross (Warrior), Gerik (Ranger). King Hayden of Frelia, if you unlock him in the Creature Campaign.
- Badass: Joshua, Ephraim, Gerik, Marisa, Cormag, Caellach, Colm, Eirika.
- Bodyguard Crush: Seth to Eirika and Vanessa to Innes. Possibly Ephraim towards Myrrh.
- Brother-Sister Incest: Eirika and Ephraim.
- Though only by a very broad definition of "incest".
- Crutch Character: Seth is a partial example. For the short time he's with you, Orson seems more properly a Crutch Character.
- Disappeared Dad: The twins' father King Fado quite literally dies five minutes in. When his beloved dad (Emperor Vigarde) died, Prince Lyon tried to subvert this with his Dark Magic... and caused the whole disaster everyone is in.
- Dragon Rider: Cormag. Any Pegasus Knights can also become this. On the enemy side: Glen (Cormag's older brother) and Valter.
- Genki Girl: Tana and L'Arachel; L'Arachel takes Genki-ness to a whole new level.
- Gonk: Riev, Dozla and Gilliam are drawn differently, but aren't actually ugly. A certain Giant Mook named Gheb is also notable... notable for silly memetic reasons.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Kyle and Forde, in the tradition of the red and green knight pair. They're not only inseparable, but appear to have been friends (or at least rivals) since childhood.
- Magikarp Power: All of the 'trainee class' characters: Ewan, Amelia and Ross. Tana and L'arachel also qualify.
- Also, the trainee class characters have access to the "super trainee" class if you complete both Ephraim's and Eirika's routes. YMMV on how useful these classes are though, since they all involve sacrificing consttution (and thus attack speed) for a different bonus: extra crit for Ross and Amelia (and Ross gets as much crit AND more constitution from Berserker anyway) and all three offensive magic types for Ewan (but he's not using the rather heavy dark magic with the low con of Super Pupil, so he's still arguably better as something else).
- Mighty Glacier/Genius Bruiser: Gilliam, Duessel. Or for that sake, any Knight or Cavalier promoted into the slow, yet powerful Great Knight rather than the frailer, but more skilled and faster Paladin.
- My Country, Right or Wrong: Selena Fluorspar, possibly Sunstone Glen.
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Rennac and L'Arachel may qualify.
- Sinister Minister: Riev.
Some specific tropes that can be found here
- Boisterous Bruiser: Dozla, and Ross might grow up into one of these.
- Capulet Counterpart: Franz convinces Amelia to lay down her arms and join his side when they first met. And yes, they can get together via supports.
- Cool Big Sis: Tethys, Syrene.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Glen and Cormag.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Knoll, Ewan if you choose to make him a Shaman.
- Dead Little Sister: More like dead older brother, in the case of Cormag.
- And dead wife in the case of Orson.
- Defector From Decadence: Natasha and Knoll.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Many characters call Saleh "Master" despite his preference to the contrary, he believes that material wealth is unnecessary, and the fictional religion of Valega involves constant meditation to find
enlightenmentharmony between oneself and the world.- Also, Ewan complains to Tethys that she spends too much time "dancing" for the men in the regiment. The innuendo is quite obvious, but upon further scrutiny, it fails, mainly because of the normal male response to sex (i.e. sleep).
- Think about that the next time an enemy Troubadour or Valkyrie tries to use a Sleep staff on you...
- Also, Ewan complains to Tethys that she spends too much time "dancing" for the men in the regiment. The innuendo is quite obvious, but upon further scrutiny, it fails, mainly because of the normal male response to sex (i.e. sleep).
- Face Heel Turn: Orson and Carlyle.
- Failure Knight: Gerik tells Innes in their supports that he became a mercenary mostly to protect a friend who was in his way to become one, but said friend soon was killed off. By Saleh. It was an accident, but once he and Saleh realize who they've been teamed up with (in their A support, no less), it's revealed that Saleh never got over his guilt.
- Faux Action Girl: Queen Ismaire, in Eirika's path. Once unlocked for the Creature Campaign, Ismaire is most definitely a Lady of War.
- Syrene is a borderline example, as she joins you REALLY late and has only average growths. A Monster Campaign fills it more or less nicely, although being a squad captain, you'd think she'd be a bit more competent from the get-go.
- Half-Identical Twins: Averted with Eirika and Ephraim, who look clearly related but not identical.
- He Knows Too Much: Natasha and Knoll. Amazingly, they both live. Too bad that Natasha's Obi Wan Father McGregor didn't make it with her.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Averted with Ephraim, as he wields a spear. Eirika, on the other hand, plays it straight, using a rapier.
- Heroes Want Redheads: One of Eirika's easier-to-get A supports is with the redheaded Seth. Likewise, the redhead Joshua has three possible girlfriends and one of them is Marisa the Crimson Flash.
- Hitman with a Heart: Most of the Jehannans killed for a living even before the war, but that simply couldn't be helped as Jehanna is mostly desert with very few other opportunities. They tend to be very friendly off the job with a high number of supports, and Marisa is seen as odd for being as unapproachable as she is.
- Hot Chick with a Sword: Marisa, Eirika and Syrene.
- I Just Want to Be Badass: Ross, Ewan and Amelia. All three of them get their wish.
- Ill Girl: Lyon is a male version. Monica plays this straight. She died, and it drove her husband Orson crazy.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Colm and Innes are this in spades.
- Just a Kid: Ewan, to Saleh and Tethys.
- Kidanova: Ewan despite the age difference, can bang on Amelia via supports.
- Love Makes You Evil: Orson's Face Heel Turn is motivated by Riev's offer to revive his dead wife Monica. Seth mentions that they were Happily Married and very in love, until she died of illness half a year ago. Also, Carlyle was in love with Ismaire, and it also drove him to betray his kingdom.
- Missing Mom: Melina, Amelia's mother, was abducted by bandits when Amelia was a little girl. She's alive and in Grado, but has Laser-Guided Amnesia; if Amelia supports with Duessel, they can be reunited. Risa, Ross's mother and Garcia's wife, died when Ross was a small child and Garcia left the army to raise Ross. Neimi's mother died when she was small too, leaving a handmirror to her as an Orphan's Plot Trinket.
- Orphan's Plot Trinket: The Lunar and Solar Braces. Neimi's handmirror and archery gauntlets. Franz's comb.
- Parental Abandonment: Aside from the twins and Lyon?
- L'Arachel is an orphan raised by her uncle after her parents died while fighting off the evil when she was a little girl.
- Tethys and Ewan were abandoned by their parents as children, so Tethys became a dancer to support both of them.
- Lute was raised by her grandmother since her parents are always travelling.
- Saleh is strongly implied to have been orphaned: his grandmother specifically tells you, "Please take care of Saleh. He's my only grandson."
- Franz and Forde, whose mother died shortly after the younger of the duo was born, and whose father was killed in an attempt to hunt down an assassin in the Renais castle. Only Forde remembers either of them very clearly.
- Neimi's mother died of illness early, and pretty much everyone but her and Colm died when their village was attacked.
- Phenotype Stereotype: Played to a more realistic degree than usual. The outer countries have a higher percentage of people who have the same general traits (Jehannans tend to have red hair, Frelians blue, Grads are blonde). Renais has no particular stereotype of its own, which is justified as it shares a border with nearly all of the other countries.
- Plucky Girl: All of the ladies, but specially the three princesses: Eirika, Tana and L'Arachel.
- Promotion to Parent: Tethys, after she and Ewan fall victims to Parental Abandonment. And Forde after he and Franz fall victims to parental death.
- The Rival: Innes, to Ephraim. Also, Lyon considers himself one to Ephraim, who is oblivious.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: Amelia and Neimi, if they support.
- Also Tana and Eirika, with Eirika and L'Arachel as well.
- Shrinking Violet: Myrrh, Neimi in the beginning.
- Silk Hiding Steel: Natasha, Queen Ismaire and Artur (male version). Syrene and Selena have traces of the trope too.
- Smug Snake: Pablo, Riev and others.
- Stalker with a Crush: Carlyle, towards Ismaire. Valter, towards Eirika. Lute, towards Artur (she calls it "monk watching" when asked by others).
- Star-Crossed Lovers: Pleasantly subverted with Tana and Cormag: he leaves without a word after Grado is rebuilt, she spends years searching for him, and then she does manage to find him and makes him a knight of Frelia.
- Stay in the Kitchen: How Innes viewed Eirika and Tana (and L'Arachel, to a degree) at first. Curiously, he doesn't view Vanessa like this. This is most likely because Eirika, Tana and L'Arachel are all princesses whereas Vanessa is just a vassal, meaning it's her job to fight.
- And she's got what the other three don't have: fighting experience. Tana had just finished her training (under Vanessa and her sister Syrene), Eirika's own training under Ephraim was pretty recent too, and L'Arachel is a White Mage instead of an Action Girl.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Marisa, so much. Colm is somewhat of a male example, hiding behind a Jerkass Facade.
- And Lute, if you get her to support with Artur. What can be cuter than a Black Magician Girl going all blushy, flustered and "What Is This Thing You Call Love?" when her childhood friend confesses to her?
- Innes as well. More to Eirika and Vanessa, since with L'Arachel he's more of a Tsundere.
- Two Guys and a Girl: Eirika, Ephraim, Lyon. In a sense, L'Arachel, Dozla, Rennac.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Lyon, to Eirika. Tana, if not paired with Ephraim. Innes, if not paired with Eirika. Artur, if not paired with Lute. Neimi, if not paired with Colm.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: All of the above if they reach A support. Except for Lyon. Poor Lyon.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Lyon. Also Cormag, towards his older brother Glen. Ross is this to his father, though for positive reasons (Garcia raised Ross on his own, so he wants to be just as strong), as is Ewan for his sister Tethys.
- You Killed My Father: The starting point of lots of drama for the twins. Or in Joshua's case's, it's more exactly a "You killed my mother" directed towards his ex-leader Caellach. In Cormag's (only in Eirika's route), we have a "You killed my brother" towards Eirika, but she can convince him otherwise, at which point it gets redirected towards its proper target, Valter.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Eirika, L'Arachel, Amelia, Tana, Syrene and Vanessa get the long boots plus skirt variant.