Dragon Ball Z Abridged/Characters
Introduced in Season 1
- Badass: Let's see, he manages to...
- Beat the crap out of Nappa in less than a minute (Episode 9)
- Beat up Turles's goons in less time he took with Nappa (Christmas Tree of Might)
- Hand Vegeta his ass constantly with the Kaio-Ken (Episode 10 pt 1)
- Completely dominate half the Ginyu Force without even really trying. As in, he wanted to know where the real fighters were.
- Annilhilates Lord Slug's goons under the span of at least two minutes.
- Effortlessly deflects every single shot from Freeza's Beam Spam.
- All while, unknowingly, outright taunting the guy.
- Berserk Button: "YOU NEVER WASTE FIGGY PUDDING!" (Christmas Tree of Might)
- Also, "Nobody...Rapes Christmas!" (Lord Slug)
- Don't threaten his friends, whom he cares for deeply. He will bring the pain if you do.
- Blood Knight: He didn't care what Freeza was capable of, he just wanted to beat him up.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: His idiocy is exaggerated beyond belief. He's still The Ace for the Z Warriors, and a constant big damn hero.
- Catch Phrase: "Bored now."
- Character Exaggeration: Made out to be much dumber than his original character.
- Characterization Marches On: Seems to be in the making with regards to his relationship to Gohan. Before Episode 27, he has been a somewhat attentive father to Gohan. As of Episode 27, he makes conversation with Krillin, Piccolo, and Vegeta while he responds to Gohan's "Hey Dad!" with a disinterested "Hey".
- Cloudcuckoolander: Wonders if Piccolo's a Yoshi, thinks that sarcasm is food, and asks if the moon is made of cheese. He most definitely qualifies.
- Half the time when he's fighting, he doesn't even understand that he's in a fight. He just... does things. Which badly hurt his opponents.
- In episode 27, he unknowingly delivers a "The Reason You Suck" Speech to Freeza.
- Half the time when he's fighting, he doesn't even understand that he's in a fight. He just... does things. Which badly hurt his opponents.
- Does Not Understand Sarcasm: "What does that taste like?"
- It actually drives Freeza into the throes of a Villainous Breakdown.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Certainly thinks this way about Vegeta, who outright defies it.
- Early Installment Weirdness: In the two abridged DBZ movies that Lanipator, Vegeta3986, and MasakoX made before Team Four Star came together, Goku was a lot smarter and a major Jerkass.
- Good People Have Good Sex: Not-so subtly implied between him and his wife Chi-Chi in Christmas Tree of Might
Goku: Well, what am I getting for Christmas?
Chi-Chi: The same thing as last year, Goku.
Goku: Oh, so that thing you do with your mouth...?
- And later in the same special:
Goku (thinking): Oh, man! If Chi-Chi finds out about this, I might not get mouth present.
- Idiot Hero: Yes.
- Literal-Minded: Good Lord, YES. So much that he even got Freeza tripped up.
Freeza: Unfortunately Vegeta and I were having a disagreement: He wanted himself to live and, well, I didn't.
Goku: Why do you want to die?
- Man Child: Like you wouldn't believe.
Ginyu: How's that wound treating you?
Goku: This is easily the second-worst hole I've ever had in my chest. It's gonna take, like, a million Mommy-kisses to make it better.
- Papa Wolf: Whenever Gohan's in danger or about to be killed or on the verge of death, Goku gets serious.
- Smart Ball: That's right. He has his moments.
- The first is in Episode 2, where Raditz called Piccolo a Namekian, and Goku told him that Piccolo's race has not been explained yet.
- In the same episode, Goku explains eating a Senzu bean will not work because he has a hole in his esophagus (after getting a hole blasted in his chest in his Heroic Sacrifice to kill Raditz).
- Fooling Goz and Mez into telling him where the exit is without having to take them up on their challenges.
- Another is when he managed to fool King Kai into thinking he hung up on his psychic link by saying "click beeeeeeeeeeee *GASP* eeee-"
- He gets a few moments of brilliance in Episode 28, which he thanks his brain for.
- Remembers the whole "five minutes" thing with the Special Beam Cannon when Piccolo stalls Frieza while he charges the Spirit Bomb.
- Stupid Good
- Talking to Himself: Like the original Japanese version, he and Gohan share the same voice actor, MasakoX.
- Too Dumb to Live: Oh, yeah. He makes the real Goku look like a genius.
- Badass
- Badass Adorable
- Badass Boast: Prone to giving them, and usually has the power and skill to back it up. The problem is, he's usually facing someone a lot stronger than he is, leading to an Oh Crap moment.
- Badass Bookworm: Took Up to Eleven from the original franchise. Also see Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness.
- Berserk Button: Never hurt Goku, Piccolo, or innocent elders/children. He will wreck you.
- Break the Cutie
- Calling the Old Man Out: In Episode 23, even if it wasn't really his dad he was saying it to.
- But Goku was there and did overhear it. (Even if he didn't understand..)
- And half of it wasn't even Goku's fault.
- Catch Phrase: "...I need an adult..."
- Also, "Crapbaskets!" whenever things get bad.
- Phrase Catcher: "I AM an adult", in response. Alternatively, "NEEEEEEEERRRRDD" and "DODGE!!", mainly from Piccolo.
- Cross-Dressing Voices: Averted with his younger self, who's been cast as a girl in nearly every official dub for the series.[1]
- Early Installment Weirdness: He's one of the most intelligent characters these days, but back in the Dead Zone Abridged movie, he needed schooling to know how many fingers a fish had.
- Hulk Speak: Engages in a little of this after Freeza supremely pisses him off by nearly killing Krillin.
- Only Sane Man: For the heroes.
- Parental Issues: Episode 23 reveals that Gohan holds a lot of pent up resentment towards Goku for being a neglectful parent. He lets it out on Ginyu while he's in Goku's body, and it slowly starts slipping out afterward.
- In a twist of irony, while in the canon series the thought of Ginyu looking like Goku made him not able to fight at full strength, in Abridged it just motivated him even further.
- Parental Neglect: Goku has been out fighting/training/dying for so much of Gohan's life that when he tries to picture something Goku would say, all he can get is Goku saying goodbye to him.
- Precision F-Strike: Usually drops an F-bomb when enraged usually combined with...
- He also has issues with his mother's controlling and domineering behavior and snaps on her shortly before leaving for Namek.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: He's called "Nerd" by Piccolo for this.
- Sophisticated As Hell: The result of combining the previous two tropes.
- Talking to Himself: With Goku.
- Unstoppable Rage: Even more emphasized than it was in the original. Gohan's got issues.
- Wise Beyond Their Years
- Butt Monkey: Lampshaded with "The Krillin Owned Count".
- The Chew Toy: He's the freaking image!
- Comically Missing the Point: He doesn't pick up on the fact that Dende doesn't like being called "Little Green" despite Dende repeatedly saying "My name is Dende" in response, nor does he realize that no one likes the name Team Three Star (including himself) even though Vegeta repeatedly threatens him over it. Gohan has to say it outright for both of these.
- Dirty Coward: Shows some shades of this.
- Genre Blind: Doesn't seem to be aware that if you read the pre-episode disclaimer you'll die during the course of the episode
- Overshadowed by Awesome: Frequently lampshaded, and the former Trope Namer. Well, at least he's stronger than Yamcha. And Raditz.
- Phrase Catcher: "Krillin! Too Soon!"
- The Nicknamer: "Little Green!"
- Badass: Always has the attitude, can't always back it up. But when he does, it's memorable, especially in the Lord Slug movie.
- Berserk Button: STOP MOCKING ME!!
- Big Damn Heroes: When he shows up during the fight with form 2 Freeza after having fused with Nail, complete with Magus' battle theme playing.[2] He then proceeds to send Freeza flying with a single punch.
- In the Lord Slug movie he shows up to save Gohan while the theme song of Stone Cold Steve Austin plays, and one mook asks if he's Batman. It's hard to find a bigger damn hero than that.
- Detonation Moon: STOP MOCKING ME!!
- Deadpan Snarker: Frequently, though he does it in rapid succession in the Lord Slug movie.
Piccolo: And that, no doubt, would make you the big, tough, stupid one.
Dordabo: You take that back or I'll kill you.
Piccolo: All right, all right, you're not tough.
Dordabo: That's better.
Gohan: Wait, didn't you--
Piccolo: Give him a minute.
Beat Beat Beat
Dordabo: ...Hey! You son of a bitch! *Attempts to punch Piccolo but punches a hole in a truck instead*
Piccolo: Now now, that truck is not your eating disorder.
Dordabo: You're a penis!
Piccolo: So long since you've seen yours you don't even recognize one, do you?
- There's also this exchange with borderline Bishonen Angira.
Angira: We're just here for your planet. But if I had to pick [a gimmick] I'd say I'm the pretty one.
Piccolo: Meh. 6 out of 10.
Angira: You sassy bitch.
- Genre Savvy: In the Lord Slug movie.
That would make you the weird one with the freaky powers, and that would make you no doubt the big, tough, stupid one.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Like in the original, he shielded Gohan from Nappa's attack and died. Lampshaded due to the fact that he realized he could just grab him, and save them both.
Alright, it's time to redeem myself. Through one final act of redemption, I'll save Gohan an- wait a second, why didn't I just grab him? I can probably still do that now, actually. Yeah, that's it, I'll grab him, and throw him out of the wa--AAAARRRRRGH!
- Jerkass: During the first time he talked to Gohan, AKA before his Heel Face Turn was cemented. "Hate to tell ya, kid. But your dad's DEAD!... Actually, I kinda like saying that. HA HA! YOUR DAD'S DEAD!"
- Sharing a Body: With Nail.
- Sink or Swim Mentor: To Gohan. The first thing he did as the kid's mentor was to throw him at a giant rock formation so he (Gohan) could break it. He crashes into the formation and starts bawling.
Piccolo: *walking over to a crying Gohan, annoyed* This is going to be a loooooooooooooong training session.
- The Smart Guy
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Seems to be developing this with Nail. The relationship seems to form a weird symbiosis. Piccolo finally has someone to fill his social void and Nail finally has someone he can bicker with.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Turns out in Lord Slug Abridged that WHISTLING causes intense pain and discomfort to Namekians. But only if they can hear it.
- Adult Child: Has shades of it... probably because he spent too much time with Nappa
- Some Fridge Brilliance in there, since one of the convention extras reveals Nappa's Psychopathic Manchild persona is a result of the childhood trauma of his parents' death. And what happens to Vegeta at age five?
- Angrish: Frequently lapses into this.
- After killing Dodoria and Zarbon, Vegeta goes to the spot where he hid the Dragonballs......they're not there. Vegeta couldn't even speak Angrish properly after that.
- Atomic F-Bomb: Episode 10.
- Badass
- Badass Boast: Both played straight and subverted on a regular basis.
- Berserk Button: Don't thwart his plans.
- Big Bad: Season 1 (The Saiyan Saga)
- Big No: Has several of these.
- Most notable one was the introduction of GHOST NAPPA!
- Bond One-Liner: Against Cui.
"God, I love therapy".
- Break the Haughty: Freeza makes him cry, "Like a little bitch," in episode 27
- Card-Carrying Villain: Goku just wouldn't get it otherwise.
"Don't care. Evil."
"Renegade for life
- Catch Phrase: "Goddamn it, Nappa!"
- Character Exaggeration: While he doesn't get as much as some characters, he's a lot less restrained than his original characterization.
- The Chew Toy
- Cosmic Plaything
- Cry Cute: Episode 27, much like the original, when he realizes that his strongest attack is barely worth Freeza's notice. Almost a Tear Jerker, given Lanipator's amazing voice acting.
- Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor / Politically-Incorrect Villain
Goku: That was in terrible taste!
Vegeta: Don't care! Evil!
- Guttural Growler
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Is quite prone to unintentionally delivering these
- Jerkass: "By the way, I only hit you because I have pent-up aggression against your father. Take that." After kneeing Gohan in the stomach in Episode 18.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Throughout season 2, Vegeta has been steadily losing his cool more and more.
- I Just Want to Be Special: He's always going on about the Saiyans being the greatest fighters in the universe, and he's completely and utterly obsessed with becoming a Super-Saiyan
- To the point there Freeza kills him mid-sentence just because he's sick of hearing the Super Saiyan speech
- Lightning Bruiser: His Oozaru form, unfortunately for Goku.
- Only Sane Man: When compared to the likes of Goku, Nappa, or the Ginyu Force.
- Although it seems his time with Nappa and Krillin is beginning to take its toll on his sanity.
- Out-of-Clothes Experience: What he thought death entailed, only that was just King Yemma tricking him.
- Parental Issues: In Episode 10.
Vegeta: "You...you cut through my armor! This was a gift from my father!"
Yajirobe: "I'm sorry, I'm sure your father was a great man!"
Vegeta: "I HATED my father!"
Yajirobe: "Oh, well then, I'm sure your father was a total prick."
- Freeza and Cui like to remind Vegeta his mothers dead.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: He's a good deal shorter than several characters. Lampshaded by Nail in Episode 18:
Nail: "Bring it on, all 4 feet of you! Or should I count your stupid hair?"
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: Against Jace;
"G'day, mate."
- And against Ginyu
Ginyu: At least I'm not trapped in a useless body.
Vegeta: Gimme a minute.
- Pre-Mortem One-Liner: Has several in Season 2.
"Let me put it to you in a way you'll understand: I'm about to blow my load all over your insides [...] No homo".
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: In Episode 18, he apparently bursts a blood vessel in one of his eyes when Gohan puts one over on him and Ghost Nappa shows up to torment him, causing it to go red.
- Straight Man: To Nappa, and the others sometimes as well.
- Surrounded by Idiots
- Talking in Your Sleep: A dream he has while unconscious leads to "My power ismaximum..."
"First immortality, then the bitches"
- Tempting Fate: Any time Vegeta says "There's nothing you can do about it!"...something's going to get done about it.
- Unstoppable Rage: His moment in Episode 18.
- Villain Protagonist: Of Season 2 (The Namek Saga) without question.
- Butt Monkey / The Chew Toy: Definitely more than Krillin.
- Characterization Marches On: Surprisingly, he used to be considered The Ace. In-universe, anyway.
- Killed Mid-Sentence
- "No Respect" Guy To the point where you think TFS hates him.
- The Other Darrin: Vegeta3986 no longer voices Yamcha after leaving the series. As of Episode 28, he's now voiced by Faulerro.
- Phrase Catcher: "I don't know what this 'Yamcha' is, but it sounds..."
- Running Gag: For several episodes after Vegeta3986 left TFS, whenever Yamcha is about to speak someone cuts him off, cementing his Butt Monkey status.
Tien [3] and Chiaotzu
- Berserk Button: Tien is very defensive with Gannon Banned related matters.
F*cking Weeaboos.
- The Comically Serious: As summed up in the abridgement of the abridged series' first season:
"I am the only serious character in this show. That is the joke."
- Although he did join in on "Row, Row, Row Your Boat".
- He Had a Name:
"You stupid...ugly...son of a bitch. His name was CHIAOTZU! KIKOHO!"
- Heterosexual Life Partners
- Ho Yay: Invoked Trope As a running gag.
- Informed Judaism: Parodied in Christmas Tree of Might.
- The Other Darrin: Chiaotzu was voiced by Whiteash in episode 6; afterward, Megami33 took over.
- Jerkass: Chiaotzu, as shown in the FAQ Special.
- Tien as well in the "Born This Way" parody—he manages to ruin the song and make Piccolo run off set crying in less than 30 seconds.
- Know When to Fold Them: When the fight with Nappa starts disastrously, Tien seriously considers grabbing Chiaotzu and running. Unfortunately Chiaotzu had already gotten involved in the fight and was going for a Taking You with Me attack.
- Mistaken for Gay: Constantly.
- Taking You with Me: Chiaotzu tries to do this to Nappa. It didn't work. At all.
- Team Dad: Tien, at least to Chiaotzu.
- The Chick
- Demoted to Extra: Lampshaded
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Megami33
- Neutral Female: To her chagrin:
"Those bitches on Lifetime might put up with it, but not me!"
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Telling Lord Slug about the Dragon Radar.
- Offscreen Moment of Awesome: KILLING CRABS! IN THE OCEAN!
Master Roshi
- Demoted to Extra: Lampshaded.
- Dirty Old Man: "Could you speak up, I'm not wearing pants."
- Frothy Mugs of Water: Parodied. First it's O.J., then it's apple juice, and finally it's beer (which is what it was supposed to be in the actual cartoon, but is often changed to milk or water in the English dubs shown in Canada, America, and the UK). In the postscript, it's a Nestle Crunch bar, then a gummi bear, and finally Nappa.
Nappa: Wait, what the hell?
Chi Chi
- Abusive Parents: Not exactly, but this little tidbit from "Christmas Tree of Might" may play on fans' suspicions:
Gohan: Santa Claus's just gonna bring me books again...
Chi-Chi (threateningly): He brings you what you like! And what do you like?!
Gohan (scared): I like books!
- Ax Crazy / Beware the Nice Ones: Though not as creepy and scary as Mr. Popo, Chi-Chi is still feared amongst the male characters, especially Krillin[5]
Krillin: Hypothetically... what would you do if you were told that your husband was dead and his son was kidnapped by his worst enemy?
Chi Chi: I'd castrate the messenger in his sleep with a rusty carving knife.
Krillin: Ohh... Then, it's a good thing I'm not telling you that, then.
(Both laugh)
Chi Chi: Would you like to stay the night?
- Badass Normal: Lord Slug Abridged reminds us just why Chi-Chi is the World's Strongest Woman.
- My Beloved Smother: To Gohan.
- Negated Moment of Awesome: Almost has one in Lord Slug Abridged when she charges into battle and takes out one of Lord Slug's mooks with the 'Housewife Style Kick Of A Thousand Menstrual Cycles'.
Chi Chi: You see, just because I'm a woman-Promptly punched in the face by another mook
Bulma: ...That actually lasted longer than I expected.
- The Other Darrin: Krisrix in an episode from Season 1; voiced by Hnilmik in Season 2.
- Stepford Smiler: If she asks you to stay the night, say NO!!!
Mr. Popo
- Almighty Janitor: Is Kami's assistant as Guardian of Earth, is also heavily implied to be the most powerful character in the series.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Pecking order
- Ax Crazy
- Black Comedy Rape
I'm terrifying and a potential rapist. But I'll never say it flat out.
- Catch Phrase: Hiiiiii.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Hopefully.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty:
Shut up maggots, and all right maggots listen up
- Even Evil Has Standards: He would never torture...cats.
- Evil Laugh: Done twice. One when Kami told him Popo would be training Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu, and two, when he saw Tien and Yamcha dying, in his training.
- The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: As Kaiser Neko found out. And so did convention goers at an 18+ event.
- Good Counterpart: Blue Popo. He doesn't last long.
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath
- Humanoid Abomination: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant
- Sadist Teacher: Heavy emphasis on the sadist part.
- Scary Black Man
- Token Evil Teammate
- Butt Monkey: Of the Saiyans.
- Cloudcuckoolander: At least when it comes to the subject of the effects of nudity on Planet Earth.
- Compensating for Something: Piccolo comments that his body length wild spiky hair is compensating for the shortness of something else...
- Dark Chick
- Evil Counterpart: Of Yamcha, actually.
- The Other Darrin: Vegeta3986 replaces Lanipator as Raditz in the first episode.
- As of Dragon Ball Z Kai Abridged, Lanipator has gone back to playing Raditz since Vegeta3986 left the show.
- Parental Neglect: The Bardock special implies that Raditz was a victim of this. It seems like Bardock didn't pay any attention to his children and was already preparing to go off-planet just as he had been fully healed, without so much as meeting his newborn son Kakarot. When called out on his attitude, Bardock answers "Don't worry about it! I didn't pay any attention to Raditz as he was growing up either" which prompts one of the doctors to say "Yeah, and we all know how [Raditz] turned out..." After hearing that, Bardock immediately pays a visit to his son Kakarot.
- Back from the Dead: Maybe.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- The Brute
- Chaotic Stupid
- The Ditz
- The Dragon: To Vegeta.
- Dumb Muscle: Incredibly dumb.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: [invoked]The biggest one in the series.
Nappa: "I am hilarious and you will quote everything I say."
- Evil Chancellor: As revealed in episode 25.
- Horrible Judge of Character Assuming he wasn't just stupid.
- Hidden Depths: If this clip is to be believed, the "child" part of Psychopathic Manchild is because he saw his parents die at a young age and never aged past that point, something that he is actually aware of.
- There's a reason why he majored in Child Psychology...
- I Minored in Tropology: Majored in child psychology... with a minor in pain!
- Phrase Catcher: From Vegeta: "Goddamnit, Nappa!" Continues to catch this phrase even after he dies.
- Psychopathic Manchild
- Too Dumb to Live: He makes ABRIDGED Goku look like a genius.
- Your Mind Makes It Real: Possibly. So far, only Vegeta is able to see his ghost, which is possibly just his inner rage.
"I think your rage broke, Vegeta."
- Benevolent Genie: When Roshi and the rest summon him to bring Goku back to life to fight the Saiyans, he suggests - even offers to make use of a loophole in the rules of the wishes in order to kill Vegeta and Nappa without any trouble. Later, he offers to restore the devastated forest that Oolong burned down, but becomes a...
- Jackass Genie: ...when he learns that not only are the same guys summoning him again, but they didn't care about the burned down forest and just want to get the perfect Christmas tree. Because of this, he summons Turles and co. to plant the Tree of Might.
- In fairness, he has had to deal with the idiocy of people making pointless wishes. One can only be pushed so far before they begin taking sweet vengeance.
- Jackass Genie: ...when he learns that not only are the same guys summoning him again, but they didn't care about the burned down forest and just want to get the perfect Christmas tree. Because of this, he summons Turles and co. to plant the Tree of Might.
- Only Sane Man: He notes that, with the Dragon Balls, you have serious potential to stop a later threat, he even gave out wishes. And when he discovered he was granting their wish again in the Christmas Special...
- "No Respect" Guy: "You know, I am the Guardian of Earth. Can I please get a little more respect here?"
- Number Two: Right below Mr. Popo on the Pecking Order. Whether he's The Lancer or The Dragon depends on how you view Popo.
- The Other Darrin: Voiced by Vegeta3986 in Season 1, and by WeeklyTubeShow afterward.
- Retired Badass: The Z-Warriors go to receive training from Kami in preparation for fighting Vegeta and Nappa, but since he is "quite old", he leaves their training to Mr. Popo.
- Selective Obliviousness: To Mr. Popo's more brutal tendencies.
- Of course, it's not like he can do anything about it. Pecking order...
- The Stoner: Apparently. He says smoking pot helps with his glaucoma.
King Kai
- Adaptational Badass: In the series proper, King Kai lets the Z-fighters take down the dead Ginyu Warriors to showcase his training regimen. In this, he kicks their asses himself.
- The Aloner: He thinks he's this, but he's got plenty of (unwanted) company with Bubbles, Gregory, and Bojack.
- Grumpy Old Man
- It's Pronounced "kah-ee-oh"": King Kai berates Yamcha for saying "Kaio-Ken" with the now-outdated English pronunciation of "Kay-oh."
- Jerkass: To Gregory, Bubbles, and Bojack at least.
- Voice with an Internet Connection: Seems to be able to connect to the Internet with his antenna.
- Butt Monkey: Gets beaten with a mallet a lot.
King Yemma
- A Million Is a Statistic: When told that the line outside his office will soon increase by six billion, he just says that he can judge six billion souls faster than Kami can take a piss, unaware of or unconcerned with the massive loss of life.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Distracted by the Sexy: Next, strip. Next, strip. Next, strip... nice!
- Recoome thanks you.
- Jerkass Gods: He isn't worried at all about the potential death of Earth, forces the dead to strip as he judges them for his own amusment, and Heaven itself seems to be a rather draconian place where people are sent to Hell for skipping in line.
- Overshadowed by Awesome: Acknowledges himself that when the Kai show up he'll become "horribly insignificant"
- The Gods Must Be Lazy: He doesn't lift a finger for the people of Earth, stating that he can judge six billion souls faster than Kami can take a piss, and seems to be quite bored of his job.
- Verbal Tic: "Mahogany".
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: His desk.
Introduced in Season 2
- Creepy Monotone
- Cross-Dressing Voices: Averted. Voiced by Takahata101 whose voice has been higher pitched.
- Disproportionate Retribution: He tells Freeza that Krillin and Gohan are from Earth as payback for Krillin calling him "Little Green".
- Killed Mid-Sentence
- Laser-Guided Karma: Does this to Vegeta in episode 26
- His own death could qualify, what with his Revenge Before Reason and Disproportionate Retribution.
- My Name Is Not Little Green: Krillin begs to differ.
- Nice Guy: Describes himself as such. Though it's said massively sarcastically.
- Tempting Fate: Apparently, no one told Freeza that "nobody fucks with the White Mage".
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Dende took MASSIVE levels of jerkass-itude in Episode 25
- He betrayed Gohan and Krillin by revealing that they're from Earth. Why? Because his name is "Dende"
- While he healed Krillin after he got stabbed in the chest, he also told him he was immortal, possibly under the hopes that Freeza would kill him while serving as a distraction. It fails, but still...
- To be fair he did heal Gohan since he is the only one he respects and acted the way he did because he obviously does not like Krillin.
- He refuses to heal Vegeta in episode 26. Not unjustified given Vegeta's earlier treatment of the Namekians, but still...
Vegeta: You... green thing... heal me
Dende: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time hearing you over the smell of my peoples' blood on your hands
Vegeta: Oh no... do not be that guy right now...
Dende: Oh I'm gonna be that guy right now.
- Ungrateful Bastard: Not only does he show no gratitude to Gohan or Krillin for saving and protecting him from Freeza and his forces, he actually reveals the identity of their home planet to Freeza and tries to use Krillin as a distraction to lure Freeza away.
- White Mage: "Nobody f$#!s with the White Mage".
- Ironically, immediately after saying this, he gets f$#!ed with by Freeza. Fatally.
- Beleaguered Assistant
- Butt Monkey: Guru does horrible stuff to him.
"Nail! I have a bitch of an itch on my left ass cheek!"
"So I said, 'I don't care WHO you are! Now clean my JOWLS!' And that was Nail's first day on the job."
- Deadpan Snarker
- Early-Bird Cameo: Nail and Guru make a cameo in episode 5 to demonstrate a place duller than King Kai's planet.
Nail: "Oh, God, this is so horribly dull! I hope something exciting happens around here soon, I don't care what it is!"
- Good Thing You Can Heal: Freeza decides to have some fun with this.
- Nothing Exciting Ever Happens Here: Before Freeza. He was excited about finally having a good argument with Vegeta.
- Only Sane Man: To Guru.
- Sharing a Body: With Piccolo.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Seems to be developing this with Piccolo.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Whistling causes him intense pain, even when he's actually living inside someone else's head.
Super Kami Guru
- A God Am I/Hypocritical Humour: He decides that Kami is "pretentious" for calling himself "God"...and then decides to rename himself Super Kami Guru.
- Bad Boss: Yes.
- The Caligula
- Call My Name: NAAAAAAAIL!!!
- Dare to Be Badass: Gives a speech like this to Nail in order to make him stand up to Freeza. Turns out he wasn't very sincere.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Gives us a preview of his quirks in episode 5.
Guru: "I saw a bird. It was pretty. Kick its ass."
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: When Freeza makes a crack about a slug, Guru exclaims "Leave my brother out of thiiis!" as Slug is his brother and a senile nutcase could interpret the statement Freeza made as a threat toward him.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Going by his scenes with Gohan and Freiza, he seems to draw the line at child molestation and judging people by their appearances. Not above using a Mind Screw on the former though.
- Evil Overlord
- Evil Twin: In the Lord Slug movie, The Stinger reveals that he shares this relationship with the titular villain. That is, Guru is the evil half.
- Fantastic Racism: Against albino Namekians. "Kill it like the rest."
- Fat Bastard
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Revealed as a colossal one when he encourages Nail to fight Freeza, telling him that he is "Namek's prodigal son". As it turns out, he is fully aware of how powerful Freeza is and that his assistant stands absolutely no chance of winning. Not to mention the fact that Super Kami Guru did not train him in the "New Way" that might have given him a chance of winning.
- He dies simply because it would be "a real dick move" to kill the dragon off with him. Yes, that's right. Super Kami Guru pulled a Jerkass Sacrifice.
- He's Slug's Evil half.
- No Indoor Voice: Well, a hardly used one anyway.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: One gets the impression that he's not as stupid as he looks and just acts that way to mess with people, especially Nail.
- Pet the Dog: He does seem to care about his good half Slug as shown by his retort to Freeza "Leave my brother out of this" and when he writes Slug a letter mentioning Dragon Balls on Earth.
- Retired Monster
- Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior!
- Troll
- Weakened by the Light: As shown in Episode 22
- Ambiguous Gender: In Krillin's words;
Krillin: Looks like a total F.A.G.
Gohan: Krillin!
Krillin: What? A Freaky Alien Genotype. What did you think I meant?
Gohan: Ohhh... I thought you were using a derogatory term to refer to a homosexual.
Krillin: THAT THING'S A GUY??!!
- Bad Boss: Kills his soldiers at the drop of a hat; reasons vary from "needing an example" to avoiding an awkward conversation.
- The mooks actually form a union due the rising number of their personnel exploding. Freeza's response is predictable.
- Berserk Button: Don't mess with his tail.
- Goku's idiocy does the job nicely.
Freeza: That's stupid! You're stupid!! STOP BEING STUPID!!!
- He also doesn't like being ignored.
Freeza[To Nail]: So, do you have any family? Because if you did then I probably killed them. No? Nothing to that? Stop ignoring me!
- Later, when facing Goku:
Freeza: There you go again! Throwing your hands in the air, like you just don't care! CARE, DAMN IT!
- Big Bad: Season 2.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: He f$#!ed with the White Mage.
- He keeps a list of how many times he's heard various heroic Stock Phrases before. He's heard "I'm gonna F$*K YOUR FACE!" 12 times, apparently.
- And when battling Gohan:
Freeza Oh no! The invincible Lord Freeza defeated by a mere child! What Dramatic Irony... (chuckles) Just kidding.
- As of Episode 28, it's revealed that he kills children because it's just easier than waiting for them to grow up and seek revenge. He's obviously read at least some of the Evil Overlord List.
- And we have this Inner Monologue from episode 22 which demonstrates that Freeza plans to use his immortality to yank the narrative chain of his subjects:
Freeza: So, for the first century I'll go easy on them, lure them into a false sense of security, and then when they think I'm not so bad, BAM! I'll go full tyrant on them in the second century. Then I'll disappear for a millennia and make them wonder if I even existed to begin with, just to come back and kill them all.
- Deadpan Snarker: Turns against him with a vengeance in the fight against Goku, who horribly misinterprets every single one of his clever one-liners.
- Dissonant Serenity: In his final form. Till Goku shows up.
- He seems to default to this whenever he's undergoing an overwhelming amount of hatred, shock and amazement.
- Evil Overlord
- Evil Sounds Deep: After his transformation. Think about Yami Yugi. Now think about Season 0's Yami Yugi (who is sadistic and evil as hell). Now amplify that about 20x and you have form 2 Freeza. Unfortunately...
- Snake Talk: It devolves into this upon transforming into his third form. With even more of a Marik-like inflection and a German accent to boot. But, thankfully...
- Vocal Evolution: At the end of episode 26 when he reaches his final form, his voice becomes somewhere in-between his first and second forms. He has the tone of the first form, but the smooth sound of the second.
- Snake Talk: It devolves into this upon transforming into his third form. With even more of a Marik-like inflection and a German accent to boot. But, thankfully...
- Evil Brit: Courtesy of Little Kuriboh.
- Fantastic Racist: Even moreso than in the original series.
Freeza: I can't believe we came all the way out here and spent a week in the space boonies for nothing! Seriously, I'm surprised we didn't hear banjos on the way in, because everybody's inbred and looks the f**king same!
Nail: This is my people's sacred battle ground.
Freeza: We flew over an hour for this? It looks exactly the same as everywhere else on this godforsaken rock!
Nail: [annoyed grunt] Racist.
Freeza: Well, maybe so but, I can't quite be a racist against a race that doesn't exist. Like the Cloffours.Dirty money-grubbing Cloffours. Tried to Clof me right out of my money. Blew those little bastards up is what I did.
- Faux Affably Evil: Big time. Need I remind you of his list of Stock Phrases, which he casually counts while the Namekians make their heroic speech?
Namekian warrior: We're going to...f*ck your face!
Freeza: Ohohohohoho my... twelve.
- Go Look At the Distraction: Blows up a minion (who was bringing somewhat important information) to save himself from an awkward conversation with Zarbon.
Minion: Lord Freeza! Vegeta's broken out of the healing taaaaank!
Freeza: Oh no that minion died, could you go fix that, we'll continue this conversation never.
- Intercontinuity Crossover: In "Seto Kaiba's Real Father - CONCLUSION". He's the "father" of Kaiba, AKA, the Seto-bot 5000. Or not.
- It's All About Me: In Episode 29 he sums it up quite well when fighting off the Spirit Bomb:
If I had any single regret for the countless horrific events that transpired in my wake, it's that I'm dying.
- Laughing Mad: When he summons his death ball to destroy Namek before getting hit by the Spirit Bomb.
- Nigh Invulnerability:
Freeza By the way? Not dead. KthxDIE! [6]
- Not So Stoic: When Vegeta makes off with the Dragon Balls.
(to Zarbon) Vegeta! Dragon Balls! Now!!!
- Also when Nail was taunting him.
- Appears to be evolving into a Villainous Breakdown as of episode 25
Freeza: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm usually far more composed. I'm just a little bit ABSOLUTELY LIVID.
- Pet the Dog: He contemplates how he should break the news to the Ginyu Force's families as Vegeta is attacking him.
- Has a second one in his fight with Goku in response to something he says.
Goku: My butt is FLAMING!
Freeza: I miss Zarbon.
- Pre-Morthem One-Liner: A passion of his. Gets annoyed when Goku doesn't understand and/or pay attention to them.
- Shoot the Medic First: First thing he does when he hears that Dende calling himself the White Mage? Shoots the White Mage.
- Sibling Rivalry: With Cooler.
- Smite Me, O Mighty Smiter!: Freeza invokes this, but it doesn't take.
Freeza: If I'm really as evil as you say, then may God strike me down where I stand.
Gets struck by lightning
Freeza: Ha! Nice try, jackass! Next time give it your A game!
Freeza: [while torturing Gohan] So, Vegeta, does this get you angry?
Vegeta: Not really, kind of a smartass.
Freeza: Well then why am I bothering?
Vegeta: Because...you get off on it?
Freeza: Oh, unbelievably.
- Soft-Spoken Sadist
- Stock Phrases: Keeps a mental list of how many times he's heard certain lines.
- He finally hears a new one in episode 27. From Goku, no less.
Goku: So, are you that Freezer guy?
Freeza: I am Lord Freeza, yes.
Goku: Awesome! Imma deck you in the schnoz.
Freeza: I'm sorry, that's a new one.
- Those Two Bad Guys: Zarbon and Dodoria
- Villain Ball: As per Rule of Funny, Freeza really needs to lay off the SpaceTwitter:
- He forgot about Goku's humongous Spirit Bomb because Piccolo provoked him into a fight whilst Goku charged it. He only gets reminded of it when it's far too late to actually do anything about it.
Freeza: Somehow I completely forgot about that.
- Villainous Breakdown: Freeza had a few brief moments of this, but it really started when he met Goku and it snowballed from there. After he finishes beating down Piccolo, Freeza is clearly off the deep end.
- The really amazing thing is that it's not because Goku is beating him. It's simply trying to make sense of Goku's mind.
- Warrior Poet: Briefly gives a Dark Reprise of My Favorite Things after he transforms.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Simply biting his tail will cause him unbearable pain.
"Ow, son of a...mother-!" (punches Goku in the face)
- Wiki Vandal: "Stupid monkeys hit by falling rocks.[7]"
- "P.S. Freeza rules you."
- Would Hurt a Child:
"Oh Please, everyone's always on about the children..."
- You Are Number Six: Reinforces his Bad Boss treatment of his men by adressing one Mook as "Minion 43". Then using said mook for The Blofeld Ploy.
- Applies it on a planetary scale, every planet he acquires gets renamed Freeza Planet (number).
- Brainless Beauty: Although he's quite competent in a fight, Freeza has to sometimes slowly spell things out for him and explain the implications of his actions.
- Camp Straight: Though Freeza and Vegeta aren't convinced.
- Double Entendre: Lives off these.
- Girlfriend in Canada: Freeza would bet her name is Chuck.
- Locked Out of the Loop: Has no clue that people think he's gay.
- Mistaken for Gay
- Not That There's Anything Wrong with That: Says this verbatim when he's convinced Vegeta is gay.
- Punch Clock Villain: Possibly. Doesn't seem to enjoy killing the way Dodoria does, and one conversation with Freeza implies that he's practically Freeza's slave and would be slaughtered if he didn't do what Freeza says.
Freeza: I'm starting to think that my people don't understand what I pay them for.
Zarbon: You don't pay us-
Freeza: -Allow them to live for.
- Retirony: Sort of. He and his girlfriend's anniversary was coming up shortly before he's killed.
- Sissy Villain: Definitely, even though it's revealed that Zarbon isn't gay.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Gets distracted by
Krillin's quackingthe sound of the majestic Space Duck. - Brawn Hilda: Though she was regarded as an Amazonian Beauty on her home planet (before Freeza blew it up).
- Dark Action Girl
- Female Monster Surprise: Notice how she's not referred to with third person pronouns except in spoiler tags.
- Just a Stupid Accent: Speaks in a heavy Southern drawl much like Hol Horse, only a little deeper.
- Larynx Dissonance
- Psycho for Hire: Massacres a whole team of Namekians without even batting an eye. And that's before killing a youngling, the village elder and almost killing Dende.
- World's Most Beautiful Woman: While unattractive by human standards, she was considered the most beautiful (and fertile) woman on her home planet...until Freeza blew it up.
- Would Hurt a Child:
I really do like kids. They don't leave much of a mess.
The Ginyu Force / "Elite Senshi Ginyu Tokusentai"
- Adorkable: Practically even more than the original versions.
- Affably Evil: They're a rather fun and likable group, as well as being shown in something of a tragic light when they die.
- Asskicking Pose
- Badass Boast
- Beware the Silly Ones: As usual.
- The Dreaded: Vegeta's reaction when he finds out they're on Namek says it all.
- Five-Man Band: From their perspective.
- Five-Bad Band: From the heroes' perspective.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Burter and Jeice come off as these. Though Burter is apparently gay according to Guldo, albeit without any apparent romantic interest in Jeice.
- Laughably Evil
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: And even quirkier than their source counterparts.
- Show Within a Show: They set up a TV segment called Wheel of Death... while deciding who gets to kill who.
- Also, Namekimania.
- Sympathetic Murderers: While they are a squad of hired killers, they are the most sympathetic villains to appear yet. Frankly, they can even be considered more sympathetic than several of the heroic characters.
- True Companions
- What Measure Is a Mook?: Averted when Freeza tries to think of a way to break the news about their deaths to their respective families.
Captain Ginyu
- Battle Butler: He would gladly polish Freeza's boots, if he wore any.
- Berserk Button: Do not insult Captain Ginyu's poses.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: More of a humorous case than anything else; he knows about the value of dodging.
- Deadpan Snarker: It doesn't happen very often, though he tends to get snide when things start to go badly.
Jeice! If you're not too busy standing there, like a slack-jawed idiot, I could use your help!
- Death by Adaptation: Psyche! Eight for eight! **Squish**
- Eccentric Mentor: To the rest of the team. Best shown in his fight with Goku.
Goku: Is he okay?
Jeice: Oh, the captain? Yeah, he just does that sometimes.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Tries to hold a Moment of Silence for his fallen comrades. Vegeta doesn't let him.
- The Hero / The Big Bad / The Captain: Leader of the squad, it being named after him and all.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Antfish, who uses his Dio Brando voice (Sans the Tim Curry impersonation).
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Though Freeza is far from incompetent.
- Large Ham: He is contractually obligated to perform "The Dance of Joy", as ordered by King Cold, and the "Daddy's Little Princess Dance", as ordered by Cooler, after each successful mission. He also does the "Dance of Solitude" when he's left alone and has nothing else to do.
- Noodle Incident: "And if it's anything like that jockstrap incident, Ginyu probably buried them somewhere close by."
- Stealth Hi Bye: Pulls this on Vegeta twice.
- Team Dad: Ginyu's behaviour comes surprisingly close to this.
Alright, gang, it's time for me to head off. Try not to mess up your uniforms and be back by 0500 hours!
- Trademark Favorite Food: Waldorf Salad.
- Undying Loyalty: Unlike Zarbon and Dodoria, Ginyu never considers going against Freeza's wishes.
- Wicked Cultured
- Berserk Button: Questioning his claim as the fastest in the universe. And comparing him to Guldo.
- The Chick/ The Dark Chick: Seemingly not very special, besides forming a yin/yang duo with Jeice.
- Comically Missing the Point: When Jeice asks for support Burter starts complimenting him instead of aiding him in the fight. Still managed to cheer him up, though.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: KaiserNeko
- I Just Want to Be Special: Says this verbatim to explain his somewhat flimsy claim of being "the fastest in the universe", because without it he's just "that big blue snake guy."
- And it's later revealed that this is why Ginyu had him on the team: a tall blue guy to balance out Jeice's short red guy.
- Inferiority Superiority Complex
- Motor Mouth
- Smug Snake: Comes of as this at first about his supposed unrivaled speed, but it turns out he's actually a lot more insecure and self-critical than he first appears.
- Sssssnaketalk
- Invisible to Gaydar: According to Guldo. Makes sense in retrospect.
- You Are Better Than You Think You Are
- Adaptational Badass: Subverted. He lacks the incompetence and cowardice of his source counterpart, though in the end he goes down just as quickly.
- Butt Monkey: Not even in death can he catch a break.
- Evil Counterpart: He shows what Krillin could become if he's ever pushed too far.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Takahata101
- The Resenter: He hates Vegeta with a passion.
- Sanity Slippage
Sorry, I kinda lost my head there after I... lost my head.
- It seems more like PTSD played for comedy.
- The Smart Guy/The Evil Genius: Uses psychic powers to defeat his enemies.
- Squishy Wizard
- Who's Laughing Now?
- Break the Cutie: Starts out as one of the happier and friendlier guys on the force. Then things go bad.
- Dead Little Sister: Eaten by a Space-Dingo, according to him.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Jeice is genuinely dismayed at Burter getting curb stomped by Goku, and spends much of the episode Burter gets thrashed in cheering him up over his not being the fastest in the universe.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Ganxingba
- The Lancer / The Dragon: Reports directly to Ginyu.
- Land Down Under: He lives in Space Australia.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Oh Crap: After realizing Sayians get stronger when they recover from near death, and that Vegeta nearly died when fighting Recoome.
Jeice: Well I'm right f[bleep]ked, aren't I?
Vegeta: Right in the down under.
- The Reliable One: Burter considers him the only one on the team that can be relied on.
- Stepford Smiler: He gets very upset after Burter dies, but puts a lid on it when Ginyu demands him to be professional.
- Verbal Tic: The word 'mate' tends to appear a lot when he talks.
- Badass
- The Big Guy/ The Brute: Obviously.
- Blood Knight
- Boisterous Bruiser: All the way.
- Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: A list of the Recoome Memorabilia; Baseball hat, t-shirt, keychain, action figure, purse, jock strap, and vibrator.
- Calling Your Attacks: Recoome's tendency to both do this and name all his moves after himself is canon (even "Recoome Eraser Gun", as of Kai), but, of course, it gets lampshaded.
Krillin: Does every move you have start with--?
Recoome: KICK! (kicks Krillin square in the face, bringing up his owned count a point higher).
- Catch Phrase: Borrowed from the original English dub and used to the point of Running Gag:
Recoome: "The name's... RECOOME! And it rhymes with... DOOM! And you're going to be hurting... ALL... TOO... SOON!"
- Gag Penis: King Yemma sure thought so in episode 28.
- Actually a Brick Joke from episode 20. When the Ginyus were talking about the last time they ...you know, Recoome comments he didn't even have enough room in his pod.
- In episode 29, Guldo helps him up by pulling on his "middle leg".
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Ganxingba
- Large Ham: In keeping with the original series. Recoome takes it way past the source material, however, with his Professional Wrestling personality.
- Won't Work On Me: "Silly Vegeta, the only thing the Recoome sells is merchandise"
- Shout-Out: To Hulk Hogan specifically, but to Professional Wrestling as a whole. Mainly wrestlers from the Attitude Era or shortly after, if not Hogan.
- Simpleton Voice: Surprisingly averted with Recoome, who is instead professional wrestling personified.
- Testosterone Poisoning
- Third Person Person: Sounds good to Recoome!
- Aliens Speaking English: Averted. While everyone else on Namek can speak English, he just speaks Klingon.
- Fantastic Racism: Finds Earthlings ugly.
- Literal Genie: You must be specific in your wishes to Porunga.
- Mundane Fantastic: He has a rather "Yeah, whatever," approach to this whole "giant wish-granting Space Dragon" thing.
King Vegeta
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Among the Sayians. With Freeza, not so much.
- Curb Stomp Battle: On the receiving end of one.
- Shoot the Messenger: Although it's because he considered the messenger to be a smartass.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Vegeta indicates that he and daddy have some unresolved issues in Episode 10.
- All There in the Manual: His name is never mentioned in the video. You have to look at the video description to find out his name.
- Expy: His accent is reminiscent of Sebastian from The Little Mermaid
- Familiar: He's Vegeta's spirit animal.
- His Name Is--: He's about to tell Vegeta how to defeat Freeza when he gets eaten.
- Killed Mid-Sentence: Freeza eats him while he's talking to Vegeta.
- One-Scene Wonder: He gets out all of about two sentences before he gets killed, but those two sentences are hilarious.
- Talking Animal
- Unexplained Recovery: He later pops out of Freeza's ear after he knocks some water out of his head, in one piece even though Freeza bit him in half while eating him.
Introduced in Specials
- Badass: Even when played for comedy.
- And of course, he still keeps Solid State Scouter for his battle against Dodoria's men.
- Disappeared Dad: To Raditz. (And Kakarot/Goku, but seeing how he was kinda dead at the time...)
- Mercy Kill: Accepts the "sweet embrace of Death" upon having a vision of the future...and seeing the Para Para Brothers.
- Psychic Power: And they're worthless.
- "Useless-ass psychic powers!"
- Say My Name: "FREEZA!"
Bardock's crew
- Butch Lesbian: Celipa, or that's what Bardock thinks.
- To Serve Man: Punbukin
Punbukin: Say nothing if want me to eat the remains of that alien!
- Shipper on Deck: Punbukin suggests that Celipa's the mother of Bardock's kid. Bardock lets him down gently on that idea
Toma: Hey, Bardock. Heard you got another kid. Congrats. Who's the mom?
Punbukin: I bet it's Celipa. I see the way you two look at each other.
Bardock: Nah, it'd never work out between us.
Toma: Why not?
Bardock: Are you kidding? She's a raging dyke.
Celipa (offended): I'm right here, you asshole!
Bardock: ...And?
Celipa: God, this is why I hate men!
Bardock: Point proven.
- The Smurfette Principle: Bardock, while mention that Toma was the only one he cares about in the group and that everyone else was bland, he mentions Celipa as an exception, also. Mainly because she the only one with a decent pair of tits.
- Evil Overlord
- Insistent Terminology: Cooler is a prick.
- Jerkass
- Sibling Rivalry: With Freeza. He instructed Captain Ginyu to perform the "Daddy's Little Princess Dance" after every successful mission for Freeza.
- Beard of Evil: He doesn't have one, but since he's evil and looks like Goku, our hero decides to imagine one.
- Big Bad: Of Christmas Tree of Might.
- Freudian Excuse: He hates Christmas because Santa Claus never visited Planet Vegeta, thus denying him the joy other planets received. Ironically, Santa did try to visit Planet Vegeta, but the Saiyans kept trying to shoot down his sleigh.
- Identical Evil Counterpart
Misfit Minions
- Bad Santa Mall Santa: Slay, as per the series norm, is this taken up to eleven.
- Black Comedy Rape: Reese's rape of Rudolph, and Slay molested kids who sat on his lap (after killing one who had cancer).
- But You Screw One Goat!: Reese was forever placed on Santa's Naughty List for raping Rudolph.
- Creepy Monotone: S.N.O.W. Man.
- Creepy Twins: The Jinga Beru brothers.
Beru: And then there's my brother and I!
Jinga: We were once elves working in Santa's workshop.
Beru: Until one of the robots we made to aid production went on a murderous rampage.
S.N.O.W.Man: Falalalala, lalalalaDIE!
- Dub Name Change: The Turles Crusher Corps in the series become the Misfit Minions, and the name changes don't stop there:
- Amond becomes Slay.
- Cacao becomes S.N.O.W. Man.
- Daiz becomes Reese.
- Lakasei and Rasin become the Jinga Beru Brothers.
- The Dragon: Slay.
- Fun with Acronyms: S.N.O.W. Man.[8]
- The Cameo / Hey, It's That Voice!: Kyle Hebert, bitches!
- The Reveal: Santa always did try to visit Planet Vegeta, but the Saiyans kept shooting him down.
Lord Slug
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: His One-Winged Angel form.
- Bad Boss: "We go through soldiers like copy paper around here..."
- Berserk Button: Don't call him King Piccolo, or compare him to the same.
- Big Bad: Of Lord Slug, appropriately enough.
- Evil Old Folks: At first. He doesn't stay that way.
- Evil Overlord
- Evil Twin: With Guru. He's not one; Guru is his.
- Galactic Conqueror
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: To King Piccolo, much to his consternation.
- The Unintelligible: In his old form.
- Intelligible Unintelligible: The characters can understand him just fine.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Whistling, like all Namekians, it seems.
- Death by Adaptation
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: He has a whopping one scene before Gohan's family eats him. Safe to say he ain't coming back.
- Eat the Dog
Lord Slug's Minions
- The Brute: Dordabo.
- Dark Chick: Angira.
- Depraved Dwarf: Medematcha.
- Dumb Muscle: Doradabo. Hard.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Angira.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad
- Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: Medematcha.
- Refuge in Audacity: Most of Medematcha's dialogue.
- ↑ But to be fair, Masako has a very believable female voice.
- ↑ Magus being a similar character designed by Akira Toriyama
- ↑ referred to by his Japanese name, Tenshinhan, on a few occasions
- ↑ The one where Bart gets a job as Krusty's personal assistant, then becomes known as "The 'I Didn't Do It' Boy" when he botches a live sketch
- ↑ he likes his penis where it is, thank you
- ↑ This is after being hit by a Spirit Bomb that had to be at least a kilometre wide!
- ↑ Not Death Ball thrown by Freeza.
- ↑ Sentient Non-Organic Work Manager