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Doctor Who/WMG/With Spoilers

This page needs some cleaning up to be presentable.

All this content is over a year old as of 26 February 2015. It should be split into new WMG supbages.


Post theories pertaining to current/upcoming Doctor Who episodes here. They should probably stay here until, say, a year after airing?

The Fields of Trenzalore, the Fall of the Eleventh, Silence Falling, the First Question and its Answer, etc.

All of this will be resolved in a star-studded 50th anniversary special/mini-series.

Please, it's SUCH a obvious place for it. And what place would it be better to have the answer of the question "Doctor Who" be then the 50th anniversary?

The Doctor's crib is gonna be important

Back in 'A Good Man Goes to War', we saw what is, presumably, the Doctor's own, personal crib, from back when he was a cute little Time Tot.

The crib has some Gallifreyan writing on it, which, presumably, represents the name of its owner - in this case, the Doctor (I dunno, do we have a Word of God on this?)

Now, what's the First Question again? 'Doctor Who?'

The "Fall of the Eleventh" is called that, and not something else, because there are several Doctors at Trenzalore so they need to be specific

Tying into the idea of the star-studded 50th anniversary, it is called the Fall of the Eleventh because other Doctors will be there, including the 12th (after 11 regenerates)

  • Not just that, but all companions introduced in the revived series will be there. Just to enhance the scope.

Trenzalore is located on Gallifrey.

Because where else would anybody know the answer to that question?

The First Question is not for the Doctor...

It's from the Doctor. He's going to ask the Question of someone else: his past is so shrouded in mystery that he doesn't fully know it himself, and that's why he's remained so anonymous for all these centuries. If you rewatch "The Wedding of River Song", there's no mention of exactly who is doing this asking and who is doing this answering. From what the question is, it's easy to assume that only the Doctor himself can answer it, but that's just an assumption.

We will never get the answer to the First Question.

"Silence will/must fall when the Question is asked." Moffat is telling us that if we ever learned who the Doctor is, the show would Jump the Shark and eventually be cancelled, becoming "silent."

  • Or it will be saved until the BBC decides to end the show, possibly resulting in a massive breakage of the fourth wall.

We already know the Answer to the Question.

It's 42, naturally.

“Question and the Answer are mutually exclusive. Knowledge of one logically precludes knowledge of the other. It is impossible that both can ever be known about the same Universe.”

  • The question is already known in-universe. When they find out the answer the universe ends, and Silence falls.

The question is "Not gone yet?"

  • And its answer is "Obviously not."
  • Jossed

The Question has to do with River's grafitti.

  • According to The Doctor it's the oldest writing in the universe, it's not impossible that the first question was based on it.
  • Jossed

The Question is "Where did everything come from?"

It's the question that everyone, including us in Real Life, have been desperately trying to answer, since the dawn of civilization. The Silence are trying to find it out. Why would trigger Total Event Collapse? Perhaps the Big Bang Two was the original Big Bang, and all reality is one big Stable Time Loop.

  • Jossed

The Question is "What is the Doctor's name?"

  • Almost. See above, it's essentially this reworded.

The Question does not concern the Doctor at all.

In Let's Kill Hitler the Tessalecta stated the Question has been unanswered since the beginning of time. Since the Doctor is only 909, this may rule him out of the Question.

  • Assuming he is 909. The Doctor's actual age has caused a fair amount of debate, with even Steven Moffat himself stating that he believes the Doctor long ago lost track of it and is just making figures up. As far as his connection with the Question goes, there's nothing concrete to suggest that the Doctor is directly connected to the Question other than the Silence wanting him dead...though that could be just that they've forseen him working against/defeating them and want him out of the way before they concentrate on their own goals.
  • Jossed

The Question is "How the Hell do we survive Rory Williams"

The Answer is "Don't mess with him"

  • Jossed

The Question is "Will you marry me?"

The episode's name is The Wedding of River Song. The Doctor talked to the Impossible Astronaut (who we now know to be River) before she killed him. This question is hidden in plain sight because it's been asked millions of times before, but this time counts more than any other.

  • Jossed

The Question is "Who can stop me?"

One of the preview clips for the Series 6 finale has Dorium telling the Doctor that The Question will be asked at the fall of the Eleventh. This likely refers to the Eleventh Doctor. Something will happen to the Doctor, making him regenerate into the Twelfth Doctor. However, possibly due to a companion death, the Twelfth Doctor will be ruthless against whoever is around, explaining why Dorium says that "no living creature can speak falsely or fail to answer". This will be the return of the Time Lord Victorious and the start of the Valeyard.

  • Jossed
    • How is that jossed?
      • Because the question is “Doctor Who?”
      • The troper who posted the theory here. I'd simply like to thank the guy who asked how it was jossed for defending it when broad strokes still has yet to prove it wrong.

The First Question... is "Doctor who?"

  • That very question was asked back in Silver Nemesis (which also saw the Seventh Doctor wear a fez, oddly enough...). It wasn't answered, but it was hinted that the answer reached back to ancient times, and that there was something dark and terrible about it. Something about the Doctor not being what he claims to be.
    • As the classic Who fans will know, these kinds of ideas were floated back in the Seventh Doctor's era as part of the (never completed) Cartmel Masterplan, with the idea that the Doctor's true identity was a dangerous and powerful secret. Between Executive Meddling and the cancellation, the Masterplan never reached is completion except in the Virgin New Adventures novels; the ultimate reveal was that the Doctor was a reincarnation of a figure from the dawn of Time Lord history, a contemporary of Rassilon and the true power behind the ancient Gallifreyan throne.
    • It was asked a lot further back than "Silver Nemesis". Try "An Unearthly Child". It was first asked by Ian Chesterton.
  • From Moffat's "The Girl in the Fireplace":

Madame de Pompadour: Doctor... doctor who? It's more than just a secret, isn't it?

    • Well, we do seem to be in the middle of a Moffat Masterplan...
  • While it definitely seems like a good possibility, the Doctor himself asked it in the episode. Even if the below theory of it taking more then just words is accurate, it seems odd to reveal the matter of the question, and have someone ask it within 10 minutes of each other.
  • So the answer is the Doctor's true name? No wonder he never tells anyone!
    • Except River, the daughter of the one who will brind the silence. And, of course, there's only one time the Doctor ever would or could tell anyone his name... why that would bring Silence I have no idea.
  • Confirmed!

The First Question will be answered by Amy.

  • In Day of the Moon, when she was kidnapped by the Silence and we see her inside the ship, one of them tells her "You will bring the Silence." So if the Silence will fall when the question is asked...
    • A Silent also told her that she would tell the Doctor "What he must never know". The Doctor may regret telling Amy in The Beast Below that she should never hide anything from him...

River will be there, on the Fields of Trenzalore.

That's when she learns his name, because he has to answer the Question.

The Answer will undo the Time-Lock, allowing Rassilon, the Skaro Degradations, The Horde of Travesties, et cetera, to escape into normal time.

There is a name. A name struck from the record of history, such that almost no-one in this universe can remember it... And what's in a name? If you had to keep the most terrible force in the whole of creation locked up safely away from everywhere and everywhen else, what would you use as the key? A name only an improbable few can remember.

  • Actually, there's some stuff supporting this. Remember when it was mentioned that the Doctor's name "burns in the stars of Medusa herself" (i.e. the Medusa Cascade)? And this is the very same cascade that it's mentioned that the Doctor sealed himself... sealed, if you take the comic book continuity as canon, with the explicit intention of ending the Time War.

The Answer is...

Eleven: "...well, I don't know."

There's a good reason why the Doctor never tells anyone what his name is—even he doesn't know! It's been basically proven (both in canon and by Word of God that he doesn't really know how old he is—in the classic series, he's been known to call himself over a thousand years old, but now he's in his nine hundreds. So, why/how would he really remember or know what his name is?

  • Because River told him it to gain his trust, and he visibly reacted. And why would someone forgetful bury his name from the Carrionites and the Sibyllines? He's stated to be in his 1100s as of "Closing Time" (but in "The Impossible Astronaut"), but that's neither here nor there.

The Answer is...

  • Doctor Pond. He changed his name when he married River.
    • Maybe taking the wife's name is Time Lord tradition. The Doctor referring to Rory as "Mister Pond" when he married Amy reflects this.
    • I noticed that River married the Doctor on the day she was made a Doctor. So I think either this is an Incredibly Lame Pun or "Doctor Song" is the answer to the question...
  • not answerable with words, but rather by the actions of the Doctor himself. Is he the healer? The warrior? His actions will decide that, not his words.
  • actually the Doctor's name. Who knows, Moffat might fake us out by using the obvious solution. Reverse psychology and all.
    • It's really his name, but he's been running from it all his life because off some Gallifreyen history thing. Maybe he's the reincarnation of Omega!
  • not going to be said because the Doctor will regenerate just before being asked. Knowing the Question is coming, and that the answer is what sort of person he is, he will voluntarily regenerate. Then the dialogue will go:

(Unknown): Doctor who?
Twelfth Doctor: I really don't know yet. Am I ginger?

    • Has a chance of being true. At the Fall of the Eleventh the question will be asked. Eleventh what? The Eleventh Doctor. Silence must fall. The Doctor must die. Nobody said anything about regeneration, did they?
  • going to be revealed in the 50th Anniversary Special. Whatever it is, whatever the circumstances, and especially if the above is true and he regenerates, this Question should definitely be answered in the 50th Anniversary Special, preferably with as many Doctors present as possible.
  • nonexistant, or at least ever-changing. Because he regenerates and changes.
  • The TARDIS 'admin' password - which the Doctor set as his name. He thinks the only time he could only share it with someone is if he finds someone he trust with full control over the TARDIS (read: a timelord/lady he comes to trust completely). When the answer is revealed on the Fields of Trenzalore, something uses it to blow up the TARDIS, leading to the cracks in time arc, the universe going boom, and silence falling.
  • This troper is surprised no one thought of this yet. A name could only have this much weight if it is the name of someone great or terrible, or both. A name the doctor is ashamed of, a name which the doctor regrets ever having. A name that all the universe would recognize immediately. A name that would not only encourage him to run from his own people, but necessitate it. The name of a true madman. Rassilon.
  • Apollo. Apollo is the god of healing and the chief god of the Oracle, while the Doctor has a name meaning "healer" and has travelled all across time, fitting the oracle part. At the same time, Apollo is a god of diseases, similar to how the Doctor leaves disaster among his wake. It's a good old Meaningful Name. Hey, the Master has one too: Koschei.
  • "Hartnell." It would be a pretty nice tribute to the man who started it all.

The Doctor's name is 42.

We always knew the answer. Now we know the Question. Just for heaven's sake don't answer the Question.

The Twelfth Doctor will answer the Question.

The Fall of the Eleventh, it could be the regeneration of the Eleventh Doctor. It has been widely theorized that the Tenth Doctor spent a regeneration on his hand, which would make the Twelfth Doctor the last. Who better to reveal his last remaining secret?

The Doctor will reveal the Answer because he's just plain given up on going on.

The experience that leads up to his final regeneration may be so unpleasant and tiring that, having finally had enough with everything ever, he will just drop everything he's been clinging onto and essentially go, "Fuck it. You want to know? You really want to fucking know? FINE."

The power of the Answer is a side effect of the Doctor's greatest malady...

Essentially being God. Through his actions, the Doctor has become the most important person ever to have lived. The one thing he holds sacrosanct above all others is his name, so it has become such on a universal level. When it is revealed, that's it. No more point in going on, for anyone or anything, even time and space themselves.

The Fields of Trenzalore are better known by another name by the locals.

They refer to it as Foreman's/Totter's/Forman's Yard, the junkyard at 76 Totter's Lane.

  • Then it clearly hasn't always had its power. The Doctor was asked the First Question there ten deaths ago.

There is no Answer, and asking the Question will kill off the Silence, not the Universe.

"Silence must fall when the Question is asked", right? What I figure is that it's a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy / Petard-Hoisting about the end of the Silence themselves. They'll all end up at Trenzalore to prevent the Doctor from getting there (which will backfire spectacularly, natch), someone will ask the Question, and whatever's in charge of Trenzalore that prevents you from speaking falsly or refusing to answer will have some kind of massive freakout when faced with a question that doesn't have an answer. Boom go the Silence, boom goes Eleven, hello Twelve.

  • This would possibly also be a Stable Time Loop, since the Silence may have named themselves after the prophecy's mention of silence falling, based upon the assumption that they would make silence fall when (and if) the Question is asked by killing the Doctor.

The Question's status as the First may have been the result of a particularly wibbly-wobbly Stable Time Loop

If the Question's immense power is derived from its status as the First... bear with me. When time broke down and the distress signal was sent, it was sent all across time... including the very beginning, when the very first sentient mind in the universe to be capable of understanding it, at the very beginning of its sentience, wouldn't have had a damn clue who the Doctor was. It's wibbly-wobbly because the universe hadn't contained that event yet when the Question's status became known and the Silence were formed and they tried to kill the Doctor with River Song. Of course, it's not really a time loop if the fact that it's the First Question isn't what makes it so dangerous.

The First Answer

  • It's so obvious. "No, just the Doctor."

The "Fall of the Eleventh" does not refer to the Eleventh doctor's regeneration.

Because that's just way too obvious. And too soon.

  • "Too soon" depends on how long Moffat keeps it hanging over our heads.

The question does not actually refer to his name, but that's how the Doctor will answer it anyways.

Just because he has to tell the truth doesn't mean he can't "misunderstand" the question...

The Answer to The Question of "Doctor who?" will be a meta-reveal that it was a show all along.

  • The Question is referred to as the oldest question in the Universe, hidden in plain sight. Doctor Who? Perhaps it would have been better stated that it was the oldest question in the Whoniverse. And The Doctor knows a secret that must never be told that ties in with that question. The Reveal will be that this is all just a television show, and that when The Doctor reveals that to the world, the world must, of course, end.

Jesus is the Answer.

  • Every time this troper sees a bumper sticker that says "Jesus is the answer" she wonders what the question is. Now we know.
    • Doctor Jesus... kinda has a ring to it.

The Answer is...

  • ...Doctor Horrible! Cue evil laugh, regeneration, and enter Neil Patrick Harris, the Twelfth Doctor.
  • Doctor Forman

[[WMG: The oldest question really is "What do you get if you multiply six by nine?" Because that would be awesome.

  • Jossed.

We'll never hear the Doctor's real name.

We know that his name is pronouncable by humans, and in a reasonably short amount of time, because River Song whispers it in his ear. The reason he doesn't tell other people is because, by extraordinary coincidence, his name sounds exactly like a string of English curse words. They simply can't air his name on TV, and the Doctor doesn't like to say because it sound's like he's just swearing for no reason at other people.

Companion: Doctor, what's your name?
Doctor: Fuckshitcunt.
Companion: Well, fuck you too! Jeez!

"The Question" of Series 6 is...

"When will they come together?"

  • Jossed. As Dorium reveals in "The Wedding of River Song", the Question is "Doctor Who?"

The Doctor's real name is "Victorious"

Well actually the word that means 'victorious' in Galifryan, hence why he once said it was unpronouncable to humans.

When the question is asked on the fields of Trenzalore, etc.,

  • The Doctor will whisper the answer into River's ear in a manner deliberately paralleling River doing the same in SitL
  • The sound will cut out, music and dialogue. Silence will fall, and we won't hear the answer.

Fall of the Eleventh will take place somewhere in the Medusa Cascade

  • In Fires of Pompeii, Evelina claims the Doctor's name is "Hidden in the cascades of Medusa herself". This is where Trenzelore is located. Speaking of, unless my memory is faulty, the Question is slated to have been written in the stars. A quaint shout out to Five, if you ask me. When his episodes open, just look at how then show's title appears- written with and in stars.


The Doctor will be captured by the Cybermen and converted into a Cyber Leader

I know this one sounds like it’s REALLY going out there (then again, doesn’t everything else?), but I actually have some evidence for this one.

Now, as we are all aware, Steven Moffat is breaking up the current series in half, to include a “gamechanging” plot twist for us all to speculate over during the summer. But what could be so huge as to bring about such a massive "what the bleedin’ HELL?!?" response? Bringing back a long forgotten, but still immensely popular, villain. But for whom? The Zygons? The Haemovore? The freaking War Lord?!

Nah, let’s just get the Cybermen in there.

But how do I know that? Thanks to this page! [1] If you look long enough, you will clearly find the typed note:

There will be at least two returning guest stars…in addition, the Cybermen will return to A Good Man Goes To War. [sic]

Well, golly gee! Good to know the show’s tight-lipped reputation regarding spoilers is still firmly in check.

  • The summary of "A Good Man Goes to War" is on that page, too, and it says "River Song must finally reveal her most closely guarded secret to the Doctor" Whatever it is, /that's/ what'll cause the high HSQ.

Of course, if this is a Cybermen story, it has to be a pretty damn big event to warrant Moffat preaching himself on such a high level. And seeing as how he seems to have a good grasp on making the Cybermen terrifying enemies once again, I have no doubt he could think of such a grandiose concept.[2] But if I may, I would still like to imagine how that would work.

So as we all know, the Doctor was Killed Off for Real by that lake astronaut. I’m going to leave the astronaut’s identity up for debate right now, because it isn’t important for my theory. Rory finds the canoe/boat-thing the Doctor may or may not have left on the shore, and uses the gasoline Everett brought to give the Doctor’s body a Viking Funeral. I will go ahead and assume that the boat sank from the flames burning a hole in it.

Now congruently occurring on Earth in some sort of Cyber Drone camp, tucked away from inhabitable observers, a squadron of servants with knowledge of the future watch the whole scene unfold. After the involved party has left for the diner, the Cybermen traveled to the lakeshore to recover the Doctor’s remains and their automated astronaut suit, developed from a joint Cyber-technology and NASA merger when they invaded the latter off-screen. What’s that? I said I wouldn’t talk about the astronaut’s identity? Well, I lied then.

Using some sort of sciency magic to revive our hero, the Cybermen force the Doctor to be converted into a new Cyber Leader, to which he woefully accepts. They do the deed, and this new batch of robots are led by the Cyber!Doctor, whom is revealed at the end of the episode after all of the invasion stuff happens. SPECULATION TIME![3]

  • Jossed. It's not a Cyberman story. It's a Colonel Manton-Eye Patch Lady-Headless Monks episode with Silurians and Sontarans as allies. The big revelation is River Song being Amy and Rory's daughter. The Cybermen DO appear, but not in a huge capacity, and only in the teaser, where Rory confronts them.

The Apollo spacesuit is an early form of cyberman technology.

As described by the troper above in The Doctor will be captured by the Cybermen and converted into a Cyber Leader, the idea that the spacesuit is a kind of very early cyber-technology has crossed my mind.

  • We know that at least some cybermen can 'reproduce' by eating a person alive . A cyberman tried to do this to Amy during The Pandorica Opens, so the writers know that the idea is fairly fresh in all our minds.
  • Meanwhile, it looks like maybe what the Apollo spacesuit does, among other things, is eat little girls alive , capturing and in a sense enslaving them, but perhaps also giving them extra strength and the ability to survive in environments that would usually kill.
  • I've personally lost track of all the histories of the cyberpeople, but I would guess that, if this is so, that these are probably not the Cybus cyber-people from the other timeline, but could instead could either be Mondas-derived cybermen, or else some completely new version which actually originates entirely on Earth, in a new history/timeline.
    • Jossed by pedantic canon by someone who really isn't a know-it-all, honest. Discounting "The Pandorica Opens", where they had to have used time travel (and even if they didn't, that would mean that Cybermen were perfected in 102 AD, and the eating girls technology would be far more robust with 1867 years of progress), the earliest chronological appearance of the Mondas Cybermen in a recognisably Cyberman form, with or without time travel, was The Invasion (aired 1969, set anywhere between that year and the early 1980s). For budgetary reasons (and in-show, probably due to being a different faction), a less aesthetically advanced Cyberman appears in 1986 (The Tenth Planet), but those cybernetics are still well in advance of Apollo technology. I'm pretty sure in the episode it was implied that the Silence ordered humans to build it, as Silents don't ever make things.

One of Matt Smith's Companions will be a lesbian.

It is only a natural progression from Rose, Martha and Donna. Also, it would drive the shippers insane. Muhahahahah!

  • They've also been randomly making side characters lesbians, like the old ladies in Gridlock and Sky in Midnight.
  • Sort of Jossed, at least with Amy Pond, as she has a boyfriend. Also snogs the doctor apparently.
  • She might still be bi. Well, we didn't see how she reacts to age-appropriate women yet.
    • Did you see the comic relief special? She was definitely flirting with herself then.
  • It is possible that all of Eleven's companions fit every sexual orientation imaginable (assuming Jeff is gay) except lesbian. Why? Because Eleven's relationship with his companions must always consist of two-sided sexual tension.
    • Scratch that. Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld seems to share a continuity with Doctor Who, and the cast of Red Eye has taken a shining to angry lesbians...
    • He's not a proper companion, but Canton got to spend 3+ months working with the Doctor and co. and he's in a committed gay relationship.
  • What about Ace?
    • And in the comics the Doctor has had two lesbian companions and one who was bisexual, those being Izzy Sinclaire, Fey and Majenta
  • They're not companions but the episode 'A Good Man Goes to War' brought us Madame Vastra, a female Silurian who was in a lesbian relationship with her companion Jenny and Moffat has said he is going to bring both characters back at some point. The same episode also brought us the Fat and Thin Gay Married Anglican Marines.

Every time the Master is killed, he'll regenerate into a different Time Lord.

Thanks to the Drums.

  • Corollary: The Doctor will be forced to choose between the extinction of his own race and the human race.

The TARDIS will play a role in the Doctor's final undoing at the end of the Thirteenth or otherwise last Doctor's run.

It doesn't seem to have been working so well lately, and since it's long been implied to be living, even sentient, it could well take offence to being beaten up by Ten simply because he's a selfish psycho who doesn't want to regenerate into Eleven. Plus, it would be a nice Death By Situational Irony - the Doctor's truest companion (none of this Rose or Donna or River crap) proves eventually to be his unravelling.

    • Semi-confirmed, possibly. The Eleventh Doctor's existence completely unravels after he instigates Big Bang II. However, the TARDIS may not actually want the Doctor dead. After unraveling, the Doctor is resurrected by Amy's memories. Considering the TARDIS' behavior in the second half of Series Five, the TARDIS may have been trying to give Eleven and the universe itself a system reset. The universe needed a reset because of the Cracks, and Eleven needed a reset because his sanity had reached its limit.

Amy is not human.

She's an operative from some other planet's equivalent of Torchwood, and attempting to go undercover as a human police officer in order to gather information, but she made a mistake with the uniform. Also, her real form is frog-like. Someone, upon seeing her, made a reference to a pond, which is where she got her surname from. This would also explain why Matt Smith used the phrase "Mad as a box of cats" to describe her, rather than frogs - the poor guy is just that afraid of spoilers.

  • Big Bang II could have split Amy into 507 individuals. One of these individuals could be the Amy we saw in Series Five. The other 506 individuals may be Whovians in the audience and/or fictional characters in non-Whovian fictional works. The Amy we have seen on television thus far does not seem to know what she was getting into when she agreed to travel with the Doctor but she seems up for the danger nevertheless. Big Bang II may have relocated Donna Noble to Pete's World. Donna Noble may have been subconsciously pulling the strings during Series Five, because the memory of the Tenth Doctor could not leave her unconscious mind.
    • Jossed. Her daughter was scanned, showing human DNA (with some extra Time Lord strands due to unrelated circumstances).

The Daleks will exterminate the Weeping Angels

How do you kill a stone? The same way you kill everything else, by shooting with the Dalek's Death Ray thing.

  • Does no one have a sledge hammer these days? Or a cliff. Or an anvil. This troper thinks that what an human would use to destroy stone would be (presuming they were using the best thing they could for the job)just as good as a disentigrator. If those arent disentigrators, maybe even better!
    • Jossed, the bulletpoint at least. Bullets did absolutely no damage in "Flesh and Stone", so a sledgehammer would likely do nothing.

That fanfic Matt Smith wrote about the Doctor meeting Einstein to get into character?

It will become an episode. Except, you know, better written, since professionals would get a crack at it.

  • Keeping in mind that Steven Moffat is the head writer for the series now, more than likely it will involve some Nightmare Fuel, at which point we can never think of Einstein or the theory of relativity without associating it with some Nightmare-Fueled Monster of the Week.
    • Einstein may have had a affair with Marilyn Monroe. The Doctor at some point was married to Marilyn Monroe. Threesome?
  • Kinda-sorta confirmed. There's a mini-episode with Einstein, but it was written by a bunch of middle-school kids, not Matt or any professional writers.

Cybus and Mondas Cyberman will get together and have some Cyberbabies!!!

We know that Mondasians are still out there somewhere, and the Cybusmen won't let being destroyed, sucked into another dimension, dropped into Victorian London, exploded and then sent into another dimension...again stop them. These two groups will meet up and join their sweet sweet....TECHNOLOGY together. With the alternate universe Cyberman lacking the gold vunerability, it would definately have one benefit, and while my lack of old school Whoniverse knowledge prevents men from knowing what the Mondas Cyberman would bring to the Table, they are likely to have something good to offer. And Voila!! Two evil tastes, that taste evil together!!

  • Jossed in part. The Cybusmen weren't sent into another dimension, unless you're some censored dub of Dragon Ball Z. Hartigan blew up at the very least the ones in her immediate vicinity with her mind while the rest of the Cyber King was sent into the time vortex to quietly disintegrate.

The events of Series 5/6 are a recurring loop in time: Amy and Rory have already travelled with the Doctor in his Tardis and are now repeating events

While nobody has a conscious memory of previously travelling the loop, Amy and Rory both have subconscious memories. That's why Amy knew the correct thing to do with the space whale, the Dalek android, and the vampire. It's also why Rory knew what caused the Tardis's 'bigger on the inside' and why he was able to talk about what the Doctor does to his companions as if he'd known him a long time.

Steven Moffat is in the employ of the psychiatry industry.

Why else would someone want to continuously scare kids week after week?

  • He's trying to warn kids about how scary life can get whilst giving them hope. The Eleventh Doctor is televised psychiatric treatment. (Televised psychiatric medication is theoretically healthier than drugs because one's knowledge of somebody else's dream can be managed through their own dreams, while many drugs linger in the body after being administered.)

The Weeping Angels are mutant Imajin.

The sand falling from Amy's eyes were a hint towards their true form, as it tried to possess her. You can now thank the Crack for stealing away the chance of seeing the Tardis and Den-liner flying together in the season finale. Nice job breaking it villain.

Somehow, Amy Pond is really The Doctor and the existence of The Eleventh Doctor as a separate being is a side-effect of Ten's earlier aborted regeneration.

She's saved the day on more occasions than "Eleven" so far and seems to possess a sense of empathy for others that Ten had which Eleven seems to lack completely.

  • This would fit in well with the above theory, re: Eleven develops into The Valeyard.
  • Additionally, The Doctor HAS always wanted to be ginger. Nobody ever said about him staying a man when he did it.

Nothing horrible is going to happen to Amy Pond.

Remember back in Silence of the Library, when River Song freaked out upon hearing Donna Noble's name? Because she knew what was going to happen to her. River didn't have any sort of devastated reaction when the Doctor introduced her to Amy, meaning that she's obviously going to live happily ever after. Obviously.

  • River has seen Amy already, as implied in Flesh and Stone. And since River's coming back for the Finale, I'm guessing this is when they'll first meet. River did allude to the arc words, and she's apparently already been through the finale.
    • ...Well, yeah, but it was a nice thought!
      • This doesn't really mean anything. River knows full well about 'Spoilers' and the damage she could cause by revealing things ahead of time, so Amy very well could die in the finale. Future!River is not the same as River from this time, and might not care as much if something happens to one of the Doctor's companions.
        • It could just be that Donna's fate was so horrible - to actually be forced to forget all about the Doctor, and never allowed to remember, that made River react so. She admitted to Rory in "Day of the Moon" that the Doctor has been an influence on her all her life, so forgetting him would seem like a fate worse than death.
  • Jossed. She witnessed Rory's horrific death (in a dream and a hallucination induced by House, admittedly), was killed by Rory (Only Mostly Dead though), attended the Doctor's funeral after witnessing his own death, got kidnapped without her knowing, spent three months on the run in America, had her mind raped by the Silence (or something like that) and had her baby stolen while its Ganger duplicate turned to mush in her arms. If none of those are "horrible things happening", I don't know what is.

The job of the Eternal is to run away when the Doctor comes calling.

The new Daleks are divided into five castes: the Strategist, the Scientist, the Drone, the Eternal and the Supreme. All the others seem relatively clear, but the Eternal's job description is rather vague. In fact, he is a living archive containing everything required to reconstruct the Dalek race from the scratch in a pinch. Whenever the Doctor makes appearance, the rest send the Eternal packing so that even if they get defeated, the Dalek Empire lives on. They showed some serious Genre Savviness in the Victory of the Daleks, so this kind of innovation would be very much in place.

  • River Song would not allow Eleven to exterminate the Daleks (as Human!Ten did) because Amy Pond sees the new Daleks' value (If the Time Lords re-program the Daleks to work for Gallifrey, they can prevent the extermination of the Time Lord race). Daleks can be used for planetary defense.
  • This will end with the Doctor chasing down the Eternal armed with one of the Anti-Dalek guns, Amy in tow. There will be Scooby-Dooby Doors and Benny Hill will be playing in the background. It will be awesome.
  • It certainly makes the name "Eternal" make sense. Daleks want to be around forever, designating one to make sure they will all be around forever when they have a habit of driving themselves to extinction seems more than prudent. That was (more or less) supposed to be the point of the Cult of Skaro, too, in addition to their mandate of "think outside the box."
  • I support this idea, only because I really want to see the Supreme say "ALL DALEKS TO BATTLE STATIONS", watch the others preparing for a fight...and the Eternal running away screaming. Since he'd be specifically engineered for maximum cowardice, I expect some dialog like "RUN AWAY! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE! MOMMYYYY!". Tell me you wouldn't want to see that.
  • If that's the case, I bet the Stone Dalek was an Eternal. Hence why it begged for mommy.

Amy Pond is Donna regenerated

  • She still doesn't remember anything about any of her adventures with the Doctor and her mind doesn't explode because now that she's full Time Lord, she can take it. Come on, how cool would it be if they set this up?
    • Jossed. Amy's daughter is fully human, with Time Lord DNA due to being conceived in the TARDIS mid-transit.

River Song will be a prisoner of the Doctor.

We know for a fact that:

  • In the future River Song will kill a good man, who may or may not be the Doctor
  • In the fifth series finale, River mentions that "everything is going to change"
  • The Doctor will travel with River
  • They get rather intimate (compared to Who standards, that is)
    • "Married couple" feel to their conversation
    • River knows how to fly the TARDIS.
    • She eludes questions about possible future marriages and refers to it as "complicated".
    • She knows the Doctor's true name.

How do we reconcile these facts? One possibility is that the Doctor offered the same deal to River as he did the Master in "The Last of the Time Lords": to be imprisoned in the TARDIS under his protection/guidance. Eventually they get closer (maybe she does something to redeem herself) and she will be more of a companion than a prisoner.

Problems with the theory:

  • There are of course the Stormcage incidents. These happen after her tenure with the Doctor. Maybe she killed enemies too often, (hence the Dalek begging for mercy in "The Big Bang") so the Doctor threw her out. She served y years of sentence with the Doctor, so she will have to serve the remaining x-y in a Stormcage.
  • The Doctor sends her to the Library (Silence in the Library) at the very end of their relationship. Possibly they got together again, or the Doctor - considering her crimes to date - gave her a Redemption Equals Death. (and a cheesy virtual afterlife)

The Doctor Who universe is a later version of the Eternal Sphere, and the Time Lords are 4-D beings who live there as admins.

The Doctor felt that his colleagues were interfering too much in the history of the Eternal Sphere x.0, with the Time War being the last straw, and the lock on the Time War is basically keeping the other admins locked out of the program. For "The Big Bang", the Doctor knew from the original Eternal Sphere program that a system restore was possible, with the help of the minds of Eternal Sphere residents, but he had to go outside the lock he put to keep the other Time Lords/admins out and he wasn't sure if Amy's memories would give him the link he needed to get back into the universe.

  • This would also explain why he remains so insistent that there is no such thing as magic, despite occasionally encountering supernatural abilities and demonic beings- he knows that they're just using system code and from the "hell" Bonus Dungeon, respectively.

The only reason the Doctor's time rewind slowed down occasionally was because of Amy

  • With the time crack pouring time stuff, and the universe into her head for however long, eating her family. She's a time anomaly. An person to whom the laws of time don't work the same way, just like the Doctor, or Donna (because of her future status) or River (because of her time with the doctor and some other unknown things) and etc.. Because the Doctor was in close proximity to a time anomaly, the laws of time were being warped, and the rewind slowed down enough that he could manipulate the past temporarily. But it was still clutching at straws. If the Doctor continued, he wouldn't have had another chance to fall into a crack until the beginning of his existance. Over 900 years at full speed. I can't imagine it would be fun.

The reason the TARDIS exploded was because it got hit by lightning in the Time Vortex

You can see it in the opening titles. Also, Time Vortex lightning is probably more than enough to damage a TARDIS, and the new opening titles appeared when the cracks did. Coincidence? I think not.

River's first meeting with the Doctor will take place in the 21st century.

  • To add to this, perhaps the mid-21st century. I still think she might be Jack's daughter. And Jack's reaction that his own daughter beds the Doctor before he does would be the funniest thing in the whole of time.
    • Jossed. It's in the 51st or 52nd century. Same era as River's scenes in Stormcage.

The Doctor Will Wear His Wedding Clothes Throughout The 2011 Series

Bowties are cool, but tuxes are cooler

  • Jossed. He's invaded America via a Cowboy motif in Series Six.
    • Also Jossed.

The theme tune is currently missing the bass/beat because the master is gone

It's obvious that part of the theme tune and the drumming in the Master's head is intentionally the same, so what if they actually ARE the same thing? during the intro (since the very beginning of the original show) we'd always see the time vortex. So it could of been the drumming was background noise in the Time Vortex simply being played along side the theme tune. It was stronger in the intro for the 9th and 10th Doctor as it was getting closer to that point in his timeline (after the time war had ended and the timelords gone).

Amy Pond is...

CAL, aka Library Computer Girl. Everyone died in the Library, but she saved them. She has taken Donna out of the picture by erasing her memory in the S4 finale. River was found interesting enough, so she was allowed to stay. Eventually she got tired of watching, and decided to cast herself as a Mary Sue with hidden reality-bending powers. This theory is based on two extremely convincing facts:

  • CAL and Amelia are about the same age and have sort of reddish hair
    • They are not. Amy is 21-22, while CAL is chronologically over a hundred.
  • It's all in the title: *Silence* in the Library
  • CAL is the template of a little girl watching television. Amy Pond is a hive mind of angry fan girls (males and intersex individuals can also be fan girls. Correspondingly, females and intersex individuals can be fan boys).
    • Another possibility is that CAL watched Series Five and got pissed off at Eleven (which led Twelve to get pissed off at CAL).

River never meets the Doctor past his eleventh incarnation.

Instead she meets the Master, who fools her into thinking he is the Doctor, as part of a Xanatos Gambit or you know...just for the evulz.

When Amy and Rory leave the TARDIS it will be because Amy gets pregnant.

Basically, just because it's the happiest way I can think of for them to leave, and Moffat does seem to be a fan of happy endings. And it would be nice for the Doctor, after Rose and Donna's exits, and Martha disappointing him with her career choice. It would also mean they could still appear in the show from time to time when he goes to visit them (Uncle Doctor!) and... well, I just want it to happen.

  • Agreed. This is the only way I can see it happening, frankly, and I definitely do not see either of them getting killed off at all. Seriously, Rory's been killed or assumed dead like, three times now? I can't take another one!
    • But who would be the father of the baby? Considering the things Eleven almost does, I think the baby would have two fathers (Eleven and Rory). I realize that Time Lords are supposed to be sterile, but if Eleven can create another universe, perhaps he is an exception to this rule. (Or perhaps he shall conclude Series Six by getting Amy and/or Rory pregnant with the current Whoniverse).
      • Perhaps Rory will turn out to be sterile, and they go to find a Time Lord Loom. But, being Time Lord tech, it needs Time Lord DNA to work. So the Doctor sonics it so that it will take 3 DNA samples instead of two, making the child part Rory, part Amy, part Doctor. Could make a funny call back to the movie (just to toy with the fan rage), with Amy or Rory saying "So, I guess that makes (him/her) two thirds human on (his/her)'s" causing the Doctor to cut them off with "Do not complete that sentence." When asked why, he replies "Horrid memories. Seriously, I don't even want to remember that stupidity."
  • Kinda Jossed AND Confirmed, Amy has given birth to River Song and got pregnant inside the TARDIS. However, Amy's physical body was stolen away to Demon's Run, where she was connected to a Ganger body via the TARDIS, so up until "A Good Man Goes to War", she had both left and not left the TARDIS.

The Master will return in a new regeneration -- played by David Tennant.

The Master somehow finds a way to manipulate the DNA and/or physical appearance of his next regeneration, and takes on the appearance of The Doctor (pre-regeneration, because that's what The Master knows). He then masquerades as The Doctor, eventually meeting River Song in this form (explaining how she recognized him in The Library, even though that was the only time Ten had ever met her.)

  • River probably has a picture ID for each of his reincarnations. It would make sense given how she's dating/married to the time traveler who also changes faces every so often. It's only good manners to give a full time history in case of accidental crossings.
    • True, but River only met him once as Ten, but from the way she acted it seemed like she had seen him in that body before. She was surprised when he didn't recognize her.

When The Master goes on his evil rampage for the season - taking over the TARDIS and causing the events of Series 5 - River Song is forced to kill "the Doctor" to stop him, landing herself in jail.

  • This troper likes the idea, but the voice we heard in the TARDIS is nothing like Tennant's. Perhaps if River shot the fake Doctor, getting arrested for his murder (though thinking she stopped him), but he holds off his regeneration and then turns into the owner of that voice...?

A human will become a Time Lord.

This seems fairly likely to happen at some point. It was at one time mooted that Ace would attend the Prydonian academy and become a 'Time Lord' by studying; this seems unlikely now that Gallifrey is [[[Almost Dead]]] and the Time Lords are evil. The more probable option is that a human comes by a chameleon arch in some way and is able to rewrite his or her DNA to become a Time Lord. When you think about it, this could be a way to introduce a whole new race of Time Lords made from humans the same way the Daleks have been brought back, ooh, four or five times now? As the chameleon arches create implanted memories as well as changing physiology, they could even bring back the Gallifreyan civilization to some extent at the same time.

  • You could argue that Amy and Rory are the Doctor Donna regenerated by the Master (perhaps using a chameleon arch) to turn them into full Time Lords with a balance of human and gallifreyan DNA that leaves them mentally unbalanced, but still able to think. It fits that the Master would be responsible for this, because the Master is responsible for the creation of the Eleventh Doctor. The Eleventh Doctor may be the Master's Cosmic Plaything. Romana demonstrated the ability to choose her own DNA when she regenerated, so the Master may have programmed a new genome for Donna Noble that would fantasize about the kind of Doctor the Master wanted to exist. (See WMG: The Eleventh Doctor is the Master's Cosmic Plaything).
    • The second point is Jossed. Discounting the trace of Time Lord DNA as a result of the Temporal Schism, Amy and Rory's daughter is human.

A Time Lord will be forced to regenerate in order to evade capture.

Because it would be cool!

  • Hmmm, you might have something there. It is often assumed that the reason River was imprisoned is that she killed the Doctor, right? Well, supposing he was about to be captured, but his persuers didn't know about the whole "regeneration" thing. So River shoots him in front of witnesses, and then somehow has the body moved before he can regenerate. Everyone assumes they just witnessed a murder, and she has to play along and plead guilty to protect him.

Prisoner Zero will return.

He seems to know far too much about the Doctor, the Pandorica and the Arc Words for the next season (Silence will fall!). This suggests that their meeting in The Eleventh Hour was not the first from Prisoner Zero's point of view, not unlike River Song's backwards encounters with the Doctor.

It was never revealed why Prisoner Zero was imprisoned. Given Moffat's penchant for revisiting earlier stories (especially in The Pandorica Opens), this may end up being something very important. His designation of Zero suggests that he is the most dangerous prisoner the Atraxi have, and the fact that they were willing to destroy the Earth to kill him further suggests it.

It is possible that the Doctor will meet him again (along with Amy), and he will commit whatever act or horrible crime he ends up locked away for.

  • Also, his number. He has a low number like he was the first to be imprisoned where he was. And as i recall, that was on the other side of the time cracks. Someone so powerful that a race capable of Ret-Gone considered him enough of a threat to imprison him outside the universe? Sounds like prime Big Bad material to me.
    • He may be a key player in an alliance of Beasts Below. (see WMG: The War is not over.)

Sometime in the future, the Doctor picks River Song up as a companion. They travel with each other, but River doesn't end up being anything more than what the old companions were. Then some disaster happens, forcing the Doctor to once again use the Chameleon Arch and take on the disguise of "John Smith". River poses as his wife or possibly even gets married to him.

This is where things get a little complicated for River. She falls in love with "John Smith" and his Human characteristics, which puts River into further doubt about whom she should choose, the Doctor or "John Smith". (Possibly in her romantic feelings for "John", she marries him during this time point.) As the danger strikes nearer and it turns out the Doctor needs to return, River is put in a horrible debate: risk the future of Earth (or the galaxy or whatever) and keep "John" or kill her lover and bring back the savior of the universe. Possibly even whatever alien threat is striking will tempt her with the possibility of keeping "John". However, River eventually makes the right decision, bringing the Doctor back and effectively killing "a hero to many", the "best man [she's] ever known".

The Doctor is touched by her romantic feelings or impressed at what she did to save the universe and starts to trust her more intrinsically. By the time he's sent her back, he's told her his real name and given her a sonic screwdriver, either as a true sign of trust or as a Trust Password to himself to enact a Stable Time Loop. River, indeed, gives that vague answer of either being married, wanting to marry the Doctor - or something along those lines, because of the Doctor's Human self.

The Doctor never told River what order his regenerations come in.

When River met 10 in the library, she assumed it was a Doctor from later in her personal time-line, and treated him as such. Of course, the Doctor (from his point of view) had never met her before, and we don't see him meet her again before he regenerates. Many people have wondered, therefore, why she assumed this.

It must be because even though she has pictures of all the Doctors, she wasn't told which order they come in. Why not? Either the Doctor is really that afraid of spoilers (and considering how she 'died' and the events leading up to it, this is plausible) or he just really likes messing with her.

  • Nah, it's simpler than that. The Doctor hasn't given pictures of his other regenerations to River, because he can't give her future ones, since he doesn't have any, and there's no need to give her any pre-10, because she never met them. The reason he didn't give her any pictures of 10 (while he was 11) is that that would make a paradox, since he knew that River, when she met 10, didn't realize it was 10. Meanwhile, River, meeting 10, obviously noticed it wasn't 11, and, since he'd answered her summons, assumed it must then be a future Doctor, since those would be the ones who would know about her.

The Silence is actually the Big Good of the next series.

"The Pandorica is open, and Silence will fall." We all keep assuming that will mean the entire universe will go silent, which is a bad thing. But maybe the Silence is a person/thing (evidenced by a character named 'The Silent' listed for upcoming episodes), and its falling means it will be defeated. The only reason Prisioner Zero would have taunted the Doctor about this is because the Silence is something very important.

  • You're probably right about the Silence being the Big Good of the next series, but Silence falling may not indicate that it is defeated. Rather it may indicate that the TARDIS' temporal energy (which may be responsible for the TARDIS explosion), has been released and stabilized somehow. According to my theory, the TARDIS has an infinite supply of temporal energy that can be released and/or stablized by imprisoning Eleven in the Pandorica, flying the TARDIS, activating the Friction Contrafibulator (it is possible that the Friction Contrafibulator can be and has been activated remotely from any location but requires the activation of the Zig-Zag Plotter to self-activate), activating the Zig-Zag Plotter, using the sonic screwdriver, and Eleven stabilizing the TARDIS through sheer force of will. Imprisoning Eleven inside the Pandorica, stabilizing the TARDIS with the sonic screwdriver, and stabilizing the TARDIS through sheer force of will are unhealthy ways of stabilizing the TARDIS and only work temporarily. The TARDIS was meant to be stabilized by flying the TARDIS, breaking the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle with the Zig-Zag plotter (the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is a metaphor for the uncertainty of Eleven's moral decisions), and (especially) activating the Friction Contrafibulator. Eleven is willing to fly the TARDIS and activate the Zig-Zag Plotter, but the Friction Contrafibulator scares him shitless, so he decides to stabilize the TARDIS through brute force of will with the help of the Pandorica and his sonic screwdriver. (There is evidence in "Vincent and the Doctor" that the sonic screwdriver can be used to stabilize the TARDIS in a healthy way via one of the screwdriver's "Prozactic Settings". Eleven uses this setting on the Krafayis with a result that he perceives to be unfortunate, and swears to never use this setting again.) It is unknown whether or not Big Bang II changed Eleven's TARDIS stabilization ethos.
    • Jossed. Big Goods don't hide and act all smug around the Doctor.

The War is not over.

Rather, it is just beginning. The TARDIS explosion was caused by the TARDIS' heart overloading from lack of use. The War is between the forces of Order and Chaos. On one side of the War are visible monsters who go to ruthless lengths to enforce order in the universe, such as the Daleks, Cybermen, and Atraxi. On the other side of the War are invisible monsters who work to promote chaos in the universe, such as Prisoner Zero, Omega, and the Starwhale. The TARDIS exploded because the Eleventh Doctor is an infinite power source. Eleven is a massive power source because the TARDIS converts his artron energy into temporal energy and stores it in the TARDIS' heart. The monsters who like chaos (who I shall henceforth call the Beast Below Alliance) want to use the TARDIS' pent up temporal energy to destroy the universe. The Alliance promoting order (who I shall henceforth call the Borg Alliance) want to stop the TARDIS from exploding by stasis-locking Eleven by imprisoning him inside the Pandorica. The Borg Alliance succeeds in stasis-locking Eleven and the TARDIS, but does so too late, so the TARDIS ends up burning up in a star-like explosion instead of completely exploding, and destroying the universe entirely. Eleven was wrong when he said that the memory of the universe was contained within the Pandorica's "restoration field". That "restoration field" was actually designed to spread the memory of the universe rather than create it. Eleven has spent the entirety of Series Fnarg generating his own brat pack of Universe Clones (or gametes), so he decides to end the first battle of the war with a compromise: He shall destroy the current Whoniverse, and procreate a new one using the brat pack. He erases his own existence in the process, and it is uncertain whether or not Amy will be able to remember him back into existence. To Eleven, this is an acceptable risk to take, because he secretly wants to kill himself anyway. Luckily, Amy does remember him back into existence. This means that the Doctor's previous incarnations were erased from time, and Eleven is Amy's imaginary friend made real by Amy's ability to imagine people and things into existence. This means that Amy is now responsible for the existence of Eleven's infinite power source.

  • This is a very interesting theory, but the only problem is that the star whale is good. So why would it join a group that wants to destroy the universe?
    • Lets say it runs of Dark Willow Logic. It senses all the pain and suffering and wants to end it. Unlike Dark Willow, who sensed the Earth's pain and suffering, it feels the pain and suffering of the universe. Using DWL, it decides to destroy it.

Time Lords are Real

Steven Moffat's Whoniverse represents two actual parallel universes. The main characters of Series 5 represent actual forces in our universe. If the actors are only allowed to view their own lines, then Series Fnarg was a Fake Reality Show, and Series Six will be a Twisted Reality Show. Young Time Lords who enjoy Steven Moffat's writing are currently mobbing the Eleventh Doctor with Artron Energy in an effort to regenerate him. Our reasoning? The Series Seven Finale will bring about the Messianic Age in the Whoniverse and undo some of the damage caused by Rassilon. In our universe, the Series Seven Finale will undo some of the damage caused by St. Augustus.

What this implies:

The Series Six Cliffhanger involved Rory Pond trying to snog Eleven. Until this turning point in the series, Eleven body swapped with an entire harem of the Tenth Doctor's companions. When Amy snogged Eleven, she started his Tenth Regeneration, which enabled Eleven to "come out". Rory's snog with Eleven started a regeneration which enabled Eleven to "come back in". Rory Pond represents the Yin force and Amy Pond represents the Yang force. The "Deranged New Whovians" are young Time Lords. We are now mobbing Eleven with artron energy, so that he will come back out half-way, thereby balancing these forces in the Series Seven Climax, and repopulating the Time Lord race.

Except we don't actually have two hearts. We're really just a bunch of old souls with young minds. Shortly after his birth, the Eleventh Doctor was bullied into denying his own identity by the inhabitants of a Country Village. Many of us went through a similar experience. If we seem like attention-whores, this may be the reason why.

The Tenth and Eleventh actors are actual incarnations of the Doctor who performed a Body Swap in Real Life (even I'm unsure about this one).

The Silence is Faction Paradox

Cracks in time, the unraveling of timelines, people, whole races, the universe being deleted from existence...Series/DoctorWho hasn't just been holding the Timey-Wimey Ball, it's been playing hopscotch with it for all of 2010, not least of all the Doctor himself. This sounds like their brand of antics, if dialled down slightly from their source material.

  • Sounds about right. One of the writers seems to have deliberately damaged the Robot Unicorn, while a more naive writer played along with what may have been the stories of her dreams. There may or may not be an Emo Kid buried under Stonehenge. If there is, he would like you to help fix the transmitter (or something, he would be the tetchy one).
    • ...what? Uh, could you explain all that? Admittedly, I haven't read any Faction Paradox novels, but...you know...)
      • Are you familiar with Linux and/or the Matrix films?
      • Apparently not as well as I thought.
      • On December 18, 2010, at least one Orchestra Conductor attempted to enable the Eleventh Doctor to intervene in affairs of the universe by conducting orgasm-inducing Christian classical music. This somehow worked, at least in the sense that somebody actually seems to care nowadays. Scientifically speaking, humanity popped the membrane of the universe during those Orchestral songs (theoretically by "regenerating" but I'm not sure how that's possible). There is at least one Orchestra in China who seems to be doing the same thing, and one Orchestra had a Gallifreyan guest-violinist who may have performed this task in Europe. Now that the membrane of the universe is popped, we can better perceive the presence of alternative universes, and can become 4D admins of this universe (some of us can anyway). I know this all could be bullshit, but it is the mythology that the media has fed into my brain. Apparently the universe runs on linux (or does now anyway). Our previous universe ran on root, the universe we live in now runs on GNU (although I could be wrong about that one). This is the equivalent of waking up and escaping the Matrix, only to find yourself in another larger matrix surrounding the first one.

There will be a spin-off of Moffat's Whoniverse called Blow Torch

The weird episode that attempted to repair Davros indicates that Jack Harkness and the Eleventh Doctor are different incarnations of the same character. The Eleventh Doctor seems designed for an adult hook-up series, but that would spoil Doctor Who. The solution? Give him an adult spin-off. (Or just a life outside of work).

The Guardians are behind the events of seasons five and six.

The two Guardians are playing a game of Xanatos Speed Chess with each other, and both are trying to manipulate the Doctor for their own purposes. However, as they caused the Time War (come on, something that big has those two written all over it), they can't let the Doctor know it's them, as he's understandably a bit upset with them. In the trailer, it said that Amy, River and Rory had been recruited, and we also have a shot of the Doctor imprisoned, which could be to do with them. This implies that:

  • River is working for one of the Guardians, and she might possibly recruit Amy and Rory too.
  • The Black Guardian made silence fall, and was probably the Man Behind the Man for the Alliance (the BG hates the Doctor too, so it'd be an ideal opportunity to get rid of him).
  • That Woman in White is the White Guardian, or one of her puppets.
  • Of course, the Doctor will find out at some point, and when he does? Yeah, he's not gonna be happy, expecially if the Guardians DID cause the war. And even then, this is gonna get complicated, especially if the Guardians bring people back. Jenny, anyone? Or the Master? The Rani?
    • If the Guardians inhabit Real Life, then the Eleventh Doctor did find out. He was happy about it until the Guardians told him things he did not want to hear.

The Silence are Woobie Destroyers Of Worlds

They tried to get rid of space and time because the existence of space and time is intensely painful to them.

  • Perhaps they enjoy space and time very much. Universe I was merely incompatible with our genetic programming. We could not be ourselves without violating social taboos. We still can't be our full selves at every moment, but Eleven seems to have attempted to create a more efficient system in which the Doctors can dump each other's Rage and other Emotions on each other, and achieve full Freudian Development within Five years instead of Twelve years. We have always used our Weirdness to entertain people, the main thing that has changed is Efficiency, but I doubt either of us are ever certain about anything. Eleven might be, but I'm not.

The fez is a Time Lord and it regenerated into the stetson

After being cruelly killed by River Song, the fez regenerated. When the Pandorica exploded, The Second Hat was scattered across time and space, until it was found wherever The Doctor finds it at the beginning of the next season. As the trailer showed us, The Hat is once again shot by River Song, after which it will probably regenerate again and find its way back to The Doctor (its grown fond of him you see). Maybe next time it will be a sombrero or a bowler or a top hat. And every time it finds The Doctor again, River is there to kill it again.

  • If I'm the Fez, I regenerated into a Top Hat, Alice in Wonderland, and a Cowboy Hat.

Doctor Who: 2010-2015

2010: Series Fnarg (The Tenth Doctor regenerates into Albus Severus Potter and fucks everything up). 2011: Series Shag (The Eleventh Doctor regenerates into Jeremy Clockson and picks up the pieces). 2012: Series Storm (The Twelfth Doctor regenerates into Sarah Palin and takes over the world). 2013: Series Sparks (The Thirteenth Doctor regenerates into Bloom from Winx Club). 2014: Series House (The Fourteenth Doctor regenerates into Thirteen from House and is played by Olivia Wilde). 2015: Series Honey (Amy Pond gives birth to the Twelfth Doctor: Alice in Wonderland).

  • The 2010-2012 series titles are all Jossed, so far as I can tell. Plus, the Tenth Doctor regenerated at the end of series 4's specials.

The current Eleventh Doctor is Ferb Fletcher, and the current Twelfth Doctor is Vanessa Doofenshmirtz

One can deduce this logically by observing the Eleventh Doctor's words and behavior in A Christmas Carol.

  • What current Twelfth Doctor?

The Eleventh Doctor is a Gallifreyan manifestation of Vashta Nerada

Amy Pond, Rory Williams-Pond, Vanessa Doofenshmirtz, the Krafayis, and the Grooveshark (shark seen in A Christmas Carol) are also manifestations of Vashta Nerada.

Every ally and/or companion of the Eleventh Doctor has a corresponding character on Glee

It would explain why Puck got locked in a port-a-potty for twenty-four hours. The Eleventh Doctor's TARDIS looks like a pimped out port-a-loo.

Celebrities are manifestations of Auton Rory and the Eleventh Doctor is Davros

You will be assimilated...

At 11:00 June 26, 2010, The children of the 1960s and 1970s handed the Timey-Wimey Ball to the children of the 1980s and 1990s

At 7:00 December 18, 2010, the children of the 1980s and 1990s handed the Timey-Wimey Ball to the children of the 2000s. At 12:00 January 1, 2011 the children of the 2000s handed the Timey-Wimey Ball to the children of the 2010s ect.

The Seasons of Doctor Who are equivalent to deranged Shakespeare plays

During 2010, the Eleventh Doctor played a Romeo and Juliet subplot while the Tenth Doctor decided whether or not to be born as Hamlet. During 2011, Romeo broke up with Juliet.

The witch from the upcoming film Season of the Witch is Prisoner Two in the Whoniverse

According to Whovian numerology there are, as of midnight tonight, between twelve and forty-two Prisoner Twos.

Doctors Eight through Fourteen serve complimentary functions

The Eighth Doctor and his ensemble suffer at 8PM daily, the Ninth Doctor considers the implications of the damage caused by the Doctor and the Master in the Last Great Time War, the Tenth Doctor does his best to maintain his sanity after remembering the heartbreak he has experienced in his last few incarnations, the Eleventh Doctor barfs Theories of Everything at at least one imaginitive denizen of Real Life, the Twelfth Doctor attempts to cure the Eleventh Doctor's mental imbalance, the Thirteenth Doctor suffers in silence, and the Fourteenth Doctor breaks up the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors, which cures the Twelfth Doctor's mental imbalance.

The Silence is linked to the Doctor being the last of his race

"When you’re alone, Silence is all you see,/When you’re alone, Silence is all you’ll be."

I can't say just yet whether this pertains to just the Doctor or the last members of a race as a whole, but there is a crude correlation:

  • 1941 crack - Seen only after the demise of the last three post-time war Daleks. The events of Stolen Earth were already time erased.
  • 2010 (Lodger) Crack - It appears/is around the time the Bio-Tardis incident. A one of a kind ship with a crude AI and unknown creators.
  • 2020 Silurian Crack - The last known home/stronghold of the Draconians, at least in the belief of this group of them.
  • 3295 Beast Below Crack - On the haul of the ship where the last evacuees of Earth are riding on the back of the last Star Whale.
  • 51st Century Weeping Angel Crack - On a ship containing a lone Weeping Angel, maybe the last free one, looking to rescue his kind.
  • No seen crack, but mentioned and silence in Venice - Rossanna and the Fishpires attempting to save their race after fleeing through a crack to escape their doomed world.

A lot of cracks, though some are the cause of this phenomon, appear near or are involved with the last of their kinds.

  • The closing of the cracks may then have signaled the repopulation of the Time Lord race. The Eleventh Doctor said he had 507 regenerations in Sarah Jane Adventures, and Saturday Night Live seemed to merge its continuity with Doctor Who at least temporarily. Those 507 regenerations may visible as SNL characters.

The Doctor's continuity is consistent with that of male protagonists in a lot of children's programmes

Danny Phantom, The Fairly Oddparents, Jimmy Neutron, and Phineas and Ferb are consistent with the Eleventh Doctor's continuity. The Eleventh Doctor of 2011 can be compared to King Pariah in Danny Phantom (except Eleven can be much nicer than King Pariah).

The Eleventh Doctor is the Master's Cosmic Plaything

I imagine Doctor Who recruits the next Doctor through the following technique: Holding auditions in hopes of finding an affiliative Time Lord to play the role, casting an actress who is good at portraying the audience's current feelings as his companion, and broadcasting this fiction to the world. If somebody figures out what they are doing, and sees how the current Doctor character connects to the imaginary friends of themselves (or perhaps their peers), they earn the right to play the Doctor (although I suspect nobody had every piece of this intellectual puzzle before 2010).

The Eleventh Doctor wanted to be dreaded

Watching Series 5 may expose fans to the Time Vortex. Schizophrenia may be the real-life counterpart of the Time Vortex.

The Eleventh Doctor is made of anti-matter and the ten? members of his ensemble are made of matter

Metaphorically speaking. It would explain why Eleven was able to reboot the universe with another Big Bang. The first Bang Bang, if I am recalling correctly, is theorized to have resulted from a reaction between matter and anti-matter.

  • If the Time Lords of the Whoniverse are the Nibblonians of the Futurama universe, Amy and Eleven's kiss may have caused Big Bang I (or represented Adam eating forbidden fruit in Genesis).

If the Eleventh Doctor said 'we've got the Brat Pack' he was referring to the actual Brat Pack

Sarah, from Kyle XY is a regeneration of the Eleventh Doctor.

Every near-human species from the Whoniverse, is a spiritual ethnicity of Real Life

That means the Reapers are still here, but are no longer angry. Why? iPhones are now easier to use.

Every potential celebrity is a regeneration of Auton Rory, Human Rory, Amy Pond, and/or the Eleventh Doctor

The Eleventh Actor was the Epic Owl, and the Eleventh Doctor is Heidi the German cross-eyed Possum

Amy is a spinoff of the Arisians' breeding programme

She's got the height, the red hair, the tawny eyes and the temperament. She may even be an ancestor of Clarrissa Kinnison.

The Eleventh Doctor is Kim Possible with her lying capacity turned off

Steven Moffat and Stephanie Myer had become terribly confused, so they joined forces and became Philip J. Fry's brainspawn; Stephanie Moffat, Matt Smith, David Tennant, Susan Myer, Georgia Moffet, Celia Abigail Lux, Amelia Victoria Pond, the V, Alexandra Elizabeth Lutz, Behavioral Economist, Freakonomist, Honest Journalist, Hope, Jeff Bracewell, and Oscar Wilde.

The Eleventh Doctor enslaved the Rainbow Dildo Daleks

Otherwise known as fan girls.

The Thirteenth Doctor has at least four bodies at any given moment

Eleven, Simms!Master, Captain Jack Harkness, and Jenny.

The Twelfth Doctor watched "A Christmas Carol"

Eleven and Twelve had a Battle Cursed with Awesomeness.

There will be an alien enemy called the Fnarg.

And their group/organization/tribe/whatever will be called the "Series Fnarg". Just to poke fun at the fans.

  • Perhaps the term "fnarg" refers to either a twist on the word "hark" (sort of like Pinky's proclamations in Pinky and the Brain, or a nonsense word to represent the Holy Grail the surface of the ocean, and cusps in general).

"How could a fellow Gallifreyean stoop so low?" refers to...

In The Brilliant Book of Doctor Who there were a series of teasers, the above message being one of them. This could refer to:

  • Any Bad Time-Lord
    • This teaser could just be a red herring; it could simply be one of the Doctor's lines where he laments about something evil another Time-Lord did. (Top guesses being the Master or Rassilon.)
  • The Master
    • It hasn't been so long since the Master's last appearence, but he may always come back and taunt the Doctor.
  • Susan Foreman
    • One of the other teasers had the message "Susannah's still alive", giving a chance that maybe the Doctor's granddaughter will finally return. Susan was of course the name she went by; but Susannah may be her full name, or perhaps she's changed it over the years.
      • She snorted Nine and died of a Trope Overdose...
  • Whoever built The Lodger!Tardis
    • In 'The Lodger' we were introduced to a new TARDIS, one which has also been seen in the Season 6 teaser trailer. To build such a machine you'd need to have lots of knowledge of time-machines, and its plausible to think this person may have been a Gallifreyean whose own TARDIS was destroyed in the War.
  • Romana
  • The Rani
    • Another old baddie. Whatever she did must have been pretty bad, since the bar is already pretty low (what they tried to do to win the Time War or pretty much anything an evil Time Lord has done in the past). It may be whatever she did to keep from fighting in the Time War (even The Master had the decency and courage to fight), followed by escaping the destruction of their race.

Another possible teaser in the Christmas Carol Song

Amendment: "Let in the shadow", add to it the "halfway out of the darkness" theme of the episode with a dash of the "trying to anger the doctor" subtheme of Series Fnarg with the peppering of the coming Valeyard served on a slice of "Time can be rewritten". Assuming Handy's creation is a regeneration then it is up to the 11th Doctor to face/become the Valeyard.

The Christmas Carol episode and the Eleventh Doctor are absolutely flippant about rewriting history and time. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if he used the Tardis to get his choice seats at movies and McDonald's. It is possible that the Elventh Doctor may attempt to remove the darkness/shadow (through time travel to prevent its/his creation) from himself and this becomes the Valeyard. The Valeyard will need to be "let [back] in" into the Doctor.

Stable time loop and mysterious vanishment of the Valeyard in the TV series explained. He vanishes abruptly after being he was hinted to live because Eleven takes him out that quickly after fulfilling the stable time loop.

Prisoner Zero was working with "The Silence".

He knows too much for it to be mere coincidence. He's omnicidal enough to have a world destroyed with him. Not to mention the Atraxi were willing to broil the Earth and its seven billion inhabitants just to get at him. He joined The Silence either because he's not from this universe and has an unknown grudge against our own, or simply because he's an Omnicidal Maniac who wants to see the universe ret-goned.

  • Or perhaps he is the evil twin of Ender the Xenocide (from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card).
  • Now that The Silence has been revealed to be a religious order, not a species, it's entirely possible that he's a Silent.

Eleven is CAL

In the novel Middlesex by Jefferey Eugenides, Cal was born intersex. Cal's parents thought he was a girl until Cal experienced male puberty. The Master resolved Cal's gender issues by splitting him into a pair of fraternal twins: CAL and the Eleventh Doctor.

    • Jossed. CAL never reached puberty, male or female, before becoming the central Node of the Library.

Human!Ten is Matt Smith

If you can read this, you are a Time Lord.

Ten is still deciding how to save Wilf, and Series 5 and 6 is just Ten imagining what would happen if he stepped into the radiation-flooded chamber

The 000-virus seen in the Eleventh Hour is causing the cracks

The Doctor told, that it is a little bit alive. Maybe it evolved and learned in the mean time everything about Tardis Technologie. And it learned, that the Universe is flawed (or something like that) and planed to destroy it, to start a new more elegant solution.

    • I just saw it. The Virus will reset everything. And destoying the universe would be the mother of all resets!

When Amy and Rory leave the TARDIS it will be because Rory gets pregnant.

The Dreamlord is not the Valeyard

Because the doctor has previously met and had a confrontation with the Valeyard. The doctor will actively prevent the creation of the Valeyard, so his dark evil side takes on a different form; the Dreamlord.

=== The Silence is not a what or a who, but a WHERE ===.

A location, maybe a planet or city. And it will be conquered.

The Dreamlord is the Master

We never saw exactly what happened to the Master, and considering how many times villains can be gone for good in Doctor Who, it's quite probable he'll return at some point. I propose that, somehow, some part of his consciousness ended up in the Doctor's mind. The Doctor didn't notice because he was highly stressed, and then he regenerated. When something happens to weaken the Doctor's will, these remnants of the Master's personality will be able to manifest themselves, in the form of the Dreamlord. They were also responsible for the Tardis blowing up; even if just once, they managed to gain control long enough to sabotage things.// Just don't ask me how this happened. I'm sure less plausible things have happened.

The Black TARDIS seen in "The Lodger" is...

...a human's attempt to reverse engineer a TARDIS

  • The Doctor has showed off his TARDIS to so many of Earth's greatest thinkers / scientists / leaders / madmen that he has inevitably twisted our eventual attempts to build a functional time machine to the point where we think it needs to look like his.
    • that's why it is convinced a human is a viable pilot. It was built by them, it's just looking in the wrong era.

River is the Doctor's mother

  • The Doctor never told The Doctor his name River gave it to him and she calls him sweetie because moms call their child that also the person that thought River how to fly the TARDIS was her husband however The Doctor doesn't know that River is his mom and will be huge shock to him when he finds out.
    • Don't want to burst your bubble but in the Library episode she said very distinctively that it was the youngest she had ever seen the doctor and then she died...
    • Plus, in Day of the Moon, she kisses him. So, yeah, I really doubt they're related.
  • Explicitly denied by Moffat.
    • I know I know I made that theory BEFORE I saw The Doctor kiss her.

There are two Doctors and two TARDISes, having split off during the Tenth Doctor's explosive regeneration.

The Doctor we've seen throughout Series 5 is only one of them. His TARDIS was badly damaged and underwent a complete internal makeover (a regeneration of its own, so to speak).

The other Eleventh Doctor, meanwhile, while looking and acting exactly the same as his 'brother', didn't end up in the same place after his regeneration and never met Amy or Rory. His TARDIS also wasn't damaged much or at all, and continues to look the same inside as Nine and Ten's.

This Doctor didn't take any companions and went off on his own adventures during Series 5, and may or may not have had a few encounters with River Song along the way.

Something like this could explain:

  • The presence of what appears to be Nine/Ten's TARDIS in an upcoming Series 6 episode. It's actually the other Doctor's, and would probably end up destroyed before episode's end.
    • Nope, that's Eleven's TARDIS with an archived control room used to allow a "junk TARDIS" on board.
  • How The Doctor could be Killed Off for Real. More than likely the one to die would be the one we haven't seen much of, but it would be a major twist and Mind Screw if it wasn't and the Eleventh Doctor we know and love from Series 5 bites the big one. And how would anyone ever know which of the two was the original? This is something that would eat away at the surviving Doctor, more so if he was in fact the 'off-screen' one (that doesn't even know Amy and Rory).

River Song is a Troper.

  • Spoilers! It had to be said.

The Astronaut in "The Impossible Astronaut" is...

  • River We're supposed to find out who she is this episode, and she told Amy she couldn't try killing the Astronaut before it killed the Doctor because it would mess up the timeline. Also, this ties into the theory that she kills the Doctor.
    • Also, note that she says "of course not" after failing to kill the Astronaut. Maybe she knows that the Doctor's killer survived?
  • Amy's Daughter- Literally seconds after Amy says she's pregnant the Astronaut is revealed to be a little girl. Coincidence? I think not. Of course, this does lead to the question of how Amy's daughter ended up in 1969 America...
    • To add credence to the theory, a picture of Amy holding a baby was in the little girl's room at the orphanage. Of course, this raies all sorts of questions, the primary one being "why is Amy's kid a TIME LORD?!?"
      • It got contaminated by her spending so much time in the TARDIS and actually did end up having "a time head, or something".
  • Rory - the Doctor clearly knew who to expect, and he knows Rory. Also, why not?
  • River Song, who is also Amy and Rory's daughter. - Tying two of the above together. For her alias of River Song, River comes from the founding father's names where the Doctor found her and "Pond/River" relates to each other.
    • And by the end of the adventure, either younger!River has repressed the memory (because of the Silence or because it's all just incredibly scary, or because it's necessary - maybe the Doctor wipes it from her mind) or the entire thing turns out not to have happened in the first place. Or both.
    • This would also explain how they're going to solve the inherent problem in having a character who is supposed to keep getting younger (from the Doctor's perspective) as the series goes on—regeneration.
      • No it wouldn't.
  • Amy Pond, albeit a much older, bitter version that blames and hates the Doctor for ruining her life. In the original time-line (not seen in the series), things went much worse and in addition to losing Melody, Rory also ended up dying at the hands of his own daughter (the "good man" that River admitted to killing). Having lost everything, Amy despises both the Doctor and River and cut off all ties to both, until the Silence made her an offer to kill him in which she gladly accepted. The Doctor, meanwhile, figured out what was going to happen to him and planned far ahead to rewrite time to prevent Amy's descent into madness (and possibly Rory's death), starting with the Utah letters. Amy then appeared in the astronaut suit and shot him to death, and was in turn fatally wounded by River and soon died after walking back into the lake. This will not happen again, however, though the memories of some events will remain.

In The Impossible Astronaut, that was not the Doctor.

It was all a ploy by The Silence, or some other enemy of the Doctor, to deceive and ultimately alienate his friends. Given Nine and Ten's rather short lifespans, it is very unlikely that Eleven will live for over two hundred years before regenerating into Twelve. It is also possible that it was a plan by a future version of River and the Doctor to actually prevent his 'death' that River remembered happening, and that the 'Doctor' was actually some sort of robot being controlled elsewhere by the real Doctor.

  • Alternatively, that was the Doctor, but at the very end of his life. He is actually not Eleven, but a dying Thirteen disguised as Eleven who resigns himself to his fate, knowing full well that he had to die there. If he is actually over two hundred years older as he claims, it seems more likely that he would have regenerated and not stayed as Eleven the whole time. He *is* surprised that he began regenerating again after being shot, but regardless knew that it was all over (he also was the writer of the letters).
    • For what it's worth, Steven Moffat said in the accompanying Confidential episode that it is the Doctor and he is dead. Make of that what you will.
      • Sadly, it likely means this will be the last season. Apparently, the Doctor will not regenerate before his final demise, meaning the story ends with Matt Smith. Unless this is resolved in the next episode somehow (which will necessarily contain colossal paradoxes), or the Doctor actually disguises himself later in life as #11 for his death, it being his favorite form. Which seems unlikely, given that he begins to regenerate, meaning it wasn't his last life...
        • I would agree that this is the last series, if not for two things. One, that the future!Doctor is at least 200 years older than the present!Doctor, and two, Matt Smith has been signed by the BBC to play the Doctor for five years. So yeah. Another four years of Eleven could mean this storyline will go on a while... Four years is plenty of time to find some way to wiggle the Doctor out of it.
    • Just remember the Arc Words of the whole series: "Time can be rewritten." Especially if it involves reversing the death of a character with as much Plot Armor as The Doctor.
  • It appears as of now that it has to be flesh!Doctor that dies at the beginning of The Impossible Astronaut. Otherwise there would be a causal paradox so bad that not even the Moff could get away with it. It would go like this: Doctor dies; flesh!Doctor continues, taking his place; creates flesh!Doctor, flesh!Doctor goes back in time, dies. But there was never a Doctor to create the flesh!Doctor in the first place, and if the flesh!Doctor died he wouldn't be able to create himself. It's just a ghastly sort of Grandfather Paradox. So he must, before the Monument Valley setup, go back in time, track down flesh!Doctor, and... well, something wibbly-wobbly timey-whimey. It has its problems, but it's better than paradoxes. Also, as confirmed in The Almost People, flesh!Doctor is the Doctor, so Moffat would technically be telling the truth.

River is the TARDIS in Human form

  • Just a wild theory because I think that her being the Doctor's wife/mother/etc. is a bit too obvious...

The Doctor is the astronaut in 2011.

He said, "I know it's you" and "no one interfere" before he died, claiming he knew what was going to happen.

  • It's actually another future Doctor (that is still portrayed by Matt Smith) in the suit, and the TARDIS is at the bottom of the lake. Canton's comment about the Doctor most definitely being dead is both true and a lie... notice that the astronaut seemed to be waiting for him to start regenerating instead of just shooting him multiple times. Yes, the Doctor pulled a variation of the trick that the Master did and transferred his essence / soul into an object on himself (which, for some reason, would only work if he was starting to regenerate), which Canton took off of his body without anybody else noticing, and leaves to the TARDIS where the Doctor has likely set something up to 'regenerate' himself. Everything was planned by the Doctor to trick The Silence, River, Amy and Rory (at least for a while) that he was gone for good, and Canton's letter clearly must have had more information than the other three if he 'knows' for sure about that being the Doctor and that he's most definitely dead. Eventually, he is revived in a new body that looks the same as his old one, and sends the TARDIS to the bottom of the lake... where he exits out of it in the space suit and 'kills' his past self. Also, somehow it is likely that he will have a completely new set of regenerations to get around the 'only has two lives left' thing.

The reason the Doctor died at the lake...

...is because Amy shot the Astronaut. It wanted revenge, and the Doctor didn't want to lose another companion. So, being the self-sacrificing timetraveller he is, he promised the Astronaut that it couldn't kill Amy, but it could kill him. So it all becomes a stable time loop, or as close as they can get to it with the sheer amount of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey going down.

The Silence aren't malicious, they just don't want people to forget them

Why else would they wear fancy suits if they didn't want people to remember them? The memory erasure is out of their control, but they are desperate to have people both remember them and compliment their appearances. The reason why that one Silent (proper term?) killed that women is that she was constantly forgetting about him, and whenever she looked back, she only commented on his face and never his suit. Eventually he got so frustrated that he killed her, but he regretted it afterward. This is also why he let Amy take a picture of him. The reason why they acted so fearsome in the sewer is because River caught them without any make-up, and a few of them were nude, as I recall. They don't want to be remembered like that. Also note that, as of yet, there is no obvious connection between the killer space suit and the Silence. Besides the woman who was killed out of frustration, there is no evidence that they are being malicious at all.

Future!Doctor actually wants to deliberately initiate a paradox

As part of Future!Doctor's Xanatos Gambit to either get rid of the Silence (who may or may not have weaved themselves into the earth/universe via the Time Cracks in Series 5) via a univere-collapsing timey-wimey thing, or to summon the Reapers (from Series 1, in case anyone forgot) to help deal with the problem, as well as to rescue his past self from his eventual death.

  • Which may tie in to how the Silence came to our universe in the first place, who may have caused the cracks in order to discreetly intergrate themselves into events and places within our own universe, and silently (heh heh) conquer it from the inside. (The trailers after "The Impossible Astronaut" seem to support this by stating that the TARDIS team are not fighting an alien invasion, but instead, are leading a revolution, possibly suggesting that the Silence have already suceeded in their world-dominating plans.

Amy's baby is a Timelord.

She got impregnated during "Amy's Choice". The reason she isn't showing is because it was only half a dream, so like Schroedinger's Cat it keeps fading in and out of existence.

  • In "Amy's Choice", Amy was visibly pregnant "five years later". In 2015, there will be an episode that looks a lot like "Amy's Choice", except this time it won't be a dream. Perhaps time lord babies gestate for five years. This ties back to the WMG that Amy leaves the TARDIS due to pregancy, and Smith playing the Doctor for five years.
  • This just got a rather heavy dose of confirmation, as we see the girl who's implied to be Amy's child regenerate. We have also seen the Doctor demonstrate superhuman constitution when he endured the electroshock treatment of the Slitheen, as well as superhuman speed when passing through the fan blades on the space station in The End of The World, so who's to say Time Lords can't manifest superpowers when under stress, which would tie in with the girl dodging the bullet and ripping apart the exoskeleton. However, we also saw that the pregnancy is in flux, whatever meaning that carries...
    • Mostly Jossed, but on the right track. The Schroedinger's Pregnancy is actually due to Amy being a pregnant human piloting a Ganger body (that isn't pregnant). Amy's baby IS a Time Lord, more specifically, a human with Time Lord DNA attached to her.

Amy Pond is God.

Amy is able to reimagine things into being. The Doctor comes when she feels lonely arriving in a police box directly after she prayed to Santa for a Policeman. The Cracks exist because Amy thought the crack in her wall was scary, so she unconsciously imbues it with the power to end the universe. Her parents are gone because when she was young she wished them out of existence. The Doctor was late because Amy doubted he'd come back in just 5 minutes (a young girl's fear of abandonment working against her). He leaves because she doesn't need him anymore, and her doubts the night before her wedding bring him back. The Doctor even implies that she's God when she tries to seduce him after "Flesh and Stone", saying that "The most important thing in the universe is that I get you sorted out right now."

  • If she were God, would The Doctor really say no?
    • He would.

There was a bit of The Doctor buried in the sand where he was shot.

Think Hakarl. The Doctor cuts off a toe and buries it in the sand. When he starts to regenerate after being shot the first time, he funnels the energy into the toe as in Journey's End. The toe starts cooking. After everyone has left, someone capable of surviving a metacrisis, guided by envelope number 5, digs up the toe and grows it into Doctor 11.5.

Canton Delaware fell in love with...

  • A fellow agent.
  • An agent of one of the FBI's enemies.
  • A man.
    • Confirmed.
  • Someone of a different race. (Inter-racial marriage was illegal in some states until 1967.)

Any of those would explain why an agent in the 60s (or earlier, we don't know exactly when) was fired for wanting to get married.

    • Also confirmed. He's black.
  • A woman. However, he's already married, and wants to marry a second woman bigamously. He's a Mormon. That's why the Doctor invited everyone to Utah—Canton lives there, and he didn't want Old!Canton to have to take a long trip.

Amy isn't pregnant.

At first glance, there were clues littered throughout the episode pointing towards Amy being pregnant; her gaining weight, the morning sickness, etc. But at the same time, she never really acted in a way that seemed to indicate that she was actually pregnant; she never seemed worried about how she moved, and whether it would hurt the developing fetus, and in the picnic scene she drank wine. While she did indicate nausea, so did River and Rory after seeing the Silence. Incidentally, the only time she seemed to want to tell the Doctor anything was right after her encounter with them. Which could mean:

    • The Silence wants her to think she's pregnant for some reason. Why? We don't know, but hopefully it'll become clear.
    • It was a defense mechanism on Amy's part. She knows she can't tell the Doctor about his 'death', so her mind tried to fill something in less dangerous but still important to inform the Doctor about. Unconsciously, her mind pieced together nausea + weight gain + something important = pregnant.
      • Furthermore, maybe Future!Doctor's comment about her weight was an attempt to keep the time-loops stable.
    • Jossed. She's pregnant, but there's a Ganger in her place that isn't while Kovarian plots her schemes.

The Silence impregnated Amy with a hybrid baby.

Psychically, of course, probably the first time Amy saw one of them. River and Rory are backups.

  • This would explain the Silent telling her "You will bring the Silence" when she's kidnapped. It looks like the Silence have the proto-TARDIS. Another WMG on this page suggests that the Silence need a human-Time Lord hybrid to fly it - Amy is going to enable that. Alternately, the Silence will use the child to kill the Doctor and get revenge for his attempted genocide.
  • The weird eyepatch lady is a nurse appointed by the Silence to watch over Amy during her pregnancy.
  • Jossed. The pregnancy was natural and through Rory, though the hybrid was tampered with whilst in the womb.

The Silents will meet the Weeping Angels.

And it will be the best staring contest / peek-a-boo game in history!

If Omega shows up again he will be played by Peter Davison

The Silence are Weeping Angels.

They're way too similar. Angels move through time normally, but only exist in space when someone is looking at them. In the same manner, the Silents always exist in space but only exist in time when people are looking at them. They've also been around since at least the time humans invented fire. According to Blink, the Angels are older than the universe.

We all know that any image of an Angel has the powers of an Angel, ie it will move when you aren't looking at it. Looking away from the image of a Silent, likewise, will cause you to forget the Silent existed.

What if, due to the events of the end of last season, the Angels that got removed from existing in Flesh and Stone came back wrong at the start of reality, with their basic powers flipped? That would mean the title refers to how the Angels began to transform into beings of flesh.

Which leads to my next theory

Every time a Weeping Angel is visible when nobody is looking at them, it's because a Silent was watching them

We just don't remember seeing them. Also, the Silence are apparently responsible for every single time a human ever felt like they weren't alone in a room. Kind of like the sensation of thinking you're being watched.

The Angels Amy had to sneak past with her eyes closed were statues at the time because they thought they were being watched and turned to stone. They didn't start moving when she revealed she was actually blind, they already knew that. The Silence just quit looking at them. And as it's been said before, the time it takes for a television to reload frames is less than the time it takes to blink, so what you saw during Flesh and Stone was what really happens when only the viewer is looking at the Angels.

If you don't think something went horribly wrong with the crack and the Angels, I should point out that the Angel in Amy's mind fell into a crack and got erased. The Pandorica should have revived it and killed her instantly, and yet it didn't, meaning that at least that one Angel no longer exists even after everything that was unhappened by the crack came back to existence.

The Astronaut is BEN

He walked out of a lake. A lake. Like what Ben drowned in. Eleven references the moon shortly before he shows up. The MOON. The Astronaut's identity is concealed by it's visor, which functions as a mask. A MASK. I rest my case.

SCP Foundation-055 is a Silent.

It would explain the Faraday cage, an attempt to contain the Silent’s Shock and Awe powers. It would also explain why document #055-1 theorizes the existence of a conspiracy “to silently observe” a number of the Foundation’s activities. And just how many anti-memes can there be?

The astronaut killing the Doctor is only the suit

River said the suit is capable of self-repair, and has integrated weaponry. We also saw it move, to which River speculates that it may be able to move autonomously, without an occupant, and it seems to have been tied to the girl's mind to function. Thus, when the girl ripped it apart, the last recorded thought was "The spacemen are going to eat me, I have to do something!". Now fast-forward forty-two years, with the Doctor and company having a picnic by the lake. The suit detects a spaceman, and emerges to 'do something'. He shoots the Doctor twice (the bolts emanate from the inside of the wrist, a good position for a concealed energy weapon), triggering a regeneration, but seeing the target is still active, fires a third time, killing it without knowing what needed to be done.

Reason for the Spacesuit

The Silence steal technology from species all over space. The Pandorica was available on earth two thousand years before the Spacesuit, and the Silence have probably got access to most of the species that built it. The Girl is a Time Lord, and is seen regenerating not long after the Silence start being driven back. We can assume the Silence can build life support good enough to keep a Time Lord alive, which means preventing them from regenerating. For whatever reason, they didn't want the Girl to regenerate, at least not until a certain point. They've also been able to program her for plenty of time. The Suit killed the doctor, then killed him again mid-regeneration. For some reason, the Silence really don't like time lords regenerating - maybe regeneration scrambles their programming?

The astronaut suit in "Day of the Moon" had Dalek technology in it.

It's a life support suit with around "twenty different types of alien tech" in it, and it can keep the being inside alive without food or drink. Sounds a lot like the life support capability of the Daleks' armour. I mean, in all likelihood the Silence must have had multiple chances to have come across the Daleks. One of the most likely times they would have had the chance to analyze and steal Dalek tech would've been during "Daleks in Manhattan," especially after Dalek Sec left his armour after becoming a hybrid.

Rory and Amy's relationship has been a fraud from the very beginning, manipulated by the Silence.

While it is very clear that Rory loves Amy, she definitely doesn't seem to show the same devotion. The Silence don't need to influence Rory since his love is genuine, but they have always been around Amy ever since she met the Doctor. However, Rory is also part of their ultimate plan... to eliminate the Doctor.

Subconsciously, she trusts and loves the Doctor more and bits of it slip by that the Silence aren't able to control. In particular, her 'falling out of the sky' speech when taken by the Silence that quite clearly seems to refer to the Doctor... but she was then implanted with a post-hypnotic suggestion to say that she was referring to Rory.

Amy's 'baby' is most likely the unknown Time Lord-girl and was created by the Silence with a Time Lord's DNA, and all memories of it were erased. She was created to pilot their TARDIS- knockoffs (as seen in The Lodger, only a Time Lord-mind is strong enough to do so without killing the pilot). Whether it is the Doctor's DNA or not makes no difference, because Rory would still feel extremely betrayed, especially when he also discovers that Amy doesn't actually love him and considers him to be an inferior shadow to the Doctor.

Due to a combination of being heartbroken, not being the father of Amy's child, remembering nearly 2000 years of an alternate time-line where he protected and watched over her, and dying / being erased from existence / becoming a plastic duplicate and then human again... Rory will simply snap and join the enemies of the Doctor, having nothing else left. He is the astronaut at the beginning of The Impossible Astronaut, finally getting his revenge.

The Future!Doctor's plan is to set in motion a paradox that will prevent both his death and Rory from succumbing too far into The Dark Side to come back, as he did in the original time-line of Future!Doctor.

  • Jossed. Amy is visibly upset about Rory almost dying in "The Curse of the Black Spot" and on a distant asteroid in "A Good Man Goes to War", she talks very highly of Rory to Melody, comparing him in terms of the Doctor.

The creepy face woman is the Dream Lord.

I absolutely refuse to accept that such a creepy villain was nothing more than psychic pollen. No, he's hanging round still, and he's trying to get to Amy. He materialises as the creepy woman - which, for reasons that will be revealed, is somehow meaningful to Amy - whenever she's feeling particularly jumpy. He's also somehow affecting the TARDIS to confuse the pregnancy scanner, as well as Amy's mind on the subject. Maybe the above theory is right about Amy not truly loving Rory, and she's terrified of being linked to him forever with a child. Maybe there's some other reason why he would freak her out this way. I'm not sure how this would all come together, but it's just weird that everything else in the last series was somehow meaningful, and he apparently meant nothing. I think he's definitely behind some weird stuff in this series.

  • Jossed. She's a person peeking through a Ganger chamber which psychically seeps through.

All of series six is another Dream Lord-run collective dream

And the TARDIS crew are in a hospital, asleep. The eyepatch lady is using alien tech to look into the dream and make sure their consciousnesses are doing OK and if they're showing signs of waking.

  • Semi-confirmed. Amy, at least, has been in a dream-like-state, controlling a Ganger during her pregnancy.

The eyepatch lady is....

  • Amy's Midwife. In the Curse of the Black Spot, she says "It's fine. You're doing fine. Just stay calm.", which sounds like what someone would say to another when giving birth.
    • Confirmed! Well, she's there when Amy's about to give birth, so. Creepiest midwife ever though.
  • The Rani. Somehow she escaped the Time War and is trying to rebuild the Time Lord race by using Amy Pond's child as a template.
  • going to kidnap Amy. Or is part of an organization that does the same. Because in the midseason cliffhanger, Rory and the Doctor will go to war to find/save her (that's been leaked), and Eyepatch Lady is the logical choice of kidnapper. Not mutually exclusive with the Midwife theory.
    • The first and third bullet points have been confirmed in The Almost People. Except that Amy was kidnapped a while ago (presumably they never got the right one back from the Silence), and apparently replaced with a Ganger.
      • The Doctor notes it was "before America" when she was kidnapped.

The "House" mentioned in "The Doctor's Wife" trailer is the Ood Brain

As above, they have reason to want revenge on humanity. And there's a scary looking Ood in the trailer...

  • Jossed. It's a sentient creature inhabiting a planet that mind controls several and can work TARDIS matrices.

Amy is in an institution in an alternate timeline.

By remembering at her wedding, Amy brought the Doctor back into existance. However in the timeline before he came back, she continued to insist on his existance. She was eventually institutionalized, and the Eyepatch Woman is her doctor or superviser. Likewise the Pregnant/Not Pregnant effect is due to the alternate world "interfering".

The Time Lords in "The Doctor's Wife" aren't Time Lords at all.

Rather, they're humans who wanted to be like Time Lords and operated on themselves to get two hearts. Of course, they had to get the extra hearts from somewhere... and were exiled to a parallel universe for their heart-stealing.

    • Jossed. They're actually distress signals of Time Lords. All of them are dead now.

Idris is...

  • ...A projection of the TARDIS
    • There's some support [dead link] for this one.
      • Semi-Confirmed. Not a projections, but literally the TARDIS trapped in a human body.
  • ...A living vortex. Inter-Dimensional Rift In Space
  • ...Romana
    • Jossed.
  • ...River Song
    • Jossed.

The Doctor will build a TARDIS in "The Doctor's Wife"

There is amazing logic behind this. From trailers, teasers and a contest, we know that...

  • 1.The episode takes place in a junkyard
  • 2,The TARDIS will disappear, with AMY and Rory trapped inside
  • 3.Idris at some point says, "You're like a nine-year-old trying to build a motorbike in his garage!" (or something along those lines)
  • 4.There was a contest to design a new TARDIS console. The winning design, tweaked, will appear in this episode.
  • 5.Released pics of the design show the controls made of really random stuff.

So, the scenario: Amy, Rory, and the TARDIS are missing (2). The Doctor is panicked. How to get them back? He has no TARDIS! But wait...he's a genius, in a junkyard(1). He can build a new TARDIS (4), one at least good enough to quickly hunt down the real one, out of the stuff (5) in the junkyard! Idris is naturally skeptical (3).

    • Confirmed.

The "wife" referred too in the title of Neil Gaiman episode is the TARDIS

They've been together for a long time. He obviously loves the TARDIS, and given from the trailers it seems to be a large part of the episode. What if the title is actually referring to the TARDIS?

  • Well, it was never stated outright, but I think we can call this confirmed.

The TARDIS exploding wasn't intended to end everything.

From what we've seen of the Silence, they don't seem like omnicidal maniacs. Yet they're responsible for the cracks. Why did they do this? All part of their Xanatos Gambit. They knew the Doctor would save reality, because they were behind it and the Pandorica. The fact that Amy Pond was capable of remembering the Doctor back into existence was an extension of their ultimate plan-to learn and perfect rewriting reality. To become a more powerful force, even gods. Their sudden prescene could be an example of this-before Series Six, they could've been a primitive race. Now,they're manipulating humanity. And in a few more attempts...

  • Alternatively, going on a theory that they're actually good guys,it was a Xanatos Gambit to get the Doc more regenerations, as they believed that being basically recreated out of Amy's memories would set him back as the first, while still preserving his previous incarnations due to the Doctor himself remembering them. And whoever posted above that this had reset his regenerations was a Silent attempting to gain redemption in the eyes of the fans.
    • If the Silence are good guys, they may have altered history so they can be Earth's protection. That way, even in the event of the Doctor's death, the universe will be safe. Or they're one of many individuals who think the Doctor is a threat to the universe. Their Xanatos Gambit would mean the universe wouldn't stay destroyed, and be reset in the end. However the Doctor would be Deader Than Dead, aka Ret-Gone. Everything he's doen to save reality, however, would remain. So the universe remains safe.

"The Doctor's Wife" will feature the return of Patience

She's a Time Lady from the classic series who was the wife of Omega, the Other, and the Doctor in the book The Infinity Doctors.

  • Jossed. All the Time Lords are long since dead.

House from "The Doctor's Wife" is the one behind the Fake TARDIS from The Lodger.

He survived the episode somehow, and his soul escaped to Earth. He had the fake TARDIS built... somehow, so he could possess it and continue his quest to search for more delicious food.

One of the Corsair's regenerations was Dana Scully

That tattoo...

Flesh (from The Rebel Flesh) is based upon Vespene tech.

Because I recall that The Doctor mentioned there being alien technology involved in the process, and the process seems to be akin to that of the Vespene duplicates. It also would explain Rory's empathy, as he remembers being a Vespene duplicate.

  • Don't you mean Nestene? As in Auton-Nestenes? Vespene is sort of a gas....
  • I think Rory would probably be sympathetic anyway; the only real difference between the situation he was in and that of the Gangers is that the original Rory wasn't around when he was an Auton.

Neil Gaiman ships the Doctor with the TARDIS

I defy anyone to watch The Doctor's Wife and not wonder about this.

    • Actually considering the episode's title is "The Doctor's Wife", this is now canon.

The Doctor will team up with the Daleks to stop the Silence

Things will get so bad that the Doctor will be forced to team up with his greatest enemies. It's a common trope, but it will still be neat to see. Plus, it has happened in the old series before. Even if the Daleks still forget the Silence when not looking at them, the Doctor will be able to count on them to shoot them on sight.

  • Apparently disproven. Moff states that no Daleks are in series 6.

The Doctor mentions it's somehow alien in origin and in a season four two-parter (Doctor and Donna travel to earth to answer a distress call from Martha Jones) the Sontarans clone a copy of Martha in a similar looking vat. Also, the brass-looking acid suits are very similar in shape to the general Sontaran suit shape. Rebel Flesh cloning technology is either derived from Sontaran tech or is actually the origin of Sontaran technology. And to be honest, even if this is Jossed, it would have still worked really well as a plot.

Rory and Amy's relationship will get progressively worse as this season goes on.

Somehow, I don't think Amy will be too happy about Rory abandoning her to save another woman who he barely knows and who evidently fancies him. Nor will she be too pleased about him holding hands with her Ganger while they were having the human-Ganger meeting. Sure, from his point of view there's nothing wrong with reassuring and going to save people, but watching his interactions with Ganger!Jennifer and his desperation to find Original!Jennifer makes me think there's going to be some words after all this.
From Rory's point of view, Amy's apparent refusal to accept the Gangers as just as human as the Originals, when he himself has experienced being an artificial being with human memories and emotions, must be infuriating. The fact she doesn't believe that the artificial creations can be so human, when one protected her for 2000 years, is actually pretty shocking when you think about it. Rory may not be able to look at Amy the same way after this.
Looking at the episodes we've had already, we've had Rory hearing Amy apparently profess her love for the Doctor - sure, it said she was talking about Rory, but "falling out of the sky"? Even as a saying, that doesn't apply to Rory at all! That would imply them appearing out of nowhere, and they've known eachother since they were children. And then her getting at him during Curse of the Black Spot for saying the Siren was the most beautiful creature in the world, while under mind control. Sure, I can imagine her being upset, bu tRory has more than proved his love. And even though it was only a trick by House, there could well have been something in Rory's hate Amy scribbles: after all, House knew about Rory's wait in the first place, so who's to say he didn't get into his mind somehow, and that there wasn't some thread of real feelings in there?
As the series goes on, things will just get worse and worse. Amy's constant shock and fear at seeing the eyepatch lady cannot possibly help things. I'm hoping that it will turn out to be part of some plot by some Big Bad, and that the series will end with something happening to remind them how much they love eachother, not with them breaking up or something.

The Doctor was too freaked out by that goop for it to not have some greater relevance, and he was rather reticent to discuss it. It hasn't just made a copy of the Doctor, it's made a completely functioning Time Lord, with all the regenerative and superhuman powers that would suggest, as well as implying that the Time Lords are (of course) not completely done for.

  • Makes sense. The Time Lords have the DNA of two of them scanned by a loom to create a new one. Perhaps they were modified for the Time War to use one person and create a perfect copy. Someone like, say, The Doctor or The Master bites it, just use their DNA and bring them back. It could explain how they brought The Master back to life for the war, and why The Doctor now has hundreds of regenerations. They got tired of bringing him back. Plus, it seems that it's caused a bit of mental problems in the Gangers (the nicest of the humans became a giant bitch and the giant bitch became the nicest). Perhaps that's what caused the Time Lords to become so evil, the damage from repeated copying. Notice that The Doctor informs them that the Ganger's heart stopped. He was 100% human at that point. So it stands to reason that 11.5 (Goopy?) will end up fully Time Lord.
    • The TARDIS can stablize the Flesh to prevent it from changing back to its goo-y form, which may be Fridge Brilliance it this was true, since it will help newly-born Time Lords to stabilize.
    • Now I think of it, isn't the Doctor supposed to be the perfect genetic reincarnation of one of the first Time Lords? I think it was a novel, so dubious canonically, but if the real Doctor is a copy, what makes Copy Doctor a copy? Oh no now I have a headache.
    • That was the point of the episode. For all intents and purposes, the Gangerdoctor is exactly the same man as the original Doctor in any way. There is no "clone" or "copy" of the Doctor, they are both, at the fundamental level, equal.
      • I made this guess after the first episode, so it still wasn't certain if the Ganger Doctor was a clone or a 'real' Time Lord, but that makes even more sense. What are the chances humans have technology capable of creating whole Time Lords from scratch? That's something only the looms could do. A cheap copy that degrades maybe, but not a proper one.
  • I thought it was scavenged from Sontaran tech. They created a clone Martha who required the actual Martha to be plugged in. Gangers could be a variation of this.

Rory is the titular Good Man who Goes to War in the midseason cliffhanger

Not the Doctor. Not that wild a guess, but I thought it should be out here. The two of them are going to save Amy, which gives Rory even more motivation than the Doctor, and Rory is technically the only "man" involved. Genetically, Time Lords are not human.

  • Related to above, call back to "The Big Bang", with Rory sucker punching the Doctor after the Doctor claimed that his girlfriend isn't more important that the whole universe. Well, she is to him, and Rory the Roman will break the laws of time and space to save Amy, which could possibly have unexpected consequences.

Several of the above are true with a twist.

The Little Girl is a Time Lord (or at least partially).

The Little Girl is Susan, The Doctor's grandaughter.

The Little Girl is Amy and Rory's daughter.

Rory is The Doctor's son. His mother is River.

  • We know nothing about his past, other than he and Amy grew up together.
  • We know nothing about his parents, except that his mom likes Dusty Springfield.
  • He dies a lot, but seems to have a real hard time staying dead. (One of the worst examples of CPR ever in "The Curse of the Black Spot", and he revives afer an awfully long pause.)
  • He's managed to keep 2000 years of experience in his head "behind a door" without going mad. Sophisticated mental trick.
  • He was the one person who picked up on the 'weirdness' in "The Eleventh Hour".
  • He wasn't phased by the "bigger on the inside than the outside"-ness of the TARDIS.
  • He was the one kid who Amy latched onto as her friend. Made his dress up like The Doctor. Family resemblance?
  • Touching on that, the TARDIS thinks Rory is "The Pretty One". More than just looks?
    • Rory can't be River's kid, it's the other way around. That would be squicky and My Own Grandpa.

The Church is going to wage war on the Doctor

  • From the prequel for "A Good Man Goes to War", we see a Nazi-looking fellow with a banner that resembles the ones worn by Father Octavian and his men in "Time of Angels".
  • Evidence here
  • Also, from the way Octavian was acting in "Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone" supports this.
    • Confirmed!

The Doctor will become infamous instead of famous

  • Moffat's been teasing that in "A Good Man Goes To War" the Doctor will lose his reputation. He also says that we'll see a darker side to Eleven. What does this add up to? The Doctor will become so depraved during the war for Amy that he'll be feared, rather than loved, destroying his reputation.
  • Between the Time Lord Victorious, Pandorica incident, and the Harriet Jones scandal I think that boat sailed a long time ago, and may even be deserved.
    • At least among the Church, Confirmed!

Tying in with the two theories above, the universe will start to fear The Doctor...

  • ... not just his enemies (Daleks, Cybermen, The League of Pandorica Evils). The whole Amy ply is a trick by The "Church" to expose the Doctor for who he truly is to everyone, including his allies.
    • Confirmed, as far as Eyepatch Lady definitely thinks she's doing the right thing in trying to stop the Doctor.

River Song is Melody Pond

  • Amy's baby has been revealed as being called Melody Pond. Which it around, and you get Pond Melody. Pond is a type of water, melody is a type of song. She doesn't go to jail for killing someone, she's been imprisoned there and raised in Stormcage since birth.
    • Um, source?
      • Well, this troper can't find any online sources, but most TV-guide magazines in the UK for that week state that Amy's baby is called Melody.
      • Really hope this gets confirmed, great guess man.
        • CONFIRMED!

River kills The Doctor's good side metaphorically during GMGTW.

  • Maybe when she tells him who she really is, it will set off a chain of events that metaphorically kill "the best man she ever knew", because he isn't the same anymore.
    • This would also be acceptable, hoping for a confirmation tomorrow.

The Eleventh Doctor will not raise baby!River... the First Doctor will

He will raise her as a Time Lady, but to help her keep in touch with her human side, he will enroll her in a school in 1963 London under the name Susan.

  • This solution neatly avoids Wife Husbandry, since the Doctor will not know who he is raising.

Amy was taken during The Time of Angels

It could fit the time line. Plus, The Church was in the episode and could have easily kidnapped the real Amy and replaced her before the crisis started.

  • Problem: The baby was conceived onboard the TARDIS and Rory didn't even set foot in there yet
  • Jossed. The doctor explains this is impossible. Rory wasn't there, when Rory shows up he and Amy are having some relationship issues, he dies, then he becomes plastic, and even if Plastic Rory could conceive they were all busy with the universe exploding. The first time they are together as flesh and as a happy couple and in the TARDIS was their wedding night.

The Church is against the Doctor because of the genocide of the Weeping Angels.

  • Wiping out an entire species—even an obviously evil one—is beyond the pale of any religious organization. Not to mention what he's done to the Daleks (repeatedly).
  • Interesting... Especially since the next episode is called Let's kill Hitler! (= Doctor?)
  • I thought it was the genocide of the Silents, who's evil is ambiguous.
  • Teasers have said that Let's Kill Hitler is about "the worst war criminal in the universe...and Hitler." Who killed more people than Hitler? The Doctor!
    • Jossed. What genocide? Either the Weeping Angels never existed (so the non-time travelling Church would have forgotten them), or they're still in the Maze of the Dead. Plus, River keeps meeting the Doctor in the wrong order. I think we can probably assume that "A Good Man Goes to War" is set before "The Time of Angels".
    • Also Jossed, River is the worst war criminal in history because she kills the Doctor in the spacesuit. So at least one organisation still thinks he's a good guy.

The Church is against the Doctor because he is too divine

Think about it... Someone who is only referred to by a title, someone whose legend has spread across the Universe, people fear and love Him... Perhaps even worship?

The real Big Bad has yet to be revealed

The Doctor can't 'beat' in any conventional sense an alliance of people who are convinced they're doing the right thing without cementing their belief that he's the nastiest thing in the universe. But seeing as the series is, you know, Doctor Who, he's got to be the hero eventually or it's just no fun. So, the only way he can win is for something really big, really nasty and really new to show up and threaten absolutely everyone, leaving the Doctor to save everyone yet again, including the alliance against him, and prove that he's not such a bad chap after all. After all, we STILL don't know who blew up the Tardis.

  • My money is on the Church Militant group being manipulated by eyepatch lady (and they will Heel Face Turn in the end, leading to the version of them we saw in the episodes with the Angels), and the Big Bad is whoever is giving Eyepatch Lady, and presumably also the Silence, instructions. I'm guessing its a villain we already know, but knowing Moffat, maybe not.

The Jenny present in "A Good Man Goes To War" is a regenerated version of Jenny from the Doctor's Daughter suffering from retrograde amnesia.

Come on the writer wouldn't reuse a name this significant without some pay off in mind.

  • Madame Vastra penance is to look after Jenny until she can remember her true nature.
  • Of course, Jenny might not have amnesia, and the Doctor might not know who she is. As an adventuring, time-traveling, monster-fighting, kinda sorta Time Lady, Jenny is probably committed to living life on her own terms. She could very well have been poking around Victorian London of her own accord, got caught up in some adventure with the Doctor and Madam Vastra, and decided not to complicate matters by revealing her parentage. Nothing says this won't be confirmed in the future, like if Jenny and Madame Vastra join the Doctor on some adventure, Jenny is fatally wounded, and then starts to regenerate. Surprise!

River's consciousness, still in the Library mainframe, will be downloaded into a new body...

...that of a baby, so that Amy and Rory will be able to actually raise their child. That'll be how Amy, Rory and River depart the series.

The Doctor dies for real in The Impossible Astronaut and River will take his place

As in the previous WMG, the Doctor retrieves River from the Library, but then he goes to get shot by young River. Presumably she is programmed / brainwashed to kill the Doctor and can only be free when he is dead, so Eleven has no choice but to sacrifice himself. Older River inherits the TARDIS and becomes the show's main character.

  • Yeah, I don't think this is likely. I just wrote it down so if it actually happens I can say "Told you so"

The carved Gallifreyan writing on Melody's/the Doctor's cradle said "Hello, Sweetie".

It's the first written words Melody/River sees in her life, and we know she remembers the cradle because she comments on how long it's been since she last saw it. Makes sense those would be the words she always uses to greet the Doctor.

  • As it's the Doctor's cradle, it might be his real name.
    • Or maybe his name is actually Gallifreyan for "Hello Sweetie"...

Life, the Universe and Everything, or "A theory on Series 6 (and a little on 5)"

Okay, so this just came to me, so forgive me if it's a little bit incoherent, I'll tidy it up later. What we know, in no particular order:

  • Eyepatch lady, name forgotten, has kidnapped the little time-tot Melody Pond, AKA the baby River Song.
  • Melody Pond, at some point, lives in an orphanage, from which the Silents steal her away and lock her into a life-support suit.
  • Melody/River is a proto-Time Lady, possessing, at the very least, the ability to regenerate and incredible strength.
  • The Silents possess an attempt at a TARDIS.
  • The attempted TARDIS is seen in "The Lodger", attempting to find a pilot.
  • Eyepatch Lady wants to raise Melody/River as the ultimate in Doctor killing technology.
  • The Silents aren't builders - they tend to tell/command humans and god knows what other species to build their tech for them - it is reasonable to assume that they, themselves, didn't build the attemped TARDIS.
  • The Silents have an unknown agenda, probably not directly linked to Eyepatch Lady's own.
  • Amy will 'bring the silence', presumed at this point to refer to Melody/River.

So, we look at these things, and we begin to piece the puzzle together, in my mind, events are best described in the following order: Eyepatch Lady succeeds in stealing the proto-Time Lady Melody "River Song" Pond, who she hopes will be the best weapon to use against The Doctor. How? Because she can regenerate? Maybe, but I don't think so. Remember in the original series, it was well established that a TARDIS could only be used once it had been activated by a Time Lord, thanks to their symbiotic relationship, and a part of them called the Rassilon Imprimateur, presumeably added by Rassilon himself, but maybe just named after him. Hoping that Melody will be able to activate it, she oversees the construction of the attempted TARDIS. For whatever reason, it doesn't yet get activated, and, again for whatever reason, EPL (Eye Patch Lady) disappears from the picture and Melody winds up in an orphange.

It is at this point that the Silents, having previously captured the attempted TARDIS, discover her and recognise her for what she is. They have her kept safe and sound inside the spacesuit life-support system, presumeably whilst they wait for her to grow old enough to activate the fake TARDIS, maybe to stop her from realising who/what she is, maybe because some part of the suit prevents her from forgetting them, who knows. She escapes them, and it is around this time that slightly younger Amy (or her ganger, at least) is kidnapped by the Silents. They are hoping to find how she was able to grow a Time Lady, or to plant a suggestion into the fetus, or something - I'm still working on it.

Here, The Doctor, an older River and a functional TARDIS arrive within the attempted TARDIS, and begin wreaking havoc. At some point, either The Doctor, River or the actual TARDIS itself, primes the new vehicle, whilst in the process of shooing the Silents away from Earth (Shoo! Shoo! Go on, silents, get! <waves hands in shooing motion>). The fake TARDIS, now primed and built for River, begins looking for its pilot. Eventually it just wants any pilot, winds up above Craig's flat and gets destroyed by the Doctor in Series 5.

There was more, but I forgot it all. But believe me, it was good. And accurate! Mwahaha!

The Doctor will go to the Gamma Forest and meet a younger version of Lorna

The Doctor will meet Lorna again at the gamma forest where he takes young River to grow up (where she then becomes known as River and decides she likes the name, possibly because it seperates her from being known as "melody" because that was her name while being raised as a weapon against the doctor) Lorna mentioned the Doctor being there was the only eventful thing to happen there and it seemed like her character should of been more important from the focus she got.

Ten and Eleven will never meet in a crossover special.

Ten was reluctant to regenerate, and from what I could tell, he had no idea what kind of man he'd become, making it unlikely that he ever met Eleven.

  • The solution to this? Have Ten forget the whole experience.
    • That, or Eleven never reveals to Ten that he's the next Doctor. He, Rory and Amy just pose as Those Three Guys.
    • Or Ten will meet Eleven via Time Crack remnant, becoming an anomaly. In his perspective, the meeting will have never happened.

If Ten and Eleven ever meet in a crossover special, Ten will not be able to stand Eleven.

Eleven is a little bit more aloof than his previous counterpart, and to someone who doesn't know him well, he can seem kind of heartless. Ten is so reluctant to regenerate because he doesn't want to become what he thinks Eleven is.

If Ten and Eleven ever meet in a crossover special, Ten will be proud of his successor.

The complete opposite of the above idea. While there will almost certainly be some clashing between the regenerations, at some point Ten and Eleven will have a proper heart-to-heart, and Ten will confirm to Eleven that he is happy in who has taken up the mantel. For some of the fans, who were less than happy of the depressing way Ten left, some of the bittness of the regeneration will be wiped away, even if Ten doesn't even remember the incident.

The Silents are trying to save the universe.

From what we've seen, the Silents aren't the cosmic retgonners we've been led to believe. I'm going out of a limb here, and not only saying their benevolent, but actively trying to stop the cracks. They are one of the many species who fear the Doctor, and see him as responsible for the cracks. They have allied with Korvarian, in a misguided attempt to stop the Doctor. The Doctor's genocide of their race is confirmation that they are in the right. Why are they so terrifying? Good Is Not Nice, of course. The Doctor must sort things out, unless the true villain becomes victorious.

River's identity will lead to Amy and Rory leaving.

I highly doubt the two are going to react well after learning their child is going to be raised as a Child Soldier, and ultimately become the proto-Time Lord known as River Song. At the end of Season 6, Amy and Rory will leave the Doctor due to the Fridge Horror-powered trauma that River's identity will create. Similar to how Martha left in order to help her family deal with the trauma the Master inflicted.

  • I'd have to say eventually. But the Doctor is the best chance they have of finding their daughter. They'll only live when they get her back, OR, much more likely, to deal with their trauma after they've given up on ever finding her again (which, of course, will be right before they ACTUALLY get her back).

The Doctor is his own father.

There are various allusions to River Song being the Doctor's lover, mother, or killer. In fact, she's all three. From her personal timeline, she first meets him, then kills him (no doubt to help him, though the reason has yet to be revealed) then marries him, becomes pregnant, and gives birth to him, all while moving steadily backwards in time until she's on Gallifrey 1000 years in the past. Much as the cyclical lessons on proper Tardis piloting, taught to younger River so she can teach earlier versions of the Doctor, River knows his name because he told it to her on their wedding night, and then she gives him the name herself. This is the entire reason the Tardis has been so intent on protecting Earth all this time, because without it there would be no Amy Pond, no Melody Pond/River Song, and hence no Doctor at all.

  • Come to think of it, isn't the Doctor half-human on his mother's side? Or are we pretending that never happened?
    • Pretty sure the "part human on my mother's side" thing is still considered canon. Would make sense.

Amy's parents never existed.

No, I don't mean that her parents were eaten by time cracks. I mean that she never had any parents to begin with. Amy is a living paradox, a Humanoid Abomination who can defy causality. Possibly the masterpiece of Faction Paradox. The Doctor doesn't think that such an entity is possible, so he thinks Amy simply lost her parents to the crack. These "new parents" are simply figments of her imagination made real. She may even be God...

Amy is aware of previous adventures by the Doctor.

In many episodes, its established that there are conspiracy theorists surrrounding the Doctor. Also, ignoring the cracks eating things, the Earth has been invaded a lot since 2005. The invasion by the Sycorax was total confirmation to Amy that she was right. Her general hobby included researching past alien incursions, and the legend of the blue box. She was likely one of the many groups that complained how absurd it is that the government expects people to ignore such incursions. These include a giant asteroid over London, metal men appearing all over the world and shiny spheres vaporizing the President.

Amy was likely a fan of Harold Saxon, because he was against hiding evidence of aliens. Nonethless, she was shocked when she learned he was evil. I almost forgot: Amy S(the S is for sexy) Pond would've had Rory rolepaly as the Raggedy Doctor when he sonicked her. Not to mention construct a sonic screwdriver "toy"]] for personal sonicking.

Predictions for the future of the series.

  • Series Six's theme will be a deconstruction of the Doctor's Memetic Badass statement. Hence the presence of Madame Kovarian. This season's Big Bad isn't the one responsible for the cracks, but those who are actively trying to destroy the Doctor out of fear.
  • At the Series 6 Finale, we will encounter the Impossible Astronaut, right after it killed the Doctor. It will be an earlier form of River, likely a different incarnation. At the end, this version of River will regenerate into a baby, who will raised by Amy and Rory. They will no longer be companions, however they will still be good friends.
  • The Dalek Rangers shall finally get a time to shine in Season 7. They may even square off against Void Daleks. Who will be led by Davros, as a revitilized Renegade-Imperial war.
  • Some of the characters of previous episodes will reappear. For example, Bracewell(in a commentary, Steven Moffat did mention he could be in the year 5 billion for all we know), Vastra (as a badass grandma), and if we're really lucky, Jack Harkness(maybe even a version of him centuries from now).
  • River will become a companion of the Doctor in Series 7, at least for her.
  • Donna Noble will reappear, in order to explain just what the hell happenned to her when the cracks ate the Season 4 finale.

Possible motives for the Doctor's allies in A Good Man Goes To War.

  • Strax was once a famed Sontaran commander. However, he and his platoon ended up getting terribly sick, to the point of near-death. For Sontarans, this is the worst thing that could happen to you. Thankfully the Doctor came along and saved them all from death by illness. While punished by being made a nurse, Strax was spared from a much worse fate. The Doctor helped either in pity, or they were the lesser of two evils.
  • Vastra the Lesbian Silurian owes a debt due to the Doctor saving her group of Silurians, in a Victorian-esque variation of The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood.
  • Dorium almost went bankrupt once, and very nearly lost everything. Thankfully the Doctor came and stopped this. Why? It involves a Vortex Manipulator, a chicken and a whole lot of cargo.

Rory is the Astronaut

  • Think about it: Your marriage has been a result of being hypnotized to love someone and then you have an alien daughter who's part time lord. Your possible threesome tertiary partner is apparently married to your daughter and she makes an explicit sexual reference about him right in front of you. You would want to get something back.

Rory became a nurse(and eventually hopes to be a doctor) for Amy

  • Amy told Rory all about her "Raggedy Doctor" and had him dress up and such, so Rory figured becoming a nurse to get up on the ladder up to becoming a Doctor himself would satisfy her wishes for her Doctor to return. I feel like I've heard it said that nurses wouldn't normally want to change up to being doctors, the reason Rory wanted to in his dream was to be Amy's Doctor(that time because the Doctor had left them be again.)


Rory became a nurse(and eventually hopes to be a doctor) out of some big respect thing for people's lives

  • It's already been mentioned on this Wiki of the times when Rory, rather than run or fight, would stop and check on injured people, fitting for a nurse but perhaps also a look into his general personality compared to the standard indifferent or horrified reactions some companions would have. However, he also, at least four times, shown a lot of respect for the dead in situations somewhat beyond standard nursing care. In Cold Blood, despite the risk of death or even all out war, Rory insists they return Alaya's body. In The Big Bang, he covers the future Doctor's body with his jacket like a shroud, and earlier seemingly did the same off screen to Amy before going down to free the Doctor, who had uncovered her face when they got back. Finally he pays respect to a dead future Doctor again in The Impossible Astronaut by saying they should "do it right" and do a viking burial, suggesting the original plan was to just roast the body on the beach and throw it in the ocean to keep it from being used. Perhaps this all stems from having a job caring for the sick and needy, but perhaps it's the opposite, and an eventual job as a doctor himself is just a benefit. Funny that he's the one stuck with dying himself all the time.

and lastly, the most important Rory WMG...

The Eleventh Doctor will snog Rory before he leaves as a companion

  • Ten made out with most if not all his companions, to the point of Tennant jokingly regretting that "I didn't get to snog Bernard Cribbins…I- I got to snog all the other ones." Meanwhile, Eleven's gotten a kiss out of both Amy and River, but has only given Rory a loving kiss on the forehead that's easy to miss. The Doctor also seems to have a thing for girls who's names start with R as mentioned in the non-spoilers WMG page, Romana, Rose, River... and then there's Rory. Companion of the most confused for gay/bi Doctor yet... while it might sound like just slash humor and wishful thinking, given Eleven's lack of personal space and such combined with Rule of Funny I still could see a quick kiss on the lips after an important event happening just to complete the trio.
    • Confirmed in the comic, scan here

Jenny "The Doctors' Daughter" will have a very important role in the end of Series 6, or at least the resolution of its Story Arc

Madame Kovarian designed River to be the ultimate Laser Guided Tykebomb in the war against the Doctor: A Time Lord-like being, with the skills of a warrior. Remind you of anyone we know?... She might end up being River's foil and, in a Big Damn Heroes moment and after an epic fight, bring about her Heel Face Turn... Because who wouldn't want to see a fight, and later an alliance, between the two closest things to Time Ladies left in the universe? The Doctor's Daughter and his wife, together? Awesome.

Madame Kovarian has personal reasons for trying to kill the Doctor

It just feels that way. She risked her life for this plan to work but still said the Doctor is a good man (and good men have rules). She hasn't been foiled by the Doctor many times before (in his timeline), so we can assume it's in her future. Adding to that, the reason she didn't just shoot the Doctor or set Demons Run to explode (making sure that she's the only flesh copy left and thus eliminating anything Time Lord-like) is that something he did in his future made all this possible, or gave her her motivation in the first place. The trap is to send him to either find a younger Kovarian and give her that motivation or make all this possible in some other way.

Madame Kovarian is a previous regeneration of River Song.

In this trailer, you can see River dressed up as her very briefly, including the eye patch. Given that River and Kovarian look nothing alike, this obviously isn't a disguise.

Madame Kovarian hates the Doctor with a passion, and for what better reason: She was told that her parents had either abandoned her or were killed because of the Doctor, and wants to destroy him because of it. This also creates a massive Stable Time Loop in which she only knows this by her own future self indoctrinating her, and that in effect River is the Big Bad this season. It's especially painful for the present River because all of it has already happened to her and she can't change a single thing or do much to help.

At some point when Melody is still a little girl, she escapes the Silence and regenerates, and is found by the Doctor. Knowing full well who she is and what she will become, he can do nothing for her and tell her almost nothing about herself and ultimately abandons her again, making her hate him all the more. This is what River was talking about to Rory... the first time she met the Doctor from her own point of view, though by this point her bitterness was gone and she sees that the Doctor truly cared about her.

Somehow, the girl ends up growing up into Madame Kovarian, possibly with more regenerations used along the way. In time, she finds out that her parents are both alive and that what was said to her (ironically, by herself) about the Doctor was a lie, and is betrayed and fatally wounded. She then regenerates into River and willingly submits herself to Stormcage to try and atone for all the hurt she has caused.

Note that Kovarian knows that Amy and Rory are her parents, but at the time of Melody's birth whatever horrible thing that she thought was going to happen to them still hasn't yet. It's possible that she may think that killing the Doctor will save them, for some twisted reason, and her plan can't possibly fail since she experienced it all before when she was younger (she is wrong, of course). So Kovarian wants to kill the Doctor for not having a normal childhood with her parents, which was all her future self's fault by kidnapping and brainwashing her in the first place. Timey-Wimey Ball, indeed.

  • But a weird Viking/Roman thing has an eyepatch... I think it's more a rank. Would fit with the idea that Kovarian is making her Mommy's little assasin.
    • Maybe, but remember that River is supposed to be terrible as evidenced by the Stone Dalek's fear, and her own words at the end of The Big Bang saying how sorry she is for what is going to happen in the Doctor's future. I don't think that her being Melody Pond and the fact she may or may not have been the Impossible Astronaut is enough... what better than if she's actually the Big Bad this season and only half of the 'Who is River Song?' mystery has been revealed?

Faction Paradox will be involved in a Steven Moffat episode.

Because the guy loves his Timey-Wimey Ball.

The Silents exist in Real Life.

Madame Kovarian wants to stop the Valeyard

Without the skills she learned as a weapon to kill the Doctor, River Song would not have lived very long

  • Others may have been after her for even worse experiments and gotten her instead of Kovarian. Anyway, Time Lord DNA are said to be very sought after by various empires. And even a partial one, like River would have been if she didn't have experiments done to her (by Kovarian or possible others), would be in a lot of danger.

Melody Pond is a human Time Lady

  • It's been noted multiple times that while their body plans are superficially similar, Gallifreyans are biologically very different from humans. The most obvious feature mentioned is the single/dual heart circulatory systems, though other differences have been mentioned. This means that if Melody's body plan is that of a classic Time Lady, then the Time Vortex is one hell of a targeted mutagen (and allows a human mother to sufficiently provide for a completely alien fetus). A more likely explanation is that Melody is physically similar to a human (e.g. has one heart) with Time Lord-specific characteristics like increased intelligence and regenerative abilities.

Craig has broken up with Sophie

It saddens me to say this but but no one had said ANTHING of her coming back and Sophie is not in the trailer.

  • I think Sophie was seen in filming pictures, and didn't they say they were having a baby?
    • Yes! And I didn’t see any pictures of Sophie and I read on wikia that Craig had a baby but that was under rumors.

The Doctor will try to kill Hitler with the chronosteel dagger from the The Sarah Jane Adventures.

The Silence are what Area 51 is covering up.

I say this because in the trailer, I saw a Silent being in a liquid canister.

    • Jossed. A Silent is imprisoned briefly in Area 51. The Silence don't need to be covered up however, as people forget they exist as soon as you turn away.

The Eyepatch of evil

The new coming soon trailers give us River and and an unknown chessplayer character (Celestial toymaker, anyone?) the same eyepatch Madame Kovarian wears. My personal theory is that it acts as a perception filter of some sort, and "forces" a perspective on the wearer to a certain goal/perception, like say, kill the Doctor, or something. I can see how the Silence might either be creating the technology or are actually the source of the item itself.

  • Related to the above, the unknown chessplayer could be an eyepatched Doctor (or Rory?). Would be funny for a "I wear an eyepatch now, eyepatches are cool" line too.
  • Alternately, the eyepatches could be simply eyepatches with a picture of a Silent on the inside, so the wearer always sees the image and never forgets them. That allows the Evil Eyepatch Team to work with the Silents.
  • In A Good Man Goes to War, when the Doctor confronts Kovarian, he seems to give her, or possibly the eyepatch she wears an odd look. Maybe it's some sort of modified perception filter designed to hide something? The old fanboy in me would love Kovarian to be the Rani - apart from liking the character, if there's one person who could develop a Time Lord - human hybrid from a baby conceived in the TARDIS, it would be one of the foremost - and most amoral - biochemists ever produced by Gallifrey.

River Song is the TARDIS

So, despite the heavy Doctor/River shipping that's been happening, Moffat randomly decides to throw in an episode where we see a much longer-lived relationship cast into the limelight? In an episode called The Doctor's Wife? When River has been heavily implied to be just that? It all makes sense now! At some point, the TARDIS comes to life again, as River! Perhaps it was even the Doctor meeting River in the first place that put the idea in her mind.

  • Jossed by both The Doctor's Wife and A Good Man Goes To War. The TARDIS can't be a human. And River Song is Melody Pond.

The doctor won't travel in time for a while, time will come to him

There are 5 daleks in existence, and the doctor knows the TARDIS is kind of broken. If he goes to the future, there is a chance that he won't be able to come back before the daleks craft an empire and exterminate the universe. Thus the doctor won't go through time, but instead follows the daleks. But, you ask, river song was in the previews, how can she appear in the 1940's? The answer, my friends, is that there are cracks in space/time. The whole world with the statues fell through a crack.

Rory's camera phone will continue to be an important plot point.

It was already important in The Eleventh Hour, and a clip from Vampires in Venice shows him taking a picture of Amy in Venice. Perhaps it will be used in order to prove some event happened, after the event gets swallowed and erased by the crack?

  • Rory's camera phone was pivotal in Day of the Moon in proving the existence of the Silence (though not having to do with the crack)

At some point in the future, dissident members of the subject races of the Human Empire, including the Ood and the Hath, will join together and travel back in time to 20th century Earth to avert the empire's creation. And the Doctor will stop them.

That's why that playback of invaders the Doctor saved the Earth from includes those two. Corollary: If the Doctor hadn't interrupted the playback by stepping through it, it would've shown Twelve and Thirteen.

Time Lords are Egyptian deities

Are you my mummy? Are you my mummy? Are you my—SHUT UP!!!

Dying in the library was a temporary hiccup for River

Come on, we saw in that very episode that the computer everyone was saved on can bring them back into reality, making new bodies with the matter in the air. That's literally the happy ending for everyone else in the episode, they get retrieved from the library's files with their bodies rebuilt like the transporters from Star Trek. The reason everyone who died during the episode didn't get so lucky was because only their minds made it into the computer, not the information of how to build their bodies. But the question is, so what? Sure it can't build a genetically accurate copy of their original body, but it CAN build a human body that looks just like their old one and port them into it. River and the others in the library will all get new bodies, although this probably means River/Melody will lose her Time Lady powers, given a lack of genetic source material to rebuild her Human.Plus! body with. But wait! River has been travelling with the Doctor on and off for a while now, so who's to say he can't just get a strand of River's hair or something for the computer to use. Literally all he has to do is borrow a hair from River, go to the library, give the computer the sample, and River gets her body back AND all her Time Lady powers.

    • Yeah! What the hell! The two Daves, Anita, Evangelista, they ALL had their bodies back, right? No? Oh.....
      • Alternatively; the computer is fully capable of restoring them, but that would mean leaving CAL all alone, and they've already formed a family there.

Let's Kill Hitler will see baby Melody killed off.

I just have a bad feeling, with the preview to the episode, that something has gone, is going or will go wrong. Terribly, terribly wrong. The line "I know she'll grow up to be River" may be foreshadowing to it not being the case...and then the timey wimey ball goes nuts.

  • Who's to say that River is that Melody Pond? Cue her being killed and replaced by an exact duplicate from a second in the past, or something to that effect, just like Harry Kim.

Rose, Martha and Donna will return.

Supposedly, all three are going to be back in some form in the second half of the season. However, out of those three it is only possible for one of them (Martha) to appear, due to Rose being forever in another universe and Donna forever unable to remember the Doctor or she'll die. Some ways to get around this include:

  • A hallucination, hologram or other projection. Quite simply, this is the easiest and most likely possibility.
  • They are from earlier in their own time-lines (but have obviously already met the Doctor), and somehow come to the Doctor's aid. In the case of Rose and Donna, this is probably the only way both of them could ever appear again in the series.
  • Clones, or specifically Gangers created with help from the TARDIS. All three would be aware that they're not the originals, and would have memories up to the point they were last inside the TARDIS (which, in Donna's case, means she'd want to kill him but also thank him at the same time). They'd either all die in a Heroic Sacrifice to save the Doctor, or have to live their lives in another time period of their choice (Rose, because she's legally dead, and the other two have their original selves still about). Either way, they will not be companions for very long.
  • Hold up, where'd you get that "all three are going to be back in some form in the second half of the season" information?
    • They did appear in Let's Kill Hitler but only as options for the Voice Interface's Projected Man.

Madame Kovarian is the Eyepatch.

Specifically it's a powerful AI that controls whoever wears it. The other characters seen with it are in an extended series of bodyjackings.

Faction Paradox is going to show up and attempt to forcibly recruit River

Her entire existence is a series of stable time loops, ripe for creating a massive cascade of paradoxes. How can they not take notice?

The bad guys in The God Complex are the Nimons

Because really, how many minotaur-type alien races can there be?

  • Semi-Confirmed. It's not actually a Nimon, but is stated to be a cousin of their species.

In The Doctor's room in "The God Complex" is... The Doctor

Because really, when he says 'Who else', who could he possibly be referring to?

The Doctor told River his real name...

When he was dying from the poisoned lipstick. When River told him his real name, he told her that there was only one time where he could tell her his name. He could only tell someone his real name if he was dying, with no hope of regeneration. Whatever his name was, it convinced Melody/River to save his life by giving up all of her remaining regenerations.

  • I think he said "I love you", because River responded, "I think she knows", after hearing the Doctor talk about River Song like she was someone really special to him.

The Doctor just screwed Britain.

Take a look at this bit of dialogue from Let's Kill Hitler-

Hitler: This box...what is it?
Doctor: It's a police telephone box from London, England. That's right, Adolf. The British are coming.

Now, this could possibly lead, once Hitler's let out of the cupboard, to Hitler becoming paranoid and preemptively launching a strike on Britain, causing an alternate timeline where, by that alone, the Nazis won the war. Why would the Doctor not notice? Slow ripple effect, other dimensions and times-he may be too busy to notice.

    • The description for episode 12 has about the episode including an alternate timeline with Churchill, if it was caused by this line then that is clever plotting.
      • ...which didn't feature Churchill at all, only some Cybermen.

Melody ending up in Leadworth was someone in Madam Kovarian's organisation trying to make it up to Amy and Rory.

If they can't raise their daughter, at least they can grow up with her, and they're not the ones it's all aimed at punishing. And her being there isn't exactly necessary to her ultimate mission.

The Doctor has now been replaced with a Ganger.

As of the ending of Night Terrors. When he meets back up with Amy and Rory, he says "It's good to be all back together again, in the flesh." In the Flesh. Since they'd split up, he could have had any amount of time to keep the TARDIS to himself, and then come back to pick them up again.

    • That is brilliant. The line wasn't leftover foreshadowing from the first half of the series-IT WAS INTENTIONAL FORESHADOWING FOR THE REST OF IT.
    • Didn't Word of God say that Night Terrors was 99.99% story arc free. Would a fragment of a sentence qualify for the .01%?
    • To add possible proof to this theory, The Doctor's Wife, the original ninth episode of the season, had Arc Words ADDED to it. Wouldn't it be odd to not REMOVE old foreshadowing?

The Doctor did find toddler Melody/Mels/River.

At the end of 'A Good Man Goes To War', after the revelation of River Song's identity, he immediatly rushed off saying "I know where your baby is!" But at the beginning of 'Let's Kill Hitler' it seems rather clear that he hasn't. Maybe he was lying initially to ease his companions' fears. Maybe he just thought he knew. But he sounded very convinced- so maybe he did indeed find her, but has been lying. This would explain why in the 'Hitler' prelude he looked so very pained at Amy's, and how he and the girl in the space-suit seem to know each other.

Older!Amy from 'The Girl Who Waited' is Madame Kovarian.

We didn't actually see Old!Amy die. We saw her get tranquilised, presumably to go on and be poisoned. But what if she was just taken away? Perhaps through a good dose of time-travel and other weirdness she escaped to start a new life. After 36 years of solitary confinement, her bitterness towards the Doctor reached a climax when he forced her outside the TARDIS. It would explain her vendetta against the Doctor and her interest in Melody/River, who is really her daughter.

The Doctor saw the TARDIS abandoning him in his room

The TARDIS has always been there for him, and now he's learned she always takes him where he needs to go, as well as them being the last relics of the Time Lords, she's the only thing he has faith in. If she left him forever, think about how crushed he'd be.

The Doctor saw himself

Coming from his reaction to the Dream Lord and the way the 10th Doctor went out, can it be anything other than himself, with all his pride, his vanity, the lives that have been lost in his name?

  • I was thinking this, but it raised the question; which and how many versions of himself? Did he see every version? His current self? Or Ten at the height of his madness? There's plenty of guessing to be had here.
    • The Valeyard, it's the Valeyard!
      • I think the room number was Eleven, so presumably it was his own incarnation, though possibly surrendered to his dark side.
    • Maybe it was a mirror.

The Doctor saw the end of the universe

The cloister bell was ringing, of course it's the end of the universe.

What the Doctor saw in his room destroyed his self-confidence

Perhaps the room showed him as the Valeyard or Dream Lord, or some other version of him giving in to his inner darkness, demanding the faith and worship that he now felt was owed to him. Maybe it showed every one of his failures, from his dead and traumatised companions to the entire races and worlds he's destroyed to the countless people he failed to save. Maybe it was simply the destruction of his TARDIS, the loss of the only constant in his lives, the failure to keep the one thing that he feels makes his existence worthwhile. Whatever it was, it destroyed the part of the Doctor that has resisted giving into despair and loneliness, that saw the good that he does and strives to keep going. Combined with the knowledge that his final death is approaching, he has become suicidal and leaves his companions to their lives so he can tie up any loose ends and then go to his death. Which puts his relationship with River Song in a rather chilling perspective - she thinks she's special and that the Doctor loves her, when the Doctor knows he's already failed her, and is just getting all their "dates" out of the way so he can finally die.

The Doctor saw himself, but...

... it wasn't completely surrendered to his dark side, it wasn't the Valeyard. It was only himself. And ONLY him. All left alone, no companions or even the TARDIS. Not even a world to save. Because of two reasons: to make the ending even more heartbreaking, and, after all, what is a Doctor without his patients?

The Doctor saw Amy and Rory (or other companions) dead in the room, or suffering an irreversible Fate Worse Than Death

... which leads him to return them to Earth at the end of that episode so it can't happen.

Earth is the second most invaded planet in the universe

Look at all of Doctor Who, Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures ... I rest my case.

  • Only the second-most invaded planet? What planet could possibly be invaded more?
    • Um... the one that was specifically called the most invaded planet in The God Complex?
    • Apart from the 456 and Cell 115, did Torchwood have that many invasions? Most of it was flotsam and jetsam.

The Doctor's room contained a preview for the next episode.

And his "Who else?" line was a reference to Craig. The thing he fears most is a light-hearted episode coming just before a season finale, because he suffers terribly from Mood Whiplash. That's the real reason he dropped off Amy and Rory - to spare them the cheesiness of him working in a toy store.

The Doctor's room involves River.

Who else? First of all, he's afraid of her killing him, and the fact that he watched her die.

The Doctor's room involved his past companions

Most of them, anyway, if "Death of the Doctor" and "Let's Kill Hitler" are anything to go by.

There are alternate time streams all collapsing into each other, destroying each other as they do so.

That's why the Doctor was eating an apple and solving a Rubik's Cube, and why there's that quote about Holy Roman Emperor Winston Churchill riding his mammoth into Buckingham Senate from the reporter that will be in episode 13. At the end, one or most of the alternate time stream Doctors will be killed by the Astronaut, but the rest of the alternate-Doctors will merge what little is left of each time stream to form one cohesive whole, with only one (living) Doctor.

=== Amy and Rory's new house is bigger on the inside ===.

In the Doctor's room was the Valeyard

In The God Complex, what the Doctor saw in his room was the Valeyard. The thing is, that when he said he was there by mistake, that he had no faith, he was lying. What he does have faith in, is his companions, to keep him from becoming the Valeyard.

Rory will return in most of 11s season finales

Like Jack

The Doctor in "The God Complex" was a fake

He ate an apple. 11 hates apples.

Madam Kovarian is River

The reason she is trying so hard to kill the Doctor, even while calling him a good man, is because she thinks he deserves to finally be allowed to die, as per the minotaur's deaths speech.

The Doctor's adventures from the start of series 6

Will be important later.

  • Maybe the setting of future episodes
  • Maybe a revisit in the series 6 finally

Kovarian's metal eye-patch is a device that cancels out the effect of the Silence

The song

In no particular order

  • Tick-Tock Goes The Clock, And What Now Shall We Play.
  • Tick-Tock Goes The Clock, Now Summer's Gone Away
  • Tick-Tock Goes The Clock, And All The Leaves They Fly
  • Tick-Tock And All Too Soon, Your Love Will Surely Die
  • Tick-Tock Goes The Clock, The Doctor, Brave and Good, He Turned Away From Violence, When He Understood The Falling Of The Silence
  • Tick-Tock Goes The Clock, He Cradled Her And He Rocked Her
  • Tick-Tock Goes The Clock, Till River Kills The Doctor
  • Tick-Tock Goes The Clock, Even For The Doctor
  • Please add what I've missed/change what I've got wrong. And, other than the doctor's death, what could it hint towards?
    • That time will cease to exist with the Doctor's death? "Tick-Tock Goes The Clock, Till River Kills The Doctor." That seems to be what's happening in the next episode, though it doesn't explain why it didn't happen when he died in "The Impossible Astronaut."

Kovarian's eyepatch has a picture of the silence on the inside.

So she can remember them.

Alfie will become a companion.

Maybe not in series 6 or 7, but the writers will definitely come back to him someday.

Steven Moffat has been planning this entire arc since Series 4 of New Who


  • First episode we see River in? SILENCE in the Library.
  • Remember what Ood Sigma said to the Doctor? "Your song is ending" Who kills, ie ends, the Doctor? River Song.

Madame Kovarian is a female regeneration of the Master.

It would explain her obsession with him; maybe the Master went crazy/crazier after John Simm's version regenerated into Frances Barber's version and decided on killing the Doctor instead of flirting with him. She certainly does act a little like the Master's Large Ham self in Closing Time, and the Master's being "a bit hypnotic" could explain how she got the clerics and the Silence on her side. Finally, all that Tick-tock stuff has got to be related to the drumming somehow.

The Doctor was doing an alien tribal dance at Amy and Rory's wedding.

Specifically, the Barcelonian Sacred Dance of Joy, traditionally performed at weddings by the family of the bride to bring good luck to the newlyweds.

  • So does this mean the Doctor considers Amy to be family?
    • Well, he is her imaginary friend...

House killed The Rani and/or The Meddling Monk.

It wasn't stated what became of those two in the old series, and considering they were too prominent as enemies to simply be killed off as canon fodder, the House managed to trick them with a distress call and got to them.

    • Why would they answer a distress call?
      • Boredom? The Rani needed new lab rats?

The Big Bad for Series 5 and/or 6 (Seasons 31 and/or 32)...

  • ... is The Joker.
    • Seriously, that voice in the TARDIS sounds a lot like Ledger!Joker. The cracks are images of his smile.
  • ... is Darkseid.
    • Darkseid, realising that the TARDIS is powered by the 'Anti-Life Equation', he forged a plot to destroy the Whoniverse to see if it actually works, abd will then use it in the DC Universe. Well I can't think of anything that much better...
  • ... is Amy's apple.
    • The one with the face, from the first episode. It makes perfect sense:
      • Like the Weeping Angels, its form is its power, and giving it that face somehow gave it sentience (maybe the proximity to the crack had something to do with it). After seeing the Doctor savagely devouring one of its kind, and then daring to declare them all "rubbish", the apple swore to take revenge on the Doctor. When Amelia showed it to the Doctor, the apple used some kind of mind-control to convince the Doctor to take it with him - why else would the Doctor take an apple "for later", when it was established merely minutes before that he HATES APPLES?
      • The apple was in the Doctor's pocket when he examined the crack in Amelia's room, and has traveled in time to 12 years later, so it is aware of the cracks and can remember what they do to people. The apple realizes that the Doctor is afraid of the cracks, and that they may be the key to defeating him, so with a dash of Timey-Wimey, it goes about creating the cracks in the first place and arranging the trap for the Doctor.
      • When the Doctor shows Amy the apple 12 years later, there's a blue flash across the screen. The same blue flash appears at the end of The Pandorica Opens, when the TARDIS explodes (it's a blink-and-you-miss-it, but there are pictures of it somewhere, I'll try to find some). COINCIDENCE?
      • Plus, Steven Moffat has said that the Big Bad is in the first episode, but not the way you'd expect. Jeff hardly seems like the villainous type, and the ducks weren't even there. It must be The Apple.
    • What the hell are you smoking and where can I get some?
    • Myria Le Jean is a zombie with twice as much courage as Human!Ten.
  • ...is Amy.
    • She just doesn't realise it. She's the one causing all the cracks. The evidence all points to the Doctor because she's been travelling with him. Maybe the Dreamlord came from her personality, and the Doctor took the blame because he didn't want to freak her out, or accept that his companion was the one causing all the trouble. Or maybe he can't imagine Amy causing that trouble, so he assumes it was him. Her life makes no sense because she keeps inadvertantly changing it.
  • Or its Auton Rory's soul trapped in Eleven, and his spirit trapped in Amy. Perhaps Rory is a human manifestation of Discworld's Auditors of Reality, and Angel Bob is Edward Cullen.
    • Or maybe someone had already realised this, and the house was a prison, which was why she was all by herself when the Doctor arrived the first time. Since she was only a little girl, whoever was imprisoning her made her believe her life was normal, because even though she was clearly too dangerous to be let loose, they couldn't be totally cruel to her. But something about the Doctor broke part of the imprisonment, and she was able to travel into the village. Once he came back, it completely shattered the restraints on her. Resulting in increased number of cracks.
    • This is why she doesn't remember the Daleks. She's been made to believe she's had a normal life, and there's nothing normal about Daleks, so she can't remember seeing them. The memory of the Doctor is immune to this brainwashing.
  • Actually, it's established that people don't remember the Daleks because of the crack, or at least, it's implied.
  • ...every enemy of the Doctor who didn't show up in "The Pandorica Opens".
    • This includes Omega, The Meddling Monk, The Rani, and because it just wouldn't be a party without him......

THE MASTER! Why are they doing it? Because last I checked, Time lords can a ascend to a higher level of existence after nuking the Universe. They conviently left this part out when then manipulated the Enemy Alliance into eliminating the Doctor.

    • This may also include Prisoner Zero. His voice resembles the voice in the TARDIS saying "Silence will Fall". Also, he is the first monster to introduce the prophecy of the Pandorica opening. Furthermore, Prisoner Zero may be one of three "Beasts Below". The other "Beasts" are a Starwhale and a rather bothersome central recurring character that can be noticed in "Flesh and Stone" and "The Lodger" (if you look hard enough). All three Beasts Below may have the power to encourage the TARDIS to explode.
  • ..has a base on Mercury.
    • When River opens the TARDIS door right before it explodes in The Pandorica Opens, she sees what looks like a concrete wall. Yet, when we later see the TARDIS exploding, it's in loco Solaris. So she must have been in a position near the sun but inside an artificial prison. Hence, hidden evil Mercury lair. Somebody tell the Doctor.
    • I understood that the concrete wall was actually part of the TARDIS sealing River inside so she could be "safe".
  • ...is Rassilon.
    • Because the 'silence will fall' voice sounds a lot like Timothy Dalton, and he'd have plenty of reason to hate the Doctor. (and I'm going with him being the Dreamlord too, and the Doctor was just lying, because 'it's the evil timelord guy, and we're totally screwed!' isn't something he's going to tell them, even if its true).
    • So, outlandish theory time: the whole Pandorica cracks thing was just a Xanatos Gambit to get the evil league of evil to put The Doctor in the Pandorica so he could use it to reset the universe, because the Doctor remembers Gallifrey, and I'm guessing that's been reset too. (although that does basically assume that part of the resetting is from the doctor's memories, and not just from the atoms left in the pandorica. But I guess it could work either way.)
    • You know that's not that outlandish, in fact it really makes sense! Stranger things have happened on this show.

Let's realize the implications here. Gallifrey would return as would the Timelords and thus a season long fight against people as smart and powerful as the Doctor who can all time travel starts off. It would be epic! Even though Word of God has said that he wouldn't be bringing the Timelords back, we've heard that before.

  • ...is Omega.
    • Omega was the Time Lord who invented Time Travel. It could be his way of trying to fix the broken universe after the Doctor was sealed in the Pandorica, and because of Timey-Wimey Ball, his voice appears at different times as a warning to the Doctor. Omega was trapped into an antimatter universe which he could shape at will (he went thorugh a black hole) and he could have found a way to control our universe, making him the Big Bad. He was directly taking control of the Tardis when it was malfunctioning.
  • ...is the Great Intelligence.
    • Let's see... if you asked me to come up with a formless, immaterial, villain with a sinister, hissing voice whom the Doctor failed to eradicate albeit not without building an enormous enemistude with it, is multidimensional, a genius with machines (even using them as physical links to other dimensions), and originating in the Troughton years from which Moffat draws heavily... one match found.
  • ...built the black TARDIS seen in "The Lodger".
    • It was part of his/her first attempt to Ret-Gone the Universe: make a TARDIS explode, cracking time and space and causing a total event collapse. Unfortunately he/she couldn't get the TARDIS working right, so they moved to plan B: hijack the Doctor's.
    • This troper concurs with your theory. However, it is also possible that the TARDIS herself deliberately built the black Time Engine from "The Lodger". Her motivations for doing so may have been to give Eleven another diversion that encourages the universe to crack, as part of a Xanatos Gambit. She doesn't want to destroy the universe permanently, but she does think Eleven's mind is badly in need of a reboot ( this troper is assuming the Time Cracks and TARDIS Explosion are indicators of Eleven's character development). This is evidenced by the repeated use of the words "start again" in song "Chances" by Athlete. (This song was played at the end of "Vincent and the Doctor").
  • ...is Bilis Manger.
    • Creepy old man? Check. Tried to bring about the end of reality once before? Check. Can travel through time at will? Check. Was stopped by a companion of the doctor? Check. Is still around? Check.
      • Hey, he was one of the few really good things from Torchwood, might as well bring him back.
  • ... is Dave Davenport from Narbonic.
    • He invented a time machine that gets its power by destroying other universes, and he's trying to use Doctor Who's universe for fuel.
  • ... The Master
    • He somehow survived The End of Time (not even trying to guess on how.) The reason he's now tring to destroy time itself is becuase he really does want "silence to fall" specificly he wants the drums to finally stop, after so many times of almost dying, almost being free of the constant drumming, the lack of dying, and hence the continuing of the drums, in End of Time were the final straw and now the only thing he cares about is getting them to stop.
  • ...the fez.
    • Come on, like you weren't thinking it.
      • It got mad that Eleven traded it for a Stetson. Like a jealous clingy girlfriend, it returned for revenge. Preemptively.
  • ...The Dream Lord.
    • This would explain the entire plot of Series 5. The Dream Lord represents the impulses of Eleven that cause him to hate himself: The first half of the series portrays Eleven as angry, and the second half portrays him as lustful. If you watch Eleven closely during "The Pandorica Opens", you'll see that the Pandorica unlocks itself every time Eleven gets lustful or angry.
    • Let's not forget that if something can be remembered, it can come back. The whole cracks in the universe thing was a big Xanatos Gambit on the Dream Lord's part to take physical form when Amy remembers him so he can go on to become the Valeyard.
      • That makes a lot of sense, but why go to all that trouble? If the Dream Lord wants to be remembered in physical form, isn't it more efficient to become visible as a physical form to Amy as much as he can? I'm guessing that the Dream Lord may have subconsciously directed Eleven to place the psychic pollen in the TARDIS time rotor. Amy starts to distrust the Doctor when she sees his baser facets (although she grows to find his lust cute in "Vincent and the Doctor".) Are you implying that the actions of the Dream Lord (when not in physical form) are meant to destroy Amy's trust in the Doctor, and make the existence of the Dream Lord seem more legitimate?
  • ...The Doctor himself
    • He's practically a borderline Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds. At some point,part of the Doctor snapped and engineered the whole thing to get rid of the pain he's suffered. The Doctor doesn't know this because its a sub-conscious desire; this has manifested into the Dream Lord, making the above WMG also true. Think about it-who knows more on how the TARDIS works than the Doctor? Series 6 will involve the Doctor trying to fight his inner demons, and the climax will be him regenerating into the 12th Doctor. For good measure,the dark side of the Doctor will split into a physical body-aka the Valeyard. Of course, there's the possibility it's all just a Xanatos Gambit to alter reality enough, so that he can alter history without consequence/go back and stop the Time War/both. Time Lord Victorius and all that...
    • Here's an alternate take on that. Throughout New Who, the Doctor's companions seem to be getting horribly screwed over. This will culminate in Amy and Rory suffering a Fate Worse Than Death, either because the Doctor wasn't clever/quick enough to stop it, or even indirectly because of his actions. This leads to the Doctor undergoing a Freak-Out of massive proportions, going from Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds into a Knight Templar Chaotic Evil Well-Intentioned Extremist for his 12th Regeneration, and then tries to Set Right What Once Went Wrong... EVERY wrong that ever happened or ever will, making the entire universe fit his definition of "right" - sort of becoming a combination of Hao Asakura, Big Brother, Sosuke Aizen, Darkseid, and Sauron. The conflict will revolve around Torchwood, UNIT, Sarah Jane Smith, and all the other Companions from Classic Who trying to stop/redeem the Time Lord Victorious, until he finally gets a Heel Realization and dies, but shunts his evil into a new being (the Valeyard), before finally becoming the Thirteenth Doctor, and the next season after that will feature The Valeyard as the Big Bad, and the Doctor's attempts to put his darkness down for good.
  • ...The TARDIS from The Lodger
    • See the last WMG on this page.
  • ... The Timelord Jeff
    • As has been said, Moffat has said the Big Bad appeared in the first episode but not in the way you'd expect. Whilst this could mean the Atraxi becoming part of the evil alliance, or the TARDIS being the Big Bad, I am convinced it actually refers to Jeff.

On first meeting the Doctor, the Doctor is spouting Technobabble at him (why the long accusing look at Jeff?) and rather than say anything along the lines of 'who are you?' he instead says 'You're the Doctor!' and it's the old lady that says 'yes- the raggedy doctor!', so Jeff may recognise him literally as the Doctor rather than Amy's raggedy doctor. Later, we see Jeff on his MΨTH laptop- I have already heard a theory about the psi symbol being associated with Shroedinger which fits some themes in the series (like a cat in a box, cats being known for their curiosity) and of course the Pandorica is most definitely a myth, yet we never see any indication of this MΨTH company again, unusual for a series that puts much emphasis on Bad Wolf, Atmos, and Magpie Electricals. The Doctor says Jeff should get a girlfriend upon seeing what he's been looking at- it's inferred that he's referring to porn, but he may have been hacking or similar as implied by his (IMO) geeky wallpaper. The Doctor tells Jeff to be his 'best man'- a strange way to refer to him, but makes sense if Jeff turns out to be a timelord, especially the Master. It's also logical to assume Jeff was best man at Amy and Rory's wedding, and if the Big Bad is killed at the end of series 6 by River Song then she will have killed a 'best man' in Amy, Rory, and the Doctor's eyes, which also fits in with him being hero to many as he helped spread the 000 virus. Upon leaving Jeff, the Doctor tells him to clear his browsing history- again could be referring to porn, but more likely to refer to the secrets of time travel that have just been shared. Curious, he did not clear his browsing history, and so learned the secrets of time travel. We know that the doctor's method of time travel is through a TARDIS, so presumably it would be this design that got told to the conference, and what do we see later in the series? a TARDIS under construction, in The Lodger. And we can't be forgetting the mystery of the third floor of Amy's house, and her 'living in a house that's too big' for her. A Lodger-esque TARDIS being constructed upstairs? The final piece of the puzzle, the alliance of evil? All converging on the same point in time at the same place, implying time travel? That's right. I can't remember if Jeff's present at the wedding reception, but if he isn't then why wouldn't the best man be there? And if he was, I bet there was a look of surprise on his face when the Doctor turned up...

  • ... Patrick Moore
    • No-one will see this one coming!
  • ... Fenric
    • How, why, I have no idea. But he's listed on the IMDB page for episode 13 and it hasn't apparently been brought up yet. Granted said page also previously said it was a 3 Doctor story, so take it with a grain of salt. Though, on the other hand, who better to ask the First Question in the Universe, then someone from the Dark Times?
      • It's at least getting more plausible. With a possible eyepatched viking, Churchill making an appearance, and in The God Complex The Doctor was forced to break a companion's faith in the same way as at the end of Fenric's first appearance. If it's not true, it's doing a good job faking it.

The siren from "The Curse of the Black Spot" is the Daughter from the Family of Blood.

The Doctor banished her to hiding in reflections. (presumably through space AND time, this is Doctor Who after all) In her mirror universe (explained by The Doctor in "Black Spot") she had a change of heart and began wanting to heal people (atoning for her past actions?), eventually somehow took on the ghostly appearance seen in "Black Spot" and gained access to the ship she uses in that episode. The ship was modified to be able to jump from her mirror world to sailing ships in the 18th century by manipulation of the largest mirror/reflection available, the ocean.(at least initially until other connections to, say, a barrel of water, a medallion, or a crown could be made nearby)

Theories about what the Doctor saw in his room.

  • The Master
  • Himself. ("Oh, of course it would be you.")
    • Considering the amount of self-loathing Eleven has been shown to have, this one seems most likely.
  • The Dream Lord (who is himself, part of aforementioned self-loathing)
  • The Valeyard
  • The TARDIS, his own personal "Labyrinth"
  • Us. Room 11 has a transparent Fourth Wall.
  • Adric. He spends the rest of the episode convinced that Amy and Rory are going to die if they stay with him. He could have seen their bodies, of course, but then he would have said "What else?" not "Who else?" And what could the Doctor fear more than failing to save his companions?

The Doctor's whispered message in Let's Kill Hitler

  • Was not just a Dying Declaration of Love (that one is obviously implied due to her reaction of "Well I'm sure she knows"). He also tells her his true name (she does not react to this because at this point it does not seem significant). There's only one reason [he'd] tell anyone [his] name, and only one time [he] could." When he's about to die.

Bishop Octavian's clerics who appeared in The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone are Catholics while Colonel Manton and his clerics are Anglicans.

It would explain why Octavian's men have religious ranks while Col. Manton's have regular military ranks, Anglicanism being (albeit only slightly) more secular than Catholicism. It would also explain, without the timey-wimey stuff, why one group is (apparently) good and the other bad; they're different factions, one supports the Doctor and the other doesn't. Also, just to quote from A Good Man Goes to War, "We're the Thin-Fat Gay Anglican Marines."

The eyepatches allows the person wearing it to remember the Silence somehow

Why else would people be wearing them? They all can't be losing their right eyes. Remembering the Silence's presence would help things tremendously. This would mean the Eyepatch Lady is willingly following their orders, however.

  • I'll repeat a WMG from higher on the page: The eyepatches have an image of the Silence on the inside. If you're always looking at a picture of the Silence, you won't forget.
  • Bizarrely, confirmed. Although it seems to be a bit more high-tech than "picture of the Silence on the inside".

The reason why Time has frozen at 5.02pm on 22 April 2011, the exact time of the Doctor's apparent death is because ...

The TARDIS refuses to allow the doctor to die.

  • No, that's just the time and date of the Fixed Event (the Doctor's death) that was supposed to happen. Without it, it was like a temporal black hole, sucking every other point in history into that exact same moment.

We will not find out who the mystery voice was who took control of the TARDIS....

That will be left unresolved during the season 6 finale and will be saved as the Big Bad for the 50th Anniversary Special.

The Brigadier will rescue the Doctor in the next season.

He's Just Hiding.

River didn't die in The Library

  • She whispered "Look into my eye" to the Doctor. So she gave him the idea to use the Teselecta, after he gave her the idea first.
    • Though it raises the question; if she didn't, then who was that uploaded?

In Series 7 the Doctor will be stealthy

He said himself he needs to go into the shadows.

  • To add to this, he may change the events of Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. He would need to avoid being seen by his past self, and the "shadows" could refer to the Vashta Nerada.

Succesfully Breaking a Fixed Point requires a consensus among all currently living Time Lords

How else would The Doctor have been able to do it to save Adelaide (briefly) without consequence, yet River, who's also a Time Lord, shatter time apart when she tried to do the same to save the Doctor?

  • I prefer to think of as a fixed point in time as a train barreling down the tracks. Normally you can change small things. Maybe convince a person or two to get off. Maybe paint it red instead of black. You can try to anchor it, but it resists attempts to change as seen in Waters of Mars. Note what happened with the Doctor, he wasn't able to change things until Adelaide activated the self-destruct. To push her that far the water zombies needed to start taking over. The fixed point was Adelaide being a hero in destroying the Water Zombies and blowing up Mars base. Compared to that having survivors or Adelaide living or committing suicide were minor details.

The Silence got sloppy. They set things up so the Doctor had to be shot and thought dead. They allowed many loopholes around it. River derailed the train by discharging all of her weapon energy. Had the Doctor forcibly saved Adelaide and the crew before a threat was clear or the self destruct sequence occurred, it would have likely resulted in the same thing River experienced.

River doesn't have enough Time Lord DNA to have all their abilities

She just isn't Time Lord enough to defy Fixed Points like the Time Lord Victorious.

  • Or else the Doctor dying is a bigger more important event.
  • It depends on how fixed the fixed point is. Pompeii must explode, but was it always due to aliens? As for Adelei, the Doctor himself states the loophole. The fixed point was strongly tied to her death, but just as a precursor to her granddaughter being inspired and the destruction of the water zombies. Most of the fixed points were also mortals. The Doctor's "death" was unique in several ways. First, it was focused on the Doctor, a Time Lord, not a normal mortal. Second, it was done by a Time Lady of sorts. Again, more time sensitive than a normal mortal. Third, there was a reason the space suit was used. River being a Time Lady (effectively), in a remote controlled space suit with all sorts of alien tech designed to kill the Doctor, all plotted to get the Doctor to a still point in time to craft/make a fixed point. The fixed point, them all to a degree, are mouse traps that have to spring. River tried catching the trap's hammer. The Doctor, Victorious, has learned to use a stick to trigger and walk away with the cheese.

The Universe just likes the Doctor.

The "You owe me" at the end of End of Time wasn't just a metaphor. Causality likes the Doctor, and does it's best to balance out fixed points and paradoxes for him. But this one was just too big for even it to make sense of.

The next multi-Doctor special will take place on River's birthday.

  • "Two Doctors? No, that's a whole different birthday."

River has done something much worse than killing the Doctor.

I would like to know why she made a Dalek beg for mercy. Now we know she was a psychopath raised by Kovarian and the Silence trained to kill the Doctor and she would kill the Teselecta Doctor. But why would a Dalek beg for mercy from the one who killed their greatest enemy? They're not even that scared of him.

  • But how many millions, billions, trillions, or probably many more Daleks has the Doctor killed? The best any Dalek has done (to my knowledge) is almost force 10 to regenerate. So if someone who killed your devil wanted you dead, wouldn't you be begging for mercy?
    • But surely the Daleks would be grateful that the Doctor is now dead. The Doctor killed millions of Daleks, yes, and River has killed the man that killed so many before them. So why would killing the Oncoming Storm be a terrifying thing? They want the Doctor dead too.
      • Because the combined forces of all the Daleks have never even come close. Furthermore, the Daleks probably have broken records of the atrocities the Silence have committed in their mission. Even if you're the most powerful force in the universe, you'd probably be afraid of a mysterious force which wants you dead and killed the Devil himself.
  • I figure the Daleks tried to recruit her to some Anti-Doctor League, and the beat the crap out of them.

The Doctor will be a father soon.

Season 6 as a whole had plenty of parenthood themes, with Melody Pond and all. Then 6b had two episodes which were particularly strong on fatherhood - "Night Terrors" and "Closing Time". And the Doctor is now married. Just imagine what happens when Amy finds out she's a grandmother - she had enough trouble with being the Doctor's mother-in-law.

Amy and Rory are going to die.

Based on what Karen Gillan has said:

“I don’t want Amy to pop up again every so often, because for me it would take away from the big, emotional goodbye.” She adds: “…Steven Moffat wants it as well. When Amy actually, properly leaves, we both really want it to be for good.” Pondering whether this could mean that Amy would be killed off, the actress comments: “I think it could be done, if you tackled it right… death could be an option.”

  • 1) If Amy gets killed off for good, then there's no way Rory is going to survive that. 2) What better way for Moffat to make the fandom want to brutally murder him?]

River Song really is Susan.

Moffat has said that we still don't know anything about the truth of River, and that he has something massive planned for the 50th anniversary. A reveal like this would both wrap up River's mysteries, and provide a tie between the anniversary and the beginnings of the series.

    • But wait. The Doctor KISSED her. And they kind of get married. Squick. So maybe River is somehow related to her. Enough to be shocking and wrap everything up. But not enaugh as to be you know incest.
      • But what if the doctor is his own father? Stable time loop.

The Doctor's answer to the Ultimate Question will be...

"Doctor Me!" The following day Stephen Moffat will be found strung up in front of the BBC headquarters as a warning for future scriptwriters.

Gallifrey will return

Not with the time lords, at least not at first, but it will return

In 2013, the Doctor shall come back.

What better way is there to honor the show's fiftieth year than to tie up one of the most famous loose ends in TV history?

The 2012 Christmas special will be based on...

  • How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
    • That could work, actually. The cybermen have left conversion kits under everyone's tree, no one knows which ones they are and The Doctor only has one night to find them all...

If there's an anniversary series, what would the episodes be?

  • Several Who staff have stated that they want a whole series - that's about 10 stories, 7 singles and 3 two-parters. Anything you'd like to see? I have a Colin Baker theme, since he was so much What Could Have Been.
    • Dalek episode from Revelation of the Daleks
    • Cybermen episode from Attack of the Cybermen
    • Vervoid episode from Terror of the Vervoids
    • Celestial Toymaker from The Nightmare Fair
    • Auton episode from Yellow Fever and How To Cure It
    • Sontaran episode from A Fix With Sontarans
    • Epic beginning from The Twin Dilemma (with a story arc akin to Day of the Moon) (two parter)
    • Epic closer from Trial of a Time Lord, especially The Ultimate Foe (two parter)
    • Ice Warriors from Mission to Magnus (Zygons occupied this spot for a while, but they don't have such a mega fan base - I wouldn't mind seeing them though...)
    • Mechanoids from... Okay, I got nothing. Vengeance on Varos would be nice as an inspiration, as would Timelash and The Children of January. Considering these guys haven't been seen since The Chase and some spinoffs, most notably a Tom Baker era annual, we really need more Mechanoids. (two parter)
      • Four companions, and a new (male) Doctor inspired by Colin Baker in costume and personality. I wouldn't really care if it was like Amy, Rory and River with someone like Canton or The Brig in the last spot. Okay, I know people moaned about Adric, Nyssa and Tegan, but they seem to like the new companions.

The Empire of Silence probably covers planets other than Earth

Did anybody notice how other species talked about the Silence and how they were fearful of them? It could be that they are stranded dominators on Earth. Also, the only reason the other species are able to remember that they ran from the Silence is because the Silence haven't learned how to make them forget and manipulate them or it only works on certain species that includes Humans. Though I wonder what was so terrifying about them? They didn't really do much to Earth.

The company in The Rebel Flesh works for the Sontaran Empire

Think about this for a moment: Sontarans reproduce exclusively via cloning, they cloned Martha Jones in a manner very similar to The Flesh, and those Anti-Acid suits look an awful lot like a Sontaran Battle-Suit...

River Song is an older Amy. Rory is the 12th Doctor.

The Doctor and River meet each other in reverse order, with the exception of a few incidents (The second last time River ever saw the Doctor was clearly not his second time meeting her). As Amy gets older and River gets younger (from our perspective), they will gradually come to look exactly alike, revealing River to be Amy from the future. Around that time, Eleven will regenerate, and become Rory, who is actually the 12th Doctor. Therefore, The Doctor and River's relationship aren't just backwards relative to each other, but doubled back on itself into a ridiculously complicated Stable Time Loop.

This handily explains why Amy's daughter is able to regenerate. Also makes for some clever Foreshadowing when River tells Rory about when she met the Doctor. From Rory/Twelve's own perspective, it happened not too long ago, and he's just now realizing what effect it had on her. That's why he looks so upset.

  • Jossed, at least in part: River Song, aka Melody Pond, is Amy and Rory's daughter.

The Last Centurion will go on to found an Empire.

Specifically, the New Roman Empire mentioned in "The End of the World." This theory isn't mine but an idea of a poster called Necron Lord from this forum.

It was River who...

killed The Doctor (or whoever it may actually have been) in "The Impossible Astronaut. Seems likely. She's Amy and Rory's daughter and after firing at the astronaut, she says, "Of course...". Seems like she knows why it didn't drop dead at the very least.

  • Confirmed. Sort of.

The army in A Good Man Goes to War are actually lead by the Silence

The Silence, hundreds of years after the Doctor turned all sentient life against them, attempted to do the same to him, sending subtle psychological hints that he is a great warrior. The headless monks are the only ones who sense their presence, since they do not "see" the way normal people see. However since they do not support the army, they only host them, they do not reveal this secret.

  • It follows that eyepatch lady is either in on their secret, being more directly manipulated than the others, or is otherwise more deeply connected to the Silence than the rest of the church.
  • At the very least, the Silents are allied with Madame Kovarian. Going by the interpetation that they aren't responsible for the TARDIS exploding, this is pretty likely. The Silents have a good reason to hate the Doctor, and could see him as a menace. Plus they were looking after Melody/River as a child, so it's not a stretch to say they're part of the Anti-Doctor movement.
  • Is this even WMG? I thought that was all but said.

William Shakespeare has been trying to warn the Doctor about the Silence ever since they met

The Bard can't remember that he's seen the Silence, of course, but they affect his subconsciousness so deeply that he drafts Hamlet, a play about a prince who repeatedly uses trickery over actual violence, fighting an evil usurper who gains his power by pouring poison in people's ears. Then he feigns a wrist injury and asks the Doctor to transcribe the play's first draft (as mentioned in City of Death) so that he'll pay particular attention to it.

The rest is Silence.

River Song's Fate will be retconned

The doctor had said he rebooted the universe with Big Bang number 2. Who's to say he wasn't Crazy Prepare and while setting up Amy to bring him back he also set things up to save River from her death. This will lead to him meeting the adult River again after meeting the young River for the first/last time thus ensuring himself some kind of happiness.

The Silence are Time Lords

Except they are Time Lords who have mutated as a result of a failed regeneration. Alternatively a dalek and a time lord got along too well at some point before the time war.

    • A cross between the Daleks and the Time Lords showed up in Evolution of the Daleks, and was nothing like them. In any case, the Silence have shown no regenerative ability and no time travel, which the Time Lords have, but plenty of energy manipulation, inherent memory manipulation and hypnotic suggestion, which the Time Lords don't.
      • However, the Time Lords DO have limited psychic abilities, which The Silence may have put to use. And they wouldn't necessarily have regenerative abilities if they were created as part of a failed regeneration, and they wouldn't have time travel because they'd have been cast out by Time Lord society. As to their inherent ability to see through time, that may well help with the memory manipulation.

The Silence in the Library episode's title will be very much accurate, and will be revisited at some point

Not only did Moffat use this episode to introduce (and say goodbye to) River Song as well as intentionally foreshadow some of the themes of series 5 and possibly 6, the episode will turn out to have featured the Silence in a crucial role in the events(or there on a different purpose which will become apparent later) and were using their suggestion powers to manipulate the plot and ensure River Song died. The Eleventh Doctor will eventually return there due to the ongoing storyline of River being a new Time lord, and either rescue her consciousness after the tenth doctor and Donna leave(the flesh comes to mind here as a way of facilitating her return), or possibly even go back on his own time-line to save her, leading to a team up with the tenth doctor (and possibly Donna) against the Silence.

  • This will require a reason for the Vashta Nerada to turn up their nano-noses at Silence flesh.
    • And a reason for the Silents not to show up on the scans.

The Eleventh Doctor's companion(s) for Season 7 will be....

  • Rory and Amy. They'll stay on permanently for another full season.
    • Jossed. Though they are joining for some of the series.
  • Just Amy; Rory will either die permanently, or get sick of the TARDIS and leave.
    • So far as I can tell, jossed.
  • Not Amy and Rory. After the revelation that River Song is their child they will be terrified at what their life can do for the ones they love, and try to prevent anything like that again. Or, if Moffat wants to be depressing, he'll go for the death route.
    • ........the revelation from the MIDDLE of series 6? Also, they're confirmed for at least part of series 7.
  • River Song. After having her show up as a supporting character for three season, Moffat will make her a full time companion so we can finally get a better handle on who she is. Making her a constant addition will also let him better explore her childhood, especially in regards to her parents.
    • Jossed. Her role isn't stated as of March 2012, but we'd know by now if Alex was signed on full-time.
  • Canton Delaware III. He's becoming incredibly popular after the Impossible Astronaut/ Day of the Moon two-parter, and the plan may change accordingly. Besides, how would he be able to achieve an official relationship with a black man if he stayed in 1969?
    • Jossed.
  • Someone completely new. Companions rarely stay on permanently for more than a season or two, so Season 7 will give us a chance to see what other long-term companions Moffat will bring to our screen.
    • As of March 2012, confirmed. She'll be played by Jenna Louise Coleman. The character is rumored to be named Gemma Ryan, but this is apparently unconfirmed.
  • Rory and Amy for the first half (including second part of the cliffhanger) of Series 7, and leave during a transitional story featuring a new companion.
    • As of March 2012, we know Amy and Rory are leaving before the season's through.
  • Craig Owens. He had quite an adventure with the Doctor, and the makeshift TARDIS was seen again being used by the Silence. On top of that, he knows quite a bit about the Doctor, considering the telepathic headbutts.
    • Jossed.
  • Just Rory: There's starting to be something of a backlash against Amy in the fandom, while Rory has already managed to achieve Memetic Badass status. However, as she's important to his character, this may happen by having Amy get kidnapped (again) and have Rory continue to travel with The Doctor in hopes of rescuing her.
    • So far as I can tell, jossed.
  • It's going to be Alfie Owens, Craig and Sophie's baby.
    • Jossed.

Madame Kovarian's eye patch has a picture of a Silent on it.

So she doesn't forget.

  • Partially confirmed. The patches do stop them from forgetting the Silence, but in a different way.

Room 11 in The God Complex

Contains the Doctor. Or rather the Valeyard. "Who else" makes it clear he's a person, and his alternately messianic and guilt-wracked personality makes it quite likely that what he is most afraid of is himself.

The Doctor's room in The God Complex contains his most feared and powerful nemesis

The one person with more power than the universe itself, the one person that caused him more misery than anyone in all time and space, the one person with full reign over his every move: Steven Moffat.

A 50th anniversary celebration episode will have The Doctor retrieving the lost episodes of Doctor Who or Professor X

Admit it, it would be awesome.

The 50th aniversary celebration will be an entire series, with half the series being a crossover... with Inspector Spacetime.

The Doctor's new companion will be introduced at the half-way point, where it will be revealed that she is also a companion of the eleventh Inspector, and existing simultaniously in both situations. The multiverse will take one look at the situation, say "Oh, fuck it" and merge the two universes into one. The rest of the series will revolve around the Doctor and the Inspector teaming up with each other (and their past selves) to prevent the universe from completely collapsing in on itself. They'll also receive help from Canton, and Amy's friend Jeff, who have spent the series travelling around the universe together in a NASA-built time machine, under the orders of Richard Nixon.

Amy and Rory will end up in the Two Streams Facility.

Stephen Moffat and Karen Gillan have been hinting that one of them is going to die. However, that would be very depressing, and while that wouldn't stop Moffat, he might put in something to make it bittersweet instead. So... maybe Amy or Rory is going to contract some kind of horrible disease that kills very fast. Not Chen-7, obviously, but something similarly lethal. But, before they die, the Doctor will manage to arange things so they can check into Two Streams under this disease instead of Chen-7, and therefore not have to worry about being killed by the Handbots. After all, if they've built something like that they'd probably be able to adapt it for different things. Naturally, both Amy and Rory will go in and live out their lives together, while the Doctor watches. Which would still be pretty depressing, but at least the Doctor and the viewers could know that they had full lives together.

So I know this is very unlikely, but still, it could happen.

The Doctor's encounter with the Weeping Angels in New York will be in 1977.

New York is "The City that Never Sleeps", there is always the big bright lights, Broadway, Times Square, etc. July 13, 1977. The New York City Blackout; the night when the whole city went dark...

also: The Statue of Liberty.

The Ponds exit will involve one of them dying, but thanks to time travel, it will be a bittersweet ending.

Rory will get sent back in time by the Weeping Angels, and the bulk of the episode will cut between Rory in the past trying to get a message to Amy and the Doctor to tell them where he is, and the Doctor and Amy in the present trying to find Rory, and stop the Angels.

Rory's portion will end with him believing he's failed to send a message, at which point he will sit down on a bench, looking sad. the Doctor and Amy's portion will end with them defeating the Angels, and discovering an aged Rory. Rory tells Amy he's so happy to see her again, and that he waited for her. They have a tear filled good bye, and Rory whispers some last words to the Doctor before saying goodbye, and passing away. It's a super sad tearjerker featuring Rory's funeral and all the elements of the tragic ending.

After it's over the Doctor starts up the TARDIS and tells Amy he's taking her home, she argues that with her husband dead, and her daughter gone she has no reason to go home, and might as well stay on the TARDIS for the rest of her days. The Doctor tries to comfort her, telling her that this is a blessing, because they know Rory lives to be very old, and never dies in any alien invasions (with the Doctor commenting that there's been a few between then and now.) Amy asks what good it is knowing he grows old if she can't grow old with him. The Doctor tells her no one ever said she couldn't, and opens the TARDIS doors to reveal that he's brought her back in time to where Rory was sitting on the bench. He tells her about a house, and money waiting for them, or will be waiting once he goes back and sets it up. Amy thanks him and then realizes, since Rory has to live out the rest of his days in this time period, it means neither of them can travel in the TARDIS anymore. She chooses to stick with Rory, and the Doctor says goodbye repeating the stuff from the Big Bang ("you won't need your imaginary friend anymore. Live well, love Rory, etc...) adding that they should avoid messing with history too much. Amy says goodbye, asking that he let River know when they are so she can visit.

Amy departs and soon the Doctor is off on another adventure.

  • Interesting idea, but it won't work because the Angels were wiped from time, remember?
    • Actually, it has been confirmed that the weeping angels will return in episode 5.
  1. the section I highlight is under the third “Making History” tab, for those who need to scroll down, i.e. all of you.
  2. also, new season budget hopefully means Original Mondas handlebar costumes. I STILL BELIEVE!
  3. Or not, since, you know, I just laid it out for you all.
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