< Doctor Who < Recap < S28

Doctor Who/Recap/S28/E05 Rise of the Cybermen

The Doctor: It's happening again. I've seen them before.

Past, future... where HAVEN'T we been yet, in the new series? How about... ANOTHER DIMENSION!

The TARDIS falls into an alternate reality where Rose's dad isn't dead, Rose was never born, Mickey's grandmother never died, everybody wears earpods, and there are, for some undetermined reason, zeppelins everywhere.

And they have a power problem. The TARDIS will only run off power from its home universe, which they are not in. So it's a good thing the Doctor finds a little power crystal that can recharge itself with the right kind of energy (don't ask); now all they have to do is relax for a few hours while it does its thing. Surely they can stay out of trouble for a couple of hours, right?

Like THAT would ever happen. Despite the Doctor warning about not interfering with anything, Mickey and Rose run off to find out what's different about where they are, besides the earpods and the zeppelins and the President of Britain and everything.

Rose and the Doctor crash Rose's dad's party. Mickey runs into himself (Ricky) and Ricky is not very happy about it. Cybermen show up at the party and kill a bunch of people before surrounding the Doctor and Rose. The Doctor tries to surrender, but the Cyberman will not back down. Cliffhanger ending.


"Did that help?"
(defensively) "Yes!"
"Did it hurt?"

  • La RĂ©sistance: Run by Mickey's alternate-universe self.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: Deliberate. 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' playing over the agonized screams of the converted. While The Dragon dances.
  • Spoiler Title/Trailers Always Spoil: For all that it makes an effort to avoid showing the Cybermen clearly up until The Reveal, the episode preview made it pretty clear who the villains are and the title said it outright.
  • This Is Reality: Mickey mentions how characters can dimension-hop a lot more easily in comic books. The Doctor says that it was easier before the Time War.
  • Verb This: Mrs. Moore as she attacks the Cybermen with an EMP.

Mrs. Moore: Upgrade this!

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