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Doctor Who/Recap/S20/E02 Snakedance

Dreams are important... never underestimate them.
The Doctor

Uh-oh. Looks like Tegan isn't quite over her encounter with the Mara, the mind-controlling snake god from "Kinda": not long after they land on the planet of Manussa, she starts having sinister snake-themed dreams.

Possibly these were inspired by her environment. Manussa used to be controlled by the Mara until they kicked the evil snake god to the curb some 500 years previously, an event commemorated by a festival that the TARDIS crew has landed smack in the middle of. Could the Mara be attempting a comeback?

Of course. It's a good time for it, too: Manussa's currently under the control of vain and weak-willed Lon, and no one in the palace believes the Doctor's warnings of incoming doom. Except one token guy, who gives the Doctor a crystal and tells him about an old scholar, who also believed in the Mara and later left society to wander around in the desert and be a monk. Or something. It takes the Doctor roughly five seconds to deduce that the Mara came to Manussa when the ancestors of the Manussans made some kind of giant magic molecularly-engineered crystal that fed off everyone's hate and fear and thus allowed the Mara to enter. Either he's really good, or someone's been showing him the scripts.

Lon, meanwhile, proves easily susceptible to the Mara's charms, especially when they come Tegan-shaped. Now he's trying to rejigger the Ceremonial Ritual Commemorating Having Kicked Out The Mara into a ceremony to allow them reentry.


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