< Doctor Who < Recap < S4

Doctor Who/Recap/S4/E03 The Power of the Daleks

The Doctor: Life depends on change, and renewal.
Ben: Oh, that's it, you've been renewed, have you?
The Doctor: Renewed? Have I? That's it, I've been renewed. It's part of the TARDIS. Without it I couldn't survive.

Arguably one of the most important Doctor Who stories ever made, The Power of the Daleks had to establish that a new actor could take over the lead role and play the Doctor completely differently, yet still remain true to the character.

The TARDIS arrives on the planet Vulcan, an Earth colony in the future, and the Doctor leaves to investigate. Polly and Ben follow him, Ben sceptical about the regeneration and believing that the new man is an impostor.

Meanwhile, the Doctor has hardly set foot on the planet when he witnesses a murder and, on examining the body, discovers a pass proclaiming the dead man to be an Earth Examiner. Using the pass for himself, he enters the colony where he discovers that there is a rebel movement in progress, and that the colony's scientists have found a crashed space capsule containing inactive Daleks.

Despite the Doctor's warnings, the Daleks are activated and present themselves as willing servant robots, taking advantage of the colonists' trust to set up a reproduction plant.

Meanwhile, internal power politics in the colony sees Security Chief Bragen secretly leading the rebels as a way of deposing Governor Hensell and seizing power for himself, while Deputy Governor Quinn has been locked up. He believes the Daleks will help him and has rearmed them.

Once the Daleks show their hand (sucker?), Bragen and Hensell are both killed before the Doctor uses the colony's power supply to overload and destroy the Daleks.

Ben concedes that this probably is the Doctor after all, and the three depart for adventures new.

This story only survives in total in an audio format, thanks to fans at the time tape-recording it. There are a few short visual clips composed of extracts used in other programs and short clips made by pointing a camera at the television during transmission. The few minutes of existing material can be found on the "Lost in Time" DVD set.


Lesterson: I am your servant.

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