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Doctor Who/Recap/S14/E02 The Hand of Fear

"I must be mad. I'm sick of being cold and wet and hypnotised left, right and centre. I'm sick of being shot at, savaged by bug eyed monsters, never knowing if I'm coming or going... or been... I want a bath, I want my hair washed, I just want to feel human again... and, boy, am I sick of that sonic screwdriver. I'm going to pack my goodies and I'm going home..."
Sarah Jane Smith

Arriving back in modern-day England, the TARDIS lands in an actual quarry for a change. Sarah touches what seems to be a fossilized hand and is taken over by the spirit of Eldrad, a Kastrian criminal punished by disintegration, but whose hand has survived, and whose spirit lives on inside the ring on its finger. Sarah takes the ring and goes to a nearby nuclear research station where she uses the energy to recreate Eldrad's body.

Eldrad persuades the Doctor to take him home to Kastria, but when they arrive, there is only a dead planet and a mocking message from the last king of the Kastrians. Eldrad, furious, forces the Doctor to take him back to Earth so that he can rule there instead. The Doctor and Sarah trip Eldrad using the Doctor's scarf and the crystalline being falls into a crevasse and shatters.

Returning to the TARDIS, the Doctor is summoned to Gallifrey and, as he cannot take Sarah with him, he gives her a lift home to Croydon - only for her to realise as he departs that she doesn't recognise the street where he's left her. (It is later revealed that he accidentally left her in Aberdeen...)


Doctor: "Sarah, I want you to look into my eyes."
Sarah: "OH NO, NO THAT'S NOT F__" (falls into trance)

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