< Doctor Who < Recap < 2010 CS A Christmas Carol

Doctor Who/Recap/2010 CS A Christmas Carol/YMMV

  • Crazy Awesome: Flying. Christmas. Shark.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: The Doctor explaining to Kazran and Abigail that they have to leave the party because he somehow got engaged to Marilyn Monroe.

Doctor: Marilyn! Get your coat.

    • The Doctor's entrance via the chimney.

Doctor: Sorry, Christmas Eve on a rooftop, saw a chimney, my whole brain just went 'WHAT THE HELL!'

    • The psychic paper finally encounters a whopper so big it can't function; that the Doctor is a mature and responsible adult.
    • A little girl excitedly looks out of her window expecting to see Father Christmas on his sleigh, only to be confused when a shark pulling a hansom cab shoots past instead.
    • The Doctor continuously failing to do the "pick a card, any card" trick.
    • Amy appearing via hologram to Kazran, wearing her policewoman outfit...

Rory: Hey! Eyes off the skirt!

  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Kazran and Abigail riding the shark-driven sleigh one last time to celebrate their last Christmas together.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Abigail's song at the end.
  • Rule Of Awesome: Pretty much every single element of the episode sounds totally stupid when you're trying to tell someone about it the next day -- re-writing a person's life, a flying shark calmed by singing, etc, etc, etc—yet every single time, the result is so awesome it completely eclipses how stupid it might have been.
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