< Doctor Who < Recap

Doctor Who/Recap/2005 Ci NS Doctor Who Children in Need

And we never stopped, did we? All across the universe. Running, running, running...one time we had to hop. Do you remember? Hopping for our lives. Yeah? All that hopping? Remember hopping for your life?
The Doctor

Very short scene, bridging "The Parting of the Ways" with "The Christmas Invasion", in support of The BBC's Children in Need telethon. The only legal release in the US was on the DVD release of that season, but it's just short enough to be perused by other means...

The Ninth Doctor's regeneration happens in a flash of light, revealing a new man—The Tenth Doctor. Rose watches with suprise and fear as this new man continues about as though nothing happened—babbling about Barcelona, and teeth, and that new mole he has. Oh, and side-burns!

"Who are you?" Rose asks, and the Doctor begins to realise maybe he should have explained this whole regeneration thing earlier. He begins to try and assure his companion that it really is him, but Rose isn't fooled. She's seen aliens, and there are hundreds of explanations for what happened—body swaps and transmats, or maybe a Slitheen in a human suit.

Finally the Doctor manages to convince Rose that he's still the Doctor, by telling her the first words he ever spoke to her: "Run". But Rose barely has time to digest any of this before the Doctor goes even more manical and crazy; his post-regenerative stress takes a turn for the worst, and he begins ripping through the time vortex.

Good thing he regains control of himself just long enough to crash-land in London, bang near Rose's flat.


  • Continuity Nod: The Doctor is able to prove his identity to Rose by recounting the first word he ever said to her - "Run".
  • Foreshadowing: The Doctor notices that his right hand is bothering him. The next episode it gets cut off.
  • No Export for You: Not shown on American television.
  • Oh Crap

The Doctor: [gargles incoherently] ...Uh-oh.

  • The Nth Doctor: Here we see Rose dealing with the initial shock of a change from one Doctor to another.
  • Trust Password: "Run." It manages to convince Rose that Ten is still the Doctor.
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