Disgaea Novels/Characters
For characters that appear in the games, see the Disgaea, Disgaea 2, Disgaea 3, Disgaea 4 and Makai Kingdom character sheets.

Younger brother of Krichevskoy, and Laharl's uncle. Despite his muscular physique, he talks like a woman and doesn't have the guts to stand up to his own wife. He wears a radiantly colored pink mantle that if you see it once, you'll never forget it. Was once in love with Sakura, but he was turned down.
Tropes associated with Vesuvius:
- Ambiguously Gay
- Bumbling Dad: He is totally (and literally) whipped by his wife. Not very competent and odd to say the least, even by Netherworld standards.
- Camp Straight: If the figure of his wife is any indication, then again he did fell for Sakura.
- Fatal Attractor: Vesuvius seems to have a thing for violent biatches, such as Yasurl and Sakura.
- Henpecked Husband
- Macho Camp
- No Accounting for Taste: Married to Yasurl, look below, nuff said!
- Pec Flex
- Real Men Wear Pink: Literally.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: He is the opposite of his brother King Krichevskoy, who was sophisticated, righteous, respectful, intelligent, tasteful and refined. They look and dress very different as well; Krichevskoy was thin, tall and handsome, well and appropriately dressed and pure manservice.
- Sissy Villain
- Too Kinky to Torture: He shouts flirtatious and excited compliments when he is exposed to pain. It made Flonne so uncomfortable that she let him go once she caught him.
- Porn Stache: What it lacks in thickness it makes up in length..
- Unusual Eyebrows: They are long and serve as his antennaes, the family trademark.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- Your Cheating Heart: He fell for Sakura. Yasurl was not happy.

Vesuvius’s wife, and Laharl's aunt. Back in the day, after Laharl’s mother died, she "took care" of him for a 100 years, and she abused him with her whip. Since then Laharl has hated women with sexy bodies. She is not fond of Laharl being the Overlord because he has human blood running through his veins.
Tropes associated with Yasurl:
- Babysitter From Hell: Taken to the extreme! She is arguably on the borderline of Complete Monster.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Beauty Mark
- Black Bra and Panties: At first is her bikini outfit is red, but it becomes black in later novels.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: She seems to care for her kids, at least a little.
- Evil Redhead
- Evil Aunt
- Fantastic Racism/Politically-Incorrect Villain: Believes that humans are lower than dirt and proceeds to abuse and "discipline" Laharl when he was younger because of him being half-human.
- Fetish: She really enjoys abusing people with her whip, even teenage girls.
- Hair Antennae: She has them, even though she is not directly related to Laharl.
- Horny Devils: Not confirmed, but her strong resemblance to the succubus class indicates it.
- Mama Bear: She defends Shas and Kira from Sakura in one book, picture here. Might also double as Pet the Dog considering who it is doing such a nice thing.
- Stripperiffic
- Thigh-High Boots
- Too Many Belts. She's got two on each glove.
- Torture Technician: She really enjoy torturing people, usually with her whip, but she is not above using poison.
- Underboobs
- The Vamp: When she can’t use her torture techniques to get what she want, she will use her body.
- Villainy Discretion Shot: It is explicitly stated that she abused Laharl with her whip, but it is not elaborate on (before the 9th novel, maybe) and the seriousness of such an act is downplayed.
- Whip It Good: Her Weapon of Choice.
- Would Hurt a Child

Vesuvius and Yasurl's daughter and the younger twin sister of Kira. A rather young demon. Used to share her body with Kira, but he tried to take over her body, so she rejected him. She now “plays” with Laharl a lot, setting up traps to destroy him. She's a tad-bit crazy and is one of Laharl's problems.
Tropes associated with Shas:
- Ambiguous Innocence/Obliviously Evil: She thinks setting up deadly traps is harmless and fun for everyone involved.
- Cheerful Child
- Child Mage
- Creepy Twins/Trickster Twins: She and her brother.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Death Trap
- Expressive Hat: The hat will change expression depending on which twin is in charge of the body.
- Gray Eyes/Eyes of Gold
- Hair Antennae: Seen in a next chapter preview.
- Half-Identical Twins: She and her brother are practically identical.
- Mamas Little Villain
- Mismatched Eyes: Grey and yellow when she is in charge, but after rejecting Kira from her body both became yellow.
- Split Personality Takeover
- Token Mini-Moe: Even though almost every girl in Laharl's harem seem to be physically teenage girls, she's the youngest in appearance. She seems quite fond of him and shows it in her own deadly way.
- Tsurime Eyes

Vesuvius and Yasurl’s son and the older twin brother of Shas. He's actually a ghost and can take control of Shas's body. Has a sick mind and tried to trick Flonne and Etna; and took hostage of Shas’s body to try to defeat Laharl. In the end, he was purified by Flonne and was sentenced to be a prinny for 100,000 years for assassination attempt to the Overlord. He is currently spending time in Celestia to repent.
Tropes associated with Kira:
- Child Mage: He uses magic as his primary method of attack.
- Creepy Twins/Trickster Twins
- Divide and Conquer: Kira tries to set Etna and Flonne up agains each other by telling each of them that they would make a perfect girlfriend for Laharl, taking advantage of the crush each harbour for Laharl and distracting them from the plan of taking Laharl off the throne.
- Expressive Hat
- Eyes of Gold/Gray Eyes
- Enfant Terrible: He is a wicked little fellow.
- Half-Identical Twins
- Mismatched Eyes: Yellow and gray when he is in charge of Shas' body.
- Overlord, Jr.: Though he most likely idolizes his mother, rather than his father.
- Revive Kills Zombie: This is how he is vanquished from Shas body.
- Tsurime Eyes
- Two Siblings in One: He and Shas before Flonne exorcized him.

Daughter of Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth! and Jennifer. She can identify the difference between Shas and Kira (who is a ghost). She has been fond of Laharl ever since he saved her from Kira.
Tropes associated with Jane:
- Blue Eyes
- Bratty Teenage Daughter: Boy-crazy (later Laharl-crazy), rebellious and disrespectful to her father.
- Dating What Daddy Hates: She wants to be with Laharl, but Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth! does not approve.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: In her first appearance she is 10 years old and have short hair, while in her second appearance she is 13 years old and have Girlish Pigtails.
- Girlish Pigtails: Her new hairstyle in her second appearance.
- The Glomp: Laharl is the receiver.
- Hair of Gold: Just like her mother.
- No Sense of Personal Space: There is no such thing as "Laharl's personal space".
- Petite Pride: She seems happy about her chest size, since it means Laharl won't have an allergic reaction to her.
- Phenotype Stereotype: Just like her mother, she and her parents do live in America after all.
- Precocious Crush: She fell in love with Laharl when she was ten, he is over a thousand years old.
- School Uniforms Are the New Black: Whenever she appears, you can bet she is wearing her school uniform.
- Smitten Teenage Girl: Her crush on Laharl is unnaturally intense considering he is a irritable and disagreeable young demon who does not appreciate the attention he gets from her at all.
- Youthful Freckles: She got them in her second appearance.

Flonne's younger sister. Rare kind of angel: she likes money more than love and is the exact opposite of Flonne. She ran away from home. She is fond of Laharl since he's the Overlord, and she is always arguing with Flonne. She came to the Netherworld as an exchange student, but went back to Celestia to become a woman worthy of Laharl.
Tropes associated with Ozonne:
- Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: Despite the fact that she quarrels with Flonne a lot, she still gets defensive of her whenever she gets hurt or cries.
- Being A Celestian Sucks: Ozonne would rather be a fallen angel.
- Black Sheep: From a family of Love Freaks, yet she believes in the power of money and rejects the concept of love.
- Brutal Honesty: To just spit out rude remarks, and even marriage proposals, is Ozonne's speciality.
You're a weak and incompetent brat.
- Bokukko
- Hair Decorations: The bandanna curled on the top of her head. Subverted as it is most likely not meant to make her look cuter, but more male-ish since its shape is reminiscent of hats some male angels wear, like her father.
- Expecting Someone Taller: When Ozonne met Laharl she was disappointed by his looks.
You're the Overlord? You're tinier than I thought.
- Friendless Background: Her "alternative" beliefs has most likely not earned her many friends, if any, in the world of Celestia. She grows quickly attached to Laharl, who might have been the first person she had ever met that have similar beliefs to that of her own.
- First-Name Basis: Overlord Laharl gives Ozonne special permission to call him just Laharl because they immediately hit it off so well.
- The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: She is the sister with her head on ground level.
- Good Is Not Nice: She is a good person with the best of intentions for the people angels have vowed to protect, yet really unpleasant to be around unless you are of the same perception as her.
- Green Eyes
- Green-Eyed Monster: She is envious of Flonne in many ways. Flonne's status as a fallen angel is one of them.
- Grumpy Bear: Milder version, but not if compared to other Celestians.
- The Heretic: She propagates beliefs that go against Celestia's official dogma and is considered to be a heretic, but she is not excommunicated for it because Seraph Lamington wants to let heretics run free.
- I Am Not My Parents: She is ashamed of even being related to them.
I get goosebumps just from thinking that I'm related to them by blood.
- Informed Attribute: The narrator claims Ozonne is slightly better endowed than Flonne. The artwork does not back this up.
- Lady Looks Like a Dude: According to the narrator, the only thing that distinguishes her from completely resembling a male is the very very slight curve of her breasts.
- Love Freak: Completely inverted of course.
Love? What's the use for some insubstantial thing like that?
- Little Miss Snarker
- Little Sister Bully: Prone to verbally bully Flonne.
- Only in It For the Money: Money is the solution, not love.
Love isn't a solution to world hunger, is it? Just give them money.
- The Resenter: She appears to not only envy Flonne but resent her deeply as well.
- The Runaway: She ran away from home 400 years ago because she could not stand her parents and their endless worship of love any longer.
- Sibling Triangle: Both Flonne and Ozonne fancy Laharl.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: She is the exact opposite of Flonne.
- The Snark Knight: She seems to use sarcasm to cope with her fellow Celetians and her dissension with them.
- Third Option Love Interest: Laharl has bunch of girls after him, but Flonne, Etna and Ozonne are the ones he gets along well with.
- Tomboy: It is mentioned a lot of times that she acts like a guy.
- Tomboyish Sidetails
- Trans Nature: Ozonne wants to become a demon (more precisely a fallen angel) because she does not fit in with the other Celestians and so she can be with Laharl, in fact she thinks marrying Laharl will cause her to become a fallen angel.
- Tsundere: Towards Laharl. She's notably even harsher than usual when talking to Flonne.
- Tsurime Eyes: Laharl notes that her eyes are a bit like Flonne's eyes when she's angry, but even more vindictive.
- The Unfavourite: She seems to think she is, but it is unlikely as their parents seem like good people.
- Walking Celestian Ground: Does this for 400 years.
Terre and Elle

Flonne and Ozonne's parents. Father Terre is always refreshed, and mother Elle is always smiling. Even bigger "Warriors of Love" than Flonne. "LOVE" is their family motto. They made an oath with Laharl to make sure he stays friendly with Flonne forever.
Tropes associated with Terre and Elle:
- Angelic Beauties: It is easy to see where Flonne gets her good looks from.
- Hair Decorations: Elle's flower hairpin suits her surprisingly well for her age.
- Hair of Gold: Both
- Heart Symbol: They got hearts floating around them in both of the images they appear in.
- Hot Dad
- Hot Mom
- Kindhearted Simpletons
- Love Freaks: Their entire home is filled with objects that express their worship of everything that has to do with love. They are the parents of the original love freak, after all. Laharl visits them in the third novel. Hilarity Ensues.
- Perpetual Smilers
- The Power of Love
- Sickeningly Sweethearts: To each other and everyone around them.
- Where Did We Go Wrong?: How they seems to view Ozonne.

A woman looking for rare and legendary swords. She's female, but she likes flat-chested girls. She wears a traditional Japanese Kimono. She carries a Masamune she created out of Caliburn, and she's a Master Swords-woman. She can't use magic but she can use a couple-hundred swords at the same time. She is on a journey to find both Caliburn and Excalibur, because she burns with passion as a 'Sword Maniac'. Her power is equal to that of Laharl, and her life is divided between several other archangels. She has once beaten Laharl. She was once an archangel working under Lamington, but since angels change between male and female depending on the situation, after becoming a Sword Master her male-side dominated her heart. But after she lost to Laharl, her female-side took over, she fell in love with Laharl and now she stays at the Overlord's castle.
Tropes associated with Sakura:
- Black Eyes
- Brawn Hilda: A non-funny version.
- Fetish: She has a thing for flat-chested girls.
- Kimono
- High Heel Face Turn
- Rapunzel Hair
- Sakura Prefers Swords: She is a sword maniac.
- Shotacon: She falls for Laharl who is mentally and physically under-age.
- Stalker with a Crush
- Stalking Is Funny If It Is Female After Male: Even if the male is Laharl, apparently.
- Tomboyish Ponytail
Gwen/The Queen

Wife of the King who ruled the human world about a thousand years ago. Laharl met her when he and Flonne travelled back in time. He became very fond of her since he was aware that she's in fact his mother. After Sakura came to steal the King's Excalibur, she and Gwen went to the future world of the Netherworld. She became Sakura's servant, but she escaped and met Krichevskoy, married, and had Laharl.
Tropes associated with Gwen:
- Action Girl: She fought alongside her first husband and his army in battles.
- Alternate Continuity: In the novels, she was originally the wife of King Arthur. In the games, she was a witch who came to study in the Netherworld.
- The Archer: She uses a bow and arrow for long distant combat.
- The Atoner. As Big Sister Prinny
- Bare Your Midriff: In her soldier outfit.
- Beautiful Slave Girl: Becomes Sakura's.
- Bow And Dagger In Accord
- Brainy Brunette: She never gets a chance to show how intelligent she is, but in the game she was a witch and in Disgaea intelligence is the statistics that determines how powerful a character's magic is, making brains a requirement to be a good witch.
- Brown Eyes
- Cloudcuckoolander: She was an eccentric person, according to Etna.
- Cute Witch: She was a witch who came to the Netherworld to study in the game, but the novel changed her origin story.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Divine Date: Her second husband, King Krichevskoy.
- Go Out with a Smile: According to Vyers.
- Good Parents: To her son, Laharl. She loved him more then anything else and raised him to be a good boy. Then she had to sacrifice herself so save him from a incurable disease. It broke his heart.
- Hot Consort: Twice.
- Hot Mom: Even more so since she mothered Laharl no less.
- Interspecies Romance: With King Krichevskoy.
- Knife Nut: She uses a dagger for close distant combat.
- Lady of War: A proper, graceful and dignified badass queen.
- Love At First Sight: With King Krichevskoy, according to Etna.
- Love Freak: Laharl's mother was described to have been very similar to Flonne, so it's reasonable to assume she's a milder and calmer version of this.
- Made a Slave
- Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex: She ended up marrying Overlord Krichevskoy, who was so powerful that he could knock down mountains, freeze oceans and split the ground in two. How they managed to make Laharl is a mystery.
- Mayfly-December Romance: She married a demon Overlord who most likely was several thousand year old at the time, when she looked no older then 20.
- Modest Royalty: Both of the outfits she is seen in are modest and simple (by Disgaea standards that is).
- Proper Lady: Possesses almost all of the characteristics; gentle, strong, virtuous, sacrificing, wise, loving, caring, tasteful, civilized, mannerly, devoted and loyal. Not to mention British. The only exception is that she does not require protection.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: No less than a fighting Queen.
- Sarashi: A part her soldier outfit.
- Scarf of Asskicking: Again, her soldier outfit. It looks very familiar to another character's scarf, does it not?
- Second Love: King Krichevskoy.
- Sexless Marriage: It's not stated directly, but Flonne mentioned that she does not feel any love between Gwen and her first husband, despite Gwen's fierce loyalty. Her second marriage fared better though.
- Slave Revolt
- Take Me Instead!/Driven to Suicide: Her sacrifice to save Laharl's life in exchange for her own.
- Together in Death: Is seen ascending together with Vyers to the afterlife at the end of the first novel. Subverted later when Vyers comes back as an angel in the 3rd novel.
- Undying Loyalty: Towards her first husband. She fought loyally by his side in combat and stated that she would not want to live without him. Thank god she got over it, because she had a Physical God to marry and child to bear.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: In both the novels and the good ending of the game is she seen ascending to the afterlife with Vyers (her husband), but Vyers appears later as an angel in the novels and in several NIS games as a cameo, while Gwen is nowhere to be seen or heard from.
- Who Wears Short Shorts?: Her queen of the Netherworld outfit.
- Woman in White: Her queen of the Netherworld outfit. Also very important, as her death was the cause of one of the plot's major themes, the importance of love.
- Wrong Guy First